
Cool statuses about son. Statuses about love for a husband Statuses about love for a child and husband


  • The surest way to prove to a man that he is the best is to give birth to his copy, a son.
  • The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother. (Theodor Hesberg)
  • I look at my child and fall in love with his father again and again.
  • What a delightful feeling it is to watch two of your most beloved men communicate - a son and a husband.
  • The mission of a real man is to build a house, plant a tree, raise a son and fulfill all the other whims of his beloved wife!
    • A girl will be truly happy when she has two happiness: one will say - "Beloved", and the second - "Mom".
    • There are no more desirable phrases in life: A true friend, Beloved husband, Smart son, Healthy mother ...
    • Yes Yes. He is the only one and the best. The most-most you will have a husband, dear. And the only one is a son.
    • The only man whose love a husband will forgive his wife is their son.
    • A mother-in-law is the mother of an ideal son who is terribly unlucky with his wife!
  • Short statuses about son and husband- Which good son- though the child of her husband.
  • I will give my loyalty to my husband, love to my son, beauty to my daughter, and respect to our parents.
  • I want my children to bear your last name and patronymic ...
  • It's easier for a man, of course. He, as you know, has to do three things: plant a tree, build a house and raise a son. And it doesn’t matter to him at all who then brings up his son all his life, waters the tree and cleans this house ...
  • A child should be proud. Wife - dignity. The husband is the support. Friends are faithful. Money is redundant. Health is strong. And life is wonderful.
  • In a happy family, there are only delusions. The wife thinks that the money is taken from the bedside table. Husband is like food from the refrigerator. Children - that they were found in cabbage.
  • Best new Year gifts you will never find under the tree. These are children, family, friends and the one you love.
  • “He is all in our father” - in nine cases out of ten this is criticism, not praise.
  • Father eats candy in front of his son. Wife: “What, dad eats candy and doesn’t give it?”. Husband: “Mom doesn’t give, but dad doesn’t share!”
  • A beloved man appeared in my life, and my lawful husband is simply crazy about him.
  • I will name my son after you, even if we are never together.
  • A wife leaves a note for her husband: “Take your son from kindergarten! P.S. He will recognize you!"
  • More expensive than a son and a husband for a woman should be no one and nothing.
  • What a joy to be a mother! Hold your son's hand! And put him to sleep at night, hugging him a little! How nice to be a wife! And feel cared for! When the husband hugs, he whispers that it’s better not, dearer. If you want to stop the moment, hold it tighter!
  • - Dad, where do babies come from? “Ah, son, if only I had known that then!”
  • When asked about success at school, the son replied that he did not talk to the father of a loser!
  • beautiful statuses about son and husband- Probably, this is happiness - when in your life there is a big and a small one ...
  • The son is growing, the husband is getting old - I am the only beauty!
  • Dads are different ... And when the days pass, Their sons grow up Point to point, like them.
  • A lonely woman is a danger, first of all, to herself, therefore, a man must protect her all her life: first the father, then the husband, and then the son.
  • The mission of a real man is to build a house, plant a tree, raise a son and fulfill all the other whims of his beloved wife!

    Well, of course ... He is the only one and inimitable. So, my dear, only a child you will have ...

    I want a sweetheart - a daughter. To make her the most beautiful in the whole world! I will dress her up like a doll and pamper her! But first I will give birth to a son so that there is someone to protect her.

    There are no more desirable phrases in life: True friend, Beloved husband, Smart son, Healthy mother ...

    Best Status:
    - Son, my mother and I want to please you. In the spring you will have a brother! “Damn it, that idiot is getting out of prison early again!”

    My neighbors who make eternal repairs in the apartment, be afraid! I bought an electric guitar and I'm ready to fight with your electric drill!

    Son: Mom, I'm bored. Mom: Bored?! Get down to class! Son: Damn, why only said!

    The prisoner reads the news from the outside. - What do they write? – the cellmate is interested. -Yes, the wife writes, the son is left for the second year ... Lived ... Disgraced the family!

    Every married man has a secret dream, to hear from his wife one day this: “Darling, give me a blow in the head, otherwise I'll f*ck anything!

