
How to make a paper clapperboard. How to make a New Year's cracker? Double and triple paper clapperboard: manufacturing scheme


Any leisure can be made more exciting if you devote it to making simple, but very interesting crafts with your own hands. Today you can find many instructions and diagrams that allow you to make simple origami-style figures. Too boring? Are you ready to surprise your friends with a paper clapperboard - a skillfully folded piece of paper that can make very loud pops? To do this, simply study the scheme for manufacturing this original figure that we proposed and repeat the steps shown in the photo.

Step-by-step instructions for making paper clapperboards

How can a do-it-yourself paper clapperboard be made from an ordinary A4 sheet? We invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step guide, which will allow you to make a paper clapperboard in just 1-2 minutes!

Did you get some kind of origami crafts? Great, now take the resulting shape by the corners and pull sharply to the sides! We hope the loud bang didn't scare you...

We present you another easy way to make a paper clapperboard. Take any rectangular sheet and fold it along the lines, bringing the corners together according to the following pattern:

In this case, to demonstrate the capabilities of such a cracker, just one hand will be enough: you need to take the resulting figure by one corner and shake it sharply.

Despite its simplicity, the paper clapperboard is capable of producing very loud sounds, so try not to show its capabilities to small children or pets. This can scare them a lot.

Another helpful advice: a better craft will turn out when using thick enough paper, because by pulling hard on the corners, you risk tearing the material at the first check of its work.

Is it possible to improve such a clapperboard? Certainly! You can always make it more colorful, for example, by painting paper with bright colors. In this case, you can draw on paper a mouth that will open with cotton, or a flame that will give the effect of an explosion. It's a great idea to make confetti that can be used to fill a cracker: in this case, by demonstrating cotton, you will get a great effect of a festive explosion, just like in a real cracker!

Video: how to make a paper clapperboard with your own hands

Without any problems to figure out how to make a clapperboard out of paper, the following video will help:

Flappers are a popular attribute of fun and holidays. And paper crafts are an extremely exciting process. It is enough just to make a paper clapperboard at home and please your friends with a noisy party.
All that is required for this simple operation is easy to find in any home - a sheet of paper, preferably A4 (can be replaced with an ordinary notebook sheet).

Clapperboard single

To create a paper clapperboard, you should follow some recommendations.

  • You need to take a sheet of paper, place it horizontally on the table. Then it is folded in half along the long side. In this case, you need to carefully work out the fold line so that this line remains visible on the expanded sheet.
  • Further, all actions are performed with an already expanded sheet. All four corners of the sheet must be wrapped in the form of triangles towards the center of the sheet so that the upper and lower triangles are in contact with each other. At the same time, a free strip remains in the middle of the sheet.
  • Next, the resulting hexagonal part is bent along the fold strip formed at the first stage. The bent corners are inside the sheet. We bend the resulting trapezoid across, having worked out a new fold line well with this action.
  • On the newly unbent trapezoid, you need to bend the lower corners on the right and left up to the fold line located in the center, while receiving three clearly visible lines on the unbent trapezoid, formed after the fold and extending upward from the center of the base.
  • The finished cracker is folded along prominent lines. Taking the product with your fingers by the tips of the triangles, you should sharply lower your hand down! Your cracker will make an audible pop when exposed to air on the resulting paper pocket. The paper clapperboard is ready.

Clapperboard double

If the clapperboard you made earlier doesn't sound loud enough for you, you can amplify its sound by creating a double cracker!

Such an attribute will create a noise effect that will easily scare anyone. As before, all you need is a sheet of paper and skillful hands. In the manufacture of such crafts, it is better to use thick paper so that the clapperboard, with constant bending and unbending, lasts as long as possible. A thin sheet of paper, like a notebook sheet, will have short term services in a similar product. However, sheets of lower density still have a greater sound volume, which means that schoolchildren do not in vain prefer to make crackers from sheets of notebooks.

