
Let's understand what solidarity is. Women's solidarity What is men's solidarity


    What does each of us understand by the word solidarity? Someone understands this definition as understanding and support, while others mean well-built relationships. The word "solidarity" is most often used in the phrase "male solidarity", because. Women's solidarity we can rarely meet, if not never at all. In support of this, a very famous comparison of female and male solidarity comes to mind:

    • - women's solidarity: the wife does not spend the night at home, she explains this by spending the night with a friend. The husband calls his best friends - everyone says that they did not have her.
    • - male solidarity: the husband did not come home to spend the night - he said that he spent the night with a friend. The wife called a dozen of her husband's friends - all confirmed that he did spend the night, and three said that he was still with them.

    This is the clearest example of mutual assistance and assistance. What won't you do for a friend? All this directly or indirectly intersects with the concept of male friendship. Each of the men understands that not today - tomorrow he himself may find himself in a similar situation, therefore, in fact, a “helping hand” is extended. For some men, this happens on a subconscious level - they can confirm anything using a bunch of definitions, epithets, tricky phrases and stories just to help a friend. All this is done, as it were, to reinsure oneself, at the expense of one's own future cover and help from those who are in right moment you covered.

    However, all of the above does not apply to a situation where a man is absolutely wrong in relation to, in our case, a woman. Not a single normal representative of the stronger sex will pass by (and will not be in solidarity even more so) when a woman is insulted and will not say that he is right, just because he is also a man.

    Summing up, we can say that the concept of "male solidarity" is inseparable from the concept of male friendship and intersects with the principle of "one for all and all for one." This established from time immemorial, unwritten rule of mutual assistance, which often helps to avoid conflicts in the relationship between a man and a woman, should not contradict the concept of "Justice", because. if a person is fundamentally wrong, it does not matter what gender he is.

In chapter Other household chores to the question What is male solidarity? given by the author lyashka the best answer is Anecdote on the subject:
Two friends are talking:
-...this male solidarity... found out mine - accidentally blabbed ...
Stayed at work, report. I call my cell phone, I feel in my voice - not sober:
- Where are you?
- Darling, yay, yay at home, it's already late.
- Why don't you take your home phone?
- Yes, I'm going to bed, turned off the sound.
- Right?
- Well, yes. You, you don't believe me? ! ?
- At home, you say? Come on, turn on the TV.
- Come on.
- Turn it on, I said! (includes) .
- Okay, what about the water in the bathroom? (includes) .
- And now jump on your creaky bed (yes, not so loud, are there a herd of you there?)
- Okay, go to bed, I love you kisses. You are my smart girl, not like your assholes, who are now hanging out somewhere!
As it turns out, it actually happened:
Bar, football, beer, 30-40 people. A body runs out into the middle of the hall:
The guard turns the TV on and off, the bartender pours water into a glass, three fans jump on the couch.
How can 40 MEN understand and be imbued!

Answer from Alla[guru]
Female solidarity: Imagine a situation when the wife did not spend the night at home, and when she came in the morning she told her husband that she was with a friend. A husband calls 10 girlfriends and all 10 say that they did not have his wife ... Male solidarity: The husband did not spend the night at home, having come in the morning, he says that he was with a friend. Wife calls 10 of his friends... 5 of them say that her husband really was with them, 3 say that he just left them, and 2 more say that he is still with them...

Answer from Of gold and silver[guru]
What is male solidarity? This is the unconditional support of another man, whether he is right or wrong, in relation to the opposite sex. I believe that this is a myth and nothing more, the subject of jokes between the men themselves. Not a single normal man will pass by when a woman is insulted, and will not say that he is right, since he is a man. Only the strong can always admit their guilt and bear responsibility for it.
I did not want this concept to be confused with such a concept as male friendship. Male friendship is the unconditional support of another man, only when he is right and in relation to the whole world.


