
Air hardening of preschool children. Hardening the child's body - when and how? The benefits and significance of all methods of hardening the body of children


Hardening children preschool age

Hardening is an important element of a healthy lifestyle for a person at any age. But it is of particular importance for children whose body has not yet developed the ability to respond quickly and adequately to abrupt changes in environmental conditions. Children overheat, overcool faster than adults, are more sensitive to humidity (especially high humidity in the outside air - dampness), ultraviolet rays. Children, whose hardening is started at an early age, get sick less often, they tolerate adaptation more easily when they enter kindergarten. Summer time is the most favorable period for the beginning of hardening procedures.

Let's list the basic principles of hardening:

  • hardening should be started in a state of complete health;
  • the intensity and duration of hardening procedures should increase gradually, taking into account their child's tolerance;
  • the effect of hardening depends on the systematic nature of its implementation.

Air hardening procedures are part of the normal routine of the day:

  • air baths when changing clothes for a child and during morning exercises;
  • sleeping in a well-ventilated bedroom with fresh air access (open transoms, vents);
  • maintaining optimal temperature conditions in the room (temperature +18 ... 20 ° С)
  • daily walks on fresh air for 3-4 hours in the fresh air in any weather, they train the child's thermoregulatory mechanism, adapt it to fluctuations in temperature, humidity, air movement;
  • clothing should be lightweight, not restricting movement, with a minimum content of artificial and synthetic materials;

During walks, monitor the condition of the child, regulate it locomotor activity... In case he is sweating, he needs to be taken home and his clothes changed. Remember that clothes, drying on a child, cause hypothermia.

Hardening by the sun begins with light-air baths in the shade of trees, then they switch to local sunbathing, leaving individual parts of the body, arms, and legs open. The duration of baths is gradually increasing, they are carried out under the control of the child's well-being. The child's head must always be covered from sun rays light panama. On hot summer laziness, kids definitely need to drink. The best time to take a bath is from 10 am to 11 am.

Most effective method hardening -water hardening... It should also firmly establish itself in the daily routine of preschool age in daily routines:

washing hands after sleeping or using the toilet with warm water and soap. Then - alternately washing your hands to the elbows, face, neck, upper chest with warm and cool water;

brushing your teeth followed by rinsing your mouth with cool water; gargling with boiled water after a meal with a gradual decrease in its temperature from 36 to 22 ° C by 1 ° C every 5 days;

Special hardening water treatments include:

Body rubbing. Rubbing body parts (hands, chest, back) begins with dry rubbing until slightly reddening the skin with a mitten or a shaggy towel for 7-10 days. Then wet wipes are performed, the water temperature is reduced from 30 ... 32 ° C to room temperature by 1 ° C every 2 days. The duration of the procedure is up to 3 minutes. At the end there is a dry rubdown;

for the purpose of hardening preschoolers, you can use contrasting dousing of feet with water. For children weakened, often ill with acute respiratory infections, a gentle douche regime is recommended, when they first douse their feet with warm water (+38 ... 36 ° C), then + 28 ° C and finish with warm water again. For healthy children, a greater contrast is recommended: +38 - +18 - +38 - + 18 ° С. Finish the procedure with dry rubbing. Pouring is carried out from a jug or watering can with a perforated nozzle.

you can use contrasting douches for hands, the temperature regime is the same as when doused feet.

general body douches are carried out with water from an initial temperature of + 36 ° C, the duration of the first douche is 15 seconds. Subsequently, the water temperature gradually decreases by 1 ° C per week, and the duration increases to 35 seconds.

In the case of a child's illness, hardening procedures are resumed on a sparing regimen 1-2 weeks after complete recovery, depending on the nature of the disease. In this case, the water temperature should be 2-3 degrees higher than before the child's illness.

The most powerful hardening factor, harmoniously combining pleasant and useful - swimming. Activities on the water have a complex effect on the entire body, swimming strengthens and hardens it.

Three to six

This age is called preschool - early childhood is already behind, the stage before entering school begins.

Those whose parents began to temper from the first days of life, undoubtedly, will find it easier to study, they will not have to miss classes due to frequent colds and sore throats. But even starting to harden a child at three or four years old and even at five or six years old, you can do a lot.

