
A toast to the mother of the birthday boy from the guests. Original toasts for mom. Toasts for both parents


I want to raise a glass to those who gave us life
Who in childhood and now carefully guards us
Let your health only grow stronger like granite
And in life there will be less quarrels and insults.


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For parents

Let's raise, for our parents
For peaceful guardians, our cloisters
Who accompanies us to distant wanderings
Who prays to God when we're in trouble

Who every drop of love and patience
Gives us when we are in a state of excitement
Who is the first to rush to our aid
And in the morning and in the afternoon and in the evening and at midnight.

So be always alive and well
May the years not be too harsh for you
May the light of your souls never go out
We all wish you great happiness!


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Many of your nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries for us can not be counted,
Earth bow to you, dear mother
For the fact that you are in the world.

Toasts to parents

A wise man was asked:
- What would you say if you met a smart, kind and considerate woman? The sage replied:
- I would say, hello ... mom!
I propose to drink for smart, kind and attentive women, for our mothers!


Your kindness is endless
And care knows no fatigue,
Mother's soul beauty
Not subject to hardship and old age.
Let the year go by
And wrinkles fall stubbornly.
Be healthy you, mother, always,
Be happy, dear mother!


Let's remember our parents
Let's do good to them.
I often understand
That their gift to us is invaluable.

Looking after us with care
And they give us their strength.
Say thank you willingly:
We are not alone in our affairs.

Toasts to parents

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Glory to parents

A child is just a bud on the branches of a big tree. Parents are only branches born from the trunk of this tree. A huge powerful trunk is a family thrown into the ground and grown by it. The earth is the mystery that hides the roots of this tree. By a happy coincidence, it turned out that each of us, sitting at this table and being the successors of a kind, has its own roots, its own branches and its own buds.
So let's drink to the parents, to the grandparents, who managed, no matter what hard times they lived, to preserve and continue their race. For parents!

  1. On this significant day, I want to proclaim a toast to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a smart, beautiful, cheerful daughter - it's a pleasure to see. No wonder our fiancé so hunted for her. And although some say that the mother-in-law is thorns in the bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture, but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law. We wish her to bring help, kindness, advice, affection, and not discord to her daughter's family. To your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law!

  2. On this festive and joyful day, it is necessary to raise glasses with love and respect for those who, if I may say so, are guilty of the guilt of the perpetrators of today's celebration - I mean the respected parents of our dear bride. Look, different feelings are fighting in their hearts. Their faces are either sad at the thought of the impending separation, or joyful at the sight of the happiness of their precious child. Dear Parents brides, drive away sad thoughts, rejoice in the happiness of the newlyweds, because today you are also getting a son. So let's raise our glasses to the health and longevity of the newlywed's parents!

  3. There is a wonderful Russian proverb: "Gold and silver do not age. Mother and father have no price." Dad and Mom, I want to thank you for everything you have done for me... For your love, kindness and support. I want all the guests present at the wedding to drink to our parents! Once again, thank you!

  4. Wishing all the best to our newlyweds, I want to give them wise advice at the same time: never forget those who gave you life - your parents. Do not spare them a kind word. After all sweet Nothing not difficult, but challenging. Come closer to them, and bow down to them lower, as they said in the old days. After all, the young work with his hands, and the old - the mind gives. Attach to your mind and parental - you will live a comfortable life. For mutual understanding of parents and newlyweds!

  5. They say when it rains, carrots are good.
    They say to the young bride: "Respect the mother-in-law"
    Respect the mother-in-law, please her son,
    Here you will always be
    Beloved daughter-in-law and wife!
    Dear guests!
    Let's drain our glasses for the groom's parents.
    What a falcon they raised!
    Wife - for joy, for himself - for consolation.
    For you, newly minted father-in-law and mother-in-law!

  6. Let's drink to those mother-in-laws whose son-in-law is not skinny!

  7. Two tigers were wandering through the forest and came across a hut. And there was a tiger skin on the floor. - What it is? one tiger asked the other. He looked at the skin, trembled and whispered in horror: - Let's run away from here! This is my mother-in-law! We wish the newlywed a good mother-in-law, whom he would not be afraid of!

