
They bully a small child. Moral abuse of a child. Tips for Preventing Moral Abuse


The topic of child abuse (physical and moral) in recent times became fashionable. In the news column on any site there is always one or two screaming headlines - about how parents (teacher, educator, nanny in kindergarten or just other people's uncles and aunts) mocked some unfortunate child. No one calls such material a sensation for a long time. Are we really getting used to this?

Alien life in the dark

We will not now retell each other those terrible stories that we learned about from the media. Instead, let's remember at least one case from our own life when we ourselves bullied a child or someone else did it in front of our eyes.

You say that this has never happened in your life? Then I will tell you a terrible story from my childhood. I was 12 years old then, our family lived for a short time (only six months) on the ground floor in an old two-story house with a yard-well. On the opposite side, another family lived on the same ground floor - blind parents and a sighted teenage son. Their apartment had a separate entrance - from the porch. On this porch they sat on summer evenings, and on Friday evening they arranged a concert - his father played the button accordion well and sang well, his mother echoed him in a piercing voice, son Vitka sang along softly and gundoso. He did not want to sing at all - he believed that such peaceful family singing undermines his authority among the yard boys. Actually, this 11-year-old Vitka was a rather nasty guy, a bully, offended the kids for no reason, called the girls dirty names. But the father was implacable: "Sing, Vitya! Louder, Vitya!"

The neighbors silently endured - what to do, people are blind, they can’t watch TV, let them sing. At ten in the evening, Vitka's father stopped playing the button accordion, his mother went into the house, and the father and son sat on the porch for another fifteen minutes. And all these fifteen minutes something happened between them, because of which Vitka wept thinly, and his father occasionally whinnied and asked loudly: "Does it hurt, Vitya, does it? Well, tell me, does it hurt?" The voice of the blind man trembled with joy.

I sat in my room, turning off the light, by the open window, heard Vitka crying (the yard-well carried the slightest sound to my ears) and was afraid. In the darkness of the yard it was impossible to see what exactly father was doing to Vitka, but it was clear that he was hurting him. severe pain in some sort of mocking and probably shameful way.

Almost always, Friday evening in the courtyard-well went like this: first the button accordion and singing, then Vitkin's thin, suffering crying and the joyful neighing of his blind father. And not once, NEVER, did any of the neighbors intervene. It so happened that that summer my parents left to settle down in a new place (we moved to another city), I stayed with my grandmother, and she went to bed early and did not hear what was happening with her neighbors opposite. But in the house there were several healthy peasants and lively, tongued women who, during the day, shrillly swore at each other near the column in the center of the yard. In the apartment near us lived an intelligent woman, a pensioner, a teacher in the past. And none of these adults even tried to at least intimidate the villain.
Until now, although many years have passed, I remember this story, a thin child's cry and ... I'm afraid.

Fortunately, in the middle of summer my parents returned and we left this house and this city. My father never got to hear the concert on the porch, because after my parents arrived, we packed up two days in advance and left on Thursday.

"And thank God" - a thought flashed through my mind - which means that, having become an adult, I also argue like my former neighbors in the "well" - there is no need to interfere in the affairs of the family, he himself will fall (one day, after the next concert, in the morning on Saturday, I heard a neighbor from the second floor say to his drinking companion: “Syoma, this kingpin will get angry, hit me on the head with his stick, nothing will happen to him - he is disabled. Blind people are nervous, angry. Even mother does not stand up for Vitka, she is afraid. She silently leaves the porch, do you understand? Yes, and this Vitka is a bully. "

Of course, I was afraid for my dad (I don’t doubt for a second that he would interfere in what is happening on the porch). But maybe if all the neighbors were not so loyal to the bastard, he would ....

"Yes, I would still scoff, only in my apartment, so that no one would hear!" - such a reaction you have now to my question, right?

But, firstly, we did not try to show the whole world our intolerance towards such cases. And secondly, you can start with yourself and look as if from the outside - what is happening at my house? Are there any signs of violence towards my own child in my actions?

