
How long does an ectopic pregnancy operation take? What treatment is carried out for an ectopic pregnancy. Laparoscopic therapy for tubal pregnancy


Ectopic pregnancy is a pathology that develops as a result of embryo implantation outside the uterine cavity. With an ectopic pregnancy, you almost always have to resort to the help of surgeons. It is extremely important to diagnose the pathology in time and carry out the operation, otherwise serious complications are possible.

Modern techniques involve surgical removal through an incision - laparotomy or minimally invasive surgery through a puncture - laparoscopy. A serious advantage of the innovative technique of laparoscopic surgery is that with minimal trauma, the recovery time is reduced, and the risk of damage to the reproductive organs is reduced.

Endoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancy -
RUB 95,000 - RUB 125,000

30-60 minutes

(duration of surgery)

Why does an ectopic pregnancy develop?

In medical language, an ectopic pregnancy is called ectopic. Most often, it develops against the background of anatomical and functional changes in the organs of the reproductive system. Risk factors include:

  • Long-term infectious and inflammatory diseases of the uterus or appendages. As a result of chronic inflammation, adhesions are formed, the structural composition of the mucous membrane changes, the tubes swell. As a result, the patency of the tubes is disrupted, they lose their functionality, the normal movement of the egg is disrupted after leaving the follicle capsule. Chlamydia is considered the leader in the number of complications of this kind.
  • Tumors of the appendages - lead to mechanical compression of the tubes, as a result - a violation of patency.
  • Endometriosis is a disease that affects the lining of the uterus and fallopian tubes.
  • Operations and injuries can lead to a violation of the patency of the pipes due to the development of the adhesion process.
  • Congenital anatomical developmental anomalies.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.

In more than 90% of cases, a tubal pregnancy develops - it is clear from the name that in this case the egg cell begins to develop in the tubes. Less common is pathology localized in the ovaries or abdominal cavity.

The development mechanism is as follows: the embryo is attached by the outer shell to an organ. Having established himself, he, according to the established program, begins to grow. The uterus, unlike other organs, is specially adapted for carrying a pregnancy. Outside the uterus, the development of the embryo is extremely dangerous - the outer shell grows and merges with the vessels, blood circulation is disturbed. Bleeding occurs, and if untreated, the growth of the embryo leads to a rupture at the site of its attachment.

In some cases, the body tries to get rid of pregnancy on its own - the chorion exfoliates from the attachment site. In this case, the danger to the body is no less. Therefore, the treatment consists of surgical removal of the embryo.

Ectopic conception can manifest in different ways. Often it is accompanied by symptoms similar to those of uterine pregnancy. In the early stages of development, an ectopic pregnancy can manifest itself in this way:

  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract appears.
  • There is pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Intestinal function is impaired.
  • Pregnancy tests are questionable.

If the fallopian tube ruptures, intra-abdominal bleeding begins. It is characterized by severe pain, weakness, low blood pressure, and a rapid pulse. This condition is urgently needed.

Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy

If an ectopic pregnancy is suspected, an operation is prescribed, which is usually carried out as quickly as possible. The surgeon's task is to remove the embryo, restore the normal anatomical structure of the fallopian tube or other organ involved in the development of pregnancy.

As for the access method, nine out of ten operations are performed by laparoscopic access. This technique is characterized by low trauma - the surgeon does not need a wide incision for access. Laparoscopy in ectopic pregnancy requires only three punctures, through which a laparoscope with a video camera and manipulator instruments are inserted into the abdominal cavity.

The ability to preserve the tube depends on its condition at the time of the operation - sometimes a small incision is enough to remove the embryo, and sometimes the tube must be removed. Organ-preserving surgery is called tubotomy - this is an intervention that involves the preservation of the entire complex of reproductive organs and the restoration of reproductive function. Removing the fallopian tube is a tubectomy. Indications for such an operation are the development of life-threatening bleeding, repeated ectopic pregnancy, big size embryo. It is clear that after removal it is impossible to restore the full functioning of the reproductive system.

Laparotomy is an abdominal surgery in which the surgeon makes an incision in the anterior abdominal wall. As a rule, it is performed in cases where laparoscopy is impossible for any reason. The decision about the operation is made by the attending physician - there are certain indications for both abdominal surgery and laparoscopy.

Laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancy

The operation is performed through 3 punctures in the abdominal wall. This is a complete operation, but with minimal trauma. Laparoscopy has wide diagnostic capabilities - the doctor can assess the condition of the uterus and tubes, see the presence of blood in the abdominal cavity. In the course of the operation, the specialist can correct his actions - for example, refuse to completely remove the pipe if it is possible to save it. A special camera, which is equipped with a laparoscope, allows you to carefully assess the state of internal organs without the risk of injury and without incisions. Modern cameras allow you to magnify the image for more precise control when manipulating instruments.

The choice of anesthesia depends on the expected volume and severity of the operation. There are two main options: general anesthesia and spinal anesthesia. The method of anesthesia is selected after examination by an anesthesiologist on the basis of comprehensive information about the patient's condition.

