
Early attachment to the breast with Rh conflict. Rhesus conflict during feeding. Immunoglobulins and immunity of the newborn



The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

2. Blood transfusion. Even if the donor's blood matches the group and Rh, antibodies may already be present in it. Therefore, it is better to beware of blood transfusions or to warn the doctor if they have ever been.

3. Abortion. Any pregnancy increases the amount of antibodies in a woman's blood. Therefore, the more abortions in the past, the higher the risk of Rhesus conflict.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

I have a third baby. Rhesus conflict, delivery at 33 weeks by caesarean, some doctors allow the baby to be fed, others categorically forbid it, they said you can start feeding at 2 months, 1.5 months have passed and I really hope that the tests will allow us all the same to start eating breast milk. There is not much. So it all depends on patience and the desire to feed.

The second child with severe HDN, I pumped into the sink for two weeks, every three hours, I really wanted to feed in the future. Doctors did not believe much that the child after the bottle would try to eat mother's milk, but we were lucky! He took the breast without any objection))

It is very difficult to keep lactation for two weeks if you do not feed the baby. I knew one girl who did not want to feed herself, but wanted to express and give from a bottle. So she survived only a week and then the child was transferred to the mixture. Tired of her messing with these pumping. After all, it’s a pity to pour out this milk later. But no one can. It contains harmful antibodies. It is necessary to pump every two hours completely, so that the milk will then be enough for the child when he can already be. But after all and then, too, can ban. Then it turns out that everything is in vain. Many people just go straight to the mixture.

    Torch 03/15/2009 at 23:48:43

    Rhesus conflict with HB

    Please advise. I am expecting my second child at 9 months. Antibodies were found in the blood, the gynecologist motivates that the child will be with a negative Rh. I have 1 group positive, my husband has 2 positive, the first child turned out to be 2 group negative Rh. I recently learned that Rh conflict requires a special approach to breastfeeding. The first child was breastfed for only 2 months, constant cheesy regurgitation, stools - all the colors of the rainbow and anxiety. Feeding had to be stopped - because of the treatment prescribed by the gynecologist. And the child at that time had a bilirubin level of 250. We were admitted to the hospital with jaundice, but the reason was not explained either in the maternity hospital or in the nursery. Now the child is almost 2 years old, often there is white stool and skin red spots on the legs (like an allergy). Is this the result of a Rh conflict in my milk? What should be feared at the birth of a second child with a negative Rh? How to feed a child? Should I be vaccinated for hepatitis on the second day?

    • JULIA_29 03/16/2009 at 17:51:01

      what are the titers in the blood?

      I had 1:8 maximum and the child was born with my group and Rh, although there were hemolysins throughout the pregnancy. so it's not a fact
      second, do not do hepatitis either in the hospital or later. it is poorly tolerated by children and immunity is up to 5 years in total.
      we didn't have jaundice, mmmm

      A drop of nicotine kills a horse, and a cup of coffee kills a keyboard.

      Bunny Zhenya (10/19/2005)

      • Torch 03/17/2009 at 22:24:52

        Rhesus conflict with HB

        Thank you very much for your reply! It all comes down to the fact that the hepatitis vaccine aggravated the level of bilirubin during the first birth, but no one asked me whether I want to give it to the child or not, do doctors have the right to do this? Especially knowing that the child has a negative Rh and it can be dangerous? Maybe you need to write a refusal in advance?

        • Bathsheba 03/18/2009 at 11:06:20

          what is rhesus

          and vaccination? Let the child have any Rh.
          now the child is not removed from the guard until a situation requiring a replacement blood transfusion

          The Lord heals the sick, and the doctor receives the fee for this
          There are two infinite things - the Universe and human stupidity. However, I'm not sure about the universe.
          (c) A. Einstein
          \\\"Communication with people seduces to introspection\\\" F. Kafka

    • ksyunya 03/18/2009 at 21:48:16

      Maybe there is an AB0 conflict going on?