  8. Once a wise man was asked who was the happiest person on Earth.
    "Adam," the sage replied.
    - But why?
    - He didn't have a mother-in-law!
    My opinion is that if Adam had such a wonderful mother-in-law as our newlywed, he would be many times happier! For mother in law!

  9. A young man fell in love with a girl and decided to marry her. And she says: "I will marry you if you fulfill a hundred of my desires." The young man began to fulfill the wishes of the girl. First, she forced the young man to climb a rock without a single ledge and jump down. The young man jumped off and broke his leg. Then she told the young man to walk and not limp. The young man fulfilled it. The next task was to swim across the river and not get our hands wet. Then - stop the enraged horse and put him on his knees. Then - to cut an apple on her chest without injuring her ... So, one after another, the young man fulfilled 99 wishes of his beloved. There is only one left. Then the girl says: "Forget your father and your mother, forget your homeland." Without thinking twice, the young man jumped on his horse and was like that. This toast is for you, the newlyweds, to never forget those who gave you life! For your parents!

  10. One wise man was asked: - Who was the happiest person? The wise man answered: - Adam, because he did not have a mother-in-law. And I think that if Adam had a mother-in-law like mine, he would be even happier, and I want to raise this toast to my mother-in-law. This toast is for you, mom!

  11. One man was a widow for several years. Then he married the sister of his late wife, although he did not like her. He explained his act as follows: - At my age it is dangerous ... to change the mother-in-law! Therefore, let's not change the mother-in-law and wish them good health!

  12. Mother - daughters: - This admirer of yours is so disgusting to me that I will gladly become his mother-in-law! I propose a toast to those wise women who, even from a nasty admirer of their daughter, can raise a loving son-in-law!

  13. Two leopards were circling in the forest and came upon a hut. It had a leopard skin on the floor. -Do you know what it is? one leopard asked the other. He looked at the skin and trembled, whispering with horror: - Run. This is my mother-in-law. Let's move our glasses in honor of good mothers-in-law, whom we would not be afraid of.

  14. Two young men are discussing their mother-in-laws: - My mother-in-law is an angel. - says one. And the other envies him: - You are happy, but mine ... is still alive. Let's drink to mother-in-law. I wish all men that their mother-in-laws be angels. And to keep them alive.

  15. Remember the dream of one gangster? If not, I'll remind you. He dreamed of robbing a bank and leaving fingerprints in a conspicuous place ... of his mother-in-law. Only a bad son-in-law can have bad thoughts about the mother-in-law. Let's drink to a good son-in-law and his good mother-in-law.

  16. On this significant day, I want to proclaim a toast to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a smart, beautiful, cheerful daughter - it's a pleasure to see. No wonder our fiancé so hunted for her. And although some say that the mother-in-law is thorns in the bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture, but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law. We wish her to bring help, kindness, advice, affection, and not discord to her daughter's family. To your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law!

  17. Now let's raise our glasses to the health of the groom's parents - the newly-made father-in-law and mother-in-law - and thank them for raising such a fine fellow, a clear falcon, a beautiful guy. Although the image of the evil mother-in-law lives, but the kind look and heart of the dear ...... (name), no doubt, will overturn these ideas. Let's proclaim them a noisy toast! Long live the groom's parents!

  18. Dear guests! Marriage is the most important event in life. I'm happy I found exactly what I was looking for. The rapprochement of two families is a huge gain in life, since family and friendship ties in general are an invaluable capital. Now my wife and I will be taken care of not by one family, but by two. In turn, we will also take care of them. It is for this unity, mutual support and love that I want to raise a glass. For you, our dear parents!

  19. How not to toast the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a white swan, smart, beautiful, cheerful - it's a pleasure to see. No wonder our fellow so stubbornly hunted for her. And although some say that the mother-in-law is a weed in the marriage bouquet, a bitter potion, but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law. We wish her to bring help, kindness, advice, affection, and not discord to her daughter's family. To your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law!

