
Why does a newborn groan and arch. Why does a baby push and groan in a dream. What do newborns dream about


A baby is a great joy, but also a lot of different problems. Young parents are able to cope with some of them on their own or with the help of highly experienced grandmothers, with others without help. professional specialist unfortunately not possible. Let's try to deal with some of the most common problems that cause parents to panic.

Why does a newborn groan at night in a dream, during the day, during and after feeding: the reasons in the table

Why does a child grunt in different situations?

Situation Causes
The baby grunts, pushes, cries, arches and blushes This situation is familiar to almost all parents. Almost all babies are pushing, grunting, blushing, so these manifestations in parents should not cause much concern.

Is it possible to somehow help the baby? We will answer this question a little later. Now we will talk about the situation when the child arches and blushes.

There may be several reasons why a child arches its back and blushes.

1. The most serious reason for arching the back of a child may be the presence of any neurological diseases. Most often it is increased intracranial pressure. With regular attacks of the baby, it is urgently necessary to show a neurologist. Only after passing a series of necessary examinations, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and start the necessary treatment in a timely manner.

2. The baby can arch the back even if he has hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck or back . A few sessions of professional massage will help solve this problem. In the clinic, mom will be taught the complex special exercises that she can do with the baby herself.

3. Very often, children between the ages of two weeks and several months cry and arch their backs due to rather severe intestinal colic. After four months, colic disappears. During the first months, the child should be given dill or fennel water. More, let's talk a little lower.

Newborn groans in sleep A baby still cannot tell the world what is bothering him in this moment. And he has no choice but to grunt to attract the attention of his parents. What can this signal mean?

1. As a rule, the reason for the groaning of the baby in a dream is unpleasant, and sometimes quite painful intestinal colic .

Babies in the first months of life very often develop an excess amount of gases after feeding. The child feels the fullness of the stomach, gases cause painful spasms. The baby groans, and sometimes cries in a dream.

We list the main symptoms of bloating: pain in the abdomen, enlarged intestines, loss or deterioration of appetite, bad dream, weakness, feeling of heaviness in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Sometimes babies grunt in their sleep, adapting to a new body function - breathing.

3. Grunting may be caused by clogged nasal passages. Therefore, parents should not forget to monitor the condition of the baby's nose.

Baby groans while feeding 1. Grunting during feeding is a kind of expression of displeasure with the child. Most likely, he is irritated by an insufficient amount of breast milk. The cause of displeasure can also be a weak outflow of milk from the mother's mammary gland. In addition, sucking milk, the child works hard, but in this case, how not to grunt ? How can mommy help him? Change position, try to attach to the chest on the other side.

2.During feeding, the body is relaxed, so the child may begin to grunt if he wants to empty his intestines at that very moment. .

Baby groan after feeding 1. One of the most common causes of groaning after feeding is intestinal colic.

2. If the child is breastfed, then the cause of his discontent may be malnutrition mothers. A young mother must adhere to a strict diet so as not to cause painful troubles to her baby.

We already wrote earlier that the main symptoms of intestinal colic in a child are: crying, groaning, reddening of the face, difficulty in passing stools and gases. As a rule, the legs are bent and pressed to the tummy. The cause of increased gas formation is the incomplete breakdown of food. How to help a child in this situation?

The child groans, strains with colic and constipation: how to help?

  • With natural feeding , the first aid in the treatment of colic is the proper nutrition of the nursing mother. From her diet, she should exclude such products as: grapes, sweet curds and all kinds of pastas, pickles, smoked foods, all kinds of sausages, onions, garlic. Significantly reduce the amount of sugar and confectionery consumed. It is advisable to replace whole milk with sour-milk products.
  • At artificial feeding special attention should be paid to the choice of the mixture that your baby eats. Try to monitor the amount of formula consumed, do not overfeed the child. The gastrointestinal tract of the baby is imperfect, the necessary microflora is still being formed in it. When eating, he experiences new sensations, sometimes not very comfortable. Hence his reactions.

How to prevent colic and constipation?

