
Drawings for mosaic paper templates. Colored paper mosaic, DIY paper mosaic. Crafts from paper rings


Physiologists have long established that human fingers have an organic connection with the brain, and therefore regular hand work perfectly stimulates intellectual abilities and improves speech skills. So that the baby grows smart, so that he does not experience difficulties with the pronunciation of sounds, study with him manual labor... And the more often the better.

Any activity that involves fine motor skills:

  • lacing;
  • sorting small items (paper clips, beads, buttons, pasta, beans);
  • games requiring hand-eye coordination (construction set, puzzles, mosaics);
  • arts and crafts (drawing, modeling, papier-mâché crafts, applications).

Very interesting technique for preschoolers - modular application (mosaic). Let's see what it is and what its benefits are for kids.

The benefits of modular application

Applique is a kind of decorative and applied art, the works of which are obtained by superimposing details on the background. If the overlaid parts are modules of approximately the same shape and size, then the application is called modular. This technique, in essence, is a mosaic, and therefore modular applications are often called mosaic or use the concept of "mosaic application".

So, modular, it is also mosaic, it is also a mosaic applique which is gluing on the background base of many identical or very similar modules. Such an activity, if the level of difficulty is selected in accordance with the capabilities and characteristics of the child, makes a huge contribution to the overall development of the baby:

  • trains fine motor skills and an eye;
  • develops imaginative and spatial thinking;
  • contributes to the formation of aesthetic perception and taste preferences;
  • introduces the child to the basics of design;
  • helps to educate diligence, perseverance and accuracy;
  • has a beneficial effect on the emotional state;
  • stimulates fantasy and imagination;
  • enriches the sensory experience;
  • opens up new opportunities for organizing exciting family leisure;
  • helps to study colors and shapes.
How to create a modular applique with a child
  1. Prepare a base on which you will need to glue the elements of your future masterpiece.
  2. Contour the background.
  3. Stock up on enough modules (parts).

That, in fact, is all you need to create a beautiful mosaic applique with a child. Take out the glue - and you can start!

On a note! If you are the happy parents of several babies, you can involve the whole cheerful mixed-age brother-sister gang in the mosaic applique. Let the smallest tear and crumple the paper, the eldest create an original template for the applique, and then all together, led by the middle ones, lay out their mosaics and enjoy the fruits of their joint labors.

And now we will consider the indicated points in a little more detail.

1. Foundation

The most traditional base for applique is plain colored cardboard. But you can adapt other materials at hand for this purpose:

  • old unwanted CDs;
  • moisture-absorbing household wipes;
  • disposable paper or plastic plates;
  • lids from various plastic containers or cardboard boxes.
2. Template for application

When choosing a theme for a mosaic applique, do not forget that any applique can be subject, subject or decorative.

  • The template for the product application depicts one object. For example, a vase, a ball, or a car. The younger your toddler, the simpler the template for subject modular application.
  • Plot application implies a more complex picture: on the basis it is necessary to display a certain event, action, several objects that are connected by a common theme. The lesson on creating a plot application is convenient to use for practicing a lexical topic.
  • In decorative mosaics, children play with shapes and colors that are free from themed frames. Fantasy ornaments, original patterns, interesting author's combinations - create for your pleasure!

3. Material for mosaic
  • Paper... Geometric shapes or free-form pieces (cut with scissors or simply torn by hand). If you pre-wrinkle the pieces for a breakaway mosaic, you will get a three-dimensional picture.
  • Napkins... The soft, pliable material is perfect for working with the smallest creators. You may have to glue the modules, but the little one will be happy to provide you with the “bricks” you need to build a colorful work.
  • Natural material... Seeds of various plants, cereals and pre-colored small pasta open up a wide scope for creating interesting works in the modular application technique (mosaic).
  • Plasticine... Pinch off small pieces from colored blocks of plasticine, roll them into balls, and then fill the template of your modular applique with such colored balls, lightly pressing the clay with your fingers to give the structure strength.
  • Beads, sequins, buttons, self-adhesive film... These materials are less popular in children's creativity, but with older preschoolers and elementary school students, very interesting examples of decorative and applied art can be created from them.