  20. The young man, who was about to go on the run with his beloved, climbed up the stairs and knocked on the window of her room. - Are you ready? - Shh, not so loud! she whispered. - I'm afraid my father will catch us. “Don't let that bother you,” the young man replied, “he's holding the ladder downstairs. Let's drink to the father of the bride, who is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his daughter's happiness!

  21. - Did you ask my dad for permission for our marriage? - Yes. I called him on the phone and he said, "I don't know who's talking, but I don't mind!" Let's drink to parents who completely and completely trust their children!

  22. Glory, praise and honor to parents! I think the people will agree, That we should raise a toast to our parents, Wish them health and happiness!

  23. Friends, allow me in simple words
    Tell me a little about dad and mom
    Talk about parents in general and specific,
    After all, a wedding is a long-awaited happiness for them.
    So, I want everyone to raise their glasses,
    Thank you parents together
    And I also want to sincerely wish
    So that grandfather and grandmother began to call them!

  24. Oh dear guests
    Everything is like family!
    Everyone shouted here: "Hurrah!"
    In honor of the bride, groom.
    You look left, right
    On fathers and mothers.
    Who tirelessly raised
    Sons and daughters.
    We know it's hard to leave
    With older children.
    But this time comes
    When to leave...
    Let's raise our glasses to our parents and drink to the bottom!

  25. Let's raise the hello
    For those who raised this glorious couple.
    Who in life knew neither sleep nor rest,
    Forged such great happiness for them.
    Parents are sad, a little sad.
    For this we will not judge them strictly.
    After all, this has long been their eternal destiny.
    Each of us would like to support them.
    We know children from end to start
    For many years, love married.
    And you, not hiding your worries at all,
    They must take them on their matrimonial journey.
    For work and care, for everything we could,
    Let the children bow to you to the ground.
    And we, in turn, are good guests,
    For the work of your parent, let's just say to you:
    Let time fly, but don't get old
    Let the grandchildren grow up, you become younger in soul,
    Good to you, health is a huge increase,
    We raise a celebratory toast to you.

  26. I ask for a moment of attention
    We have more to tell you
    And now let's make a toast
    We raise for parents.
    We sincerely wish you
    Good health, and may
    Your wrinkles will smooth out
    Sorrow and sadness will come off the face.
    live happily and amicably,
    But who gave birth to you needs to be remembered.
    Who brought to people, brought up,
    Who dressed and warmed
    Whose hands rocked you as a child,
    And who is with you today.
    Love them and respect
    And never forget.

  27. Dear guests! On this festive and joyful day, it is necessary to raise glasses with love and respect for those who, if I may say so, are guilty of the guilt of the perpetrators of today's celebration - I mean the respected parents of our dear bride. Look, different feelings are fighting in their hearts. Their faces are either sad at the thought of the impending separation, or joyful at the sight of the happiness of their precious child. Dear parents of the bride, drive away sad thoughts, rejoice in the happiness of the newlyweds, because today you are also getting a son. So let's raise our glasses to the health and longevity of the newlywed's parents!

  28. On this significant day, I want to proclaim a toast to the bride's parents - mother-in-law and father-in-law. They raised a smart, beautiful, cheerful daughter - it's a pleasure to see. No wonder our fiancé so hunted for her. And although some say that the mother-in-law is thorns in the bouquet of marriage, a bitter mixture, but a smart mother-in-law is like a mother to her son-in-law. We wish her to bring help, kindness, advice, affection, and not discord to her daughter's family. To your health, dear father-in-law and mother-in-law!

  29. Now let's raise our glasses to the health of the groom's parents - the newly-made father-in-law and mother-in-law - and thank them for raising such a fine fellow, a clear falcon, a beautiful guy. Although the image of the evil mother-in-law lives, but the kind look and heart of the dear: (name), no doubt, will overturn these ideas. Let's proclaim them a noisy toast! Long live the groom's parents!