  1. Before feeding, lay the baby on the tummy for ten minutes.
  2. Try to find the most comfortable position for the baby at the mother's breast, otherwise the baby will begin to swallow air along with the mother's milk. Air, which will be the cause of excessive gas formation.
  3. With artificial feeding, pay special attention to the hole in the nipple. The hole should not be too large, otherwise the entry of air into the digestive tract is inevitable.
  4. After eating, the baby needs to hold the “column” for some time. The child should spit up air.
  5. A light massage of the tummy helps a lot with spasms. Any mother can do such a massage. The baby must be put on the back and stroked the tummy clockwise.
  6. Good - exercise "bicycle". You can also just press the legs to the tummy. These exercises well activate the work of the intestines, and help the promotion of feces.
  7. Not bad relieves flatulence (bloating) a warm diaper that needs to be put on the tummy or a warm bath with herbs.

Almost all babies periodically have colic, but their kids experience it differently. Watch your feces carefully. Children's feces are orange in color, their consistency is semi-liquid. A child can poop one to five times a day - this is considered the norm. But if you find green mucus in your stool, contact your pediatrician immediately.

What to do with colic and constipation?

  1. With colic and bloating, doctors may prescribe medications. For example: Bobotik or Espumizan.
  2. Very often, experts recommend using gas outlet pipe. Easy to use, learn how to make this procedure any mom can.
  3. Our great-grandmothers also brought gaziki to the kids dill water . One tablespoon of dry dill seeds they poured a glass of boiling water, the infusion was allowed to settle to room temperature, filtered and given a teaspoon every two hours. However, we want to make a reservation right away, this tool is rather weak, as it has a cumulative effect. Today, ready-made dill water can be bought at any pharmacy.
  4. For constipation, the newborn doctors prescribe Dufalac or Glycerol suppositories . Glycerin suppositories soften feces and promote their excretion. Today, there are quite a few mild laxatives and they are safe for babies. However, in this case, it is better to consult a doctor.
  5. Some pediatricians for constipation in children recommend enema . Many mothers with constipation use the usual baby soap, a small piece of which is laid in the baby's ass. Doctors warn that even a very small piece of soap can severely damage the delicate mucous membrane of the baby, cause irritation and severe burning.

Pediatrician T. N. Semenchenya:

A child can grunt or strain if something interferes with him, for example, crusts in his nose that form if the air in the room is dry, rinse his nose, for example, with aquamaris, clean it cotton buds and monitor the humidity, it should be at least 50-60%. If he does not show concern, but simply pushes, while he does not cry, does not scream, that is, does not show that he is in pain, then it may just be the child's emotions.

Pediatrician I. V. Ruzhenkova:

If the child is groaning, bending and tense, then the reason is most likely in the gases: while they “ask out”, they burst the intestines from the inside and cause discomfort and pain in the baby. Try to accept ready-made funds for the treatment of flatulence (Espumizan, Plantex, Espumizan, Babykalm, etc.) or home-made decoctions of fennel, dill seeds, chamomile (all of them have both antispasmodic and mild laxative effects). From your diet, breastfeeding, eliminate or limit rice, cabbage, legumes, grapes. It is necessary to do a massage of the tummy, gymnastics (movements of the legs of the “bicycle” type). Warmth helps (laying the baby on your stomach (“belly to belly”), wearing in a sling, a diaper on your tummy. Usually, after 3 months, digestion “ripens” and becomes easier.

The child groans: in what cases do you need to urgently contact a specialist?

It is necessary to contact a pediatrician for advice and consultation if:

  • the baby spit up too often and spitting up is more like vomiting;
  • he has frequent and loose stools (diarrhea), he suffers from heartburn;
  • the child sleeps very restlessly, tosses and turns, pulls his legs to his tummy, groans in his sleep;
  • he has a high temperature;
  • in the feces you found green mucus or bloody streaks;
  • the chest is rapidly losing weight.

Any of the above symptoms is a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor. Remember, if your baby has a very hard stomach, cries and is extremely restless, call ambulance. Sometimes these symptoms indicate serious diseases that require urgent surgical intervention.

