
Christmas game program for children "Christmas rhymes". Christmas script for Sunday school Christmas scripts for kids


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The Christmas and New Year holiday completes the first half of the year of extracurricular activities "The Sun" (spiritual and moral direction) in the 1st grade of the Lyceum. In the first quarter, the classes were mainly aimed at getting the children acquainted with each other, with the school and the rules of school life, and at the adaptation of children. In the second quarter, the subject of study was the traditions of the Russian people, understanding the meaning of Russian folk tales and their moral educational value. is held by teachers in various schools of the country, and on our website you can read and download author's works for the holiday.

The feast of the Nativity of Christ is the solemn end of the half-year, its beautiful and emotional "point".

Purpose of the event: Emotional and spiritual experience of the joy of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the creation of a joyful, happy and friendly atmosphere in the classroom, a positive end to the first half of the year.

Event objectives:

  • To acquaint children with the meaning of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and the tradition of celebrating it in Russia;
  • Demonstrate the talents and abilities of each child (everyone gets roles);
  • To form the artistic, literary, musical taste of children, the culture of behavior and communication;
  • Involving parents in the preparation of the holiday (making a nativity scene, costumes, preparing treats) and assimilating the traditions of Russian culture;
  • Combining the efforts of teachers in working with the class (teacher primary school, music teacher, teacher of spiritual and moral culture).

Forms of organization of children's activities:

Individual, collective, group. Namely:

  • Recitation of verses;
  • Choral performance of songs;
  • Artistic accompaniment of songs and acting out skits during the event;
  • Guessing and guessing riddles;
  • Active listening;
  • Perception of music and video;
  • Drawing, artistic creativity and cutting out at class design.

The script consists of an introduction and four component scenes: "In the Cave of the Nativity", "Winter", "Herringbone" and "Carolers".

The leader is a teacher of Orthodox culture (extracurricular activities), he is assisted classroom teacher first graders and a music teacher.

Event progress

1. Introduction

The class is decorated with an elegant Christmas tree, snowflakes, children's drawings and a Christmas nativity scene. (A nativity scene is an image of a cave where the holy family with the baby Christ is located, animals and shepherds and / or magicians who came to bow with gifts.)

Tables are placed along the perimeter of the class with the letter "P". Parents sit in the outer circle, children in the inner circle. The children are dressed up in costumes. The host is in a Russian folk costume.

Slides are shown on the screen.

Out dressed children with a star.

Child 1:

Under the cover of starry night
The Russian village is dozing;
All the way, all the paths
Covered with white snow...

Child 2:

Somewhere the lights on the windows,
Like stars are burning
Runs into the fire like a snowdrift
With a star, a crowd of guys.

Child 3:

Knocking under the windows..
"Your Christmas" is sung
"Waits! Waits!" -
Distributed here and there.

Child 4:

And in the discordant children's choir,
So mysteriously pure
So good news is the holy
On the birth of Christ...

(A. Korinfsky "Christoslavs")

The song is "Christmas"

A bright star in the sky burns
The mother says to the children at the Christmas tree:
"In the whole world a celebration,
Christmas has come!
It's Christmas!"

Happy holiday, happy holiday
Adults and children
Even pranksters say it
Because the celebration
Because Christmas.
Christmas has come.

We do not want to sleep tonight at all,
I want, I want to go to the city of Bethlehem,
Look at the celebration
Where it was Christmas.
Where it was Christmas.


Good day to all good people!
Let it be cheerful holiday will be,
Merry Christmas to you,
We wish you happiness, joy!

We will tell you now about this bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ and how it was celebrated in Russia.

2. Scene "In the cave of the Nativity"

Presenter: The feast of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest joyful day for people. It was on this day that the Son Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. And it was like that.

One day, the Roman ruler Augustus ordered the entire Jewish population to be rewritten. Each resident had to sign up where his ancestors lived. Joseph and the Virgin Mary went from Nazareth to the homeland of their ancestors, to the city of Bethlehem. There, all the places in the houses and in the hotel were occupied. Mary and Elder Joseph had to stay for the night in a cave where the shepherds drove their cattle.

On this night, the Infant, the Son of God, was born to Mary. She put him in the manger where the fodder used to be. A small bull and a donkey warmed the Baby Jesus with their breath, and Mother - the Mother of God - sang a lullaby to Him ...

Children (7 people) come out to the music and read a poem by Sasha Cherny. Children can be dressed in shepherdess costumes (3 people), masks of a bull, a dog, a donkey.

In a manger I slept on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
The moon, emerging from the shadows,
The flax stroked His hair.

The bull breathed in the face of the baby
And, rustling straw,
On a flexible knee
I looked around for a little breath.

Sparrows through roof poles
They rushed to the manger in a crowd,
And the bull, clinging to the niche,
The blanket was wrinkled with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
Everyone was more comfortable with a cat
In a manger to warm a child sideways ...

Subdued white goat
Breathed on his forehead,
Just a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly.

"Look at the child
Just a minute for me!”
And cried loudly
In pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, opening his eyes,
Suddenly parted the circle of animals
And with a smile full of affection,
Whispered: "Look quickly! .."

Presenter: This is how Christ was born. Not in chambers, not in rich houses, but in a cave where shepherds kept calves and lambs. With humility and meekness he came into the world.

The shepherds were the first to know about it. An angel of the Lord appeared to them and announced:

An angel appears with a candle (an elegant girl in a white dress with wings) and solemnly says:


I am God's Angel, I call the shepherds,
I want to announce to you great joy.

Our Savior, Lord, was born,
Incarnated in human flesh.

Celebration on earth and in heaven
Christ God Christmas!

Presenter: The angel commanded the shepherds to go to the cave and worship the Child. Then astrologers came from distant countries - wise men.

An unusual star that rose in the east brought them to Bethlehem from distant countries and indicated the place where the Son of God was born. From now on, this star is called Bethlehem, and it is her image that Christoslavs carry with them.

And the wise men brought gifts to the baby and glorified Him.

Children in the costumes of the Magi with gifts in their hands read the poems of Joseph Brodsky "Christmas":

1 reader:

The wolves have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
The star shone brightly from the sky.
The cold wind raked the snow into a snowdrift.
Rustling sand. The fire crackled at the entrance.

2 reader:

The smoke was like a candle. The fire curled up.
And the shadows got shorter
then suddenly longer. Nobody around knew
that the account of life will begin from this night.

3 reader:
The wolves have arrived. The baby was fast asleep.
Steep vaults surrounded the manger.
The snow swirled. White steam swirled.
The baby lay, and the gifts lay.

They put gifts in front of the nativity scene, bow and leave.

Teacher: These events are over 2000 years old. After all, we are counting the years from the Nativity of Christ and are soon preparing to meet the year 2017.

3. Scene "Winter"

Presenter: Guys, what time of year does this holiday come to us?

Children: In winter.

Teacher: Do you know songs about winter or winter trees?

Children sing the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest." The heroes of the song come out in turn: a bunny, a wolf and a peasant. They are dressed in appropriate costumes and play their roles: a bunny jumps, a wolf sneaks, a peasant rides a horse, and then cuts down the Christmas tree.

Presenter: Well done, you sing well. How can you solve riddles?

Ears on top.
Listen carefully,
We start and you finish
Rhyme for sure!

Children come out and take turns guessing riddles:

It flew over the earth for a long time
Snow white blanket.
The sun is a little hot -
The blanket is leaking
And went into the wells of the rivers.
This blanket is… (snow).

Cold, frost, blizzards
They swirled, swirled.
In white hats all at home,
It came to us ... ( winter).

Barely breathed in winter
They are always with you.
Warm two sisters
They are called ... (mittens).

It's snowing outside,
Holidays coming soon... New Year).

Softly glowing needles
Pine spirit comes from ... (Christmas trees).

Everyone is spinning, having fun,
They frolic near the Christmas tree.
After all, today is a celebration.
What holiday? (Christmas).

4. Scene "Herringbone"

Presenter: And now we will tell you how the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for the holiday appeared. This is an old story...

On the night when the Savior was born, not only people and animals, but all the flowers and trees hurried to bow to the Infant.

Flower children come out in elegant dresses with crowns in the form of flowers (3 girls) and a Christmas tree in a green dress.

1 flower girl:

We are flowers, flowers
We are growing silently.

2 flower girl:

This night-night
The most fragrant.

Herringbone: Where are you, flowers? You are supposed to sleep at night...

3 flower girl:

This night-night
The light shines brighter.
bow at the feet
We go to the Baby.

Herringbone: Take me with you, my dear flowers, take me to bow to the Christ Child.

1 flower girl: But there are no flowers on you, Christmas tree, and on your needles the Baby can only prick. ( go away)


Nobody. Alone I am alone.
The night is quiet. The star is calling, burning.
Everybody left. All bow down to God
They rush joyfully to the holy cave.


I'm a prickly, forgotten tree.
Unnecessary, I stand in my wilderness.
Flowers are right. I'm for the baby only
Here I pray quietly from the heart.

Pray with clasped hands. The host from behind comes up to her and throws on a gas veil, decorated with tinsel and Christmas tree decorations.

Lights are lit on the Christmas tree in the classroom.


And sparkled, lighting up on her diamonds of mournful tears,
And turned around, smiling at her radiance Christ.
And since then, people call it the Christmas tree.
And modest needles shine in the fire of Christmas candles.

Shepherds and flowers return.

In their hands they have toys that the children made themselves, as well as beads.

Shepherds: (together) Look, the stars have fallen from the sky!

1st shepherd: The tree is shining all over!

2nd shepherd: God did a miracle...

3rd shepherd: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, how beautiful you are!

Flowers: You are the most beautiful... It was God who adorned you.

4th shepherd: All in flames! In crystals, droplets!

5th shepherd: For your humility, Christmas tree, for your kindness, the Lord God marked you.

1st shepherd: Now from now on and forever people will praise you and adorn you.

Flowers: Let's decorate our Christmas tree too.

They hang toys on the Christmas tree, and beads are put on the Christmas tree girl.

ANDthe song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree" is performed:

Little Christmas tree
Cold in winter.
Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.
How many on the Christmas tree
colored balls,
pink gingerbread,
Cones of gold.
The beads are hung
bright balls,
Sweets, gifts -
All for kids.
Christmas tree like
Our celebration.
fun, fun
Let's meet Christmas!

The game "What does not happen on the Christmas tree?"

Presenter: We will call you different objects, and you, if you hear the name Christmas decorations, clap your hands and say "Yes!"

If we name something that does not happen on the Christmas tree, we must restrain ourselves and remain silent. Try not to make a mistake. Ready?

Children come out and read in turn:

Here comes the holiday
Each decorated a Christmas tree.
Who, guys, will confirm -
On its branches hangs:

The asterisk is the top?
A loud buzzer?
Petenka - parsley?
Soft pillow?

White snowflakes?
Bright pictures?
Spider web ball?
Old boots?

Red lanterns?
Bright flags?
Hats and scarves?

Apples and cones?
Kolya panties?
Tasty candy?
Old newspapers?

5. Scene "Carolers"

Presenter: This is what our Christmas tree is - smart, beautiful, bright! And the custom of putting gifts under the Christmas tree came from the gifts that the Magi brought to the infant Christ. How we love the aroma of the Christmas tree and the anticipation of gifts!

And before, Christoslav-carolers went from house to house. Christ was glorified, the owners were congratulated. And they were sure to feed them.

Enter carolers in Russian folk costumes with a star. They have a bag of treats in their hands.

Caroler 1:

Kolyada! Kolyada!
You give me a pie
Ali a slice of bread,
Ali money with a half!
Al wheat relatives.

caroler 2(sprinkle grains):

Here is some wheat for you
We shower, we wish you well!
Happiness is a free bird
Wherever she wanted, she sat there!

caroler 3.(Sprinkles with peas):

Here are peas for you, so that heaps of luck,
Who is much literate, that does not fall!

Caroler 4: We know how to praise, we dare not ask for much!