    Son, understand one simple truth: the stomach does not grow FROM beer, but specially UNDER beer!

    Dad, how do you understand the phrase "brain drain"? - Son, well, if on your example, then this is snot ...

    The father comes home, and there the son has fun with the girls. Father indignantly: - Why should I look at this disgrace again?! I want to participate.

    Mom - to the son of a schoolboy: - What do you think, if you drank vodka with beer - I don’t know that you smoked?

    Fashion, unlike a rat, never squeaks for the last time.

    Dad, why did they choose a bear as the symbol of United Russia? - Son, this is in honor of the Russian folk tale"Teremok"...

    So that the wife does not turn into a saw, the husband should not become a log ...

    - Son! We all start on Monday new life! I will quit losing weight, dad will quit smoking. And you? - I can drop out of school!

    Yes Yes. He is the only one and the most - the most. The most - the most you will have a husband, dear. And the only son

    In the name of the processor - the father, the monitor - the son and the holy vinc ... Enter!

    Who teaches your son to say such nasty things?! - Yes, bl, x ** knows him ...

    Son, for our beer, we selected the best grains. We always select the very best. Customs of the Russian Federation.

    “Son, were you watching a horror movie in your room yesterday?” - Yes! - Go clean up after yourself! 🙂

    Prodigal sons return with prodigal wives.

    All the guys in the club were dancing on pills. And only the son of Gennady Petrovich Malakhov under a decoction of wolf berries and coltsfoot

    “He is all in our father” - in nine cases out of ten this is criticism, not praise.

    Your son absolutely does not know Pushkin! Dear parents! Please introduce!

    The mother asks her son: “Do you know any other way to prepare for exams besides prayer?!”

    That is why the hair on the head falls out without problems, but on the legs it is necessary to do epilation? Not fair!

    Discipline your son daily. If you don't know why, he knows.

    “If a man treats you like a dog, put your foot up and piss on him” (c) Courtney Love

    Buy two dresses from new collection and get it from your husband in Lobeshnik!)

    In the family of killers: - Son, why are you not at school? - And today we will not have physics, there will never be physics now!

    January. Parents call on the phone: - Son, how New Year met? Son, with a hangover: - But I have not met him! He's here! :D

    Only my husband will have the best wife :-)

    In a happy family, the wife thinks the money comes from the nightstand, the husband thinks the food comes from the refrigerator, and the children think they found it in the cabbage.

    Son, do you love mom and me? Do you love mom and me? Speak! Answer the bastard when adults ask you. (c)

    Dad, what's a "brain"? - In your case, son, it's snot ..

    The father loves his son, and the son loves his son.

    Girl, can I have cottage cheese, toffee, these sweets, and lollipop. - Are you taking your son? - Oh, yes ... I forgot about my son! Two packs of Marlboro...

    And yesterday Katya's son was born. The whole hostel came up with a name. Tomorrow we will come up with a patronymic.

    There is nothing better in life than: A true friend, Beloved man, Smart son, Healthy mother… =))

    I will name my son Vkontakty, and my daughter Aska

    I'm waking up my son to school... - Have you done your homework? - Not! - And then what are you sleeping!? - The less you know the better you sleep.

    At the buffet. Wife: "Darling, don't you think it's embarrassing that you've been running around with a plate for food for the fifth time already?!" Husband: "Nope, I said it was for you!"

    Damn, a couple more days without an Internet and I will become the master of the scarf!

    Spring has come ... my husband began to walk! Every day in bars, taverns, restaurants... He is looking for me! =)

    When the husband unexpectedly returned from a business trip, this is still nothing, but when the director ...

    Forgive me, mother, married son

    WWII - This is a terrible war, son! And not that * yya that you play!

    Hair on the stomach is a path to hell ... =))

    Every mother hopes that her daughter will be happier in marriage than herself, but no mother hopes that her son will marry more successfully than his father.

    A 16-year-old boy comes home on January 1st. Mother: - Well, how did you celebrate, son? Son: - As always, they got drunk, then they fucked. Mother: Were there girls?

