
Why did women wear skirts. Feminine power. Why is it so important to wear a skirt? Why do women wear dresses


... The skirt is required attribute femininity, and not because it is beautiful. Wearing a skirt has its own sacred meaning. If we recall how the women of ancient civilizations were dressed, then we will see them all in a dress or skirt: a Slavic woman in a sarafan, a Greek woman in a chiton, an Egyptian woman in a kalaziris (a piece of cloth wrapping a figure from ankles to chest, supported by one or two straps), a Roman woman - in a tunic, women in India - in saris, Japanese women - in a kimono. But why? In those days, due to less information pollution, people felt much more fully and vividly the connection with their inner nature, and clearly understood that a man and a woman differ from each other not only physically, but also energetically.
... A woman is designed so that she receives energy from below, from Mother Earth, this is the energy of matter, including that expressed in all material goods, it is not for nothing that the Earth personifies abundance expressed in the fruits that she gave. A man takes energy from above, nourishing and strengthening his spirit with the energies of the air.

... The uterus is a vessel where feminine energy is accumulated. Men do not have this organ, they have nowhere to accumulate energy with such qualities, therefore they can receive it only from women. But when a woman puts on trousers and jeans, thereby cutting off the energy channel of communication with the Earth, squeezes all the pelvic organs, clogs the movement of blood and energy, thereby leaving her sacred vessel empty, and she has nothing to share. And the feminine energy presented to a man makes him more balanced, more stable, calmer, directing his actions towards creation. Aggressive, rude men are those who are deprived of a woman's love, her soft, caressing energy.

... As a result, it turns out that the exchange of energies is disturbed on the subtle plane, the woman nourishes her spirit, strengthening and strengthening it by male type, and interacts with a man like a man. On the physical plane, this is expressed in illness, quarrels and scandals.

... The first to publicly wear pants was Coco Chanel, she also introduced them to fashion. Thus, as if a dam had burst and women got a pass to the male world, putting themselves on a par with a man, but equality did not work out (and it could not! What is the point of equalizing opposites?) - only competition in society came out, and as a result - in the family ...

... Unfortunately, now many women cannot imagine themselves without trousers, the main argument for them is convenience. Yes, in jeans it is more convenient to do men's work, to carry weights, to move faster and more dexterously. The dress and skirt provide natural braking, which is a boon for the woman as her main harmonious state is peace.

... A real woman will never think of pulling heavy things, she will calmly wait until a man appears on the horizon, and gently, like a woman, will ask him for help, and in this case he will not be able to refuse, because this is a manifestation of his masculine nature.

... Wearing a dress, you instantly feel how your state changes, you become more playful, alluring, not to mention the aspect that a man always prefers a dress on a woman to any cool jeans.

Lovely clothes to all of you, dear ladies!


… If we turn to ancient traditions, then we will see a woman in long clothes. Why and why? Exactly long skirt serves as an assistant in the correct recruitment and preservation of the received energy of the Earth, which is the basic feminine energy - the material energy of fertility and goodness, stability and peace.

... The long skirt, reaching almost to the ground, forms a triangle with it, which helps to conduct and maintain the necessary nutritional power for the woman. The wide hem, swaying and twisting when walking, forms torsion fields, which again contribute to the flow and strengthening of the energy of the Earth element. It turns out that if you wear a short skirt, then the triangle decreases, and accordingly, the flow of resources of femininity is also reduced.

... The hem also has its own sacred meaning - it is a protective circle. The hem protects our sex centers, the correct operation of which ensures women's health and good reproductive function. In addition, the hem helps maintain a woman's purity and chastity, which affects her mental strength.

... A long skirt protects against lustful looks, which can pierce the lower chakras and cause a leak of sexual energy, and as a result of vitality and female attraction. And as a result, a woman simply becomes poor in terms of energy, and she has nothing to give to a man, so she becomes little noticeable and uninteresting to him.

It was not for nothing that traditions and customs existed in Great Russia, everything made a lot of sense! Even the fact that a woman covered her head with a scarf also has its own sacred meaning! This helped her not to be “carried away into the air” by her consciousness, like the male type. After all, a man feeds his spirit with the element of air, through upper part body. And now the scarf has become a rudiment, but it also took part in the formation of the female energy - a little at the top, a lot at the bottom, making us steady down.
Beauties of Slavyanka, it is possible that completely abandoning trousers is difficult .. but nevertheless, try to wear skirts and dresses more often!

