
Monday is a hard day: a selection of statuses and quotes about Monday. Cool statuses about Monday Cool verse about Monday



Andrey Kropotin

How many crimes
The ball is ruling in our life! ..
Today is a fit of laziness
He attacked me in the morning.
Monday is a hard day ...
I don’t drink at all, though.
Sprawled in an armchair, sickly,
Do not get into the stream in any way ...
Everyone in the office is bustling about
Or they may pretend;
Well, it's lazy for me, brothers!
You just - no offense ...
Prepared since Saturday
We have tasks on the shoulder ...
Run drenched in sweat
I really don't want to;
Even thinking for no reason
I do not wish ... does not entail.
I would like to go on vacation! .. - Out of order ...
If so - take the calculation!

Mondays are flying

Anna Ganyushkina 2

Mondays are flying
Like driven horses
In this frantic pursuit
The days are smeared with a radiant look.
Mondays are flying
Don't want to stop
I cannot distinguish faces
Weekdays, holidays and dates.
Mondays are flying
Burning up in the stellar placer,
Maybe we're already at the edge?
But there is no turning back.
Mondays are flying
Sunrises are falling
My life: winter and summer -
An impartial watch face.
Mondays are flying
No indulgence, no respite
I would have time to dot the dots,
Behind - the time-second ...


Boris Guryanov

Eh, it's Monday.
There is no strength to endure him.
Not a day, but a sheer mess,
Soul in the morning went into tetanus.

Beat her, or howl like a wolf
The soul is silent as an empty coffin.
I'll wave my hand on this life
And on the way, until Friday ...
... on a binge!

Monday is a tough day

Valery Stars Alphabetically

"Heavy Monday," they like to say
And so as not to speak in a similar tone,
All Mondays should be canceled
But Tuesday will be a tough day.

"Tough Tuesday," they will repeat.
So that it is not so that ... in a word,
We have to cancel all Tuesdays
And it will be a hard Wednesday day.

"Wednesday is tough." - everyone will say
And in order not to pay the fate of a heavy tribute,
Cancel all environments in advance,
Thursday will be hard then.

"Thursday is hard," - they will exclaim,
And so as not to be obedient to our occasion,
We need to cancel all Thursdays
Then Fridays will be similar.

Everyone will call Hard Friday
And so that there is no such turn,
We should rather cancel Friday,
And what will happen? - just about - a hard Saturday.

And so that no one "hard Saturday"
I didn’t say Saturday was all down.
And now we have only
Heavy eternal day off.

Again Monday ...

Vladimir Plotnikov Polazna

Again Monday, again to work,
Work five days, waiting for Saturday.

How brothers are like working days,
They pass agonizingly long.

And two days off, as much as we want,
You will not have time to blink, already flew by.

What kind of grace would people have,
Work for two days and rest for five days.


Galina Geiko

Hard day, we know - Monday -
In the morning I am at odds with myself ...
And even though, as in the song: - "It seems not a bum",
But to work - like going to hard labor ...

The traffic light did not wink green at me ...
The bus slipped away, flying like an arrow ...
And although I am tempered by this life -
I stand at the bus stop, cursing everything ...

At the service - hubbub, rush, continuous rush -
Thought everyone was crazy:
- "After all, Monday!" - I remembered inconsolably -
"Tough day"! - out of here the mess!

Completely exhausted ... With "head - at work",
All day I spin as if groovy
And on my mind: - To live until Saturday,
When is the day off again!

Yes, the rhythm of our life is transcendental,
And every day became - like Monday ...


Galina Filippova 7

Monday is the worst day
I'm too lazy to go to work in the morning
Tuesday is so-so things
It's not time to relax
Wait, Wednesday has come
So consider it a week,
Suddenly Thursday, neither this nor that,
Everything aches from work
There are no better days than Fridays
Light is visible at the end of the tunnel!
Saturday is kind of good
But the mood has passed
As Sunday comes
Ponydelnik, on you, is coming,
So we will always be happy
And on Monday, gentlemen!


