
Lot number on cosmetic products where to look. The coded truth, or how to find out the expiration date of cosmetics and perfumes


It's always a shame to throw away tone cream or mascara, especially if there is still a lot of product left in the bottle. That is why many girls continue to use expired cosmetics, sometimes without even thinking about expiration dates. And this can have negative consequences and not the most in the best way affect the condition of the skin - cause redness, irritation and other unpleasant " side effects". The material contains more details on how to find out the expiration date of cosmetics and what threatens to violate these terms.

What determines the shelf life of cosmetics?

Let's start with a definition: the expiration date is the period of time during which, according to the manufacturer's research, a beauty product remains unchanged. That is, it retains a certain microflora, does not exfoliate and remains in a stable state. At the same time, the shelf life of products of the same category of beauty products may vary depending on the brand, since the composition of a particular product and the presence of certain components in it play an important role. Let's analyze the most popular ingredients and their impact on the shelf life of cosmetics.

  • Water

The first component in the list of ingredients of many products, on which the expiration date largely depends. The thing is that a humid environment creates the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of bacteria. So u liquid funds- most short term storage and safe use.

  • Retinol, vitamin C

These active ingredients must not come into contact with air. The fact is that they are oxidized under the action of oxygen and destroyed.

  • organic ingredients

Oils, plant extracts and other natural ingredients also do not stand the test of time - beauty products containing them are best used "fresh".

  • Waxes

They are quite resistant to external influences. Cosmetics with them in the composition can serve for a long time. However, you should pay attention to changes in texture and smell - if it has become rancid, you definitely need to part with the product.

These are just some of the components that affect the shelf life of cosmetics. In each individual case, you will have to carefully study the composition for the characteristics of certain ingredients. In order not to have to conduct private investigations, manufacturers indicate the shelf life on the packaging in the form of a date or a special code.

How to check the expiration date of cosmetics by batch and barcode?

Let's talk about the codes that mark cosmetics.

  • Firstly, on the package you can find the batch code - a special code that combines letters and numbers, which is also the batch code of the goods. It also contains information about the expiration date of the product. But the catch is that each brand has its own coding system, and it is not publicly available. However, this did not prevent inquisitive beautyholics from creating entire bases of batch codes on the network based on information received from consultants in stores and from brand representatives. This information is not always accurate, but among the most famous and popular services are CheckFresh, Makeup-Review, DateCalculator.
  • As for barcodes, contrary to popular belief, they cannot help with determining the expiration date. They encrypt other data, such as the country in which the cosmetics were produced, as well as the company that released the product, but nothing more.

Determine the expiration date before opening the package

It is better to check the expiration date in the store. The fact is that beauty retailers often provide big discounts just for those products whose expiration date is coming to an end. Many do not think about this and buy cosmetics at a low price, although after a while it will be impossible to use these products - of course, if you want to maintain healthy skin. Look for a direct indication of the expiration date or production date on the package, and if this data is not available, you will have to work on deciphering the batch code.

expiration date after opening the package

Separate designations on the packaging of beauty products are dedicated to how long they can last after opening the package. The acceptable period of use often does not coincide with the expiration date. The fact is that contact with oxygen after a breach of the tightness of the package starts the oxidation process, which over time leads to the unsuitability of the product. Here, special decryption is not required: the icon depicting a jar with an open lid will tell about the terms of safe use. On the bank you will see the designations - 6M, 12M, 18M and others. They indicate how many months this or that cream will be able to benefit after the first "test".

Expiration dates for decorative cosmetics

  • Mascara will have to be changed most often: after the first use, it is “reliable” for 6 months, but it is recommended to buy a new one after 3.

  • Concealer, lip gloss, liquid shadows - all these products can be used in make-up for no more than six months.

  • Foundation is a product whose shelf life varies depending on the texture: this is a period from 6 months to 1 year. There are dense, persistent formulas that “live” for 1.5 years, but it’s better to use it up faster so as not to use a stale product.

