
Sea buckthorn soap. Carrot soap from scratch with sea buckthorn oil and vitamins A and E. Emollient soap with almond oil


In shops household chemicals presented wide range of products used to care for the skin of the face and the whole body, including soap. Each of us uses this cleansing cosmetic every day and does not think about the fact that it can be easily created at home.

For this purpose, you will need both base and essential oils. To make soap with natural oils, you will need to purchase a soap base, which is an essential component of this cosmetic product. Before preparing a healing agent, you should familiarize yourself with the varieties of soap with oils, as well as its beneficial properties.

A valuable oily extract, which is added to the soap base, gives tenderness to the finished cosmetic product. Soap with carefully cares for the skin, moisturizes it and cleanses it of impurities.

There is no need to add any flavoring agents or esters during preparation, as the valuable vegetable product from olives has a light, unobtrusive aroma.

This type of cosmetic product is ideal for the care of sensitive as well as children's skin. In order for a homemade cosmetic product to have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, you can add a few drops of ether (or) to olive oil soap.

To speed up the saponification process, it is worth enriching the soap base with other plant components, suitable Coconut oil, as well as beeswax. The soap making process will require less water than other types of soap (about 30%). Soap with the addition of olive oil is called castile, the process of taking a shower with it will bring pleasure, as it resembles a cream in consistency.

With a cold method of preparation, soap reaches within six months. If it is made in a hot way, then it will take only 1 month to ripen it.

An oily product derived from coconut meat is often added to soaps with natural oils, as it has excellent lathering properties in both soft and hard water. A cosmetic product containing such a plant component does not have a pronounced aroma, therefore, during the cooking of soap, you can add esters at your own discretion.

Hand-made soap with the addition turns out to be solid, and its color is snow-white.

Moisturizing soap with shea butter

The cosmetic product containing shea butter is extremely gentle. Shea butter soap can be used by women with any type of skin, it perfectly moisturizes the skin of the face, rejuvenating it.

It should be borne in mind that soap with the addition of shea butter quickly soaks, so you need to take care of the dryness of the soap dish in which it is located.

Even as part of a homemade cleanser, sea buckthorn retains its medicinal properties: relieves mild inflammation, promotes the healing of small wounds, nourishes skin covering vitamins and macronutrients. But for the product to be really useful, it is worth preparing soap with 100% sea buckthorn oil.

It is enough just to create a peeling soap from sea buckthorn, for this purpose, crushed seeds of this healing berry are added to the soap base. Such a cosmetic product will gently cleanse the skin without causing irritation.

After homemade soap cooled in the forms, it should rest a little.

Softening soap with almond oil

Homemade cosmetic product based on almond oil solution is extremely beneficial for the skin. The multivitamin complex perfectly cares for the skin, softening and moisturizing it.

Soap with the addition is a hypoallergenic product, therefore it is recommended for use even by those suffering from rashes and allergic reactions.

When making soap at home, almond oil is used as a base. Crushed almond pits are perfect for creating a gentle exfoliating product. Flavoring "milk" will enrich the finished cosmetic product with an incomparable smell.

Esters are a storehouse of vitamins, macronutrients, as well as useful acids. In addition, they complement the cosmetic product with bright aromas, have a beneficial effect on both the nervous and cardiovascular system have a positive effect on the skin.

To prepare soap with essential oils, it is worth deciding on the purpose of a cosmetic product. For each type of skin, it is necessary to select different esters.

There are also universal essential oils. You can easily make homemade antibacterial soap with. Recommended for dry, oily and sensitive skin because it does not cause side effects.

This product is perfect for taking care of problem skin: heals and dries pimples, relieves inflammation, regulates the production of sebum. That's why tea tree oil soap is an all-in-one beauty treatment for facial skin.

Try to make soap at home, you will be satisfied with the result. The ingredients for this great beauty product are available at the soap shop and drugstore.