Friends! We hope that our review of modular application possibilities has inspired you to conduct a series of interesting creative activities with your little one. We will be glad if you share the fruits of this work with us and our readers in the comments to the article or on our pages on social networks.

Happy parenting! Until next time!

A paper mosaic is a home option. Pieces of colored paper (the child himself can cut into squares) we glue on the contour.

Paper mosaic

Paper mosaic


  • a dense base (dense enough so that the glue does not deform it) with an applied contour;
  • colored paper (well, or scraps, or bright pages from a magazine);
  • glue, scissors *. Stationery knife for mom.

* Scissors in this project are not at all necessary, because a child can tear strips of paper into pieces with their fingers.

We used the old coloring with our fingers, we are no longer interested in drawing in it, but there are many manuals left that cannot be thrown away or donated (familiar, huh?). But the thick outline and simple picture worked very well for our first mosaic.

I cut strips of paper - blue and orange, since they decided to make the ball in two colors. We paid attention to the fact that one part of the ball is larger, and it will take more paper... The mass of everything "developing and teaching" can be seen even in the most ordinary things, if you look closely.

Having cut the strips into "squares", the child covered only a small area with glue, because the glue - the pencil dries mercilessly quickly. We pasted orange squares, smeared another segment with glue, glued it on. Since we smear with glue only the picture - the base, and not the squares, the part of the mosaic that has "climbed" beyond the contour remains not glued.

Then we glued the bottom of the ball with a blue mosaic, and even experimented a little, reducing the pieces.

Now our ball is ready, I spent stationery knife along the contour and all not glued "extra" pieces flew around! Now we have a very neat paper mosaic!

The child really liked this lesson, so a second life awaits our old finger coloring pages! By the way, our ball lacks the "seams" between the pieces, which are usually found in a mosaic, but I think we'll get to that.

A paper mosaic is a very popular and uncomplicated project for younger preschoolers, and older children are already working with sequins, sequins, foam, colored sand or tracing paper. The child can lay out the image within a given outline, or he can create a color mood. In addition to different materials, you can use pieces of different shapes - and each work will amaze everyone with its brightness and completeness. Have you noticed how creative even the simplest mosaics look?

Here are some ideas we liked.

Paper mosaic

Paper mosaic

Paper mosaic

Mosaic from pieces of paper

Paper mosaic

Mosaic from pieces of paper

Mosaic from pieces of paper

Mosaic from pieces of paper

Mosaic from pieces of paper

Mosaic from pieces of paper

Mosaic from pieces of paper

Collecting mosaic patterns is very exciting and even rewarding. Surely, everyone still in times kindergarten was engaged in similar creativity. So original and interesting lesson always brings a lot of pleasure, allowing you to reveal your creative talents and at the same time not requiring large expenses. Even little child it will be very interesting to sit next to the parent and create a beautiful mosaic from plain paper quickly and easily with your own hands.

Since ancient times different nations decorated their life in different ways and used the most different materials... For example, northern peoples often used fur and beads in addition to ordinary materials in their applications. An unusual and attractive applique made of pieces of straw ribbon.

With the advent of paper, the applique on it received a special place in history. Black silhouette images for all sorts of subjects were very popular. And nowadays, for example in Ukraine, this art still lives under the name of cutout.

We make a paper mosaic with our own hands in a simple master class

Colored paper- great material for creating uncomplicated but beautiful mosaic... Although you can use old newspapers, magazines, napkins with various patterns and other types of waste paper to create more interesting and thematic works that you may have already been going to throw out.

WITH back side cut the sheet into small squares, triangles, and then cut them. Try to cut without preliminary drawing - the resulting polygons will become very interesting details of your mosaic and will definitely attract the eyes of others. Prepare these pieces of paper in different colors. It is best to use a separate box for storing each color so that it is convenient to work with.

Choose a glue so that when it dries, it is transparent, so that it is easy to apply, and also so that it is in a convenient package with a tight lid and does not dry out after the first use.

We learn how to create an applique using several techniques with our own hands

The glue should be gradually applied to the entire sheet of cardboard, working through and pasting one area after another. At the same time, try not to have a lot of glue, so that the cardboard does not get wet and does not go in waves, because this can seriously spoil the look of your product.

