
Benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby. Advantages and disadvantages of breastfeeding for mother and child: we weigh all the pros and cons


From the very first days, a mother wants only the best for her child. And it's no secret that breast milk is an almost indispensable food for the newborn and baby. It has extraordinary properties that affect the development of the child and his health. Everything from a balanced milk composition to the feeding process has its own unique meaning. Breastfeeding is also beneficial for the mother's body.


Breast milk is closest to the mother's blood plasma. Given that for nine months the fetus is fed precisely with the help of the mother's blood circulation and given the ideal ratio of albumin and casein in breast milk, natural nutrition reduces the risk of allergic reactions. For the same reason, breastfed babies are less likely to develop asthma.

The composition of mother's milk includes immunoglobulins and immunocompetent cells. They create passive immunity of the baby. It should be noted that the mother has close contact with the child and with its microorganisms, so her body produces specific antibodies and passes through breast milk.

Human milk contains a large amount of oligosaccharides. This contributes to the reproduction of bifidobacteria and beneficial microflora.
Mother's milk contains enzymes that aid digestion; hormones and growth factors that promote mental and physical development child. For example, taurine is essential for the development of nervous tissue.

Breast milk contains all the vitamins, including vitamin D (however, in smaller amounts, so it is necessary to supplement only this vitamin artificially).

The connection between mother and child

Breastfeeding promotes close contact between mother and child. The mother's body produces exactly as much milk as the baby needs. Fat content also varies depending on the needs of the baby.

Breastfeeding has a positive effect on the mother herself. Lactation is a natural method of contraception (i.e. lactational amenorrhea). It has been found that a breastfeeding mother normalizes her weight faster after pregnancy. In addition, during feeding, a woman's body produces oxytocin, which reduces the risk of postpartum hemorrhage. Oxytocin constricts the vessels of the uterus and promotes the work of the muscles of the muscles of the uterus.

Economic factor

Artificial nutrition is not a cheap pleasure. Breastfeeding has little to no economic cost.


The benefits of breast milk are clear for both the baby and the mother. Breastfeeding means good nutrition (except that an artificial vitamin D supplement is needed) and protection of the mother from complications after pregnancy. But also breastfeeding there are contraindications on the part of the mother (HIV infection, an open form of tuberculosis), and on the part of the child (phenylketonuria, anatomical defects in the oral cavity). You must follow the doctor's instructions exactly.

The benefits of breastfeeding are so overwhelming over formula feeding that it's not even a point of contention. The phenomenon given by nature - mother's milk - connects the baby with the mother in the first years of his life. This is a unique product that provides the child with all the necessary set of useful substances in a perfectly balanced form. In today's article, we will look at the most significant benefits of breastfeeding.

Why is mother's milk considered the most suitable food for a newborn?

Breast milk is an ideal first food for a newborn, because its composition meets all the requirements for the quality of the first food for a newborn. It includes substances necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby. Regardless of the mother's diet, if she is not malnourished and follows a normal drinking regimen, the child will in any case get everything she needs from milk.

The benefits of breastfeeding

The sad cases when young mothers refuse to breastfeed are to be blamed, and this happens because the young woman simply does not know the benefits of breastfeeding.

Breast milk is the healthiest food for a baby, and here's why:

  • In breast milk there is an optimal balance of all the nutrients the baby needs, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins.
  • Thanks to the substances found in colostrum and breast milk, the intestines of the child are seeded with beneficial microflora.
  • Breast milk is digested without problems and does not provoke allergies.
  • Protective substances, immunoglobulins, enzymes help to form the immune system of the crumbs.
  • Mother's milk is always at the right temperature for feeding.

Nutrition Pros

The unique mechanisms laid down by nature, with a normally established lactation process, regulate the composition and amount of milk produced, always exactly in accordance with the needs of the baby.

The composition of milk in the breast changes throughout the day, as well as with one feeding. First, the baby sucks out the "front" milk, it is more liquid and saturates the baby with the right amount of liquid and useful components. By the end of feeding, “hind” milk is produced, which is more fatty, and thanks to it, the baby feels a feeling of satiety.

