
I had an emergency c-section. And as a result of this and my inexperience, the baby began to gradually refuse the breast. Supplementary feeding system (SNS) Supplementary feeding system at the breast sns reviews


The tubes can be bought separately in the online store (the order from Moscow time to St. Petersburg came in a couple of days), so this is not a problem.

If you want to return guards, and not feed them with a mixture for emotional contact through the chest, then there is a tricky moment like this. In all descriptions, it is advised to first let the baby eat the breast, and then, through the SNS, supplement the mixture. That is, do not express with insufficient lactation. But it didn't help us. The OPPOSITE helped.

I exactly DESCENTED EVERYTHING TO THE DROP BEFORE FEEDING! And I filled it all in sns. Then she laid the baby down and without torturing him (the baby sucked weakly, that's why there was little milk), she gave the breast TOGETHER WITH SNS IMMEDIATELY. I took the thinnest tube at first, then almost immediately switched to the medium one, and a month later to the thick one. I’ll make a reservation right away, I took the tubes, focusing on the time the baby was drinking a bottle of sns: in about half an hour I had to eat my norm. More - the tube is thicker, less - the tube was taken thinner. And I also regulated the flow by the height of the suspension of the system on the chest. But digressed...)

so, immediately, with breasts, gave sns. And on an EMPTY, decanted breast -!!! - I felt up to three or four tides during feeding. That is, the breast was given a signal to produce more milk. And when I acted according to the instructions, the baby just slept on the chest, and in despair I turned on the sns, and the milk in the chest did not decrease much, therefore, it was not produced in large quantities.

Then I found an explanation for this. Even in pregnancy courses, we were taught that a child sucks milk simultaneously in two ways: by vacuum and mechanically by tongue. If at least one component is missing, Guards suffer. My child created an excellent vacuum on the nipple (hence the sensation of hot flashes), but mechanically could not capture the nipple (as it turned out, simply because the very notorious " correct grip"It didn’t suit us at all in terms of the structure of my nipple! And as soon as I allowed the baby to suck as he liked, and not as expected, things started!)), in the end, I did the mechanical work with my hands (not with a breast pump! It just creates a vacuum! ), and then the baby added the vacuum and pumped it right in the process of sucking the breast, along with the last drops of the hind milk that he needed so much and which he himself could not get to.

In this mode, we returned to full guards in a couple of weeks, but a month and a half before that I tried on SNS, trying to do everything according to the instructions. If we could have made this little discovery of ours earlier, everything would have happened faster ...

As a result, at 2 months we weighed a little more than during childbirth, but then we shrugged up to 8 months a kilogram per month)) now we are still at guards, we are a year old)

and further. I emphasize that it is necessary to express with your hands in cases like my case. In fact, this is no slower than a breast pump, which also needs to be disassembled, sterilized, dried, reassembled... So after five minutes of sluggish pumping, a rush of milk came and in three minutes both breasts were decanted. It is almost impossible to pump without a tide. When stimulating both breasts, I personally had a rush much earlier, or even more than once. Like an orgasm, honestly)))

And I pumped DIRECTLY BEFORE FEEDING! This is also very important point. So that the baby takes an empty breast and continues to stimulate it to produce milk.

Yes, our feedings were strictly according to the regimen. But when they switched completely to the chest, they returned to feeding on demand, I didn’t find anything terrible in this))

You really need to wash your SNS right away. But this is a trifle compared to everything else, the right word!)) of course, those two months were a feat, I bow to the girls who feed through SNS for a year and more, this is hard labor! But he is worth the results.

And they also say that it is better not to store (your own) milk for the reason that morning and evening milk differ in composition. I don’t know how true this is, but I noticed that if freshly milked milk is poured into the sns, the stomach does not bother the baby, and if it stands for at least three hours, it is already digested worse ... It rumbles, colic bothers more.

there was no allergy to the plaster, I still use it, it is better than the usual pharmacy one, it gets soaked in water, so you can peel it off without injuring delicate skin chest, slightly wetting.

Yes, another important technical nuance with the tubes: at first, as expected, I attached both tubes to different breasts. No milk flowed at all. Or flowed from both tubes. As a result, I figured it out with my husband: attach one tube to the active nipple, and RAISE the second one A LEVEL ABOVE this "working nipple" to the other breast. Somewhere in the middle of feeding, I changed my breasts, and the position of the tubes, too, respectively. The second tube must be raised high enough (almost attached to the shoulder) so that there is a sufficient flow of air into the bottle. The one provided by the design is too small and does not allow milk to flow out at all. Or was it a design defect?

So experiment and don't despair! Gv return is absolutely real!))

all milk rivers with jelly banks!)