      I had it. Handed over all beemennost a blood on hemolysins. At 34 weeks, the indicators were overestimated, the LC was sent to the hospital, but the doctor who was supposed to take delivery said that at the end of pregnancy, the titers are always higher. The daughter did not have jaundice, although it was assumed that it could be. No one dissuaded from the GV, did not insist on the abolition of the GV. I am still feeding. If there was, then GW is not canceled now

      Tylpashka 03/18/2009 at 19:55:26

      Well, first of all, don't be nervous.

      secondly, read here, maybe you will find answers to questions
      And thirdly - you need to take care of the child, if the stool is whitish, red spots are clearly problems with the liver, and in general you need to check the entire gastrointestinal tract.

      Lady 03/18/2009 at 17:37:50

      you find out

      what kind of antibodies were found in your blood. If you are Rh positive, what are Rh antibodies? To your own Rh factor or what? :) It doesn't happen.
      It seems that you misunderstood the doctor, you have antibodies to something else.

      Reem 03/16/2009 at 01:46:28 PM

      not a doctor, but I can write about myself

      I have 1+, my donka has 3-
      It was born from Zhovtushkoy itself through a difference in Rhesus, but vygodovuvati - allowed.
      Alone, even in the canopy booth once (on a night) they “enlightened” with a lamp, after which the raven of the white ruby ​​was lowered, that shkira became commemoratively rosy.
      through the zhovtushka, the splintering of hepatitis did not break into the canopy booth

      vigodovala until the rock and 11 months
      skhilnіst to allergic manifestations є (it looks like too much tsukra and citrus fruits), but I don’t pov "yazuyu іz a) the onset of allergies in її dad and b) the type of shkіri - there’s a girl bіlyava і blue-eye, that’s for the least teasing, for example, I’m crying , the skin is already beginning to redden, if you want to know the reddening is so very fast.

      The raju should consult with the doctors themselves, as they take care of their meals. Possibly, they didn’t tell me everything at the right time

      A person may have the right not to work anything, but to live tsіkavіshe їy i will not become (c) Harold

      wait a little (div. regu) ^___^

      • Torch 03/17/2009 at 22:51:12

        Rhesus conflict with HB

        Yes, the cause of allergies lies in the condition of the intestines, liver and gene. And as soon as I was banned from breastfeeding, I started picking up formulas, this went on for a long time. We tried everything, in the end - the ends settled on goat's milk. But yesterday, tests for dysbacteriosis came and they found coli, which for a long time could be either in a sleeping state, or in an active state. The intestines do not have normal immunity. This is the result due to the ordinary negligence of doctors and weaning at 2 months from the breast. Hepatitis shot raised bilirubin levels to Rh negative. The liver suffered, which after 1.5 years makes itself felt. (white stools, restlessness at night, poor appetite) Now I will breastfeed anyway, and I will refuse the vaccine. Lord, you can become a pediatrician while you give birth and raise 2 children. Is it necessary to always be on the alert?

In the presence of a Rh conflict, doctors often prohibit breastfeeding and advise the mother to feed the child with milk mixtures. The reason is the circulation of antibodies in the blood and milk, which, when they enter the child's body, increase the manifestations of the Rh conflict.

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Last consultation

Xenia asks:

Hello! Tell me please, I have 2 negative blood group and my daughter has 2 positive, can this cause problems with the child's stool with GV?

Lily asks:

Good afternoon!
I have a negative Rh, the first daughter was brought for feeding two days after the birth, but she still developed jaundice (she is now 7 years old). Could this have been avoided?
I am now expecting my second child and would like to avoid mistakes as much as possible.
Thank you in advance.