Violence in "prosperous" families

Education is always violence. The question is to what extent we have the right to use force in relations with a child. If the baby fell into a dirty puddle, we grab him under the mittens and drag him home - under a warm shower, change into dry clothes. And we don’t care at all that, resisting, he squeals like a pig. Here our violent actions are justified, since they are aimed at the good of the child.

But very often in the family violence is used against children, which is not justified in any way, some kind of petty, sometimes imperceptible to outsiders, but seriously poisoning the life of the child. Here are some examples.

Poor Lisa

The mother of 12-year-old Liza sews clothes for her daughter herself. Against the background of girlfriends dressed in the same jeans and T-shirts, the girl stands out, but the comparison is not in her favor. In principle, the things sewn by my mother are not bad, they might have looked better on another girl, but Lisa is overweight with loose fullness, stoops heavily, keeps her hands on her stomach even when walking, so her mother's efforts are in vain. At school, no one knew that because of the clothes the mother and daughter had a conflict, until Lisa's mother came to the class teacher with a request to influence her daughter. It turns out that the girl tries to put on a woolen jacket for any dress. Every morning, mom pulls this sweater out of her daughter's backpack. “Even in the heat, she puts on this sweater over a sleeveless blouse!” Mom explained indignantly. Classroom teacher I was surprised and advised to talk to a psychologist. School psychologist listened to offended mother, glancing at Lisa standing next to her in her usual pose, and gave one single piece of advice, which sounded like this: "Buy your daughter a bra." After these words, the girl burst into tears. The psychologist asked the surprised mother to come out to talk to Lisa alone. Her guess was confirmed - the girl was embarrassed to wear things that made her still poorly formed breasts visible (one mammary gland is slightly larger than the second, the breasts are too soft, "spread in different directions," as Liza herself explained). Swallowing tears, Lisa said that her mother hit her in the face for refusing to wear some things and called her "ungrateful fat creature."

A one-on-one conversation with Lisa's mother turned out to be unpleasant. Firstly, the psychologist did not hesitate to criticize the woman's ability to model clothes (“how can you cut without seeing the shape? Instead of giving the still shapeless body of a teenager some kind of harmony with the help of clothes, you disfigure the girl”). Secondly, she suggested that Lisa's mother take a course of psychological assistance for parents who beat their children. It is not known what hurt the woman more, but she reluctantly promised to reconsider her attitude towards her daughter. Although she did not agree with the term "beating children" in relation to herself. Yes, she hit her in the face (so she infuriates with her stubbornness), but I didn’t beat her! It was evident that Liza's mother was sincerely surprised - yes, what violence against her daughter, the usual whims.

Hair bands

Second-grader Anya came to school with a strange haircut - just yesterday, thick chestnut strands were cut unevenly, forming bald spots over her forehead and whirlwinds at the top of her head. The children began to laugh out loud, the teacher asked the girl who cut her hair like that. "Mom punished me like that." "For what?" "Because I lost my hair tie."

The teacher did not believe and invited Anya's mother to come to school. It turned out everything was true. The girl constantly loses her knitted hair bands, as a result, her hair gets into her eyes, prevents her from writing beautifully, she looks sloppy. Mom was tired of this, and she decided in this way to teach her daughter to be "more organized."

“Lord, just buy her about twenty of these rubber bands, put them in her satchel with you, if she loses, I will collect her hair over her forehead,” the teacher suggested.
- Don't you understand that it's not about the rubber bands? Anya's mother objected sternly. - I want her not to be such a confused Masha. There must be some way to get her to be more careful!
- Excuse me for asking, but Anya has bruises on her wrists - did you beat her?
- Of course not. She pulled out when she was being sheared, so dad held tight so that I wouldn’t accidentally touch her with scissors.

Do you respect me?

