
Congratulations on the day of workers of the migration service (on the day of the FMS) in verse. Congratulations to the passport officer Congratulate on the day of the migration service


Happy FMS day, my friends,
I congratulate you heartily.
It is impossible to live without our service,
She is always in demand.

Income flows from us to the treasury,
We treat ourselves with kindness
We always have a sandwich
With caviar, butter and sausage.


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We can find any moment

Migration Service, with honors,
The holiday is worthy of meeting now.
You colleagues, congratulations hunting,
And wish you all good luck at this hour.

Let the illegals forget the way
Cross the border without a visa.
'Cause we'll raise such an alarm
We can find any time.


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You, daughter, passport people,
You write and deliver.
Labor in the FMS, vanity,
You get joy in it with your soul.

On your holiday, accept from me,
Congratulations gift.
Remove all seriousness from your face
And celebrate with cheer.


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Many human needs

On the day of the migration service,
You continue your work.
Many human needs
They take you to work.

Passport, visa, documents,
You do it in the FMS.
grateful clients,
They see miracles in you.

I congratulate you today
Our regional team
I completely trust them
I drink an aperitif for them.


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Keep migrants at bay

Migration Service Day,
Today they are celebrating in a big way.
Her employees are not lazy,
Keep all migrants under fear.

I congratulate you friend
You are busy with important work.
I want you to take care of yourself
He did not close his eyes with a banknote.


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Thank you for your service!

The FMS will find control
On an illegal mob;
From Tajiks, from Uzbeks,
To enter them into the card index!

FMS will help us
See the beauties of the countries.
Will issue a foreign passport,
For romantic trips!

When 14 comes
FMS will congratulate us.
And, quite without delay,
Will issue a passport, this very hour!

Thank you for your service!
We wish the service to prosper!
May the holiday be reckless
But drinks should not interfere!

Happy Migration Day!

Congratulations on Migration Service Day

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Congratulations to the service workers!
You can't see travel without them!
Illegals will not be obedient
Without control and their patronage!

We wish the Migration Service success,
So that much was subject to her!
We wish you without interference,
Handed over to all citizens-passport!


Congratulations on the day of workers of the migration service


There are so many people on our planet that their completely free movement is in no way possible! That is why you, the migration service workers, have been put in the service! On your professional holiday, I wish you always to perfectly settle all the formalities and report to your superiors exclusively and good news!

It is you, the FMS officer, who is in charge of legal and illegal migrants and just guests of our country! Today is the Day of Migration Service Workers, that is, an occasion to briefly digress from the responsible service and accept warm congratulations and best wishes!

In order for the migration balance to be in order, our country has a migration service, and today we congratulate its employees on professional holiday, we wish them career growth and personal happiness, fulfillment of all desires and strong longevity!

Congratulations on the Day of Migration Service Workers! The steering wheel of migration policy is in your hands! So hold it tight and stay on course! Be vigilant and responsible, so that your colleagues would envy you a little, and your superiors will distinguish you with dignity!

You are the first to whom citizens and guests of our Motherland should contact regarding migration issues, and every day you spend in troublesome work, solving many issues and making responsible decisions. Happy Migration Service Day!

The Migration Service of Russia keeps the lion's share of order in the country and solves a lot of issues, helping citizens and visitors to live, visit and work according to the law! On the Day of FMS workers - accept my congratulations! Let your weekdays not bring fatigue, and the weekends will be bright and joyful!

On their professional holiday, I wish the employees of the migration service to be witnesses and executors of a thoughtful and fair migration policy! A calm, measured service to you with an early increase and personal happiness!

Congratulations on the Day of FMS workers! For the responsible and brilliant performance of your direct and indirect duties, you are worthy of praise today! I wish you to communicate only with honest migrants and not know sadness in a pile of paperwork!

Your work has great knowledge for the country from within and for its foreign policy position. Migration is a hot topic modern world and you are put in your place, so that in his decision not to know a single mistake! I congratulate the workers of the migration service on the Day and wish you to always be an easy-going person, attentive and happy with everything!

A person is looking for somewhere warmer, and indeed, there are various situations ... The migration service should know the answers to all questions, and it’s even somehow surprising how you keep up with such a volume of work! Take a break on your professional holiday and accept our congratulations!


Congratulations in verse to the passportist

Passportists are necessary people,
Important people, "paper".
May friendship in your life
Love and happiness will be important!
It's not the sound of the letters that matters -
Trill nightingale nightingale!
We want to hear trills
Under the murmur of the stream!
Let more holidays in life
It will be with a noisy crowd!
On this day we wish you happiness
And stay young at heart!

Comic congratulations to the passport officer

"Change my last name!" -
He asks the passport officer Pan Pupkov.
"I can no longer be a laughing stock
At a meeting of directors.
“Well, correcting the letter is not a problem,
Change "y" to "o" -
Everything is fine here with passportists with humor,
Yes, only their "patients" were not lucky.
Wish today we want more often
Passportists were all smiling!
Let luck be with you in life
Let cheerful laughter sound in the house!

Official congratulations to the passport officer

Dear …! We are happy to congratulate you on the holiday and wish that all the documents that fall into your hands are in order, that relations with both subordinates and superiors are reliable and cordial, that everything is always excellent on the personal front!

Good congratulations in prose to the passportist

…! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish you good luck and happiness! You need to be surrounded by the warmth of hearts and a good attitude. Then the documents will be executed flawlessly, and the mood will be excellent, and health will be the envy of enemies ...

The Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation is responsible for the implementation of state policy in the field of migration. This structure is subordinated to the Government Russian Federation, and it includes at least fifteen different directorates and departments dealing with their own security, external relations, migrant affairs, and citizenship issues. The employees of the migration service are also involved in many other important domestic tasks, which is why it is impossible to underestimate important role this structure. The Day of Migration Service Employees was established back in 2007, at the same time the formation of the FMS of Russia was completed. Employees of modern migration tasks have even more tasks, the most important of which is the protection of the domestic labor market. Date, we celebrate the day of workers of the migration service of Russia - June 14.

Our time is a time of change
Many people go abroad
And so that there are no problems and losses,
The migration service strictly checks the documents.
Today is your professional holiday, congratulations,
We sincerely wish you success in your work,
May God give you happiness, joy, kindness,
May luck always smile on you.

The country cannot do without you,
You clearly know all the laws
Illegal migrants, you will be identified in an instant,
If you run away from registration.
Congratulations to all employees of the migration service,
We sincerely wish you peaceful victories,
Climb up the service ladder quickly,
And never give up in life.

Your service is both dangerous and difficult,
But for Russia it is so important
You follow the movement of nations,
And you will find violators immediately.
Congratulations on your professional holiday,
We sincerely wish you a calm service,
May luck, happiness surround you,
Let all the bad weather melt away like fog.

So that migrants with registration live legally,
The migration service needs a keen eye,
To freely travel and sail abroad,
The documents will be strictly checked by the service at your place.
Today we congratulate you on the holiday,
We wish your work to flourish,
For Russia to live in peace,
The Migration Service should be at the highest level.

Migration flows only you can tame,
Everything is reliable and accurate, you must check,
So that illegal immigrants could neither fly away nor sail away,
You must follow the order carefully.
On the day of the holiday, accept congratulations,
Let your work inspire you
We wish you all the best, good luck and good,
May your fate be amazing.

The peace of Russia is in your hands,
You must keep a close eye on illegal immigrants,
So that migrants have legal registration,
You must always be on the alert.
Today is your holiday, take a rest,
Who is not in the service, have fun,
May luck always follow you
All the best to you, happiness, joy, kindness.

Congratulations to the workers of the migration service of Russia,
We wish you great success in your work,
Good salary, good luck and happiness,
Let all misfortunes pass you by.
Always be happy, don't be discouraged
Today celebrate the holiday with joy,
May fortune always smile at you
Good health to you and family warmth.

There's a crowd here every day
Here everything is buzzing, as if a demon has taken possession,
So that people can migrate freely,
In our country there is a service - the FMS.
They will arrange everything without breaking the law,
With a smile after wishing a good journey,
Today, let the big country congratulate you on the holiday,
Who will help us to go in all directions.

Here all the people draw up documents,
To whom for permanent residence, to whom to fly on vacation,
And so all day, year after year,
And you know everything about everyone firmly.
Let's congratulate the FMS on the holiday today,
Let the people do not shake your nerves,
May everyone be grateful
After all, your post is the very first for migrants.

All problems with citizenship and migration will be solved,
They will figure it out in questionnaires that are two minutes long,
And faithfully serve every nation,
Everything is under control, every step, do not scatter.
We wish, FMS, that there are no jobs,
Today in honor of the great worldwide friendship
We wish you to see illegal immigrants a mile away,
Congratulations on the Day of the Migration Service.

Who is where - you have all the information,
Who is at home, who has gone abroad,
Everything in Russia is known to the migration service,
People are coming to you for help.
On this day we want to congratulate you on the holiday,
Migrants so that you don’t dream in nightmares,
To always successfully transport everyone,
So that the FMS in Russia is all proud.

All the way you keep migration control,
Only you can figure it out
For everyone you are responsible to the country,
You are the FMS of Russia, our migration service.
Let there be at least a little more breaks,
To take a breath and drink a cup of tea
Today, on your holiday, in the most beautiful impulse
From the bottom of our hearts, we, the FMS, congratulate you.

Congratulations on the day of workers of the migration service
(celebrated June 14)


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Your work is undoubtedly very important.
Both for the country and for the people.
After all, every adult at least once
He timidly opened the door for you.
Let on the day of the migration service
Congratulations are flying to you!
Let there be everything that is needed in life:
Smiles, happiness, kindness.
We want loyal customers
And the sun is a ray in the eyes,
Happy happy moments
And prosperity in business!


Congratulations FMS! Your holiday today!
And we wish you to meet this day with dignity.
Let passports, visas and citizenship wait.
Have fun gentlemen! With cake, tea, dance!
We wish you good, sun and smiles,
So that there are never any mistakes in the work.
May you always be lucky in everything, may your salary grow,
Life will only take off. Good luck guys!


On the day of the migration service
I'll tell you this, friends:
Your work is useful and needed,
We can't do it without you.
But smile today
And look more cheerful.
Have fun from the heart!
Happiness to you and bright days!


Happy FMS Day, we hasten to congratulate you,
We wish you happiness in life and good luck.
We give you these lines from the heart,
And to them - bright smiles to boot.
Today, a strict look is inappropriate!
Let fun sparkle in your eyes!
Forget about work for a moment
And make your faces simpler!


We all need FMS
For all days and times.
Without it to other countries
Never get us!
We want her to bloom
And grow financially
May you be happy from now on
All her ways will be!


How many visas and passports did you hold in your hands!
We wouldn't have gone anywhere without you.
And it would be impossible to obtain citizenship,
And we would all have to live very carefully.
You must force everyone to follow the order,
Suggest, give advice, how and what to fix.
On this day, we wish you happiness and good luck,
Grateful warm words with a prize in addition!

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