Parents need to be patient, as a rule, by three to four months, colic disappears, and the baby will delight you with his smile and good mood.

May your children grow up healthy and happy!

After birth, the little one spends a significant part of the time in a dream, waking up only to eat. Therefore, during the first two months, his only problem is poor sleep. Because of what mothers worry when a newborn baby twitches in a dream, groans and cries. In fact, these problems are not signs of a disease, so you should not worry. But you can make sleep easier for the baby with special actions so that the dreams of the little one are pleasant.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

Sleep of a child and an adult

The sleep of a newborn is different from that of an adult. The deep phase of sleep in a person makes up most of the time, and the superficial one only 20%, so it is more difficult to wake an adult. The superficial phase of sleep in a child, on the contrary, occupies the main part - 80%, which is why babies often wake up. At the same time, the newborn is able to sleep for 18-19 hours a day, which more than compensates for his sensitive superficial sleep.

To make your baby sleep better, do not put toys and pillows in the crib, children prefer "Spartan" conditions.

What do newborns dream about?

To the question of whether newborn children have dreams, scientists could not find an answer for a long time, because it is impossible to ask a child directly. It has now been proven that dreams come to us precisely in the phase of superficial sleep. At this moment, the brain develops intensively, assimilating the information accumulated during the day. It turns out that children should see much more dreams than adults.

But then what do babies dream about? After all, kids, getting into new world They see and hear everything for the first time and understand nothing. But here you need to realize that in order to dream about something, it is not at all necessary to understand the events that have occurred. Therefore, babies dream of everything that happened or could happen during the day. Of course, most of the dreams are related to the mother's body, breasts, milk, its smell and taste.

At a later time, a mother's voice, faces of other relatives, pets are added to dreams. There is an assumption that babies may also dream of objects, sounds not associated with their parents. For example, today there was a trip to the hospital and the baby dreams of the “terrible and strange” hands of the doctor.

Why do babies grunt, breathe quickly, moan, shudder and twitch in their sleep?

The reasons why a newborn groans and pushes in a dream lie in physiology child's body. The baby passes from the intrauterine state to a new world, before he was fed through the umbilical cord, now he needs to eat for the first time, the gastrointestinal tract is working. Of course, the first problems with the digestive system arise:

  1. Intestinal colic. When feeding, babies often swallow air with milk, in addition, gas formation can occur with any diet. The resulting gases press on the walls of the intestine, causing reflex spasms and discomfort. This is quite normal, the baby's body will be able to cope with this on its own. To mitigate the situation after feeding, hold the baby upright for a couple of minutes.
  2. . The baby's intestines are not yet strong and are not able to cope with a large amount of food, while the baby, on the contrary, needs a lot of mother's milk. As a result, it occurs, in which the stool masses press on the walls of the intestine, but are too rough to exit unhindered. In most cases, the body itself can cope with a new ailment, but with a long one, you will have to consult a doctor.

The superficial phase of sleep in a child occupies the main part - 80%.

Sometimes a newborn baby shudders in a dream and wakes up, this happens closer to 6-8 months. At this time, the children are strong enough to independently choose a position for sleeping and spin in the arena. Of course, the baby may twitch earlier, usually the baby jerks its legs due to stomach cramps (pulling the legs to the stomach relieves discomfort). Causes:

  1. Overwork. An excessive number of events per day leads to the fact that the child has very rich dreams, where he also actively crawls and runs. As a result, the child twists his arms or legs, since his own movements are unusual for him (after all, he is just starting to move), then the baby immediately wakes up.
  2. Harsh or loud sounds. For the first six months, superficial sleep makes up more than half of the total dream time. The superficial phase of sleep is unstable and the child is sensitive to any sounds of the outside world.

