
Dangerous ways to get high. Dangerous Ways to Get High Smoking Peppermint


WARNING: City_hunt warns - anything listed here can be dangerous to your life!!!

Belladonna (Atropa Belladonna)
The leaves and roots of this herb, containing atropine, scopolamine and other tropanes, are dried and crushed. Powder in the amount of 30-100 mg is taken orally or smoked. In no case should the dosage be exceeded, since belladonna is very toxic.

Catnip (Nepeta catoria)
The leaves contain metatabilacetone, nepatalactone, nepetalic acid. Dried leaves are mixed one by one with tobacco and smoked. Pronounced and prolonged euphoria is guaranteed.

Dill (Anethum graveolens)
Take seed oil that contains dillapiols. Stimulates vision. The main thing is not to overdo it: it is terribly harmful to the liver and kidneys.

Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria)
Muximol and muscarine are present in large quantities in these mushrooms. Used in dried form. It is strictly forbidden to take at least a piece into your mouth until you find out individual tolerance. In persistent individuals after 30 minutes. After taking it, dizziness, slight cramps, nausea, numbness of the legs and twilight sleep for 2 hours occur - with bright color visions and heightened sensitivity to sounds. After sleep for about 3 hours, hallucinations are observed along with a surge of cheerfulness, strength and energy. Absorbed muximol mostly passes into the urine unchanged. If you carefully collect it in a jar and drink it, the effect will repeat.

Henbane (Hyoscyamos niger)
African shamans smoke the leaves and seeds for an intoxicating and hallucinogenic effect, and drink the brewed crushed root. But overuse can lead to irreversible insanity.

Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora)
The leaves are dried and smoked - after which they catch a slight buzz and cheerful intoxication. You don’t need to smoke more cigarettes at a time - there is a lot of cyanide in hydrangea, even a small concentration of which only a steel organism can endure.

Juniper (Juniperas Macropoda)
Psychotropic components have not been fully identified. Leaves and branches of juniper are placed over burning coals. Throwing a blanket over his head, inhale the smoke. Effect: intoxication, hallucinations, delirium, motor agitation and emotional imbalance, then hypnotic trance. Visions and conversations with supernatural beings are provided. Well, terribly bad for the liver!

Mandragora (Mandragora officinarum)
Taking a decoction of the crushed root causes hallucinations, accompanied by a comatose trance and sleep. However, it can also lead to insanity, and in large quantities is a powerful toxin.

Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
Wormwood oil contains absinthine, anabsinthine and volatile oil. It is most intensively extracted from the leaves and stems with alcohol. Wormwood tinctures have a narcotic effect.

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans)
If you carefully chew and swallow 5-20 grams of a whole or ground nut, nausea will occur within the first 45 minutes, accompanied by a sharp stupefaction and senseless giggling. Then the mouth dries up, the skin and eyes turn red, severe intoxication is felt. Speech is incoherent, motor functions are disturbed. Then - peace, stupor with the inability to sleep, euphoria and twilight drowsiness. The session lasts about 12 hours, but ends with 24 hours of exhaustion and sleep.

Toadskin (Bufotein)
Toad skin contains a substance called bufotein, which is an effective hallucinogen. Three toads (frogs are not good) come to kill suddenly and immediately remove their skin. Let the skin dry in the refrigerator for 4-5 days until it becomes brittle. After that, grind into powder and smoke. True, the stink at the same time will rise such that it is better to immediately mix mint or something else fragrant into the powder. Well, if your peace-loving soul does not accept killing or you are a secret Greenpeace activist, just catch a common gray toad and scare it badly. From fright at the back of the head, the toads secrete the same bufotein. Squeeze the secreted substance from the toad.

Smoking often pushes people to different experiments. By and large, any dried and crushed plant can be wrapped in tissue paper, and in this sense, you can smoke anything. As part of their experiments, people try to smoke tea, various medicinal plants. Some do it in search of new sensations, others in an attempt to give up real cigarettes. Adolescents may likewise become addicted to smoking.

Why smoke mint?

One of the plants that often acts as a "filler" in cigarettes is mint. The characteristic pleasant smell makes mint attractive not only for cooking or perfumery, but also for smoking. However, it remains to be seen whether this plant can be smoked.

When trying to create a herbal cigarette, the choice falls on mint not by chance. This plant has something to do with ordinary cigarettes. We are talking about menthol cigarettes. True, there is no mint in them. Menthol is added to these cigarettes, a substance found in essential oil mint. What will happen if you smoke mint itself, that is, its dried leaves?

The effect of smoking mint

Since mint does not contain nicotine, it cannot satisfy nicotine cravings. As a medicinal plant, mint is believed to be calming and relaxing. However, for this it must be consumed in the form of tea or decoction, and not inhale the smoke from its burning. When smoking mint, a pleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth, but such smoking does not deliver any more sensations.

A much more dangerous option for smoking mint is when the leaves of this plant are treated with some kind of synthetic drug. In this case, mint itself acts only as a base that can be “hammered” into cigarettes, and the heady effect comes not from it, but from a narcotic substance.

Smoking mint does not cause any specific harm to the body. This means that the harm from smoking mint is not associated with the plant itself, but with the fact of inhaling hot smoke saturated with carbon monoxide and other harmful substances formed during combustion. Despite the presence of some harm, such smoking is still considered safer than smoking regular cigarettes. In this regard, special herbal cigarettes are created to quit smoking, which, along with other components, very often contain mint. These nicotine-free cigarettes are an alternative to pills, chewing gum or nicotine patches. They allow you to overcome the physiological dependence on nicotine. The psychological dependence on the smoking process remains.

Thus, we can say that smoking mint is quite acceptable. Compared to smoking regular tobacco, smoking peppermint appears to be safer, and as a result, it can help you quit smoking completely. If a person smokes mint for the sake of getting special sensations, then there is no point in this. Mint does not contain any components that can cause drug intoxication. The maximum that you can get if you smoke mint is an unusual taste in your mouth and the absence of a tobacco smell.

Effects of catnip on the body

Many young people are interested in whether it is possible to smoke mint? The answer is ambiguous.

In fact, this is allowed and not punished by the current legislation. However, before you take a puff, think about whether it is necessary? It is not known what the consequences will be, but the harm to the body will be enormous.

To prepare one serving, you need 100 grams of catnip. It is advisable to take well-dried chopped leaves for this. It is not necessary to smoke the grass to get the effect, it can be chewed or made into tea from it. Considering that it quickly turns into ashes, some craftsmen mix it with ordinary tobacco and even marijuana. In the latter version, the maximum possible hallucinogenic effect is achieved.

You can quickly dry any plant by putting the leaves on a plate in the microwave for 10-30 seconds.

Choosing peppermint is safer. AT small quantities it can relieve you of fever, migraines and cope with stressful situations. You don't have to smoke to do this. It is better to brew a healing herbal tea, taking only 30 grams of crushed dry foliage. Strictly speaking, smoking peppermint does not give the proper desired effect, except for an unpleasant smell and taste.

When answering the question of whether it is possible to smoke catnip, it is only worth noting that it can give some kind of relaxing effect, like valerian roots. Only for a moment it is possible to feel some joy, calmness and a floating feeling. But after that, a headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, fever and other signs of intoxication will immediately follow.

What happens if you smoke mint?

As the first testers note, smoking catnip is accompanied by a disgusting aftertaste and a subsequent specific smell that will accompany you for more. for a long time. In combination with tobacco, the smell at first resembles lemon balm, but only before it starts to smolder. For a short period of time, feelings become aggravated, lightness appears (you already want to flutter), colors become brighter, and sensitivity also increases. But the pacifying state in which you enjoy life does not last long. After that, I want to run, jump and frolic. There is a feeling of some panic. And in the end, an increased feeling of hunger with fatigue.

However, for these wonderful few minutes you will have to pay with a rather painful condition. To enhance the effect, it is better to smoke mint together with regular smoking tobacco. In fact, the same effect occurs as with the use of marijuana, but in a milder form. In some cases, mint is used to quickly give up cigarettes, because. at the next puff, nausea occurs, leading to disgust and moral rejection of such an addiction. The formation of rather caustic smoke cannot please either.

Video: guys smoke mint because there is nothing to do)

Peppermint has numerous useful properties, but if you use it as a smoking composition, be prepared for the appearance of cough, problems with nervous and cardiovascular systems. Give your heart and lungs a boost.

Amazing euphoria, smoothly flowing into a surge of energy, passes after 15 minutes. For its extraordinary effect in some countries, this plant has already been marked as a drug, like marijuana and other similar drugs. With repeated use, a more persistent addiction may occur, which will be difficult to get rid of both morally and physiologically, as well as from nicotine with tobacco smoke. Therefore, it is better not to try at all and not to kill your body for the sake of a fleeting effect.