Caroler 5:

Open the chest, take out the piglet.
Give me candy, please the kids!

Children give candies to carolers.

The Russian folk song “Like a white snow fell on thin ice” is performed. Vanya comes out on a horse, falls, girls run up to him and see him off.

Like thin ice
A white snow fell.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

A white snow fell
Vanechka-friend was driving.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Vanya rode, hurried,
From the goodness of the horse fell.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

He fell, fell, lies,
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Two friends saw
They ran right up to Vanya.
Oh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Caroler 1:

Hey thanks hosts
Mira your home,
So that he was a full cup.

Caroler 2:

fun shines
Moon over the village.
White light sparkles
Blue light.

Caroler 3:

moon beams
God's temple is covered.
Cross under the clouds
Like a candle burns.

Caroler 4:

Light in my heart!
feast of the saint
The sun has risen.

Caroler 5:

For greetings, for a treat, you accept congratulations,
Merry Christmas to you! We wish you happiness, joy!

They bow and leave.


Hey, carolers!
Ay, well done! (Bows to the teacher)
Oh, thank you, hostess,
Peace to your home
So that he was a full cup.
Well, and you, kids, study well,
Everything in life is useful!

Teacher:(brings out a big pie)

We carry pies from the oven!
Eat well, good people!
We serve pies
Merry Christmas everyone!

Russian folk music sounds. Children give their parents bells. Parents treat everyone with pies, gingerbread, tea with sweets.

Good day! In a row new year events Of particular importance is a wonderful holiday that brings faith in the best, love for people and life, for its eternal renewal. Every year, the night before Christmas is wrapped in a unique halo of mystery and romance. And every morning on January 7 is marked by fun rituals, in which both children and youth take part in the village to this day. How to organize a wonderful folklore holiday with children on Christmas Eve is described on the pages of this section.

Scenario of the Christmas holiday "Christmas"

(A. Malinin's song “Christmas Russia” sounds)

Lead 1 and 2 come out:

1 — Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!

This holiday is celebrated by millions of people around the world. They are united by one thing - faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas has become an event for humanity. Now we are counting the years from the birth of the Savior.

2 – At our holiday, we will tell you the story of Christmas, introduce you to the culture of our ancestors. Of course, one should not idealize the past. But all the same, we must honor and respect the traditions and customs of our people, understanding that a person of that time was brought up by the environment and the way in which he was. Our ancestors had a lively Christmas tradition of waiting and performing a miracle. And miracles did happen.

(they leave; the reader exits)


Here comes the Christmas feast
The tree was cut down.
And in the clothes of the celebration
Lushly dressed up.
Here is a row of candles on the Christmas tree,
twisted lollipop,
Juicy grapes in bunches
Gingerbread gilded.
Suddenly overgrown with fruits
dark branches,
The tree was brought into the room -
Have fun kids!
The mother works for the children
Read them toys
Remove the tree for them -
Busy day and night.

2nd leader:

In the old days, preparations for the holiday began on the last week before Christmas. In the evening, the whole family glued toys, painted nuts in silver and gold for the Christmas tree.

Decorating a Christmas tree is the most enjoyable activity. We dress it up with bright balls, garlands, rain. And earlier, just a few only 200 - 300 years ago, the Christmas tree was decorated with a vegetable from the garden, which was previously decorated.

(dress up a small artificial Christmas tree, show the children how our ancestors decorated the Christmas tree).

What vegetable was hung on the Christmas tree?

Potato. At first it was silver-plated and gilded potatoes. Then they learned to blow glass balls, and the art of their manufacture was kept in the strictest confidence and passed on by the masters by inheritance. These balls were expensive, many could not afford.

Now the good tradition of hanging sweets on the Christmas tree has already been lost, but it’s much tastier and more tempting for children to remove sweets from the Christmas tree and eat them than to get them off the table.

What sweetness was used to decorate a Christmas tree in Russia?


Previously, children in Russia, even in rich families, did not eat sweets randomly and almost every day, but received them for a holiday, in a bag. Sometimes sweets were hung on the Christmas tree, and then the children received them as a prize.

First, ruddy apples were hung on the Christmas tree, then tangerines, then gilded and silver nuts, crackers and, of course, gingerbread.

And what main toy Christmas? Or is it also called the good herald of Christmas?

Of course, an angel. It was very expensive to buy this toy in the store at that time, so they made it themselves. Literally everything was used: cotton wool, silk, tulle. paper, fluff, feathers.

New Year and Christmas cards also have their own history. For the first time in Russia, a postcard appeared a little over 100 years ago (1898). Money from the cards sold went to charity. Artists tried to make them not just beautiful, but sometimes real works of art. It was covered with gloss, velvet, and the snow was prepared from boric acid and was surprisingly similar to the real one. The subjects of the drawings were different: they were funny kids sledding down the mountains, caroling young people with the Star of Bethlehem, funny little animals, angels, candles on Christmas trees.

There was a time when the Soviet government banned the production of a Christmas card. She did not recognize the Christmas holiday, and only recently there were postcards with a joyful inscription: “Happy New Year!”, “Merry Christmas!”.

Do you know the first biblical Christmas decoration? Name it.

This star of bethlehem. It was a special joy to make the Star of Bethlehem, which was supposed to crown the forest beauty. The legend says: “When the Divine baby was born, everyone rejoiced around, everything rejoiced. At the entrance to the cave where Christ was born, there were 3 trees: a palm tree, an olive tree and a Christmas tree. They also wanted to offer their gifts to Christ.

A palm tree laid a luxurious leaf at the baby's feet, an olive tree filled the cave with a fragrant aroma. One tree has nothing to give. Out of embarrassment, she bowed her branches low to the ground. But suddenly a thousand multi-colored stars fell on the branches of the Christmas tree. She became so elegant and beautiful that when the baby woke up, his eyes stopped on a beautiful shining Christmas tree. He smiled and extended his arms towards her.

An angel descended from heaven and said to the tree: “Let this be your reward for your humility. You will always wear an evergreen robe and every year you will celebrate Christmas with shining stars that will decorate your branches.

Sprouted grains of rye (zhita) were also placed under the Christmas tree along with gifts - a symbol of new life and a generous harvest.

1st host:(against the background of folk music)

The day before Christmas was called Christmas Eve (January 6). By January 6, that is, by Christmas Eve, they did a big cleaning in the huts, rubbed the floors with juniper, and covered the tables with clean tablecloths. Until January 6, they kept a fast, ate only kutya with honey and juicy. Only in the evening, with the appearance of the first star, did the fast end. People kneaded pies, put pancakes, kneaded dough for donuts. Cooked festive table. In order for the baby Christ to look into the house, all kinds of toys were placed on the window.

The stove was well heated in the house. The stove in the house played a major role. There was even a saying: “dance from the stove”, that is, start with the main thing. The stove was used for space heating and cooking. They slept on the stove, stored things, dried grain, onions, garlic. In winter, birds and young animals were kept near it. According to popular belief, Domovoy lives under the stove or behind it - the soul of the hut, the patron hearth, kind and helpful, if there is harmony and love in the house. In the old days, he was affectionately called “master” or “grandfather”. And they represented him in the guise of a little peasant with a gray beard. The main duty of the brownie is to look after the household, help with housework.

There is a red corner diagonally from the stove in the hut. It was a holy place - icons were placed in it. Therefore, the place was called "holy". In the red corner, daily prayers were performed, from which any important business began.

They tried to keep the red corner clean and smartly decorate. The name "red" means beautiful, good and bright.

There was also a table in the red corner. All significant events family life were marked in the red corner, benches and benches stood along the table. All this was festively cleaned for Christmas with Christmas tree branches.

Angel: A golden star lit up in the sky, this star is not at all simple!
I proclaim to you a great joy that will be all!
Today the Savior of the world Jesus Christ was born. See what light?
He brought love into the world. And each of you felt it in your heart.
God chose to become human so that he could die for us. To say with this: “I am. I love you".

Star:(dances to music)

My path is far. The sun will rise -
I will dissolve with the sky.
I'll wait for the night - I'll light up again
Before human eyes.
(sings the song "Christmas")


That night the earth was in a state of turmoil...
The light of a large outlandish star
Illuminated all the mountains and villages, cities, deserts and gardens.
And in the desert the lionesses watched as they were full of wondrous gifts
Chariots moved silently, camels and elephants walked importantly.
And in the brow of a large caravan, looking up into the sky
Three kings in intricate turbans rode to bow to someone.
And in the cave, where the torches did not go out all night, blinking and
There the lambs saw a beautiful sleeping child in a manger.
That night the whole creature was in a state of excitement.
Birds sang in the midnight haze, announcing goodwill to all.
The coming of peace on earth.


In the gentle warm palms of the earth
The City of David sleeps peacefully.
And from afar, the Magi brought gold, frankincense and myrrh.
The stars of Bethlehem echo the rays of angels to the wondrous scherzo
A quiet motive, like an echo sounds in a pure shepherd's heart.
Night reigns, the dawn is still long, the sky is like the belly of a vessel.
And light pours out of the manger - a miracle uncovered by darkness.
Herod suffers from insomnia. Fear writhes in velvet folds.
And the child in the mother's arms has a serene and sweet dream.
And the signs of his visit are still clear to the unloved
Sleeping like a baby wrapped in dreams
The world in the cradle of forgiveness.

Wanderer:(against the background of music)

I will tell you a story that happened over 2,000 years ago. This is the story of how the son of God Jesus Christ was born on earth. His mother was the girl Maria. Even before her birth, Mary's parents made a vow to dedicate the girl to the service of God. When Mary was 3 years old, according to tradition, she was first introduced into the temple. From a young age until her girlhood, Mary had to live at the temple. She was raised there for 12 years. Having reached the age of majority, the girl had to leave the temple. The priest, as is customary, chose for her a "betrothed" - an elderly widower, in whose house she, keeping a vow, would run the household. The choice fell on Joseph of Nazareth. After the betrothal, Mary settled in the house of Joseph, where an event took place that the church reveres as one of the biggest holidays - the Annunciation. An angel appeared to the Virgin Mary and announced that she would give birth to the Son of the Most High.

Jesus was born a simple man and grew up in an ordinary family. Christ was born to atone for the sins of all people. He brought goodness and light into the world. Jesus healed suffering and sickness: the blind began to see, the deaf to hear, and the lame to walk.

Jesus wanted people to become better, so that we become like God.

(song "Christ is born")


All Orthodox Christians celebrate the biggest holiday on earth - Holy Christmas.

What is the divine meaning of this holiday? The first people were immortal and pure until they committed original sin. People have forgotten God. The world has plunged into evil. But the star of Bethlehem lit up in the sky. The Lord sent His Son for our salvation. People again became the sons of God. Jesus Christ atoned for our sins by His death. This holiday is called the mother of all holidays in the world. He teaches us to believe, educates our hearts so that we learn to forgive, sympathize, understand each other, be tolerant of the shortcomings of others - in a word, so that we learn to love the people around us. Everyone will come to faith, but everyone has their own way. Faith grows from the very depths of human nature. A person cannot live without faith, without support. His world must necessarily include a sense of faith: in God, in salvation, in happiness. For good, for yourself. And if there is no faith, a breakdown occurs in the soul. A person hardens, becomes angry, cynical.

From time immemorial, our people have been distinguished by strong faith. He was close to God.

2 host:

The 12 days from Christmas to Epiphany are called Sviatki - holy days. The first week, from Christmas to the New Year according to the old style, passed in continuous fun, there was a walk, they went caroling. Our ancestors believed that in icy December the sun dies and then comes back again.

The celebration of the resurgent sun was Kolyada. Children and youth gathered, went from house to house with songs - carols, and the hosts treated the guests. According to the custom, carolers should be greeted with refreshments and generously bestowed. There is such a sign: the better the treat, the more successful the year.

(a Russian hut is on stage, the owner is at the table.

