
Is Colloidal Silver a Dangerous Metal or an Infection Protector? Myths and new research. Dietary supplement Mertsana Silver (Silver) drops - “Did you order colloidal silver? Of course, yes, because it helps a lot with colds, increases the protective functions of the body in c


Colloidal Silver (fl.118ml) Russia Altera Holding

Colloidal silver- compound

1 teaspoon (5 ml) contains 25 micrograms of colloidal silver. Base - deionized water

Colloidal silver - action

Silver It was widely used in medical practice until the Second World War, until antibiotics came into use, which undeservedly replaced this natural antiseptic.

The advantage of using colloidal silver is the absence side effects. molecules silver prevent the reproduction of pathogens and reduce their viability. No known microorganism survives in the presence of even minimal concentrations of silver, especially in the colloidal state.

Colloidal silver used for acute and chronic respiratory diseases, urinary tract infections, acne, burns, insect bites.

Colloidal Silver - Orthomolecular Therapy

Protects the body from the action of pathogens.

Has anti-inflammatory properties.

· Colloidal silver - how to use

As a food supplement, take 1 teaspoon once daily with meals. Can be diluted in water, juice.

Price Colloidal silver and availability in pharmacies of the city

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Colloidal silver is a suspension of microscopic silver particles in distilled water.

Colloidal silver has been known as a natural antibiotic for centuries. Even our distant ancestors used silver coins for the preservation of various products.

A few years ago, interest in colloidal silver, to study and use for treatment, returned again. Recent studies show that colloidal silver can inhibit the growth of even highly antibiotic-resistant viruses and bacteria.

The simplest application of colloidal silver solution is to apply a dressing to the affected area. Apply colloidal silver and inside.

Unlike antibiotics, colloidal silver has no side effects. Beneficial bacteria that are killed by antibiotics are left untouched.

Even before the invention of antibiotics, silver solution was the main antibacterial and antifungal agent. But with the discovery of antibiotics, colloidal silver faded into the background and began to be forgotten about.

In many countries, including ours, colloidal silver as a drug is prohibited. It can only be bought as a dietary supplement, mostly online. Although medicines are sold with silver, they are mainly aerosols for the throat and nose.

Colloidal silver. Application

Colloidal silver can be used for a wide range of diseases, mainly related to viruses and bacteria. So it can be used for various infections caused by:


bacteria: tuberculosis, Lyme disease, bubonic plague, pneumonia, leprosy, gonorrhea, syphilis, scarlet fever, stomach ulcer, cholera;

viruses: pneumonia, AIDS, herpes, shingles, warts,

and also when:

pulmonary diseases: amphysema, bronchitis.

skin diseases: eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, acne.

inflammatory diseases Bladder, prostate.

diseases of the nose and throat.

eye diseases.

joint diseases such as arthritis.

allergic reactions.

diseases of the oral cavity, in particular, gums.

You can use colloidal silver to prevent influenza (swine and bird flu).

Although official medicine has banned the use of colloidal silver as a drug, nevertheless, as mentioned above, silver is used in some medicines. The same lapsis is nothing but silver nitrate. Protargol and collargol also contain silver.

Silver is also used in household items. In particular, many companies use it in water filters.

How to use colloidal silver

Many experts believe that colloidal silver is one of the most effective means protection against many strains of infectious agents: viral, bacterial, fungal.

Colloidal silver is used most often topically in the form of lotions and dressings. Here are a few ways you can use colloidal silver.

Treatment of burns to prevent infection and for faster wound healing without scarring.

For the treatment of ringworm, boils, herpes, warts and other skin rashes. The affected area should be lubricated with a colloidal solution of silver.

For bronchitis, pneumonia, spray colloidal silver in the air and inhale.

For diseases of the ear, eyes, nose, colloidal silver can be dripped to reduce inflammation. There are recommendations for cleansing the intestines to do enemas with a solution of colloidal silver.

For rinsing the mouth with stomatitis, for vaginal infections for washing.