A well-established lactation process fully provides the child with everything that is required for good growth and development.

Another advantage of breastfeeding is that it is impossible to overfeed a child with mother's milk. Medical statistics show that the tendency to obesity is laid at the beginning of life, and common cause That is malnutrition. The phenomenon of breast milk is that even if the baby will practically “hang” on the chest all day long, he will never receive an excess of it.

Benefits of physical and mental development

A very close spiritual and emotional connection between mother and baby is possible only at the time of feeding. Being at the mother's breast, the baby is not only satiated, but also satisfies his need for warmth and love, communication with his mother.

Breastfeeding enables the baby to grow up mentally healthy, develops his memory, intellectual ability helps relieve stress. Contrary to popular belief that being at the breast of the baby makes him "mother's boy," breastfeeding helps the child grow up to be a calm, self-confident person.

Babies who are breastfed by their mothers are less likely to develop malocclusions than those who use pacifiers and pacifiers, which can lead to jaw crooks.

Breastfed babies are less susceptible to diseases of the digestive tract, various infections and allergic manifestations.

Breastfeeding provokes the production of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, and this has a beneficial effect on the speedy recovery of the female reproductive system, shortening the postpartum period, and reducing the risk of bleeding.

If a nursing mother takes a special vitamin complex and eating well, she will be less likely to develop osteoporosis after menopause. Also, breastfeeding mothers are not at risk for developing ovarian or breast cancer. Breastfeeding helps eliminate a number of diseases of the female reproductive system (polycystic, endometriosis, etc.).

Breastfeeding has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional background of a woman, lowering the risk of depression after childbirth. In addition, thanks to breastfeeding, a close and trusting relationship between the baby and the mother is laid, this connection helps the mother to better understand the needs and desires of her baby.

The economic and practical benefits of breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is the most beneficial and convenient method of feeding. A young mother is deprived of the need to constantly sterilize the dishes that are needed for feeding her baby, prepare the mixture and wait until it reaches the right temperature, which takes away several hours of precious night sleep, which she needs so much to restore her strength.

Artificial formulas are not so cheap, besides, the mixture chosen is not always suitable for the child.
The advantage of breastfeeding is that food for the baby is always ready and heated to the right temperature. Even if the mother needs to take a trip with her baby, she does not need to worry about the mixture in the bottle being lost - the milk in the breast is always fresh.
When breastfeeding, the mother can afford more time to rest. Sitting comfortably in the chair, you feed the baby and at the same time relax. Night feeding allows you to move your baby closer and feed him lying down without getting out of bed.

If a young mother has decided for herself that she will breastfeed her baby, then she will be quite capable of establishing successful lactation in order to raise a healthy and happy child.

A close bond between mother and child is formed during the prenatal period. The circulatory, nervous, digestive systems work in cooperation with the baby's body. As you know, everything that a mother feels, everything she eats, breathes, and experiences, is transmitted to her unborn child.

The advantages of breastfeeding a newborn baby are, first of all, that this relationship between two creatures is preserved, which means that the baby is still under the protection of the mother's body for some time, even being already outside of it.

Many mothers after the birth of a long-awaited baby experience discomfort from lactation and are thinking about changing their diet to artificial.

From this article you will learn:

If a child is allergic to immunoglobulin E, which comes to him through mother's milk. In such situations, no matter what hypoallergenic diet the mother is on, the child will still show dermatological reactions. Switching to an adapted mixture in rare situations like this is the only way out.

If the mother is pregnant again. Lactation while carrying a baby is not prohibited in medicine. But it has a number of conditions. The body of a nursing mother has to synthesize the incoming resources, distributing them between two organisms, and when a third appears, the issue of mother's exhaustion is already more acute.

Both babies will receive a sufficient amount of trace elements, but their mother may lose in hemoglobin, calcium, potassium and many other vital signs. If a mother has anemia, she is strictly forbidden to feed during pregnancy, as this will affect the oxygen supply of the fetus.