Now you know what catnip and peppermint are used as smoking blends. We recommend that you do not start trying something that will be quite difficult to refuse later, and will not bring much joy.

Peppermint, which is often confused with lemon balm (lemon mint, actually not being a plant of the genus mint at all), has long been successfully used in pharmacology. Peppermint is a cultivated hybrid of wild-growing species - water mint and garden mint, in which a person has strengthened beneficial features plants known to him since ancient times. It was obtained in the 17th century in foggy Albion; before that traditional healers used its direct relatives - cat and field mint.

Currently, peppermint is mainly used for medicinal purposes, due to the high content of terpenes, flavonoids and, of course, menthol - the famous mint essential oil. Important active substances are also limonins, bitterness, tannins, eucalyptus oil, rosemary and caffeic acids. Almost all parts of the plant are used, but mint leaves are the most popular preparations.
Mint, in addition to antiseptic and analgesic action, also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves fatigue and removes the symptoms of irritability. Therefore, many drugs manufactured for smokers contain a mint component. In addition, the mint flavor provides healthy sleep and relieves headaches.

You can use mint different ways. For example, rub 10% oil on the back of the head and temples for headaches. Insomnia and nightmares (and this is unlikely to be avoided in the first time after quitting nicotine) can be overcome by filling the pillowcase of a small pillow with dried mint leaves and placing it next to the headboard. Peppermint tea tones up, returns the lost taste to healthy life and optimizes digestion chronically inhibited by nicotine.
They do it like this: a tablespoon of dried mint leaves with a slide is poured with a glass of boiling water. Then let it brew for 8-10 minutes, filter and drink. Fresh mint leaves are also good for making an herbal drink. Take 4 sheets per cup. They are washed, finely chopped, like tea leaves, and poured with boiling water. After half a minute, drain the water and pour boiling water again. After that, insist 2 minutes and drink warm.

It is important to remember that peppermint tea is an occasional remedy. Prolonged use can lead to unwanted effects!

I smoke.rf

In the pursuit of getting high, teenagers are sometimes ready to do really stupid and thoughtless things. What is most interesting, many of them try something new in the hope of experiencing an incomparable sensation. Read on for some of the strangest ways American teenagers get high.

The abuse of inhalants or "irritants" is an old American, one might say ancient, method of getting an inexpensive buzz. He has been known for a long time. Spray bottles can be found in most homes and are fairly easy to buy. But inhaling hydrocarbons creates a feeling of temporary paralysis and oxygen deficiency. It may also damage internal organs and cause death. Parents are advised to pay attention to oddities in the sense of smell of adolescents, dilated pupils and quickly ending aerosols.

Another substance in the "irritant" drug category is mothballs. The gas given off by mothballs is designed to keep hungry insects away from your clothes. But it turns out that it also attracts teenagers hoping to get high. After inhalation, teens become uncoordinated and their skin may become "scaly" as the body tries to flush out the chemicals they inhale. In any case, this is stupid because. can lead to severe poisoning of the body.

This method stands out on the list because it is not a drug. Adolescents do this to achieve the same effect as when using stimuli. In short, asphyxiation games involve cutting off blood flow to the brain to the point where the person faints or begins to lose consciousness. Once blood flow to the brain is restored, the explosion of oxygen in the brain creates a feeling of euphoria. But as they say, you can overdo it.

Antiseptic gel.
It is supposed to be applied to your hands to kill germs. Some teenagers decided that they could drink it and get drunk. Some antiseptic gels contain over 60% ethanol. This means that a couple of drops are the equivalent of a couple shots of vodka. As with regular alcoholic beverages, this can lead to serious side effects, including weakening motor function, memory loss, damage to internal organs and increased blood sugar.

If drug research hasn't shown you anything surprising about what teenagers are willing to eat, drink, or smoke to get high, meet catnip.

Most people know catnip as a plant that makes your cat act like an idiot. Catnip was actually used by people in the 1960s as an alternative to marijuana. The fad is back as teenagers use the cat drug to get their own high and take their cats' high. Eaten or smoked, catnip can cause relaxation, mild euphoria, or dizziness. Side effects include nausea, headaches and people making fun of you. If you notice a teenager meowing around a skein of yarn, be sure it's catnip.

Known as Hippie Crack, nitrous oxide is a very well-known drug. In addition, it is used by dentists and speed enthusiasts. The most accessible source of the drug is the dairy section of the grocery store. In jars of whipped cream, nitrous oxide is used to extract the product from the jar. The inhalation of this substance (nitrogen, not whipped cream) causes euphoria. But it can also cause frostbite, organ damage, suffocation and death. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that more than 700,000 teens used inhalants such as nitrous oxide in a year. But the data is not limited to teenagers. Even Demi Moore has been hospitalized after reportedly taking nitrous oxide.

Freon is a gas used in freezers and refrigerators. If you inhale it, you will get high. The teenagers found out that the usual home air conditioner also contains Freon. They reportedly use a screwdriver to inhale the gas. AT last years technicians and repairers are reporting an increase in complaints about loss of freon in air conditioners. In addition to euphoria, freon can cause liver, heart, and brain damage, as well as death. It can also cause severe frostbite on the face and lungs.

There is a new term for the drug that is being used today - beezin'. This refers to teenagers who have found a quirky way to use Burt's Bees products to get high. Burt's Bees produces a line of natural and organic products that include toothpastes, shampoos and conditioners. Teenagers have found that using the company's lip balm on their eyelids can produce a feeling of euphoria. Experts believe that this effect is caused by peppermint oil. Side effects are not yet known, but the boredom that caused the desire to try this should be alarming.

This method does not require any substances, it uses music to get a "digital high". With headphones, a person listens to different sounds or beats in each ear. The result is that the listener feels a beautiful sound "inside the head". Some have reported feelings and sensations as if they were using marijuana or acid. Experts say music can disrupt the body's vital rhythms and sleep cycles.

Teenagers love to use things for other purposes. Over the past few years, there has been a surge in bizarre drinking practices. It turns out that teenagers liked to soak tampons with vodka and insert them where the sun does not shine, or pour vodka directly into the eyes. The logic is simple - a thinner skin membrane and a high concentration of blood vessels in these "certain" places allow alcohol to be absorbed faster. This is true, but the problem is that alcohol enters directly into the bloodstream at a higher concentration than if it had been first processed by the liver. This can lead to alcohol poisoning or damage to the eyes and chocolate eye.

Yes, that's right, nutmeg. Nutmeg essential oil contains a small amount of myristicin, a psychotropic drug. Teenagers eat, drink and smoke this spice to get some form of high. Reported sensations range from a slight "hum" in the head to hallucinations. Side effects sound more serious. They include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness.

It's just stupid. In American schools, there is a prank when they are asked to eat something or put something up their nose. It turns out that now it has become fashionable to inhale sweets. The only thing worth saying about this "trend" is that one of side effects is the possibility of obtaining nasal larvae.

Jenkem - human waste. Jenkem use reportedly began in Africa in the 1990s. The first information about Jenkem appeared at the beginning of this century, but soon the information was refuted, and everything was turned into a joke. Logically (if we can use that word in this article), inhaling naturally produced methane contributes to any “high.” However, if teens are willing to inhale candy and smoke nutmeg, we're willing to bet there's a group of teens out there who have tried to consume shit. The whole thing is so funny that it deserves to be number 1 on this list.

Made popular by rappers in the 1990s, Purple Drank, also known as "Texas Tea", "Sizzurp" or simply "Drank", is another substance that teenagers continue to use to get high. Purple Drank is a cough mixture mixed with Sprite or Mountain Dew and sometimes hard candy to add sweetness. This mixture is based on codeine, a drug found in cough mixture. Popularized in hip-hop culture and reportedly used by Justin Bieber, Purple Drank is mildly euphoric. It also causes lethargy and drowsiness and, if taken in a high enough dose, can slow down the nervous system and cause a person to stop breathing. High sugar content also leads to excessive weight gain and tooth decay.

Why cats love catnip (video)

Useful properties of catnip

Cat and catnip are 2 compatible concepts. No wonder this herb got its name. Quite often, veterinarians use catnip for medicinal purposes.

Catnip for cats can act as a so-called behavior corrector. Some owners, through the use of this herb, cope with the excessive aggression of their pets. If you give a cat a few pieces of catnip, his behavior becomes more affectionate and calm.

At the same time, it is recommended to use catnip for a lethargic and lazy cat, who is used to sleeping and eating most of the time. Catnip has a positive effect on such passive pets and makes them more playful and active.