Women carry a colossal burden of responsibilities, a layer of affairs and just a ton of restrictions. Why should a woman wear skirts and dresses? A woman is a mistress, mother, wife, mistress, friend, comrade, worker, boss, and just a unit of society. Each of her roles is a spectrum of qualities, emotions and skills. Often, the success that women are forced to achieve in modern society is not always the success they want to achieve. For the most part, all of these roles are standardized in some way. It turns out that when a woman succeeds, she just perfectly meets the quality standards of modern society.

Alas, today a woman is often likened to a man's behavior and a masculine image in principle, since the roles of a friend, comrade, employee and boss come to the fore. First of all, imitation of a man begins with an external image. A woman can start smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol, for example, in Asian countries, men left women and went to a specially designated place to drink alcohol and smoke cigars, so as not to set a bad example. However, today this rule is rarely followed. In addition, a modern woman certainly has in her wardrobe at least one trousers, which were originally considered barbaric clothing, since they were necessary exclusively for warriors.

Following the trends that no one knows who sets, a woman can lose what makes her a woman: beauty, charm, wisdom and even the ability to love. The easiest way to start changes within yourself is to follow the simplest rule. Get rid of your trousers. This is the garment that hides the true beauty of a woman and does not allow her to free herself from the standards of form and image.

Why choose dresses over trousers?

  • A dress is a wardrobe item for women. In a dress, the female silhouette looks feminine and sexy;
  • V winter periods the dress will be warmer than the trousers;
  • Performing simple tasks in a dress will change their pace, you may have to ask for help (for example, for a man to help pull the stroller out into the street), and men like to help women, they just need to be asked;
  • A woman cannot carry heavy bags in a dress;
  • Updating your wardrobe will give you pleasant emotions, you just have to choose the right style of dress;
  • It is when a woman is in a dress that a man will tell her what she wants to hear from him;
  • The modern fashion industry allows you to choose a lot of styles of dresses, there are not so many styles of trousers and cannot be;
  • There is an opinion that male and female energies differ not only physically, but also spiritually. So, men are fed with energy from space, and women have a sacred connection with the earth. After all, a woman's destiny is to be a good wife, mother and keeper hearth... And mother earth is also responsible for calmness, stability, fertility and abundance. A man can receive the energy of the earth only through his woman. And if she wears trousers, then her connection with the earth is lost and she herself is filled with masculine energy. Therefore, there is no exchange of energies between a man and a woman. As a result, misunderstandings, discord, quarrels, scandals begin in the family, which often lead to divorce.
  • Trousers, especially tight ones, are harmful to women's health. They distort blood circulation, squeeze nerve endings, cause swelling and chafing, which are a breeding ground for harmful microbes.

What are the preferred skirts to wear?

It is preferable for women to wear floor-length cone-shaped skirts. These skirts form an energy cone, in which there is a lot of energy at the bottom and little at the top. This is a typical female type in which a woman becomes stable, the ability to love develops in her. The wide hem around the woman plays the role of a protective circle. This circle protects all important energy centers women, especially the reproductive organs. A woman's uterus is a kind of accumulator of female energy. The hem that sways as it moves creates torsion fields that amplify the energy of the earth. And the woman is more filled with feminine energy. If a woman wears a short skirt, then there is no such strong filling with energy.

If a woman wears trousers or miniskirts, then she loses touch with the earth. And lustful and even envious glances of both men and women break through the energetic biofield of a woman. Through this gap, a woman loses her vital energy, her attractiveness gradually disappears, female beauty, sexuality. She cannot give her man feminine energy, and he begins to look for her in another woman.

For men, a woman in a long skirt is associated with purity and chastity. Next to her, he feels calm and stable. He wants to please her, give her attention, support, help, give material benefits. Without female care, affection and love, a man becomes tough, sloppy and rude.

Only in a woman's dress or skirt does a woman become imperceptibly feminine, calm, self-confident, affectionate, gentle. Men immediately notice this. And you will certainly catch their enthusiastic eyes!

The skirt at all times was considered the main attribute of femininity. And the reason for this is not only the beauty of such clothes. Experts in the field of energy practitioners believe that when a woman puts on a skirt, she begins to accumulate her inherent feminine energy. Therefore, the skirt also carries with it a certain sacred meaning for each of the fairer sex.

Since antiquity, women have worn exclusively dresses and skirts. And this fashion was true for all peoples. For example, Slavic women wore a sundress as their main clothing, Indian women wore long wide headscarves, and Japanese women wore kimonos on their bodies. As you can see, the clothes of all women did not imply the design of the trousers.