Solidarity is common interests, views, acceptance of the position of another person or group of people. Male solidarity does not raise questions, they believe in it, it is confirmed by facts. But there is a skeptical attitude towards female solidarity, as well as towards friendship. It is believed that girls, first of all, see women as rivals, not girlfriends. Then where did it come from real stories where the ladies help each other out? Consider what is hidden behind the concept of female solidarity. How do ladies and men characterize this phenomenon, and what do psychologists' studies reveal?

What is women's solidarity?

Bringing people together suggests a powerful force that is directed to solving problems. And if the girls unite, then you can expect anything. Choose what is best: a scandal, a quarrel or other upheavals. Women's solidarity is attributed to man-haters. But, girls are not necessarily friends only against boys.

Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon. Solidarity is sympathy, understanding of a person's actions, protection of his interests. The phenomenon is based on moral principles, behavioral factors, a single worldview. What is women's solidarity? This is a group of women who have united as a result of common views or actions. Most often, the message for its appearance is the actions of men or their inaction. Since only a woman is capable or humiliation inflicted by the stronger sex.

Men are surprised when ladies support each other. According to the stronger sex, this is illogical behavior, and support is peculiar only to men. In fact, between different sexes, the girl more often becomes on the female side.

How is female solidarity manifested?

Support and care. A woman is based on experience, passes experiences through herself. Therefore, he often takes the girl's side, considering her conflict with a man. In this case, solidarity is based on the theory of who is right and who is wrong. It follows that if a man is right, then the woman will take his side.
Sympathy. A woman is more emotional than a man. She needs a sensitive person, a conversation, a discussion of the problem. The male sex does not know how to support the girl, show sympathy. The woman is more vulnerable. After listening to the story of a friend, he will hug, cry with her.

The described manifestations of female solidarity intersect with friendship. Indeed, these concepts go side by side. The main difference is that solidarity is manifested not only in relation to girlfriends, but also to unfamiliar women.

The other side of women's solidarity

The weaker sex is not always guided by common sense, analyzing the actions of a woman. Especially if the relationship between a girl and a guy is discussed. Curious surveys were conducted when women were told a story in which a wife beat her husband. At the same time, she regretted and looked for ways to fix aggressive behavior. Surprisingly, almost all the interviewed girls took the side of their wife. Here the imagination of women works, which draws new facts and circumstances. As a result, the recommendations were limited to justifying violence. This was evidenced by the phrases: “it’s your own fault, you don’t need to bring it up”, “this is defense”, “the answer to moral violence". Similar conclusions come from the fact that a man should be responsible for the relationship.

This story shows reverse side female solidarity. Wanting to support the weaker sex, girls forget that any violence cannot be justified. Even if the immoral actions of her husband contributed to this. Such solidarity is fraught with serious consequences. Aggression does not go away on its own, it grows and pours out at dangerous moments.

Before you come to the defense of a friend, think about the actions you are doing. Do you keep a friend in touch with another man? Perhaps it was a desperate move on her part. If not for your participation, then there would be reconciliation with her husband. As a result of solidarity, the family broke up, and the break did not bring happiness to the couple.

Women's Solidarity: Research Results

Women easily enter into discussions that are related to the appearance or behavior of another lady. This raises doubts about solidarity and questions about whether this has always been the case. Perhaps earlier women were more loyal to each other.

These and other mysteries can be answered. Research results show that women's solidarity exists, and discussion in the same group of representatives of the same sex is associated with external causes. Unsettled personal life leads to aggressiveness. Watching a more successful friend, the girl has discontent. There is an opinion about unleashed behavior and confidence that this woman is surrounded by attention only because of immoral acts.