Parents are people who remember all your first steps by heart. They look after you throughout your life, keep you from falling when you are so close to failure. They give you the very best they have. And I want to raise a glass to my parents - to the wisest and most understanding people in the world.

I raise a glass to my parents
I wish them all good health
They gave life, brought up loving,
Without them, my life would be empty.

They are our light, love and goodness,
And let them be all right
May they never get sick
For this, friends, let's drink with you to the bottom!

All our successes start from the family. It is relatives and friends who make our achievements possible, help us cope with problems, difficulties and share the joy of victories. I want to drink to the main people in this wonderful support group - the parents. For those who believe in us even in the darkest times.

I want to raise a glass to those to whom we owe everything we have. Who always accompanies us with his care and support. Whose contribution to our lives is incommensurable. Without whom, this wonderful feast would not exist, because there would be no us. For parents! May God grant them health and long life!

Whatever event in life happens, invariably, there are two people who will share both joy and sorrow with you. They will listen without envy about successes, sincerely support in case of failure. We turn to them for advice and support, for a kind look and warm hugs. For parents!

Worthy of the loudest words!
Parents, all love is in you,
All tenderness, beauty, all charm.
Let's drink a glass to them!
Live brighter than anyone in the world!
And remember, kids love you.

I want to raise my glass to special people, those who gave us life. For those for whom we, children, are the most important thing in life. For whom our successes are more important than their own. For people who will not spare their lives for their children, for you, dear parents!

And now I would like you to raise your glasses and drink with me for the people who raised, raised and surrounded with love, let's drink for the parents of each of us!

A huge tree grew in an ancient garden of indescribable beauty. When spring came, the aroma from its marvelous flowers dispersed for many miles. For many, many years, it bore fruit with an abundance of delicious fruits. This tree is our species. Let's raise our glasses to the parents, without whom there would never be us - their flowers, nor our children - their grandchildren.

I want to drink for the people closest and dearest to me. Dear parents, live many, many years without knowing illnesses and troubles. For you!

It is difficult to imagine a wedding without toasts to the parents of the newlyweds. After all, parents, their care and love are the main thing in our life. That is why for wedding table the most beautiful and sincere toasts for parents must be made. A wedding portal Svadbka.Ws will help you choose the most beautiful words for your parents.

Comic toasts to parents

I want to start my wedding toast with a short anecdote:
The mother says to her daughter:
- This admirer of yours is so disgusting to me that I will gladly become his mother-in-law!
I propose a toast to those wise women who, even from a nasty admirer of their daughter, can raise a loving son-in-law!

A couple in love is about to run away from their parents. At the appointed hour, the young man knocks on the window of his beloved's room:
- I'm waiting for you, you soon?
- Quiet, otherwise my father will hear us, and then we will not be together!
Don't worry, he's very busy right now.
- How?
He's downstairs holding the ladder.
Let's raise our glasses to a great man and a wonderful father of our beautiful bride, who can do everything possible and impossible for the happiness of his beloved daughter!

Honey, did you ask my father for consent to our marriage?
- Of course, dear, I just called him, and he said: "I don't know who you are, but I have nothing against it."
I want to raise this glass to parents who can be one hundred percent sure of their children and their decisions!

Parents unexpectedly returned home and found their son in bed with a girl.
- Could not come a minute later - thought the guy.
Well, now he's going to marry me! - thought the girl.
And my son has grown quite a bit. Time to buy him a motorcycle, my father thought.
- My God, what a posture she has - the boy is uncomfortable, ”the mother thought.

So let's drink to mothers, who are not more caring in the world!

Beautiful toasts to parents

Dear bride and groom, thanks to your parents, you were born. If they had not met a few years ago, had not fallen in love and decided to start a family, then we would not be sitting at this wedding table now and congratulating you on your marriage. It's good that everything turned out this way and not otherwise! Dear parents, we want to thank you so much for raising wonderful, kind and honest children! On this day, your children take a serious step, and we believe that they will justify your hopes and create a glorious and happy family! For parents!