During the day - a must!

Tempering procedures should also be included in the child's day regimen with the same obligation as eating, sleeping, walking. We offer the following schedule.

In the morning - air bath for 15 minutes; of which 6-7 minutes we recommend doing gymnastics.

After the air bath and gymnastics - washing to the waist with water, the temperature of which is 16-14 degrees, and if no water procedures were performed before - 27 degrees.

Before and after washing - gargling. In the early days with warm water - 36-33 degrees; every 5 days, reduce its temperature by 1 degree, bringing it to 18-16. This procedure is especially useful for weakened, often ill children. The initial water temperature for them is the same, but it must be reduced more slowly - every 7 days. If the child is sick, rinsing is not stopped, but the temperature of the water should not be reduced. It is even better to gargle with warm water - one degree higher than before the disease.

The most favorable time for sunbathing - from 8 to 11 hours, duration up to 30 minutes, but in two steps. The child lay for 5-15 minutes in the sun, then rested in the shade and again for 5-15 minutes - under direct sunlight.

For a hardened child, morning washing to the waist can be replaced with a general douche or shower; or, getting out of bed, let him wash and wash himself to the waist, and do the pouring after sunbathing.

Contrast foot baths- after a nap.

This procedure can be replaced by dousing your feet. The initial water temperature is 28 degrees, lowering it every 8-4 days (for weakened children - every 7 days), bring it to 16 degrees.

All hardening procedures are best done in the morning and afternoon, around 9 and 15 hours. Studies have shown that at this time of day, preschool children develop better adaptive responses to temperature fluctuations.

Basic rules for hardening a child

1. You can start hardening at any time of the year.

2. Hardening is effective only when it is carried out systematically; without constant reinforcement, the results achieved are reduced.

3. It is impossible to sharply increase the duration and strength of the hardening effects. Violation of the principle of gradualness can cause hypothermia and illness in the child.

4. Hardening procedures should not be started if the child is sick.

5. The effectiveness of hardening procedures increases if they are carried out in a complex manner.

6. The procedure should be pleasant to the child, evoke positive emotions.

Together with mom and dad

It is known that children love to imitate adults, and it will be very good if parents use this child's ability in order to instill in him a strong habit of gymnastics and tempering procedures. Children and parents can do morning exercises together!

Special observations have established that in children who, even only three times a week (in autumn and winter, respectively dressed), perform gymnastic exercises in the air, the activity of the bacterial flora of the nasopharynx decreases, in other words, they are less threatened by acute respiratory diseases.

By the age of 4, the child is already noticeably more resilient than in the third. He can, for example, walk continuously for 20 to 40 minutes. Train him to walk! A walk with mom and dad out of town, to the park will leave him happy impressions and will be very useful.

One of the favorite summer activities for children of this age is cycling. At 3-4 years old, kids easily master a three-wheeled, and from 5 years old and two-wheeled. The duration of continuous cycling is from 15 to 30 minutes.

In winter, children are always attracted to sledging down the mountains. Very good! Let only the child, according to the well-known Russian proverb, love to haul sleighs: make sure that he goes up the hill with them! This will keep him from getting cold and the physical training will be more effective.

From 4-5 years old, teach children to ski; first - to stand on them correctly, then - to walk without sticks, and only when they have mastered this skill well can they be handed sticks.

A baby 4-5 years old can also be put on skates. At first he will get tired after 10-15 minutes, but the more confident he starts to feel on the ice, the longer he will be able to skate - 40-60 minutes (with breaks every 20 minutes).

The child's thermoregulatory mechanisms are trained under the influence of both strong, but short-term chills and relatively weak, to longer ones. In addition, researchers have found that hardening is most effective when not only specific areas of the body are cooled, but the entire body. This means that contrasting foot baths alone or douches alone, for all their usefulness, will not give the maximum effect. If you want your child to grow strong, use the whole complex that we talked about!

If you have been hardening your child for several years, you can recommend a combination of water procedures with subsequent air baths, first in the room, and in the summer and outdoors. After splashing or showering, do not dry your baby. Remove only large drops of water with a light touch of a terry towel. Let it dry, remaining naked: as a result of the evaporation of moisture, further cooling of the body occurs.