Interesting facts about women's solidarity revealed in the survey:

The rise of feminist circles. V Lately Women have become kinder to each other. Mutual assistance and an increase in empathy have been noted. Conflicts arise as a result of different life positions. Today, girls in their 20s and 30s provide for themselves. A large number of temptations: fashion, cosmetic novelties, forced to active work. Previously, such procedures were paid for by men. The variety of directions leads to the fact that girls choose different models of behavior. Some dress in long clothes, pretending to be nuns. Others choose frank things. This is where women's conflicts come from.
The influence of age. The main task of a woman is to procreate. Even if a girl is sure that she is busy building a career and does not plan to have children, nature takes its toll. Unconsciously, the girl is looking for a life partner. Before the birth of the first child, the surrounding women are perceived as rivals who stand in the way of happiness. When the issue of procreation is resolved, the benevolence towards the female representatives increases.

Relations between girls are influenced by the economic state of the country, financial situation, weather in the house. If a woman is not threatened by the loss of her job, her husband, then she shows solidarity. Danger causes a backlash. In this case, the woman is worried about survival. In this, women are no different from men. Similar protective functions embedded in a person regardless of gender.

Women's solidarity vs. men's solidarity

It is worth starting this topic in the company and there will definitely be a person who remembers a bearded anecdote. Its essence is as follows. If a man goes on a walk and comes in the morning, then his friends will always cover him. Part of his wife will answer calls that he was walking with a friend all night. A couple of people will claim that he still sleeps in his apartment. If a woman is talking, and as an alibi she will provide the numbers of her friends, then she will put herself in an awkward position. The ladies will honestly answer that they have not seen each other since last Friday. And some friends will not deprive themselves of pleasure by reminding the horned husband what kind of bitch he married.

Yes, the anecdote is a fictional story, but not devoid of truth. It turns out that women's solidarity against men's solidarity loses. Let's take a closer look. Men always support each other, in any situation. This happens not because of friendship from the cradle, but for more banal reasons. Giving off a friend, the man realizes that tomorrow he will be in his place and counts on similar help. Such actions will completely pass for mutual assistance or for male solidarity with calculation.

Women's solidarity exists as long as it does not threaten the interests of the lady. To support a walking friend means to catch up to her level. In other words, show your husband that such actions are considered the norm. It is better to write down a friend’s mistake in your asset, showing that you adhere to other principles. But, this does not always happen. Close friends cover each other's affairs.

It turns out that it is incorrect to compare female and male solidarity. Excellent friend different thinking and interpretation of the situation leads to different reactions and actions.

Women's solidarity ceases to exist after a conflict of interests. Personal territory, a beloved man is protected by a representative of the weaker sex. There are frequent cases when best friends turn into rivals when an attractive guy appears on the horizon that the girls like. Unlike a man who is ready to get out of the way, a woman will not give in to her beloved friend.

Is women's solidarity necessary?

Grouping girls by interests leads to different results. It is impossible not to note the negative side: maintaining the negative actions of a friend. Supporting a woman, the representative of the weaker sex does not think about the consequences. This begs the question, is women's solidarity necessary? Yes, if directed in the right direction. Solidarity is at the level of instincts or selective. The second option involves using female power for good purposes.

Teaming up with women, use the resources to the maximum:

Take action. More often meeting with friends, like-minded people ends at the level of indignation, sympathy, conversations. It doesn't go any further. All plans and decisions end with a cup of coffee. Use women's solidarity to accomplish specific tasks.
Forget about men. Solidarity between women is not limited to a discussion of the opposite sex. Focus your efforts on the implementation of a business plan, solving practical problems.
Expand your circle of acquaintances. The more girls join, the faster the issue will be resolved. Women's associations give positive results: creative fairs, children's holidays, conferences of interest are organized.

Women's solidarity is not a ghostly phenomenon. The weaker sex sympathizes with close friends, unfamiliar women. If it does not get in the way of a like-minded person, then the union is doomed to a long existence. The main thing is to draw a clear line. When cooperating with women, do not rush to talk about your personal life. Leave the relationship at the level of business negotiations.