  • Classic lipstick can be used for about 1.5 years.

  • Powder, blush, bronzer, highlighter, shadows - if we are talking about a dry texture, the shelf life will be about 2-3 years. However, each tool still has certain nuances. We talked in more detail about the shelf life of shadows.

  • Eyeliners are practically "indefinite". They last longer than powder textures.

Life hacks: how to monitor the expiration date of cosmetics?

Make it a rule to regularly audit your cosmetic bag. Not just to find out which tools you still need and which ones are obsolete. Evaluate the condition of the funds: there may be signs that it is time to change cosmetics. This will be indicated by an unpleasant smell, stratification, change in texture (moisturizer, for example, can “fall” into lumps).

Try to stick to a certain storage scheme for cosmetics, which will help you remember the expiration dates of certain products.

After purchasing and opening the package of a new product, stick a mini-sticker with the date of first use on the package.

If you are ready to take the case seriously, start a beauty journal and write down the dates of the opening of funds in it.

Can I use expired cosmetics?

A complete ban, of course, is impossible: many people use such cosmetics at their own peril and risk. However, you need to understand that the quality of expired beauty products in most cases is seriously affected. Active ingredients lose their power, formulas cease to be effective. But this is only half the battle: in some cases, they may not be beneficial, but harmful.

Jars with cosmetics become a breeding ground for conditionally pathogenic microflora. Transferring it to the face is a dubious choice, because the reaction is unpredictable - from irritation to inflammation. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is better to get rid of expired cosmetics in time.

But do not forget that brushes can also become a source of pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, it is very important to clean them regularly. How to do it, we told in this video.

Do you keep track of whether your cosmetics have expired? Do you have your own system of "screening out" overdue? Share your experience.

A barcode, or barecode, is a registered product number that helps to establish the authenticity of the product and the country of origin.

The last digit is used to verify the authenticity of the barcode, this is the so-called checksum. To check the barcode for authenticity, you need to perform a series of arithmetic operations:

1. Add up all the numbers in the barcode in even places and multiply this number by 3;

2. Add all the digits in odd places except for the last digit (checksum);

4. Subtract the result (3) from 10 and compare it with the checksum. If the values ​​match, everything is in order, otherwise the barcode is fake, or the checksum was calculated incorrectly.


A batch code is a combination of letters and numbers on a package or bottle of perfume.

In the batch code, manufacturers encrypt the date of manufacture of the perfume and its expiration date.

The batch code can be located on the bottle itself, on the bottom or on the side of the package.

Check barcode:

  • barcode and QR code reader applications for smartphones (“SCAN”, “QR Reader”)

Check batch code:


Absence of a barcode or inconsistency of the specified code with the country of manufacturedoes not always mean a fake and is not so rare.

Also, online barcode decoding does not always show authenticity. Why can this be so? Often, in this case, the product is not fake, and the reasons for the discrepancy may be the following:

1.The manufacturer has registered the barcode in the country with the largest export volume

2. Availability of production plants (or subsidiaries) in several countries

3. The manufacturer has issued a license to manufacture goods in another country

4. The founders of enterprises producing goods are geographically located in different countries

For example, in 2013 the Montale brand was divided into two legal entities. In new and old releases of fragrances, external differences can be observed (the color of the box, bottle, and even the spelling of names) and different addresses are indicated (26 PLACE VENDOME 75001 PARIS or 10 PLACE VENDOME 75001 PARIS). At the same time, both versions are original and officially released in France, and the right to produce the fragrance belongs to one or another legal entity.

IMPORTANT : It is not obligatory to apply a barcode on the product, it is also acceptable to apply a barcode without numbers.

What to do if the perfume is expired?

Often the question of the expiration date of a perfume arises when buying a fragrance that has already been discontinued or a vintage fragrance.The expiration dates for fragrances are indicated formally, since the safety and quality of fragrances do not depend on the duration, but on storage conditions, subject to light and temperature conditions.