With regard to the postoperative period, laparoscopic surgery provides a quick recovery. Since there were no serious injuries, patients do not need to receive serious pain relievers.

Doctors performing endoscopic surgery for an ectopic pregnancy:

Reviews of the doctors providing the service - Operation for an ectopic pregnancy

I got to Svetlana Sergeevna in a terribly neglected state. Previously, the diagnosis was wrong and, accordingly, the treatment was also wrong. Svetlana Sergeevna immediately untangled the whole tangle, correctly diagnosed and prescribed treatment. Unfortunately, the time was lost and I had to ...


I want to express my deep gratitude to the DOCTOR with a capital letter - A.N. Puzyrev. Was at his GHA procedure. After reading the reviews on the Internet (the girls are taken out on a gurney from the painful shock), I went to the procedure with shaking knees and a sinking heart. But! Everything is so fast, to be honest, I did not understand how ...


Frequently asked Questions

What preparation is needed for the operation?

Given that the diagnosis is usually made when clinical symptoms appear, the decision about surgery is made urgently. The scope of the examination before the operation is standard, and it can be performed in our clinic:

Surgery for an ectopic pregnancy is a necessity that will help save a woman's life. Such a diagnosis is not so rare. According to...

From Masterweb

18.05.2018 20:00

Surgery for an ectopic pregnancy is a necessity that will help save a woman's life. Such a diagnosis is not so rare. According to statistics, 5% of pregnant women have an ectopic pregnancy. Such conception has no chance of a successful continuation. Moreover, the sooner this problem is diagnosed and solved, the better it is for a woman. Consider the features of the operation, the rehabilitation period and the consequences of such an intervention.

Features of surgery

Surgery for an ectopic pregnancy is a chance to preserve the appendages. Sometimes the patient's life is at stake. To eliminate the problem, an operation of this type is shown:

  • Extrusion, otherwise called "milking". The application of the method is practiced in cases of detachment of the ovum. This will ensure the safety of the pipe. The procedure consists in squeezing the ovum out of the tubes. The effectiveness of this method is manifested in the case of a close location of the egg to the exit from the pipe.
  • Laparoscopy. Minimally painful procedure. There is no need to cut the peritoneum, and there is no need to remove the fallopian tube. With this type of surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, the essence is to perform a puncture that replaces the incision.
  • Salpingotomy. Shown if there is no extrusion capability. Then you will need to cut the tube where the fertilized egg is attached. Then all the components are removed and the pipe is then stitched. If the fetus has grown, the pipe section will have to be removed to remove it. But even with such an operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy, it is possible to ensure the safety of the functionality of the fallopian tubes. The duration of this intervention is a maximum of 15 minutes. It is important that a woman can have children in the future. This requires that the fallopian tube retains its functionality.
  • Tubectomy. The operation to remove the tube in case of an ectopic pregnancy will be the only way to save the patient if the abnormal pregnancy has been observed repeatedly. Sometimes the ovary may need to be removed to save the woman.


Surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy is sometimes performed by laparoscopy. It involves the use of an enlarged image, as well as small tools.

This method is the least traumatic. It allows you to maintain the integrity of the pipe. They just carefully dissect it and take out the ovum.

After laparoscopy, it is required to cauterize the areas of all bleeding vessels. And the functionality of the fallopian tube will be preserved. It should be noted that sometimes even the use of this gentle intervention cannot save the fallopian tube. This happens if a woman has repeated pregnancy pathology phenomena.

How long does it take for an ectopic pregnancy? The time will depend on the complexity of the intervention. The minimum operation time is 15 to 20 minutes. But if the situation is more serious, it may take from 30 minutes to an hour.

Is it possible to do without surgery?

Ectopic pregnancy surgery on early dates not always shown. In some cases, modern medicine makes it possible to do without surgery. The practice of using drugs that prevent cell division of the ovum, stopping its growth and development. The result of taking this medication is the complete resorption of the ovum.

When to apply extrusion

The use of this method is also practiced as an alternative to abortion, even if the pregnancy develops in the uterus. But for this, the timing of fetal development should not exceed three weeks. According to many experts, the use of alternative methods, such as medication, protects a woman from operational injuries. But it is important to consider that taking the drug is allowed only as directed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous! Sometimes an integrated approach is practiced, combining the intake of a hormonal agent and surgery. After the tablets, squeezing is used.

Features of the rehabilitation period

Regardless of the choice of the type of intervention, the consequences of surgery for an ectopic pregnancy can be serious. If you are not serious about the passage of the rehabilitation period, problems are possible. It is important to put yourself in order so that the woman's reproductive system does not suffer.

The doctor will without fail prescribe drug treatment in combination with a complex of physiotherapeutic procedures. Moreover, the complex is prescribed even when one pipe is removed, since in this case the second one also requires treatment. It will take a lot of time to improve the condition.

Protect yourself!