An equally important aspect is that catnip has a so-called bactericidal effect and can relieve stomach cramps in your pet and eliminate excessive pain if necessary. Experienced veterinarians say that catnip is considered a quality remedy for cats from stressful situations. Thanks to the intake of several leaves of this plant, your beloved pet will be able to endure long trips and trips to the doctor without fear.

The question may arise whether this herb does not affect a pet in the same way that drugs affect a person. Professionals say no. The most important thing is to keep the animal away from the grass every day in unlimited quantities.

Such alluring properties for cats of this plant contributed to the release of numerous toys for cats. The essential oils of this herb are often added to special scratching posts that attract the attention of cats. The owners thus save their own furniture and walls.

Veterinarians also say that dried grass can be used if pets have no appetite. In addition to all of the above, the plant has a fairly powerful antihelminthic effect. If this herb does not grow in your area, you can grow it at home. Its seeds are sold at any pet store.

The reaction of a cat to a stick with catnip (video)

Do people need a catnip?

Catnip can affect not only cats, but also people. The composition of this plant contains a huge amount of essential oils, which are very often used in medicine and perfumery. Catnip is extremely rich in vitamin C, thanks to which various decoctions and healing teas are made from it.

Catnip has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the use of this herb, inflammation of any kind can be eliminated. If it is associated with wounds, lotions and compresses should be made with a decoction of catnip. When it comes to inflammation of the internal organs, it is better to drink teas from this plant.

Pleasant minty aroma promotes soothing nervous system. We can say that catnip can reduce emotional overexcitation and eliminate stress not only in cats, but also in humans.

Often, catnip is used to eliminate unpleasant stomach cramps, colic and bloating. With a slow metabolism, this plant can also be used. Catnip is often used as a mild pain reliever. For example, if you have a toothache, and there is no opportunity to visit the clinic, then you can rinse your mouth with a tincture prepared from this plant, and the pain will subside for a while.

Often this herb is attributed in case of severe cough. This remedy stimulates the active expectoration of sputum from the bronchi. Often, doctors advise gargling with a decoction of catnip, as it stops hurting faster.

Many people are attracted to this plant in the same way as cats, so they often wonder if it is possible to smoke catnip in normal human doses instead of regular cigarettes sold in tobacco stalls. Numerous studies have shown that smoking this plant does not cause addiction in humans, like many drugs. But despite this, smoking catnip is not recommended.

After heating the plant, it releases a lot of poisonous resins, just like ordinary tobacco. Due to the frequent smoking of catnip, problems with the respiratory system and other organ systems can occur. But on the other hand, catnip cannot be called more harmful to health than tobacco, which is part of every cigarette.

Catnip is a beneficial plant for both animals and humans. But it only brings benefits when used correctly.

Activates the digestive tract and normalizes digestion. Catnip extract - safe natural remedy, which gently and effectively copes with problems. With stress and anxiety, you need to take decoctions, infusions or capsules for several days and periodic headaches, too, which is if you smoke catnip after taking this medicine. Catnip essential oil has a characteristic lemon smell, which is why it is used in perfumery.

First of all, it has a positive effect on the nervous system - it calms, relieves anxiety, irritation and removes the effects of stress. A decoction of catnip helps to cope with severe headaches and migraines.

The herb is also very useful for the gastrointestinal tract: Catnip can be given for poisoning, it acts as an absorbent, for diarrhea and indigestion. Decoctions and infusions can be used as a disinfectant and antibacterial agent. In reasonable quantities, it can also be used to improve sleep.

Dedicated to drug addicts

If a person is constantly stressed, tired and anxious, then this plant is better suited as a light sleeping pill, because it calms the nervous system and improves falling asleep. Ashwagandha and melatonin can also be used to improve sleep and as a sleep aid. Therefore, it is better to refrain from smoking catnip. Some researchers argue that it is still possible to combine this herb with tobacco, so there will be less harm from smoking. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use decoctions, teas or capsules.

Now cigarettes with cloves are less taxed if you smoke catnip and therefore in most Asian countries smokers prefer it. Sage Sage is a free access hallucinogen. For smoking, the average dose of salvinorin is only 0.5 mg per person with average sensitivity and weight. Based on the concentration of salvinorin in the leaves of this plant, mg of medium leaves contain enough salvinorin to cause psychoactive hallucinogenic effects.

Catnip Cats are simply crazy about this herb, maybe even more than from valerian. So why shouldn't a person get sick? In some countries, catnip leaves are smoked alone or mixed with an equal amount of tobacco.

Corn Not all corn, of course, but corn hairs, farmers smoked a long time ago, when tobacco prices were very high. Of the effects noted only improvement in people suffering from incontinence. Bananas Bananas contain a small amount of Musa Sapientum bananadine, which is a mild, short-acting psychedelic, in the banana peel.

  • Is it possible to smoke mint: causes and effects
  • By the way, who smokes what? (8 photos)
  • What happens if you smoke mint?

And you just need to collect 7 kg.

Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Substances Not Prohibited by Law Adam Gottlieb



Nepeta catoria. Family Labiatae (Labiatae).

Material: Leaves.

Application: The leaves are smoked alone or mixed with an equal amount of tobacco. Also moistened with extract of tobacco or other smoking.

Active substances: Metatabilacetone, nepatalactone, nepetalic acid.

Effects: Mild marijuana-like euphoria, with tobacco more pronounced and prolonged.

Contraindications: Harmful effects are not known. Tobacco is harmful and addictive.

Provider: MGH and pet stores. Aerosol extract in pet stores. Viable seeds in B, FM, G, NK, RCS.

CAT'S FOOT (GNAPHALIUM. GNAPHALIUMPOLYCEPHALUM) Related drugs. Chamomilla, Euphorbia corrollata, Ipecacuanha, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Veratrum album, Iris. Specific action. On the stomach and intestines, also on the liver, kidneys and prostate gland. Application. Diarrhea, especially in children; nervous or stomach headache;

156. CAT'S FOOT The cat's foot is not inferior to sandy immortelle in its effect. An infusion of flower baskets is prescribed for liver diseases and cholecystitis as a strong anti-inflammatory and choleretic agent. In addition, the cat's paw gives good results when

Mint useful view is a mint with sparse leaves. Its properties: cold and dry in the I degree. Mint has softening properties due to its strong volatile properties. Helps with ulcers and tinnitus. Helps with breathing difficulties and chest diseases (suppresses

Mint Spray a room with mint water to relieve stress and fatigue. Mint water is refreshing and soothing. But for people with low blood pressure, it is better to give up mint water - a decrease in blood pressure is possible.

Cat's paw A dioecious perennial herb, rarely a subshrub. Lives in arid drylands. Low height - only from 8 to 25 cm. That is why the plant is heat-tolerant and undersized. It is covered with a light fluff that protects it from heat and drying. The roots lie

Mint Peppermint contains an essential oil, the main component of which is menthol, which determines the taste of mint. It contains tannins, flavonoids, bitterness. Mint has analgesic and vasodilating properties. Peppermint oil is included

Peppermint Peppermint oil is a pale yellow to greenish fluid with a warm, fresh, minty aroma. The aroma is invigorating, cold, fresh, subtle. Mixes well with oils of lavender, eucalyptus, basil, jasmine. Restores strength, eliminates nervous overexcitation,

Kotovnik, or Catnip (Nepeta) The family of yasnotkovye (labial). The Latin generic name comes from the city of Nepeta, located in Italy. I received the Russian version of this genus because of the smell that attracts cats. How to grow Catnip catnip is planted in open

Mint Mint is one of the oldest medicinal and fragrant plants. Peppermint is of the greatest importance - this hybrid species was first discovered in England at the end of the 17th century, and just a century later, peppermint plantations appeared in many countries, and the creation began.

Mint Mint is a perennial herbaceous plant whose leaves are rich in essential oils. About 40 of its species grow in our country. Menthol, derived from peppermint leaves, is a mild local anesthetic and vasodilator.

Peppermint Nervous system. Digestion. Women's diseases. Activation of mental activity Mint is the oldest of incense. In ancient Rome, with the help of mint infusions, they refreshed their homes. Guests could judge how desirable they were by the spicy aroma of wild or peppermint.

Mint Healing properties Mint has a calming, antispasmodic, analgesic, antiseptic effect. Mint contains menthol, which constricts the vessels located on the surface and reflexively dilates the vessels of internal organs. Externally, mint infusion

Peppermint Peppermint is the oldest incense. When we talk about the spice "mint" today, we first of all mean peppermint. It is she who has a frosty, clean, cooling and refreshing aroma, burning taste. And although all types of mint are similar, there is no substitute for peppermint.

What can be smoked instead of tobacco and what herbs can be used for smoking? This worries not only those who quit smoking, but also heavy smokers who find themselves on different reasons no cigarettes.