Read more:

In the AKTEA .RU online store, all perfumes are original and stored in a warehouse in Moscow in proper conditions without losing the quality of the fragrances!

Especially for our clients, we have prepared a detailed article on how to recognize a real and original perfume by outward signs - " "!

Be sure of the quality and originality of our perfumes!

We wish you a happy shopping

cosmetic concern Estee Lauder own brands M.A.C. ,Clinique and actually Estee Lauder(maybe some more, I just don't know). And since the products of this concern are produced at the same plant / plants, they have the same expiration date markings.
Now there are special calculators with which you can calculate the date of production, the country of origin.
Which, by the way, sometimes fail. Once the calculator gave me that the production date of my concealer is 2013, i.e. I've had it in my makeup bag for a year now, but it hasn't been made yet
But in a store it is not always possible to use a calculator, as Internet access is required (in some stores the network is not well caught).
Actually, with the help of such calculators, I learned to guess the date of production of the above brands.
For me, this is relevant, because. I am a fan of the Clinique brand and 80% of my care is of this particular brand, but I don’t have faith in consultants and stickers on the packaging that they endlessly glue and re-stick.
Although, in fairness, I must say, I have never run into counterfeit and expired goods, even in my “favorite” Letual store, even during the season of promotions and total sales.
But God saves the safe.

So, everything is simple. The main thing is to find a special code on the product, as a rule, it is also on carton package, and also duplicated on the product itself.
The code is usually 3 digits, a letter and 2 digits ( example: B71, A60, D59) or two letters and one number ( example: TV0, AC1). I don't know what the first letter of the code means, to be honest. Maybe you know what it means?

It looks like this (example):
A41 - the number 4 means the month of April, because. it is the fourth in a row, and the last digit (we have it is 1) is the last digit of the year when the product was made. Therefore, the product was manufactured in April 2011.
January 1
February 2
March 3
April 4
May 5
June 6
July 7
August 8
September 9
And the months that are indicated by two numbers (October, November, December) are marked with the letters ABC
A-October (10 month)
B-November (11 months)
S-December (12 month)
On the packaging you can find such marking AC0 - this means that the product was manufactured in December 2010.

In photo No. 5, where Estee Lauder lipstick is written A21.

The shelf life of M.A.C., Clinique and Estee Lauder products is usually 36 months from the date of manufacture, so knowing the date of manufacture, we add 3 years and get the year when our product is supposed to go bad.
Here, for example, the Studio Fix powder in Fig. 1 is already expired, but I feel sorry for throwing it away, because. On the outside, she looks okay.
But do not forget that for 36 months the product will not deteriorate, provided that the package has not been opened, if the product is opened, then the following marking matters (a jar with an open lid on which 6m, 12m, 24m can be written, i.e. open the product can be stored for 6,12,24 months.Although, if we talk about this marking, it is on all care products, but on decorative cosmetics it can not always be found, I have two MAC concealers (studio finish and studio sculpt) on one, there is a marking of 24 m, on the other there is no such marking, as you want, understand how long the life is allotted for the concealer in the open.

Perhaps I didn’t say anything new, and many knew about it, but there will certainly be girls for whom this information will be useful.
Girls, if you know how to guess the production date of other brands by code, without a calculator, please share)))
I will be grateful.
If anyone needs links to calculators to determine the date of production and the country of manufacture, knock on the PM)))

Thank you for attention!

Small addition:
Here are some more companies that also belong to the Estée Lauder concern, I just don’t have products from these companies and I don’t know what their expiration date label looks like (La Mer, Bobbi Brown, Aveda, Coach, Smashbox, Ermenegildo Zegna, Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors,Missoni ,Tom Ford ,Darphin)

And here is another decoding of the countries of origin:
C-Canada; I-Italy; L-Belgium; O–Belgium; W-UK; F-France; J-Japan; M-USA; U-USA;D-Holland, X-others,
Perhaps the first letter of the code means the country of manufacture?