  • As in the manufacture of a regular cracker, a sheet of A4 paper should be placed on the table, while placing it horizontally. Next, you need to bend to the center all the corners of the sheet, bending them towards you. The top and bottom corners should mirror each other with their faces.
  • In the middle of the sheet there was a strip free from bends. You should bend the resulting hexagon in half, along the remaining free strip, so that the fold line divides it in two.
  • As a result of the steps taken, you will get a pentagon with an acute angle at the top and a flat base. It is necessary to bend the resulting figure so that the fold line divides the acute angle and the base in half, passing in the middle of the figure.
  • On the sides of the workpiece, "wings" were formed, which must be put inside the structure. Double cracker is ready!

Using such a product is simple, the principle of its operation is similar to a conventional paper cracker. Paper and air make a loud bang when moved violently. And so the goal has been achieved.

More complex flapper

For making more difficult option crackers you will need:

  • cardboard tube;
  • match;
  • corrugated paper;
  • thick thread;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • colored cardboard or paper.

Action plan

  • First of all, you need to take a cardboard tube, it can be a frame from a roll of foil or something similar. You will also need square corrugated paper.
  • Next, you will need cardboard. It is necessary to cut a small circle from the prepared cardboard, with a diameter slightly smaller than the diameter of the tube. The difference should be a few millimeters. The resulting circle should be pierced with a needle and thread. You need to tie a piece of a match to the thread in advance. Connect the resulting circle using the same thread with the prepared square of corrugated paper.
  • A corrugation is glued to the tube, glued with double-sided tape, while it closes the cardboard circle with a match, which are inside the structure. Thus, the preparation of the future cracker is wrapped in corrugated paper. All excess is cut off.
  • Having glued double-sided tape in the workpiece, it is necessary wrap it with a pre-cut strip of colored paper.
  • Pour finely chopped colored corrugated paper inside the tube - the cracker is filled with confetti.
  • The final step will be gluing a corrugation to the open end of the cracker, which should wrap the cracker, you can cut its free edges into strips to decorate the product. Flapper is ready for battle!

For the craft to work, you need to pull sudden movement for a loose thread. A pop will be heard, indicating the successful manufacture of the desired cracker. Such a product can be used many times, each time refilling it with a new portion of confetti.

The word "cracker" is undoubtedly associated with sparklers, New Year, Christmas trees and fireworks. But handmade crackers can also be used as decorations for holiday table, as gifts-souvenirs for weddings, birthdays and other events. You can put confetti and small gifts in the middle of the toy. For girls, jewelry, cosmetics or hair clips will be excellent presents. Boys will be happy with LEGO bricks, badges, figures of soldiers or magnets. As a wedding present, figurines of the bride and groom can be hidden in a cracker. Many people ask the question: "How to make a cracker?" This lesson is the answer.

What is required for mastery

Materials needed for crafts:

  • gift paper different colors(approximately 20 x 30 cm);
  • scissors;
  • two cardboard rolls of toilet paper;
  • bright ribbon;
  • one thin cord;
  • glue stick;
  • confetti;
  • duct tape.

Bright paper clapperboard: work process

Such a toy will be made as follows:

  1. It is necessary to open the roll of paper for packaging and glue the core of toilet paper to its larger side. Next, twist the roll of cardboard into wrapping paper, securing its end with glue.
  2. Now, using adhesive tape, you need to fix the rope at the bottom of the cardboard cylinder.
  3. The next roll of cardboard should be cut in half and put two halves of wrapping paper in the right and left edges. There should be about 2 cm of paper left at both ends. This paper will be tucked in.
  4. Now you can already fill the cracker with confetti or put small surprise gifts in it, then wrap the paper between cardboard bundles with ribbon and tie it into a strong knot.
  5. Finally, you need to invest all the ends gift paper in the middle of the cardboard rolls. Now a hand-made cracker can be complemented with decoration in the form of sequins, paper bows or beads.

A simplified version of a homemade cracker

What is needed for this:

  • wrapping paper;
  • cardboard cylinder;
  • lace or strong thread;
  • scotch;
  • thick paper.