Good buy

The sleepy night is leaving
Morning pulls the dawn again.
From annoying melodies
The sweet dream came to naught.

Frisky birds on a platoon,
It's like spring is outside the window.
Being late at work
I will not allow myself.

But as you want in bed
Lie down for an hour, then another.
After this "carousel"
I was able to appreciate the peace.
She embraces a sheet with silk
It's like I'm not a bum.
Who doesn't understand me ...
She must be sleeping on MONDAY.


Ekaterina the Naughty

Who Invented Mondays?
Week b began on Saturday!
Then all would become idlers!
Forgetting earthly worries!

We didn't go to work in the morning
And lay in bed until they were stupid,
We weren't late or in a hurry
All the lazy people around and idlers!

The wipers did not wave a broom,
And the accountant threw the report
Schoolchildren were not toiling in the classroom
The seller would not keep records

How would we cancel Monday?
Who invented it, who is the culprit?
I’m like that neurotic!
Because then Tuesday comes!


Elena Pankratova 3

Monday is a hard day
This is what the people say ...
Who will go to school
Well, someone in Kindergarten.
Of course we go to work,
There are things that cannot be conveyed,
Now they have found themselves care,
Start all over again.
And how you want in bed,
Lie for another hour,
But we barely get up,
Yesterday was a day off
Nothing, give the go-ahead
Let's take a shower and pour tea,
Someone will have a cup of coffee,
Let's go to work.
Let's bring the children to the place
To school, to kindergarten, who goes where,
Let the day be interesting
Monday is not a problem.
The sun will smile brightly
New day - hello to you
Monday all the gift
There will be many, many years!


Elena Sergeevna Safronova

Hello uncle - Monday!
You are always like an uninvited guest.
Until lunchtime you're a bum
Half asleep, half drunk.
And they curse you mercilessly
Saying you're heavy
That things are not going well.
The day, apparently, is not cheerful.
Get out of bed
Tearing off sweet bonds.
The weekend flew by
Monday is right there.
Which of us decided to confess
And swear an iron oath?
Swap on Monday
Start life anew.
And discarding the sentiments
Forget all the bad things.
There are wise moments in him
Monday's essence.


Evgeniya Urusova

A week ahead. Seven more days.
And it starts from Monday.
He is the first, but the first is more difficult.
So he heard a lot about himself.
Like, difficult and hard as always,
And he is absolutely no worse than others.
All this is slander, nonsense,
Yes, only it is very difficult to make excuses.
Don't sour, Monday, I'm with you!
And I will boldly stand up for your defense.
You are dear to me as, however, any day.
The main thing here is to live it skillfully.


Evgeniya Urusova

Monday. Beginning of the week.
Sleep well in the early morning hour,
But the alarm clock is ringing trills
They bring us back to reality.
Monday starts counting down
The weekend is now far away.
How many things lie ahead
Only making them all is not easy.
And I'm just getting carried away,
Like a car on a steep bend.
The body urgently asks for rest.
Nothing, tomorrow is Tuesday already.


Inga Dmitrieva Nail

Foggy morning.
Nature slumbers.
Mother-of-pearl color
In the colors of the sunrise.

Air viscosity.
Drowsiness of thoughts.
Life is obscurity.
Feelings of hopelessness.

People are like shadows.
Sounds like moans.
A world of delusion
Clothed in lies.

It's Monday again.
Gloomy morning.
The brevity of the moments
In the rays of mother-of-pearl.


Irina Klochkova

Monday is all over again
Morning, coffee, plans, meetings.
Weekends are always not enough for us
The circle of questions is endless.
But understand that pleasure
There is in everything that surrounds.
Monday is always spring!
We dream in front of the mirror
How graceful and careless
Flying through the puddles
We soar above the vanity
Conquering with beauty.

What, Monday, has reappeared?