How can you replace the usual puff and avoid nicotine withdrawal, which will occur after the obsessive thought: how and what to inhale? We will tell you what you can smoke instead of cigarettes and how to do it right.

Long awaited puff

Smoking cigarettes with tobacco, as you know, is an addictive event, in addition to dubious pleasure, it also brings a lot of problems. Deteriorating health, stale appearance, bad smell and constant spending on cigarettes are far from the whole list of troubles that accompany smokers.

Smoking forms a special "tobacco" way of life, in which each smoker has to take care of smoking and replenish the "strategic stock" of cigarettes in a timely manner in order to exclude the moment of their unexpected absence.

Without another puff, it will be so bad that in this state you will agree to smoke anything, but at least tea or grass.

Once without cigarettes, far from the places of their purchase, a smoker begins to suffer seriously physically and psychologically. The withdrawal syndrome approaching with wide steps makes one feverishly think about what to smoke instead of the usual cigarette and what substitute is a suitable alternative to tobacco.

There are enough substitutes for tobacco, and they depend on the places where, by coincidence, the smoker has been brought. All smokers know about this, as well as persons who tried to “quit” smoking and smoked an herbal substitute.

What herbs can be smoked instead of tobacco and what result should be expected from such a replacement?

Unusual cigarette

You can smoke not only tobacco, the ancient Indians knew about it, deftly folding herbal "hand-rolled" ones. Such unusual cigarettes, as a rule, did not contain tobacco, and various herbs and their mixtures were stuffed in them.

Smoking Indian cigarettes is not like traditional smoking and is more like inhaling incense. An Ayurvedic cigarette is presented as a smoking inhaler, which has a lot of positive effects on the body.

Smoking Indian cigarettes is not like traditional smoking and is more like inhaling incense.

Such cigarettes, in which grass instead of tobacco, are still popular to this day, and they are used as an aid in quitting smoking. The herbs in Indian cigarettes are quite exotic and are meant to be enjoyed by everyone. Among them:

  1. Basil and cloves.
  2. Turmeric and licorice.
  3. Galangal and tendu tree.
  4. Snyt and Indian vigil.

As you can see, the herbs in Indian products are completely “foreign”, and although they have been smoked for a long time and are highly praised at the same time, it is advisable for our compatriot to smoke “native”.

The history of smoking brought to our time Interesting Facts substitutes for tobacco in cigarettes. During the siege of Leningrad, when there was a lot of tension with tobacco, the laboratory of the St. Petersburg food industry developed several substitutes.

In besieged Leningrad, cigarettes were produced, in which, in addition to tyutyun, there were 10-20% additives. The following served as substitutes:

  • Hop cones.
  • Aspen leaves.
  • Leaves of maple, oak and birch.

Is the smoke of a useful plant useful?

It is said that smoking herbal cigarettes greatly facilitates smoking cessation and well reduces withdrawal symptoms. This is proved by the practice and reviews of many former smokers. But what kind of weed can you smoke without fear of harming the body?

Of course, her choice depends on the location of the smoker and improvised means that can serve as a substitute for a cigarette. According to experienced smokers, you can smoke tea and medicinal plants, including:

  1. Oregano, thyme, eucalyptus.
  2. Mint, lemon balm, yarrow.
  3. Plantain, motherwort, sage.

The smoke emitted during the burning of these herbs is bitter in taste, but rather pleasant and mild, and smoking such ersatz cigarettes helps to forget about nicotine for a while. Motherwort grass and coltsfoot leaf, when smoked, produce a smoke of a very bitter taste and can even cause disgust for smoking itself.

According to experienced smokers, you can smoke tea and medicinal plants.

As a rule, when smoking a substitute, cigarettes are made by hand. For this, vegetable raw materials are slightly crushed and wrapped in thin paper. The quality of a rolled cigarette depends on the dexterity of the smoker, and its “taste” depends on the composition of the herbal filling.

Each herb has its own smell and taste, so the sensations when smoking a substitute will be different. The clove smell and smoke are pleasant, smoking of such cigarettes is a good distraction and temporarily helps to do without tobacco.

You can smoke black and green tea, but it is better not to inhale too much. Tea smoke irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and causes coughing.

What else to puff

Tobacco smoking is an ancient occupation, and there have always been plenty of those firmly “settled” on tobacco. At a time when tobacco was very bad, they smoked ersatz products and all kinds of substitutes. The “hay passed through the horse” was used, as the then cigarette filler, which consisted of a mixture of tobacco dust and maple leaves.

Tobacco can be replaced with dry yellow pine needles from broken tree branches. They say that the Carpathian Hutsuls prefer to smoke coltsfoot, considering it useful.

Traditional healers claim that smoking medicinal plants is useful, not by chance, they were added to smoking mixtures in the old days. Ancient healers recommended smoking:

  • Motherboard (oregano) - for stomach and nervous diseases.
  • Lovage - for inflammatory diseases.
  • Mint leaf - to raise the tone and acquire calmness.
  • Holly - for diseases of the throat, teeth and gums.
  • Gentian yellow (tirlich) - for diseases of the joints.

The ancient Cossacks smoked "tyrsa" (dry feather grass) and smoking mixtures of tobacco with wormwood, lovage and mint. The recipe for the Cossack “evil tyutyun”, consisting of ¼ wormwood and ¾ tyutyun, has survived to this day.

To the question of what to do instead of smoking, we answer: to achieve the goal, all means are good, but the main thing is that they are safe for health. You can use tea or medicinal herbs; chew calamus root; smoking nicotine-free cigarettes or sucking on hard candy.

what happens if you smoke mint

Smoking, especially for a long time, sometimes pushes heavy smokers to some experiments. After all, you can make cigarettes yourself by wrapping various mixtures of herbs in tissue paper. Moreover, given the well-known fact that real tobacco is almost never found in modern cigarettes. So it turns out, there is not much difference what to use for smoking.

Many people use various herbal mixtures not only in order to get unusual sensations, but in this way they are trying to quit a bad habit. Peppermint is especially common among experimental smokers. This plant, due to its characteristic pleasant smell, is actively used among perfumers and culinary specialists.

Mint is harmless when smoked and is an ingredient in some herbal cigarettes.

Why mint

The choice for fragrant leaves does not fall by chance when trying to create herbal cigarettes. This plant culture is directly related to menthol cigarettes known to many smokers. Of course, there is no mint itself in its pure form. But menthol, which is included in the composition of such tobacco products, is obtained from the extract of the essential oil of this plant culture. Is it possible to smoke mint instead of tobacco using dry leaves? Will such experiments harm health?

Received effect

Of course, mint, unlike tobacco, absolutely does not contain nicotine in its composition, which means that the smoker's tobacco hunger is not able to satisfy this plant. But, according to some, inhaling dry smoldering mint leaves can have a relaxing and calming effect on a person. True, experts add that to obtain such an effect, mint should be taken in the form of teas, inside, but not through smoking.

Decoctions and infusions of mint leaves soothe the body well, in traditional medicine such teas are especially advised to be taken in the evenings, for good and sound sleep.

So what happens if you smoke mint, in addition to a rather pleasant perception? The experimenter will not receive any other sensations. There is also a dangerous option for using the leaves of this plant - many drug addicts process the leaves of such a culture with drug-containing drugs (synthetic drugs are most often used).

In this case, the plant is used as the base for the joint stuffing, and the heady euphoria is due to the effects of the drug. There will be no harm to the body from pure mint. But it should be borne in mind that during combustion, the smoke is saturated with toxic compounds, in particular carbon monoxide, which carries an immediate health hazard.

Peppermint is an ingredient in some products designed to help you quit smoking.

But in any case, mint-based herbal cigarettes are an order of magnitude safer than conventional ones made from tobacco chips. Therefore, mint is actively used by manufacturers of herbal cigarettes. Such products are intended for people who have decided to quit smoking, but still suffering from psychological dependence. And in the combination of herbal cigarette products with nicotine replacement therapy (chewing gum, sprays, patches), the cigarette addict is released from physical cravings.

It has long been no secret that modern tobacco products practically do not contain the declared full-fledged tobacco. The harm from such a hobby for the body is enormous. Therefore, more and more smokers are thinking about replacing the poisonous products of the modern tobacco industry and switching to the use of herbal products.

In modern herbal cigarettes, designed to help quit smoking, mint is included in almost all formulations.

Herbal cigarettes "Tavolga" (made in Russia) contain:

  • oregano;
  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • motherwort;
  • mint leaves;
  • horsetail;
  • coltsfoot;
  • yarrow;
  • herb mountaineer bird.

American Smoke Free are based on mint leaves and the soft fibrous shell of coconuts. And Nirdosh Indian herbal cigarettes have a rather rich herbal composition, which may include:

  • caraway;
  • guggul;
  • basil;
  • cinnamon;
  • carnation;
  • licorice;
  • persimmon leaves;
  • smooth licorice;
  • Indian cinnamon;
  • galangal root;
  • rhizomes of turmeric.

