
Questionnaire for parents on the rules of the road. Analytical report based on the results of a survey of parents on traffic rules “Beware of the road. "Adults and children on the streets of the city"


Collection of materials on the rules of the road (SDA) to help the teacher and educator:

questionnaires for parents

memos for children

questionnaires for conducting "five-minute" safety

information on the stand

conversations for parents and children

Conversation with parents

Since September, you, dear mothers and fathers, have begun very difficult trials. head teacher safe behavior children on the roadway will not be a school, but you. Whatever classes your child has there, the school can only reinforce those moral skills, stable habits of safe behavior on the streets and roads that you will form in the family.

So far, to the deepest regret, teachers are forced to retrain first-graders or wean them from incorrect knowledge and bad habits instilled in children by adults. The main thing in the upbringing of a law-abiding citizen, including as a road user, for parents should be the principle "Do as I do." In order for a child not to violate the Rules of the Road, he must not only know them - he must get into the habit of observing them. Even if you are late, still cross the road where it is allowed by the rules. Your example will be much more illustrative than the hundreds of times repeated words "do not go to the red light."

Traffic does not start from the carriageway of roads and streets, but from the sidewalk. Therefore, when going to school with a child, explain to him that you need to be careful from the first steps from the entrance of the house. Walk with him all the way and unobtrusively show the most dangerous areas.

If in the first grade most of you see off and meet the child from school, then in the second grade many children are left to their own devices, not having learned to assess the situation and plan their actions. At the same time, they have very little experience of independent crossing of the carriageway.

Sociological studies conducted by specialists of the psychological center of Moscow State University showed that:

Second graders are the biggest risk group, putting their lives in danger;

It is among the second graders that a large number of guys are called the most in a safe way crossing the road unaccompanied by adults;

Only second graders think it's safe to cross the road anywhere.


Give your children the necessary knowledge and skills in time so that they do not have to acquire the necessary experience of communicating with the road. on one's own.


Dear students!

In order to avoid misfortune on the street, each pedestrian needs to know the following rules:

1. Pedestrians are required to give way to moving vehicles, since the carriageway of the street is the driver's workplace.

2. Cross the street only at intersections and in places where crossing signs are installed; at the same time, before crossing the street, you should make sure that it is completely safe.

3. If there is a traffic light, cross the street only when the light is green; Don't cross the street at red light - DANGEROUS!

4. Cross the street in all cases only by walking, not by running, only straight ahead, not obliquely.

5. Do not enter the bus, tram and do not get out of them during the movement of transport.

6. While waiting for a bus or tram, stay at the landing sites, and where there are none, then on the sidewalk near the bus stop.

7. Do not run across the street in front of nearby vehicles.

REMEMBER: transport cannot be stopped immediately.

Questionnaire for fixing the rules of the road with answers

1. Why is it necessary to cross the street only at an intersection or along footpaths?

Answer: In winter, the footpaths are covered with snow (the zebra is not visible). However, there are signs for pedestrians to be guided by. The driver knows that pedestrians are allowed to move in these places, he is attentive and slows down. Pedestrians who cross the road in the wrong place may suffer and interfere with drivers.

2. Why can't you cross the road on yellow and red traffic lights?

Answer: When the red light is on for pedestrians, the green light is on for the driver. Seeing the green light, the driver drives confidently, not expecting a pedestrian to appear at the wrong time. Even if there are no cars, you must wait for the green traffic light.

3. Why is it dangerous to cross the street without looking?

Answer: When crossing the street, the main thing is to look to the left, then to the right. The street is deceptive, it seems that there is no transport, but suddenly a car suddenly leaves from behind a turn or an alley.

4. What does the entry on the machines “skid by 1 meter” mean?

Answer: When turning, the back of a large bus or tram is carried far to the side, and can injure a nearby pedestrian. Seeing such a car, move away.