    The wife approaches her husband, who is sitting at the computer: -Let me play. - Have a conscience, dear, take an example from me. Have I ever taken a rag from you? Asked when you wash the floors?

    The mother-in-law is the mother of an ideal son who is terribly unlucky with his wife!!! 5

    The mother had three sons. Two are smart, and the third is ... an athlete.

    I want my children to bear your last name and patronymic ...

    “If we ask deep enough questions, there comes a point when the answers, if they can be given, kill” J. Fowles

    Husband to wife: - Nuuu, mother, and you have grown fat! - Look at yourself, look at what a tummy you have grown! - This is not a tummy, but the Hill of Glory! “Yeah, and below him is the Fallen Warrior?”

    On the weekend I cooked delicious meals, cleaned the whole apartment, ironed a huge pile of laundry, and in the evenings I pleased my husband for two days the Internet did not work

    Ready for everything? So take out the trash!

    don’t go girls to get married - it’s not fun to be married, then you didn’t wash your panties, then you didn’t hang it up like that

    “My mother is a woman,” the son of Sergei Zverev reassured himself

    Why does a father love his son more than his father's son? Because the son is his creation. All are supportive of what they themselves have created.

    Caring mother forbids her son to walk with bad company. The kid has not seen his father and brother for 3 years.

    Son, tell me honestly, do you smoke weed? - Dad ... I'm a daughter)

    So that the husband does not turn away to the wall, the resourceful wife puts the mother-in-law there!

    - Son, where is the girl with whom you used to be friends? - And she left and will not come again, although she loves me! - What about you? - And I'm fucked up, mom, fucked up!

    I was standing yesterday in the park, a mother and son, a small 5 years old, are passing by. This mother hit the cars with this bag and they fell, the son for the whole manazin “Come on, break everything here!”

    Sons leave the parental home one by one, and usually return two by two.

    In blue leggings and a red scarf, I fly away to a fairy tale picture, where flamingos fly to the beach) ...

    The little son came to his father. And the little one said: - the weekend is good! Monday bad!

    Mom comes home and sees: her son is sitting in front of an open refrigerator and eating frozen dumplings. - Son, you should at least boil them! Son with fright: - Who got stoned?!

    I would call my son in the future by your name, even if we are not together .. But sorry, the name Anton is no longer relevant =)))

    The son of the professor's father beats the father of the professor's son. The professor does not participate in the fight. Question: who hits what?

    just crazy about you my angel, I want a son and two daughters from you =**

    the workflow flows evenly))) ... in one window a kerchief in another contact)))

    Sons understand fathers when they become grandfathers.

    If the husband says, “I know for sure that this road is the shortest,” then the wife already knows for sure that she needs to prepare for an extremely long journey.

    - Dad, tell a story ... - Well, listen, son. Tomorrow I will come home early, sober, I will buy flowers for my mother, a bicycle for you ...

    I open the refrigerator: “There is nothing there: no fat, no meat, no sausage.”

    Every man dreams of a son, but they still love us daughters more))

    Husband with a car-nonsense!!! Husband in the kitchen - YES!!!

    We got up with a crumpled bed, from the folds of the strip on the body

    Teacher: Your son is weak in geography! Parent: It doesn't matter. You won't get far with our income.

    A guy is not a husband, you can change! A husband is not a mother, you can change.

    I will kneel before only one person, it will be my son, and then only in order to button his jacket ... (c)

    I will name my son Vkontakty, and my daughter Aska)))

    My drilling and chiselling neighbors were pretty sure they wouldn't be punished by God until I bought my son an electric guitar.

    Even if we are never son will be named after you.

    Phrases like: “Let's see how our son studies” or “now I'll show you our family album” save a lot on both drinks and snacks!

    And the king father divided the wealth between his three sons ... Go nuts!, - said the daughter

    Mom, I'm already 16 years old. May I wear a bra? - No, son!

    I will sell my husband, in good condition - 24 rubles. (two eggs for 7 rubles and a pipette for 10).