If the baby's digestion reacts negatively to mother's milk : diarrhea, gas formation, mucus in the feces, foam and constant discomfort, accompanied by skin rashes, may indicate incompatibility of the composition of mother's milk with the enzymatic capabilities of the baby. And if strict adherence to the diet of a nursing mother does not correct the situation, then you can think about stopping lactation.

If the baby himself refuses to take his mother's breast . This is a rather rare case, but if the baby convincingly does not want to eat mother's milk, you can’t long time experiment on it and force it. The kid does this unconsciously, and refusal may indicate an important reason that prevents the body from taking such a useful and convenient way nutrition.

What can confuse mothers in breastfeeding

The first month the baby sucks the breast for 40 minutes . Particularly lazy suckers can eat for more than an hour. A nursing mother is not only tired of being chained to the baby, but also of the fact that she does not have time to do anything around the house. It is long-term feeding in the first month that often depresses the psyche of women who are still fragile after childbirth, especially if they do not think about the benefits of breastfeeding.

Overfilling of the breast, hardening, inflammation, mastitis are frightening processes in the mammary gland of a nursing mother, uncomfortable, painful, and sometimes unbearable sensations that set a young mother against breastfeeding. Only proper handling of filling breasts, pumping, long-term feeding and breast care can help a woman and not disturb the harmony of lactation.

Cracked nipples are another problem for nursing mothers. Each has its own characteristics of the functions of the epithelium. And there are people whose skin cracks from the slightest imbalances, namely women with especially sensitive skin nipples suffer from the problem of cracking. So that nothing like this happens to you, you should be engaged in the prevention of cracks in the very first days after childbirth. Special ointments and creams designed for this purpose will help a woman turn the process of feeding into a pleasant procedure, not torture.

Completeness. Many ladies cannot lose weight while they are breastfeeding, and for a certain part, this is real. psychological problem. A young mother falls into a depressed state due to changes in her appearance after childbirth, but breastfeeding and constantly produced hormones do not allow her to restore her former forms.

Restriction in the diet. Among the fair sex, there are those who are ready to sacrifice the immunity of the child, just to return to their former gluttony, which they indulged in before the lactation period. Smoking, alcohol, favorite unhealthy foods - it is too important for someone to satisfy their body at the expense of the child's body.

Now read all the previous points again, and remember, none of them is a problem if a woman takes care of herself! You can successfully lose weight, teach your baby to eat faster, developing nipples, and not lead to the formation of cracks and stagnation. Yes, this is a colossal work, but motherhood itself is the most responsible position for a woman.

Now explore all the benefits of breastfeeding, and finally put an end to doubt!

There are only advantages to breastfeeding!

  • Ideal composition.
    Breast milk is enriched with all the components necessary for a newborn. The mother's body is able to synthesize the right proportion of trace elements and vitamins even from the meager diet, giving everything useful material new emerging life. The baby gets all the healthy fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, minerals, vitamins. The baby, who was breastfed for the first years, has no problems with the biochemical composition of the blood.
  • Immunity.
    Together with mother's milk, the baby receives antibodies to all ailments that his parent has ever endured. All current diseases at the time of feeding are also tolerated to a greater extent by the mother, and at the first synthesis of antibodies, the baby is immediately armed with protection and is often not exposed to the disease. Even after the cessation of lactation, the child's body has a huge amount of antibodies to a wide variety of viruses, which allows the baby to protect itself from their attacks in advance.
  • Ideal Diet.
    The mother's body controls the necessary composition, quantity, temperature, doses of each meal of the baby. No matter how reasonable we are, our nature is much wiser and smarter than us, and is able to give the child a sterile, fully adapted nutrition of the right dosage.
  • Formation of microflora.
    Surprisingly, in mother's milk there is a bifido factor component, which allows the baby's body to show an unspoken priority to beneficial microflora and better fight pathogenic ones. According to statistics, breastfed babies are less likely to experience problems with indigestion, chronic allergies, and changes in the biochemical composition of the blood.
  • Allergy prevention.
    Regularly taking various kinds of allergens from natural products with mother's milk, the baby's body goes through a reliable school of getting used to all the components of ordinary food. When the period of complementary feeding comes, the enzymatic abilities of the child are already so adapted to "adult" products that in the most extreme cases one can notice the rejection of some ingredient by the body.
  • Correct physiological development.
    Human nature is such that at the moment when all parts of the body are formed, starting with small cells and ending with organs (under the age of 1-2 years), it is the process of lactation that contributes to the correct formation of individual systems.
    For example, the shape of the palate in breastfed children is different in that it facilitates breathing, prevents snoring, and the growth of an even row of teeth.
    Mother's milk excludes the appearance of an allergy to a foreign protein in children, which affects the functioning of the middle ear and leads to hearing loss. Children raised on HW hear better!
    Docosahexaenoic acid, found in breast milk but not in formula, is a major component of the retina and nourishes it during the much-needed period of organ formation in the first year of life. Babies see better!