Irina Lyubenkova

From the loud trills of the phone
In my sleep I twitched my tail
And the old printer rushed again
The ninth wave straight into the house.

Why are you grinning, oohlik?
Send dispatches by e-mail ...
You are not my husband and not my boss,
Midnight will come and you will leave.

Bore Tuesday will drag in.
No, look, he's right there!
Wednesday the viper laughs ...
How slowly the clock goes!

As long as you can wait for Friday
As long as you endure it
Here, bam! In a dream you will sneak up
And you breathe in your ear. It's mine!

Oh Monday we are with you
Invisibly bound by fate.
I barely open my eyes
You are with a cup of coffee over me.

In hedgehogs you hold mittens
Squeezing in an office vice
In my hands you live like a tit
And vacation is spinning in the clouds.

Monday - fuck yourself!

Irina Maiskaya

The weekend flew by
As usual with a bang,
And again myself out of bed
Not to raise in any way in the morning ...
Monday is a terrible day
Everyone knows ahead of time
You look unhappy
And the alarm clock, the snake, is screaming!
And he's not interested
What did you go through yesterday
He does his job honestly
Performed ... That impudent! ..
Echoes of Saturday
The alarm is buzzing in my head
And tight turns
Doesn't fix your gaze
Right now Rossolika would have a mug
Yes, salted tomatoes
Yes, I would like to remember a girlfriend
The one that is still nearby ...
Emerging from the fog
I remember yesterday ...
And the alarm clock, straining,
Voices: - It's time! It's time!
You have to rush to work
Overtaking this life!
And you can't part with a pillow,
Monday ... shi-shi-be!


Irina Semyorkina

Everything is awry on Monday:
a shoal of slightly salted herring has dried up
in the stall nearest. Evil neighbors
pounding on the wall. Again, this way and that
trying to miss the hustle and bustle,
I'll shove semi-finished products into the oven
and, sacrificing the rest of the salary,
in and-not to the last comma
I will reread the interpreter of dreams:
why again in the morning dreamed of skis,
when shameless December rain
violated the code of honor to the basics? ...
And the evening will be mournful and dumb.
Until Sunday, far away, as before winter ...


Irina Polyushko

I don't like Sundays.
Strict Monday is close to me:
A gray-haired farm laborer, a hundred-year-old miller,
A sailor chained to the helm.
A. Voznesensky

Not a craving for a long ruble,
Not a thirst for job growth
We are chasing, I just go through life -
And the wind to sail the ship!

I won't make it worse today
What happened the day before.
A verse of verses that died in vain,
Finely chop the noodles.

Oh monday i love
Your offensive names!
My anger is far from ripening
Reaches slower than Dorblu.

Plankton-office aphids
I remind you in the small mass,
A classic sleeps in me today.
And I'll take a little nap ...

Efforts equalizing to zero,
Like a swan, cancer and a pike in a fable,
I will swallow an invigorating "come on!"
A la kebab lulu.

Nozzle loaded with nozzle ...
In a dream about a creative impulse
I recognize Pegasus by its mane,
Pull the steering wheel ...

Executioner Monday

Ksenia Grigorovich

Monday has a special face:
Cast iron eyes, furrowed eyebrows -
The executioner who locked the shackles in a ring
Drives us to work, thirsts for blood ...

And there - on the head with a club of affairs,
And the day lasts in a heavy dullness,
So that in the evening it will be forgotten, like a baldel
You are on a red-cheeked glorious Sunday ...


Konstantin Shulyatiev

Finally it's Monday!
You are still sniffing, you bum!
What a "reluctance"
Well - ka quickly to work!
You need to do business
Another week has begun.
All success and good luck,
Only in this way, and not otherwise!

Monday kids

Marina Voshkarina

We begin new life from every Monday.
We dissolve in the city, in the region, in coffee, in the crowd of people.
We dilute ourselves with a bottle of the good old miller.
We are rushing away from ourselves in order to eventually come to our place.