Pay attention to the need to take contraceptives so that the situation does not happen again. It is necessary to refrain from pregnancy after surgery for six months, at least.

After competently going through the rehabilitation period, a woman has a 60% chance of further bearing a healthy child. But there are also 15% of situations when the pathology of pregnancy is repeated. In 25% of cases, a woman will not have children. With the use of medical rehabilitation methods, infertility is threatened to a lesser extent. A woman can still have children if she turns to alternative methods. But at the same time, the ovaries should remain, and with their full functioning. Then carrying out in vitro fertilization will help. If the ovary is removed, there is little chance of getting pregnant.

What can be the consequences

The nature of the consequences after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy can be very different. If the fallopian tube ruptures, the consequences can be dire. Damage to arteries and veins can occur. Then bleeding occurs, painful sensations appear, a shock state.

If bleeding starts, don't waste time. See a doctor immediately. In twenty cases out of a hundred, a recurrence of an ectopic pregnancy was recorded. If the correct course of rehabilitation is not carried out, adhesions may appear. The pelvis and abdomen are at risk. The development of inflammatory processes is characteristic, if you do not pay attention to recovery after surgery.

Infertility can also be a consequence of an ectopic pregnancy. Moreover, this situation is noted in a third of women, especially when one or two pipes were removed from them.

Description of symptoms in the postoperative period

After surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy, a woman may feel discomfort for up to 10 days. It is expressed in the presence of the following symptoms:

  • The belly swells up.
  • There is pain that can only be relieved with pain relievers.
  • The woman gets tired quickly.

Such conditions can go away on their own. But sometimes you have to consult a gynecologist. If surgery was performed, it will take two to five days for the woman to be discharged with an improvement.

Precautions in the postoperative period

During an operation for an ectopic pregnancy, a woman is exposed to traumatic effects. Therefore, after the operation, you should follow the same recommendations as for other abdominal interventions:

  • Physical activity is unacceptable, you cannot get injured, shake, get bruised.
  • To avoid bleeding, it is forbidden to lift heavy objects.
  • In the case of strip surgery, you will need to wear a bandage so that the peritoneal wall is fixed.
  • Do not forget that moderate physical activity useful. To avoid the formation of adhesions, you need to at least turn over on your side. The appointment of therapeutic exercises will also help to effectively restore the body and strengthen the peritoneum.
  • Diet is important. While a woman is lying down, she should be limited to light meals, nutritious and vitamin. Do not eat foods that may cause bloating.
  • You must not overcool, in the cold season you must definitely walk in warm underwear.

Return to full life

After recovery, a woman will want to live again. normal life... But there are recommendations so as not to worsen your health:

  • Before planning conception, it is imperative that you be re-examined.
  • Conception is possible only 6-12 months after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, if there are no contraindications. This period is necessary for a full recovery so that the situation does not happen again.
  • To lead sex life possible no earlier than after three weeks if laparoscopy was performed. Abdominal surgery requires abstinence for at least a month.
  • Sexual life is allowed, provided that you are taking contraceptive drugs.
  • When a woman's tubes have been removed and there is no chance of conceiving a child, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is recommended. For this, at least 12 months must pass for the seams to heal well.

Let's summarize

In the event of an ectopic pregnancy, it is important to act promptly. How less term, the easier and more painless the procedures will be. You can do without abdominal surgery. Therefore, if a pregnant woman has bleeding, she experiences pain in the lower abdomen and a deterioration in her general condition, it is important to diagnose. Ectopic pregnancy is dangerous with serious complications in the form of internal bleeding and hemorrhagic shock.

Surgery will help remove the ovum and stop the bleeding. Depending on the complexity of the situation, several types of surgical intervention are determined: from the most gentle extrusion to abdominal surgery. How long does the operation take for an ectopic pregnancy? From fifteen minutes to two hours, depending on the difficulty.

After the operation, it is important to take care of yourself and follow the recommendations of the doctors. After all, if you do not take care of high-quality rehabilitation, infertility can develop. Also dangerous for future pregnancy the formation of adhesions. They can prevent the ovum from moving through the fallopian tubes. Then a recurrence of an ectopic pregnancy is possible.

Sexual life after surgery is possible after three weeks. Otherwise, you can bring in an infection, the consequences of which will be an inflammatory process.

A woman may have congenital abnormalities in the formation of the fertilization system. Then the fertilized egg is placed not in the uterus, but in the neck of this organ, abdominal cavity, tube or ovary. The purpose of the surgical intervention will also be determined depending on the location of the fetus. The method of laparoscopy has become widespread. This is a relatively gentle intervention using miniature instruments. After their introduction into the abdominal cavity, the ovum will be removed through the abdominal opening.

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Surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy is often the only real way to prevent serious consequences. The fact is that such a pathology can even cause death and requires emergency measures. Modern medicine allows conservative treatment in the early stages of pregnancy, but surgical intervention remains the only real way to save a woman. Important conditions exceptions to serious problems are early diagnosis and timely access to a doctor.