13-year-old Dima's father drinks. When he drinks, he calls his son and begins to ask: "Dimka, tell me, do you respect me?"
The boy softly replies, "Yes." Father: "What's 'yes'?" "I respect." "Who do you respect?" "You". "So say so!" "I said". Father: "No, you tell me, do you respect me?" "I respect you". "Why do you respect me?"
The son is silent. "Ah, so you don't respect your father?" "I respect." "For what?"
And so for hours. To say why he respects his father, Dima cannot think of. Therefore, having exhausted his son morally, the father takes up the belt.
At work, Dima's father is respected. He good specialist, not a truant, not a brawler. Well, on Mondays, a person usually has a dry land, but not a drunk. Yes, he drinks. It's a pity that his son is a loser. The kid doesn’t want to study, you can’t drive home homework - he either plays football in the yard or sticks out at the neighbors.

Mom will scold for the "four"!

Lena, teacher's daughter of English language She is studying at the same school in 9th grade. At recess, she sobs loudly in the toilet, standing by the windowsill. Classmates stand right there, comb their hair, make up, no one tries to calm her down. A girl from the 8th grade, looking frightened at Lena's strongly reddened face, on which convulsions run through, asks in a whisper what happened. The girls calmly answer: “I got a “four” for a math test, and her mother scolds her for a “four”.
The Englishwoman is a good-natured, loud-voiced woman on pedestals. Likes to joke, students respect her.

What are we doing?

Overly strict parents demand absolute obedience from their children.
Perhaps someone will say: "What's wrong with that? Children should obey their parents. Most of the trouble with children comes just because they do not listen to mom and dad".

The bad thing about this is that children who are taught (by threats, beatings) to blindly obey their parents are very malleable when interacting with other adults. They are easy prey for aggressive boors, pedophiles, maniacs and other dangerous villains. After all, by rudely suppressing the will of the child, the parents program the conviction in him: if the native father and mother are allowed to mock, then strangers are even more so.

Of the children discussed above, little Anya has the healthiest response to parental abuse. The girl resists (how long will it last?).

Lisa does not even try to explain to her mother what is the reason for her desire to wear a jacket over tight clothes. This means that earlier the mother killed any hope of understanding in her daughter.

I know Lena's further fate: 20 years later, her mother, answering a question about her daughter, says: "My Lena? No, she has no one and she is not married." And with conviction, still loudly, he adds: "And he doesn't want to!"

What we can do?

We can not create problems with our own hands. If a girl is constantly losing hair ties, then the mother must realize that rubber ties are not suitable for her hair. Buy hairpins, make a hairstyle that does not require rubber bands, hairpins, ribbons, cut it short.
We can condemn a colleague - a teacher who, with her excessive demands, brings her daughter to convulsive sobs.
We can be less loyal to a quiet drunkard who abuses his son.
We can and should put ourselves in the place of a child. Just imagine that your husband is forcing you to wear a dress that doesn't suit you. What kind of lost keys he hits you in the face - deserved! And if he has lost his hat, you cut his hair off his head when he sleeps. Realize that your children are people.
We can seek the help of a professional psychologist to overcome the shameful desire to beat and humiliate our own child.
We can love and respect our children.

Why are we doing this?

The question of why perfectly normal parents torture their children has many answers. So we better talk about it next time. In the meantime, another scary story as a warning.

Needle in a haystack

Many years ago, my mother spent the summer in a remote village in the Caucasus. One of the neighbors raised her eldest daughter very strictly. Once this girl, sitting in the yard near a haystack, darned stockings on her mother's instructions and at the same time told her younger sisters and brother a fairy tale. Go home, but there is no needle. Mother, having learned that her daughter had lost a needle, did not let her go home. The family had already had dinner, it got dark, the kids were put to bed, and the 13-year-old girl was still looking for a needle. Still, the neighbors heard the quiet crying and came out to shame her mother.

“Listen, Rosa, how can you find a needle in the dark? they asked indignantly. And who is looking for a needle in a haystack! If you do not let your daughter into the house right now, we will all curse you with the village!