    The schoolboy found a million dollars and handed over the find to the police. The sobbing mother claimed to be proud of her son.

    The man is alone, and there is no other; he has neither son nor brother; and all his labors have no end, and his eye is not satisfied with wealth

    If the husband says, “I know for sure that this road is the shortest,” then the wife already knows for sure that she needs to prepare for an extremely long journey.

    Krolme + and - a question mark is very necessary here. Some statuses: do not sew a sleeve to “what” ...

    Think mascara ran! Superman generally wore shorts over leggings, and nothing, everyone loved him anyway.

    I also help my wife with the cleaning of the house - when she vacuums, I lift my legs.

    - Honey, wash the dishes ... - And the magic word? - Fast

    Never, ever ask questions that you are not ready to receive answers to.

    Young man, you promised to bring my daughter home at ten: it's three in the morning and the daughter is not mine.

    The inscription in the store “Count the money without leaving the cash register, if you didn’t count, consider that you have moved away.”

    It doesn't matter what I like, we'll take what you like anyway.

    I went to the store, I forgot to turn off ICQ. Watch out, my husband might be sitting here right now. Kittens, do not write yet!

    My father had three sons: Two smart ones, the third went to the army.

    Scientists have found that horses read statuses without taking their hands off the mouse... P.S. Just don't take your hand off the mouse now.

    Son, did you smoke? - No, you stood where you smoked. - Well, I see you also sat where you drank, and lay where you had sex ...

    If a man is ready to do anything for a woman, then this woman is his wife. If a woman is ready to do anything for a man, then this man is her son.

    Sometimes my husband shakes from me - all the same, I'm an amazing woman !!!

    How are things at school, son? - I don’t talk to the father of a loser!

    Husband left for football - I swallow validol

    dad eats candy, spins around little son. wife: - what, daddy does not give candy? husband (melancholy): - Mom does not give! Dad doesn't share.

    Forgive me, mother, married son.

    They were so poor that the father gave his son a sleeping pill instead of dinner ...

    Always hope for the best! Even if the mother-in-law is already in the hallway.

    today at work PPC ... such a tension ... then the scarf converges, then it doesn’t ..

    "Where have you been?" Husband replies: “At a bar with friends, stayed at a friend’s house” Wife calls 10 best friends: at 6 people he spent the night, at 4 he is still sleeping ...

    So what does it mean to have a family?

    1. My husband is not perfect at all, we have a lot of quarrels. But I will not allow anyone to throw mud at him in front of me!
    2. I won't say that family life is sugar. But I can’t imagine how I would live without each of my harmful things.
    3. I love my family for loud holidays, noisy evenings and constant fuss.
    4. They say having two kids is tough. No, it's not true, it's very difficult.
    5. Women, Appreciate good husbands: Finding them is not so easy.
    6. The birth of a child is not the most difficult thing, it is much more difficult to raise a worthy person.
    7. Yes, sometimes it is very difficult for me, but I can’t imagine how it is to return to an empty apartment.
    8. The most important thing in a dispute with your husband is to plausibly describe where the money went.
    9. Watch out for the words that you say in passing: they can hurt a child for life.

    Family as God's gift

    Real women always strive for a family, even if they are afraid of divorce and lack of money. It is for them that statuses about a husband and a child were created.

    1. This is how it happens: the princes you dream of when you are young become alcoholics. And those who chose the gray quiet ones ended up in chocolate itself.
    2. Only over the years can one understand the phrase "to give birth to a child for oneself."
    3. As sad as it may sound real love does not depend on passion.
    4. A child is not only endless worries. This is a clear proof that you do not live in vain.
    5. A good husband is a luxury, and almost anyone can afford a child.
    6. Over the years, children grow old, and a husband is a person who, ideally, should stay with you until the end of your days.
    7. What a joy it is to wake up every day at the same time with two beloved men - a husband and a son.
    8. Imagine anyone ever hearing that their parents met on Vkontakte.
    9. I am one of those who more painfully perceives the insults of relatives than others. This is both good and bad at the same time.
    10. It is possible to live without love, but only in two cases. Either it won't last long, or you don't have a heart at all.