A newborn baby groans, arches in a dream, if it is uncomfortable for him to sleep or he experiences any discomfort. In this case, the same intestinal colic can be the cause, but in this case, the newborn tries to bend, pull his legs to his tummy. The baby can bend in the opposite direction for several reasons:

  1. Too tight swaddling, as a result, the child cannot turn on a comfortable side.
  2. Perhaps the little one is dressed too warmly, since he does not know how to take off his clothes on his own, he reflexively tries to “crawl out” of it.
  3. Other factors often become the cause (cold, hunger, motes in diapers). In any case, arching indicates discomfort during sleep.

Sometimes a newborn baby snores or "grunts" in his sleep. Such respiratory attempts occur with nasal congestion, irritation of the nasal mucosa.

With nasal congestion, breathing quickens (compensatory reaction) or the child begins to breathe through the mouth and snore. If a hair gets into the nose, the baby may sneeze or “grunt”.

If the little one snores and grunts regularly, then there is one of the problems in the room:

For all of the above reasons, sometimes a newborn baby cries or groans in his sleep. This happens with colic and constipation, with too hot or cold wrapping. Just at such moments, the annoying factor is not strong enough to wake the baby, so he cries and moans without waking up. You can do nothing with this, most problems go away on their own. But you can take the baby and press him to the chest, a pacifier in the mouth also soothes many little ones.

The baby may have problems with bowel movements or with uncomfortable diapers.

When to see a doctor if the child arches, cries and often wakes up?

If a newborn child often breathes in a dream, groans, twitches his legs and arms, then he is healthy. It's just that he has difficulty with bowel movements or with uncomfortable diapers. You need to worry about serious symptoms of the disease:

  • with prolonged constipation, bloating;
  • with the regular problems described above, when the child grunted more than once, but grunts constantly and every night;
  • temperature above 37 about C;
  • stopped gaining weight or lost it;
  • refuses to eat;
  • constantly crying;
  • twitching in a dream is of a constant rhythmic nature;
  • rashes appeared on the skin;
  • gas formation and colic are observed for a long time, do not go away on their own;
  • too frequent, profuse regurgitation.

When it's time to start as a child, how to dress your baby in warm and cold weather - read our article.
Instructions for processing the navel of a newborn. Be sure to watch the video on this topic.

Let's draw a conclusion

In most cases, groaning, pushing, twitching arms and legs are not a cause for concern. However, there are steps you can take to improve your baby's first months of life. If children toss and turn in their sleep, then it is worth contacting a doctor only if the problems are complicated by temperature and other obvious signs of the disease or are of a regular nature, preventing the baby and mother from sleeping at night.

Find out the expert's opinion on why babies grunt in their sleep in this video:

As soon as a native and desired baby is born, his parents become the happiest people. However, the joy is often overshadowed by the fact that they know almost nothing about the correct development of the child. Why does he often cry, grunt and grunt? These questions are not as simple as they seem at first glance. You will find the answer to one of them by reading this article.

Try to lie silently in my place ...

Why does a newborn grunt

The most important reasons that cause a baby to grunt are problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

  • First, this constipation and irregular stools. When the intestines are full, the newborn cannot push properly. The only sound he makes is a groan.
  • Secondly, children in the first few months after their birth have imperfect digestive system, which is why they often suffer from increased gas formation. This results in intestinal colic and stomach pain. The abdomen tightens and hardens. The baby wants to get rid of the unpleasant feeling of fullness in the tummy, pushes and makes sounds similar to groaning.

The posture of a sleeping child also indicates colic. Usually he tucks his legs under him to somehow help himself get rid of the pain.

In addition, the baby, making these sounds, can directly inform you that dressed very hot, sweating that a diaper or clothes presses him. If he is uncomfortable or uncomfortable - this is also a reason.

It is known that some babies are born with a little hair on some parts of the body, in particular, on the back and shoulders, then delicate skin these hairs can tingle. Over time, the baby's skin will become smooth (hairs roll out). In the meantime, to help the child, you can anoint his back with cream. Or a more daring option - honey (if there is no allergy). Put on a cotton vest on top and leave overnight. In the morning, the hairs will remain on the clothes.

In a word, answers to the question: “Why does a newborn groan?” - many.