Folk wisdom says: "Just as gold and silver do not age, so mother and father have no price." Dear mom and dad, thank you for everything! For love and care, understanding and support! Let all present raise their glasses to our parents!

I would like to give good advice to our young people, let them never forget their parents, who gave them life and spared no attention, care, patience and love for them. Let's drink to the parents of our newlyweds!

I would like to raise this glass to my mother-in-law and father-in-law. Take a look at our bride - smart, beautiful, skilled. But all this is the merit of her parents! And let someone think that love for a mother-in-law is measured in kilometers, but do not forget that a good son-in-law has two mothers. So let's drink to the bride's parents!

Once a wise man was asked:
"If you met a kind, caring and intelligent woman, what would you say?"
And the sage replied:
- Hello mother!

Let's drink to caring, attentive and smart women! For our moms!

Today, we are simply obliged to raise our glasses for those who are the true root cause of this celebration - for the parents of our newlyweds. Their children have now created their own family. Of course, parents are a little sad about the upcoming separation. But this sadness only emphasizes their joy, because today they have found someone a son, and someone a daughter. Today, two families have merged into one big family, so let's drink to the parents of the young! Long life and good health to you!

Berthold Auerbach once said: "There is nothing more precious for a person than a duty to his parents, and whatever he does of value will not make sense if he does not value his parents." Let's drink to our beloved parents, to their health, happiness and longevity!

As you know, mom is the person who accompanies us throughout life, wherever we are. It has long been proven that a child and mother, even at a distance, are able to feel each other. There is nothing in the world that could replace maternal love and affection. There is not a single person in the world who would love as selflessly as our mothers. Today we want to thank for their work, sleep-deprived nights, shed tears, their true love! For you moms! Happiness to you and long life!

And do not forget that parents are our happiness and support. Therefore, even as you grow up, do not forget to thank them for everything. beautiful toasts wedding for parents!

    Dear parents - a toast in your honor,
    All your merits cannot be counted,
    We wish you to live in peace and prosperity,
    To continue doing good together.
    God bless you, good luck
    Patience, cheerfulness and happiness in addition,
    May fortune always smile
    Let fate reward you in full.

    Somehow a Georgian, a Jew and a Russian met. Since they were old friends, they decided how to celebrate this meeting. Russian suggested:
    - I'll buy a whole box of vodka right away. The Georgian did not lose his head:
    - Wonderful! And I'll take the meat and cook a wonderful barbecue.
    The Jew, in turn, decided:
    - Well, I, perhaps, will bring my parents !!!
    Therefore, now I propose to drink for the parents of our hero of the day! Let's live a little as a Jew and never forget our parents!

    One late evening, father and son were sitting in the house. Suddenly there is a knock on the door, the son asks: “Who is there?”, From behind the door a voice: “Wealth. Let me in and you'll be rich." Son addressing his father:
    - Open?
    No, son, don't open it.
    They sit further and again knocked on the door:
    - Who's there?
    - Happiness. Let me in - you will be happy.
    - Father, open?
    No, son, don't open it.
    They waited for the third knock:
    - Who's there?
    - Health. Let me in and you'll be fine.
    “Now open it, father?”
    “No, son, you don’t.
    After a while, the same knock on the door again:
    - Who's there?
    - It's me - your mother came, let me in.
    “Now open it, father?”
    - And now open, son, this is our wealth, happiness and health.
    So let's drink to the parents of our hero of the day, to their wisdom, happiness and health!

    The Pioneer meeting is dedicated to the courage of grandfathers and fathers. One by one, the children tell about the heroic deeds of their relatives.
    “My father is a hunter,” says one girl, “no one is afraid of him!”
    - And what a brave grandfather of mine, you can’t even imagine! - says the boy. - He is always so fighting and brave, and especially if he drinks ... Once we went with him to the circus. Before that, he gave in well and decided to get out into the arena. He boldly opened the lion cage and entered it. The audience was waiting...
    Pioneers too, listening to this story.
    “Imagine what a storm of applause the grandfather came out of the cage,” the children said.
    “And where did you get the idea that he came out of there ?!
    I propose to drink for the parents of our hero of the day, so that they always remain for him an example of true heroism and courage!