The essence of pathology

An ectopic pregnancy is a pathological conception when a fertilized egg (zygote) is implanted not into the uterine wall, but into other organs of the reproductive system, which excludes the normal course of pregnancy for both the fetus and the woman herself. This pathology is deadly for her due to the high risk of severe internal bleeding and the development of other complications.

Normally, the sperm fertilizes the egg in the fallopian tube, after which it penetrates into the uterine cavity, where it is fixed on the wall. In some cases, the zygote begins to move in the opposite direction and instead of the uterine cavity is in the ovary or peritoneal cavity, where it is fixed. However, these organs are not physiologically adapted to such a phenomenon, and the introduction of an egg into their tissues damages them, provoking bleeding.

Taking into account the localization of the site of implantation of the zygote, the following types of ectopic pregnancy are distinguished:

  1. Ovarian variant. Such a pregnancy occurs when the sperm enters the ovaries and the egg is fertilized in the follicle before it leaves the organ. Such a pathology can develop for a long time, and the result can be a rupture of the ovary.
  2. The cervical variety occurs when the zygote is fixed on the walls of the cervix or in the isthmus. It should be noted that this organ is located big number blood vessels, which leads to an increased risk of massive bleeding when the anomaly in question appears. An advanced stage of pathology can lead to the need to amputate the entire cervix.
  3. The abdominal localization of an ectopic pregnancy can be explained by primary implantation, when the zygote immediately enters the abdominal cavity, or by a secondary phenomenon caused by the so-called tubal abortion.
  4. Tubal implantation is the most common type of pathology. It is caused by the consolidation of a fertilized egg before it leaves the area of ​​the fallopian tube. The development of an anomaly can lead to processes such as rupture of tubal tissues or tubal spontaneous abortion, when an already sufficiently developed embryo breaks off and moves into the peritoneal cavity.

Pregnancy of the heterotopic type should also be noted. In this case, 2 or more eggs are fertilized, and at least one zygote is normally fixed in the uterine cavity, while others are implanted outside the uterus.

Manifestations of pathology

At the very beginning of development, the signs of an ectopic pregnancy differ little from the normal process: nausea, cravings for sleep, increased appetite appear, pain in the mammary glands. The characteristic symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy occur about 4-7 weeks after the last menstruation.

Particular attention should be paid to pain syndrome... Already at the initial stage, pains appear in the lower abdomen, which are more pronounced than with normal pregnancy... Over time, the pain becomes more pronounced. Most often they are noted on one side, but with cervical and abdominal localization, they can spread to middle area belly.

The pain syndrome increases with body turns, prolonged walking, physical exertion. Obvious signs of ectopic pregnancy in the form of pain appear at 4-6 weeks with localization in the isthmus, at 7-8 weeks - with implantation of a zygote in a wide area of ​​the fallopian tube. With the cervical variety, the pain syndrome is weak.

Other characteristic symptoms of ectopic pregnancy are associated with bleeding. The most severe internal blood flows are directed into the abdominal cavity, but uterine discharge is also common. This phenomenon is usually associated with a decrease in progesterone levels or cervical and tubal zygote implantation.

At the initial stage, this symptom resembles menstrual flow with a small volume, but a significant duration. Abundant discharge of blood is rare and indicates a dangerous development of the process, requiring urgent hospitalization. At significant losses blood shock may occur with loss of consciousness, skin pallor, weakening of the pulse and arterial hypotension.

The most common tubal pregnancies are classified according to their degree of development:

Complications after an ectopic pregnancy are associated with damage to the organs where the egg is fixed. With the development of the ovum in the fallopian tube, its expansion begins, but the appendage is not designed for such a load. As a result of the anomaly, the organ ruptures.

When an egg is implanted into other organs, vascular damage occurs. In all cases, internal bleeding occurs, which is directed to the peritoneum. This effect leads to peritonitis. Even in cases where critical bleeding does not occur, the likelihood of such serious complications as infertility and repeated ectopic pregnancy is high.

How pathology is detected

Symptoms of pathology make it possible to suspect an anomaly and consult a doctor, and such a This opportunity should be taken as early as possible. A pregnancy test with this phenomenon gives a positive result. The level of human chorionic gonadotropin (the main marker of conception) during ectopic pregnancy increases both in the blood and in the urine. However, this growth is somewhat slower than in normal pregnancies.

An ectopic pregnancy is clearly defined by ultrasound. In particular, type studies can reveal an anomaly at 5-6 weeks of gestation, and when using a transvaginal probe, at 4-5 weeks.

Ultrasound reveals the following picture: the underestimated size of the uterus in comparison with the norm for this period pregnancy; the presence of fluid in the posterior space; the absence of an ovum in the uterine cavity, while the appearance of obstacles in the fallopian tube or other organ of the reproductive system. In addition, a puncture of the fluid from the uterine cavity can be performed to determine the presence of blood in it.