Then the strict mother reluctantly forgave the crying daughter and allowed her to enter the house.
10 years after this incident, my mother again went to her relatives. She learned that the girl, who was looking for a needle in the dark, got married at the age of 18 in another village, gave birth to a son, and died a year later. People said that she was beaten to death by her evil mother-in-law, although there was no proof.
- For what? my mother asked.
- Who knows! one of the neighbors replied. “She was a quiet girl, and she has remained so. When she arrived, she did not tell her mother anything. Apparently, she was afraid. Her mother is so strict, be it wrong!

P.S. I finally realized what scared me so much as a child in the courtyard-well. Vitkin crying. It contained no complaint. The boy, who was bullied by his blind father, was crying in pain, but without the intention of attracting anyone's attention and not hoping for the help of a blind mother. He knew no one would help. And that was the worst.

Well, how can you do this - these are children! It’s just that even humanly, have people really become so indifferent that they can afford such treatment of babies ... It even somehow doesn’t fit in my head :(

In a Samara hospital, doctors locked orphans in dark wards with a broken window so that they “shouldn’t reach with their roar”

Child abuse case filed

Ordinary children's department of an ordinary regional hospital. There are thousands of them in the country. Gray corridors, drafts, children's crying. It’s just that some children are calmed by anxious mothers, while others don’t give a damn.

In the Samara hospital named after Semashko, babies coming from orphanages and shelters are called “loners”. For hours they cry from pain and cold, but the nurses pay attention to them according to the residual principle. Injections and nutrition first - for “normal children”, writes Ekaterina FEDOROV (

“The child hit his head against the door and called for his mother”

A month ago, my son and I spent five days in this hell, - recalls Elena Korneva, a Samara resident, - until now, the cry of the two-year-old orphan Vanya is still in our ears. He was settled alone in a ward at the end of the corridor, and so that the baby would not run out, the door was propped up with a mop. I heard the child banging his head against the door, screaming and calling for his mother ... Many could not stand it, they asked the doctors to open the door.

Take care of your children. This is an orphan. He has such a share, cry! - nurses rudely pulled mothers.

From hopelessness and fear, the baby broke a window in the ward. An autumn cold wind rushed into the room, but instead of transferring the child to another room, the doctors simply covered the window with an old sheet.

Elena Korneva: I will not be silent and turn a blind eye to how orphans are bullied
Photo: open sources

There was a bad smell from his room, the child was small, he constantly peed from the cold. In early September, the hospital had problems with heating, and he was constantly in a T-shirt and shorts. And this despite the fact that we slept in tracksuits under the covers! - Elena recalls, - I have never seen Vanya's room being cleaned. There were toys and dirty pants all over the floor. Only during the day Vanya was taken out of his “cell” for 15 minutes.

A few days later, another “loner” was brought to the department. Maksimka from the Togliatti Orphanage is only one year old. There were no places in the wards, and he was put right in the corridor.

The child was crying from hunger, he was given infant formula right in the package. The kid was choking. One of the mothers offered the nurse a vial, but the nurse just threw it away, - says Elena.

At night, the baby constantly roared, but no one was allowed to calm him down.

In a statement to Roszdravnadzor, Elena wrote that when on September 10, due to repairs, everyone was transferred to another wing of the building, Maksimka was settled in a corner room. And they completely forgot about Vanya.

The child was left alone in that wing, locked up and left. Can you imagine? They explained, “so as not to get it with their roar,” Elena was shocked by the cruelty of the doctors.

Lack of labor and compassion?

In response to Elena Korneva's complaint, employees of the Roszdravnadzor Administration for the Samara Region checked the hospital for ... improper paperwork.

We checked the documents, - commented Oksana Dyukova, press secretary of the Roszdravnadzor Administration for the Samara Region. - All the circumstances related to information about the unprofessional treatment of children undergoing treatment there are now being investigated by investigators.

The audit showed that while the children were in the hospital. Semashko, employees of this institution caused physical and mental suffering to children, - confirmed Elena Pryanichnikova, assistant head of the investigative department for the city of Samara of the Investigative Committee of the ICR for the Samara Region.

A criminal case was opened against the management of the hospital for torturing minors.