    The key to a happy family

    In the life of a happy family, there is simply no place for tension and resentment. Humor is a pledge best statuses about men and children.

    1. My husband loves to sleep and play so much that I will soon take him to the garden with my son.
    2. A stupid woman asks for money for shoes, but a smart woman simply does not say how much they really cost.
    3. The husband is the mirror of the wife and vice versa. Keep this in mind when one of them complains.
    4. Irina was so mysterious that she taught the child the multiplication table with hints.
    5. If a man and a woman love each other, they should not compete. They must marry.
    6. A good wife cooks, does laundry, cleans. A good husband hires her a housekeeper. Vicious circle some.
    7. In life modern woman it often happens that she gives birth to one child, and for some reason brings up two. One is small, and the second is sometimes even older than herself.
    8. After betrayal, you need to behave with dignity: the main thing is not to leave evidence.

    Family is a permanent job

    Comfort and happiness in the family must be achieved. Happy are those people who do it unconsciously. Consider the great quotes in statuses about children and beloved husband.

    1. Don't let habit ruin your life. Honore de Balzac
    2. When planning a family, remember that love will surely pass. Grigory Belinsky
    3. All the best qualities that you and your spouse have, it is desirable to instill in the child. Honore de Balzac
    4. A marriage based on friendship produces, so to speak, improved children. Alexander Herzen
    5. The less you talk about the details of your family life, the stronger it is. Grigory Belinsky
    6. The mistake of young wives marrying old husbands is that they are sure. We are sure that the spouse does not understand their true intentions. Carlo Goldini
    7. The child must observe equality in family life, otherwise he is unlikely to become a healthy member of society. Alexander Herzen
    8. A child will respect his parents only when they respect their own. Victor Hugo

    Family life is far from a fairy tale

    Probably everyone has heard the phrase that starting a family and giving birth to a child is not so difficult. Much more difficult to do everything else. Beautiful statuses about husband and children are just for those who adhere to this principle.

    1. The baby is always the cutest. Well, if the husband is the same.
    2. My daughter and husband say that in anger I am not as defenseless as I seem at first glance.
    3. The fading of beauty cannot be avoided, but the absence of loneliness can be taken care of.
    4. You should not sacrifice something for the sake of the child: it is important for him that you are happy. Andrian Decourcelle
    5. There are flaws in both marriage and singleness. But where there are fewer of them is up to each person to decide.
    6. Children are the flowers of life. But before I did not notice that the plants are so noisy.
    7. You need to quarrel quickly and to the point. There is nothing to delay, be offended and always keep silent about something.
    8. Watching your kids make friends is divine. Well, it's almost impossible.

    Good luck to everyone in your personal life!

    This is where Statuses about husband and son are collected, so let's start our list with - Done in a hurry is rarely done well. Socrates

    Everything can ease time, but not my sadness. Publius Ovid Nason

    You dearly, my friend, will pay for the mistake, Mistaking the grin of the fangs of a lion for a smile. Muhammad Azzahiri al-Samarkandi

    If the birth rate rises sharply, then something is behind it.

    The reason for the delusion of sentient beings is that they think that the false can be discarded and the truth can be realized. But when one comprehends oneself, the false becomes true, and there is no other truth to be comprehended after that. Sacred Book of the Werewolf by Viktor Pelevin

    You don’t have to leave the girl alone so that later there are no questions: where was she, with whom was she, what did she do and what did she do it ...

    We do not believe a liar even when he tells the truth. Cicero

    A historical act is completed not only when it has taken place, but only after it becomes the property of posterity. Zweig S.

    Women are amazing creatures, they want to please even those they don't like.

    How much can you say about what a person should be?! It's time to become one! Marcus Aurelius

    Let's celebrate our successes with a moment of silence. Mikhail Mamchich

    Philosophical logic is the art of telling lies. Scientific logic is the art of stating the obvious. Women's logic The art of telling obvious lies.

    You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same mindset and the same approach that led you to the problem. Albert Einstein

    Anger does not need artful decoration. Demetrius

    The speed of sound is a rather strange thing. Your parents say something to you at the age of twenty, and it only comes to forty.