    I propose to raise glasses for the parents of our dear hero of the day. They are the creators and "culprits" of her mind and all the wonderful qualities. We wish them health and long life!

    For your parents we have our own words,
    We have a speech for them,
    They brought up such
    Anniversary clockwork,
    Mom didn't sleep at night
    Spent by the crib
    Not one hour of life
    Everyone knows it now
    Daddy is young too
    Raised a man in you
    Our parents bow,
    To the ground, let him be.
    We also congratulate you
    We wish you health
    So that more than once,
    We would see you.

    We heartily congratulate you
    We wish you parents
    Live a happy life
    Do not grieve for the hero of the day.
    Thank you for it
    After all, there is no one better
    And this is your only merit,
    What a glorious friend we have.
    You did your best for everyone
    And such a good temper,
    Parents are always needed
    Important for the birthday
    All your kind words
    After all, they are the basis for life.
    We heartily congratulate you
    We wish you good health!

    A child is just a bud on the branches of a big tree. Parents are only branches born from the trunk of this tree. A huge powerful trunk is a family thrown into the ground and grown by it. The earth is the mystery that hides the roots of this tree. By a happy coincidence, it turned out that each of us, sitting at this table and being the successors of a kind, has its own roots, its own branches and its own buds. So let's drink to the parents, to the grandparents, who managed, no matter what hard times they lived, to preserve and continue their race. For parents!

    There is such an ancient wisdom: what you yourself will do for your parents, expect the same from your children. So let's drink for us - children and parents at the same time!

    In one city there was a bullfight. Two bulls prepared for a deadly battle, but it was noticeable that their strength was not equal. One was very large, but the other was very small and fragile. Everyone understood that the healthy will win. But when they approached with a running start, the healthy one knelt before the fragile one. Why? He recognized him as his father. So let's drink to the fact that even as adults, we are not ashamed to kneel before our parents.

    The brook that ran to the sea, saw in front of it boundless blue expanses and mingled with this great blueness, should not forget that spring high in the mountains, from which its path along the earth began and all that rocky, narrow, rapids, winding path that happened to it overcome.
    So let's drink to the fact that we never forget our origins.

    One merchant had a son, and the merchant once gave him a coin: "Kopy, son, money." The son threw the coin into the water. His father didn't say anything to him. The son continued to live in his father's house and do nothing. Then the father called his son and said: "Go, son, and earn your own living."
    The son went and got a job. From morning to night he kneaded clay with his bare feet and earned money. He brought the money home and gives it to his father. His father says to him: "Go and throw them into the water." The son lowered his head and realized how unfair he had been to his father's kindness.
    So let's drink not for a belt and rods, but for the wisdom of our fathers and grandfathers.

    An Englishman has a wife and a mistress, but an Englishman, like a true gentleman, loves only his wife. An American has a wife and a mistress, but an American loves a mistress. The Frenchman has a wife and a mistress, and the Frenchman loves both. The Russian has a wife and a mistress, and the Russian likes to drink. And the Jew has a wife and a mistress, but the Jew loves his mother. So let's drink to our mothers, whom we love so much!

    I wish all the guests an honorable share,
    But I raise my glass of wine
    For always being in this house
    The gray hair was the most honorable,
    And the wisdom of the old people, their experience is smart.
    After all, wisdom is a golden ingot.
    And those who are younger than us thoughtlessly
    Let them not neglect that find!

    Come on for mom, for warmth,
    What led us all through life,
    For generosity, wisdom and kindness,
    For the fact that evil bypassed us!

    "Every person is always someone's child," said Beaumarchais. This is the truth that no one will argue with.
    I propose a toast to parents and children, to their mutual understanding.