But it is impossible to allow the child to tremble. If he is cold - you need to do a light massage, rub him with a towel. Within a few days, repeat the drenching followed by an air bath - and the child will get used to it, no additional warming is required.

We remind you that this procedure is powerful, and hardening cannot be started with it.

Caution, gradualness, consistency- three principles that must be strictly adhered to when tempering a child.

Hardening - a set of measures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to external factors environment through the influence of natural factors: water, air and sunlight. Hardening improves the work of physiological processes through the nervous and endocrine system, strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to infections and colds.

The methods are selected for a specific child, taking into account his physiological capabilities and the presence of pathology. These classes are systematic, the duration of which increases gradually.

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    Hardening is a gradual increase in the body's resistance to the effects of external environmental factors. They start from infancy. At the heart of the contrast is an increase and decrease in air and water temperature in relation to the temperature of the child's body. With sharp fluctuations in temperature, a hardened body reacts faster.

    It is important to start procedures at preschool age, when the child begins to go to kindergarten, in the section and is faced with various infections. In a hardened child, the immune response will be enhanced, and he will not get sick or quickly cope with the disease.


    There are principles that must be adhered to so that this is not stressful for the child's body and passes gradually and systematically:

    1. 1. Hardening begins in the warm season.
    2. 2. The method is chosen taking into account the state of health of the baby.
    3. 3. Aerial methods are applied first.
    4. 4. The intensity of the procedures is increased gradually, allowing the body to adapt.
    5. 5. It is important to carry out systematically, otherwise there will be no effect.
    6. 6. When interrupting due to illness, you need to start hardening with the same intensity that was at the beginning, moving to the next level faster.
    7. 7. It is necessary to carry out the procedures when the child is in a satisfactory state of health and mood, 1-2 hours after eating.


    Tempering methods for preschool children are divided into general and special. There are traditional and non-traditional.

    Hardening procedures:

    Air baths

    Air baths are the first procedure that a baby begins to receive from infancy. It is convenient for parents to carry out procedures on their own at home and on the street. She is the safest.


    Conditions of conducting

    Ways of conducting

    The tone of the nervous system increases

    Thermal air baths (20-30 ° C)

    Airing the room: gradually increasing the residence time. Preschool children up to 30-40 minutes

    Thermoregulation processes are stabilized

    Cool air baths (15-20 ° C)

    Contrasting air baths. Let the child play in two rooms, in which the difference in air temperature will reach 10-13 ° C

    The activity of the endocrine, respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems is normalized

    Cold air baths (below 15 ° C)

    Stimulates blood circulation

    It is important to start gradually over 3-5 minutes. It is better to take air baths during games, on the move. Do not take contrasting air baths in hot weather, so as not to catch a cold child. They finish the procedures in case of a negative reaction to temperature changes: pallor, cyanosis, dizziness.

    UV hardening

    Sunbathing - the effect of ultraviolet rays on skin... They begin to take them after air baths and in children over 1 year old.

    It is important to strictly follow all the rules so that the child does not overheat. If symptoms such as skin redness, agitation, weakness appear, the procedure is terminated. Contraindication: air temperature over 30 ° C.

    Water procedures

    Water hardening has a strong effect. The child's body reacts to cool water, first with a feeling of coldness and pallor, and then with increased activity and improved well-being. Applying water procedures constantly, you can quickly achieve a positive result.

How to temper a baby correctly so as not to harm his health?

The site was told about hardening by Nadezhda Berezina, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Hygiene of Education and Education, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, SCCH RAMS.

How to temper

There are special techniques for hardening children. These include air baths and water treatments: foot douche, contrast douche, rubdown and swimming in open water.

Walking barefoot, extended washing of a child, airing an apartment is a hardening in everyday life.

It is very convenient, because special conditions are not required for such hardening. It is shown to all children, but an individual approach is required. It is required to choose a regimen and take into account the state of health of the child and the level of his physical development.

Observe the principles of hardening: systematic and gradual... By the beginning of the procedure, the child needs to create a positive emotional attitude. If the baby does not like any hardening procedures, they cannot be forcibly introduced into practice.