Breastfeeding Benefits for Women

  • During lactation, the uterus contracts more intensively in a woman in labor, thereby clearing and recovering faster.
  • Not everyone can get pregnant during lactation. Yes, of course, breastfeeding is not a panacea for an unplanned pregnancy, but many mothers have found in this a convenient contraceptive for themselves.
  • Breastfeeding is great for developing the mammary glands, giving a woman potential protection against cancer for many years to come.
  • Breast milk does not force the mother to get up at night and prepare formula.
  • Tangible financial savings allow the family to spend them on something more desirable. Mothers of artificial children know firsthand how difficult financial position the family is driven by the need to buy expensive mixtures for a whole year. For many, a severe financial crisis sets in during this period.

No matter how the need to breastfeed oppresses a young mother at first, she should overcome her fears and doubts, learn to live according to the regimen, work on lactation, and adapt to a new life with her baby. The crisis will surely pass, and you will be able to reap the benefits of breastfeeding for many years to come.

Breastfeeding is a unique gift of wise nature. It is incredibly useful for both a newborn baby and his mother. Unfortunately, for various reasons, some women deliberately refuse breastfeeding and transfer it to artificial milk formulas, not realizing that they thereby cause great harm to themselves and the child. Let's take a look at the benefits of breastfeeding and why doctors recommend breastfeeding your baby for as long as possible.

Benefits of breastfeeding for baby

Mother's milk is the most optimal food for a newborn. All the proteins, fats, microelements and vitamins contained in it are absorbed by the child's body most fully, which cannot be achieved when feeding with mixtures.

  • The proteins that make up breast milk do not cause allergic reactions in the child, they contain amino acids necessary for growth and development.
  • Breast milk fats contain many beneficial fatty acids. They are easily broken down by the child's body, in which the production of the necessary enzymes has not yet been established. The own enzyme contained in milk - lipase also helps to break down fats, providing a normal stool for the child, the absence of constipation and intestinal colic.
  • Mother's milk carbohydrates are represented by lactose, which regulates the acidic environment of the child's gastrointestinal system. This is very important for the functioning of beneficial bacteria and the suppression of pathogenic flora.
  • The calorie content of mother's milk provides the child with the necessary energy for growth and development.
  • During breastfeeding, the baby has the opportunity to eat as actively as he needs, to pause, which is difficult to achieve when feeding from a bottle.
  • In addition to enzymes, breast milk contains hormones and biologically active substances necessary for the proper development of the child. As well as a wide range of natural immunomodulators, such as lactoferrin, globulin A and others. Thanks to them, the baby receives powerful protection against viruses and infections. For each child, the composition of immune factors is individual. Antibodies obtained by the baby with mother's milk protect it from many diseases, significantly increasing the body's resistance to viruses, infections, bacteria, which artificial children do not receive.
  • The milk produced always has its own specific composition, which is unique during each feeding. Depending on the mother's diet and the substances transmitted through it to the child, the mother's body adjusts the composition of breast milk so that the child receives a balanced product that can be easily processed and absorbed with the greatest benefit.
  • During the capture of the nipple, the child forms the correct bite. Breast sucking further reduces the likelihood of caries and stomatitis.
  • The advantages of breastfeeding also lie in establishing a special psycho-emotional contact between the baby and mother in the process of feeding, which has a beneficial effect on nervous systems both of them.
  • Breast milk cannot be overheated or underheated, it is always at the optimum temperature, and it is also always sterile and cannot be stale or contain bacteria, which is quite common when formulas are used.