We are not sure about something fundamentally based.
We have no doubt about what is never given.
Something funny we are moved to sobbing.
Something serious finished off and trampled into the very bottom.

We do not forgive parents for frivolous little things.
But we forget to someone that we do not need to forgive.
We save up coins, problems, frogs and squirrels.
But we don’t have a penny when we need to give it back.

V vicious circle we, as in a wheel, angry, nervous.
How to break it? Where is his thin thread?
We are looking for a way out. And only Monday, probably
The next one will give us the opportunity to change ourselves in some way.

Again monday

Marina Nikolaeva-Burak

Monday is stress
Monday is the press
He covers with an avalanche
Even though he's half asleep.

He's like a racketeer hitting
And he doesn't listen to the protest.
Hooligan and lawless
This very Monday.

Monday is darkness:
To work like a fool
You are scurrying in the foam again
Forgetting Sunday.

Monday is the cross
The demon threw it to us,
Moreover, it torments me with hope:
Maybe Tuesday will be better? ..

Marina Nikolaeva-Burak

Working week again
Like the Serpent Gorynych, on the tail,
And there is no limit to perfection,
And you need to be on top.

The alarm clock in the dark groaned
Don't get out of bed
But you get up with a heavy sigh
And with a thought: life has failed!

And the day starts up,
It will be light and good:
You jump into the minibus with a running start
And you drink coffee at work.

Ah, coffee warms your fingers
Shakes the heart on the wave.
You see: sun hares
Leaping carelessly up the wall.

Melancholy and not rude
You slide into the hustle and bustle of the day
And the joy of life is right on your lips
Kisses you on the fly ...


Nadezhda Afromeeva

And as usual
monday morning
I begin to live
from scratch.
I don't set goals
wise for yourself
and I'm not in a hurry
to forbidden places.
I'm warming myself with my soul
from communication with neighbors;
keep open
home for friends;
I admire the dew in the grass,
ski trail,
star in the night
and coal in the stove.
I rejoice
sunrises and sunsets,
birches, dandelions,
And even a cloud I'm glad
and even Mondays
I love!

Favorite Monday

Olga Shalimova

Monday is my friend of the Day
Told me that he
On the day of the week Monday
Just head over heels in love!

Because on Monday
Dad is looking for his cell phone.
He forgot where he put it
And the cell phone did not ring!

He turns off his mobile phone,
To wake up on Monday
Take a break from all worries
From work and worries!

Together with mom they are looking together
Silent telephone.
You don't need to go to kindergarten,
He will be with his grandmother!

And granny is a miracle!
Postponed all the cases
For a loved one for a grandson
Just released!

And Day has Monday -
This is also a day off
V kindergarten Day is walking
Only on Tuesday and Wednesday!

Reflections on Monday

Svetlana Mikhailik

Monday. It’s dark in the windows.
But the wicked alarm clock is ringing!
How hard it is for a week
To go out to our service!

Sunday and Saturday
Relaxes the whole people.
After all, five-day work
Lasts a long time, like a year!

These days we will allow ourselves
Sleep longer, walk for a walk.
With a cup of tea in a warm armchair,
Talk all day.

It's so nice for us to be lazy
Taking a nap in the afternoon for an hour or two.
Relax, don't fuss.
Throw everything to hell!

Monday is a hard day

Sergey Butyrsky

Monday is a hard day.
It needs to be rocked
Slowly, right, left,
In order not to break the wood.

Everyone knows - on Monday
It is a sin to work at full speed.
Gotta SURVIVE on Monday
And keep your health.


Sergey Prilutsky

Monday is not a bum
Monday first day
Our working week
Driving away all laziness.

Monday is the start
On which depends
All our finishing passion
So that better friend do not sour.

Shake off the weekend
And do something useful
Without any tryn - herbs,
Selflessly and skillfully.