How to take an air bath

Start the daily hardening of children early age it is necessary from the air baths. Firstly, it is a hygienic procedure, and, secondly, hardening.

First select comfortable temperature for the child, gradually reducing it to reasonable limits. It is worth considering that at temperatures below +17 and above +26, hardening measures cannot be carried out. A high temperature can lead to overheating of the baby, and a low temperature can lead to a cold.

But the child should not just stand in a cold room - this is not hardening, and so it is easy for the baby to catch a cold. When a child does physical exercises, then hardening works great.

Therefore, it is good to combine air baths with morning exercises, which are absolutely necessary for all children. Ventilate the room, and it is better not to dress the baby and leave to practice in panties, a T-shirt and socks. When the child gets used to exercising in a cool room, socks can be skipped and barefoot.

How to wash

After charging, go to the bathroom to wash your baby first with warm water, and when he gets used to cool the water. Good for hardening extended washing- not only hands and face, but also arms to the elbows, neck and upper part chest and neck.

How to sleep

Hardening can also be carried out when the child is sleeping, during the day or at night. The temperature suitable for hardening during sleep is 2-3 degrees lower than normal temperature in which the child is awake. The same temperature is also suitable for taking air baths.

Before going to bed, ventilate the room or leave the window open if it is not cold outside. But make sure there are no drafts.

For children under 3 years old, keep the temperature during sleep within 21-23 degrees, and for older children - 20-21 degrees, and from 5-7 years old - 19-21 degrees.

How to dress

What the child is wearing at home is also of great importance. As well as on walks, the baby should not be wrapped up too much. When the temperature in the apartment is above 23 degrees, there is enough linen and thin cotton clothes, at 18-22 degrees - you can wear tights and a jacket made of thick cotton with long sleeves.

And if it gets cool and the temperature in the house has dropped to 16-17 degrees, then you can put on a warm blouse, tights and warm slippers.

How to walk

Some children are very fond of walking barefoot. But to little children it is harmful to walk barefoot on a hard surface for a long time: after all, they still have the formation of the arch of the foot. And because of the rigid support, existing violations can be aggravated or flat feet can develop.

So here, too, everything must be dosed. Let the child run with bare legs, for example, during execution physical exercise... Or, if you have a thick carpet on the floor, allow your toddler to walk barefoot on it.

If you have the opportunity to go out in the summer with your baby to nature, where there is clean grass, and the environment is not traumatic, then you can allow the baby to walk on the ground and grass.

Memo to parents

Special methods of hardening preschool children can be used - this will only benefit the child's immunity. However, again required time, desire and consistency.

In addition, it is necessary to be a very literate parent in order to clearly understand when the child does not feel very well, and hardening must be suspended. After all, there are many people who familiarized themselves with the technique and started its implementation, regardless of the condition of the child.

One of the most effective special techniques - contrasting drenching of feet and legs... The legs are alternately doused with warm and cool water and, if the child does not have chronic diseases, the series of douches ends with cool water. If the baby's body is weakened, then the procedure must be finished with warm water.

Rubdown with cool water also has not lost its relevance.

But what is not worth experimenting with is intensive hardening. Often on television, they show how babies are doused with cold water in the snow and forced to walk barefoot in the snow, but this is not necessary. You can't arrange for kids to swim in the ice hole.

Such pseudo-heating is a huge stress for the child's body and its consequences are very difficult to predict. And gradual and consistent hardening will only benefit both the health and well-being of the baby.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational

institution of higher professional education



Faculty of Aviation Technology



in the discipline "Physical Education"

on the topic: "Hardening of preschool children"

Group VT-09 student: V.V. Nefedov

Head: A. V. Shitikov

Rybinsk 2014

Introduction ……………………… .. ……………………………………………… .3

The principles of hardening of preschool children ...................... 5

Means and methods of hardening preschool children ... ... ... .... ... 9

Conclusion …………………………………………………………… ...… ..17


Hardening is a system for special training of the body's thermoregulatory processes, which includes procedures aimed at increasing the body's resistance to hypothermia or overheating.

Under the action of various environmental factors, a complex physiological complex of responses arises in the body, in which not individual organs participate, but functional systems organized in a certain way and subordinate to each other, aimed at maintaining body temperature at a constant level.