Enter carolers with a star)


- Kolyada came on the eve of Christmas!
Give me a cow, an oil head!
God bless whoever is in this house!
The rye is thick for him, the rye is stingy!
He has an octopus from an ear, a carpet of grain for him.
From half-grain - a pie. The Lord would give you
And life, and life, and wealth!
And the Lord will create for you even better than that!

- You are a good uncle! Give money to pass!
You give out - you don’t give out, we will wait, stand at the gate!
Golden head, silk beard!
You give a pie for the feast of Christ
A pie - at least fresh, at least sour, but wheaten!
(they eat and leave)


Everything that was given in the houses, the children put in a bag, and then ate it together. This is how they had fun from January 7 to 14 in a new style.

The children will dress up in whatever they want: beggars, old men, they will take the basket and go home, they will go into the house and let's dance, praise the owners.

(carolers enter)

1 caroler:

Kolyada! Kolyada! Holy carol!
We walked, we were looking for a holy carol.
We found a carol near Ivanov's yard.
Ivanov yard on 7 pillars, on 8 versts,
The pillars are chiseled and gilded.
Here the lady lived, the empress lived.
She gave us a pie.
Serve a pie - a whole yard of the stomach,
If you don’t serve a pie, I’ll steal it from the yard!

2 carolers:

Carols - carols, the snow is streaming prickly,
An early star rises - lights the Christmas trees.
The snow crunches under the windows, the ice is rolled smooth,
If you are not greedy, you will be full: give carols
Sweet Christmas Eve!
Ancient wisdom is holy and famous in carols:
If there is kindness in the heart, there will be more in the bins!
Carol - carol! The cold doesn't matter to you!
Conjure a Christmas carol wedding.
May the Lord send a fruitful year.
Yes, bread on the table and peace on earth!
(bow, eat and leave)


Our ancestors believed that words have a special mysterious power. If you come to the house and sing a song to the owner with calls for happiness and harvest, then these wishes will certainly come true. It happened that the owner was greedy or did not give anything, then carolers sang mischievous carols with comic threats:

1 caroler:

If you don't give a pie, you'll make an enemy.
If you don’t give kvass, you will make melancholy.
If you don't give a blink, there will be poverty for centuries!
Serve, don't break, don't bite!
Don't give me the pie - we'll bring the cow by the horns!
(the caroler quickly leaves; the owner leaves the stage)

1 leader:

There is no other holiday in Russia, which was accompanied by such a rich set of customs, rituals and signs, as the Christmas holiday.

Christmas time is a mixture of pagan and Christian rites. pagans Ancient Russia praised Kolyada - the god of feasts and peace. During Christmas time, it was customary to dress up in various costumes and wear masks. Until now, this tradition has been preserved: to go from house to house and sing carols. Similar rituals were held three times during Christmas time: on Christmas Eve, on New Year's Eve and on the eve of Epiphany.

Well, on the night of the 13th to the 14th, the Orthodox New Year begins. It is customary to celebrate this holiday with dumplings, but not simple ones, but with surprises. "Surprise" is a prediction of the future. It was important to chew the dumpling carefully so as not to swallow the surprise. If an owl gets into a dumpling, it means mind, wisdom; heart - mutual love; barbell - strength, health; thread - road, grain - wealth; flower - happiness; button - update; sugar - sweet life; pepper - a thrill; salt is a quarrel.

Well, of course, who doesn't want to know their future? And although this is not encouraged by the Christian religion, on the night of January 13 to 14, everyone was guessing.

Fortune-telling has been an integral part of the culture of rituals, part of the most ancient ritual culture. The most suitable days for divination were Monday and Friday, Thursday was known as the day of the Sabbath of all evil spirits. According to legend, on Black Thursday, the council of demons decided to destroy Jesus Christ. The most ancient Slavs guessed on mugs. They painted wooden mugs black and White color. They threw it on the ground and looked at what color the circle would be.

There was also such a sign: whoever sneezes on New Year's Eve will live a great year. On this day, they tried not to drink wine, not to swear. After all, it was believed how you spend New Year's Day, so it will be all year.

2 host:

And here's another guess. On this day, they brought a sieve of snow into the hut and put as many marked spoons on it as there are people in the family. Then they filled the spoons with water and took them out into the cold. In whose spoon the water hardens evenly, he will live a long time. On New Year's Eve, it was not customary to borrow or lend, and no chickens were fed. They looked for grain under the table - if they found it, then this is for a good life, for a generous harvest.

Often fortune telling on a dish. Young people, who wanted to know what awaits them next year, took a large dish. They poured water into it and threw rings. They sang in chorus, and someone alone, without looking, took out someone's ring from a cup. What was being sung about at that moment was what awaited the owner of the ring. After divination on a dish, the girls ran out into the yard and threw a shoe over the fence. Where he will show, in that direction is the house of the future husband.

Yes, there are a lot of guesses in the world. Here's the simplest: go outside the gate, and ask the first person you meet for the name. What name he calls, this will be the groom's. Fortune telling at Christmas time and alone. The girl put a basin of water in front of her, launched 2-3 boats: one with her name, the others with the names of the grooms. Whose boat will catch up with her, he will be the groom.

And at midnight the most terrible divination began. A girl sits down in front of a mirror, candles are burning on the sides. And he sits, does not move, carefully peers into the darkness. Will someone's image be reflected? If he appears, you need to quickly cover the mirror with a handkerchief, otherwise, according to legend, someone will hit you hard.

(fortune-telling scene)

1 leader:

In the villages, there was such a fortune-telling: before going to bed, a girl put 4 torches under her pillow, folded in the form of a 4-gon. This was called "putting a well under your head." At the same time, she says the usual phrase: “Betrothed - mummers, come, water the horse!”.

Often they guessed in the baths. This is the only place where there are no icons. They sat in front of a mirror, lit candles, froze with fear, peering into the mysterious darkness until they fainted. They also guessed like this: they brought a chicken, put a mirror, a ring, a piece of bread, water in front of it. If she began to drink water, then this meant that her husband would be a drunkard, if looked in the mirror, then her husband would be a dandy, and if a chicken pecked at a piece of bread, then this meant that her husband would be a good host.

Leaders 1 and 2.

1: But everything, as they say, comes to an end. With the advent of the feast of the Epiphany, the fun with the mummers, fortune-telling ends at the ice hole, called the Jordan. The hole cools the heated ardor and washes away all sins. Houses, buildings, gardens were sprinkled with holy water, driving away all evil spirits from them.

According to legend, Jesus Christ was baptized at the age of 30 by John the Baptist in the Jordan River. The rite of Baptism - washing with water symbolized the beginning of the feat of Jesus Christ in the name of the salvation of mankind.

2: During Baptism, as the Gospel testifies, the Savior prayed to his Heavenly Father. During the prayer, the heavens opened up, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Savior in the form of a dove and a voice was heard: “Behold my beloved son.” This is how the appearance of the heavenly father of Jesus Christ, the Epiphany, took place. Hence the second name of the holiday - Epiphany. It is believed that if a person is baptized on the feast of Epiphany, then he will be happy and the Mother of God will keep him.

1 leader:

Once again, Happy Holidays to you! Happiness to you, joy!

2 host:

Love, patience, peace!

(participants come out and bow).

Scenario of the holiday "Christmas Story" for children of senior preschool age in kindergarten

sound « Christmas bells» The children come in and take their seats. Sounds like « Christmas troparion» .

The song sounds "IN Christmas Angel Arrived» , flashes of multi-colored lights flash, an angel flies in.

Angel. The snow shines under the sun

A clear light streams over him,

Bells are ringing all around

In merry Christmas holiday.

The stars dance

All nations rejoice.

And the words ring around:

"Hi celebration!

Light, clear, majestic and beautiful.

Together: Hi Christmas holiday!

Angel: Christmas you praise, people!

May you only be happy.

Children sing a song « Christmas has come» .

After the song, the children sit down in their seats.

Cossack music sounds. Mother and daughter of the Cossacks enter, dance.

Cossack mother: Have a great day, Cossacks and Cossacks!

Children: Thank God!

Girl: Today is not an easy day,

Today is a holy day! Congratulations on feast of the Nativity of Christ!

Cossack mother: Guys, we heard that in your kuren Christmas is celebrated and we really wanted to visit your holiday. Christmas this is one of the most favorite Cossacks holidays, since the Cossacks were Orthodox people and believers in God.

Girl: Yes, I heard that Christmas is a good holiday but I know so little about him?

Cossack mother: And I know so much about him that I will tell the guys about him with pleasure.

The Cossack woman tells, and someone behind the screen shows the biblical story.

Cossack mother: I remember how in childhood for the first time

Heard about Christmas story.

I was moved to tears

How the little one was born Christ!

The background music is barely audible.

Midnight sometimes walked along the road

A pensive donkey, like a doe with thin legs.

He walked slowly, easily, slowly,

Chagall, barely breathing with excitement.

On this donkey sat humbly

Beautiful, young, meek maiden,

And walking quietly beside gray-haired old man

With a radiant look, with a thick beard.

But now the path is over and the travelers have become.

They are cold and very tired.

Before them now the city wall

She shines on the horizon.

In the wall of this white big gate

In them the old man is knocking, in reply hears: "Who's there?

Many people came to our city

AND old, both young and small children.

And there's no place for you

Now you will have to spend the night in the field.

And the travelers of the word in response, without saying,

Fulfilling fervent prayer to God,

They began looking for a new home.

Suddenly the donkey started to run faster.

He suddenly smelled the smell of animals

And soon the hosts in a big cave

Quickly leads, and there together in a row

Little lambs stand humbly.

Seeing those who came, they parted,

And all at once bowed to the guests.

And the maiden, stroking a lamb, an ox,

Meanwhile deep into the cave slowly entered.

Here the old man exclaimed! “For everything, thank God!

For showing us the way here,

For saving us from troubles on the way,

If only You sent a light here!”

He said so and the golden light streamed -

Virgo The Blessed Child is Born.

That light from Him spread around

A wonderful singing was suddenly heard.

The angels sang songs of praise

Child and God.

Sounds like angels singing « Christmas» .

She interrupts her story by turning to the children. At this time there is a change of scenery (remove curtain).

Cossack mother: How amazing is this Christmas holiday! All the kids in the world love it! Of course, you know that wax candles are lit in all churches and houses on this day!

Girl: Oh, how they shine, glorifying God!

Cossack mother: Guys, do you know why on the magical night before Merry Christmas Is it customary to light candles and put them on the windowsill?

Girl: This is because Mary and Joseph, when they knocked on many houses, no one opened the door for them, warmed and fed the travelers from the road.

Cossack mother: Right. Since then, candles have been lit, and this light, as it were, invites the traveler to enter the house, where he will be fed and warmed. Here we have prepared candles for you.

Girls sing a song with candles "We are small candles".

Cossack mother: The guys will tell about it.

The girls perform "Dance of the Stars".

To the music, mother and daughter decorate the Christmas tree (they hang toys, angels, stars run out after them and perform "Dance of the Stars". The girls at the end sit down in a checkerboard pattern on their knees and wave the stars over their heads.

Take a look mom

Tonight into the night birth of Christ

A star lit up above the earth.

She shines for us like the sun.

Warms the soul with faith

Gives sparks of magic.

Stars to the music run in a circle and run out of the hall.

MUM: On his Day birth

A big star shone above the earth,

And she showed the Infant Christ to the people.

born small Christ.

Not in a rich, eminent house

And lay not in a magnificent cradle

And in a deaf cave on the straw

Fluffy snow outside the window

Sweet baby sleeps

Peace comes to every home.

Congratulations to everyone Merry Christmas.

To the music "A lonely shepherd" the shepherds enter.

Shepherds, leaving the flock hurried to Bethlehem

They walked by the light of the stars

Through the forest and across the bridge

Among the mountains among the plains

To the land where their master was.

The shepherds sit around the fire.

Oh, how difficult was the way,

We need to rest.

Won't stand in the distance old barn,

It's warm there, the light streams over it.

a cappella recording "Ding dong Christ is Born» .

I hear in the grove behind the village

Quiet mysterious singing

The Savior was born to help people!