Sergey Sheshukov

Monday. Piled up
There are a lot of vain affairs.
Haste urges, -
Have time here and there.
And in a hurry, intuitively
Slowing down the agility -
How would it be more correct to estimate
And people do not laugh.
And spring, with warmth and light
Done day after day.
Behind the April breeze
Soon the May thunder will strike.
Showers, thunderstorms will sweep
And the foliage will bloom
On a curly birch
The one that is alive with fairy tales ...
Monday is a hard day


Monday is a hard day
This is what the people say
In a sad mood
All employees are seated.

The weekend flew by
Evaporated like a mirage
On the first weekday of the week
Where is our ardor and courage?

On Monday we are sad
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
As the boss comes to us -
Like the light of day has faded.

But as Friday comes
Eyes light up -
The weekend is already, in fact,
Away from bad weather and thunderstorms!

Weekend merry
Fireworks will burn off
Monday is a hard day
This is what the people say ...


Tamara Vtorova

Reluctance to wake up
But parents tell -
Mom and dad are waiting for WORK,
I'm going to kindergarten.
Mom and Dad at the checkpoints
MONDAY is not a bum,
Sleep off this weekend!

Easy Monday

Tanya Chernenko

I'm not a lazy person or a bum
But I hate Monday.
Love happy saturday
When you don't need to go to work.

Although Sunday is a holiday,
He pleases the heart, prankster.
But Monday breaks everything -
It makes people work.

I want monday "easy"
And so that it was not very long,
Came and went and again Saturday,
Until Monday - freedom!

Monday ... Monday

Tanya Chernenko

"Monday ... Monday," -
A coffee pot hiss on the table
In a half-asleep kingdom, morning
It comes very difficult:

Sleep does not live, hunt for sleep,
An impudent yawn torments
Laziness stuck like a burdock.
Monday ... Monday.

You need to wake up early
Everyone until Friday welcome
Gaining momentum
From Monday worries.

The world is like an anthill ...
Monday ... Monday ...


Tatiana Lavrova -Volgograd

The very first day of the week
Very difficult to climb.
We barely woke up
We are going to the kindergarten with my mother.
Monday is a hard day
Each of the guys knows.
Let it be Sunday
For seven whole days in a row!


Tatiana Chernenko 2

Somehow sadly the coffee is getting cold
In the air, a pattern is painting with aroma.
Imperceptibly Monday fades away
Going beyond the horizon with the sunset.

Drum roll rain through the puddles
Drives away this day, bum.
A tired groan broke out,
That's it, my Monday is gone.


Tatiana Ruskule

The weekend flew by
Like ringing drops
In the morning I get out of bed
But I want to go back to bed.

I want to enjoy the hunt,
To snooze, to take a nap,
But alas, work again,
So I have to get up.

Monday monday
You don't let me sleep
You are a hard worker, not a bum,
Don't let me on the bed.

The weekend flew by
Like ringing drops
The week begins ...
Where are you a soft bed?

Morning, it's dark, there is a planning meeting in the dining room,
A cup of tea is on the table.
The people are discussing - on TV Vovka
Lying about, sitting in the Kremlin.

The chief appeared loudly at the door.
“Good morning,” he said to the peasants.
Morning is not morning, it's Monday again
It's time for everyone to go to their jobs.

Good deed, since Saturday morning is
If you want - lie down, but if you want - get up.
And on Monday you can't hide from work,
Whether you want it or not, take the outfit.

"Beware of all the current, the current is dangerous" -
Someone from above issued a new order.
"This question, of course, is clear to everyone" -
The chief mechanic spoke a little louder.

We read again about those who warmed up
In the fierce winter on the contact network.
He broke everything - he didn't dress like that,
Of course, they didn't manage to save him.

The brigades got the outfit quickly -
We took shovels and went together,
“Why are you guys so not happy about the snow?
Or maybe you found another job? "

But we won't grumble about work for a long time,
Pay a salary, and that's good
Well, of course we will forget about the snow.
If only summer would come faster.

Monday is not a bum
Monday first day
Our working week
Driving away all laziness.

Monday is the start
On which depends
All our finishing passion
So it's better not to sour friend.