Hardening is based on regular training of the body to changes in ambient temperature.

Many preschoolers often suffer from colds. These diseases negatively affect the health of the child and sometimes become the cause of his chronic ailments in subsequent years.

There are two opposite tendencies in the methods of preventing colds in a child. One is the prevention of diseases of the child by ensuring that conditions are constant for him. The child does not suffer from colds only because he is always in greenhouse conditions: he is wrapped up, he is not allowed to move vigorously so as not to sweat, he is protected from the slightest breath of breeze. If, upon returning from a walk, the feet are cold, a hot foot bath is taken. At the same time, the body's defenses are not used or trained in any way. Such a child, having fallen into more severe conditions, instantly catches a cold.

Another way to prevent colds is by hardening, which helps to boost the body's immune defenses.

Hardening is an important element of a healthy lifestyle for a person at any age. But it is of particular importance for children whose body has not yet developed the ability to respond quickly and adequately to abrupt changes in environmental conditions. Children overheat, overcool faster than adults, and are more sensitive to humidity and ultraviolet rays.

Appropriate use of air, sun and water helps to develop the child's adaptive responses to changing external environmental conditions.

The experience of family education convincingly testifies: where the hardening of the child is carried out methodically and systematically, there is a sharp decrease in the frequency of colds.

The principles of hardening preschool children

The one and only effective remedy training and improving the defense mechanisms of the human body, increasing its resistance to cold is hardening.

It's not too late to start hardening your body at any age.

Hardening is an active process. It involves the deliberate use of natural cold effects in order to train all defense mechanisms of the body, and in particular, training the physiological mechanisms of thermoregulation, which ensure the maintenance of body temperature at a relatively constant level, regardless of the external environment (air and water).

Cold hardening causes two types of effects in the body: specific and non-specific. The specific effect is to increase the body's resistance to cold, i.e. to the effect that was used in the hardening process. The non-specific effect consists in a simultaneous increase in resistance to some other influences, for example, to a lack of oxygen.

When cooling the body or body parts, it is desirable to know certain stages in the reaction of the skin. The first of them - whitening, is associated with a reduction in the lumen of skin vessels, the formation of "goose bumps" and the appearance of the so-called primary chills. Further cooling is accompanied by the expansion of skin vessels, redness of the skin. It gets warm. This is the second stage. With moderate cooling, open parts of the body (face, hands) can remain in the second stage for a long time. At the same time, a person does not feel the effect of cold. Continued cooling causes the appearance of a third stage - a secondary chill. Its symptoms are as follows: the skin turns pale again, acquires a bluish tint. Its vessels are dilated, filled with blood, their ability to contract is weakened. The production of heat by chemical thermoregulation turns out to be insufficient. With a secondary chill, hypothermia of the body may occur and the disease may develop.

In unhardened and weakened children, the second stage may not appear, but the third stage may immediately occur - hypothermia with all the negative consequences that follow from this.

Rubbing the skin and exercising after exposure to cold water raises the temperature of the skin, shortens the cooling effect and prolongs the hardening process. Therefore, the use of rubbing the skin before it warms and the use of exercise after cooling treatments should be limited. Their use can be rational in the initial period of hardening when a primary chill appears, and in the presence of resistance to cold - when a secondary chill occurs, i.e. to stop cooling urgently.

It has been established that, to a greater extent, the main reason for the occurrence of colds is not a strong and sharp effect of cold, but a slow and weak cooling of a part of the skin surface. Short but sharp temperature changes (10-15 ° C) lead to a rapid recovery of the temperature of the cooled section.

Often, many have a fear that pouring cold water over the whole body will lead to hypothermia of the whole body. However, I.P. Pavlov wrote that the human body can be imagined as consisting of a "core" with a constant temperature and a "shell" that changes its temperature depending on the temperature conditions of the external environment. A constant core temperature is maintained by chemical thermoregulation. Therefore, short-term dousing with cold water and the subsequent regulation of the time interval of exposure to air in the nude cannot lead to hypothermia of the "core".