5. How does the driver see pedestrians?

Answer: If a pedestrian walks ahead, then the driver sees him in front of him in the glass, behind and on the side he sees the pedestrian in the side mirror, which is located on both sides of the car, bus.

6. Why is a standing car dangerous?

Answer: It closes the view of the street. Because of it, at any moment, another car can suddenly appear and injure a pedestrian.

7. Can a passing car prevent a pedestrian from seeing the danger?

Answer: Maybe. Because the pedestrian does not see what is being done behind it.

8. Why is it dangerous when there are few cars on the street?

Answer: A pedestrian must be very careful, because a car at high speed may suddenly appear on a deserted street.

9. How to walk on the carriageway when there is no sidewalk?

Answer: It is necessary to walk along the side of the road towards moving traffic so that the driver sees the pedestrian, and you see the car coming towards you.

10. What is the danger when a child comes to his house?

Answer: Seeing his house, the child loses his vigilance, starts to hurry, and may not see the car that suddenly left. A great danger is the moment when a child runs out of his entrance without looking, and can get under a passing car.

11. What danger arises when a child sees a friend or parents on the opposite side of the street?

Answer: The child forgets about everything, his attention is scattered and directed only to meeting faster.

12. How to determine where the car is going to turn?

Answer: Before making a turn, the car flashes a signal from the rear side and in front, in the direction in which it turns. If you turn to the right, then the signal flashes at the rear right and front right.

13. Why are cars with a trailer dangerous?

Answer: The trailer skids when turning and you can get under the trailer if you stand close to the car.

14. What is the danger of group movement on the streets?

Answer: Children talk among themselves and are inattentive on the road. Before crossing the street, stop all conversations and direct all attention to the crossing.

15. Does the driver always see the pedestrian?

Answer: Not always. After all, in addition to a pedestrian, he watches other vehicles and other pedestrians.

16. What is the most dangerous thing on the street?

Answer: Dangerous moving cars, but even more dangerous is a stationary car that can obscure other cars.

17. What is the danger of driving on the street with small children?

Answer: Small children do not know how to navigate the road, behave unpredictably, and can get out of hand.

18. Why is the crossing dangerous for a pedestrian when one car overtakes another?

Answer: The pedestrian may not notice the overtaking car, and the driver may also not see the pedestrian in time, and a collision may occur.

19. What is the danger of being on the road on the median strip?

Answer: A passing vehicle can scare a pedestrian, and he may unknowingly take a few steps back and get hit by the wheels of a car traveling in a different lane.

20. What is the danger of crossing the street with a dog?

Answer: The dog may get scared and drag the child along the leash.

21. Why, being next to the roadway, you can not think of something else not related to crossing the street?

Answer: Thinking about something else, attention is scattered and a pedestrian can violate the rules of the road and not notice the danger.

22. When crossing a pedestrian crossing, the pedestrian did not look around, is he right?

Answer: Not right. Even if he strictly follows the rules of the road, when crossing a pedestrian crossing, it is necessary to make sure that there is no suddenly appeared car.

23. When crossing the road, a pedestrian suddenly changed direction, what is the danger?

Answer: A pedestrian can create an emergency situation by jumping abruptly to another lane of the road, he can get under a car passing there, the driver did not expect him to appear.

24. What should you think about if you see something unusual or interesting on the road?

Answer: Try not to be distracted on the road, and be extremely careful.

25. Why is walking on footpaths dangerous at night (early morning and evening in winter)?

Answer: The view of the road is difficult and you should be extremely careful.

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The upbringing of a competent road user is a component of the upbringing of a new type of person. And until adults get used to the fact that compliance with traffic rules (SDA) is not only a legal requirement, but above all a norm of behavior in society, the growth of road traffic injuries cannot be stopped. To restore the lost instinct of self-preservation in society is possible only together.

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Questionnaire for parents. "Rules and traffic safety"

Questionnaire for parents.


Dear parents!