March 25, 2014, 05:14 pm

Male solidarity is often the subject of myths, legends and anecdotes. Does it really exist? On the one hand, the tendency to mutual assistance and support is genetically inherent in us: in ancient times, it was impossible to survive alone. On the other hand, men are used to competing with each other, and solidarity and competition seem to be mutually exclusive things. Let's recall common examples of male solidarity and think about what is behind them.

Of course, there are many examples when one man helps another in difficult situation: repairs the car, lends money, shields the authorities ... But this is more of a universal solidarity, because in the same situation, a man would certainly (or even more willingly) help the girl. Therefore, we will not consider these cases.

We are friends against

Handsome Oleg was the star of his course: all the guys wanted to be friends with him, and the girls were completely in love. Well, almost completely. At one student party, he drew attention to the modest Vera, but she rejected his harassment. The next day, not only Oleg himself did not talk to the girl, but also all his comrades - and this, consider, is the whole group.

However, this is an example of solidarity not so much for men as for teenagers. An adult self-confident man is unlikely to want to teach an impregnable girl a lesson by a general boycott. But at school or in the initial courses of the institute, such games were quite common. However, maintain a relationship with ex-girlfriend men most likely will not become a friend. And in general, in the event of a break, they most often take the side of their comrade.

A friend will always cover

How is women's solidarity different from men's?

The wife comes home in the morning, assures that she was with a friend. The husband calls five of his wife's friends and everyone says that they haven't seen her for a long time.

The husband comes home in the morning, says that he stayed with a friend. The wife calls her husband's five friends, three say that he really was, two - that he had just left, and one - that he is still sitting.

This is, of course, an anecdote. But for some reason, it is really believed that the main virtue of male solidarity is to cover each other in front of their wives and lie to them, confirming the version of a comrade.

I don't know how common this practice is in reality. But many of my male acquaintances will refuse to lie in such a situation. And friends will not ask them for such a service. Solidarity is solidarity, and for our own honesty we are primarily responsible to ourselves. On the other hand, they won't be sneaky either. In general, they prefer not to interfere in this ugly situation.

The cuckoo praises the rooster

Remember the film "Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears", in which Gosha arranged a "fake" birthday so that his friends could introduce him to Katerina, saying all sorts of nice things as toasts? This is a rather positive manifestation of male solidarity: praising a friend in front of a girl he likes. Women, in my opinion, sometimes lack such solidarity.

Third wheel

Another property of male solidarity can be formulated as a biblical commandment: "Do not covet your neighbor's wife." In the male world, taking or seducing someone else's wife is not valor at all, but rather meanness. Men can boast of their victories over women, but not taken away from others. And this is perhaps the most important manifestation of male solidarity and honesty towards each other.

For example, my husband even hates the film "Irony of Fate". He categorically dislikes heroes who consistently try to steal someone else's woman. Not in movies, not in real life.

And yet, in my opinion, "male solidarity" is rather a myth. Each person makes a choice based on their own ideas of honesty. And no code will replace these ideas.

In addition, the very term "male solidarity" suggests that men are united in an undeclared war against women. And most representatives of the strong half of humanity do not conduct such hostilities.

What is male solidarity? The line between solidarity, friendship and willingness to help is almost invisible...

...Having listened to the essence of the problem with which Sidorchuk-husband and father telephoned, I sighed: apparently, compassion is my personal God's punishment and test. As soon as I resolved the issue of the unwanted offspring of my own cat Buska, a similar misfortune happened in the Sidorchuk family: their dachshund Funtik matured and became interested in female physicality. And not just for dogs! The other day he impudently harassed Sidorchuk-wife, and yesterday Sidorchuk-mother-in-law dared to declare his intentions ...

In connection with the absolute promiscuity in choosing a lady of the heart, at the family council it was decided to deprive Funtik of the most precious thing - hope for offspring. And, outrageously, the "Areopagus of the Elders" was represented only by those who suffered from Funtik's lust, that is, the mother-in-law and wife. Now Sidorchuk, husband and son-in-law, demanded a fair trial and offered me to join:

- Max, do the words "male solidarity" mean nothing to you?