Shake off the weekend
And do something useful
Without any tryn - herbs,
Selflessly and skillfully.
Sergey Prilutsky, Alatyr, 2013

You don’t need poetry for nothing.
Coyness in them, prettiness and pretense.
The eyes would be gentle man's.
His soul would not become a crust of callousness.

And he is looking to the side more and more often.
Those who are younger are more naive.
Now unreasonably cheerful, now angry,
It is sunny, then gloomy, like a ruin.

Your birthday. There is a celebration in the house.
But the mirror will not raise the mood.
And the wine is so tart.
Are the children really copies of it ...

It's not my lot to compose poetry,
But I cannot understand my feelings otherwise.
From your bitter words I turned a little grayer,
A lump in my chest and my heart is crying.

You will surrender to him in fleeting passion,
But you won’t get an affectionate "love" in return,
For pleasure he will ask for a coin bribe,
And I loved without self-interest, but I am no more.

Probably so inscribed by fate,
That you will be my painful wound.
You are merciless and cruel to me
And you fill your soul with filthy bitterness.
Now let's see ...

After all, you need to study poetry,
And do not read all the rhymes.
In the addition of lines, all the lightness of the word
And the carelessness of being!
And I, like a true snake,
I want everyone to start thinking
Not over a stanza, but over that
That in the world of words we are without problems
We quote Socrates wise,
And about Shakespeare without boring
We can talk for hours!
But why can't we be
In a Moment of Life ?!
Apply everything that we love to express
And the statements are read,
Who are venerable for centuries,
We don’t embody it on a weekday ?!
Is it really hard to be in ...

Poems about love
flow through the cracks in souls.
Let them often tell me that they are useless ...
After all, to understand them
you don't need eyes or ears.
They are listened to with the heart.
It does not want to be iron.

In the dark I am looking for a Muse, but only a memory of crumbs
In total moonlessness, a hand can grope.
The avaricious legacy of an era that has sunk into oblivion
Alluring, teasing, caressing from da-lek ...

Vain searches! Where to find inspiration?
I've looked under the bed a thousand times already.
And how, it is not clear, their ...

Verse number two, child of the night and great countries,
Where the great Welles-An beats in the heart,
Where you can't overcome on a moonlit night
Attractions for sweet love
Verse number two pours
Tears, runs out of the chest.
Where the princess of great countries played with her foot,
The young fishing fan desired her very much,
Contemplating the arrangement of fingers, heel,
Marigolds and leg movements.
Lover fetish
Pre-followed by feeling in the chest.
The stars are shining in the sky, the fire is measured in the night,
The sand rustles underfoot, the chest sways and ...

Poems are letters, or sounds.
Poems - soldiers on the parade ground.
Poet's creative torment
akin to a crown of thorns.

Where is your origami,
my task is harder -
trying to describe in verse
friend of the best days.

But where to find the words
and how can I describe in verse
eyes so dear?
Hands with an impatient wave?

I cannot be blamed for hack-work -
I'm ready to give everything for the word.
But what should I do when, in kind,
there are no such words
about the scent of hair and skin,
and a row of curved lashes ...

Cool statuses about monday

P about statistics, 60% of people on Monday think poorly ... Fortunately, I belong to the rest 20%

AND sometimes on Monday morning it is enough to open your eyes to know that you shouldn't.


WITH a part of it is waking up on Monday, grabbing the alarm and realizing that there are still two hours before getting up.


V It is impossible to start a new life on Monday, but on Tuesday it is too late.


V monday want to go to work on tuesday ..


H eat good monday morning? There won't be a second one this week.


D In order to increase the number of happy people on the planet, it is enough to reduce the working day on Monday to 4 hours.


N and what doesn't spoil a Sunday party like a gloomy Monday morning.


Have Monday has one undeniable merit - it ends at midnight.


N and even Monday in the week is inserted so that the person does not lose fear.