The upbringing of a competent road user is a component of the upbringing of a new type of person. And until adults get used to the fact that compliance with traffic rules (SDA) is not only a legal requirement, but above all a norm of behavior in society, the growth of road traffic injuries cannot be stopped. To restore the lost instinct of self-preservation in society is possible only together.

Please think seriously about this issue and answer the following questions. Your sincere answers will help us in our future work with children.

1. Surname, name, patronymic of the respondent, year of birth.


2 . At what age do you think children should be taught traffic rules:

a) up to 3 years;

b) before school

c) at school;

d) from 10 years old

3 . Is work carried out in the family to familiarize children with the Rules of the Road? Specify which:

a) conversations with the child;

b) reading children's literature on the topic;

c) practical skills of behavior on the road;

d) in-depth study of the Rules of the road;

4. How do you usually communicate with your child about road safety:

a) I say to be careful on the road;

b) we discuss the route of movement;

c) it is enough for a child that they are told about traffic rules in kindergarten

5 . On the basis of what knowledge do you raise a child:

a) use life experience;

b) watch TV programs, listen to radio programs on this topic;

6. How do you feel about traffic rules?

a) I act as it is convenient for me and faster;

b) I try to comply;

c) always follow

7. Does the family have a car:

8 . When traveling in a vehicle where your preschool child usually travels:

a) in the front seat;

b) stands behind the front seats;

c) sits in the back seat;

d) sitting in a car seat in the back seat

9. Who is your child walking with?

a) alone, I watch from the window;

b) we walk together: the child is playing, I am sitting on a bench and talking with a neighbor;

c) I am next to the child, I control the situation

10. How to introduce your child to traffic rules:

a) in the form of a game;

b) in the form of advice and warnings

11. Do you teach your child the rules of behavior in transport:

12. Would you like to receive qualified advice on the development of a culture of behavior in in public places and on the street?

c) don't know

13. How do you react if other people's children violate the rules of the road in front of your eyes:

a) make a comment

b) I do not pay attention, they have their own parents;

c) hard to answer

14. Teaching children the rules of road safety is a task:

b) kindergarten;

c) parents

15. What forms of work of your educators with parents do you consider the most productive to help familiarize children with the Rules of the Road:

a) organizing an exhibition of literature on the topic;

b) holding lectures for parents;

c) meetings with the traffic police inspector;

d) holding joint events with children (holidays, sports entertainment etc.);

e) placement of information in the corner for parents;

e) individual conversations;

g) parent meetings on this topic.

Your option _________________________________________________________________

16. In your opinion, at what level is work carried out to familiarize children with the Rules of the Road in our country? preschool:

a) high

b) on average;

c) low.

Thank you for participating in the survey. Safe path to you!

Vera Sukhorukova
Questionnaire for parents on the rules of the road

1. Do you think that the child preschool age need to be trained traffic rules?

c) didn't think about it ___

2. Do you know which Traffic Laws should the child know?

c) didn't think about it ___

3. How would you rate your knowledge of traffic rules?

a) excellent ___

b) good ___

c) I do not consider this knowledge important ___

4. How would you rate your child's knowledge of traffic rules?

a) excellent ___

b) good ___

c) extra classes are needed ___

5. Do you draw the child's attention to road signs while driving on the street?

a) always ___

b) rarely ___

c) never pay attention ___

6. Do you read books to your child that talk about traffic rules?

a) constantly ___

b) sometimes ___

d) there are no such books in the home library ___

7. Does the child have games at home that teach traffic rules?

8. Do you need advice from an educator on teaching children traffic rules?

9. Do you think that in kindergarten it is necessary to study Traffic Laws?

c) find it difficult to answer ___

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Every year in our kindergarten, a social action is held to prevent child road traffic injuries, the purpose of which is.

Questionnaire for parents

"Adults and children on the streets of the city"

Dear parents!