Possibilities of conservative treatment

Treatment of an ectopic pregnancy without surgery, as a rule, does not give the desired effect. Only in the early stages is it possible to take drugs that stop the development of the embryo and contribute to the termination of pregnancy (abortion).

During this period, chemotherapy is sometimes carried out with the help of hormonal drugs Methotrexate, Mifepristone, leading to resorption of the ovum. However, this method does not provide any guarantee.

Conservative treatment is carried out in addition to surgery. To facilitate the course and accelerate the postoperative period, restorative and strengthening therapy, as well as physiotherapy, are used. The most common methods are: magnetotherapy, reflexology, therapeutic massage, laser exposure.

Operative treatment

Operations to remove an ectopic pregnancy can be carried out in several ways:

  1. Milking, or squeezing the fruit egg. Such an operation has limited application and is performed when the ovum is detached (the beginning of tubal abortion) and the location of the implantation site near the tubal outlet. The operation is carried out in this order: with the help of special clamps, the fallopian tube is clamped, and the ovum is gradually squeezed out in the direction of the distal section.
  2. Salpingotomy, or tubotomy. The essence of this surgical intervention is to dissect the pipe wall in the zone of attachment of the zygote, remove the ovum and then restore the integrity of the wall. In the case when the embryo is of considerable size, it is removed together with the tubular part. With such an intervention, the functions of the fallopian tube are preserved, and therefore the woman's reproductive abilities, although the future conception may have certain difficulties.
  3. Tubectomy. This is a rather radical operation, which is carried out with significant damage to the organ tissue. As a result of surgery, the entire fallopian tube with the ectopic embryo is removed. A similar operation is performed on the ovaries when emergency intervention is required.
  4. Laparoscopy. This way surgical treatment refers to minimally invasive technologies, as a result of which tissues are excised in a small area. The entire operation is performed through a puncture in the abdominal cavity, through which a miniature surgical instrument and a camera for visual control are inserted. This technique can be used both when conducting diagnostic research and for the removal of an ectopic pregnancy.

Negative postoperative events are associated with the appearance of postoperative scars, the formation of adhesions, and the removal of the organ limits the reproductive functions of women. After the removal of an ectopic pregnancy, a woman must go through a period of body rehabilitation.

Modern methods of surgical treatment allow, in the vast majority of cases, to preserve all genitals, which does not cause female infertility. If you still have to remove the uterine appendage, then this should not be a tragedy. Artificial insemination can be provided by an in vitro method.

Removal of an ectopic pregnancy by surgery is the only real treatment. If the pathology has not passed into an advanced stage, then minimally invasive surgical interventions can be used.

Unfortunately, some women, planning a long-awaited pregnancy, are faced with life-threatening pathologies. One of them is an ectopic pregnancy, in which the fetus develops outside the uterus, and in another organ. If this happens, then doctors must perform a surgical cleaning of the woman. In this article, we will talk about all types of surgeries for ectopic pregnancy, their consequences for a woman's health and the rehabilitation period after them.

Ectopic pregnancy is a very unpleasant pathology that is accompanied by severe pain lower abdomen in a woman, bleeding and other unpleasant symptoms leading to the loss of a child.

Doctors may suspect a woman is having an ectopic pregnancy even before she encounters its symptoms. You can identify pathology using ultrasound examination uterine cavity. If the ovum has not attached to the endometrium, and according to the analyzes the woman has a very high level of hCG, this means that pregnancy develops in some other organ of the abdominal cavity. Typically, an ectopic pregnancy can develop into:

  • ovaries;
  • in the fallopian tube;
  • in the peritoneum;
  • between the wide ligaments of the uterus.

Depending on where the ovum was implanted, doctors determine the type of surgery they will perform in order to save a woman's life and fertility. If a girl was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in a timely manner, and nothing threatens her life, then a planned operation is performed, but if the organ in which the ovum was growing and developing has already ruptured, the woman was admitted to the hospital with cutting pains and bleeding, then an emergency surgical intervention is performed ... Below we will describe in detail each type of operation that can be applied.

Ectopic pregnancy surgery: laparoscopy

The most modern approach laparoscopy is used for operations in all medical fields. It is used today in almost all medical institutions where highly qualified doctors work and have the necessary equipment. Thanks to the laparoscopic method of surgery, it is possible to remove the embryo in the fallopian tube, the entire fallopian tube, if necessary, and stop severe abdominal bleeding. In this case, a woman is made only a few small cuts on her abdomen, and this is a minimum of injuries that allow him to recover much faster after the operation.

There are several contraindications to laparoscopic surgery. These include:

  • severe post-hemorrhagic shock experienced by a pregnant woman;
  • overweight;
  • problems with the heart or respiratory system;
  • the presence of adhesions in the intestine;
  • very large blood loss;
  • rupture of the organ in which the pregnancy developed.