So let us go to this monastery and worship him.

After all, our savior was born - this is evident from everything.

But what can we give him from the heart?

He must have needed cheese, bread and honey.

I'll find fresh hay for the nursery,

To keep him warm and comfortable.

To the music "A lonely shepherd" the shepherds come to the den, put gifts and leave.

But in addition to the shepherds, God sent more magi.

From their distant country, the Magi from the East went

Boldly behind the high star they went a long way.

The music of the VOLKHVOV sounds. Magi enter the hall. They carry caskets with gifts on outstretched arms. They get up at the den.

Bow your knees before Him

We're going to Bethlehem.

The star showed us the way

We see God in the baby.

And so I bring fragrant incense to him.

A bar of gold shines like the dawn.

We welcome Christ as king.

And in my casket is holy myrrh.

It was foretold from the ages

That the Lord will come to earth in peace

In the form of an earthly man.

The same music sounds, they put gifts and leave.

A marvelous baby brings happiness to everyone,

Everyone goes to bow to him

Animals enter the music: squirrel bear.

You can't go off the road today

A star lights our way Christmas.

In any weather in frost and blizzard

We hasten to bow to the infant Christ.

I will treat him with fragrant honey.

And I will give him sweet nuts.

To the music, they go to the den, bow, put a barrel of honey, a basket of nuts and sit down near the den.

Fire and Water enter the hall to the music.

I am fire - cheerful, hot,

I conquer darkness.

It's warm with me, it's bright with me.

I can't bear the cold

I will keep the baby warm.

Fire, warm the baby,

To make the baby warmer in the cave.

To the music, fire breathes on the baby and sits at the nativity scene.

And I am water, cool and fresh.

I pacify the heat, quench my thirst,

I sing the earth, I give coolness.

With spring water, I will wash the baby's legs.

He puts a jug of water to the music and sits down next to the Fire.

Eyewitnesses. According to Scripture

At night Christmas

All of them are of the great Mystery

Incarnations of the Divine.

All the characters enter to the music.

Ah, what a bright day today!

We want to congratulate everyone on Merry Christmas!

From good deeds, from lights -

The Christmas tree is blooming

And from now on Christmas holiday

Decorate forever.

The tree lights up with lights.

Children sing a song "It's come Christmas» .

1 child: The brightest, the sweetest,

The most important holiday per year.

Fireworks, chocolates

And a round dance of snowflakes.

2 Child: This children love holiday,

Dads, moms for a reason.

The whole planet we will celebrate

Day Birth of Christ.

3 child: This bright holiday, bright

The whole Earth has been waiting all year.

To give dreams-gifts

Us for good deeds.

4 Child: I'm really looking forward to Christmas -

This fabulous holiday.

And I meet him

In front of a colorful Christmas tree!

5 Child: I congratulate the whole family

FROM good holiday.

I love them very much

And I appreciate them too!

6 Child: May health bring

This light celebration

And a blizzard will sweep

Trouble snow-prankster!

Guests are given the floor.

Sounds music Cossack makes Christmas treat.

Cossack mother: Guys, on Christmas It is customary to give each other gifts and wish all the best. So I want to wish all of you and our guests happiness, peace, love, health, kindness and mutual understanding. And I came with not empty hands, but prepared for you christmas gingerbread, in the form of figurines of pets. It is customary to give them this celebration- after all, domestic animals warmed Jesus with their warmth at an hour birth. In many countries, they prefer to give gobies and donkeys, because it was these animals that touched the baby with their warm lips so that he would not cry without fluffy diapers.

The Cossack woman treats all guests, parents and children with gingerbread to the music. children gingerbread.

Cossack: On this our celebration finished all the best!

Then sounds Christmas music - the holiday is over.

"Nativity". Holiday script


Let's celebrate today,

With songs, fun,

Christmas tree!

Fluffy snow covered the fields

Covered the dense forest

The earth fell asleep in a quiet sleep,

The vault of heaven faded

Today is a break from work

Forget all worries...

The first star will light up -

And to us Christ will descend.

It will come down to every family

Bring peace and tranquility

All the goodness to show their

Have a feast for the kids.

kids mug "Do, re, mi, fa, salt-ka" Perform a song « CHRISTMAS»

FROM happy holiday to you, children and respected adults! FROM Merry Christmas!

On December 25, according to the old style, on January 7, according to the new, according to the biblical tradition, in the family of the carpenter Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus Christ.

The wonderful star of Bethlehem appeared in the sky when the Savior was born. This celebration so long awaited and beautiful always welcome festive family dinner, an elegant Christmas tree and christmas gifts.

because Christmas is a holiday of believers in Christ, which means that

Christmas- this is good and true. Dear guests, all holidays always start with

congratulations and good wishes.

(girls come out - hostesses)


The guests are all beautiful

Dear, dear,

We, the hostesses, are good,

You are all welcome from the bottom of our hearts! (gesture of welcome)

We have come to you with treats,

With pies, congratulations.

(tray of cakes)

Christmas! And everyone understands

It's time for carols.

Hostesses, where are your carols?


All carols on the table

Here's a carol for you.

(the presenter is given a carol pie)

VED (takes a pie).

Here's another. Well, who does not know what a carol is? Is it a poem or a song

with which they go to visit to praise Christ and Merry Christmas, and the guests

carolers are thanked with gifts. What's with the pie?

Well, what are you - (leader's name)

Carol is traditional christmas dish.

These are small pies made of unleavened dough with different fillings.

According to tradition, carolers came to the house and, glorifying Christ, gave everyone their carols and sang carol songs, and then thanked them with gifts.

Girls, tell us about your carols and be sure to please us.


We are housewives of all trades

We will drive away laziness and boredom,

We love to mess with the test,

The guest has something to eat!

Here are carols with cabbage,

Eat it, it's very tasty!

The dough here is rye, unleavened,

Baking carols is interesting to us!

I have carols with cheese

Eat the whole world!

I carry potatoes

And with a little wheat.

You take carols

US "thanks" speak.

And now to us, children,

It's time to sing carols.

The children of the circle perform "KOLYADA-MALEDA", "KOLYADA COME"

Who knows about this poem holiday?

An angel came down to us today

And brought « Christ is born» ,

We came glorify Christ,

And you with congratulate.

Look how bright the stars are

Shine the world there, far away:

For people - goodwill,

Peace and truth - for the earth!

From cruelty and trouble

US Christ Saves Everyone,

Mercy teaches us

The Savior calls to peace!

Adults and children know

For good we live in the world!

Today is holy Christmas,

Celebration on the planet!

Rejoice all people

On the big planet

God, love and truth are with us,

christianize, children!

(hostesses give gifts to carolers)

Dear guests, you probably noticed our Christmas tree. Yes she glows

bright lights, but no toys on it.

And this is no coincidence. The Christmas tree is waiting for the children's gifts, our cheerful songs, dances and

real christmas toys handmade

(children hang on the Christmas tree Christmas toys)

And now we can have some fun.


The children of the preparatory group will sing us a song

SONG "Herringbone"

I invite children of the senior group to a round dance


I know prep girls know the fire dance.



Our tree is decorated

They gave you carols

We tried our best

And they smiled at you.

That's it Christmas,

In the whole world - a celebration

Songs, dance bright,

Children have gifts!


Goodbye to all the guys

We address wishes:

Be polite yourself

Help your mom at home.

And you need to remember this

Treasure, children, friendship!

To the music, everyone dances around the Christmas tree and leaves.

Scenario of the Christmas holiday "Carols"


The stage has been removed imitating a village hut: decorated with towels, in the corner there is a table with a samovar, tea utensils, bagels, on the floor of the path.
In the hut, the owner and the hostess are making final preparations for receiving guests. They put food on the table. Suddenly outside the window noise, laughter. The owner and hostess look out the window.
Under the window"
carolers sing.
Carol, carol, open the gate.
The carol came on the eve of Christmas,
With donuts, with cakes, with pork legs
Kolyada, Kolyada, give me a pie!
Give, don't break, but give in whole.
Whoever gives a pie - that cattle, belly
Who does not give a pie - we are a cow by the horns!

As the cold outside freezes the nose,
He does not order to stand for a long time, he orders to serve soon.
Or a warm pie, or butter, cottage cheese,
Or money with a spear, or a ruble with silver.
Kolyada-molyada, rolled young!

The carolers take turns turning to the owners:
What do you give us, hostess,
Money bag or porridge pot?
A jug of milk or a piece of cake?
3rd: (shouts out)
Not enough pie, give me a piece of lard!
You will give us - we will praise you,
And if you don’t give, we will reproach you.
We have nothing to give you, we don’t have any pies or lard. Go away!

carolers (shout out):
Well, you will not have luck in the new year! One was a cow and she was unwell.
One was a rooster and he was busy.
There was only one mare, and she forgot God.
Ovsen, ovsen, tell the truth to everyone!

The carolers sing:

Here is oatmeal, here is oatmeal!
And Ivan's wife was very greedy,
Her fur coat is not sewn up and her shirt is not washed,
Yes, and the husband is not hefty, lazy, clumsy.
Her father-in-law has a head like a beet,
And the mother-in-law is a pomelo,
She was pulled to the side.
copyright -
Cinderellas - failures - are not weavers and are not spinners.
Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!
Deverek is a picture, a chaff in my head.
Ovsen, ovsen, go to all.

The carolers are about to leave.
Master (swearing at the owner)
What are you. Today is a holiday. Everyone needs to be fed.
(referring to carolers)
Wait, wait, dear guests! Forgive my unlucky landlady!

Mistress (guilty)
Forgive me, dear guests!
For unkind, unfriendly words.
1st: The word is not an arrow, but worse than an arrow.
2nd: Don't be afraid of the knife, but the tongue.
3rd: Anyway. Whoever overcomes his anger, he is strong.

Here, keep pies, gingerbread, candy crackers.
And if you want - go into the house, get warm!

No, thanks. We are not cold yet.
Well, guys, let's call the oat goodbye.

carolers (sing):
We found oats in Ivan's yard
Here is oatmeal, here is oatmeal!
Ivan has clear stars in his yard.
Here is oatmeal, here is oatmeal!
The stars are clear - his children.
Here is oatmeal, here is oatmeal!
The red sun is his little wife.
Here is oatmeal, here is oatmeal!

Speak (in order)
For a new summer
For your red summer1
Where is the horse's tail -
There is a bush!
Where is the goat's horn -
Hay stack there!
How many donkeys
So many pigs!
How many trees
So many cows!
How many candles
So many sheep!
Happiness to you, the owner with the hostess!

Sing and go
Christmas carol came!
Kolyada-molyada, open the gate!

"Christmas" (scenario matinee for children of preparatory and senior groups) "

Children enter the hall to the music of "CHRISTMAS"

(Rebuilding. They stop in the center.)

The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is one of the most joyful and solemn holidays of the year. For Christmas, they decorate a Christmas tree - a fluffy beauty, on the top of which the Star of Bethlehem shines. The green Christmas tree, both in winter and in summer, is a symbol of eternal peace, happiness and joy that came into our world with Christ.

Two thousand and six years ago in the small town of Bethlehem slept a deep sleep. Belated travelers - Mary and Joseph could find refuge only in a cave where the shepherds drove their cattle during bad weather. And at midnight in a cave near Bethlehem, the Son of God was born.

Shepherds and magicians - Eastern wise men - came to bow to the Infant Christ and His Mother. The shepherds guarding the cattle, not far from the city, were told about the miraculous Birth by the Angels of God. The Magi came from afar. They have long been waiting for the birth of the Savior.


Let's celebrate today

With songs, fun,

Christmas tree!

The Savior came to the people

Savior appeared to people

Turn to God!

There will be salvation for everyone!

In a manger I slept on fresh hay

Quiet tiny Christ.

The moon, emerging from the shadows,

I stroked the flax of his hair ...

The bull breathed in the face of the baby

And straw rustling,

On a flexible knee

I looked around for a little breath.