Responsible Yakubchik Natalia Nikolaevna:

Greetings, Lily!
Of course, there is not enough information. Newborn jaundice can be both physiological and pathological (hemolytic disease of the newborn) ... On what day of life did jaundice appear? What was your daughter's choice? What is the Rh factor of the father of the children? Were you injected with anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin after the first birth?
If you are registered in a antenatal clinic, then your doctor monitors the presence of anti-Rh antibodies in your blood. All issues are resolved as they are received. There is a method of prophylactic administration of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin during pregnancy, in the absence of antibodies to the Rh factor. But this is decided individually with a specialist.
Relatively breastfeeding, I can say that early application is recommended, frequent feedings on demand, incl. and night. If therapy is needed, it is done while breastfeeding. (World Health Organization) "The best treatment/prevention of jaundice is early and very frequent feedings. Colostrum or "early milk" for the first few days acts as a major laxative, and helps the baby clear his meconium ( stool) faster. Bilirubin that is converted in the liver is excreted in meconium. If the child's meconium is not passed quickly, bilirubin from the intestines can re-enter the bloodstream, increasing levels of jaundice. Thus, it is in the child's best interest to pass meconium as quickly as as far as possible, and the strong laxative effect of colostrum is one of better ways to do this.
Sometimes a child is advised to supplement with glucose solution to "dilute" bilirubin, but this method of treatment is outdated. Most modern research indicate that the glucose solution may actually worsen the situation by holding back stools. Frequent feedings - the best remedy from "physiological" jaundice. The American Academy of Pediatrics states that "Additional administration of dextorse (glucose) solution does not lower bilirubin levels in a healthy term infant with jaundice." taken from,com_frontpage/Itemid,1/
Lily, I wish you and your children good health! Easy childbirth and successful feeding!

Love asks:

Good afternoon! Please tell me, I have a negative Rh factor and the doctors say that the first three days after the birth I will not be able to feed the baby with my milk. Is it so?

Responsible Medical laboratory consultant "Synevo Ukraine":

Good afternoon! It all depends on what Rh your baby will be born with. If your exchange card contains an indication of a negative Rh factor, then right in the delivery room, cord blood will be taken for an express analysis for the child's blood type. The results of the analysis will show the Rh factor in your baby and, accordingly, the doctors will be able to answer the question of whether it is possible to attach the baby to the breast in the delivery room. If he inherits your Rh negative - everything is in order, you can feed immediately in the delivery room. If the baby has a positive Rh, it is not practiced to breastfeed before. To prevent the antibodies in your milk from harming your baby, your obstetrician and neonatologist may advise you to abstain from feeding for a few days. Do not be ill!

Leah asks:

Please tell me what is heartburn? The baby has been on full breastfeeding for 5 months already) I control my nutrition


Hello Leah! The most common causes of heartburn are diseases such as gastritis, esophagitis, peptic ulcer and cholecystitis. As well as intolerance to certain types of food (containing an increased amount of acids). Since the presence of heartburn is not the norm, it is best to seek the advice of a gastroenterologist and get recommendations for treatment. With a therapeutic purpose for heartburn, antacids, astringents and enveloping agents are prescribed, as well as nutritional recommendations are given. When choosing medicines, indicate to the doctor that you are a nursing mother, as some gastroenterological drugs pass into milk. Take care of your health!

Anya asks:

I have group 4 negative. Tell me, please, if I get pregnant, can I terminate the pregnancy before 6-8 weeks with the help of pills, or is such an interruption tantamount to an abortion? how bad is it for the future? thanks.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal:

Hello Anna! Any termination of pregnancy (regardless of the term, method and blood type) is an abortion - the destruction of a small life. Therefore, if pregnancy is undesirable, you need to properly protect yourself, and not tune in in advance for an abortion. You can read more about effective modern methods of contraception in the article Methods of modern contraception (protection against unwanted pregnancy). Take care of your health!

Hope asks:

Good afternoon, tell me, please, I have group 2 (-), my husband has 1 (+), after the first birth, the child was born with a positive Rh, she began to feed the next day after birth. On the third day, the child turned yellow, was, as I was told, very high bilirubin and anemia (I was not injected with immunoglobulin). Now I have a second pregnancy, I suggested that the gynecologist administer immunoglobulin to prevent the development of antibodies, but the gynecologist said that it was possible not to administer it, since no antibodies were found in the blood. Is it necessary to administer immunoglobulin within 72 hours after childbirth, if there are no antibodies, how long after its administration you can breastfeed and I would like to know if the baby is born with a positive Rh, breastfeeding somehow affects the increase in bilirubin and the development of jaundice in a child or Is it better to wait a while and refrain from feeding?