WITH tranno turns out! My biological clock accurately detects Friday, but absolutely clears on Monday !?


Have my intuition is so strongly developed that on Mondays I try not to go to work.


P Monday - World Masochists Day.


X A good Monday should start somewhere in the area in the afternoon - late afternoon.


TO When your boss sets you a task in the morning on Monday, it gives off a lot of fumes.


P Hell - Monday morning can be happy! Don't drink on Friday night!

P in fact, Monday happens once every seven days. But it feels like much more often.


D For many people, there are only two days of the week: not yet Friday and already Monday ...


P To be afraid of weekdays - do not look into the calendar.


N some grumble ostentatiously on Mondays. But that's just to hide your hot love to work. Otherwise, they will be suspected of rabid careerism.


L Better good Monday than bad Friday.


V we are all fridayophiles and mondayophobes.


M you can be sure Monday will come for you ...


A on Mondays I like my head to buzz a little: it helps to remember what day of the week it is.


V Sundays are to blame for everything, if there were no Sundays, there would be no Mondays!


P sucker is that Monday, which falls on holidays.


E If the fork falls, then a woman will come. If the knife is a man. And if the mood falls, then Monday will come soon.

P Monday is a convenient excuse to do something ...

P Monday is the egg that will eventually hatch on Saturday. Only he still needs to sit out.

M Many people don't stay on the same job for more than a couple of years - they just run out of good excuses not to go out on Monday.

T Once you meet Monday morning, you begin to realize that the investment in alcohol-containing liquids has not paid any dividends, except for a hangover.

Have trom on Monday you understand why in English Monday is Mandai ...

E If you are upset about Monday, work seven days a week.

R Let's add Monday not sober colors.

E If you're trying to close a square container with a round lid, it's Monday. If it turns out it's Friday ...

TO drank a book -How to make up eyes on Monday morning if they do not open?

D ocha! We are all starting a new life on Monday! I'll quit, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can quit ...

N There's no need to blame the mirror if it's Monday morning.

P LAN for Monday:
1. Wait for Friday.

P Monday ... God's punishment for us for what we did on the weekends ...

P This is why Monday was set at the beginning of the week, in order to knock out at once all the nonsense accumulated over the weekend.

AND Monday again, and we have a special guest in the studio, aspirin ...

P Monday is a day when, instead of a badge, you want to hang up a sign: "Caution, angry dog!"

Have thrombot on Monday, before school, what illnesses only do not worsen.

O I am organizing the collection of signatures for the cancellation of Mondays ...

P Monday is a tough day ... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once ...

C Monday habitat is especially aggressive.

N Is it really possible to start a new life on Monday after my Sundays?

E If Monday had a face, I would kick him in the face.

V Monday at work, everything is not so scary: we just need to stand until the smoke break, and hold out until lunchtime.

N Monday morning was dull.

N There's no need to blame the mirror if it's Monday morning.

B There are such Mondays that you can even pick up the status of a horse-radish for them.

P oh my, mondays at Lately come too often and suddenly.

WITH Monday morning bed has the greatest attraction

D A home phone is only needed to find a mobile in the apartment on Monday morning!

E If after two cold and rainy days it has become warmer and shines bright sun- most likely it was Monday.

R I wanted to somehow start a new life on Monday. I liked it, I got involved imperceptibly. Now, every Monday I start a new life and have never regretted it.

N the arcologist sent me to a psychiatrist after I announced that I would stop drinking not on Monday, but on Friday night ...

P It's easy to grow up on Monday morning, it's hard not to fall asleep again.

WITH The shortest day is Monday, I didn’t have time to wake up, and it’s time to leave work.

P in fact, Monday happens once every seven days. But it feels like much more often.

P Monday - trauma on the background of waiting ...

1/7 part of life is Monday.

G luboko at the bottom of every Monday is a Friday night.

N Happy Monday - nobody loves it!

V That week was Monday.

V Your bed is never as soft as Monday morning.