First of all, let's prepare an essential composition for soap aromatization - it will be a mixture of essential oils that will give a persistent citrus aroma.
Combine essential oils in one container: tangerine - 2 teaspoons, grapefruit - 2 teaspoons, litsea cubeba - 1 teaspoon, patchouli oil - 1 teaspoon, lemon oil - 1 teaspoon

The next step is to squeeze orange juice from 3-4 oranges.

Freeze the juice in the freezer. Don't rush to throw away the orange peel - scrape the zest from it and dry it in the sun or in the oven at 50 degrees. Orange peel is a light scrub and peeling at the same time. Ideal for cellulite prevention.

Prepare oils for the overfat (sea buckthorn and rice bran) to be added at the end of cooking.

Weigh and melt all base oils, except for overfat care oils.

Weigh out the lye. Remember about safety!

Slowly, in several stages, pour lye into the frozen orange juice, stirring and not letting it get too hot.

This process is convenient and safer to do in the sink. Everything is ready. All the alkali has dissolved, the solution is almost bright orange.

Now we need to equalize the temperature of the melted oils and the alkaline solution (it should be almost the same).

Then carefully pour the alkaline solution into the oils through a strainer.

We take a blender and mix, you need to bring the mass to a homogeneous emulsion.

Place the container with future soap in a water bath and leave for about 2-2.5 hours. During this time soap will pass the gel stage, will be like jam, become waxy and easily roll into a ball without sticking to your hands.

Before laying out in the form, add overfat (a mixture of care oils: sea buckthorn and rice bran oil.)

Mix thoroughly.

Add the essential oil blend and orange zest and mix quickly and thoroughly.

Can be molded.

After 8-12 hours, the soap will become solid and can be freed from the mold and cut.

It turned out a beautiful sunny soap that will delight you with a fluffy foam and a bright citrus aroma!

Sea buckthorn is such a useful berry that only lazy people do not use it. The fruits of this shrub are generally considered unique. For their valuable composition, they were even given a special Royal status (one hundred grams of sea buckthorn contains just the amount of vitamins that one person needs to maintain a full, healthy life). That is why scientists advise to use this berry. In addition, this product has other properties (for example, vitamins remain "active" in it in any form), which are used in cosmetics. Berries are added to various cosmetics in oil form. Soap prepared on the basis not only performs its main function, but also moisturizes and nourishes the skin with each use. The alkaline environment, which is harmful to microbes and dirt, does not adversely affect the trace elements, as well as the vitamins that make up this oil. Due to which these components enter the skin, take care of it and maintain its healthy state. We provide you with a recipe for soap with healing oil from this special berry.


  1. 100 grams of soap base (white);
  2. 1 tsp milk (goat or cow);
  3. 1 st. a spoonful of oil from sea buckthorn berries;
  4. 1 st. l. ground sea buckthorn seeds or other particles with a scrubbing effect (put as desired).

Dyes do not need to be added: sea buckthorn oil stains the soap in a yellowish-orange color.

Flavoring can be added at will, however, ground seeds and sea buckthorn oil themselves exude a very subtle, barely perceptible pleasant aroma.

Melt the soap base, add the remaining components to it and mix everything well. Pour into moulds. And they wait until the mass hardens. All sea buckthorn soap, prepared with your own hands, is completely ready!

The number of ground bones may vary (for example, you can add less, more, or not at all). Such a wonderful fragrant soap with sea buckthorn oil will gently and gently care for your skin and bring you great pleasure! Enjoy creativity and your own talents in!

Clay handmade soap

White clay is considered a unique natural product with many healing properties owing to which it is very widely used in cosmetology. Masks, compresses, wraps are prepared from this component. This product is saturated with mineral components and has a warming property, due to which it is used for such an ailment as cellulite.

White clay soap is an excellent tool for improving metabolic processes in the skin. It has a mild exfoliating effect (removes dead skin particles from the skin), and also improves blood circulation. The skin becomes smooth, small cellulite bumps disappear.

Note: in all recipes, as a last resort, the soap base can be replaced which is very suitable for delicate and sensitive skin.