Responsible Savinova Maria Nikolaevna:

Hello Hope! This question should be addressed to an obstetrician-gynecologist and neonatologist, if possible, you need to be observed in a specialized center. Therefore, my answer is not recommendations, but only information for you. Firstly, it is very good that no antibodies were detected in you, however, you did not indicate the gestational age, but the earlier they are detected and the higher the titer, the worse the prognosis. Secondly, anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin D is administered for prophylaxis (just when there are no antibodies yet!) At the 28th week of pregnancy and within 72 hours after delivery (and prophylaxis should also be carried out by injection of the drug for any outcome of pregnancy: miscarriage, medical or instrumental abortion, ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform mole within 72 hours of interruption). And yet, if antibodies appear in the mother's body, they remain forever, and since they have not been detected in you now, it means that your first baby did not suffer from hemolytic disease, but most likely his jaundice was physiological. All the best to you, strong healthy children!

Irina asks:

Hello! I have 2+ blood group, the child has 3-. The jaundice has not gone away so far. Is it possible that this is due to breast milk? The doctors of our polyclinic cannot determine the cause. Treatment was carried out with phototherapy and choleretic drugs. Premature baby (33 weeks. The result of the last tests: Alt 26, Ast 85, Bil t 95.4, Bil d 6.85

Responsible Manishchenkov Sergey Nikolaevich:

Hello Irina.
Your child has persistent jaundice. There may be several reasons for this: as you suggest, it may be associated with jaundice in newborns who are breastfed (very rarely), in addition, jaundice in a newborn may be due to the implementation intrauterine infection(what are the reasons premature birth, which one this pregnancy, how did previous pregnancies proceed, how is the child gaining weight now, does the psychophysiological development of the child correspond to age?), and also, it may be associated with congenital structural features (did an ultrasound of the abdominal organs be done?).
The child has an elevated level of bilirubin due to the indirect fraction, an increased level of AST. In dynamics, does the level of bilirubin decrease, what are the results of previous tests? How long and when was phototherapy performed? Continue phototherapy at home: through a closed window under direct rays on the largest possible surface of the skin.
And I'm waiting for the answers to the questions.

Zhenya Vorobyova asks:

The child is 10 days old, gas, frequent stools ( yellow color),
just a little, but after each feeding.
I have a blood type 3 (-) Rh factor negative,
husband has 1 (+), the child was born 3 (+).
Can express and sterilize milk?
Please tell me what to ask the pediatrician?
Sincerely, Zhenya Vorobyova

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal:

Good afternoon. In a newborn baby who is breastfed, stools can be of a very diverse nature and frequency. Yellow mushy stools with a sour smell, sometimes with lumps of undigested milk, are the most normal feces in a newborn baby. Since the milk of the first days acts on the child as a laxative, the stool after each feeding is a variant of the norm. Rhesus conflict, if any, does not affect the nature and frequency of the child's stool. Gas in a baby is often associated with the functional immaturity of the digestive system, which will pass on its own as it grows. It is not necessary to express and sterilize milk, since with these actions you can stop lactation completely and reduce beneficial features milk. Ask the pediatrician about the benefits of breastfeeding, maintaining lactation, ways to facilitate the discharge of gases in the baby, and the method of massaging the tummy. All the best.

Zarina asks:

Hello, I have 2 (-), my husband has 2 (+) and my girl was born 2 (+). As for the fact that the child needs to start breastfeeding on the 3rd day, no one told me and she herself found out here. I don’t have milk at all, I put it on, I give it to the child, but to no avail, my poor girl sucks, and when she gets tired she falls asleep. And I worry that the child is hungry. Can I completely stop breastfeeding and formula feed so I at least know that the baby is not hungry.