To take colloidal silver or not, there are different opinions about this. Nevertheless, it must be remembered that the amount of silver ions in water is strictly limited. Moreover, such a restriction applies in all countries, including ours.

Even those pharmaceuticals that contain silver are for external use only, not for oral use.

Instructions for the use of colloidal silver

Instructions for use, as a rule, are attached to the packaging of colloidal silver. Before the beginning of the era of antibiotics, and this is the middle of the 20th century, colloidal silver was used everywhere as an antibacterial agent. After the discovery of antibiotics, the use of colloidal silver has declined sharply and is limited to external use only.

And yet, some companies that produce colloidal silver recommend taking the drug by mouth.

Typically, a colloidal silver solution is taken under the tongue, 5 to 15 drops, three to five times a day. In this case, colloidal silver must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Sinusitis, nasal congestion, rhinitis

Sinusitis causes not only nasal congestion, but also severe headaches and a feeling of tightness on the face. Painkillers, steroids, and antibiotics are common medicines prescribed for sinusitis, which, unfortunately, have a large number of side effects.

Colloidal silver in this case will be safer. Tilt your head back and put a few drops first in one nostril, then in the other.

In this case, colloidal silver must also be diluted in a ratio of 1: 1 before instillation into the nose.

To wash the nose with colloidal silver, you need to prepare a solution by mixing 1 part silver to 10 parts water.

Burns, cuts, wounds

Colloidal silver stimulates the skin and tissues to promote faster healing while reducing inflammation.

Psoriasis, pimples, blackheads and other skin conditions

The use of colloid will help clear the skin faster and heal wounds.

Treat wounds with a clean, undiluted solution two to three times a day.

Ear infections

Colloidal silver can be used for ear infections without any side infections. Put two drops in one and the other ear once or twice a day.

You can insert a swab moistened with a solution of silver into the sore ear and hold for 2-3 minutes. Then delete.

Bronchitis, pneumonia, upper respiratory diseases

Colloidal silver can be added to an inhaler and inhaled for a few minutes. To do this, dilute 5-7 drops of the drug in the capacity of the inhaler a small amount water.

In gynecology

For douching, dilute 2-3 teaspoons of colloidal silver in a glass of warm boiled water.

In addition to douching, you can use a swab that is impregnated with a pure silver solution.

Silver tampons can be used for proctological and urological diseases.

Colloidal silver is an indispensable product for fighting and preventing infectious processes. It is used for inhalations, antiseptic washings, compresses, water disinfection, applications, food preservation, etc.

This drug is natural material and consists of demineralized water and microscopic particles of mineral silver, in principle, it is For the manufacture of colloidal silver, an electromagnetic charge is used, which dissolves silver particles in water, thus a solution is obtained. It contains silver of the highest standard and the size of such particles is about 0.005-0.015 microns. Colloidal silver does not contain additional dyes, stabilizers and other chemical ingredients.

During the treatment of inflammatory processes, such difficulties often arise as the presence of adverse reactions to antibiotics, the inadmissibility of taking antibiotics during pregnancy, so scientists are constantly looking for new methods and drugs to fight infections. It is colloidal silver that belongs to such means, although this is not a new method, but an undeservedly forgotten old one.

The properties of silver have been used for a long time, for example, to disinfect water. Already in our time, methods have been developed that allow you to create a colloidal solution of high concentration silver. In countries such as France, Germany, the USA and many others, drinking water is disinfected using an electrolyte solution of silver.

The property of silver to have a therapeutic effect was also noticed and widely used, and it began to be used as an antibiotic.

During the studies, it was found that at the same concentration of silver and carbolic acid, the bactericidal effect of silver is 1750 times higher, and in comparison with or sublimate, it is 3-5 times higher. It has also been proven that the bactericidal effect that electrolyte silver has is higher than that of iodine, microcide, furacillin, collargol, protargol, and many antibiotics. Getting into silver, hepatitis and influenza viruses, adenoviruses, yeast-like fungi such as Candida, gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms die. Salmonella, shigella, causative agents of typhoid fever and cholera also die within an hour. Silver ions have a detrimental effect even on tuberculosis microbacteria and antibiotic-resistant strains of staphylococci.