If there are no obstacles to carrying out a laparoscopic operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy, then it is immediately performed on a woman. We propose to understand in detail how such an operation occurs during an ectopic pregnancy:

  1. First, specialists inject the woman with general anesthesia or epidural anesthesia.
  2. After that, the surgeon makes 3 punctures in the abdominal cavity. Carbon dioxide is injected into the abdominal cavity through one of the punctures so that the doctor has good visibility of the operated organ. In addition, if a specialist finds blood inside, then he pumps it out in order to be able to carry out the operation normally.
  3. Through another puncture, a laparoscope is inserted into the abdominal cavity of a woman, and through the third, the instrument itself, with the help of which the fetal egg will be removed, is inserted. As a rule, this is a loop that is thrown onto the fallopian tube and cuts off part of it along with the fertilized egg attached to it. At the same moment, a coagulator is inserted into the first puncture through which carbon dioxide was injected, which cauterizes all the cut off places so that bleeding does not occur.
  4. After the main process is completed, the abdominal cavity is carefully examined, all blood clots are removed, the abdominal cavity is treated with saline and sutures are applied.

If it is possible to preserve a woman's reproductive function, then the doctors do not remove the fallopian tube, but make an incision on it - this is the so-called tubal uterine abortion. Such an operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy lasts at least 40 minutes. If any complications arise during the procedure, the surgical intervention may be delayed.

But in any case, after such an operation, a woman will need to do another one - a plastic one in order to restore the integrity of the genital organ.

Ectopic pregnancy: abdominal surgery

Abdominal surgery, despite all the shortcomings of this surgical method, is used today as widely as laparoscopy. Most often this happens if a woman has the following indications:

  • she does not plan to become a mother in the future;
  • if there are strong adhesions of severe severity on the fallopian tube;
  • if in the past a woman has repeatedly performed operations on the fallopian tubes;
  • if earlier the woman had already had an ectopic pregnancy, which the specialists cured in a gentle way.

We propose to understand in more detail how an abdominal operation is carried out in an ectopic pregnancy:

  1. To begin with, the doctor must decide what kind of incision in the abdominal cavity he will make. If the situation is not very critical, then a transverse incision in the suprapubic region is always preferred. If emergency surgery is required, then most often the surgeon makes a midline incision. It takes much longer to heal, but during the operation they provide the doctor with the opportunity to carry out all the necessary manipulations with high quality and correctly.
  2. Then the anesthesiologist injects the patient with anesthesia. As a rule, it is always general.
  3. Then the surgeon makes an incision, creates access to the uterus and fallopian tubes. To do this, he conducts an audit of the woman's pelvic cavity with his hand.
  4. If at this moment it is required to stop bleeding, then the doctor carries out all the necessary manipulations for this with the help of medical clamps.
  5. After that, the fallopian tube is removed or the ovum is removed from it.
  6. Then all organs that were operated on are sutured. The doctor carefully examines the abdominal cavity so that there are no blood clots or medical supplies left in it, treats the abdominal cavity with saline, and then sutures it.

The time of surgery for an ectopic pregnancy may vary. The duration of the procedure depends largely on how critical the situation with the condition of the pregnant woman is. The operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy is quite difficult and is one of the most risky surgical interventions. A woman after an operation to remove a tube with an ectopic pregnancy is recovering for a long period of time, because not only the internal seams must heal, but also the large external seam, which also requires careful maintenance.

Ectopic pregnancy surgery: consequences

Regardless of what kind of operation is performed on a woman with an ectopic pregnancy, it is always unsafe. According to medical statistics, surgical intervention in the pelvic organs always entails many different negative consequences. We will list the main ones:

  1. If an operation was performed to remove an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, then no dire consequences will occur. A woman, with proper treatment and undergoing a full-fledged rehabilitation course, will be able to have children in the future.
  2. After surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, if the fallopian tube was removed for a young woman, she can still become pregnant, since the other remains safe and sound. If an ectopic pregnancy happened to a woman who is more than 35 years old, then her fertility is already purely physiologically reduced, so she may remain sterile after an operation to remove an ectopic pregnancy.
  3. If a tubal abortion was performed, as a result of which the tubal tube remained, but an incision was made on it, then there is a very high probability that at the next conception the ovum will attach again in the fallopian tube, and not in the uterine cavity. Therefore, it is better for a woman who has undergone such an operation not to take risks and agree to an in vitro fertilization procedure.
  4. If a woman did not undergo surgery during an ectopic pregnancy, but was prescribed a drug such as Methotrexate, which stops the development of the fetus, as a result of which it dies, dissolves and comes out in the form of bleeding with clots from the vagina. It must be said that complications after such a procedure are less dangerous, but only if the measure was taken in a timely manner.

The most important and dangerous complication that can occur after surgery to remove an ectopic pregnancy is infertility. Therefore, after such a procedure, a woman must undergo a comprehensive examination and treatment without fail so that the ectopic pregnancy does not recur again.