Responsible Yakubchik Natalia Nikolaevna:

Greetings Zarina! It is sad that there was no necessary information at the start of breastfeeding. But everything is in your hands! You can always opt out, right? For later I will say that you need to feed the baby from the first hour after birth and quite often!
There are only two objective criteria for saturation of the baby. 1. Weight gain from 125g per week! those. from 500g per month. 2. A sufficient amount of urination at "your age" 10-12 times a day, urine is clear, odorless.
The behavior of the child, including under the breast, is not an indicator of hunger! And the baby has the right to suck and fall asleep! The trick is that you do not need to control the amount of food eaten!
No need to deal with control weighing and measuring the volume of milk produced by pumping.
If possible, call a breastfeeding consultant. At the consultation you will receive a lot useful information and practices, as well as the support and experience of many mothers.

Marina asks:

Good afternoon. As it turned out, in the maternity hospital I have 2 - in my husband 3+, the child does not know what blood type. I am breastfeeding, gaining weight very poorly for 1 month - 300g. 2 month - 600 gr. maybe my milk is not suitable for the baby.

Responsible Yakubchik Natalia Nikolaevna:

Greetings, Marina!
If there were no problems in the maternity hospital and in the first month, in the form of jaundice (for example), then it does not matter which group and Rh. The minimum weight gain for a baby is 500g per month. Do you most likely calculate the first month's gain from birth weight? But after all there was weight loss and it is significant! The second month is a normal increase.
Mom's milk in 99.99% of cases is suitable specifically for her child, given the current state.
Sometimes the baby does not correctly capture the breast and sucks inefficiently, naturally, thus receiving less milk.
One of the "evidence" of adequate nutrition is urination. At this age, they should be 10-12 times a day, the urine is clear, odorless. While I see no reason to worry, if you need help or more detailed information, please contact us!

Masha asks:

With group 4 negative Rh, abortion with pills will lead to early dates t to the fact that then the 1st pregnancy will pass with negative consequences? Just in one article it was written that the circulatory system of the child is formed for a period of 6-8 weeks, and if interrupted before this moment, the mother's body will not enter into an Rhesus conflict. It's true? thanks.

Responsible Medical consultant of the portal:

Hello Maria! In case of termination of pregnancy (artificial or spontaneous) that occurred before the gestational age of 7 weeks, the negative consequences associated with the incompatibility of the fetus and the woman according to the Rh factor do not appear, the introduction of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is not required, the sensitization of the woman, dangerous for the course of subsequent pregnancies, does not develop . Take care of your health!

Olga asks:

Good afternoon! I have 2-blood, my husband has 3+ blood. At the 28th week of pregnancy, I made anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin for prevention in the absence of antibodies. After that, before delivery, the titer was 1:2, without changes (the instructions say that passive antibodies may appear that do not affect the fetus). After childbirth, immunoglobulin was administered again before the expiration of 72 hours. The child in the maternity hospital was constantly checked and the level of bilirubin was determined. Day 1 - 26, Day 2 - 65, Day 3 - 110, Day 4 - 135 .... And so, we were discharged. We are now 6 days old, a nurse from the children's clinic determined the child's yellowness by skin color. on the baby? I breastfed the baby from the first days of life! What to do next with feeding. Thank you in advance for your answer!

Responsible Yakubchik Natalia Nikolaevna:

Greetings, Olga! Feed to health!!! That situation which has described falls into the category "physiological jaundice of newborns". And it occurs in almost 60% of full-term newborns, passes by 14-21 days of life. It's not about antibodies. This is a normal process of adaptation to independent gas exchange.
But it is important to properly organize breastfeeding:
1. Proper attachment and effective sucking
2. Feeding at the request of the baby (early signs) and mother (breaks during the day no more than 2 hours).
3. Night feedings (from 00.00 to 8.00 there should be several feedings, especially closer to the morning).
It is necessary to monitor the stool and urination.
The stool is yellow, the number of "pisses" from about 10 days of life from 10-12 times a day.
Health to you and milk rivers!

The fifteenth story within the framework of the competition "Mom's milk": When doctors forbid feeding: breastfeeding and Rh conflict.