Colloidal silver - contraindications for use

The use of this drug in children under 12 years of age is contraindicated, and it is also not allowed to be used by pregnant women and nursing mothers if they have an individual intolerance to this product.

Colloidal silver should be taken 1 teaspoon per day. The duration of admission should be about 5-7 days.

Colloidal silver - reviews

Most patients note that the drug is highly effective. In order for it to be absorbed as much as possible, it is recommended to hold it in the mouth for several minutes. Many people indicate that they use colloidal silver as a topical remedy. In such cases, irrigation of the mucous membranes or skin is carried out, as well as wetting of tampons and dressings. The drug can be diluted in water. Some patients claim that this drug helps to relieve a hangover, and the drug is also effective in the treatment of sore throats.


  • Anti-inflammatory and bactericidal agent
  • Used for indoor and outdoor use
  • Powerful immune system support
  • Removes salts of heavy metals and toxins

Silver treatmentIt was used until World War II, until antibiotics came into widespread use, which undeservedly replaced this natural antiseptic. In Russia, this drug was produced under the name Collargol. The domestic pharmacopoeia recommended using it for both adults and children. However, the release form of this drug (powder) created certain difficulties in its use. DESCRIPTION

Colloidal silver by NSP is a great alternative to any synthetic antibiotics. No pathogenic bacterium known to survive in the presence of even a minimal amount of silver, especially in the colloidal state.

colloidal silver solution helps the body fight infection no worse than with antibiotics, but without the side effects. Silver molecules block the reproduction of harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi, reduce their vital activity. At the same time, the spectrum of action of colloidal silver extends to 650 species of bacteria (for comparison, the spectrum of action of any antibiotic is only 5-10 species of bacteria). The normal color of a high quality solution is light golden.

Colloidal silver from NSP Produced in bottles of high quality glass, which allows you to maintain the quality of the colloidal solution and protect it from exposure to ultraviolet rays. This is very important, because plastic box cannot guarantee the preservation of the valuable qualities of the product. Everyone who is serious about their health should certainly have in the family first aid kit Colloidal silver from NSP for indoor and outdoor use.

Indications for use

colds; acute and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, bronchi and lungs; skin diseases juvenile acne, some types of psoriasis, fungal skin lesions, burns, colds on the skin, insect bites; insufficiency of adrenal function, manifested in the form of general weakness, decreased mental activity, decreased blood pressure and etc.; rheumatoid arthritis; atherosclerosis; food poisoning; defeat by tape and roundworms; genital tract infections, including chlamydia, trichomonas, gonorrhea.

Ingredients - 1 teaspoon

Colloidal silver(Argentum colloidal) 70 mcg
Base - purified soft water


1 teaspoon 3 times a day between meals; can be diluted in water. For optimal absorption, hold in the mouth for 3-4 minutes. Locally - irrigation of the skin, mucous membranes, moisturizing dressings, wetting tampons. Best results are achieved when used together with Liquid Chlorophyll (but do not mix together).

Manufacturer: USA

Release form: 118 ml, 236 ml. For ease of use, you can buy a spray bottle (pulverizer) separately.

Best before date: The expiration date is indicated on the bottle.

Compound: purified silver in ionic form (concentration 10 mg/ml), purified water.

The antiseptic properties of silver have been known since before our era. It has been observed that water is stored longer in silver vessels, and milk does not turn sour longer if a silver coin is thrown into it.

Silver nitrate was used to cauterize wounds. In the early 20th century, colloidal silver began to be used to treat burns, heal wounds, and trophic ulcers, treatment of influenza, pneumonia, gastritis, venereal diseases.

Then the antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of this metal were officially recognized. Most importantly, the treatment was without side effects.


Silver Max by Coral Club is a solution of colloidal silver.