The absence of tobacco in the composition of such products ensures the gradual weaning of the smoker from psychological dependence. And the mint included in the composition helps to calm down, and distracts with its pleasant aftertaste from the desire to smoke real (classic) cigarettes.

Herbal cigarettes Nirdosh contain mint

Blends that may be helpful

You can use some of the advice of herbalists and make your own herbal mixtures for smoking. Moreover, knowing the specifics of the impact on the body of certain plants, get some benefit from herbal smoking. For example, create herbal mixtures from the following plants:

To clear the airways and lungs:

  • mint;
  • fir;
  • angelica;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • agave;
  • plantain;
  • marshmallow root;
  • coltsfoot;
  • clover flowers.

To remove residual mucus from the bronchi:

  • thyme;
  • nettle;
  • eucalyptus;
  • juniper needles;
  • strawberry (or raspberry) leaves.

To tone up:

  • mint;
  • willow;
  • alfalfa;
  • kalanchoe;
  • rose hip;
  • ginseng;
  • dandelion;
  • licorice;
  • rhodiola rosea.

For a calming effect:

  • mint;
  • Linden;
  • thyme;
  • oregano;
  • Melissa;
  • chamomile;
  • blooming Sally;
  • Adonis;
  • St. John's wort;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian;
  • yarrow;
  • black milkweed.

To quit regular nicotine cigarettes:

  • fir;
  • thyme;
  • ginger;
  • oregano;
  • chicory;
  • elecampane;
  • eucalyptus;
  • peppermint;
  • Red clover;
  • blackcurrant leaves.

To improve metabolism and lose weight:

  • mint;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • cowberry;
  • St. John's wort;
  • parsley;
  • rose hip;
  • dandelion;
  • ginger and ginseng roots.

But, of course, it is better to use these fees (and you can take only a few of the listed herbs of a certain group, not all) in the form of inhalations, decoctions and tinctures. Using them as the basis for smoking cigarettes will not bring such an effect.


Smoking peppermint is inherently a perfectly acceptable procedure. The body will not receive special harm from this type of rest. Compared to conventional cigarettes, herbal cigarettes based on these fragrant dry leaves are even more useful and safe. Plus, they also help you quit your habitual smoking. Smoking mint will not give any narcotic effects - there are no narcotic components in this plant. The maximum that a “herbal smoker” can get is to experience unusual taste sensations.

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Smoking often pushes people to different experiments. By and large, you can wrap in tissue paper

any dried and crushed plant, and in this sense, you can smoke anything. As part of their experiments, people try to smoke tea, various medicinal plants. Some do it in search of new sensations, others in an attempt to give up real cigarettes. Adolescents may likewise become addicted to smoking.

Why smoke mint?

The effect of smoking mint

Is it possible to smoke mint - HarmSmoking

What happens if you smoke mint?

In the pursuit of getting high, teenagers are sometimes ready to do really stupid and thoughtless things. What is most interesting, many of them try something new in the hope of experiencing an incomparable sensation. Read on for some of the strangest ways American teenagers get high.

The abuse of inhalants or "irritants" is an old American, one might say ancient, method of getting an inexpensive buzz. He has been known for a long time. Spray bottles can be found in most homes and are fairly easy to buy. But inhaling hydrocarbons creates a feeling of temporary paralysis and oxygen deficiency. It can also damage internal organs and cause death. Parents are advised to pay attention to oddities in the sense of smell of adolescents, dilated pupils and quickly ending aerosols.

Another substance in the "irritant" drug category is mothballs. The gas given off by mothballs is designed to keep hungry insects away from your clothes. But it turns out that it also attracts teenagers hoping to get high. After inhalation, teens become uncoordinated and their skin may become "scaly" as the body tries to flush out the chemicals they inhale. In any case, this is stupid because. can lead to severe poisoning of the body.

This method stands out on the list because it is not a drug. Adolescents do this to achieve the same effect as when using stimuli. In short, asphyxiation games involve cutting off blood flow to the brain to the point where the person faints or begins to lose consciousness. Once blood flow to the brain is restored, the explosion of oxygen in the brain creates a feeling of euphoria. But as they say, you can overdo it.

Antiseptic gel. It is supposed to be applied to your hands to kill germs. Some teenagers decided that they could drink it and get drunk. Some antiseptic gels contain over 60% ethanol. This means that a couple of drops are the equivalent of a couple shots of vodka. As with regular alcoholic beverages, this can lead to serious side effects, including impaired motor function, memory loss, damage to internal organs, and increased blood sugar.

If drug research hasn't shown you anything surprising about what teenagers are willing to eat, drink, or smoke to get high, meet catnip. Most people know catnip as the herb that makes your cat act like an idiot. Catnip was actually used by people in the 1960s as an alternative to marijuana. The fad is back as teenagers use the cat drug to get their own high and take their cats' high. Eaten or smoked, catnip can cause relaxation, mild euphoria, or dizziness. Side effects include nausea, headaches and people making fun of you. If you notice a teenager meowing around a skein of yarn, be sure it's catnip.

Known as Hippie Crack, nitrous oxide is a very well-known drug. In addition, it is used by dentists and speed enthusiasts. The most accessible source of the drug is the dairy section of the grocery store. In jars of whipped cream, nitrous oxide is used to extract the product from the jar. The inhalation of this substance (nitrogen, not whipped cream) causes euphoria. But it can also cause frostbite, organ damage, suffocation and death. The National Institute on Drug Abuse reported that more than 700,000 teens used inhalants such as nitrous oxide in a year. But the data is not limited to teenagers. Even Demi Moore has been hospitalized after reportedly taking nitrous oxide.

Freon is a gas used in freezers and refrigerators. If you inhale it, you will get high. The teenagers found out that the usual home air conditioner also contains Freon. They reportedly use a screwdriver to inhale the gas. In recent years, technicians and repairers have reported an increase in complaints about the loss of freon in air conditioners. In addition to euphoria, freon can cause liver, heart, and brain damage, as well as death. It can also cause severe frostbite on the face and lungs.

There is a new term for the drug that is being used today - beezin'. This refers to teenagers who have found a quirky way to use Burt's Bees products to get high. Burt's Bees produces a line of natural and organic products that include toothpastes, shampoos and conditioners. Teenagers have found that using the company's lip balm on their eyelids can produce a feeling of euphoria. Experts believe that this effect is caused by peppermint oil. Side effects are not yet known, but the boredom that caused the desire to try this should be alarming.

This method does not require any substances, it uses music to get a "digital high". With headphones, a person listens to different sounds or beats in each ear. The result is that the listener feels a beautiful sound "inside the head". Some have reported feelings and sensations as if they were using marijuana or acid. Experts say music can disrupt the body's vital rhythms and sleep cycles.

Teenagers love to use things for other purposes. Over the past few years, there has been a surge in bizarre drinking practices. It turns out that teenagers liked to soak tampons with vodka and insert them where the sun does not shine, or pour vodka directly into the eyes. The logic is simple - a thinner skin membrane and a high concentration of blood vessels in these "certain" places allow alcohol to be absorbed faster. This is true, but the problem is that alcohol enters directly into the bloodstream at a higher concentration than if it had been first processed by the liver. This can lead to alcohol poisoning or damage to the eyes and chocolate eye.

Yes, that's right, nutmeg. Nutmeg essential oil contains a small amount of myristicin, a psychotropic drug. Teenagers eat, drink and smoke this spice to get some form of high. Reported sensations range from a slight "hum" in the head to hallucinations. Side effects sound more serious. They include drowsiness, nausea, vomiting, headaches and dizziness.

It's just stupid. In American schools, there is a prank when they are asked to eat something or put something up their nose. It turns out that now it has become fashionable to inhale sweets. The only thing to say about this "trend" is that one of the side effects is the possibility of nasal maggots.

Jenkem - human waste. Jenkem use reportedly began in Africa in the 1990s. The first information about Jenkem appeared at the beginning of this century, but soon the information was refuted, and everything was turned into a joke. Logically (if we can use that word in this article), inhaling naturally produced methane contributes to any “high.” However, if teens are willing to inhale candy and smoke nutmeg, we're willing to bet there's a group of teens out there who have tried to consume shit. The whole thing is so funny that it deserves to be number 1 on this list.

Made popular by rappers in the 1990s, Purple Drank, also known as "Texas Tea", "Sizzurp" or simply "Drank", is another substance that teenagers continue to use to get high. Purple Drank is a cough mixture mixed with Sprite or Mountain Dew and sometimes hard candies to add sweetness. This mixture is based on codeine, a drug found in cough mixture. Popularized in hip-hop culture and reportedly used by Justin Bieber, Purple Drank is mildly euphoric. It also causes lethargy and drowsiness and, if taken in a high enough dose, can slow down the nervous system and cause a person to stop breathing. High sugar content also leads to excessive weight gain and tooth decay.