How to increase lactation while breastfeeding and improve milk quality

Benefits of breastfeeding for mom

Not only breastfed babies experience the benefits of breastfeeding. It also brings great benefits to women in labor.

  • Normalization hormonal background. When a baby suckles the mother's breast, the female body produces the hormone oxytocin. It enhances uterine contractions, which is why babies are now breastfed immediately after birth. In breastfeeding women, the uterus recovers faster. In addition, this hormone stimulates the separation of the placenta and reduces the likelihood of bleeding.
  • Additional contraception. Prolactin produced during breastfeeding stimulates the production of milk by the female body. During the production of this hormone, the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone is suppressed. They are responsible for the reproductive function of the body. The absence of these hormones stops the process of maturation and release of the egg, and therefore leads to the impossibility of its fertilization, and thus protects the body from repeated pregnancy. Therefore, natural feeding provides a woman in labor with natural contraception, although one can be sure of its reliability only if a number of specific requirements are met.
  • Suppression of cancer cells. Increased production of estrogen by the body can provoke the growth of cancer cells in the reproductive organs. Prolactin produced during breastfeeding suppresses the production of estrogen by the pituitary gland, thus reducing the likelihood of developing this disease. Medical statistics report that breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50% and ovarian cancer by 25%. During feeding, mastopathy of the mammary glands significantly decreases or even disappears without a trace. To treat her natural way mammologists recommend giving birth and breastfeeding a child up to 3 years.
  • In women with diabetes, insulin dependence is reduced.
  • Starting from the moment of conception and for six months after the cessation of lactation, calcium is intensively absorbed by the female body. Nature arranged it so that during the period when this element is so necessary for mother and child, the mechanisms of its assimilation are activated. It is believed that each breastfed child reduces the risk of osteoporosis in older women by 25%.
  • Weight recovery. During pregnancy, certain reserves of useful substances are formed in the body of a woman, which should provide good nutrition to the baby, even in the case of a meager diet for the mother after childbirth. Therefore, women who go on diets for weight loss after childbirth are simply wasting their time. Until the useful substances necessary for the child are transferred to him with the mother’s breast milk, getting rid of the “reserves” will still not work. Long-term breastfeeding will give a signal to the body that the baby is already strong enough and has grown up, so you can start getting rid of the reserves made “just in case”.
  • Improvement of the psycho-emotional state. During breastfeeding, the female body produces more than usual amounts of the hormone endorphin. He is responsible for uplifting psycho-emotional state, a feeling of happiness and joy, peace. Actively produced prolactin is a natural tranquilizer. A woman is less worried about various everyday difficulties, she focuses all her attention on the child, enjoying every minute of communication with him.
  • Immunity boost. During lactation, metabolic processes in the body are significantly activated. Therefore, the removal of toxins, cell renewal, and tissue regeneration are accelerated. The mucous membrane becomes more resistant to viruses and infections, immunity increases.
  • After all, breastfeeding saves the family budget, which is especially true for young families, while good formula milk is quite expensive.

Breastfeeding problems

In fairness, it should be noted that there are pros and cons of breastfeeding. The latter include the following issues.

  • Violation of feeding technique can lead to cracked nipples.
  • If the baby does not fully suck out the breast, mastitis may occur.
  • An increase in endorphin and prolactin levels leads to drowsiness, decreased memory and concentration.
  • It is impossible to leave the baby for a long time, since the breaks between feedings are relatively small.
  • All the time you have to control and limit your mother's diet. Some medications should not be used during lactation.