It is used to provide a child with nutrition in the event of a lack or complete absence of breast milk, for relactation (restoration of lactation) or induction of lactation in mothers of foster children, for supplementary feeding of a weakened child with unproductive suckling, for premature babies and children with malformations of the oral cavity, can also be used to develop sucking skills. The reservoir with supplementary feeding is hung around the mother's neck, and during breastfeeding, the baby is fed through the capillaries (thin tubes) attached near the nipple. Regular stimulation of the breast by sucking (even if there is no milk in it or is secreted in drops) will cause an increase in lactation, and over time you can reduce the amount of supplementary feeding or completely eliminate it. By using the SNS Supplementing System, you reduce the risk of latching on and breast rejection that occurs with a traditional bottle. Expressed milk can be used as a supplement in the SNS system, and if it is not possible to draw the right amount, then frozen breast milk, donor breast milk or artificial formulas can be used (breast milk and formula can be mixed). Depending on the density of the feed, capillaries of various diameters are used. We recommend starting with a medium size.

Indications for the use of the Medela SNS supplementary feeding system:

  • feeding foster children
  • feeding children with cleft upper lip or palate
  • feeding with problems with lactation and lack of breast milk
  • feeding children who are slowly gaining weight
  • feeding premature babies
  • feeding immature babies with a weak sucking reflex
  • resumption of lactation
Key Features of the Supplementary Feeding System (Medela SNS):
  • Doesn't interfere with attachment, meaning there is no risk of nipple damage (unlike bottle feeding)
  • Helps maintain close contact between mother and baby
  • Supports milk production
  • The system is equipped with a graduated container for the nutritional mixture, which allows you to control milk consumption, the ability to make sucking easier for your baby by gently squeezing the bottle.
  • The cup is equipped with an adjustable neck strap that allows you to adjust the flow of milk, positioning the bottle above or below the level of the nipple, depending on the situation.
SNS consists of the following parts
  1. adjustable neck lace
  2. feeding tank
  3. capillaries in 3 sizes with valve (red, white, transparent)
  4. valve holder
  5. screw cap
  6. lid
  7. two hypoallergenic paper patches

SNS assembly
Position of SNS capillaries

The standard recommendation is to position the capillary so that when feeding it is in the middle of the baby's upper lip (attachment above the nipple). However, some mothers place the capillary in the corner of the baby's mouth, or in the middle of the baby's lower lip (fastening under the nipple). Experiment and find the best position for you.

Sizes of SNS capillaries

Different situations correspond to different capillary diameters. The larger the diameter of the capillary, the faster the flow of liquid through it. In most cases, you should start with a medium diameter. You can judge the correctness of the selected diameter by the way the child sucks and swallows. One sip should correspond to 1-2 sucking movements. If a child long time does not swallow, check that the capillary is positioned correctly, select a thicker capillary if necessary.

  • Red valve - thin capillary
  • White valve - middle capillary
  • Transparent valve - thick capillary
How to regulate the flow of power

To increase the flow rate, you can:

  • use a thicker capillary
  • hang the system above the level of the nipple
  • press on the reservoir
  • warm up food
To reduce the flow rate, you can:
  • use a thinner capillary
  • lower the system below the level of the nipple

Weaning from the SNS system

The main task is to return to natural breastfeeding as soon as possible. As your own milk production increases, reduce the amount of SNS supplements, but not to the point where your baby is undernourished. Control your weight gain.

Breast pumps

To use your own breast milk in the SNS system, you will need a breast pump. We recommend using medela® fully automatic breast pumps - Simphony® and Lactina™ Electric Plus clinical breast pumps, domestic breast pumps - Swing electronic 2-phase, Mini Electric ™ electric or Harmony ™ manual 2-phase breast pump

The SNS system needs daily processing (refer to the SNS system processing instructions)


The breastfeeding system allows a breastfeeding mother to supplement or supplement her baby with expressed milk, formula, glucose solution with added colostrum, just glucose water without using bottle nipples. Early use of nipples and bottles can cause a baby to "bottle up" or develop "nipple confusion" because it interferes with the baby's attachment to the breast. Actually, baby doesn't confuse anything. The child knows exactly which way the wind is blowing. If first - especially in the very first days - he gets a breast with a little milk and a weak flow, and then a bottle with a strong flow, most babies figure out very quickly what's what

How right baby breastfeeds, the easier it is for him to get milk, especially if his mother has little of it. In the first days there is no excess milk, but it is enough for a child who can suck it out. But if the baby is not able to properly suck milk from the breast due to poor latching, he may quickly fall asleep during feeding or arch at the breast when the flow of milk slows down. As a result, the baby may refuse to breastfeed, be very restless during feeding, gain weight poorly, lose weight, in the first week it can even lead to dehydration. Mom may have cracked nipples. Although artificial nipples don't always cause problems, using them when things are already going badly rarely improves and often makes things worse. I don't believe the "new" bottle nipples are any better than the ones that came before. Supplementation at the breast - much best method supplementation if supplementation is really needed (although proper attachment to the breast often allows the baby to get more milk and thus avoid supplementary feeding). This is more convenient than using a syringe without a needle, finger or cup feeding, or any other method, since the baby is at the breast and suckling. Children, just like adults, learn by doing. Moreover, a child who is supplemented at the breast also receives breast milk from the breast. And breastfeeding is far from just milk alone. Why is supplementary feeding at the breast preferable?