How to make a paper clapperboard - this lesson will tell about it. So, you can start:

  1. From the cardboard it is necessary to cut a circle, the diameter of which should be equal to the diameter of the cardboard cylinder.
  2. The slot at one end of the roll must be closed with a cut out circle, which is glued with adhesive tape.
  3. Now you should measure the circumference of the cylinder from cardboard and cut out a rectangle of a suitable size from gift paper, wrap it around a bundle and glue it.
  4. Next, you need to create a lid for the cracker by cutting out a rectangle 3-4 cm wide. Its length should be a couple of millimeters longer than the circle of the main cylinder. If the lid fits, then you can glue it along the seam with adhesive tape, and then wrap it in wrapping paper. And glue a circle of the appropriate size on top.
  5. Now you can already put the lid on the cracker: you should press it with your hand and immediately pull it up. The lid should come off with a light pop.
  6. At the end of the work, the toy is filled with confetti and small gifts. The paper clapperboard is ready!

How to make a single cracker

It is necessary to take a regular sheet of any format and bend it in half. On four sides, wrap the corners towards the center so that a hexagon comes out. Now you need to bend this figure along the line inward. And then again bend the product in half, but this time on the contrary and unbend in the opposite direction. How to make a cracker? This will be the next lesson.

The next stage of the lesson will be to bend the left and right ends inward to the bend line, and then unbend the other way around. The result should be three fold contours - two oblique and one transverse.

Now comes the most important part. It is required to open the future toy towards you with a short edge and bend it in three directions: where the diametrical bend line is, it is necessary to bend it outward, along oblique contours - inward. You should get two triangular endings connected to each other by a jumper.

A funny cracker is ready, you just need to learn how to use it correctly. To do this, take the triangular edges of the toy with your fingers so that its lower side looks forward. Now pull your hand so that the lower concave part of the firecracker shoots with a loud popping crack.

How to make a double paper clapperboard

It will be very easy to create such a product. A "double-barreled" paper toy will clap much louder than a single cracker. What needs to be done for this:

  1. First, all corners of the paper sheet should be folded on both sides.
  2. Now you need to bend the entire workpiece in half and do it twice.
  3. Take two "wings" of the workpiece in turn, bend them in half and put them inside. Thus, we got a double cracker for the holiday.

How to make a cracker? Yes, very easy! The main thing would be the desire and enough imagination to produce this fun.

New Year- holiday Have a good mood and children are especially happy with it. They are simply delighted with the many different holiday elements, such as Santa Claus, Christmas tree, or firecrackers. Children have no end to crackers at all, they are ready to shoot them all day, but this may not be very dangerous, because who knows how this or that cracker is made. We will share with you instructions on how to make a safe, and besides, reusable cracker!

How to make a New Year's cracker with your own hands?

For such crafts, we need to prepare a few simple and publicly available materials:

Medical syringe, 10 cubic meters

paper cylinder

Corrugated cardboard


Case from kinder surprise

You should also prepare scissors, and possibly a hole punch if there is no ready-made confetti.

1. We take our paper cylinder and put it on corrugated cardboard, circle the edge and cut out two identical circles.

2. In one of the circles we make a hole and put a syringe in there.

3. Then, we take out the piston of the syringe and put the second circle on it as well.

4. Now, we take the body from Kinder Surprise and in one of the parts, we make a small hole in the base with an awl so that this part can be attached to the syringe. The syringe and part of the kinder must be very tightly fixed, otherwise the cracker may not work.

5. We place our blank in a paper cylinder.

6. We carefully fix the cylinder and the workpiece with tape.

7. Let's start making confetti. We didn’t have it already ready, so we will make it ourselves. Take a hole punch and colored paper Let's start making holes. The resulting mugs from the hole punch are our confetti.

8. Pour the finished confetti into the case from the Kinder. After that, we pull the syringe piston to the maximum and close the second part of the body, but not very tightly, otherwise the cracker will not work.

9. The cracker is ready, the last step is to decorate it. We take colored paper and simply paste it over a paper cylinder.