Another pressing question that worries inexperienced parents: why does their child sleep all day? It revealed - .

Everything is clearly and concisely explained by the physiology and wisdom of mother nature.

Leave the beans!

How does a newborn poop

The color of feces is light mustard, soft consistency. A healthy baby poops twice a day (and sometimes more). In formula-fed babies, this happens less often.

Constipation very often contributes to the fact that the baby makes grunting sounds. Try to ease his suffering.

If the baby is constipated

  • Perhaps the most important symptom of constipation is that the child rarely "goes to the toilet" (less than 1 time per day or 1 time).
  • The baby arches its back and twists its legs, and the tummy hardens.
  • The feces are not mushy, but hard.
  • The child blushes, arches and cries.
  • Droplets of blood may come out with hard stools, as it injures delicate skin.

Causes of constipation

In case of accumulation of feces in the rectum, the newborn has colic and constipation. Why is this happening? This happens when a mother who is breastfeeding does not eat properly. If a baby is given high-fat milk, his digestion is disturbed. Milk mixtures to which the child is not yet accustomed can also cause constipation. To avoid this unpleasant phenomenon -.

Make sure your baby is drinking enough fluids.

What to do if the baby has constipation

  • Moisten a cotton swab slightly in vaseline and lubricate the anus no further than 0.5 cm.
  • Lay the baby on the side or on the stomach for a while.
  • When bathing the baby, hold it in warm water for a little longer.
  • After consulting a doctor, a baby can make a candle from glycerin or an enema. However, often such actions cannot be resorted to. So that the child does not get used to it.

Should a person who was recently born sleep on a pillow? Will this have a negative effect on? How will it affect! and at what age small children can sleep on a pillow.

And now we will tell you two more diseases that can manifest themselves regardless of whether you treat your baby correctly. You don’t need to take it to heart, but it doesn’t hurt to know about them:

  1. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome -.
  2. Hip dysplasia -.

Do I need to see a doctor?

Unfortunately, groaning may not always be a harmless symptom. If the newborn groans and pushes, and he has the following signs, be sure to consult a doctor.

  • The kid is losing weight, he has no appetite, and abdominal pains become constant.
  • Often there is bloating, the newborn sleeps restlessly.
  • Profuse vomiting and unstable stools, feeding him becomes a problem.

Very rarely, but it happens that the cause of the anxious sleep of the baby, during which he “quacks” and groans, is neurological problems. Visit a neurologist to exclude or confirm them and start treatment on time.

Sometimes you fall asleep like this in a bucket and dream about what the hell ...

“My son often groaned and pushed at night. I stopped pooping regularly. Since I am breastfeeding him, the doctor advised me to drink more water and drink kefir. It really helped."

"Try taking. It must be diluted with boiled water and taken 2 times a day. The drug normalizes the intestinal microflora. I also inserted glycerin suppositories into my daughter's anus. The groaning has passed."

“I gave my son espumisan in a teaspoon three times a day. The medicine helped a lot. Prior to that, he was tormented by constant colic and constipation. I also gave Nan sour milk. Excellent tool!


“Here my child puffs in a dream, sometimes strongly. I recently went to the pediatrician. He said that it would go away on its own, because newborns have not fully formed the nasopharynx. That's why they make all sorts of groaning sounds.

“We were helped by drops to improve the digestion of BabyCalm. They remove colic, and my daughter likes it. With pleasure sucks them from a pipette. She stopped groaning."

They say that the child is the heart of the mother, which exists separately. All mothers worry about their children. However, dear mothers, do not worry if your baby groans, but at the same time his stool is normal (soft).

Newborn babies are very small, it is difficult for them to cope with any load, and even in order to poop, they have to work hard. And these sounds are a common and quite normal phenomenon for children.

Good luck with your upbringing!

When a baby is brought from the hospital, the parents are worried about the slightest manifestations of trouble. It often happens that a newborn groans in a dream, and this is alarming. If this happens, then the mother should pay attention and help the baby in the problem that has arisen.