Sparrows, through the poles of the roof,

They rushed to the manger in a crowd.

And the bull, clinging to the niche,

The blanket was wrinkled with his lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,

Licked him secretly.

Everyone was more comfortable with a cat

In a manger, warm the child sideways.

Subdued white goat

Breathed on his forehead

Just a stupid gray donkey

Helplessly pushed everyone:

"Look at the Child

Just a minute for me!”

And cried loudly

In pre-dawn silence...

And Christ, opening his eyes,

Suddenly parted the circle of animals.

And with a smile full of affection,

Whispered: "Look quickly!"


On this bright holiday

Christmas holiday

We will tell each other

Nice words.

Quietly the snow falls:

Outside the window winter

A miracle will happen here

And set hearts on fire.

May your smiles

On this wonderful day

Will be our happiness

And a gift to everyone.

The sounds of life flow

Happiness and goodness

Illuminating thoughts

Light of Christmas.

Above the den the star shines,

"Christ is Born!" - she proclaims.

Magi from the east came to the den.

And they found Christ in the manger of the poor.

The kings bowed their heads at the manger,

Expensive gifts were brought to Christ.



(L. Shevchenko " good world» page 22)



(L. Shevchenko "Good World" p. 16)


Bright holiday of Christmas!

There is no happier celebration!

On the night of Christ's birth

A star lit up above the earth.

Since then, through the centuries

She shines for us like the sun.

Warms the soul with faith

To make the world a better place.

Gives sparks of magic

Bright holiday of Christmas!

Peace comes to every home

Merry Christmas!


The great holiday has already come again;

Everywhere fun, feasts, celebration ...

Let's remember what word he told us

The one whose Christmas is being celebrated now:

"Everyone, let him always be merciful

To the weak, the orphans, the poor sick!

What he has, he will share with the poor

And call him his brother!

So, please, others, take part:

Many shine in need of Christmas...

A good deed is a great happiness,

This sacred soul triumph!

Jesus Christ showed us the way to salvation through mercy, compassion and love for our neighbors.

    Granny Vera didn't come

She's probably busy

Maybe she's tired?

Well, what if she fell ill?

Maybe she needs help?

Grandma is all alone!

grateful work

Surround the weak ...... .. (care)

    Dima helps grandfather

The garden has been digging since morning.

Light to the little Bear

He reads a book word for word.

Lisa to help Aunt Tom

She swept her entrance to the house.

Kolya thinks hard:

"What's happened ……. (mercy)

    But sometimes it happens

What trouble comes to us.

But it's not hard to give her a fight

If a friend is next to you!

Once upon a time, little Yegorka

Failed to go down the hill.

Do not Cry! - said Antoshka, -

Hold on a little while

We will smear the wound with greenery. -

So he consoled the child.

What a beauty

If in the heart…….. (kindness)

This holiday is the longest

It's funny and old fashioned.

Our ancestors drank, ate,

Have fun for two weeks!

Ah, you are winter-winter,

All paths covered.

But we dance, we have fun

And we are not afraid to freeze.

Come out dear friend

Dance, you, with me!

Guys, you paid attention to our Christmas tree. She glows with bright lights and expects gifts from us: funny dances and Christmas games.



Goodbye to all the guys

We address wishes:

Don't waste your time

Do a good deed

Don't be smart, don't be lazy

Ask for God's mercy.

Be polite yourself

Help your mom at home.

And you need to remember this:

Treasure, children, friendship!

Jesus Christ was born

And the world was lit up with happiness!

Asterisk Christmas

Happiness enters the house

Congratulations on the holiday -

Merry Christmas!

Our father is visiting us today at the feast of the Nativity of Christ.


And now we invite all guests to a tea party near the Christmas tree.

Scenario of the holiday "Christmas". Sunday School

The script was compiled by a Sunday school teacher at the Holy Transfiguration Church in the resort city of Gelendzhik.

1. Why did starfall suddenly spill from heaven to earth?

The house and the river shone, sparkled, even the garden?

Snowflakes suddenly swirled, like a star dance,

On the window, as in the picture, a wonderful tree grows ?!

A holiday is coming to our house, which is called Christmas!

A song is being performed"Ding ding dong..."

2. Joy has come to everyone, which has never happened,

A bright star shone above the den.

Angels fly, they notify everyone,

That Christ was born and the world lit up.


3. As light as snow fluff, Christmas winged spirit

Illuminates the skies, brings the holiday to the forests,

So that from heaven and earth the lights could meet,

So that another ray ignites between heaven and earth,

So that from the light of small candles a long beam, like a sharp sword,

He pierced the heart with light, showed the unfalse path.

4. Since that night in the sky, a combustible, golden star appears in the sky every year

And, igniting the heart with a sacred trembling, he calls to the born Christ the Savior.

5. On a quiet Christmas evening, a star shines in the sky.

My heart beats like that - a fairy tale has come to earth.

Frost on the window draws a pattern very thin, wonderful ...

The snowflake dances its waltz, circling under a bright star.

6. As always, we expect a miracle, a celebration from Christmas.

Fairy tale small now Merry Christmas we wish you!


Vedas: We will tell you a Christmas tale now.

You sit back, we begin our story.

In a winter dress, the dark forest is full of joyful miracles!

You and I will enter it, we will come to the clearing.

There is a teremok in the clearing, it is neither low nor high!

Forest animals live in it, the doors are not kept locked.

They are waiting for the feast of the saint, they create comfort in the house.

Soon, soon Christmas, and everywhere the celebration

Everyone cooks, cleans, cooks, cleans and launders.

The house should be clean, as it is everywhere.

Mouse: I'll bake pies, gingerbread, cookies.

There will be a miracle treat for all of us for Christmas.

Hedgehog: Well, I salted the mushrooms, dried the sweet apples.

Enough, mouse, you worries - cook compote for pies.

Hare: If there are carrots, cabbage, then the table is not empty!

Let's make carrot juice, and cabbage - into a pie.

Bear: And I will help too, here is the filling for the pie:

I bring berries and honey, I picked them in the forest.

Honey sweet, thick, like the sun, golden

I brought you a barrel, with it the frost is not terrible!

Wolf: And I caught fish, fished her all day!

There will be a holiday in the yard - there will be a fish on the table!

Let's break the fast together, eat pies together.

Lisa: Well, while I was talking, I was also not idle:

She embroidered the tablecloth with silk, washed the curtains.

I washed everything, cleaned it, I helped the mouse to bake.

Soon the holiday is in the yard, treats are on the table.

Mouse: And now, friends, we will meet a new star together.

How will it ignite star - holiday will come to us here.

Hare: Again, again we will praise the birthday of Christ!

How glad I am to congratulate you all! Come out here everyone!

All the animals go to the clearing in front of the tower.

Wolf: We will sing, play, laugh, treat ourselves to pies!

Bear: Jesus Christ was born and brought us salvation!

(There is crying.)

Animals (Hare): What is it? What happened? Who is in trouble here?

Oh baby, is that you?

Fox: Why are you, Christmas tree, so sad? Why are you crying in the dark alone?

Wolf: Today is a holiday in the world and there is no need for tears! Our Lord Jesus Christ is born!

Hare: Everyone around laughs, sings joyfully, why are you, Christmas tree, crying bitterly here?

Christmas tree: How can I not cry, do not shed bitter tears, I want to be bright and smart:

So that the stars sparkle on my branches, so that the snowflakes sing in the blue rays.

Like all of you, I am waiting for a wonderful star, just what can I give to Christ?

I’m covered in needles, small in stature, and it’s not easy to notice me in the forest like that.

Am I worthy to celebrate Christmas? No, this celebration is not for thorns!

Hedgehog: Those are offensive words! Fir-tree, you are not right!

I am a forest prickly hedgehog, I look like all hedgehogs,

We are all friends with Christmas trees, green needles.

We'll find you, my friend. Both the fungus and the spine.

Birds, squirrels - seeds! We all really need you.

We, hedgehogs, love you, Christmas trees, and we will not forget to congratulate you.

Fox: Oh, look, the Angel of God from heaven flew down to us here!

And above him, the long-awaited star shines in the sky!

Angel: Hello my friends! I am very glad to see you

Here I am not in vain: I flew, hurried to the holiday

To the glorious city of Bethlehem, which is known to all people.

And when I flew over your forest in the dark sky,

The Lord pointed out to me someone's tears in the clearing.

How can I help you on this festive night?

Hare: All trees sleep in winter in a white snow coat.

Only the Christmas tree does not sleep, it cries bitterly and is sad,

Because it is unattractive, covered in thorns, not smart.

Angel: This is easy for us to fix, let's praise God together.

Come on, stars, fly, silver the Christmas tree!

May beauty reign here on the birthday of Christ!

(Music sounds. The Christmas tree leaves, throws off the veil, under it is an elegant dress, decorated with

Sequins. Goes out to the animals.)

Christmas tree: Oh, thank you, Angel of God, you look like a star beam!

I can't recognize myself in this new starry dress.

Angel: I congratulate you, friends, I continue my path further,

I can’t waste time, but I’ll tell you: it’s not in a dress,

Beauty is not in the hair, kindness is the most beautiful of all!

Help each other both in the heat and in the evil blizzard.

This is what the Lord expects from us every day and every hour!

Animals (Hare): It became so warm in the heart! Bow from us to the Child,

Our God, Christ!

Angel: Okay! Cooming soon! Merry Christmas! (flies away)

Bear: And now, friends, we will celebrate Christmas together,

We will only speak kind words to each other.

Wolf: Let's have fun together, spin around the Christmas tree!

Come out, forest people, let's stand together in a round dance.

Everyone starts a round dance around the Christmas tree, singing a song"Little Christmas tree".

7. Spreading the branches wide, in a snow coat, in the middle of the clearing, the tree went up with an arrow.

A moonbeam fell on the beauty of the forest, and the ice of crystals in the branches began to play with lights.

Diamond threads in the needles twined, emeralds and rubies lit up in the snow.

The eyes of the Christmas tree shine like a clear star: here it is - the great day - the Feast of Christmas!

8. We will decorate the Christmas tree with a bright star. We will braid the Christmas tree with golden thread.

How beautiful on the Christmas tree festive outfit: lights are burning on her needles!

And the heart is joyful, cheerful, light! Today is a joyful day - Christmas!

9. Christmas trees are beautiful outfit, the lights on it are burning,

After all, today is a celebration - a bright holiday - Christmas!

We will sing and have fun, spin around the Christmas tree,

After all, today is a celebration - a bright holiday - Christmas!

10. Snow is spinning like fluffs at my window

Let's have fun together! Christmas tree! Celebration! Christmas!

A song is being performed"On Holy Christmas".

11. Holy Christmas Day, we salute you!

How much joy all around! The holiday enters every home!

Both earth and heaven glorify the Lord Christ!

12. And how happy the kids are - both girls and boys:

At Christmas time they will sing carols!

Carols are being performed.

13. Children stood at the Christmas tree in a round dance. The Christmas holiday is with us all year long!

An angel flew across the sky with the news. "Rejoice, rejoice!" The angel called.

14. “People, rejoice all, Christ is born! Jesus brought salvation to the world!”

You need to be kind, live together in the world and pray for the Lord's forgiveness.

15. Let's sing a song to our Lord. We give glory to the Savior together.

Both earth and sky, sing to God, sing! Calm your heart with great joy!

Angelic powers are hidden by heaven. Embrace the earth, sing along with us!

16. An asterisk of Christmas happiness enters the house

Congratulations on the holiday - Merry Christmas!

A song is being performed« White snow, whitish ... "

17. The whole world celebrates Christmas. Adults and children sing joyfully:

"Salvation to the whole world, God was born in Bethlehem"!

18. Sing: “Christ is born! Praise! ”- the human race is saved by him.

And the heart lights up with unearthly love ...

A song is being performed"Hymn to Christmas".

19. On one of the joyous nights the Lord Jesus was born.

He is the One Who redeemed people, because without Him this world was lost in its darkness.