  • Babies learn to breastfeed when they breastfeed
  • Mothers learn to breastfeed when they are breastfeeding
  • The baby continues to receive your milk, even while he is being supplemented.
  • The baby will not refuse the breast, which can be very likely if he is not being supplemented at the breast.
  • Breastfeeding is more than just breast milk

Instructions for use

Medela supplementary feeding system (sns) instructions for use


Polypropylene, silicone.


Coordinates the processes of sucking, swallowing and breathing; Supports breastfeeding; Suitable for breast milk or formula; Supplementation without spending time; Stimulates lactation

An additional feeding system is a reservoir that is filled with additional food. It can be placed on the mother's chest or on a tripod. Very thin, flexible capillaries attach to the mother's nipples and deliver extra milk and nutrients while the baby is nursing.

Three sizes of capillaries are included to select the required feed flow.

Selling Features

Without a license


The SNS is designed to enable mothers to breastfeed when breastfeeding would not be possible without the system, and to help the baby develop suckling skills. The system has the following advantages:

It can be used by mothers who are low on milk or who feel like they are low on milk.

It helps to stimulate the mother's milk production through direct breast sucking.

It can be used when, in addition to breast milk supplementary feeding is needed

This system trains the baby to suckle correctly at the breast by creating a vacuum.

Mode of application


Read the instructions carefully before first use. The supplemental feeding system is the ideal way to provide extra nutrition to breastfed babies.

The system strengthens the unique bond between mother and baby, allowing them to achieve ever better breastfeeding results. This is possible because with the help of the SNS capillaries, the baby can get exactly the amount of additional milk that he needs, while continuing to feed from his mother's breast.

By the hour: the required daily volume of the mixture is divided into equal portions and given at regular intervals during the day between 6 and 24 hours (for example, 40 g at 6, 10, 14, 18 and 22 hours).

Around dreams: supplementary feeding is offered to the child after waking up and before the next falling asleep. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor that the required volume of the mixture is collected per day.

There are a few more rules when organizing supplementary feeding:
  • after supplementary feeding, be sure to offer the breast;
  • stop in time! Do not insist that the baby eat everything that you have prepared for him - imagine him to control his own nutritional needs;
  • if the baby spilled something or did not finish eating this time, do not add the amount of the mixture equal to the uneaten one to the next portion;
  • do not create negative associations with the process of supplementing. If the baby resists or shows displeasure, offer the mixture differently;
  • Lack of milk should be compensated by physical contact with mom! Leave the baby alone as little as possible, hold it in your arms more often, wear it in special devices, sleep together, learn baby massage techniques. The baby constantly needs mother's caress and warmth!

Supplementation is not needed

But here is another, often occurring situation: the mother has enough milk, the baby “walks” well both in a large and in a small way. But he gains weight very slowly, behaves restlessly during sucking, or refuses to breastfeed at all. And others still tend to blame the lack of mother's milk and insist on supplementary feeding. Try to find real reasons Problems.

Growth and weight gain are influenced by stress factors. These are difficult births, and infantile colic, and the treatment of a baby, and simply a lack of mother's attention or inept care. Such a cause of problems may be the state of health of the baby.

Restless, weeping, jerky breast sucking sometimes causes incorrect application. Maybe due to the use of a pacifier or the presence of a shortened bridle - and he just needs help to apply correctly!

Not breastfeeding has nothing to do with how much milk is in the breast. Children suck on a pacifier or a finger, from which nothing flows at all. Therefore, if you are sure that there is enough milk, and for a problem that has arisen, you are strongly recommended to introduce a mixture, arguing that it is “better” and “more useful”, do not rush.

Understand the situation
  • contact a more competent doctor;
  • call a lactation specialist for advice;
  • look for up-to-date scientific information on lactation issues (on the Internet, in documents World Organization healthcare);
  • Look for support among relatives and friends. And don't be discouraged!

From what to supplement the child with a mixture: the choice is yours!

The easiest way to feed - This is spoon feeding a baby. Fill a clean teaspoon halfway. After the baby opens his mouth wide, bring the contents inside deep enough and pour it on his side, behind the cheek (everything that gets on the tongue, the baby pushes out).