Ectopic pregnancy: rehabilitation after surgery

If, for certain reasons, you had to deal with an ectopic pregnancy, then after the operation to remove it, you will have to go through a number of restorative measures. In general, rehabilitation lasts in this case at least 6 months. During this period, the following stages of restoration of the female body are included:

  1. For the first week after the operation, the woman needs to be under the supervision of doctors. During this period, specialists will monitor the postoperative suture and the internal organs of the abdominal cavity (no adhesions should form on them).
  2. In addition, during the time the woman is in the hospital, the state of the fallopian tube, on which the operation was performed, is monitored (doctors stop the inflammatory process in it).
  3. The first few months after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, a woman will experience pain in the lower abdomen. This is normal if the pain is not aching or cutting. If it becomes unbearable, then you should immediately go to the hospital.
  4. The first 2-3 weeks a woman may have bloody discharge after an ectopic pregnancy operation. This is a natural physiological process of self-cleaning of the female body.
  5. Months after surgery for an ectopic pregnancy occur after 30-40 days, but this does not mean that a woman can start trying to conceive a child again. It is imperative to withstand a six-month pause, then undergo an examination and, after the doctor's permission, try to get pregnant again. Therefore, sex after ectopic pregnancy surgery for the first six months should be safe. By the way, you can make love after surgery to remove the ovum from the fallopian tube in 2 months.
  6. After surgery for an ectopic pregnancy, a woman should follow a diet. It is necessary to give up fatty, fried foods. You should lean more on fruits and vegetables (preferably fresh). They should be saturated with vitamins and minerals.
  7. During the first 6 months, a woman needs to be constantly monitored by a gynecologist, do several ultrasound examinations of the reproductive organs and take special medications, which include proteolytic enzymes and biostimulants.

In no case do not self-medicate during the rehabilitation period. This is especially true for women who like to heal themselves. folk remedies... All of this can be deadly for you. If life is dear to you, and you want to become a mother in the future, follow the advice of your doctor.

Video: "Ectopic pregnancy: operation"

Normally, during conception, the sperm enters the vagina, then through the cervix into the uterus. Then fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes - the sperm merges with the egg. A zygote is formed - a unicellular embryo, that is, the first stage of human development. The fertilized egg goes down the tubes to the uterus and begins to develop there.

But if the zygote for some reason does not enter the uterus, but gets stuck at some stage of the path, the fetus begins to grow in the wrong place and an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed. In 98% of cases, an ectopic pregnancy develops in the tubes, but a fertilized egg can rarely be found in the ovaries or abdomen.

An ectopic pregnancy is quite dangerous. After all, the embryo develops at a rapid rate and can simply rupture the tube with its growth, which leads to severe internal bleeding. This can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is very important to determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy on time in the early stages. The future reproductive capacity of a woman and even her life depends on this. But first, let's try to figure out what can lead to such a pathology.

Causes of an ectopic pregnancy

  1. Chronic inflammatory or infectious gynecological problems. Infectious diseases reproductive system often lead to malfunction of the fallopian tubes - they do not contract enough to push a fertilized egg into the uterus. Because of this, the egg simply cannot pass to its destination and is fixed where it is stuck. If a woman has suffered from inflammation of the uterus and appendages, adhesions, scars and narrowing may form in the tubes, which prevent the normal passage of the egg.
  2. Surgery is another factor that can lead to an ectopic pregnancy. This is because the abdominal organs can be changed after surgery, which can interfere with the normal course of a healthy pregnancy.
  3. Congenital tube abnormalities. Some women have congenital pathology pipes, pipes can be very long, narrow, winding or completely impassable. This makes it difficult for the egg to pass through the tubes.
  4. Tumors. Regardless of whether a tumor is benign or malignant, it can interfere with the passage of the egg through the tube by simply pinching it.
  5. Hormonal disruptions. Frequent and uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives (especially for intrauterine devices) leads to disruption of normal hormonal background women. As a result, the mobility of the tubes decreases, the tube cannot push the egg into the uterus.
  6. Weak sperm. Sometimes it happens that the sperm that fertilized the egg is weak enough that the zygote is simply unable to move through the tubes.

Very often, an ectopic pregnancy develops after an invasion of the body in the past - after an induced abortion.

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy generally differ little from the first signs of a healthy pregnancy. The woman also begins to experience toxicosis, she has a delay in menstruation, the test shows two strips. A woman feels a frequent urge to urinate, her breasts are full and her basal temperature rises. But how to distinguish healthy pregnancy from an ectopic at the first sign? Here are some of the symptoms that are typical for the course of an ectopic pregnancy.