Have Three Monday began, as always, unexpectedly - after Friday evening.

TO Every Monday I am tormented by the question: did you have a weekend?

P Monday is the day of judgment on which we pay for our sinful weekend.

V from and the long-awaited Monday has come.
Signature. Club "Depression"

X It's good to be a guy that fell out of the closet on Monday morning - then put it on!

Z Golden rule for Monday: "Cover yourself with a blanket and wait it out"

AND why did Nekrasov not write a poem: "Who lives well on Monday morning?"

E The only time retirees feel better than young people is Monday morning.

V I don't want to go to work on Monday in two cases: if I didn't have time to have a good rest over the weekend, and if I had time to have a good rest over the weekend ...

B Scientists from Ritan have found that lying in a warm bed on Monday morning and not going anywhere is awesome.

P Monday is the time to pay the bills presented by the exhausted body.

V All the unexpected happens "one day." Everything expected on Monday.

L The best thing to know when you wake up on Monday morning is that today is Sunday.

E then it looks like I'm not doing anything on Monday, but at the molecular level, believe me, my brain is very busy - it is trying to understand what is happening!

V Syo, from Monday I start a new life ... Updated on Tuesday.

I AM- "fridayofilka" and "mondayofobka".

Have Three Monday ... And whispers: "forget it!"

Deep in the bottom of every Monday night is Friday night.

Monday. 10:00 am. 56 friends on the site. Everyone is working. Well done!

Monday is a tough day ... Especially for office workers. I have to tear off 3 pages of the calendar at once ...

On average, a person needs sleep ... 10 minutes more, and on Monday an hour.

If you have two phones and three SIM cards and you are still not a subscriber, then this is Monday morning.

If, after two cold and rainy days, it has warmed up and the sun is shining, it is most likely Monday.

Cool status about Monday: Every Monday I am tormented by the question: was there a weekend at all?

Monday is the day of judgment on which we pay for our sinful weekend.

There are such Mondays that you can even pick up the status of a horse-radish for them.

Mondays come too often and suddenly lately.

Daughter! We are all starting a new life on Monday! I will quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? - And I? And I can quit school ...

The sociologist's first rule is never to do a survey. public opinion Monday morning.

Nothing can finish a man off like Monday.

Every Monday starts all over again - it picked up, carried away, and shook it for a week)

In order to increase the number of happy people on the planet, it is enough to reduce the working day on Monday to 4 hours.

Do not powder my brains, today is Monday without you!

Cool status about Monday: On Monday it is better to come to work on Tuesday.

Monday is a hard day. On other working days, you have to read jokes only for the previous day, and only on Mondays - for the entire weekend.

Two strangers make an appointment: - I propose to meet at the Park Kultury metro station at 8 am on Monday. How will you look like? - Badly…

As soon as I finally plunge into the atmosphere of a fun weekend, the alarm, bastard, reminds me that it's already Monday!

And it's Monday again, and we have a special guest in the studio, aspirin ...

Leaving on Friday night - you never know which Monday you will return home ...

If on Monday morning evil people who have not had enough sleep are coming towards you, and you are relatively fresh and very happy with life, then your night shift is finally over!

If I say that Monday can be very easy and positive, are there those who will believe? And probably those who will laugh! =)

Every Sunday I gorge myself on the night, thinking I’ll go on a diet on Monday.

Cool status about Monday: Monday morning, in front of school, what diseases just don't get worse ..,

On Monday, I don't want to go to work in two cases: if I didn't have time to have a good rest over the weekend, and if I had time to have a good rest over the weekend ...

Even on Monday, it is sometimes pleasant to get up and go to work ... If this Monday the salary is given, which has been delayed for three months ...

If you dream on the night from Sunday to Monday that the alarm clock is ringing, then know that this is a prophetic dream ...

The greatest attraction is the Monday morning bed.

Saturday comes so fast .. Sunday flies by so fast .. Monday comes. The rest of the days do not pass noticeably. So I live from day to day ...