Please, answer the questions of the survey. This will help us gain experience family education and individually approach each child.

  1. How many traffic signs does your child know?
  • Lot
  • Some of them
  • Doesn't know at all
  1. Does he know the way home and to kindergarten well?
  • Good
  • Not very good
  • Badly
  1. You are walking down the street with your child. Wherein:
  • Always follow the rules of safe behavior
  • Sometimes you violate the rules of safe behavior
  • Walk the way you feel comfortable
  1. Does the child know how to cross the street correctly?
  • The child knows and follows the rules for crossing the street
  • The child does not always cross the street correctly
  • Can not
  1. Does the child know traffic lights?
  • Child knows traffic lights
  • The child sometimes confuses traffic lights
  • The child does not know traffic lights
  1. Do you draw your child's attention to the wrong behavior of other people on the street?
  • I do it all the time
  • I do it sometimes
  • I do not pay
  1. How does the child behave in public transport and at bus stops?
  • The child behaves correctly and calmly
  • The child behaves restlessly at the bus stop: runs and fusses, sometimes behaves incorrectly in the passenger compartment
  • It is dangerous to take a child on a trip
  1. How often do you take the time to familiarize your child with the rules of safe behavior?
  • Yes, I often explain the rules of safe behavior to the child
  • I sometimes pay attention to this issue
  • Rarely
  1. Do you think successful work kindergarten to familiarize children with the rules of safe behavior?
  • Yes, I think
  • Knowledge and skills acquired by a child in kindergarten are insufficient

Questionnaire for parents "Me and my child on the street"

Purpose: to identify the level of knowledge of children and their parents on the basics of road safety, the effectiveness of work in the preschool educational institution and the family in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Dear parents!

We ask you to fill out our questionnaire. You need to read the questions and answer by underlining "yes" or "no".

Many thanks!

1. Does your child know their home address? Well no

2. When driving down the street with your child, do you always follow the rules of the road? Well no

3. When you walk alone on the street, do you follow the rules of the road? Well no

4. Do you constantly teach your child the rules of safe behavior on the street?

Well no

5. Does your child recognize traffic lights? Well no

6. Does your child know traffic signs and can tell what they mean? Well no

7. Are kindergarten classes effective in teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the street? Well no

Questionnaire for parents on teaching children the rules of the road

1. In your opinion, at what age should children be taught the rules of the road?

From 3-4 years old

From 4 - 5 years

From 5 - 6 years

From 6 - 7 years old

2. What needs to be done to protect children from the dangers that await them on the road?

3. Do you always cross the carriageway correctly?




4. When you take your child to kindergarten, do you let him cross the road on his own?




5. How do you and your child get around the transport at the bus stop?

6. What forms of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road with children do you use? (underline)

Personal example of behavior

Watching TV shows, cartoons on this topic

Explanation, conversation

Solution problem situation on practice

7. Do you use a safety seat when transporting a child in personal transport?



We do not use

8. What kind of traffic education activities would you like to take part in for preschoolers? (underline)



Puppet show


brain ring

Game "The smartest"

Questionnaire for parents on the rules of the road

  1. Does the family have their own transport?
  1. Are there professional drivers in the family?

3. Where do you find out about traffic accidents involving children?

Meetings in kindergarten

From conversations

TV, radio, print

4. How does your child know the rules of the road?

I think he knows on "4"

On "3"

5. How often does your child walk down the street alone?



6. Who taught the child to follow the rules of the road?


The parents themselves

Grandmother grandfather

7. How often do you tell your child to follow the Rules?




We don't talk about it

Other answers.

8. Do you follow the traffic rules yourself?

I always keep

Not always

I do not comply.

9. Do you break the Rules when you go with a child?


Sometimes it happens if we are in a hurry

We do not pay attention to traffic lights or cars.

10. How does the child react to your violation?

Doesn't react at all

Says we're going wrong

Demands that we walk right

Questionnaire for parents

"Adults and children on the streets of the city"

Dear parents!