Rhesus conflict

To begin with, I have two wonderful sons - Artyom and Timur. I was unable to feed my eldest son breast milk. We had a Rh conflict (in simple terms), and the doctors forbade us to feed even in the maternity hospital. It was 10 years ago.

We have come a long way to the birth of our youngest. For five years I dreamed of our baby. There were a lot of problems, but that's another story.

After reading a lot of literature, I realized that you can feed with rhesus conflict! And even then I decided for myself that my baby would eat mother's milk!

Long-awaited pregnancy

The long-awaited pregnancy was very difficult. Already at 27 weeks we were saved by wonderful doctors. The problems associated with Rh sensitization gave us a lot of trouble ... But the experience of doctors and our faith and love did their job! I carried my son to 37 weeks - and we were born!

Of course, we were immediately separated

The baby went to the children's department for treatment. And I began to save milk, from the third day (when it appeared) - I expressed each breast in turn every three hours.

Two weeks later, we were allowed, under the supervision of doctors, under the control of tests, to begin breastfeeding.

Everything went great! There is a lot of milk, my son kissed correctly and we enjoyed each other. Then discharge home - everything is just great! Fed on demand, weight gained perfectly.

But the happiness was short-lived...

After 10 days we were sent to the hospital. The blood tests were very bad. The hematologist doctor banned our breastfeeding already in the emergency room. Offering only the option of expressing milk and bringing it to a boil (thus destroying Rh antibodies that could be transmitted through milk and destroy hemoglobin). How many tears were shed - do not tell!

I had not made a decision yet, but continued to express, while Timur ate the mixture.

It is worth saying that the son began to pour on the mixture. It was very difficult to find the right one.

For about a week, I didn't pump. And now, at the next appointment with another hematologist, I heard: "It would be better if you were breastfeeding!"

We discussed this topic for a long time. And when the tests were ready, they made sure that there were no contraindications to breastfeeding!

But how is it? - this question did not give me rest!

And I began to act!

Yes, yes - madness! But I am ready for it for the sake of my son, for the sake of my dream, for the sake of our closeness!

Relactation - I read about it. We will succeed - I knew it for sure! Even foster mothers manage to breastfeed, and we can do it even better!

The baby and I lay down in bed - the technique of "nesting".

For each squeak, I gave the baby a breast. Of course, I supplemented him with a mixture, because there was at best 10 ml of milk. at first. But immediately chest!

When I slept, I also pumped endlessly. She ate and drank a lot. Especially helped tea with milk, dried fruit compote, birch sap, milk.

We did nothing for a week, only fed. Fortunately, the husband was on vacation and took over the whole life and the eldest son.

And here it is - done! Within two weeks we were without a bottle! Completely on mother's milk!

The diet, of course, had to be observed, as the son poured out. Sometimes - even very strict.

But we coped with this, gradually I expanded the list of products (by trial method). And by the year Timur ate almost everything, and, of course, I did too. Nothing forbidden, of course, but they also ate berries in the summer, and even citrus fruits.

We were on mother's milk up to 1 year and 8 months

And in in public places, of course, they also fed, because. We lead a very active lifestyle. I don’t see anything wrong with that, they just retired, covered themselves - and everything is great!

There was never any condemnation. On the contrary, sometimes I caught the tender faces of those around me.

We rolled up very easily. Daytime "snacks" were immediately removed, leaving only feedings for sleep and nighttime. Then they refused milk before daytime sleep. Well, then "the mouse came running and took the milk for the little Lyalya."

They came up with it themselves - they believed it themselves. A couple of times they scolded the mouse on the first night, and calmed down.

Now only pleasant memories remain. And a sense of accomplishment.

I hope my story will help at least one young mother to compete for her milk! And if at least one more baby is happy at my mother's breast, I will be very happy! After all, difficulties happen, but nothing is impossible! Feeding your baby is happiness! Happiness for two!