The choice of quality mascara, lipstick or powder is one of the components of the health of your skin. However, in addition to the list of ingredients and the country of origin, the packaging should carefully examine the expiration date. Using the cosmetics code, this is easy to do, the main thing is to know how. We will share the subtleties of this method with you today.

What determines the shelf life of cosmetic products?

First of all, it should be noted that it directly depends on its composition and type. For example, perfumes containing alcohol cannot be stored for more than 5 years. The shelf life of products intended for the skin should not exceed three, and sunscreen - two years. Classic mascara is recommended to use until the expiration of 3, eye shadow - 1-2 years, liquid eyeliner for eyes - up to 2-3 months, and powder - up to 5 years.

Where should I look after printing cosmetics?

When buying certain body products, few people care about such a thing as checking the expiration date of cosmetics by code. Many of us simply look at the release and sale date indicated on the bottom of the package, from the side, back or top. However, this approach in choosing perfumes and other cosmetic products is extremely wrong.

The fact is that on many foreign jars and boxes, in addition to the main two dates (release and final date of sale), others are indicated - dates, the calculation of which begins immediately after the opening of a particular container. By the way, you can find them by a special icon, which shows a small circle and a sash of an open lid.

What is a batch code and how to determine the expiration date with it?

According to experts, the cosmetics code can be determined using the so-called batch code, or batch code. As a rule, it is a set of letters and numbers. It is applied by the manufacturer directly on the packaging, but, unlike the barcode, does not contain additional graphic signs and images.

In most cases, such a code is standard and consists of 2-10 uppercase or capital letters and numbers, for example FGD075. According to one of the representatives of cosmetics manufacturing companies, this code makes it possible not only to find out the date of release of products, but also to see the shift number and the name of the factory. In the event of an unforeseen situation, for example, if any defects are found, this code allows you to identify the lot number for further withdrawal of the entire series of goods.

Despite the fact that this would seem to be service information, it will help us determine the expiration date of cosmetics by code. This is due to the fact that, in addition to the batch number, this value contains information about the month, year, and even the day the product was produced. However, not everyone will be able to immediately decipher such a code.

How can I decipher the batch code?

It turns out that you can decrypt the batch code in one of three ways. The first of these is the direct appeal of the buyer to the seller. At this stage, it is necessary to ask the representative of the store for an official dispatch with the decoding of the code, written directly by the manufacturer.

The second option: you can first decrypt, and then check the expiration date of cosmetics by code, using international tables or decryption applications. For example, the first digit in the Chanel brand code means the year of issue (8 - 2008, 7 - 2007, etc.). At the Loreal company, the year of issue is indicated not by numbers, but by letters (c - corresponds to 2006, e - 2008).

Another option is to decipher all the numbers and letters included in the code, and later find out the expiration date of the cosmetics by the code by contacting the manufacturer directly for help. This can be done by contacting the manufacturer's contacts listed on the official website.

Most often, representatives of firms are interested in live communication with their customers, so they prefer to answer as clearly as possible. And most importantly, they try to do it very quickly.

And finally, the last way to help answer the question: “How to find out the expiration date of cosmetics by code?” Is to use special resources and applications. It is on them that there are special programs that have the ability to decrypt information.

We will tell you a little more about these programs, services and applications.

What services will help decrypt the code?

Any check of the expiration date of cosmetics by code will be much easier if you turn to specialized services during data decryption. As a rule, on such sites the program " Cosmetic Calculator”, which allows you to find out the service life online. Most often, to work with them, you only need to enter the name of the brand of cosmetics in a special field and enter the batch code.