The hospital receives a lot of reproaches from patients about cleanliness

Doctors refuse to comment on their behavior. In an interview with the Samara media, they said that "the mother who wrote the complaint is sick in the head, she simply has nothing to do."

There is nothing to climb into our work, you do not understand anything! We do not have time to keep track of everyone, - doctors fight off questions.

The leadership of orphanages also took the side of the doctors.

We constantly send children for treatment to this hospital, - said Tatyana Kudinova, the head physician of the Solnyshko house. - This time the child was on planned treatment. He returned to us healthy, without signs of violence. Representatives from Astakhov arrived yesterday, they examined the boy and made sure that everything was in order with him.

For many mothers, this is not news. But does the repair, the lack of workers, justify the callousness and indifference of the people who took the Hippocratic oath?

I have never seen such child abuse in my life. I will not write about how the medical staff was rude to us and how our children were treated there. But I will not be silent and turn a blind eye to how they abuse orphans there! There is no one to stand up for them. The poor little ones are so deprived in life, and I don’t understand why they deserved such a brutal attitude towards themselves, - Elena Korneva calls for justice.

Investigators are now looking into the matter.


“We don’t have special staff to monitor patients from orphanages”

Maxim Karpukhin, chief physician of the hospital. Semashko

On average, 2-3 children from orphanages come for treatment per month. We don't have dedicated staff to keep an eye on them. We have to manage on our own, while the staff of the department is only half staffed. Everything that Elena Korneva talks about happened during the repair and relocation of the department from one wing to another. Then there was turmoil, the nurses did not have time to follow the kids. And one of the reasons for this incident could be the mother's discontent: when her son was given a drip, she asked to speed up this process. The nurses refused because they couldn't do it. Well, the photos that she posted on the Internet do not indicate illegal actions on the part of doctors. For example, they did not have time to collect scattered things, these are children - they are still those tomboys.

Are you worried about your child's sudden change in behavior? Do you want to get through to him, but you feel that an emotional discord has arisen between you? Do you find it difficult to understand his mood swings, and are you worried if they are caused by your approach to discipline? Have you heard the term "moral abuse of children" and want to know if you yourself or someone from the environment of the child did this to him, unintentionally or perhaps even intentionally?

If you are looking for answers to any of the questions above, read this article to learn about what moral bullying is for your child and how you can recognize and prevent it.

What is child abuse?

In many cases, moral bullying (moral abuse, psychological abuse) is a form of constant abuse or neglect that a child experiences from parents or other people close to him. Moral or psychological abuse can cause very serious damage to the cognitive, emotional, social and psychological development child. Sometimes a parent morally humiliates a child, knowing full well possible consequences. In other cases, parents may unknowingly subject their child to moral abuse.

Various types of moral abuse of a child

Here are a few situations that can cause a child to suffer moral bullying (psychological abuse).

1. Ignoring your child

  • Ignoring the child occurs when the parent is not around for a long time - so long that the child begins to feel lonely.
  • In addition, there are situations in which you can be physically present next to the child, but do not pay due attention to him.
  • The child also feels ignored if you avoid eye contact while talking to him or do not address him by name.

2. Refusal to meet the needs of the child

  • Failure to meet a child's needs can be as simple as making fun of a child in front of strangers, which may seem like a minor incident to you, but in fact can have the most serious and lasting consequences for the child.
  • If you don't regularly touch, hug, and stroke your baby, you are refusing to respond to his most basic physical needs. You also morally humiliate him if you reject the basic needs and desires of the child.

3. Child isolation

  • Isolation means that you regularly prevent your child from interacting with friends or peers. It may also mean that you do not allow your child to interact regularly with other family members or adults.
  • Isolation occurs when you restrict your child's freedom of movement, often as a form of punishment. Although many parents find it normal to punish their child by imposing certain restrictions, too much use of this kind of punishment can take the form of moral bullying.