As you can see, the cons of breastfeeding are much less of a list than the benefits of breastfeeding. In addition, some of these problems can be avoided with the proper organization of the regimen and feeding technique. You can also seek help from a lactation consultant. Of course, each woman independently decides how to feed the baby. But the main factor in this should be taking care of the growth and development of the child, and breastfeeding provides this most effectively.

A modern woman today is comprehensively developed and is constantly looking for ways of self-realization: she not only runs a household and prepares culinary delights, but also works, goes to the gym, swimming pool and others. public places.

However, with the advent of the baby, the way of life and rhythm changes dramatically: the newly-made mother no longer belongs to herself, and she will already plan some business based on the desires and needs of her child. And here the temptation may arise: why not transfer the baby to artificial nutrition? It seems very convenient: she left the little one in the care of her father or caring grandparents with a bottle of the mixture and went about her business. But it’s not for nothing that the mother has milk after childbirth! Let's take a look at the benefits of breastfeeding and make sure breastfeeding is worth it.

Ideal food for babies

The composition of breast milk is unique; not a single mixture has yet been able to exactly repeat the set of those valuable components that are necessary in full for the growth and development of the baby. For example, it is impossible to synthesize and introduce molecular fatty acids into the composition of the mixture.

Did you know that milk, like a living organism, is constantly changing? Its qualitative composition and volume is developed depending on the needs of a particular child. For example, in mothers who gave birth prematurely, the composition of milk during the first two weeks is as close as possible to colostrum. So the baby does not spend a lot of energy on sucking, but receives the necessary nutrients. And if twins were born, milk of different composition can be found in two mammary glands!

The composition changes even during one feeding. The foremilk comes first. It is liquid, consists almost of water and is designed to quench the thirst of an infant. Toward the end of feeding, the so-called hindmilk appears, it is fatty, contains all the necessary nutrients and just provides a feeling of satiety.

The composition and fat content of milk change as the baby grows.

Separately, I want to say about colostrum. The elixir of life, the first inoculation - that's what doctors call it for beneficial features. Breast milk arrives only 3-4 days after birth, but for now the baby is fed by a liquid secreted from the breasts, called colostrum.

At the first application, the baby receives from 2 to 10 ml of colostrum, but this is enough, since it is 2.5 times the calorie content of breast milk and is rich in antibodies and immunoglobulins. With a slight laxative effect, it helps the intestines clear out meconium and bilirubin, as well as prepare the digestive system for the “new” type of food.

Let's talk more about the composition of breast milk:

  • Unlike cow's milk, mother's milk contains mainly fine proteins - albumins, and casein particles are smaller in size. Due to the fact that the protein itself is not as much as in cow's milk, there is no protein overload on a small organism. Together, these properties allow food to have a more delicate texture during curdling, which allows it to be perfectly digested and assimilated.
  • Mother's milk rarely causes allergies or intolerances in a child (almost never), which cannot be said about cow's dairy products.
  • Breastfed babies receive several times more polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are broken down by lipase, also present in milkshake. In general, the set of enzymes, vitamins and microelements is very balanced and adapted to the infant's body. This important nuance, since the baby's own enzymes are not yet well developed.
  • The invaluable benefits of breastfeeding are the production of immunoglobulins and antibodies, as well as the formation of local immunity. It is known, for example, that a mother who once had chickenpox can protect her child from the virus in the first months of his life when breastfeeding.
  • Mother's milk has in large numbers carbohydrates, namely b-lactose, the process of absorption of which occurs more slowly in the intestine compared to a-lactose, which makes it possible to “grow” beneficial microflora on its basis and suppress the reproduction of foreign microorganisms.
  • Despite the fact that the content of calcium and phosphorus in mother's milk is less than in cow's milk, their ratio contributes to high-quality assimilation, so that breastfed children are less likely to get rickets. And a small concentration of iron is compensated by its excellent bioavailability, so breastfed babies do not need to additionally introduce iron into the diet, unlike formula-fed babies.

No drink can fully replace mother's milk.