Is it possible to smoke mint: causes and effects

Activates the digestive tract and normalizes digestion. Catnip extract is a safe natural remedy that gently and effectively copes with problems. With stress and anxiety, you need to take decoctions, infusions or capsules for several days and periodic headaches, too, which is if you smoke catnip after taking this medicine. Catnip essential oil has a characteristic lemon smell, which is why it is used in perfumery.

First of all, it has a positive effect on the nervous system - it calms, relieves anxiety, irritation and removes the effects of stress. A decoction of catnip helps to cope with severe headaches and migraines.

The herb is also very useful for the gastrointestinal tract: Catnip can be given for poisoning, it acts as an absorbent, for diarrhea and indigestion. Decoctions and infusions can be used as a disinfectant and antibacterial agent. In reasonable quantities, it can also be used to improve sleep.

Dedicated to drug addicts

If a person is constantly stressed, tired and anxious, then this plant is better suited as a light sleeping pill, because it calms the nervous system and improves falling asleep. Ashwagandha and melatonin can also be used to improve sleep and as a sleep aid. Therefore, it is better to refrain from smoking catnip. Some researchers argue that it is still possible to combine this herb with tobacco, so there will be less harm from smoking. For medicinal purposes, it is better to use decoctions, teas or capsules.

Now cigarettes with cloves are less taxed if you smoke catnip and therefore in most Asian countries smokers prefer it. Sage Sage is a free access hallucinogen. For smoking, the average dose of salvinorin is only 0.5 mg per person with average sensitivity and weight. Based on the concentration of salvinorin in the leaves of this plant, mg of medium leaves contain enough salvinorin to cause psychoactive hallucinogenic effects.

Catnip Cats are simply crazy about this herb, maybe even more than from valerian. So why shouldn't a person get sick? In some countries, catnip leaves are smoked alone or mixed with an equal amount of tobacco.

Corn Not all corn, of course, but corn hairs, farmers smoked a long time ago, when tobacco prices were very high. Of the effects noted only improvement in people suffering from incontinence. Bananas Bananas contain a small amount of Musa Sapientum bananadine, which is a mild, short-acting psychedelic, in the banana peel.

  • Is it possible to smoke mint: causes and effects
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  • Can you smoke mint?
  • What happens if you smoke mint?

And you just need to collect 7 kg.

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02/19/2018 Luka: 03/03/2018 paefego: 03/05/2018 justpival: 02/24/2018 Evdokia: 03/04/2018 Stanislav: 03/08/2018 Yakov:

Peppermint, which is often confused with lemon balm (lemon mint, which is actually not a plant of the mint genus at all), has long been successfully used in pharmacology. Peppermint is a cultural hybrid of wild species - water mint and garden mint, in which a person has enhanced the beneficial properties of plants known to him since ancient times. It was obtained in the 17th century in foggy Albion; and before that, traditional healers used its direct relatives - cat and field mint.

Currently, peppermint is mainly used for medicinal purposes, due to the high content of terpenes, flavonoids and, of course, menthol - the famous mint essential oil. Important active substances are also limonins, bitterness, tannins, eucalyptus oil, rosemary and caffeic acids. Almost all parts of the plant are used, but preparations based on mint leaves are the most popular. Mint, in addition to its antiseptic and analgesic effect, also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, relieves fatigue and removes the symptoms of irritability. Therefore, many drugs manufactured for smokers contain a mint component. In addition, mint aroma provides healthy sleep and eliminates headaches.

Mint can be used in a variety of ways. For example, rub 10% oil on the back of the head and temples for headaches. Insomnia and nightmares (and this is unlikely to be avoided in the first time after quitting nicotine) can be overcome by filling the pillowcase of a small pillow with dried mint leaves and placing it next to the headboard. Peppermint tea tones up, returns the lost taste to a healthy life and optimizes digestion chronically inhibited by nicotine. It is made like this: a tablespoon of dried mint leaves with a slide is poured into a glass of boiling water. Then let it brew for 8-10 minutes, filter and drink. Fresh mint leaves are also good for making an herbal drink. Take 4 sheets per cup. They are washed, finely chopped, like tea leaves, and poured with boiling water. After half a minute, drain the water and pour boiling water again. After that, insist 2 minutes and drink warm.

It is important to remember that peppermint tea is an occasional remedy. Prolonged use can lead to unwanted effects!

Why cats love catnip (video)

Useful properties of catnip

Cat and catnip are 2 compatible concepts. No wonder this herb got its name. Quite often, veterinarians use catnip for medicinal purposes.

Catnip for cats can act as a so-called behavior corrector. Some owners, through the use of this herb, cope with the excessive aggression of their pets. If you give a cat a few pieces of catnip, his behavior becomes more affectionate and calm.

At the same time, it is recommended to use catnip for a lethargic and lazy cat, who is used to sleeping and eating most of the time. Catnip has a positive effect on such passive pets and makes them more playful and active.

An equally important aspect is that catnip has a so-called bactericidal effect and can relieve stomach cramps in your pet and eliminate excessive pain if necessary. Experienced veterinarians say that catnip is considered a quality remedy for cats from stressful situations. Thanks to the intake of several leaves of this plant, your beloved pet will be able to endure long trips and trips to the doctor without fear.

The question may arise whether this herb does not affect a pet in the same way that drugs affect a person. Professionals say no. The most important thing is to keep the animal away from the grass every day in unlimited quantities.

Such alluring properties for cats of this plant contributed to the release of numerous toys for cats. The essential oils of this herb are often added to special scratching posts that attract the attention of cats. The owners thus save their own furniture and walls.

Veterinarians also say that dried grass can be used if pets have no appetite. In addition to all of the above, the plant has a fairly powerful antihelminthic effect. If this herb does not grow in your area, you can grow it at home. Its seeds are sold at any pet store.

The reaction of a cat to a stick with catnip (video)

Do people need a catnip?

Catnip can affect not only cats, but also people. The composition of this plant contains a huge amount of essential oils, which are very often used in medicine and perfumery. Catnip is extremely rich in vitamin C, thanks to which various decoctions and healing teas are made from it.

Catnip has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to the use of this herb, inflammation of any kind can be eliminated. If it is associated with wounds, lotions and compresses should be made with a decoction of catnip. When it comes to inflammation of the internal organs, it is better to drink teas from this plant.

Pleasant mint aroma helps to calm the nervous system. We can say that catnip can reduce emotional overexcitation and eliminate stress not only in cats, but also in humans.

Often, catnip is used to eliminate unpleasant stomach cramps, colic and bloating. With a slow metabolism, this plant can also be used. Catnip is often used as a mild pain reliever. For example, if you have a toothache, and there is no opportunity to visit the clinic, then you can rinse your mouth with a tincture prepared from this plant, and the pain will subside for a while.

Often this herb is attributed in case of severe cough. This remedy stimulates the active expectoration of sputum from the bronchi. Often, doctors advise gargling with a decoction of catnip, as it stops hurting faster.

Many people are attracted to this plant in the same way as cats, so they often wonder if it is possible to smoke catnip in normal human doses instead of regular cigarettes sold in tobacco stalls. Numerous studies have shown that smoking this plant does not cause addiction in humans, like many drugs. But despite this, smoking catnip is not recommended.

After heating the plant, it releases a lot of poisonous resins, just like ordinary tobacco. Due to the frequent smoking of catnip, problems with the respiratory system and other organ systems can occur. But on the other hand, catnip cannot be called more harmful to health than tobacco, which is part of every cigarette.

Catnip is a beneficial plant for both animals and humans. But it only brings benefits when used correctly.

Why smoke mint?

One of the plants that often acts as a "filler" in cigarettes is mint. The characteristic pleasant smell makes mint attractive not only for cooking or perfumery, but also for smoking. However, it remains to be seen whether this plant can be smoked.

When trying to create a herbal cigarette, the choice falls on mint not by chance. This plant has something to do with ordinary cigarettes. We are talking about menthol cigarettes. True, there is no mint in them. Menthol is added to these cigarettes, a substance found in peppermint essential oil. What will happen if you smoke mint itself, that is, its dried leaves?

The effect of smoking mint

Since mint does not contain nicotine, it cannot satisfy nicotine cravings. As a medicinal plant, mint is believed to be calming and relaxing. However, for this it must be consumed in the form of tea or decoction, and not inhale the smoke from its burning. When smoking mint, a pleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth, but such smoking does not deliver any more sensations.