In earlier times, people more subtly felt their connection with the forces of nature. And everyone knew that women differ from men not only in physical parameters. People of different sexes have different energies. Men were instructed to draw energy from space. And women took energy mainly from the earth.

If we remember such concepts as love, sensitivity, care, mercy, tenderness, then, of course, we will attribute them to a woman. But in relation to the land, such definitions will be true.

The design of any skirt is such that it forms a cone expanding downward. And this skirt model was not invented by chance.

It was believed that such a cone helps a woman to better absorb the energy and strength of the earth, to become fertile and materially prosperous. The energy of a woman, if we talk about the physical body, accumulates in a special organ - the uterus. Men, according to the idea of ​​nature, are not endowed with such an organ. And in terms of energy, in order for a man to receive the energy of the earth, he must take it from a woman.

Feminine energy is essential for a man. She makes him more calm, balanced, stable. If a man has access to feminine energy, then he will always want to engage in creative work. When a man is deprived of female affection and love, he becomes aggressive, rude and cruel.

There are many women who do not wear skirts at all. They dress exclusively in trousers or jeans. But from an energetic point of view, such a woman strengthens and nourishes her spirit in a way alien to her, that is, like a man. As a result, a woman's interaction with a man also occurs as if she were a man by nature. On the subtle plane, this is expressed in the fact that the exchange of energies is disrupted. This can be reflected on the physical plane in the form of various illnesses, misunderstandings and quarrels in relationships.

Women, in their justification for wearing trousers, can say that such clothes are very comfortable, stylish, practical and fashionable. Of course, in jeans it will be much more convenient for a woman to do the work originally due to men, for example, carry weights, move swiftly and dexterously, etc. Compared to trousers, a skirt or dress acts like a natural brake. But this is the manifestation of the great blessing for a woman, bringing her peace and harmony. It would never even occur to a real woman to do hard work, carry heavy weights or rush somewhere fast. She will wait for a man for this, who, like real knight, will not refuse her help.

Wearing a beautiful skirt or dress, any woman can feel how quickly her mood and state change. It is as if a tremendous and very familiar energy begins to wake up in a woman. Naturally, men's looks are always directed towards women in skirts and dresses.

Trousers for women, albeit super fashionable, still need to be worn only as an exception.

The length and shape of the skirt is also important. Previously, it was believed that a woman's skirt or dress should certainly be as long as possible, as they say today, to the floor. So it was easier for a woman to nourish herself and keep the energy of the earth in herself. If the skirt has wide edges that sway when moving and twist slightly, then torsion fields begin to appear, designed to enhance the earth's energy. The edge of the skirt has long been considered a kind of amulet circle. Such a talisman was intended to create protection for a woman's sexual centers. The health of the reproductive female organs and their correct functioning directly depend on the correct operation of such centers.

The image of a woman in a long skirt will always remind of chastity, innocence and purity. A long skirt will save a woman from lustful looks. And this is very important. Such bad looks are like a real evil eye that can leave a hole in the lower energy centers.

If this happens, then the woman simply loses her sexual energy. Together with her, vitality and female attractiveness will go away. As a result, the energy impoverishment of the woman occurs. She can no longer give anything to her man, and therefore he loses interest in her. Today, many women are wondering where the real men, comparable to the Russian heroes, have gone. But think for yourself, where do they come from, if women themselves have ceased to be such in the full meaning of this concept?

Women deliberately give up their femininity by dressing in trousers and other masculine clothing. Fortunately, the fashion of recent years is such that it provides women with a chance to return to the primordially feminine clothes, to be nourished with the power of the earth and to bestow their femininity on their beloved man. Therefore, today wear a long skirt or dress and get used to feeling like a true woman.

Hello lovely readers! I, accustomed to leading an active and athletic life since childhood, really liked jeans. I liked to wear shoes comfortable shoes while feeling lightness and freedom. I liked to quickly rush through the city, jump into public transport and deftly run up the stairs in a matter of seconds. But one day I realized why women wear skirts. Why is it necessary for the beautiful half of humanity. I will tell you about my transition to skirts a little later, but for now I will try to explain why I need to strain so hard, depriving myself of my usual comfort.

Why have skirts always been considered women's clothing?

In fact, women have only recently started wearing pants. A hundred years ago, this was unthinkable. Traditionally, girls were dressed in long dresses. And for a reason! In the old days, it was believed that a woman should draw her energy from the earth (while a man, on the contrary, from space). The long skirt made it possible to receive and store this energy, to be open to the ground. I must say right away that this energetic effect is not felt immediately. You have to walk in long skirts for about six months, then put on jeans and feel the difference.