20. For all who believe in Christ, and at night the light shines,

And this night is holy for us, may the joy of all be pure, Jesus is here.

21. Let Him in and you into your house: He dwells in the heart,

He wants to make a garden in it, enrich the one who lets Him into the house with fruit.

22. Let our trembling candles be nothing in the radiance of God's stars.

But our festive Christmas speeches crown Lent.

23. And the heart rejoices at the miracle, in the soul - a holy triumph!

After all, for the sake of us, the common people, Christ's Christmas has come!


Merry Christmas!

Christmas. Christmas scripts for adults. Games and fun for Christmas

It is not customary to celebrate in a large company, because this holiday is a family one. However, if you have a large Friendly family or your closest friends came to visit, then the simple scenario that we offer in this article will surely help you make Christmas not just a pleasant evening with your closest people, it will add charm and sincerity to this holiday.

In Russia, Christmas began to be celebrated after the introduction of Christianity - in the 10th century. It happened at a time when the ancient Slavs celebrated their multi-day holiday - Kolyada. This is where the tradition of caroling or praising came to us. And if in the cities this tradition has practically disappeared, then in countryside caroling to this day, because this is another reason to arrange a kind of masquerade, and you can earn money. Caroling, as a rule, is not at Christmas itself (this holiday has always been celebrated in the family circle), but at STYATKI.

Christmas time began on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve (December 24, old style or January 6, new), and lasted two weeks until Epiphany (January 6 and January 19, respectively). The New Year (January 1 and 14) seemed to divide Christmas time into two halves. The time from the feast of the Nativity of Christ to the New Year was called "Holy Evenings" or Bright Christmas time, and from the New Year to Epiphany - "Terrible Evenings". Evenings were called “Holy” because Christmas was celebrated these days, and “Terrible” (Holy Week) because it was believed that evil spirits were walking around the world these days.

At Christmas itself, it is customary to play a short play on a biblical theme. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for the holiday in advance. If for some reason the plot of the Christian Christmas does not suit you, it does not matter. You can put on a performance on a winter or New Year theme. It is not necessary to prepare complex costumes for the performance, it is quite possible to get by with some old things, sheets, tablecloths, etc., which are enough in any home. Perhaps the performance will need musical accompaniment and simple scenery. This also needs to be taken care of in advance.

If the Christmas tree stood in your house before Christmas, then you can “update” its outfit with the children. Let it be homemade toys, paper lanterns and garlands, the main thing is that the feeling of a holiday lives in the house. Children can also be told a story about why the Christmas tree is decorated for the New Year and Christmas. The story is this: a long time ago, when God still lived on earth, and not in heaven, different trees came to him in turn, and he gave everyone fruits: an apple tree with apples, a plum tree with plums, a cherry with cherries. One spruce stood aside. And then God commanded for her modesty to decorate the fir tree every year with sweets, fruits, toys and garlands.

After the performance, everyone is invited to the table. Surprise cookies can be served with tea. Inside each cookie is a piece of paper with predictions. Papers must be wrapped in food foil. Predictions must be good, kind, for example:

If you don't shed tears,

There will be a whole load of money.

Your fate is not so simple

Career growth awaits you.

Oh, miracle, fate will prepare a surprise,

Pack your bags, you're going on a cruise.

Just a little more to wait

Soon joy will look into your house.

A sharp turn awaits you soon,

Great love awaits you this year.

After tea, you can play.

Games for Christmas

"Gifts of the Magi"

All those present take turns putting their hand into the bag, which contains all kinds of souvenirs and sweets, and try to guess what kind of object is in his hand; after that, the item is taken out of the bag. If the participant guessed correctly, then he takes this thing for himself.

"Smoking room".

Traditional Christmas game. Previously, the “smoking room” was a torch, now it has been replaced by a Bengal candle. The game is as follows: all participants become in a circle. One of the participants lights a Bengal fire and says aloud:

Smoking room, smoking room,

long legs,

The abdomen is short.

Do not die, you smoking-room,

Don't make me dance

Don't make me dance

Kiss the whole conversation.

After that, he passes the "smoking room" to the next player, who also repeats these words. The one who has the "smoking room" in his hands goes out loses. This person is performing a phantom.

It is best to end the holiday by watching some kind movie with the whole family.

For young people, more active entertainment can be offered - carols, which have already been mentioned above. In past years, the time from Christmas to Epiphany in village life was distinguished by a special spiritual upsurge and passed solemnly, festively and cheerfully. The people said: "Winter is for frosts, and the peasant is for the holidays." Christmas time was considered a youth holiday. Evening parties, gatherings gathered, games with mummers were noisy and fun. The youth at that time “joked”, and everything that “lay badly” became a “participant” in pampering.

Preparations for rounds began several days in advance. Costumes and masks were prepared in advance. The traditional characters of the mummers were a wolf, a goat, Baba Yaga. Usually the praisers went with a large home-made star made of paper, "a arshin in size, with various embellishments and lit by candles." She symbolized the star that rose over Bethlehem when Christ was born.

We propose to revive this glorious tradition, especially since it is not at all difficult to do so. Of course, if you go to each apartment without warning in a depleted crowd, then, most likely, they simply will not open the door for you. Therefore, it is better to warn the people to whom you plan to come to carol in advance. This can be done verbally, or you can simply hang an announcement at the entrance to the entrance.

Here are some texts of traditional carols:

carol, carol,

You give me a pie

Or a slice of bread

Or half the money

Or a chicken with a crest,

Cockerel with a comb,

Or a tuft of hay

Or pitchforks to the side!


The other day of Christmas!

Who will serve the pie

That is the yard of the belly!

Who will not give a pie,

To that gray mare

Yes, the grave is torn off!


Christmas Eve!

Good aunt,

The pie is sweet

Don't cut, don't break

Give it quickly!

two, three,

We've been standing for a long time

Let's not stand!

The stove is heating up

I want a pie!

You, the owner, do not torment

Donate quickly!

How is the current frost?

Does not tell you to stand for a long time,

Orders to submit soon:

Either from the oven pies,

Or money piglet,

Or cabbage soup!

Give you God

Full yard of bellies!

And in the stable of horses

In the barn of calves,

To the hut guys

And in the litter of kittens!

Welcome the Magi

Meet the holy

Christmas has come

Let's start the celebration!

The star is with us

Prayer sings:

Your Christmas

Christ our God...

little boy

Sat down on the bed.

plays the pipe,

Carol amuses.


Give me a dumpling

a spoonful of porridge,

Sausage ring.

It's not enough

Give me a piece of fat.

Take it out soon

Don't freeze the kids!

The sparrow is flying

Tail twirls.

And you people know

Cover the tables

Receive guests

Meet Christmas!

Little boy

Sat down on a glass

The glass - crackle!

Give me a rupee!

Christmas script for adults

Fidgets, mummers - Old man, Old woman, Daughter, Goblin, Grandma-hedgehogs. Leading.
I sow, I sow,
Merry Christmas to all
Little kids!
Little kids!
And young girls!
And married, single!
Both hosts and hostesses!
Merry men!

For the New Year, for Christmas.
Live a hundred years! Always hello!
Live a hundred years!
Always hello-a-wee-and-ca-a-a! Leading.
Good weather for Christmas - for a harvest year! Christmas brightened up, snow swept over, and the people tried hard, gathered for a walk! Evil spirits (performed by two people).
And the peddlers are pleased with the guests, now the auction will begin.
To whom is the gingerbread, to whom is the whip!
Fly in, it has fallen in price - someone has a penny, someone has five, from whom you can take off your fur coat!
Joke, but know the measure! Come on, give them a broom!

Someone from the choir drives the Unclean with a broom around the stage. They hide behind the pedlars, dodge, squeal, squeak, shout: “Oh-oh-oh! This is my favorite place! And this is the most painful! I won’t, I won’t become an angel for me!”

Peddlers are smart people! Than to trade and name the price, it is better to walk around the people and show the goods with your face!

Represents peddlers with their goods. The evil spirit peeps out of the crowd and mimics the Leader.

Yea Yea! Spruce cone donuts!
And… this… (points to a tray) sort of like with honey… (licks his lips, but does it out of spite) from Goznak waste! I'm kidding... I'm kidding! Let me mark the path with a broom, that is, mark it out.

Cheerful music sounds. The evil spirit is trying, sweeping the stage in front of the peddlers. Peddlers with goods go directly to the people, advertising their goods. You can pre-announce a competition for the best advertising.

The frost is not great, but it does not order to stand! Yes, and a winter day - sparrow lope! Costumed-pomaded! Come help me! Dance with the people, show them what to do! The people are simple, don’t stand for nothing, jostle for warming, trample your feet! And whoever is worth it for nothing, that with a broom - fuck!

The host, together with the mummers, among whom is Aunt Arina, she later acts as the Host, shows the movements of the fun song on stage, and the audience in the hall repeats, then the fun song turns into a fun dance.

Like Aunt Arina's full of children: With those eyes! Shows. Spectators repeat) With those eyebrows! With those noses! With those ears! With those lips! With those shoulders! With such hands! With those legs! With ta-a-kimi ... etc. (as far as the host's imagination is enough). They did not drink and did not eat, they did it at the same time - like this. Everyone looked at the aunt, they did it like this at once!

The mummers make a “swallow”, jump, clap, stand on one leg, etc., until all the fun turns into a general dance.

Fidgets (performed by three people; shout out a call).
And whose house is this? And whose tower is this? Let me, let me, mistress, walk around the yard, but here the arbor is coming, singing, dancing! Unlock, unlock all chained ends! Dress, dress us, well done singers! At least for the money, for a penny, even for the dance of a young man, even for a bottle of wine!
Come in, come in! Sing, say! And then we'll see what we get!

Fidgets perform 2-3 funny winter songs. The host surrounds them with gingerbread, bagels, brings a glass. During the previous fun “At Aunt Arina’s” and the performance of the Fidgets, the Unclean Force is eyeing the audience, inviting participants in the following contests, or using its “right of a broom”, that is, they can fry with a broom!

Oh oh oh! Look, people! That's such a miracle!

A flirtatious Goat, a traditional Christmas character, appears on the scene. She can be with the Goats - dressed up children who praise, shout out a Christmas carol, a glorious song.

We are little kids! We came to glorify, to glorify the hostess! Lived on the path, baked rolls? Do you sell or serve? You give us honey to drink! We'll sing a song for you!

They dance to the music, jump around the stage.

Come in, come in, eat and get to work. People are waiting for fortune-telling to begin!
Here? Guessing? And tell the truth?
Isn't fortune-telling real on Christmas? All true truth! Take this spoon and throw it into the basket, as the spoon falls, that fate will fall out. Throw and say: “Sieve, sieve, sieve - it really is said!”

The evil spirit in the spectators' ranks gives a spoon to one or the other who wants to try his fate. They throw a spoon into a basket or a sieve, which Aunt Arina and Koza are holding on the stage.
The basket can be hung on ribbons, then the task becomes more difficult. The basket sways, and the spoon does not always hit the target. But you can also play along, specifically substituting a sieve for a spoon.

Host (comments on the game with the audience).
Look: the spoon has fallen upside down - you sit nonche at a rich table (or: you will be beaten with a batog).
- A spoon fell to me with a handle - a big payday awaits you (or a thrashing).
- Look, Goat, a spoon fell on the floor - this groom is a little cunning!
- And this one's spoon fell flat - oh, and a walker! Chasing two!

Only men take part in this fortune-telling, that is, according to Christmas beliefs, potential suitors are looked out for. At the time of the game, the Unclean Force invites the players to the stage to identify the most successful and dexterous.
As they walk onto the stage, an amateur ensemble performs a dance. After the applause of the audience, the Host reappears on the stage with the players.

Like our fellows have expensive gates, a golden head, a golden mustache, a hair a ruble! If you win in fun - I will treat you to glory! If you don't win now - there are funs in reserve!