- Means. But what do you propose - to catch and beat up the veterinarian in order to save Funtikov's wealth?

Andryukha fell silent for half a minute, breathing sternly into the receiver, and delivered a sentence:

- Call my Lariska and tell me that you can do without extreme measures. Max, understand that Funtik is also a man, why are we leaving him to the mercy of fate?! We, men, must help each other, today you are for me, and tomorrow I am for you!

- Andryukha, you want to say that tomorrow Funtik will help me with the repair of a car or an apartment? Or will he call my Svetka and lie that I'm not in a sports bar with you at all, but stuck in a "traffic jam"?

Max, don't be an idiot. I have already understood that it is pointless to expect male solidarity from you.

Short beeps sounded on the phone. Yeah, no matter how the day started. As soon as I was about to start spinning, the door opened and a disheveled colleague Leshka dived into the office. Judging by some characteristic signs, on the eve of the valiant manager spent his leisure time so sparkling that he now looked, in the apt expression of Ostap Bender, like a king in exile.

Max, great. May I ask you? If my wife calls today, please tell me that yesterday we had a banquet on the occasion of the anniversary of the chief accountant. And I was present until the very end!

I again sighed sadly, and Lyoshka whined:

Max, what are you doing? Today you will rescue me, and tomorrow I will rescue you. Show male solidarity!

I smiled: at least if one day I have to “work undercover”, Leshka will be able to call my Svetik and explain something coherently, and not bark, unlike Funtik. The languishing manager was delighted with the affirmative nod and departed for the workplace. And your obedient servant remained completely puzzled ...

"Our Response to Chamberlain".

I remember that when I was a student, Nelya was our headman. An almost two-meter giant, with an uncompromising mustache above the upper lip and well-developed muscles, Nelya fiercely hated the entire male race. As we, the hated, suspected - solely because of the lack of interest in her. At any Sabantuy, the headman raised the same topic:

- Here you say - "male solidarity"! And how does it manifest itself? Let me write off the abstract, "spurs" in the exam? Hide from the teacher? Or lie to your friend's girlfriend that he did not come on a date, because supposedly in the library they were preparing for exams together? Uh, I hate it! This is not solidarity, this is male chauvinism!

- As opposed to your feminism, - the future red diploma student Valera once answered his own head and ... was "taken on a pencil."

Closer to the third year, we began to avoid Nely's company, because, according to Valera, the headman had not only a difficult character, but also a strong hand, as well as a vindictiveness rare for the time of girlhood. And now, having lived and suffered, I repent and come to the conclusion: it seems that our giant was right. Men's solidarity is remembered only in those moments when it is necessary to unite against this or that representative of the fair sex in defense of the troubled smoking "fellow soldier". Here are some cases that treacherously threw my memory ...

“I will not approach you ... And you will not approach her!”

I was about 19 years old, and my peer-friend Seryoga once quarreled with his beloved, for example, Galya. The conflict was not worth a damn, but Serega went berserk in earnest. As punishment, he began to ignore the former passion, and demanded the same measures from us. Yes, yes, motivating solidarity. The inner circle of the avenger ceased to greet Galya in unison, alas, I fell for this devilry too. Then, a dozen and a half years ago, it seemed that in this way we together present Galya with the first lesson of female wisdom: a man is always right. Although the treacherous Seryoga secretly toiled for the chosen one and, flooding his melancholy with cheap port wine, he came to her with a confession, completely taking on the burden of what he had done. Galya accepted the apology, and we again began to greet her. As a result, it was not us, but she who showed worldly wisdom to us, boobies, she never reminded us of our conspiracy.