However, this aspect is not convincing for many girls. So let's take a look at the other benefits of wearing skirts.

Why should women wear dresses?

  1. Today many girls complain that. Of course, it's not just about clothes here. But think about it: do you feel your femininity? Are you enjoying it? And do you want to feel your feminine nature? The first step to that feeling is to swap pants for dresses. Yes, a miracle will not happen. In the first days and even months, you will feel uncomfortable. But gradually get used to it. And then your self-image will begin to actively change.
  2. Skirts make us slow down. They teach us to be weak. Again, they are taught to be a woman. We may not always like these tutorials. But then ... What a blessing that you can finally throw off the burden of responsibility, become soft, affectionate, fragile and happy!
  3. Imagine an ordinary iron bucket ... And a crystal vase. How do you pick up a bucket? How about a vase? And how would you like to be treated with you? If we are in beautiful dress and shoes, much is not available to us. We cannot walk through the mud. Hump ​​into a packed bus. Sometimes we won't even be able to walk a couple of kilometers. People around us perceive us in a completely different way from girls in sneakers and jeans. And the attitude towards us will be completely different. Although, of course, it is not only clothing that matters.
  4. Most men prefer to see a woman in a skirt. And my husband now absolutely does not want me to go back to jeans.
  5. Skirt proponents say that tight trousers pinch the pelvic organs in women. This causes gynecological problems and all sorts of bad diseases. I don’t know if this is true. But loose-fitting clothes are really more comfortable.

Long skirt or sexy mini?

I used to think that the best skirt is the shortest. And if you really give up your favorite trousers, then only for the sake of "mini"! It was these clothes that seemed very effective and feminine to me. Only later did I realize that sexuality and femininity are two different things. Femininity is always chaste. I used to think that the more men look at me with devouring eyes, the better. With my height of 176 centimeters and long slender legs, I was very pleased to wear the "mini". At the age of 17-20, men periodically approached me on the street. However, nothing good came out of these acquaintances ...

And now I can see very clearly why there is nothing useful in short skirts. Dear ladies, tell me, what kind of men do you dream of? Many swear that men only need sex now. What kind of men do you attract? What are you hoping for? Yes, if a man is looking for intimacy, he will easily "bite" on a revealing outfit. And if a man is looking for a faithful wife with a deep inner world, who will he be interested in faster - a girl in a short skirt or in an elegant long dress? Certainly, clever man even behind a short skirt will see good woman, but it is better not to complicate his task by teasing him with your sexuality. After all, if a man thinks about sex, it is difficult for him to switch and think about your wonderful personality traits.

Short skirts are still needed! You don't have to throw them away! But ... We don't need it on the street. And at home when you are with your spouse. So let you have and short skirts, and revealing negligees, and any erotic outfits. This is wonderful. But - at the right time and in the right place. That is, not on the street.

Here is what Margarita Murakhovskaya says about skirts:


Not everyone is ready to switch to maxi skirts. But there is nothing wrong with that. Choose skirts middle length! Today you can buy dresses of the most different models... And for the thin, and for overweight women... Both "sun" and "pencil" ... A woman must find her own style, trying on dozens of different skirts. Different colours, different shapes, different styles ... From flowing romantic dresses to casual ethnic skirts with pockets. Which skirts do you like best?

In the next article I will tell you more about my personal experience... What to wear with long skirts, how to walk in them with children from 0 to 3 years old, how to be in the winter, what shoes to choose, and what gave me a refusal of trousers. Subscribe to blog updates and recommend the article to your friends! Until next time!

When looking at modern women becomes apparent: skirts and dresses have practically disappeared from female wardrobe... And if a skirt flashes on the horizon, it will surely belong to a very little girl or, conversely, to a grandmother. There are also mini on young girls seeking to attract as many admiring glances as possible. The skirt and dress have become out of fashion clothing, uncomfortable and even somewhat out of fashion. Still, some of us sometimes have questions: “Why should women wear skirts? What's so special about them? Why did only men wear trousers before? " Of course, a woman does not owe anything to anyone, and the decision of what to wear is a deeply personal matter for everyone. But it would be nice to remember the origins. Moreover, beauty, morality and female happiness are things directly related to our appearance, and in particular, clothing.

Why have girls and women wear skirts and dresses from time immemorial? A bit of history

Representatives of ancient peoples are associated with beautiful, flowing outfits: Greek women wore tunics, Roman women - tunics, Egyptians - kalaziris (a piece of cloth wrapped around the body from chest to ankles and held on one or two straps), Indian women - saris, Japanese women - kimonos , Slavs - sundresses. There was no question of any trousers, due to traditions and ideas about the female essence.