  1. Scanty spotting bleeding. They are often brownish in color. After the rupture of the tube, internal and uterine bleeding may occur.
  2. Pain. This is the main symptom of a malfunction in the body. The pain can be cutting and stabbing, aching and sharp. Often the pain is localized on one side of the lower abdomen, namely in the tube where the egg is located. With abdominal bleeding, pain can be given to the anus. Also, pain can occur during urination or bowel movement. The pain increases or decreases with movement or change in body position.
  3. Due to the large loss of blood in a woman, anaphylactic shock occurs. She feels apathy, drowsiness, and may faint. In addition to this, her skin turns pale, her blood pressure drops, her pulse slows down, her head is constantly dizzy.
  4. The abnormal course of pregnancy can be indirectly determined by a pregnancy test. Everyone knows that the test reacts to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin. The level of the hormone hCG normally rises very quickly with the development of pregnancy. And if in the early stages the second strip on the test was weak and transparent (low hCG level), then the very next day the second line will be much clearer. And with an ectopic pregnancy, the hCG level remains low over time, so a pregnancy test shows a transparent and fuzzy strip even the next day.
  5. There are special tests that not only react to the level of the hCG hormone, but also, based on other hormonal changes, can show the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy and the risk of a threat of miscarriage. Everything is based on immunochromatographic analysis.

If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you need to urgently see a doctor. Indeed, a pregnancy detected in time can save the pipes from rupture. Your doctor may order tests to determine if an ectopic pregnancy is present or not. hCG hormone.

  1. HCG hormone. As mentioned, the hCG hormone normally increases several times every two days. If the indicators of this hormone do not grow or grow slightly, this is one of the serious indicators of the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Ultrasound. Already at 6-7 weeks, the ovum can be seen on an ultrasound machine. Using an ultrasound scan, the doctor determines the location of the ovum. If no seals are found in the uterine cavity, the specialist expands the search area and, with an ectopic pregnancy, finds an accumulation of free water in one of the tubes. Even if the egg itself is not visible, the tube is enlarged during an ectopic pregnancy. But sometimes a specialist can mistake a blood clot for a fertilized egg in the uterus, especially in the early stages of pregnancy, 4-5 weeks. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a laparoscopy for a more accurate result.
  3. Laparoscopy Is a modern and accurate way of diagnosing and treating abdominal organs. Laparoscopy is a procedure in which a tiny incision is made in the patient's abdomen, into which a thinnest tube with a lens at one end is inserted. On the other hand, there is an eyepiece through which you can observe a picture of the patient's insides. If instead of a lens at the end of the tube there is a mini-camcorder, the image is projected onto the screen. Laparoscopy is considered an accurate diagnostic method also because internal organs can be viewed from all angles by shifting and shifting them. This procedure is accurate and reliable in detecting an ectopic pregnancy.
  4. Puncture. This method is rather old-fashioned because of its painfulness and unreliability. Its principle is as follows. A needle is inserted through the woman's anus into the uterine cavity. From there, liquid is taken for analysis. If blood is found in the liquid, this indicates the presence of an ectopic pregnancy in the woman's body. However, this diagnostic method is not 100% reliable, moreover, it is very unpleasant and painful. Therefore, today it is practically not used.

How to remove an ectopic pregnancy

Diagnostics confirmed the presence of an ectopic pregnancy in the woman's body. What's next? And then a laparoscopic operation is needed to remove the ovum from the tube. An ectopic pregnancy never goes away without cleansing. If possible, doctors try to save the integrity of the tube, but if it is completely ruptured, it is removed along with the fetal body.

  1. If the ovum is located near the entrance to the tube, Milking is done - the egg is squeezed out without damaging the tubes.
  2. If extrusion is impossible, salpingotomy is performed. In the place where the ovum is located, the tube is cut, the egg is removed, and the incision is sutured. If the embryo is large enough, it is removed along with part of the tube. The functional capacity of the tube is then preserved - the woman can become pregnant.
  3. In cases of tube rupture, tubectomy is performed - removal of the fallopian tubes along with the ovum. If there is a risk to the patient's life, the tube can be removed along with the ovary.
  4. If an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed early, chemotherapy is possible. The woman is given special drugs (for example, methotrexate), which dramatically suppress the development of the fetus. The drug is used up to 6 weeks of fetal development, while it has no cardiac activity. However, methotrexate is a rather harsh drug that has many side effects - from kidney and liver damage to complete hair loss. This type of treatment is almost never used in Russia. This type of treatment is only possible for women who no longer plan to become mothers.

After the operation, it is very important to undergo a course of rehabilitation treatment, which will prevent the appearance of adhesions and scars on the tubes. After all, any obstacles in the tubes in the future can become another reason for an ectopic pregnancy. After the removal of an ectopic pregnancy, conception of a child cannot be planned for at least six months.

If a woman has suffered from an ectopic pregnancy, this does not mean that she will not be able to become a mother. After all, every woman has two fallopian tubes, and if, in the worst case, one tube is removed, the second, completely reproductive, remains. Most women who survived an ectopic pregnancy were subsequently able to give birth to healthy babies. And only 6-8% remain infertile after an ectopic pregnancy.

An ectopic pregnancy is not a sentence. Conceiving and carrying a baby is a long and difficult process, during which anything can happen. Ectopic pregnancy occurs in only 2% of all pregnancies. And if this happened to you, do not despair. Timely diagnosis and proper treatment will restore your body. And then you can turn this difficult page of your life and live on, becoming a mother more than once!

Video: ectopic pregnancy - signs, symptoms and advice from doctors