4. Using or corrupting a child through manipulation

  • Using or corrupting a child is a form of moral abuse that involves teaching or engaging someone in an unacceptable and even illegal activity.
  • In some cases, your child may even be coerced into doing this, sometimes without your knowledge.
  • This form of moral bullying can be expressed in the antisocial or self-destructive behavior of a parent or guardian. Being forced to lie, steal, or engage in prostitution can provoke aggressive behavior in a child.

5. Verbal abuse and humiliation

  • The verbal form of moral humiliation has a very strong and lasting effect on the child.
  • Verbal abuse includes ridicule, shame, humiliation of the child on a regular basis. It can also take the form of verbal threats from someone.

6. Terrorizing a child

Terrorizing is a form of moral bullying in which a parent threatens or intimidates a child into submission.

  • The parent may threaten or bully the child different ways. This may be an action that will put the child in a dangerous or uncomfortable position. Or the act of separating him from his pet, his favorite toy, and even his sibling, until the child complies.
  • In many cases, when a parent sets unrealistic goals and unrealistic expectations for a child, the child feels intimidated. He may be afraid of the dangerous consequences that will inevitably come if he does not live up to such expectations.

7. Child neglect

  • Child neglect can take various forms, for example, the lack of attention to his educational needs. This happens when a parent cannot or does not provide the child with materials, aids, supplies necessary for learning.
  • The child may experience moral bullying in the form of mental (psychological) neglect. This is a situation in which a parent refuses to notice or ignores the child's need for treatment that can help him overcome serious psychological (mental) problems.
  • A third form of neglect occurs when parents refuse to acknowledge a child's need for medical treatment.

It may seem that many forms of moral abuse of a child are part of the general methods of education. However, such methods can turn into real violence when, due to frequent use, they begin to negatively affect the child. For example, it is perfectly normal to put a child in a corner as a punishment, but only until such punishment becomes a habit, does not become a daily practice. Your child must understand the reason for the punishment, and not perceive it as irrational and manic behavior on your part.

Why does moral bullying happen?

Health experts and child psychologists have come to the consensus that children from different families. As a parent, you always want the best for your child, but sometimes there are situations that may force you to take a strict or harsh approach. There are many factors that can lead to parental abuse of children. Here are some of the more important ones:

  • stress;
  • lack of time for a child due to constant employment;
  • lack of material and other resources;
  • poor parenting skills;
  • social isolation;
  • unnatural expectations from the child.

In addition, in some cases, a parent may morally abuse a child based on personal experience, because this was done to him in his time, and thus he closes this vicious circle.

What are the symptoms of child abuse?

Here are some physical signs of moral abuse of children:

  • The child suddenly begins to urinate or not hold feces during sleep, and there is no medical reason for such actions.
  • Various complaints of a psychosomatic nature are received by the child: complaints of regular headaches, nausea, or even abdominal pain. But the results medical examination remain within the normal range or undefined.
  • If your child is being bullied, they may have bouts of diarrhea and vomiting that sometimes last for weeks or even months.
  • If your child is experiencing mental abuse, you may notice some significant delays at various stages of his development.
  • A common sign of moral abuse of children is the desire of the child to look and feel different from everyone else. The child may suddenly and drastically change his style of dress, start dressing inappropriately at various events or in various places.

Here are some social symptoms of moral bullying that your child may have:

  • The child has a significant lag in various areas of development.
  • You may notice that the child began to behave more quietly than usual, and is frightened by the slightest noise and even familiar voices. He may become reclusive, refusing to interact with people and maintaining eye contact while talking. All of these symptoms may be early signs development of depression, anxiety, fear, psychotrauma or even aggression.
  • If your child has been the victim of mental abuse, you may notice severe and often difficult to control symptoms of self-destruction. He may show suicidal tendencies or aggressive, provocative behavior, which is the abuse of alcohol or drugs.
  • If a child is subjected to moral bullying, completely opposite patterns of behavior may also appear in him. The child becomes overly accommodating and agrees to everything you say. He may suddenly become over-mannered and polite, or appear deliberately neat and clean.
  • When your child is mentally abused, you may notice an increased need for parental attention, or vice versa - the child may appear extremely depressed or uncharacteristically shy.
  • A very easy way to tell if your child is being bullied is to watch them play. Most children copy negative behaviors or speech they see or hear at home. If you see your child displaying behavior that is atypical for him or saying words that are inappropriate for his age, this may be a sign of moral abuse.