A much more dangerous option for smoking mint is when the leaves of this plant are treated with some kind of synthetic drug. In this case, mint itself acts only as a base that can be “hammered” into cigarettes, and the heady effect comes not from it, but from a narcotic substance.

Smoking mint does not cause any specific harm to the body. This means that the harm from smoking mint is not associated with the plant itself, but with the fact of inhaling hot smoke saturated with carbon monoxide and other harmful substances formed during combustion. Despite the presence of some harm, such smoking is still considered safer than smoking regular cigarettes. In this regard, special herbal cigarettes are created to quit smoking, which, along with other components, very often contain mint. These nicotine-free cigarettes are an alternative to pills, chewing gum or nicotine patches. They allow you to overcome the physiological dependence on nicotine. The psychological dependence on the smoking process remains.

Thus, we can say that smoking mint is quite acceptable. Compared to smoking regular tobacco, smoking peppermint appears to be safer, and as a result, it can help you quit smoking completely. If a person smokes mint for the sake of getting special sensations, then there is no point in this. Mint does not contain any components that can cause drug intoxication. The maximum that you can get if you smoke mint is an unusual taste in your mouth and the absence of a tobacco smell.

is it possible to smoke lemon balm and what will happen if you smoke such a joint?

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Agreement Ask a question 5 years ago by Sergey Nesterov

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Better smoke a burdock leaf with dry cow dung or dried horseradish roots. 5 years ago by Ludmila Sokolova

Dear Kolya! In this matter, the main thing is to determine what goal you are pursuing. Achieve pleasure? Then why not immediately hemp or marijuana? "Keep high" without harm to health? Alas, it won't work. There will be no such effect, but the result is similar. The goal is the same - the speed is different. 5 years ago by Valery M

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Can you smoke mint

Recently, information about smoking mint has been widely disseminated, but not everyone knows what consequences this harmless prank can turn into. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at this issue and warning against the wrong act, which can seriously harm human health.

Smoking mint can cause hallucinations and the highest content of the active substance is found in catnip. The plant got its name because this type of Asian plant is actively used as a calming and pacifying agent for wild cats, which liked it, just as domestic cats are not indifferent to valerian. People may experience similar effects when smoking the leaves of this plant. Perhaps this is what attracts young people who want to experience the “high”.

Effects of catnip on the body

Many young people are interested in whether it is possible to smoke mint? The answer is ambiguous. In fact, this is allowed and not punished by the current legislation. However, before you take a puff, think about whether it is necessary? It is not known what the consequences will be, but the harm to the body will be enormous.

To prepare one serving, you need 100 grams of catnip. It is advisable to take well-dried chopped leaves for this. It is not necessary to smoke the grass to get the effect, it can be chewed or made into tea from it. Considering that it quickly turns into ashes, some craftsmen mix it with ordinary tobacco and even marijuana. In the latter version, the maximum possible hallucinogenic effect is achieved.

You can quickly dry any plant by putting the leaves on a plate in the microwave for 10-30 seconds.

Choosing peppermint is safer. In small quantities, it can relieve you of fever, migraines and cope with stressful situations. You don't have to smoke to do this. It is better to brew a healing herbal tea, taking only 30 grams of crushed dry foliage. Strictly speaking, smoking peppermint does not give the proper desired effect, except for an unpleasant smell and taste.

When answering the question of whether it is possible to smoke catnip, it is only worth noting that it can give some kind of relaxing effect, like valerian roots. Only for a moment it is possible to feel some joy, calmness and a floating feeling. But after that, a headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, fever and other signs of intoxication will immediately follow.

What happens if you smoke mint?

As the first testers note, smoking catnip is accompanied by a disgusting aftertaste and subsequent specific smell that will accompany you for a long time. In combination with tobacco, the smell at first resembles lemon balm, but only before it starts to smolder. For a short period of time, feelings become aggravated, lightness appears (you already want to flutter), colors become brighter, and sensitivity also increases. But the pacifying state in which you enjoy life does not last long. After that, I want to run, jump and frolic. There is a feeling of some panic. And in the end, an increased feeling of hunger with fatigue.

However, for these wonderful few minutes you will have to pay with a rather painful condition. To enhance the effect, it is better to smoke mint together with regular smoking tobacco. In fact, the same effect occurs as with the use of marijuana, but in a milder form. In some cases, mint is used to quickly give up cigarettes, because. at the next puff, nausea occurs, leading to disgust and moral rejection of such an addiction. The formation of rather caustic smoke cannot please either.

Video: guys smoke mint because there is nothing to do)

Peppermint has numerous health benefits, but if you use it as a smoking compound, be prepared for cough, nervous and cardiovascular problems. Give your heart and lungs a boost.

Amazing euphoria, smoothly flowing into a surge of energy, passes after 15 minutes. For its extraordinary effect in some countries, this plant has already been marked as a drug, like marijuana and other similar drugs. With repeated use, a more persistent addiction may occur, which will be difficult to get rid of both morally and physiologically, as well as from nicotine with tobacco smoke. Therefore, it is better not to try at all and not to kill your body for the sake of a fleeting effect.

Now you know what catnip and peppermint are used as smoking blends. We recommend that you do not start trying something that will be quite difficult to refuse later, and will not bring much joy.

What can you smoke instead of tobacco

What a terrible thing to lose what you love. Yes, sometimes not just loved, but necessary for good health. This is how people who are addicted to smoking and deprived of habitual cigarettes for some reason suffer. Tobacco smoking really causes a persistent need to constantly supply the body with certain doses of nicotine. Such dependence is formed at the mental and physical level and completely subjugates the personality of a person, making him a real slave of habit.

Therefore, for a true cigarette addict, there is nothing worse than an empty cigarette pack at a time when all kiosks and shops are already closed or there is no money to buy another portion of doping. And what can be smoked instead of tobacco in order to somehow calm down the rebellious organism that requires a nicotine portion, and so much as to get pleasure at the same time? Sometimes the sufferer's desire to smoke is so strong that the smoker is ready to try everything that is in the apartment. But is it worth it?

If desired, the absence of a cigarette can be replaced by similar smoking, but the ideal solution would be to quit tobacco

The real crux of the problem

The nicotine substance found in every cigarette is a highly addictive compound. Moreover, a person does not even notice this problem in himself, he does not feel his illness and sometimes just smokes for the sake of interest or out of habit.

According to doctors, nicotine addiction is one of the most severe forms of drug addiction. It is characterized by rapid development and especially severe weaning.

The smoker begins to feel all the “charm” of tobacco addiction when he suddenly finds himself without cigarettes and cannot smoke for just a few hours. Unpleasant symptoms, similar to withdrawal symptoms and called "withdrawal syndrome", fall on a person after 3-6 hours (depending on the length of smoking). A cigarette addict has to deal with such unpleasant signs as:

  • nausea;
  • tachycardia;
  • dizziness;
  • pressure surges;
  • irritability;
  • increased sweating;
  • trembling of the limbs;
  • stress manifestations.

The sufferer is haunted by an irresistible desire to take a puff, and in the absence of cigarette doping, the question arises of what to smoke at home to insert properly. What is the way out of the impasse? Experts offer two options:

  1. Undertake methods to help distract from the desire to smoke.
  2. Use a suitable imitation cigarette. In this case, you will have to forget about the necessary nicotine, but the smoke obtained from analogues will help to replace it.

In the absence of cigarettes, the smoker experiences a real withdrawal syndrome.

But by trying various options replacement of a cigarette, it should be remembered that the smoke from imitation will not look like a cigarette smoker is used to. After all, tobacco has a characteristic feature of slowly smoldering, gradually releasing a soft and fragrant evaporation with a characteristic taste. Imitation is not capable of this.

How to distract yourself from the thought of smoking

Of course, the best and safest way out for health will be to find a decent remedy that will help distract a person from the need to smoke. What can be used? Psychologists offer several ways that can really help you forget about unbridled desire.


Especially in the cold season. During this period, the air has the highest concentration of oxygen and nitrogen. It has been proven that the mixture of these gases really helps the smoker forget about the desire to look for a cigarette. But even in the summer heat, you can also take a fascinating walk, sit on the benches of the green square, hear the birds singing and get a dose of relaxation.

After all, the need to drag on a fragrant smoke often appears when a person needs to calm down, with overstrain and excitement. With the disappearance of such syndromes, the craving for coveted cigarettes is automatically stopped.

pain sensation

You can "knock down" your unbearable desire to smoke by overexciting pain receptors. Of course, you should not torture yourself - just cause moderate pain. For example, put on a money elastic band on your wrist and pulling it off, slap it on the skin. At the moment of feeling pain, pain signals that are sharply manifested in the brain receptors actively stop all other stimuli, including those that provoke cravings for cigarettes.