A game-competition "Zhoshka" is held with the applicants. Each of the players in turn throws a piece of fur with a lead plaque sewn on it with the inside of the foot.
The presenter, together with the audience, counts how many times each player will toss a "piss" and determines the winner. They treat him with a pie or hand him a bag of cookies made of figurines of animals - “goats”). It is desirable that there were seven people playing - a lucky number. After the winner is revealed, their girlfriends, brides, wives are invited to the remaining six people.

Will we find out the truth about your betrothed? Let's guess?

13 logs are brought onto the stage. They can be stacked in a pile, a pile, a fire - whatever you like, so that the countdown can be started from either side.
Each log has its own fortune-telling purpose: "Cunning, brave, daring, fighting, widower, bachelor, well done, smart, red-haired, shameless, walker, non-drinker, handsome." Aunt Arina invites the girls to name any number up to 13 and count, and then find a log in the hill according to the score.
Aunt Arina accompanies this action with sentences: “Count the balusters - guess the fate! Balusters will not lie - you can deceive anyone you like! Baluster-oryasina, and everyone knows who will guess it! etc.
The divination ends. Cheerful music sounds. Firewood is quickly removed to the side. And on the stage around the players, a cheerful round dance of mummers is dancing, including the Goat with the Goats. They dance along with those who have just guessed, spin around arm in arm, trample. Aunt Arina invites the audience to dance as well.

And that's how I can sing praise songs! Nobody can do that! (sings).

Someone from those present can also sing praise songs or carols. If there are none, the Goats come into action - costumed guys and Fidgets, they vying with each other shout out their calls.

Goat with goats.
We are little kids
We came to glorify, to glorify people!
Freak out, wheat,
Peas, lentils,
On the field with shocks,
On the table with pies!
Glory, glory, hostess! (Bow).
Good hosts give birth to thick rye,
A spikelet is good, a straw is empty!
Duck, God forbid, one and a half hundred more cows,
Ninety bulls!
Whoever serves a pie - that health!
(Repeat in turn one more time - who is louder).

Well, well praise, loudly and loudly! And how do you sing? Do you dance?

Fidgets perform 2-3 funny songs if you have your own dance group, you can show your dance.

Help yourself, do not be shy, deserve it, get it! (On the tray - cookies, gingerbread, bagels, and for the accordion player - a glass).

Presenter (to the audience).
You, go, envy take? And all this is served to carolers! Did everyone tell fortunes on Christmas? What, not everyone had time? Understand. Let's guess, let's guess! Here I take the belt, but I’ll slander him, and you repeat after me: “Belt, belt, show me the train for success, for luck, for wealth, or when to see my sweetheart!” Repeated? Remember? And now take a plaque and throw it through my belt at these figures, and we'll see what will fall out there!

Assistants - Unclean Force, Goat - descend to the audience, give the same “hoshki” plaques into the hands of those who wish, the audience, together with the Host, pronounce the words of the slander, then the player throws the plaque onto the stage, where the rug with numbers lies, and the Host reports that for the fate is behind this number.
At the same time, the Unclean Force is again recruiting candidates for the next game-competition. And you can spend them with the same ones who remained after the first games. After dancing on stage, they can be invited again, giving them a little rest.
A "well" of the same logs has already been arranged on the stage, you can add a few round logs. In the "well" are the keys or even a bunch of keys, but it is desirable big size. Music sounds, playing in pairs dance around the "well". The music suddenly stops, and the girls and boys rush to the "well" for the keys.
But ... one of them in a hurry will certainly push the "log house". This girl, along with the guy, is out of the game for now, but they do not leave the stage. When only three or two girls remain, the Host performs.

And now, my dears, you need to say a slander, and then take the keys. “Narrowed, mummers, smoothed, come to me, open the well!” And only after that take the keys from the "well". Is it clear?
The girls repeat everything that Aunt Arina tells them, then rush to the “well”, and one of them becomes the owner of the keys. She is given a Christmas souvenir, while the rest of the participants are treated to Christmas treats.
Cheerful, perky music sounds, and Gypsy walks straight from the audience, he leads the “Bear” on a rope. The evil spirit clears the way for them,
helps you get up on stage.
And who complained to us? Father Bear himself, a Christmas guest! Himself came al who brought you by force? (The bear shakes its head in agreement, addressing the Gypsy). Do you know if you have a Medvedushka? Does he know everything, does he understand everything? And show us, clubfoot, how a drunken man walks?

The bear shows, tries to hug the women on the stage, tries to get off the stage, everyone runs from him.

You are such a mischievous! And show us how babonki walk on water to the river?

The bear swings funny, as if depicting a woman, scoops up water, walks, imposingly wiggling his hips.

You are a stalker, Mishenka! Will you dance with the owner of "Gypsy Girl"?

The bear caresses the Leader, as if begging for a treat.

No, dance, and then help yourself! Yes, dance so that the people, looking at you, dance. Who will outweigh whom?

It sounds like a gypsy. There is a dance on the stage, then you can go down to the audience, the Unclean Force helps here, sweeps brooms underfoot, as if clearing the area (it will be needed for the next action).
After the "Gypsy Girl" on the stage, the Fidgets sing "Kalinka-Malinka", and the dance continues again. All characters dance with the audience in a circle that they have formed. The evil spirit dances with those whom it caught, "sweeping" the area, hitting it with brooms.

Well, Mishka, pleased, you see how the people had fun! (The bear waves its paws, growls, tries to portray something). I understand, I understand you, clubfoot! Are you still challenging? (Bear nods his head). Who will fight with you? Let people fight each other first, and then, you see, they will take courage! I have a couple out there, from the very beginning of our holiday they have been fighting for Christmas gifts, but so far they have not been lucky, they are still young, inexperienced. Already guessed, and slandered called out -
ah, no luck!

The bear drags the grips.

Well done, Mishenka! On Christmas days, young people removed layers of snow with tongs or pitchforks from haystacks, and laid them on the threshold of the house. If you bring the layer safe and sound, everyone in the house will be healthy all year. And if you drink from this snowball, and even drink some gulls, you will be healthy for a century! It is necessary for you, my dears, to pick up these layers, to bring them intact on the tongs, well, at least to those buckets (buckets, cast-iron pots, tubs), yes
safe, safe. How can you bear them: whether together, whether holding, whether so, whether so - if only whole!

On the stage, cubes of strong crusted snow are prepared in advance, you can cut them out in advance, put them in cardboard boxes and put them on the edge of the stage for the duration of the game. Playing couples pick up layers of snow with tongs (and this is not easy) and carry them to a certain place. The main thing is to convey! Spectators cheer young, shout, make noise. The winner couple is determined! She is treated to a Christmas treat, as well as the others, but Aunt Arina still has some fun, and she suggests that the young guys linger for the main Christmas present.

In the days of Christmas and Christmas weeks, young people were allowed to play pranks - not to hooligan, not to fight, but to joke without malice. There was even a ditty like this:
We're walking down the street
Let's do something
Then we'll roll out the woodpile,

The audience shouts out their options, laughing.

Oh, and mischievous people! Yes ... We'll disassemble the gate! So here they are - logs! You need to take one log at a time and take it out there! (Shows where the Bear stands, at 40-
50 meters from the stage). Who will carry away more firewood faster? But ... one log at a time. And the people do not allow to play pranks, they throw snowballs at them! Are you ready for snowballs? Let's run! The guys take one log of firewood from the stage and run to the agreed place. Spectators throw snowballs at them to impede movement. The one who brings more firewood in a few walks wins. The girls at the finish line neatly put the firewood into the "cage".
That's because they are stubborn: no one succumbs to anyone! But we have one more challenge left! Does each of you have a reliable friend? Strong, strong! There is? Come out to the circle, if a true friend!

One player sits on the shoulders of another. It would be nice to wear a big long shirt on them. It will be more effective. The upper riders clamp one of the ends of the gymnastic stick under the arm and, pressing it, try to throw the enemy off the “horse”. The lower players - "horses" hold the partner tightly by the legs and try to maintain balance. This is an old Russian fun for guys, men. But now there was a winner who stayed on the "horse"!

Rode around the village -
Voronko does not run
A hundred times rolled -
Milka is having lunch.
What a darling not to ride -
black horse,
Harness all under silver,
personalized saber.

Of course, these ditties with a "trick". But the characters honorably lead the “horsemen” to the stage, where, under the general approval of the people, they (him) are awarded the Main Christmas Surprise Prize. All the participants of the Christmas fun rise up on the stage: Evil spirits, a Goat with Goats, a Gypsy with a Bear, dressed up from the people, who are also presented with gifts and treats, Fidgets. Everyone has sparklers in their hands, firecrackers, small fireworks (most importantly, safe) are prepared. Sing the last carol.

All participants.
I sow, we sow, we sow!
Merry Christmas everyone!
Merry Christmas, with a rich table,
The Lord would give you
And life, and life, and wealth!
A-a-a na-a-am slo-a-a-vtsam ...
(with speed)
Beer - cart!
Eggs - a box!
Barrel - kvass!
Dish shaneg! Cap with oil!
Little kids for candy!
So christian christmas m.

Bengal fires are lit, firecrackers and fireworks explode. Everyone bows, cheerful music sounds, the participants descend from the stage to the audience under it and, dancing, leave.

Municipal budgetary educational institution of additional education for children of the Moscow region "CHILDREN'S SCHOOL OF ARTS"

Prepared by the teacher of the department of early aesthetic development children Slivkova Galina Borisovna

Lukhovitsy 2015


Participants of the production: children 6 - 7 years old.




Stage decoration:

(A glade with a Christmas tree on one side, a nativity scene on the other)

The light goes out.

Song "Nativity" (teachers or older children sing)

(Children, singing, enter one by one onto the stage with lit candles in their hands and line up in one row)

The light is on.

Teacher: Dear children and adults! We congratulate you on a bright holiday

Merry Christmas! Christmas is celebrated by all people all over the world, in big cities and small villages. On this night, no one goes to bed - everyone is waiting for the first star to appear, and the children are also waiting for Christmas gifts. May a small star of love for God and all life on planet Earth light up in your hearts this night!

(calm music playing)

Teacher: Let's forget both grief and sadness,
Baby Jesus was born today!
He was born at night, in a cold cave,
He was surrounded only by birds and animals,
Yes, angels, yes shepherds and magicians,
And that means - all the people, and therefore - you!
Standing on the sidelines and together with everyone
We watched the miracle in Saint Bethlehem.

(calm music sounds, children with a teacher approach the nativity scene on stage)

Teacher: There are no windows here, no doors.
Christ was born in... (cave)

The shepherds came, and in the manger for the sheep
On the skin of a sheep lies ... (little man)

And next to it is Mary, and next to it is Joseph,
A one-year-old bull and a small one ... (donkey)

Song "In the Night Garden" V. Shishkareva

Presenter: Shortly before the birth of Jesus Christ, Mary and her husband went to

the city of Bethlehem, because the emperor Augustus ordered every inhabitant to come to the city where he came from and take a census.

The road was long and difficult. Joseph walked on foot and led a donkey on which the Virgin Mary sat.

Host: They came to Bethlehem late in the evening. There was no place for them to stay in the city for the night. And only one cave on the edge of the city, where the shepherds drove their cattle in bad weather, gave them shelter. That night the Virgin Mary gave birth to a son - Jesus Christ. The Mother swaddled the Baby and laid it on the straw in the manger.

Song "This is a holy night"

Host: In the night sky above the cave where the Divine Infant was born, a new bright star lit up. She announced to the world the birth of the Savior.

Reader: A golden star lit up in the sky.

This asterisk was not simple.

Reader: The Most High God Himself lit that star!

And the star burns and shines, it illuminates the path to salvation for us.

Presenter: According to this star, the wise men of the East, the Magi, found their way to the cave.

They brought their gifts to the Child - gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Presenter: And to the shepherds who were grazing their flocks near the cave, a shining angel in snow-white clothes appeared and told about the birth of the true God - Jesus Christ.