  1. 100 grams of soap base (white);
  2. 2-3 teaspoon of white clay. Clay is best used pharmacy. Its dosage in finished product can be adjusted by yourself. However, it should be remembered: the larger its amount, the worse the soap will lather.
  3. 6-7 drops of essential orange oil;
  4. 6-7 drops of grapefruit essential oil (which also has anti-cellulite properties). The smell may be too intense, but in order to get rid of cellulite, you can endure;
  5. 1 teaspoon of honey (this product gives softness to the product, so this should be taken into account when adding honey);
  6. 1 teaspoon of olive oil (cold pressed).

We melt the base, add base olive oil, clay and other components. Essential oils should be added at the very end. Pour the mass into a mold. If desired, you can also add a special soap dye. Preference should be given only to natural dyes. Anti-cellulite soap with loofah will also please you with a great effect!

Almond homemade soap

Almond oil is very beneficial for our skin. Since it contains vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which have a wound healing and softening effect (for example, they can treat minor abrasions and sunburn). This product practically does not cause allergies. Almond oil is widely used in home soap making as a base oil. Ground almond kernels are added to the soap as exfoliating particles.

We present you two simple prescription almond oil soap.

Handmade almond soap recipe first!!!


  1. 100 gr. soap base (white);
  2. 1 tsp almond oils;
  3. 1 tsp oatmeal flakes (small weed);
  4. 1 tsp finely ground almond pits (not roasted)
  5. 1 tbsp milk;
  6. 4-5 drops of "Cream" or "Milk" flavoring.

To make soap, melt the base, add base oil, milk, almonds and oatmeal. The flavoring is placed at the very end. Mix thoroughly and pour the soap mass into molds.

Handmade almond soap recipe 2!!!


  1. 100 g soap base (white);
  2. 1 tsp almond oil; 1 tsp honey;
  3. 1 tsp ground almond pits (not roasted)
  4. 4-5 drops of honey flavor.

This soap is great for peeling. The main thing in its manufacture is not to overdo it with the hardness and amount of scrubbing particles, as the soap will injure the skin, and this will bring harm instead of good. If you want to make ordinary gentle soap, then simply exclude dry ingredients from the recipe.

Coffee scrub soap

Coffee grounds left over from a drunk drink are not recommended. Naturally, it has scrubbing properties, however, it does not contain caffeine, which is useful for the skin, which improves the formation of lipid-generating enzymes.

Scientists have proven that this product promotes the activation of intracellular metabolism and effectively fights cellulite deposits. And the solid particles of the soap scrub themselves eliminate dead skin cells, soften and even out the skin.

Coffee for making soap is best ground before adding it. In this case, it will retain its useful properties as much as possible. And you don’t need to add whole coffee beans to the mass, since such a product will become inconvenient for use. Seeds can only be used for decoration. Do not forget that the coffee in the finished product has no smell, so you need to add flavors.


  1. 100 grams of white base (you can also use "baby" soap);
  2. 1-2 tablespoons of freshly ground coffee; 1 tsp cocoa butter;
  3. also, if desired, you can add a fragrance for soap (chocolate or coffee),
  4. 1-2 drops of dye (brown) or a few pieces from a chocolate bar.

Melt the base, add coffee and cocoa butter. Everything is well mixed. Lastly, flavoring and coloring are added. Poured into molds, the surface is decorated with coffee beans. Fragrant soap is ready.

The issue of adequate nutrition and protection of the skin in the autumn-winter period remains relevant.
When unstable weather tests our skin with freezing rains and winds, and a cozy home with temperature changes and dry air.
Vitaminization and immunization of the skin is just the direction in which we will move in order to improve turgor, protect our skin from chapping and dehydration during this difficult aggressive period of the year.

Retinoids, derivatives of vitamin A, will help us.
Enhance the effect with vitamin E.

So, the RECIPE of carrot soap from scratch with sea buckthorn oil and vitamins A and E.