Breathing exercises

Symptoms that a smoker may experience in the absence of cigarettes

There is a specially designed complex breathing exercises which is recommended for quitting smokers. These exercises relieve cravings for cigarettes. They will help in case of their absence.

First exercise. Stand up straight and relax. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 5-6 seconds. Then exhale slowly. At the end of the exhalation, hold your breath for the same time. Do 10-12 repetitions.

Second exercise. You should slowly inhale air through your nose and quickly exhale through your mouth. At first, the pace of classes is slow, but it should be gradually increased. One cycle consists of 25-30 repetitions. Then you need to rest, and after a minute duplicate the complex. In total, you need to do 4-5 cycles.

Third exercise. Sit or take a comfortable position and relax. Fill up while inhaling lower part lung organs, while protruding the peritoneum forward, while raising the sternum. At this time, a semblance of a warm wave passes through the body. Remember to keep your spine straight. In total, you need to do 4-5 repetitions.

Performing these classes, you should not get carried away. Doctors do not recommend more than 10 repetitions of one exercise (especially breathing exercises). Otherwise, there is a chance to overexcite the central nervous system.

If all such methods have not been able to kill the persistent desire, then you will have to consider alternative options that you can smoke at home if there are no cigarettes. And such a replacement can be found. Suitable tools are always found in any kitchen.

Alternative to smoking

For many smokers suffering from lack of cigarettes, the first thought that comes to mind is to use the common weed growing in the yard. This seemingly logical approach turns out to be erroneous in practice. Not every plant can replace smoking. We should not forget about the following nuances:

  1. The smoking crumb should not actively burn, its task is to smolder slowly and leisurely, emitting smoke. And many plants burn quite actively.
  2. All plant cultures differ in intensity and manner of burning. The smoke is also different in its effect on a person. Some smoldering herbs can cause severe throat irritation and provoke severe allergies with swelling of the larynx. In the best case, a person may begin an attack of painful coughing and profuse lacrimation.
  3. The taste in the mouth after such "herbal" experiments may not be the best memory. Some plants after burning leave such a painful and unpleasant aftertaste that not every smoker is able to withstand it.

So, prerequisite when looking for a worthy replacement for tobacco products, the substitute has a soft and pleasant smoke, slow smoldering and a well-perceived aftertaste. It is also necessary to look for substitutes that do not have toxic substances formed during smoking. So what can you smoke instead of cigarettes at home, what is the best advice?

Not smoking can be a great chance to get rid of a deadly habit for good.

tea leaves

Tea is in the bins of any kitchen, and inspires a certain degree of confidence when considering it as an alternative to cigarettes. In fact, in urban conditions, tea brewing is indeed capable of becoming a worthy substitute, which can deceive the demanding requests of a “smoking” organism.

When smoking tea, you should know one immutable rule - do not take too deep puffs. Otherwise, the experimenter runs the risk of experiencing a long bout of painful dry coughing.

You can try to smoke any tea leaves (black, green, red). But experts advise to opt for green tea, this product has a smaller number of various additives. Do not try tea bags - according to reviews, they are very poorly perceived by the body, causing nausea.

Medicinal herbs

According to the inhabitants, the smoker gets the best perception from using the collection of certain herbs for smoking. It is better to stock up on certain types of plants in advance. These are the following cultures:

  • mint;
  • oregano;
  • Melissa;
  • catnip.

All herbs are sold in pharmacies. According to connoisseurs, it is this herbal combination that, when smoldering, gives softness and delicacy of smoke and has a rather pleasant aroma and perception. How to make an herbal cigarette?

  1. Mix all herbs in the same amount.
  2. Finely grind them.
  3. Make a roll out of tissue paper or a whole leaf.
  4. Tightly fill the "goat's leg" with prepared raw materials.

When smoldering, such a cigarette produces a slightly bitter smoke. But, despite its natural bitterness, the smoldering of an herbal cigarette is quite pleasant and effectively helps to distract from the desire to smoke. But it is worth remembering that such rest should not be abused. Otherwise, you can provoke an upset and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

By the way, in addition to the above method of herbal smoking, you can mix other fees medicinal plants. Moreover, each of them is not only suitable for smoking, but also has a number of additional properties:

Herbs for mixing Received effect




highlander bird

general tone increase, mood improvement,


highlander bird;


vanilla syrup (for flavor)

powerful anti-stress effect




prune syrup (for flavor)

effective in the fight against tobacco addiction, improves mood and relieves withdrawal syndrome


rose petals;

chocolate syrup (for flavor)

good remedy to combat smoking addiction, at the same time increases metabolism, which prevents the set excess weight parting with cigarettes


Carnation is best suited for such purposes. It should be ground and stuffed with a cigarette. Clove smoldering has a rather pleasant perception, it is fragrant, with a specific aftertaste. Clove cigarettes help to kill the desire to smoke and for quite a long time.

So, nothing is impossible in the world. And even the lack of vital cigarettes can always be replaced by an alternative. But is the game worth the candle? Maybe extend the absence of the usual fun for an indefinite time with the sole purpose of giving up smoking altogether?

Moreover, the circumstances themselves “scream” about it. Try to endure the inconvenience until the desire to drag on a cigarette disappears. It is difficult and difficult, but the reward will be the strengthening and restoration of health, and clean lungs. Think about this before you look for a replacement for smoking.

Recently, information about smoking mint has been widely disseminated, but not everyone knows what consequences this harmless prank can turn into. That is why it is worth taking a closer look at this issue and warning against the wrong act, which can seriously harm human health.

Smoking mint can cause hallucinations and the highest content of the active substance is found in catnip. The plant got its name because this type of Asian plant is actively used as a calming and pacifying agent for wild cats, which liked it, just as domestic cats are not indifferent to valerian. People may experience similar effects when smoking the leaves of this plant. Perhaps this is what attracts young people who want to experience the “high”.

Effects of catnip on the body

Many young people are interested in whether it is possible to smoke mint? The answer is ambiguous. In fact, this is allowed and not punished by the current legislation. However, before you take a puff, think about whether it is necessary? It is not known what the consequences will be, but the harm to the body will be enormous.

To prepare one serving, you need 100 grams of catnip. It is advisable to take well-dried chopped leaves for this. It is not necessary to smoke the grass to get the effect, it can be chewed or made into tea from it. Considering that it quickly turns into ashes, some craftsmen mix it with ordinary tobacco and even marijuana. In the latter version, the maximum possible hallucinogenic effect is achieved.

You can quickly dry any plant by putting the leaves on a plate in the microwave for 10-30 seconds.

Choosing peppermint is safer. In small quantities, it can relieve you of fever, migraines and cope with stressful situations. You don't have to smoke to do this. It is better to brew a healing herbal tea, taking only 30 grams of crushed dry foliage. Strictly speaking, smoking peppermint does not give the proper desired effect, except for an unpleasant smell and taste.

When answering the question of whether it is possible to smoke catnip, it is only worth noting that it can give some kind of relaxing effect, like valerian roots. Only for a moment it is possible to feel some joy, calmness and a floating feeling. But after that, a headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, fever and other signs of intoxication will immediately follow.

What happens if you smoke mint?

As the first testers note, smoking catnip is accompanied by a disgusting aftertaste and subsequent specific smell that will accompany you for a long time. In combination with tobacco, the smell at first resembles lemon balm, but only before it starts to smolder. For a short period of time, feelings become aggravated, lightness appears (you already want to flutter), colors become brighter, and sensitivity also increases. But the pacifying state in which you enjoy life does not last long. After that, I want to run, jump and frolic. There is a feeling of some panic. And in the end, an increased feeling of hunger with fatigue.

However, for these wonderful few minutes you will have to pay with a rather painful condition. To enhance the effect, it is better to smoke mint together with regular smoking tobacco. In fact, the same effect occurs as with the use of marijuana, but in a milder form. In some cases, mint is used to quickly give up cigarettes, because. at the next puff, nausea occurs, leading to disgust and moral rejection of such an addiction. The formation of rather caustic smoke cannot please either.

Video: guys smoke mint because there is nothing to do)

Peppermint has numerous health benefits, but if you use it as a smoking compound, be prepared for cough, nervous and cardiovascular problems. Give your heart and lungs a boost.

Amazing euphoria, smoothly flowing into a surge of energy, passes after 15 minutes. For its extraordinary effect in some countries, this plant has already been marked as a drug, like marijuana and other similar drugs. With repeated use, a more persistent addiction may occur, which will be difficult to get rid of both morally and physiologically, as well as from nicotine with tobacco smoke. Therefore, it is better not to try at all and not to kill your body for the sake of a fleeting effect.

Now you know what catnip and peppermint are used as smoking blends. We recommend that you do not start trying something that will be quite difficult to refuse later, and will not bring much joy.