    Sometimes I am convinced that stupidity has the shape of a triangle and that eight times eight is madness or a dog.

    Modesty and conscientiousness are rewarded only in novels. In life, such qualities, while someone needs them, are used to the end, and then they simply spit on them. Three comrades by Remarque

    There is nothing original in me. I am the combined effort of all those I once knew

    If in judgments to trust more eyes than to reason, we would be far behind the eagle in wisdom. Lucius Apuleius

    Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.

    Silence is the gloss of fools and the cunning of the sage. Pope A.

    Starting a new life, do not forget to forget about the past

    Exchanging kisses in front of the camera means no more than exchanging looks on the street. Jeanne Moreau

    Only happiness is the measure and verification of love. Belinsky V. G.

    Love is the only thing worth living for. Frederic Begbeder "Love Lives for Three Years"

    You are no longer my god

    I study and work. I combine the unpleasant with the useless.

    The main thing is that they are waiting for you at home, and not waiting

    Whoever is going to hurt someone is already doing it. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (junior)

    I want to warn you that there is only one mistake you can make. You can begin to interpret what is happening. If you start doing this, everything is lost. You will fall into an intellectual, Freudian game. You will start to catalog the most interesting insights into an intellectual box, and, rest assured, nothing real will happen. Fritz Perls

    Every man eventually chooses the girl who believes in him more than he does.

    Each person has a choice, either you want to be someone, or you want to become someone. Wolfgang Goethe

    “Your love is too heavy. - Too heavy? Love is either there or it isn't. Easy love is not love at all. Toni Morrison "Beloved"

    There are only two forms of life: rotting and burning. Gorky M.

    Tension and effort can be fun.

    The wisest person is the one who is most annoyed by wasting time. Dante A.

    How much tedious work is prepared for us by the meager mind of the authorities ...

    Lost love does not return. Frederic Beigbeder "French Romance"

    When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you will know who the friends are.

    You know him? I know him so well that I haven't spoken to him in ten years.

    Religions, like chameleons, take on the color of the soil on which they live. France A.

    I wiped the windshield in the car and accidentally squeezed it out! What to do?! How to go?! Suggest some hairspray to keep the hairstyle!

    The fewer words you say, the sooner you get the job done. Scott W.

    I used to be fat until my friends talked me into surgery. Now I'm fat!

    No need to try to ruin my life!… I always do everything myself…

    You need to learn to distinguish between those people who sincerely want to be around, from those who are looking for their personal benefit in you.

    It is better to buy a good company for a fair price than an honest company for good price. Warren Buffett

    Work hard to enjoy. Jean Jacques Rousseau

    A wise man is happy with a little, but a fool is not enough; that is why almost all people are unhappy. La Rochefoucauld

    Misfortune is an opportune time for virtue. Seneca

    I live in constant fear of being misunderstood.

    The best way to recognize and destroy an enemy is to become his friend. Paulo Coelho

    The chips in the bag are a strange object, there is a lot of air, but there are no chips in it

    It is necessary to allow yourself not all pleasures, only those in which there is nothing bad. Epictetus

    Any bird is a kind of woodpecker.

    All your life you try to become God, and then you die...

    And the last conclusion in this collection Statuses about husband and son - Do not stand anywhere - it will hit again!

    Look for the happiness of being, as well as positive advice. And let your family please you, and let your children inspire you.

    A man must feed and protect his family. If this is not enough for a woman, let her turn to a goldfish.

    Sometimes we forget that home and family are more important than any business.

    You are only mine, and I am yours - we have a wonderful family !!!

    God gave us gifts, this is our husband, family and children, we love them all our lives alone, wonderful, sweet and dear.

    Neither an interesting job, nor good children, nor a beloved wife will replace you with a good rest from them.

    When controlling children, one must learn and trust them.

    Family will never betray you, never humiliate you. Family is the only people who will never laugh at your weaknesses. Family is the only place where you will always find love and respect.

    Children are wonderful because they don't care about your opinion.