The fact is that such a sign can be a manifestation of discomfort and discomfort in various situations, since the baby cannot yet speak. Sometimes this happens in more serious situations, especially if the grunt turns into a groan or scream. What can you think if the baby groans in a dream. Let us examine in more detail in which cases this happens.


The main reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • the child is too hot or very cold, sometimes such a reaction happens to dry or too humid air;
  • the baby wants to go to the toilet, and before that he makes characteristic sounds;
  • he has an uncomfortable posture, a diaper or a seam from a vest presses on the body.

Therefore, the room should be ventilated, and by all means ensure that the temperature is about 22 degrees. For sleep, use linen without seams and in no case be swaddled too tight. After eliminating the cause of the inconvenience, the baby calms down and sleeps soundly.

What to do when a problem occurs

At first, the baby gives weak signals, but in the event that his timid requests for help go unanswered, he can break into a scream and tantrum, which will be much more difficult to stop. This will exacerbate the problem and negatively affect the condition nervous system babies. What to do if a newborn baby groans and arches?

Gases in the intestines

Often this phenomenon occurs when the baby suffers from excessive gas formation in the intestines and colic. His still imperfect digestive track cannot fully digest milk at the very beginning of life. This takes some time. To help in this case, parents are required to:

  1. After eating, hold the baby in an upright position. This will help remove gas from the stomach.
  2. It is necessary to apply to the breast correctly so that the baby does not swallow air along with milk.
  3. Before and after feeding, a light massage of the abdomen should be carried out (circular smooth movements clockwise).
  4. Some time before applying to the chest, you need to put the baby on the tummy, and keep it like that for about one minute.
  5. Sometimes gases are formed as a result of an insufficient amount of fluid, which is observed in a baby on a mixed and artificial diet. Therefore, you should give him water.
  6. At artificial feeding it is recommended to choose a nipple with a specific hole so that when swallowing the mixture, the baby does not absorb air with it.

If all methods do not help, then you need to take a prescription from a doctor and give special drugs that reduce gas formation.


Sometimes the baby constantly grunts and strains due to the fact that he cannot empty his intestines. To prevent such a problem, a woman should review her diet. There are a number of products that, when consumed in breast milk there are substances that provoke constipation in an infant. These include whole milk, white bread, strong tea or coffee.

Therefore, with a constant problem, when the child cannot freely go "in a big way", you should go to the pediatrician. Perhaps he will need treatment, or mom will be advised to exclude certain types of dishes for a while.


The reason why a newborn groans in a dream may be a sign of the onset of the disease. This happens if it is difficult for a baby to breathe during an inflammatory process in the lungs or due to the development of allergic rhinitis.

Any prodromal condition can also be accompanied by groaning, since the disease has not yet gained momentum, but already causes some discomfort.

When to go to the doctor

Such a phenomenon, when a newborn grunts and strains, is not a dangerous sign if it occurs infrequently and is not accompanied by other dangerous symptoms:

  1. Appears frequent regurgitation or profuse vomiting.
  2. The baby categorically refuses food.
  3. The child is steadily losing weight.
  4. A newborn child grunts, arches and blushes, and at the same time a high temperature appears, belching and profuse diarrhea develop.

Every child has a period of adaptation, which passes with time. And when various problems arise, a newborn baby grunts in a dream, indicating in this way about his uncomfortable condition. It is important that parents keep a close eye on any signs of distress and take action immediately.

However, such a phenomenon should be treated without fanaticism, since in most cases nothing terrible happens. And the situation can be corrected by the simplest actions.

Sometimes parents notice that a newborn groans in a dream. Some believe that this is normal, while others are sure that the baby should only eat, sleep and smile. If he does something else - crying, just moping, or, for example, groaning - this is a sure symptom for anxiety. Which of them is right?

We will immediately reassure impressionable parents: if a newborn child groans, in the vast majority of cases this is normal. He cannot and should not sleep peacefully, because during sleep something happens to him, and he must react accordingly.