The element of a woman has always been considered Mother Earth, who bestows abundance and fertility. A woman, as a mother and a stronghold of family spirituality, had to embody an energetic communion with the earth in her appearance. And this connection was maintained precisely thanks to the triangular silhouette of the classic women's skirt. It is more typical for a woman to “grow roots” in her native land, because she is the keeper of the Hearth and she does not need the energy of the air so much, in contrast to the man who is responsible for the external, social life of the family.

Trousers were brought into fashion by the well-known Coco Chanel in 1929 (mind you, not even a hundred years have passed!). A bold step to some extent equated women in rights with men. Yes, now the ladies were able to walk quickly and sit comfortably. But along with this, competition arose. female world with the male, including in the family. Many of the women are now not at all happy that they were given the opportunity to do men's work, to carry weights. Yes, we have become extremely independent, but with skirts, the harmony, charm and smoothness inherent only to women have disappeared.

Skirts and dresses should not be considered a rudiment of past civilizations. It is enough to look at the statistics of divorce and the picture of the fall in moral values ​​in modern society. Of course, it's not just about skirts. But the rejection of them is part of the global changes in the female consciousness, which led to such dire consequences.

Why does a woman need to wear a skirt?

There are many reasons for wearing skirts and dresses. If you prefer pants because they are “comfortable,” ask yourself: comfortable for what? Run somewhere, do physical work, carry weights? If your life is full of such goals, it may be time to change something. Try wearing a skirt or dress, simply because:

1. Feminine, elegant and beautiful ... A woman in a flowing skirt moves smoothly, hypnotically acting on those around her. Any man at heart wants his girlfriend or wife to be so - feminine and graceful. And trousers, whatever one may say, are clothes that make women such "comrades".

A woman in a dress or skirt is unlikely to allow herself to put on ugly (but comfortable!) Shoes and hide her hair in a bun. She will try to look dignified from head to toe. The posture and gait of a woman in a skirt changes significantly, and you can immediately see: a Woman is walking.

Someone will say - jeans and tight pants are sexier ... Yes, if your goal is to attract a lot of men to your person, for sure it is. But excessive, lustful attention impoverishes a woman energetically, and if she is married at the same time, it introduces problems into her family relationships... The same, by the way, applies to short skirts.

2. Makes you feel tender and fragile ... It is a woman in a skirt that a man wants to hold out his hand and open the door for her. Putting on a skirt or dress, you psychologically adjust to the "female" wave. It would not occur to you to drag and drop something heavy - an assistant will definitely appear next to you!

3. Complies with religious canons ... Everyone probably knows that a woman should go to church exclusively in a skirt. The Old Testament also mentions: “A woman should not have men's clothing, and a man should not dress in women's dress for everyone that does these things is an abomination to the Lord thy God ”(Deut. 22: 5). The Qur'an also instructs women to wear clothing that covers the entire body except for the face and hands. It should not look like a man's and be transparent or tight-fitting.

4. Good for your health ... Wearing trousers, especially tight jeans, puts excessive pressure on the pelvic organs. Stagnation of blood in this zone is fraught with the emergence of various disorders of the female sphere. Gynecologists have already recognized: women's health for last years worsened significantly. Many suffer from an imbalance in male and female hormones. The point, of course, is not only in the trousers, but in them too.

5. Comfortable ... In the right dress or skirt, you will feel much more comfortable and at ease than in trousers or jeans. This is especially true for office work that involves long sitting. Some people are intimidated by wearing a skirt in winter, and in vain! A long coat or jacket plus thermal underwear and high boots - and you will not be afraid of any cold. And if it gets hot at work, it will be much easier to remove an extra layer of clothing from under your skirt than from under your trousers.

6. Stands out from the crowd ... A beautiful long skirt in our time is a rarity, and when you see a woman dressed in this way, it is impossible not to admire her. This is a real queen. She moves gracefully and smoothly, without fuss. She lifts the hem slightly as she walks up the steps, and her skirt flutters beautifully in the wind.

Each of us is free to choose what to wear for herself and her little daughter ... But do not forget - not everything modern is wise and bright. If there are no skirts or dresses in your wardrobe, maybe it's time to change this fact? Not to please men, no, that's not the point. Putting on a skirt is worth at least in order to feel like a Woman! And believe me, after this a lot will change in your life ...