To develop the body's optimal resistance to various cooling conditions, it is advisable to train with the widest possible range of temperature differences in time and force of impact. Insufficient intensity and short time of exposure to cold do not lead to the development of resistance to cold in humans.

At present, science - physiology, hygiene, medicine, pedagogy - has a fairly objective material, indicating the need to harden children. However, it must be said that hardening is not an end in itself. It serves as a valuable means of preserving and strengthening the health of children, contributes to their all-round development.

Knowing all the above patterns of the formation of hardening processes in the body, a number of rules can be distinguished, without which hardening procedures will not only not be beneficial, but can also harm.

Let's list the basic principles of hardening:

    Regularity. Without regularity, any hardening is ineffective, and the results achieved are reduced. It is best to conduct daily activities at the same time of day;

    Gradualness. A gradual increase in load, a gradual transition to stronger forms of hardening allow, albeit slower, but more confidently to achieve the desired result. It is impossible to dramatically increase the duration and strength of the hardening effects. Violation of the principle of gradualness can cause hypothermia and illness of the child;

    Intensity. The strength of the impact should be higher than the usual temperature norms of a permanent habitat. The more intense the impact, the brighter the response of the body;

    Combination of general and local cooling. For example, when dousing the feet, the body remains unhardened, and vice versa, dousing to the waist does not ensure the feet are resistant to cold. Optimal stability of the body arises when alternating general hardening procedures with local ones, aimed at the areas most sensitive to the action of cold (feet, nasopharynx, lower back);

    Complexity. The effectiveness of hardening procedures increases if they are carried out in a complex manner. This means that hardening procedures should be perceived as broader than just dousing with water. This is walking, running, sleeping in the fresh air, and a sauna. Keeping a healthy lifestyle increases the effectiveness of hardening procedures;

    The child should like the procedure and evoke positive emotions. Feelings should remain on the verge of pleasant. It is also important to take into account the individuality of the child and the state of his health;

    Hardening should be started in a state of complete health. Hardening procedures should not be started if the child is sick.

Tatiana Zakharova
Hardening at preschool age


No matter how it may seem that the natural way of life of a person is logical and self-evident, the question still arises before parents and society - how to raise a child so that he does not get sick, so that he develops rationally.

Implementation in kindergartens tempering- training is to offer a new practical view of the role of man in nature, in the formation of the foundations of natural thinking, which is reflected in the improvement of the body and harmonious development human psychology in unity with natural phenomena.

It has long been known that human health is 10-20% dependent on heredity, 10-20% on the state of the environment, 8-12% on the level of health care and 50-70% on lifestyle. Important role plays hardening... An increase in the number of children with frequent illnesses, especially in under 3 years old, in our country for last years makes this problem extremely urgent.

Hardening is a scientifically grounded systematic use of natural factors of nature to increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental agents.

Hardening activities are subdivided into general and

- special: general include the correct daily regimen, good nutrition, exercise

Physical education; to special hardening procedures include hardening

Air (air baths, sun (sunbathing) and water (water treatments).

Air baths

The first hardening air baths are the procedure for the child. It is necessary to ventilate the premises 4 - 5 times a day for 10 - 15 minutes in winter, keep the vents almost constantly open in summer. Airing with a window or transom is carried out in the presence of children; the air temperature decreases by 1 - 2 ° С, which is hardening factor... With through ventilation, air exchange occurs much faster than through a window, but it is desirable to carry it out in the absence of a child in the room. It is possible to use household air conditioners that automatically regulate temperature and humidity.

Children over 1.5 years old walk at least 2 times a day for 2.5 - 3 hours at a temperature not lower than -15 - 16 ° С.

A runny nose is not a contraindication for walking. You just need to clean your nose first. The child's face should be open in winter too.

Directly air baths begin to be carried out even in maternity hospital when, when changing diapers, the baby stays on a short time Without clothing.

Air baths should be carried out in a well-ventilated area. The maximum air bath time for children is 30 - 40 minutes. Air baths must be combined with gymnastic exercises.

Hardened by the sun

air 20 ° C for children and better in calm weather. The child's behavior at the time of the bath should be active. In central Russia, it is better to start bathing from 9 to 12 noon, in a hotter climate from 8 to 10 a.m. The duration of the first bath is 5 minutes with a daily increase of up to 30 - 40 minutes and more.