Please, answer the questions of the survey. This will help us get acquainted with the experience of family education and approach each child individually.

    How many traffic signs does your child know?


    Some of them

    Doesn't know at all

    Does he know the way home and to kindergarten well?


    Not very good


    You are walking down the street with your child. Wherein:

    Always follow the rules of safe behavior

    Sometimes you violate the rules of safe behavior

    Walk the way you feel comfortable

    Does the child know how to cross the street correctly?

    The child knows and follows the rules for crossing the street

    The child does not always cross the street correctly

    Can not

    Does the child know traffic lights?

    Child knows traffic lights

    The child sometimes confuses traffic lights

    The child does not know traffic lights

    Do you draw your child's attention to the wrong behavior of other people on the street?

    I do it all the time

    I do it sometimes

    I do not pay

    How does the child behave in public transport and at bus stops?

    The child behaves correctly and calmly

    The child behaves restlessly at the bus stop: runs and fusses, sometimes behaves incorrectly in the passenger compartment

    It is dangerous to take a child on a trip

    How often do you take the time to familiarize your child with the rules of safe behavior?

    Yes, I often explain the rules of safe behavior to the child

    I sometimes pay attention to this issue


    Do you consider the work of the kindergarten to familiarize children with the rules of safe behavior successful?

    Yes, I think

    Knowledge and skills acquired by a child in kindergarten are insufficient

Questionnaire for parents "Me and my child on the street"

Purpose: to identify the level of knowledge of children and their parents on the basics of road safety, the effectiveness of work in the preschool educational institution and the family in the prevention of child road traffic injuries.

Dear parents!

We ask you to fill out our questionnaire. You need to read the questions and answer by underlining "yes" or "no".

Many thanks!

1. Does your child know their home address? Well no

2. When driving down the street with your child, do you always follow the rules of the road? Well no

3. When you walk alone on the street, do you follow the rules of the road? Well no

4. Do you constantly teach your child the rules of safe behavior on the street?

Well no

5. Does your child recognize traffic lights? Well no

6. Does your child know traffic signs and can tell what they mean? Well no

7. Are kindergarten classes effective in teaching children the rules of safe behavior on the street? Well no

Questionnaire for parents on teaching children the rules of the road

1. In your opinion, at what age should children be taught the rules of the road?

From 3-4 years old

From 4 - 5 years

From 5 - 6 years

From 6 - 7 years old

2. What needs to be done to protect children from the dangers that await them on the road?

3. Do you always cross the carriageway correctly?




4. When you take your child to kindergarten, do you let him cross the road on his own?




5. How do you and your child get around the transport at the bus stop?

6. What forms of teaching preschoolers the rules of the road with children do you use? (underline)

Personal example of behavior

Watching TV shows, cartoons on this topic

Explanation, conversation

Problem solving in practice

7. Do you use a safety seat when transporting a child in personal transport?



We do not use

8. What kind of traffic education activities would you like to take part in for preschoolers? (underline)



Puppet show


brain ring

Game "The smartest"

Questionnaire for parents on the rules of the road

    Does the family have their own transport?

    Are there professional drivers in the family?

3. Where do you find out about traffic accidents involving children?

Meetings in kindergarten

From conversations

TV, radio, print

4. How does your child know the rules of the road?

I think he knows on "4"

On "3"

5. How often does your child walk down the street alone?



6. Who taught the child to follow the rules of the road?


The parents themselves

Grandmother grandfather

7. How often do you tell your child to follow the Rules?




We don't talk about it

Other answers.

8. Do you follow the traffic rules yourself?

I always keep

Not always

I do not comply.

9. Do you break the Rules when you go with a child?


Sometimes it happens if we are in a hurry

We do not pay attention to traffic lights or cars.

10. How does the child react to your violation?

Doesn't react at all

Says we're going wrong

Demands that we walk right