As always after following the safety instructions:
- cover the workplace with unnecessary oilcloth or newspapers
- wear a protective respirator, goggles, gloves, apron.
- Prepare a 3% vinegar solution (to neutralize the alkali)

And cooking tools:
- cover the box with baking parchment or use a plastic insert (it is reusable, which is available)
- a jug for an alkaline solution, a bowl for a water bath - for oils.
- thermometers
- napkins
- stirrer sticks and immersion blender

Palm oil - 100g
- coconut oil - 200g
- sunflower oil - 300g
- unrefined cocoa butter - 100g
- sea buckthorn oil - 2 tbsp. spoons (find in a pharmacy)
- AEKOL - 2st. spoons (oil solution of vitamins A and E - an inexpensive pharmacy drug)
- carrots - about 200 gr.
- Perfume or essential oil at your choice — from 3 to 10%
- Alkali (NaOH) - 97.7g
- Water - 231gr.


- pre-measured water put in advance in the refrigerator.
- measure the alkali and slowly, gently stirring, pour the alkali into the chilled water.
- We measure the oils and heat in a water bath. Sea buckthorn oil and Aekol leave for later. We will introduce them on the trace state.
- Let the oils and lye solution cool down.
- At this time, three carrots on a fine grater.
- When the temperature of the oils and the solution is approximately the same (the difference should not be more than 5 degrees, and the total temperature should not exceed 60 degrees), pour the alkaline solution into the oils and start mixing, periodically working with a blender for 5-10 seconds.

We bring the mass to the state of a trace and introduce sea buckthorn oil, Aekol, aromas and grated carrots.
- Mix everything thoroughly and pour into the mold.
- We put in a warm place for a day or two.
- After hardening, remove from the mold, cut into pieces and leave to ripen for 1-3 weeks (degree of maturity finished soap determined by litmus papers - it should be no more than 8, or you can try soap on the tongue. If it stings, then leave to ripen for another week and rinse your mouth properly. If it does not sting, then soap can be used.)

I love making soap in the semi-hot way. This is a method that can only be used in winter when the heating is on. I wrap the form with soap and put it on the battery for 3 days. All these days, my soap goes through the gel stage and, accordingly, all saponification processes take place and there is no free alkali left. After I remove the soap from the battery, I leave it to harden and cool for another day. And after cutting, this soap can be used immediately.

Loofah is a natural, environmentally friendly product. This sponge is similar to a washcloth, which is made from the fibrous mass of a special variety of gourds. The use of loofah has a beneficial effect on the human body, has a massage effect, activates the process of cell regeneration, improves blood microcirculation. Loofah is used in soap as a scrub - it removes the layer of dead skin cells and actively fights cellulite. The skin becomes elastic and silky.

Sea buckthorn oil enhances blood circulation and removes toxins from under the skin fatty tissue. Regular use of Sea Buckthorn soap promotes cleansing of the sebaceous glands, speedy healing of wounds and cracks. The natural components that make up the product have a beneficial effect on the skin, stimulating the launch of regenerative processes in it.

In addition, “Sea buckthorn” soap noticeably improves the overall tone, enhances protective function skin. In general, this piece of soap was a storehouse of vitamins. O useful properties we learned soap, let's start soap making.

So, we need:

  • Plastic or silicone mold
  • Transparent soap base 90 grams
  • Sea buckthorn oil
  • Alcohol
  • Disposable plastic cups
  • mixing stick
  • Container for soaking loofah.

Manufacturing technique

1. Cut the soap base into cubes about 2 cm in size (for faster and even melting)

2. Cut off the loofah right size in form. Immerse in boiling water for 15-20 minutes to make it as soft as possible (if this is not done, you can scratch the skin)

3. Melt the soap base in the microwave in disposable plastic cups/chemical cups (or in a ladle over a water bath). When making soap self made it is important not to overheat the base in the oven, it cannot boil, it begins to lose its properties.

4. Add a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil. The oil will not only give the soap its beneficial properties, but will also act as a natural dye, coloring the soap in a yellow-orange color. Perfume can be added to the soap if desired, however, sea buckthorn oil and its ground seeds themselves have a very subtle, barely perceptible aroma.