Moreover, after entering the relevant data on them, you can not only see the primary date of production of products, but also instantly compare it with the expiration date valid for a particular type of cosmetics. Often such sites have a simple menu, which makes it easy to deal with the notation system, even without knowledge in English. And in addition to the PC version, most of them also have a mobile version for portable devices.

On other similar resources, you can not only check the expiration date of cosmetics by code, but also clearly see how exactly this code looks like. For the third term of the final sale of products should be calculated independently. By the way, in addition to the timing of implementation, on similar resources it is possible to check the composition of cosmetics.

Convenient mobile applications

For more convenience, you can download a ready-made mobile application that helps you easily decipher the code of a particular cosmetic product right in the store. Moreover, some of them are endowed with an additional “notebook” option, which allows you not only to enter information on the timing of the implementation, for example, of the lipstick you bought, but also to monitor its freshness in the future.

There are other applications that make it possible to track the expiration date of cosmetics using a barcode. As a rule, they have a scanner, which saves you later from entering data manually.

These programs for portable devices work on the following principle: you take cosmetic product, which you plan to scan and decrypt; enter the application; bring to the phone at a distance of 4-5 cm. As a result, all the information appears on the screen with the decoding of the data on the barcode.

How to determine the expiration date by the cosmetics code: an example

Let's say you bought lipstick. Pay attention to its packaging and batch code. For example, the date of production is indicated on the box - 08/12/2008 and the final sale date - 08/12/2017. After you enter the brand data into the "Cosmetic Calculator" and write down the code, information about your lipstick will appear.

By the way, the shelf life of lipstick is 12-24 months. Therefore, the information indicated on the packaging is not true. So, by checking the expiration date by the cosmetics code, you will protect yourself from using a low-quality product, avoid unexpected allergic reactions and maintain your health.

What else can you find out with a barcode?

With it, you can find out whether the product you purchased is a fake or it is genuine. To do this, you need to take the cosmetic you want to check, go to one of the sites that perform automatic checks, and enter the data from the barcode into an empty box.

In a word, in order to avoid health problems and protect the skin and body from the negative effects of a low-quality product, check expiration dates more often. This is especially worth doing when participating in any promotions during which store representatives give free gifts in the form of cosmetics.

Every woman, regardless of age and occupation, loves to pamper herself with multi-colored jars of creams, powder, lipstick, shadows, mascara. No wonder, because these simple and quite important items are not only able to turn a girl into a real beauty, but also cheer up to the maximum level. Many women like to take care of themselves, as it allows them to maintain vitality.

But in some cases, creams and lipsticks can not only do no good, but also harm beautiful ladies. In what cases is the use of cosmetics not beneficial? First, if a particular cosmetic brand is not suitable for sensitive skin representatives of the fair sex. The way out of this situation is very simple: just try another brand of cosmetics. Secondly, powder, varnish or blush can harm a woman if their expiration date has long expired.

Many ladies will be surprised by this fact. How can it happen that a new cream or blush is not only not suitable, but also dangerous for daily use? Unfortunately, this situation is not rare. Today we will cover the following questions for you:

  • What is the difference between expiration date and shelf life?
  • Where is the expiration date on the packaging, and who is required to indicate it?
The difference between expiration date and shelf life
Despite the fact that each product has a shelf life and an expiration date, many still confuse these two terms that are most important for a modern person. Let's try to define each of them.

Best before date- this is the period during which the product (cosmetics or any other product) is able to maintain its consumer characteristics. In other words, during the entire shelf life, the product can be stored in a closed (original) form, and at the same time it will not lose its original qualities. If we are talking about cosmetic products, then the shelf life for various products varies from one to three to four years. Reduces the shelf life of non-compliance with the storage conditions of the goods (for example, finding cosmetics in a room with too high a temperature).

Shelf life- this is the period of time during which the product (subject to all the requirements for its storage) does not lose its properties.

As a rule, the shelf life of cosmetics is indicated on the product in the form of an open jar of cream. Surely you have seen such a badge on one of the tubes of your cosmetics.