    Our most important wealth is not money and power ... but a strong happy family ... with charming smiles ... beautiful kids !!!

    In order for peace and love to reign in the family, you have to get up earlier than everyone else in the morning ... well, you know.

    In family life, you need to be able to seem to be “oh, what a fool”, so as not to remain “oh, what a fool”

    A woman gives birth to the first child for herself, the second - for a good dad ...

    Today, tolerating each other is considered normal family life.

    When children stop asking questions, parents begin to do so.

    A good family life makes you stronger.

    Real family happiness is when there are at least three of you.

    Family life is already good because there is always someone else to blame for family troubles ...

    My joy is children, my joy is my husband, the rest of the world shines, next to them fade already!

    A quarrel is a quarrel, but the husband needs to be fed according to the schedule !!!)))

    It's not about how much time you spend with your kids, it's about how much love and attention you give them while you're together.

    What is real marital love? It is hard work, patience and loyalty.

    In that family, they shut each other up, where, in fact, there is nothing to talk about.

    Mom can replace everyone, but no one can replace mom!

    Over time, you realize that there is nothing dearer than parents and children. The brook of life turns into a river, separating them along different banks ...

    To look at yourself from the outside, pay attention to the behavior of the child. And then all good and bad are immediately evident!

    I got myself a cat ... Now this muzzle has more photos than me!

    All parents in their lives have one, the same and incurable disease until the end of their days - this is their heartache for the health and happiness of their children, no matter what age their children are.

    In the family, everyone should stand up for each other, otherwise trouble will knock on the door.

    You return from work in the evening, and children's laughter meets you, scattered toys ... your husband's socks are welcomed from different angles ... Here it is, HAPPINESS, when EVERYTHING IS HOME!

    Family life is a complicated thing. And making a marriage happy is a whole art.

    The union concluded in heaven descends to earth, and the main thing here is not to trample it into the mud.

    A family is not born, it is made.

    Do not rush to put an end to family relationships… But if it is still set, remember that any dot, if desired, easily turns into a comma.

    Pamper the children, gentlemen! Nobody knows what the future holds for them.

    Do not overdo it by protecting children from life's problems. Children must gain life experience so that later they can survive and succeed.

    The most valuable gift from God is a smiling child in the house!!!

    Don't take on too much. By doing so, you make your loved ones helpless!

    To live means always to love, it cannot be otherwise in life. Husband, Mother, father or children, we love everyone and cannot live without them.

    Family life is an attempt to have two selves under one blanket.

    They say it's easy to be a good mom when you're around good dad… HA It's easy to be a good mom when there's an AWESOME grandma around!!!

    Woman as a guardian hearth, has every right to break firewood so that the hearth burns and the man is not bored)))

    Of all the diversity of life, we, pretty darting, still choose the simplest - FAMILY.

    The strength of the family, like the strength of the army, is in loyalty to each other.

    When a child is born in a family… the apartment gradually turns into a toy store!

    Children need to be brought up in an atmosphere parental love, and not during enemy showdowns.

    Happy, joyful life! Keep the family! Holy bonds! Love each other and children!

    If sorrows are divided in half, joys are doubled.

    It’s good for one ... but with a strong ... created in love ... young and happy family… it is better!!!

    If it breaks, then it’s not a family, but if it’s a family, then you still won’t break it.

    Children and parents - one field of berries, yes in different time grown.

    A family is a place where, as in a children's game, by saying: "Church, I'm in the house," you can hide from the worst troubles and problems. Where you are loved for who you are and not for something, but simply LOVE ...

    In addition to principles, almost everyone has a wife and children ...

    First we lead the children by the hand, so that later they lead us by the nose.

    HAPPINESS is when your children are EVERYTHING WELL ... And your HEART does not hurt for them !!!

    Parents, do not offend children! Do not use force on babies! Do not scold for pranks and tricks, because children are happiness, given by God to you!

    I love my family madly, mom, dad, brothers, granny, aunt, uncle and sister, I don’t understand at all how such a wonderful family got such rubbish like me)

    Beautiful statuses about family and children