What holiday can do without loud and bright firecrackers? Made by hand, it creates an atmosphere of celebration and genuine joy. And you can easily provide yourself with this pleasure even on weekdays by learning how to make a paper clapperboard. Children will be especially happy with such a craft.

Who at school did not play crackers made from sheets of notebooks? This entertainment requires a minimum of time and cost (after all, a notebook sheet was enough!), And joy and smiles are just a sea. In fact, making paper crackers is the embodiment of the ancient Japanese origami technique. AT recent times this art is experiencing a rebirth among amateurs paper crafts. Such a boom is associated with open access to the Internet, where, among other origami instructions, attention is also paid to the favorite children's fun - how to make a paper clapperboard with your own hands.

Clapperboard paper

ten years ago school teachers constantly reproached the students for skinny notebooks, in which half the sheets were missing. And this paper was used to make crackers. However, notebook sheets are too thin for this kind of origami. Therefore, it is better to take xerox paper with a density of 80. Wrapping paper or thick sheets resembling thin cardboard are also suitable. You can choose any color of the toy - fortunately, the tint range of paper allows.

How to make a paper clapperboard: step by step instructions

A single cracker is made in a couple of minutes. The main condition is to iron all the folds well with your fingers. And, of course, the sheet of paper must be perfectly flat.


  1. Fold A4 sheet across.
  2. We unfold it and bend all 4 corners inward to the center.
  3. Fold across the first fold again.
  4. The resulting trapezoid is folded in half and unfolded.
  5. Bend 2 corners of the base to the center of the figure.
  6. We iron well 3 fold lines - the central one and 2 at the base.
  7. We take the cracker by the tails of the base, turning the craft away from us. And we drop our hands. The air will open the inside pocket and a loud bang will be heard.

Read also:

Original double clapperboard

If it seems to you that the sound of a single craft is not strong enough, then try making a double cracker.


  1. Fold a sheet of paper in half horizontally.
  2. We unfold and bend the corners to the center in the form of the roof of the house.
  3. Fold along the first fold.
  4. The resulting sharp corners are bent inward to the center.
  5. Fold in half along the long side of the figure.
  6. We take the cracker by the sharp tail and shake it for a loud and frightening sound.

Loud cardboard clapperboard

A loud cracker can also be made from wrapping paper and cardboard.


  • 2 cylinders from toilet paper rolls;
  • colored wrapping paper;
  • a piece of cardboard (A5 format is enough);
  • PVA glue;
  • scotch;
  • awl;
  • lace;
  • confetti (optional)


  1. Trace the diameter of the cylinder on a piece of cardboard.
  2. Cut out the resulting circle and glue it to one hole of the cylinder.
  3. We cut out a rectangle from paper equal to the circumference of the base, and glue the workpiece with it.
  4. We make a cap for the second cylinder by repeating steps 1-2.
  5. We cut the second cylinder so that we get a small lid (about a quarter of the cracker base).
  6. We also cover it with wrapping paper.
  7. We make a small hole in the center of the lid with an awl.
  8. We stretch the lace into the hole, tie one end in a knot so that the lace does not pop out.
  9. We close the lid tightly, pull the string - the cracker opens with a sound. The craft is ready.

If you want to improve the toy, you can pour confetti into it.

We decorate a children's holiday

From office colored paper, you can make excellent crackers on children's holiday. The children will surely like the product in the form of a candy, in which there will be a lot of colored confetti. True, you should not expect too loud sound from such a toy.


  • sheet A4;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • 2 laces;
  • awl;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • confetti.


  1. On sheet A4 in a horizontal position, we draw 6 vertical lines at the same distance from each other.
  2. Cut off the excess paper.
  3. At an equal distance from the edges on each line we make a puncture.
  4. We bend the sheet along the drawn segments.
  5. We pass through the holes along the lace.
  6. Glue the 2 extreme edges together.
  7. We tighten one end of the "candy" with a cord.
  8. Pour in confetti so that the cracker is 2/3 full.
  9. We tighten the second end with a cord.

To test the cracker, you need to pull 2 ​​laces at the same time.