So, we figured out what the shelf life and expiration date are. We figured out how the shelf life is indicated and where it can be found on the packaging. Now let's get down to the consideration of the expiration date and the features of its application to the product.

Expiry date for cosmetics
With goods of domestic manufacturers usually there are no problems. On tubes with creams, the date until which this cosmetic product should be consumed is clearly stated. Another question arises when we talk about the honesty of sellers, because many interrupt dates right in the store, trying to sell expired goods. In this case, determining the expiration date by code will help many women avoid purchasing low-quality products.

Many ladies, visiting DUTY FREE in one of the airports of the world in search of cosmetic products of famous brands, very often fall into a stupor. On many tubes of creams, mascara and eyeshadow packages, manufacturers do not indicate an expiration date. Could it be? Do the well-known and beloved by all stores sell non-certified products? This is absolutely not true. The fact is that cosmetics manufacturers in the US and Europe are not required to indicate the exact expiration date. This moment is fixed by law. How do you know that a cream or lotion will soon expire. Very simple - the expiration date can be determined by the batch code of the goods.

If we are talking about foreign-made goods offered in domestic stores, then Russian distributors indicate the expiration date of cosmetics on cellophane packaging. But in many cases, the factory and the period specified by the distributor do not match. In this case, determining the desired expiration date by code will also help you. Let's determine how quickly, and most importantly, how to correctly determine the expiration date of cosmetics by code.

We determine the expiration date of cosmetics by code
Before proceeding with the list of methods that will help determine the expiration date of cosmetics, let's define the concept of batch code.

It is interesting! The batch code is the manufacturer's internal information that stores information about the released series of cosmetic products. The code can contain numbers and letters, but not symbols. Unfortunately, there are no uniform encoding rules, so each manufacturer has the right to determine the designation format itself. In total, the code can include from two to ten characters. Letters can be both uppercase and lowercase.

What information does the batch code contain? First of all, this is the year of release of the goods. The code also stores information about the country where the factory is located (if the company has several production facilities around the world), shift number, etc. Why does the manufacturer need a batch code for cosmetics and why does he fill the code on each product? The point is this: if it turns out that the released product contains flaws, then the manufacturer will be able to withdraw from sale only the defective batch, and not the entire product.

There are three possible ways to decipher the expiration date by code:

  1. Contact the manufacturer directly. Such a situation can arise when you are presented with luxurious foreign cosmetics as a gift, and only the batch code of the goods is indicated on the package. If it is a global brand, you can write a request to the company's email address. You can find information on the official website of the manufacturer in the "Contacts" section. You will need to provide the exact batch code. As a rule, managers of cosmetic companies quickly respond to customer requests.
  2. Ask the seller. If you purchase a product in a regular cosmetics store, and the expiration date is not indicated on the cream or powder, you can safely ask the seller for help. As a rule, in many modern stores there are special tables for each manufacturer of cosmetic products. The information will help you easily recognize the expiration date by the lot code.
  3. Use the online decoding system. Today, the Internet presents a great variety of different resources that allow you to determine the expiration date of cosmetics by code. You just have to enter the batch code indicated on the product, and the site will give you the production date of cosmetics (month, year). Finding this code on the package is not so difficult. As a rule, the manufacturer places it on the bottom of the container. We present for you only some of the services that allow you to find out the date of manufacture of cosmetics by code.
    • (Russian version of the site)
    • (English version of the site)
    • (English version of the site)
    Mobile Internet will help you find out the exact date of manufacture of lipstick, eye shadow or powder, without leaving the shelf in the store.
The shelf life of cosmetic products is a very important parameter. It directly affects the quality of goods. The use of expired cosmetics can lead to allergic rashes, irritations, redness on the skin. The above methods will allow you to easily find out the expiration date of cosmetic products, even if the manufacturer does not indicate this information on the packaging.