Benefits for the baby

In addition to the benefits of breastfeeding in and of itself, there are other benefits for the baby:

  • Overfeeding situations are excluded. Young parents are anxious about the newborn's weight gain, they often worry about whether their baby is full. Such anxieties sometimes lead to the temptation to feed the baby once again. And if in case artificial feeding it is fraught frequent regurgitation and excess weight gain, then it is almost impossible to overfeed with breastfeeding. Even if the baby will “hang” for days on the chest, he will mainly receive foremilk.
  • Correct bite. Unlike nipples and pacifiers, breast sucking stimulates jaw development and a healthy bite.
  • Close bond between child and mother. During breastfeeding, a close emotional connection is established, it is not just the satisfaction of food and drink needs, physical contact with the mother, her gentle touches and caresses have a positive effect on the mental and physical health of the crumbs, improving intellectual abilities and relieving stress. Research shows that breastfed babies grow up to be confident individuals.
  • Impact on health. We have already mentioned more than once that a breastfed baby has a reduced risk of developing respiratory infections, food allergies, pneumonia and other diseases, as the mother passes on her protective factors to him.

Breastfeeding allows for the closest emotional bond between mother and baby possible.

Benefits for mother

In aristocratic families, it was customary to give the heirs to the nurse for feeding, since it was believed that such a procedure spoils the breast. But what do modern experts say, is there any benefit from breastfeeding for the mother herself? Of course, and it is obvious!

  • speedy postpartum recovery. When the baby stimulates the nipples by sucking, the mother's body produces the hormone oxytocin, which is so necessary not only for the arrival of milk, but also for the active contraction of the uterus after childbirth. This reduces the risk of possible bleeding or the development of an anemic condition in a woman in labor.
  • Part of the program for weight loss after childbirth. The body needs energy to produce milk, which it takes from ... fat reserves. It turns out that just breastfeeding, you can easily lose weight after childbirth.
  • Rest from menses. The absence of a menstrual cycle for some time, subject to regular breastfeeding on demand, is a kind of gift for a woman, an opportunity for the body to relax and gain strength, and besides, it is also a natural contraceptive. In addition, such a "rest" is of great importance for the prevention of breast and uterine cancer.
  • incentive to healthy lifestyle life. Becoming a mother, a woman seems to start life from a new leaf: useful habits are developed, such as daily walks on fresh air, healthy food without fried, spicy, smoked. If there were bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse, coffee addiction), even during pregnancy there is an incentive to get rid of them.
  • Economy of forces. In the first months of life, a newborn wakes up at night to eat, regardless of whether he is breast-fed or bottle-fed. But how convenient it is to just take the baby to you at night and immediately feed it, than to get up and prepare the mixture, watching the right temperature, and then wash and sterilize the bottles. Of course, care should be taken to ensure that co-sleeping with a child is safe.
  • Emotional health of the mother. Breastfeeding mothers are less likely to experience postpartum depression, as lactation suppresses stress hormones. And when the baby looks gratefully and trustingly into your eyes during feeding, any blues instantly disappears.

Practical benefits

Speaking about the benefits of breastfeeding, one cannot fail to mention that it is practical and very convenient. Judge for yourself:

  • Breast milk is always at hand, it does not need to be cooked, warmed up to the right temperature or worried that it has turned sour.
  • When going on a trip with your baby, you do not need to worry about where and how you will prepare the mixture, and then wash and sterilize the bottles.
  • The financial issue is also important. Calculate how much money could be spent monthly on purchases baby food. Unlikely maternity capital sufficient to cover such costs. And breast milk is absolutely free.

You can breastfeed anywhere

The right attitude

If the mother is initially determined to breastfeed, nothing will prevent her from doing this. In fact, almost every woman can feed a child, there are very few contraindications to breastfeeding, and such cases are rare.

Yes, at first, while lactation is being established, both you and the baby will have to work hard, but after 2-3 weeks, feeding will bring only pleasant feelings. So, the benefits of breastfeeding are obvious! So enjoy your time while you are breastfeeding, because it is a great happiness to give your baby what he needs, and in the very at its best while giving him with milk his love and maternal caress.