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Many expectant mothers plan to breastfeed even before the birth of a child, and specialists (obstetricians, neonatologists, pediatricians) strongly support this decision. In most maternity hospitals, babies are breastfed within minutes of birth, except for some serious conditions, one of which is an Rh conflict.

In order to understand why it is dangerous, you need to know that The Rh factor is determined by the presence or absence of a specific protein (antigen) on the surface of red blood cells. In the first case, the Rh factor is considered positive, in the second - negative. It should be noted that the antigen is absent only in 10-15% of the inhabitants of the planet, and this does not cause them any inconvenience. True, when registering for pregnancy, doctors will certainly find out if there is a conflict between the parent Rhesus.

As a rule, if a woman is negative and a man is positive, there is a 50% chance of an antigen conflict occurring.

In this case, during incest, which is inevitable during childbirth, the mother's body will perceive the baby's red blood cells as hostile and begin to produce protective antibodies. The Rhesus conflict is dangerous because it can provoke a hemolytic disease to the fetus, and then to the newborn. That is why, even in the early stages of pregnancy, the antenatal clinic determines the blood type and Rh factor of both parents, monitors the level of antibodies in the blood, and be sure to enter this information into the exchange card.

With a negative Rh factor of the woman in labor, the umbilical cord blood is taken from the baby right in the delivery room to determine its group and Rh. If it is negative, you can start breastfeeding immediately, if it is positive, this issue is resolved by specialists.

Often, obstetricians and neonatologists insist on abstaining from breastfeeding for the first three days, at least a week. It is during this period that the risk of penetration of maternal antibodies into the baby's body along with milk is highest, which can significantly worsen his condition.

If feeding needs to be stopped

With a temporary refusal of breastfeeding, doctors select the most effective method his nutrition: using a probe, specially selected infant formula or donor milk.

Despite the persistent myth about the need to supplement with jaundice, water gives a deceptive feeling of satiety, nutrients from formula or milk are absorbed worse, and bilirubin is excreted more slowly. Water is only needed for those newborns who are being treated with phototherapy under a lamp and losing a lot of fluid.

After all, if a newborn has symptoms of hemolytic disease: anemia and jaundice, which is associated with a high level of bilirubin (the result of the breakdown of red blood cells) in a baby, this can be dangerous for the central nervous system baby. Therefore, it is important to restore the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood and remove the mother's antibodies from the body of the newborn.

How to keep lactating

With a temporary cessation of breastfeeding, it is extremely important to maintain lactation. The easiest and most effective way is regular pumping, or . For the formation of correct and sufficient lactation, night feedings are of great importance, therefore, it is not worth neglecting emptying the breast at this time of the day.

Despite the difficulties that a Rh conflict can entail, a young mother needs to psychologically tune in to breastfeeding, which WHO evaluates as the most beneficial for any newborn. Even in the case of an existing Rhesus conflict, switching to a mixture is an extreme temporary measure., and those doctors who insist on the complete cessation of breastfeeding are hardly right. Parents should consult with several experts and make every effort to maintain lactation, because only mother's milk contains that unique set of vitamins and nutrients needed by the baby.

The subtleties of feeding with Rhesus conflict

In the case when there are no contraindications for postponing breastfeeding, the mother can feed immediately after the introduction of immunoglobulin to suppress her antibodies. But, in most cases, a baby with elevated bilirubin in the blood is too lethargic to breastfeed, he can sleep more than 20 hours a day. In this case, it is important to further stimulate the breast, apply the newborn 8 times a day and more often, or even better, temporarily switch to nesting mode: constantly hold the baby in your arms or be with him, feed on demand or on initial signs of hunger.

In addition, you will need to wake up the baby for feeding: hold him in a column, wipe his face and body with a damp sponge, stroke him or do a light massage. It will also be necessary to ensure that the room is not too warm and light: in this case, it will be more difficult for the child to wake up.

So, breastfeeding with a Rh conflict can be temporarily stopped, however, a young mother needs to do everything to keep it in the future. If the child is allowed to feed immediately, you need to monitor his sleep and wakefulness, as well as sucking activity.