An absolute contraindication to sunbathing is an air temperature of 30 ° C. After sunbathing, water procedures are prescribed, and it is imperative to wipe the child, even if the air temperature is high, since hypothermia of the child's body occurs with wet skin.

Water procedures

Water hardening has a more powerful effect on the body in comparison, for example, with air procedures. This is due to the fact that the thermal conductivity of water is 30 times, and the heat capacity is 4 times that of air. There are three phases of the body's reaction to the effect of low water temperature. The first is an increased spasm of blood vessels of the skin, with deeper cooling - and subcutaneous fat. The second phase - due to adaptation to low water temperatures, vasodilation occurs.

This phase is characterized by an improvement in well-being, an increase in

activity. Third phase (unfavorable)- the adaptive capabilities of the organism are exhausted, vasospasm occurs, the skin acquires a bluish-pale shade, chills appear. With the systematic use of water hardening the first phase is reduced and the second begins faster. The most important thing is that the third phase does not come. Water treatments are divided into traditional and non-traditional, or intensive.

Method of water hardening depends on the age of the child... Essential for normal water treatments (washing, washing, bathing) contribute an item hardening.

V preschool age you can use general rubdowns with a decrease in the water temperature to 24 ° С, general dousing temperatures up to 24 - 28 ° С. The duration of the procedure is up to 1.5 minutes; the temperature of the water and its decrease - as with a general douche.

There is a contrasting hardening as a transitional stage between traditional and intensive hardening... These are contrast foot baths, contrast wiping, contrast shower, sauna, Russian bath, etc. The most common method for children is contrast dousing of the legs. It is necessary to follow the rule - you must not pour cold water on cold feet, that is, you must first warm your feet.

The child first immerses his feet in hot water for 1 - 2 minutes (tramples

them, then cool for 5 - 20 s. The number of alternate dives is 3 - 6.

Every 5 days, the water temperature in the second basin is lowered by 1 ° C and brought to 18 - 10 ° C. In healthy children end up the procedure with cold water, and for the weakened - hot.

Principles hardening

As a result of applying the methods hardening people of various contingents, including preschoolers, a number of principles have developed hardening that allow you to achieve the desired results.

V preschool and school institutions proposed a system hardening that should form faith (not a stereotype) in a healthy lifestyle.

The proposed system consists of several, constantly replacing each other, stages of health improvement. They begin at home, with awakening, continue throughout the day in kindergarten and school and end in the evening before bedtime... The guys have a day preschool the institution begins with morning exercises, which are regularly carried out in the fresh air in lightweight clothing. Several breathing exercises are necessarily included in the charging complex. After charging in a group, children wash their face, hands, neck, ears with cold water, rinse their mouth and nose. During the day indoors, children are in light clothes, barefoot or undress to panties. The temperature in the room is maintained no higher than 22–24 ° C.

During walks, children wear lightweight clothing (mainly made of cotton fabrics, appropriate for the weather conditions and allowing children to actively move and play outdoor games.

In kindergarten, children sleep in their panties in a well-ventilated bedroom.

The central link hardening scheme:

Health path,

Pulsating microclimate,

All this is done within 15 minutes quickly, energetically and, of course, in a conscious, with elements of play, form. Before that, a short-term adjustment is carried out with the children, which is aimed at creating a good emotional state.

Into the system hardening classes at home also enter, otherwise the body loses the fitness of the heat regulation system.

Children pass on their experience adults: v preschool institutions - educators, at home - parents. This can be done by those people who have it, they themselves felt everything. Therefore, an important place in the system hardening occupies education of parents, collective kindergarten and introducing them to a healthy lifestyle. To this end, it is necessary to inform on this issue, giving methodological recommendations and homework on hardening and exercise.

Methodology hardening procedures

The proposed technique. The first option is sparing and is designed for 11-12 months. Moreover, it begins with the cold season - February. The second option is somewhat accelerated. It starts in October and provides for the first snow outing in March. The common thing in these variants is that in both cases the principles of gradualness and sequence of cold loads are strictly observed. The difference is in their duration.