By itself, the concept of "colloidal solution" means that a certain substance is evenly distributed in a liquid. In this case, the smallest particles of pure silver are in purified water.

American scientists came to the conclusion that it is not silver that kills pathogenic microorganisms, but its ions. Moreover, colloidal silver has a stronger antimicrobial effect than some antibiotics.

Antibiotics often cause allergic reactions, they are toxic to the body, and have a number of side effects.

They also adversely affect our beneficial bacteria, disrupting the intestinal microflora. This leads to dysbacteriosis and subsequently requires a long recovery.

Silver Max is non-toxic and does not accumulate in the body, which means it does not cause skin pigmentation (argyria).

Argyria manifests itself when the amount of silver in the human body reaches an amount of 0.8 g per 1 kg of body weight. But for this it is necessary to drink about 80 liters of colloid in a short period of time, about half a liter a day.

Silver Max is a safe alternative to antibiotics.

The effectiveness of colloidal silver largely depends on the size of its particles - the smaller they are, the more pronounced the antimicrobial effect will be. Silver Max Coral Club has a very high bioavailability, is produced using the patented technology SilverSol Technology.

Anti-inflammatory - you can wash the mucous membrane of the eye, rinse the mouth, use it as drops in the nose. Effective in the complex treatment of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis)

Antiviral - effective treatment by Silver Max of the respiratory system, as an antiseptic helps with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, bronchopulmonary diseases.

Antiseptic and wound healing - when bound to tissue proteins, it forms a protective layer. This promotes faster healing. It is used to wash wounds and burns, in case of damage skin(eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis)

Bactericidal - actively affects pathogenic bacteria. Able to penetrate into the infected cell. Does not kill bacteria, but blocks the respiratory function, disrupting metabolism. As a result, the microbe dies. Effective in the fight against infections caused by chlamydia, trichomonads, ureaplasmas, toxoplasma, streptococci, staphylococci, etc.

Antifungal - prevents the reproduction of yeast fungi, destroys spores


The use of the preparation of colloidal silver inside. For adults, dilute 1 teaspoon in a glass of water, take half an hour before meals. Duration of admission 10-14 days

It is also used as an antibacterial (anti-inflammatory) agent.

Babies up to a year - a third of a teaspoon 3 times a day. Then reduce the dosage by half and another 2 weeks.

1-3 years - also a third of a teaspoon 3 times a day.

children from a year to 3 years - half a teaspoon 2-3 times a day

4 to 7 years old - ½ tsp, 3 times a day

After 7 years - 1 tsp, 2 times a day.

In difficult cases, it may be necessary to increase the dosage for a period of 7-10 days. With a repeat after 20 days.

If you need help in drawing up an admission plan, please contact us in any convenient way.

Colloidal silver spray - for prevention colds adults and children 2-3 sprays in the mouth before going outside (use a spray bottle, it can also be purchased at Coral Club sales offices)

Pharyngitis, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract- gargle 1-2 tsp. colloidal solution up to 5 times a day (can be swallowed). Duration - 6-7 days. With tonsillitis, 3 days is usually enough.

infections, inflammation of the pelvic organs- 2-4 teaspoons, irrigate the vagina or insert a cotton swab moistened with silver for a few minutes. Usually the effect is noticeable after 4-5 days

At fungal infections, cut wounds, burns and other skin lesions - apply to the affected areas of the skin 1-2 small spoons up to 5 times a day for 6-8 days.

With conjunctivitis - instill "Silver Max" into the eyes up to 5 times a day. Usually the effect is visible after 2-3 days.

Otitis - instill 2-3 drops into the ear up to 5 times a day.

Cracked nipples in breastfeeding mothers- rinse with a swab dipped in a solution of colloidal silver.

There is an opinion that colloidal silver is a life-threatening compound. Backed up by an FDA statement that was made about 20 years ago.

But, first of all, that was two decades ago.

Secondly, the text of the statement says that there is no scientific evidence in favor of the use of this compound. But there is no mention of danger.