Well, you say it doesn't happen? And how do you like the film “Girls”, when the lumberjack Ilya Kovrigin punished the cook Tosya Kislitsina by not attending dinner? Yes, and the whole brigade persuaded! The comrades even wanted to eat to hell, but they patiently suffered with dry food. That's male solidarity for you. Although the peasant is not right, he is a peasant, therefore, we follow his lead, like lambs to the slaughter.

"Agents 0.7".

The second example is already known, it was illustrated by the miserable Leshka. Few people have not had to ask for a “call a friend” hint. Who will confirm to someone's wife that yesterday, until late, her faithful stayed at his place. Or they were fishing together in a quiet backwater. At the same time, they decided to check whether the statement that “truth is in wine” is true - with all the consequences ... Although, in fact, the “object of verification” rested in a completely different company, mostly female. I will not give numerous examples, but one fragment, mined in the depths of the Internet, amused. And he impressed me with the scale of male solidarity.

So, a certain young lady narrates: “I call my husband, I feel in my voice - I'm drunk. I ask:

- Where are you?
- Honey-a-a, I-a-a, I'm at home Well, it's already late.
- Right?
- Well, yes. You, you don't believe me?!
- Well, turn on the TV ...
- Come on…
Turn it on, I said!
(Sound of TV news is heard.)
“Okay, what about the water in the bathroom?”
(There is a murmur.)
“Now hop on your creaky bed.” Yes, not so loud, are you there, a herd? Okay, go to bed, kiss-love. You are my smart girl, not like your rascals, who are now hanging out somewhere!

And here's how it actually happened. Bar, football, beer, 30-40 people. A body runs out into the middle of the hall: “Guys, the wife is calling!” Deathly silence instantly hangs, the unfortunate man turns on the speakerphone on his mobile. On demand, the guard turns the TV on and off, the bartender pours water into a glass, three fans jump on the couch. How can 40 people understand and be imbued!”

I don't understand anything!

I decided not to give up and look for cases when male solidarity still pursues good goals, and does not cover up someone's sins. But he failed. Because the line between solidarity, friendship and willingness to help is almost invisible...

When Vadik's friend's wife needed a blood transfusion after the operation, the whole company of us went to the hospital "for delivery" without discussion. Does it count? It seems to be so, but the girlfriends of the poor thing did the same. What is it - the solidarity of both sexes or human participation? .. Then sidekick Mityai managed to fall in love with the impregnable beauty Olesya. I can proudly say that we won Olesya’s heart with the entire male department of the hostel: we dressed Mityai on dates from the general wardrobe stocks, borrowed money for him, because Olesya by no means wanted to fall in love for free, without dinners in restaurants and going to the theater ...

When my colleague Denis was late for an important press conference, and editor-in-chief Larisa Vladimirovna craved retribution, I called the "latecomer" and warned him to stock up on irrefutable evidence of innocence. But I would have acted exactly the same if Lidochka or Lyudmila Pavlovna were late, anyone, regardless of gender and degree of friendship. This is an elementary desire to insure a person, because trouble can happen to anyone ... I wonder if a warning “wink” of headlights that a traffic police officer is hiding in the bushes can be considered male solidarity? I think not, because we are talking about a narrow-profile brotherhood of motorists, which includes the fair sex.

Apparently, you will have to find it in Odnoklassniki and others in social networks elder Nel and admit: yes, male solidarity is pulled out into the light of day only when it is necessary to save the reputation of a “stumbled” brother. Perfectly realizing that he was wrong, but cherishing an excuse in his soul: “Anything happens in life. One day they will save me like that!”

... Torn apart by doubts, he spent two hours looking for Neli. Fortunately, it was not in the virtual space.

And I allowed myself to console myself with the thought that male solidarity also has a peacekeeping mission - it is aimed at avoiding conflicts and preserving the family.

Now I will think about how to save the childbearing (or not childbearing? After all, he, sorry, male) abilities of the loving Funtik ...

Photo: Vincent Boiteau