Now you can buy special soft spoons. There are also spoons with a bottle on the handle. During feeding, the baby can be held in a horizontal or semi-vertical position, or placed in Car seat or a stroller. When offering the next portion, make sure that the baby swallowed the previous one.

The unwillingness of the baby to open his mouth or swallow is a signal to stop feeding. Most likely, he satisfied his hunger and now wants to "drink" with his mother's milk or fall asleep by sucking on his breast.

Some mothers find it easier to supplement from a pipette with a rounded end. The baby can be in a supine position or half-sitting. After filling the pipette, put it in the corner of the child's mouth so that the liquid pours over his cheek. Take your time, let your baby determine the speed of feeding and the amount needed.

Many children prefer to receive formula from a small cup this method is recommended for premature babies. What if your baby also likes to sip from a small container? It can be both a plastic beaker and a doll cup. The main thing is the safe material from which it is made.

And finally, the best, but little known way. This so-called Supplemental Feeding System (SNS). What does this fixture look like? Mom puts on an inverted bottle not around the neck (on a small cord), at the end of which, instead of a nipple, there is a thin tube attached to the breast next to the nipple. The baby receives the mixture in the process of sucking the breast!

This method preserves all the psychological aspects and advantages of breastfeeding and solves the problem of lack of nutrition for the baby. If you don't have SNS capability, try making one yourself. Or use a cone from a disposable syringe or any thin tube (for example, a nasogastric tube for newborns).

Mom can't be replaced

What if you still can't breastfeed? Milk did not come after childbirth, there was not enough strength to fight for its preservation, it was impossible for medical reasons, it was not possible to receive qualified assistance in time ... As a result, the baby grows on artificial feeding. Many mothers are aware of this as their fault, intuitively feeling incomplete motherhood.

Is there a way out of the impasse of spiritual discomfort to the expanses of joy and full-blooded communication with the baby? Of course there is! Here are some solutions:

Return milk. Yes, it takes a lot of work and patience plus professional help, but it's possible. Both abroad and in Russia, numerous breastfeeding consultants regularly deal with such cases.

Use the Supplemental Feeding System (SNS). This is how, for example, some mothers feed their adopted child. The main condition for using this method is the consent of the baby to suck on your breast! To teach him this, most likely, you will also need the help of a specialist.

Use bottles and pacifiers as breast substitutes. But not in the way we often see: a baby rides in a stroller and procrastinates a nipple in his mouth, or a swaddled bag lies alone in a crib and, falling asleep, sucks a bottle. In this scenario, some of the love and affection intended in the baby shower for mom is transferred to these nursing accessories.

A little man in a difficult moment, out of habit, reaches out not to his mother, but to a bottle. Therefore, even at an older age, he will also seek solace on the side. And you just have to grab your head when the child starts transitional age and the problem of lack of contact and understanding with a teenager will come to an end.

Formula feeding rules

Only the mother feeds the baby from the bottle. In mother's absence, supplementary feeding is given from a spoon (cups, pipettes, etc.).

Try to buy the most comfortable and safe to suck on bottles and pacifiers. A bottle made in the shape of a mother's breast appeared on the Russian market - the best option for a bottle feeding situation. During feeding, you can hide it under your clothes (like a pacifier) ​​- so that the baby has a complete illusion of sucking at the breast.

For suckling, the baby is located in the mother's arms, facing the chest. Nowhere else should he suck anything (for example, lying in a stroller, or crib, or in the arms of another person).

He falls asleep in the process of sucking in his mother's arms(as when breastfeeding). Decided to put a sleeping baby away? Wait until he releases the pacifier from his mouth, or take it away before putting the baby away.

Only mom offers a pacifier. The pacifier can be used to soothe the baby and fall asleep. In mother's absence, children calmly fall asleep from motion sickness in the arms of any well-known person, without sucking anything.

You are together!

Psychologists warn about the negative consequences of artificial feeding. But we will not focus our attention on them, but will try to do everything to compensate for the lack of breastfeeding through competent care of the baby.

So, we make up for the lack of contact with the breast with constant physical contact. We hold the baby in our arms as much as possible, we carry it on ourselves, we organize skin-to-skin contact, we practice joint sleep. We go for walks during wakefulness in the arms of my mother. All homework trying to do it without leaving the baby alone.

During pregnancy, the mother's body gives life to the baby. And the baby expects that it will be so after the birth. Mother's breast and milk will ensure the successful further development of the child. And a baby who is bottle-fed, thanks to such continuous bodily communication with his mother, will also not forget that she is the source of his life support and the most reliable assistant in all stages of his growth.

The second condition is the adequate use of sucking objects. The baby should perceive breast substitutes not as separate, independent objects, but as part of his beloved mother. The comfort and sense of security that they provide him should be associated exclusively with his mother.