How can you identify signs of emotional aggressive behavior in adults?

Here are a few ways to help determine if an adult is abusing a child:

  • An adult calls names and makes fun of a child in the presence of strangers.
  • An adult comes up with humiliating and inappropriate nicknames for a child.
  • In some cases, the adult verbally threatens the child. He may raise his voice at the child or threaten him with physical violence. Sometimes he makes the child observe an act of violence or physical harm to someone or something close to the child.
  • An adult morally humiliates a child, showing unrealistic expectations from him.
  • In some cases, moral abuse of a child is expressed in involving him in the resolution of guardianship issues, attending meetings during divorce proceedings.

Some statistical facts of moral abuse of children

  • Nearly 90% of all child deaths are the result of instigation by family members or loved ones.
  • Children who are victims of moral bullying are 25% more likely to suffer from health and mental problems.
  • Children who suffer moral humiliation are prone to teenage pregnancy, committing crimes, dropping out of school and abusing drugs.

Tips for Preventing Moral Abuse

As a parent, you love your child, but it is also true that you unconsciously make him suffer moral humiliation. The truth is that even exemplary parents sometimes yell at their children and ignore them. When such cases are isolated, they do not constitute violence. The danger of emotional abuse appears when this type of parental behavior becomes habitual and regular.

Although child abuse can occur in almost any family, regardless of the atmosphere that prevails in it, there are some catalyzing factors. Here are some situations that can increase the risk of child abuse:

  • It is difficult for a family that is experiencing financial difficulties to take care of a child's academic performance and other basic needs. In such a family, the child is likely to face moral abuse.
  • A single parent may feel overburdened with the care and responsibility of a child. He can take out his irritation on the child and thereby morally humiliate him.
  • The child is at high risk of being subjected to moral bullying if the parents live separately from each other or are divorced. In such a situation, both parents may be too busy with work and emotionally neglect the child.

Being a parent is definitely a big responsibility, it requires a lot of patience. It is possible that while you are yelling at a child or ignoring them with the best of intentions, the results of such behavior do not always live up to your expectations. If you feel that you are abusing your child in any way, it is important to consult with an appropriate professional. He can keep you from abusive behavior, help you get rid of the habit of moral abuse and improve your relationship with your child.

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07/02/15 my son, he is 10 years old, played with a kitten on the playground, with peers, 2 high school students (15-16 years old) approached them, apparently they didn’t like something, they thought that they were bullying the kitten. son was forced to beat his head against an iron pipe ...

Child abuse

Hello, my child (8 years old), offends, rots, mocks, uses physical force a neighbor boy (9 years old). 06/08/2015 the child came all dirty and with a huge bruise on his ear, I went out into the yard and scolded the child, because I don't even know how...

Child abuse

Hello! In a children's sports institution, employees are rude and mocking towards children, and there was a separate case with my child, after which I decided to write a complaint. Tell me where to write and whether it is possible to hope for ...

Moral and physical abuse of a child

My son goes to school, the first 3 classes were unlearned in the city of Blagoveshchensk, then we moved to the village of Novokievsky Uval, the 4th and 5th grades my son studies at another school. There are several classmates in the class who regularly bully their son because he ...

13 May 2015, 10:41, question #835184 Viktor, Novokievskiy Uval

Personal insult, bullying

Hello The situation is as follows: there is one friend with whom I used to communicate well. More than a year ago, I invited my friends to visit for the night, among them was the same friend (at that time I was 16, now 18) during this "registration" were made...

Bully kids

Hello, the situation is as follows: children 8-10 years old ring the doorbell and run away. We managed to catch one of the children, had an educational conversation (they threatened with the police, etc.), they thought it would work, but today they could not open entrance door to keyhole...