(music sounds, everyone sits down, the shepherds remain)

Leading: On a holy night in a fat field,

Not knowing rest and dreams,
Herds roaming free
A family of shepherds pastured.
Reader: What a wonderful night!
Worries are gone from us!
Reader: Everything is sleeping around - resting,
And no one even knows
Reader: That someone is guarding,
Someone is tending the flocks.

(sounds solemn music)

Leading: And at this moment from the heights of heaven,
In the clothes of shining, wonderful,
An angel came down and said:

Teacher: Don't be afraid, God sent me
To proclaim living joy to you!
In the holy city of Bethlehem
Born now, at this time,
Savior of the world and people.

(solemn music continues)

Presenter: In the heights of the bottomless asterisk is burning,
Humble, modest labor is not forgotten by God.
The first to enter the cave were the shepherds.
Sincere faith is the salt of the earth.
Meekness and patience, life is quite simple,
This holy night is a consolation to the poor.
Song "Angels appeared over the den"

Presenter: Quietly midnight floats over the sleeping earth,
The night is silent, the desert is quiet.
There is no sin on earth tonight...
And the star burns and shines in the sky,
And to the star that shone in the distance,
Day and night they rush, forgetting peace,
From the east, the magi are kings ...
(music sounds, readers come out)

Reader: Brought to the Baby by the wise men
Chests with marvelous gifts.

Reader: An ingot of gold lay in one chest,
And he shone brighter than the dawn.
This magical gift meant
That Christ is greeted as a king.

Reader: Fragrant incense was in another,
This gift proclaimed to everyone that
That the Almighty showed the Magi the way,
And they see God in the Child.

Reader: In the third chest lay myrrh,
It was foretold from the ages
That the Lord will come to earth in peace
In the form of an earthly man.

Presenter: The whole world rejoiced at the birth of Christ! Everyone brought their gifts to the Child. Listen to a short parable: not far from the cave where the baby Jesus Christ was born, three trees grew - a spruce, an olive and a palm tree.

Palma: What happiness! I, a slender palm tree, grow at the very entrance to the cave in which Jesus Christ himself, the Savior of the world, was born.

Olive: And I, a fragrant olive, grew up here.

Tree: And I, a green tree growing here.

Palm tree: Everyone - people, animals, and flowers - bring their gifts to the baby. I will bend my crown over him, let my branches blow coolness on him on a hot day.

Olive: And I will bend my branches over it. Let my fragrant oil drip from them and fill the cave with fragrance.

Yolka: Take me with you. I also want to bow to this baby.

Palm: Where are you with us! You only have prickly needles and sticky resin.

Leading: The Christmas tree stood in sadness, not knowing what to bring to it as a gift to the baby - Jesus.

Presenter: The star saw this, whispered something to her friends and a miracle happened. Starry rain strewn the entire Christmas tree with bright lights.

Leading: And now every year on the day of the Nativity of Christ, the tree flaunts in the radiance of lights, and everyone, looking at it, rejoices and has fun. A modest green Christmas tree has become a symbol of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ.

Song "Little Christmas Tree" music M. Krasev

(Soloists sing. Children dance around the Christmas tree on stage)

Reader: A bright star is burning in the sky,
The mother says to the children at the Christmas tree:
In the whole world a celebration
Christmas has come! -

Reader: Happy holiday, happy holiday for adults and children,
Congratulations to everyone now say
Because the celebration
Because Christmas! -

Reader: We do not want to sleep, this night at all.
We all want to go to the city of Bethlehem,
Look at the celebration.
Where it was Christmas! -

Reader: Mom decorates the Christmas tree, pies ripen in the oven.
Soon the candles will flash, under a foil star.
Reader: Snow is spinning like fluffs, at my window,
Let's have fun together: Christmas tree! Celebration! Christmas!

Song "White white snow"

Reader: Hello, hello Christmas!
We met you.
Let this celebration -
Sorrows will not enter.

Reader: Let there be no more tears,
There is no grief.
And our baby Christ
Blesses everyone.

Leading: We will always praise God
For such a day of celebration!
Allow me to congratulate you
Happy Christmas Day!


Happy holiday! Merry Christmas!

Music sounds. Care.

video film "Nativity"

Presenter: Let's have fun at the Christmas tree now,
And Christmas night, let it go on and on
And joy in the hearts kindles fires;
How, here, on the Christmas tree, they suddenly flare up.

The celebration continues in the lobby. The Snow Maiden welcomes everyone.

Snow Maiden: Hello adults and children!
Christmas - the best holiday in the world!
These days the whole country is preparing for the holiday.
We all want to have fun today!
So let's have a round dance at the Christmas tree,
Let everyone have fun and let everyone sing!

round dance "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree"

sl. R.A. Kudasheva, music. OK. Beckman

Snow Maiden: Let it be under the green Christmas tree

There will be poetry today.

Performed by children for me and for guests.

Children read poetry.

Snow Maiden: It's winter, frost,
You can freeze your nose
But we are not afraid of frost
And we are not angry at the winter.
If it's cold to walk
Let's dance merrily.
(Winter song of choice)

Host: Guys! Let's play with the Snow Maiden.

"We walk around each other,
Hey guys don't yawn
What the Snow Maiden will show
Let's repeat together."

Snow Maiden: Become - ka, guys,
Everything is faster in a round dance,
With song, dance and fun,
We will meet with you New Year.

(Winter song of choice)

Snow Maiden: What a wonderful holiday!
We sang and danced.
Don't forget Santa Claus
Bring a cart of gifts

Merry Christmas to you kids! It's time for you to receive gifts!

Presenter: And now we invite everyone to a tea party.

Methodical literature

1. Collection "Celebrating Christmas" Edition of the Church of St. vmch. Demetrius of Thessalonica, the city of Ruza. Moscow 2001

In a series of New Year's events, Christmas is of particular importance - a wonderful holiday that brings faith in the best, love for people and life, for its eternal renewal. Every year, the night before Christmas is wrapped in a unique halo of mystery and romance. And every morning on January 7 is marked by cheerful ritual carols and games, in which both children and youth take part in the village to this day. How to organize a wonderful folklore holiday with children on Christmas Eve is described on the pages of this section. Here you will find hundreds of different scenarios for holidays, entertainment and leisure time dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

Celebration in the whole world - Christmas is coming to us!

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 697 .
All sections | Christmas. Scenarios of Christmas holidays for children

Target: enter children into cultural tradition celebrating Orthodox holidays. The meaning of the Orthodox holidays. Tasks: 1. To acquaint with the Orthodox traditions of life, as the joy of the life of Christians; with name history holiday« Nativity» , as one of the main good...

"Visiting Santa Claus" Compiled: Chibisova Nadezhda Fedorovna teacher of additional education of the MKU DO DDIU of the Verkhnemamonsky municipal district of the Voronezh region Purpose holiday : Uncover story feast of the Nativity of Christ. Tasks: teach children express your feelings...

Christmas. Scenarios of Christmas holidays for children - Scenario of the Nativity of Christ

Publication "Scenario of Christmas..." The script of the Nativity of Christ in Sunday school. was made by the teacher of additional education MKU DO DDIY Chibisova Nadezhda Fedorovna Bell ringing. Children come out) 1. January cleanliness - a white page, Blizzards and snowstorms, pigeon birds. They flew in flocks, blocked the sky, ...

MAAM Pictures Library

Scenario of the holiday "Christmas" for children in grade 4 Tutor Sulimova N. A. Mbou Secondary school No. 4 for children of grade 4 Scenario of the holiday "Christmas". Goal: Expanding children's knowledge about Orthodox holiday Christmas, its meaning and traditions of celebration. Objectives: To contribute to the familiarization of schoolchildren with the traditions ...

Scenario of the theatrical miniature "The Tale of the Christmas Tree", prepared for the competition "Christmas Star" Music 1. The song "Snow is quietly spinning outside the window" sounds. Mom decorates the Christmas tree in the house. Music 2. Children enter. Child 1 Mom, mom, look how many gifts we have...

Scenario of entertainment "Christmas gatherings" (as part of the action children - children) Presenter 1: Hello, dear guests! Winter is not only long time year, but also richest in holidays. One of them is Christmas time. Presenter 2: And, of course, what holidays are without gifts? It doesn't matter what the gifts are. The main thing is that they are made from pure ...

Christmas. Scenarios of Christmas holidays for children - Scenario of the Christmas evening

Christmas Eve Scenario 1 HOST: Christmas Eve… What could be more touching and beautiful? Christmas candles are burning on the tables, their gentle flame flickers, beckons, makes us all dream of a miracle and believe that life on this earth was given to us from above, because ...

Scenario of the holiday "Christmas" in senior group. Educator: Goleva N.I. Purpose: to acquaint children with the holiday "Christmas". Objectives: - to continue to expand knowledge about folk traditions, to form interest in folk games, songs, entertainment. Expand...

A small Christmas script for children begins with the sound of bells. The symphony "Winter Dreams" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky begins to play. A white canvas is hung on the stage in the background, imitating winter. Snow falls on the stage. The light is muted. The figure of an angel in white appears. The music stops, the lights come on, the snow stops falling.

First Angel:
This night we celebrate the Nativity of Christ. It was expected for many years, it was predicted by good forces. It should have helped bad people become good. That night, everyone was waiting for a special star - Bethlehem. On it, good wizards were looking for a way to the place where an unusual child was born. What were these wizards called, answer, children?

(Answer - magi).

The second angel appears.

Second Angel:
The Christmas holiday is celebrated all over the world. Now the city of Bethlehem, where Christ was born, is located in one of the states. What is the name of this state?
(The answer is Jerusalem).

The angels sing in chorus:

Today is an unforgettable holiday
Today Christmas has come.
We will definitely meet him
Even though many years have passed.

Christ on this day we glorify
And we will praise for many years.
For many years he ruled the whole world,
And souls are saved from troubles.

First Angel:
Despite the fact that it is not hot outside, we feel good today. We love the time of year when Christmas is celebrated for its beauty. What is the name of this season?
(The answer is winter).

Second Angel:
Outside the window, winter meets us,
We can give her a hand.
And snowflakes don't melt in winter
Hurry dance to see them.

Girls dressed as snowflakes come out. Dance modern dance of snowflakes. Musical accompaniment - Lika (Snow, snow, snow). Fairy enters the scene.

I Kind fairy. On Christmas Day there is a special tradition that everyone loves. What is this tradition?

(The answer is to give gifts).

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden come out.

Santa Claus:
Hello children! You all know who we are. What is our name?

(The answer is Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden).

Snow Maiden:
Right. Everyone is waiting for us in the New Year. But in fact we are good spirits of Christmas. On this day, you need to help good spirits. To do this, we need to do good to each other. This is accepted throughout the world, although in different countries traditions are different. This holiday is celebrated differently in different countries. In Finland, the holiday is organized by a charitable organization. In Austria, the Christmas tree is decorated with chocolates. In Greece, it is customary to leave treats for the elves, who will misbehave in the house without it. In Brazil, street festivities are in full swing, because there is no winter with snow. In Germany, candles are lit in every window on this holiday. Let's light a candle for our Christmas.

Candle in a suit enters the stage.

It is impossible without a candle this night.
Fire it for happiness.
And she can help us
Save us from bad weather.

And let it be all year
Shine on hearts and souls.
From happiness let the people sing
And it will be better for all of us.

I came to you so that my light shines in the window of our house. He will help good thoughts find us. Look at the flame of the candle and make a wish. May it come true. Let it be good. Wish your loved ones health, prosperity, success. And remember that at the moment when you wish good to your loved ones, they, according to tradition, wish good to you.

All participants gather on the stage.

First Angel:
We are ready to celebrate. Remember that Christmas reminds us of the importance of doing good. It is more important than all the gifts in the world. Now we know how Christmas is celebrated in different countries, and that kindness is valued all over the world. Now let's see how the Star of Bethlehem appears in the sky.

A large beautiful star appears in the background above the stage. As an option - a star on a thin stick, which someone raises because of the white canvas.

Santa Claus:
Here comes Christmas. In order not to freeze, let's go dancing!