If both options are schematically represented, then the sequence hardening procedures will next:

Air baths, walking barefoot and washing with cold water,

Pouring cold water on the feet, legs, legs from the thighs,

Pouring cold water all over the body

Preparing to go out into the frosty air, using a pulsating microclimate, and before going out into the snow - stomping on a frozen towel.

So, slowly, gradually approach the use of such extreme methods. hardening like going out into the air with subzero temperatures, walking and running in the snow barefoot, pouring ice water over them. There may be question: "Do we need such extremely extreme methods hardening» ... The answer lies in the third principle - intensity. Our body constantly receives a huge amount of information regarding interaction with the external environment. In order for the cold signal to contribute to a better mobilization of protective forces, it must be bright and stand out from the general flow of information.

Organization hardening in preschool institutions

It is important to note that when conducting hardening, you should always remember about the individual approach and the state of health of children. As mentioned above, the group teacher keeps a diary hardening, in which the child's well-being and the applied points are noted on a daily basis hardening... If a child for any reason, including illness, missed kindergarten, then upon returning, for the first time, he receives weaker cold loads. And 2-3 days after the illness, the child is not treated intensively. hardening.

Hardening the group is conducted by a teacher, physical education instructor or hardening, assistant educator in the presence of nurse, which preliminarily assesses the state of health of children.

Held hardening

Primary role in the organization hardening should be taken over by the manager preschool... If the leader himself is engaged hardening, believes in his benefit and goodness, by his example and healthy way life, he can captivate educators and kindergarten staff, and, of course, parents. V preschool the institution should reign an atmosphere of mutual understanding, benevolence, the desire to do one common thing that everyone needs, both big and small.

The moment when their beloved teacher pours a bucket of cold water on herself in front of their eyes, and even on the street in winter, causes joy and delight in children. Some children immediately feel the urge to do the same. And there is no doubt that such a vivid example will make children want to tell their parents about it, who, perhaps, will think about their way of life, and a grain of new thinking will be sown in the child's mind.


Tempering body and spirit By greeting all people, at least mentally, taking his place in nature, without disturbing the balance in it, overcoming human vices, becoming kind, attentive, responsive to people, a person achieves not only physical, but also moral health.

The central link hardening is a whole chain of sequential actions that can be performed both before and after naps. They follow the next scheme:

Walking barefoot and jogging lightly Health path,

Pulsating microclimate,

Going out to the ground or snow in panties

Pouring cold water over the whole body.

Methodology hardening preschoolers has two options: gentle and accelerated.

And how important it is for such people to be workers preschool institutions , which form the basis of the future life position of the growing person. And if the teachers accepted the system with all their heart and soul hardening, they took a step towards a new way of thinking and living, which will help to find true joy, happiness, peace of mind. They will pass this on to children, to our future, to help preserve our wonderful world.

Held hardening on good emotional background, in a playful way, with the obligatory encouragement of children, rejoicing with them in victories over themselves.

List of used literature

1. V.P. Holidays: " Hardening of preschool children" - Saint- Petersburg: publishing house "Medicine", 2008 - p. 125

2. Ponomarev S. A .: "Raise children healthy" - M .: publishing house "sportIv", 2012.- p. 360

3. Golubeva L. G. Hardening the preschooler: a guide for parents / L. G. Golubeva, I. A. Prilepina; ed. V. A. Doskin. - M .: Education, 2007 .-- 32 p.

5. Kozyreva O. V. If the child often sick: a guide for teachers and physical education instructors / OV Kozyreva. - M .: Education, 2008 .-- 96 p.

6. Laizane S. Ya. Physical education for babies. Educator's manual for children. garden. - M .: Infra, 2012 .-- 158 p.

7. Makhaneva M. D. Education healthy baby: a guide for practitioners of children preschool institutions... - M .: ARKTI. 2011 .-- 88 p.

8. Vorontsova I. M., Belenky L. A. Hardening children using intensive methods. Method. recommendations. - S.-Petersburg, 2010 .-- P. 27.

9. V. P. Holidays Hardening of preschool children - M., 2008 .-- S. 220.

10. Traditional and non-traditional methods of children's health improvement. Materials conf. - Dubna, 2012 .-- p. 115.