You should always start with the largest details of the picture, gradually moving on to smaller ones. Also, styling begins with the contours of the picture and only then the whole figure is filled with color.

Small unfilled cracks between the pieces of paper create a special charm and an amazing style.

Works created not from straight cut, but from torn paper will look very original.

You can also try to create a work using the facing technique. Such pictures are voluminous and interesting.

In order to repeat such work, you just need to glue each square of paper to the base not completely, but only with the middle, folding it into a tube - a butt-end with a ballpoint pen.

Making a paper mosaic is great because it does not require the use and knowledge of any special techniques. But, if you think that creating such crafts is suitable exclusively for children, then look at what amazing pictures from paper are put by adults and experienced craftsmen. No one will turn their tongues, call it a "children's handicraft":

Another amazing thing about this hobby is that you don't have to be able to paint beautifully. It is enough to pick up any suitable template on the Internet and lay out your creation according to it.

Try experimenting - use corrugated or velvet paper, different textures will give originality to your drawing. Try replacing plain colored sheets with ones that you paint yourself the most. different ways by adding streaks, drops and hundreds of different shades of the same color. Try to create a picture not on a regular sheet, but on a pre-cut form, attach a stick or magnet to it and use it as an addition to your interior.

Works made of colored paper using the mosaic technique require patience, but are not difficult to complete. Children will be happy to take care of these colorful and unusual applications, which help to cultivate perseverance and cultivate a craving for beauty. Paper mosaic is a new level of skill in the art of applique.

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Take a look at the video at the end of the article and you will find out how simply and beautifully you can arrange your work using a simple paper mosaic, even without experience in drawing and design. Even a child can cope with this task!

Mosaic(from French mosaigue, Italian mosaico - dedicated to the muses) an image or ornament made of particles of uniform or different material (pebbles, stone, smalt, multi-colored pieces of glass, colored ceramic tiles, shards, plastic, colored paper), natural material: straw, dried plants. These materials are fixed in different ways: some - with the help of lime, cement, mastic, sock; others use glue.

Mosaic sketches are best done with stylized shapes, with few details. Then the sketch is transferred to the background, paper of the appropriate tone is selected and prepared for gluing - by cutting or breaking. Prepared pieces of each color are placed separately. Then a small part of the sketch is coated with glue against the background and the prepared pieces of paper are placed on the glued part.

So the whole image is gradually glued, a load is put on the glued parts. When the background is glued, the work is dried under the load.

The mosaic can be contour, that is, the pieces are glued along the edge of the image, or the solid is then glued to the inside of it. The mosaic can be made with or without gaps.

Mosaic, like ordinary applique, can be subject, subject and decorative. The latter can be performed on various geometric shapes: strip, square, circle. Mosaic can be used to decorate planar, semi-volume, volumetric crafts (Fig. 5).

fig. 5

Having mastered the skills of working with the applique, it can be used in decoration works (invitation cards, greeting cards, bookmarks for books, Christmas tree decorations, decoration of games, toys with moving parts 1 (Fig. 6-7).

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Materials and equipment. Selection of paper.

In applique work, they attach great importance to the selection of paper. The color intensity of the main background determines the colors of the images. It should be remembered about the color combination of adjacent images. The area and background color (light or dark) affect the color of the applique (enhance or weaken). The search for harmonious and expressive combinations of color spots is one of the main tasks of the work. The color should cheer you up, corresponding to the content of the applique. It can be real, conventional, or purely decorative.

Applications can be monochrome (one-color) and polychrome (multi-color). Monochromatic compositions are distinguished by their graphic quality, while multicolored ones are colorful. And those in others are artistic. If there is no paper of the required color, you can protonate it yourself.

For applique work, it is better to use high-quality paper, since it is less subject to deformation (tears) and gives the work a neat look.

Even in ancient times, the technique of mosaic from bones, shells and various pebbles appeared. And today the first knowledge in this art is received by kids. Paper mosaic tiles are a creative fun way for the whole family. Such an activity will bring parents and children closer together, develop the child's motor skills and perception of colors. Standard paper mosaic appliques are not all the possibilities of art. There are more sophisticated techniques for the manufacture of fakes, for example, quilling - paintings from twisted napkins.