The main reasons for this behavior

This happens, and quite often: the baby falls asleep in good mood, but a little time passes - and grunting is heard. Then more time passes - and the baby wakes up again in a great mood. What was it?

Most often, the reason lies in the following:

  1. overfilled diaper;
  2. the baby is worried about the stomach;
  3. clogged nose;
  4. the baby is uncomfortable.

In a newborn baby, the number of urination per day can reach 25 times. This means that the diaper can fill up quite quickly, and it is very uncomfortable to lie in a full diaper - so the baby starts to spin and get nervous. Therefore, when you hear how the baby groans, first of all you need to make sure that the reason is not in the diaper.

Also, the baby may be disturbed by the stomach. The first three months of a child's life are disturbed by intestinal colic: the accumulation of air bubbles in the stomach. They cause noticeable discomfort, because when accumulated in in large numbers begin to put pressure on the walls of the intestine, causing spasms. And if they don’t come out naturally, the baby can arch its back or pull its legs to the tummy, making it clear exactly where it is unpleasant for him.

To understand that it is really them, you need to touch the tummy: with colic, it is swollen and hard. If the baby woke up completely, you can give him a tummy massage - light strokes along the O-shaped trajectory. If the baby groans, but sleeps, you can put it on your stomach and try to rock it - touching your tummy with the parent's stomach, the baby will "squeeze" the air out of itself - and immediately feel relief. And to prevent this problem you need:

  • spread before feeding on the tummy for 5-10 minutes;
  • make sure that while eating, the baby correctly captures the nipple (otherwise it will swallow air);
  • choose the right, anti-colic nipples for bottles;
  • after each meal, carry the baby upright for 10 minutes.

Simple techniques, brought to automatism, will save the baby from discomfort - and provide him with a sound, restful sleep.

But this behavior can also cause another problem - constipation. It's not about air bubbles, but about what the baby has eaten and cannot "give out". This condition worries the baby - this can be understood by the fact that the newborn constantly lifts up or tightens his legs (depending on whether he lies on his back or on his stomach), tosses and turns and blushes. It probably helps him gather his strength and push hard. If all else fails, you need to help the baby - make an enema with warm water with chamomile or put a glycerin candle. Constipation in a newborn baby can sometimes happen, but if this is repeated systematically, and the baby defecates less than once a day, the mother definitely needs to reconsider her diet if she is breastfeeding, or pick up a different mixture for the baby if the baby eats it. Also, be sure to give your child water.

Sometimes a newborn groans a lot due to the fact that it is difficult for him to breathe - either the nose is stuffed up, or crusts have formed in it. So you have to pass air through obstacles. The fact that the nose is stuffed up is also evidenced by restless behavior while eating: the mouth is busy, and the nose is stuffed up, so the baby cannot eat - after all, the breathing reflex is more significant than the need for food. The spout should be cleaned with a cotton cone or nozzle suction, and the humidity in the room should be increased.

Also, children may show anxiety, now and then interrupting sleep with crying, if they are not comfortable lying down. The reason can be either in the wrong clothes (from fabrics with the addition of synthetics), or in the wrong position (the baby lies on a snake, buttons, or just a sheet under him gathered in folds). For a restful sleep, you need to prepare a place to sleep by smoothing out a sheet or diaper, and using clothes that are suitable for this.

When should you see a doctor

As you can see, often if a newborn baby groans and arches in a dream, this is often easily corrected. But if this behavior is repeated every time or just often, you should still tell the pediatrician about it. Especially if restless sleep is accompanied by symptoms such as:

  1. refusal to eat;
  2. bloating, tightening of the legs;
  3. spitting up several times a day;
  4. indigestion;
  5. poor weight gain;
  6. overexcitability;
  7. marked weakness, even lethargy.

Perhaps the fact that the child arches in a dream and wakes himself up by this is the first bells of a more serious problem. And then a timely reaction will help to get rid of it faster. And in general, in the first year of life, the crumbs should not be shy to contact the doctor even with the most seemingly primitive questions - he will help dispel doubts. And this, in turn, will ensure a restful sleep for the mother already - after all, this is no less important.