The torn paper technique is simple and straightforward to execute. Even the smallest creator can make a mosaic out of paper. This way of creativity develops artistic taste, imagination and allows you to look at things differently. Suitable for mosaics plain paper(colored), on which you can draw chaotic stripes to make a break. But you can do without this and arbitrarily tear the paper into various pieces.

During the break, the fingers should be as close to each other as possible. After small manipulations, together with the baby, glue the pieces of paper onto the stencil or drawn applique. Funny and fun entertainment begins already with the first actions (shredding paper stripes) and ends with a masterpiece. This method does not use scissors and is therefore safe for children.

Instructions for creating a mosaic

Colored paper is a multifunctional tool for masterpieces creation, development and just fun. The complexity of the picture depends on the number and size of the elements, as well as on the picture itself. Colored paper mosaic patterns can be found online and printed.

Execution technique:

  • Multi-colored paper is taken and cut into elements different shapes and long.
  • For work, you need multi-colored paper pieces, a template and glue (preferably a pencil). The kid is invited to put the pieces on the picture so that the pieces of paper do not go beyond the contours. At first it will be difficult to do, but with each workout the baby will get better and better.
  • For an aesthetic appearance, after each piece, the surface is wiped with a dry cloth.

You need to start work with the largest pieces and finish with the smallest ones. Lay out the pieces of paper first along the contour, and then fill the entire space.

You don't have to worry that there are gaps between the details - this will give a mesmerizing look to the picture.

To make a mosaic applique from voluminous colored paper, the prepared pieces of paper are not completely glued. They are smeared with glue only in the middle, and the ends are twisted with a pen or a special stick.

A flight of imagination when creating a mosaic will only benefit. You can use crepe or velvet paper. As a basis, take sheets that were painted by a child or were cut out in an unusual way. And you can also attach a stick, paper clip or magnet to the craft for further use in the interior. Such decor, made by the hands of a child, will delight and touch.

Drawing on a sheet of cardboard

It is fun and interesting to create various compositions with children. Their unusual approach to art will surprise and delight at the same time. First, you need to decide on the subject of the drawing, then draw a sketch or find a paper mosaic applique pattern on the Internet. But you can also take a picture from the coloring book - this will reduce the preparation time.

All materials are available and sold freely in stores. For the first time, you need to choose a simple and large image. For example, a fungus is ideal.

For work you will need:

  • cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • a set of multi-colored paper;
  • glue stick (PVA can be used);
  • template for redrawing.

The mushroom is transferred to the cardboard with a pencil. Then it is taken 5 small containers for paper items. Each color used should be in its own bowl for convenience, and so that they do not get mixed up with each other.

The range of colors can be completely varied, for example:

  • the surface of the cap is brown, and its bottom is beige;
  • the leg of the mushroom is yellow;
  • the sky is blue and the grass is green.

After the preparation of the elements, the gluing process itself begins. After completion, you need to put something heavy on the composition.

More complex options

After training on light pictures, you can start more difficult options... You can take any vegetables as a basis. This will require:

  • white cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • paint with a brush;
  • patterns of vegetables.

The first step is to cut the vegetables themselves and glue them onto a piece of cardboard. Then cut the paper into strips half a centimeter wide, and they, in turn, into squares.

When assembling a picture, it is not necessary to glue the elements close to each other, you can leave a distance between them - this will give the creation a zest.

Once the mosaic is complete, you need to split the cardboard in half with a horizontal line to create the background. Sketch upper part orange paint and, after drying, make an imitation of bricks with a felt-tip pen. Lower part fill in a lighter tone - this will imitate the surface on which the vegetable lies. Then you need to circle the vegetable itself with a black felt-tip pen and create a shadow falling from it. And now the do-it-yourself cardboard paper mosaic from the template is ready!

You can hold such master classes for a baby at least every day. But if you have to work with scissors, then you must definitely explain to the child that this is not a toy, and teach him how to safely handle this object.