
How to find a gold chain in the snow. Find a gold ring in the snow. Sign - find a gold or silver ring


A dream about a ring means connections, friendship, union, affection, betrothal.

Receiving a ring in a dream means that someone believes you or loves you, or will propose to you.

Seeing gold rings and rings in a dream portends honor, wealth and prosperity.

To break or lose a ring in a dream is a symbol of a break in relations and the loss of a loved one.

To receive a bronze ring as a gift in a dream is a disappointment that you will greatly experience, especially if the ring has sharp ends.

Seeing rings in a dream on others means that you will soon find yourself in the company of wealthy people and make new acquaintances.

To see or wear an amber ring in a dream is a good sign (but only for ladies).

To receive an iron ring in a dream is a sign of a difficult but wealthy life.

To see two wedding rings in a dream is an engagement. If you see that they are hanging in the air, then the engagement will be postponed or not at all.

Talking about the size of wedding rings in a dream to hear is a sign that soon you will hear a declaration of love.

The size of the ring in a dream means how great your love is.

Wearing an engagement ring in a dream is a sign of a happy family life or an imminent betrothal. Losing it is a shame; to receive - the loyalty of the beloved.

If in a dream you admire your wedding ring, then the dream predicts your happiness and well-being in family life. If the ring suddenly fades, then your happiness will suddenly be overshadowed by some unpleasant event - a quarrel or betrayal.

See interpretation: jewelry.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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We will carry out the search, naturally, with a metal detector. Chances of finding a lost ring or earring (or other jewelry) about 50 percent, and this is provided that the search site will be limited to a clearing or not very large area with a minimum amount of household waste. TO word to say, if you lost a ring somewhere while picking berries in one meadow, then it is almost certainly possible to find the lost one. But if somewhere in the courtyard of a high-rise building, then the chances are minimal.

Be that as it may, you need to act in about the same way. If you have a metal detector, then the first, most difficult stage is passed. If you do not have a metal detector, then you will have to look for a treasure hunter from your city (or the nearest city) at the regional forum of treasure hunters. Those who want to help will surely be found.

Consider a situation where you have your own metal detector (or have rented one), and you have very little experience. Take, for example, the two most common metal detectors and.

When using Garrett ACE 250 in a relatively clean place, the settings need to be made as follows - if the object is massive, then remove the first two segments and the last two segments. Anything else can reveal lost jewelry, even if it lies on its side. Of course, you don't need to dig anything, just probe the grass. If the depth shows 3 and 4 levels, then this is not yours lost thing(someone lost something 200 years ago), the depth at 1 and 2 levels indicates that the object is somewhere close to the surface (as a rule, the coil goes at a distance of 5-10 cm from the surface, therefore it shows a shallow depth). If the item is small (for example, an earring or pendant), then remove the first segment and the last three. In this case, the coil should be carried out more slowly and "dead zones" should be completely avoided. It will not be superfluous to go through the place not only along, but also across (if the lost one was not found right away).

If the place is very garbage, where there are plugs, wire and other debris on every meter of space, then the settings are the same as above, but you need to move the coil very slowly. It is quite possible that the jewelry lies next to the cork, which can interrupt the signal (moreover, the cork can be 20 cm). The chances of finding the lost are very small, but it all depends on your luck.

When using the more advanced X-Terra 705, the search can be made a little more comfortable. To do this, you need to make a mask that excludes the first segments up to 10 and the last from 38. Also, if the lost product has a pair (for example, an earring), then look at what numbers the display shows at it in different positions and focus on these indicators. Terra's advantage over Garrett can be seen only in the trash spot - Minelab X-Terra 705 better separates targets.

Also one general advice- when searching, use only original factory coils. Coils from other manufacturers will lie about depth (for example, a large coil from Nel can show an object on the surface due to its power, although it is 5-7 cm in the ground).

Hello. Help me please. Lost 2 gold pendants and 2 crosses. I left it on the table at home. Grandma shifted it, but she doesn't remember where. We searched everything, but we cannot find it.

Hello Oksana! In fact, there is nothing special about the fact that we sometimes lose things. This is not from disorder or negligence, but for a combination of several reasons.

One of them is that we are really at the moment when we shift the thing, we are focused on something else, and therefore we do not remember the action itself, but we remember what we were thinking at that moment.

The second, more esoteric, is that a person and his home have a common space-time field.

When we are in harmony with him, then all processes are going well, we are in harmony with ourselves, with our own mood, with health, we are happy and satisfied with everything. At this time, the house is clean and tidy, warm, special light and comfort, it seems to flicker and shimmer. On the energy level, of course. And everything is going well and everything is fine. There are no quarrels and conflicts, all affairs are dotted, everything in the house is in its place and obeys its own temporary schedule.

But when we enter the phase of disharmony with him, various events begin. Concentration and health deteriorate, quarrels and screams begin, at home something is constantly lost, things seem to wander from place to place without your knowledge. This means that you are in one space-time continuum, and the house is in another. Mismatch.

There are several ways to find things.

You can ask the brownie to give the item. To do this, you need to tie a scarf to the leg of a chair or table and sentence:

"Brownie-brownie, play and give it back!"

You can do it differently - sit on a chair, concentrate, relax and mentally imagine the thing. Imagine that it has already been found and is in your hands. Perhaps you will immediately want to go to the place where this thing lies.

There is also a special conspiracy that will help return a lost or stolen item.

Conspiracy "Return the lost thing"

You will need a rope to hold it. In the evening, after sunset, take a string and start tying knots on it, saying:

"Tie up the disappearance (name of the missing thing),

Answer me (your name). "

Then place the knotted rope in the western corner of your house. In the morning, take a string and begin to untie the knots with the words:

"The disappearance of (name of the thing) untie,

Show me (your name)! "

After all the knots are untied, place the rope in the east corner of the apartment. Soon the loss will be found

The loss of a thing is accompanied by a spoiled mood and a waste of time looking for it. If a dear, beloved or memorable thing is lost, negative impact on the psyche increases significantly. This effect is often observed when lost, for example, wedding ring... And it is understandable, because it is often a gift from dear and close people, presented to a memorable event in life. His search often turns into fruitless walking in circles. What to do?

If the ring is lost at home (in an apartment, house or other confined space, which can be left without the access of unauthorized persons for a certain time) it is better to pause the search, relax and resume them "with a fresh mind"... An agitated state of mind interferes with concentration, and in most cases is ineffective. The so-called "blurring" of the eyes occurs. In this state, a person repeatedly inspects the same places, missing the details. He casually "scans" the room, territory and things with his eyes, without identifying the ring, even if it is in a conspicuous place.

Where to start your search?

Having suspended unsuccessful attempts, it is advisable to completely switch to other things. If you do something fun that absorbs all your attention, the psyche will relax quickly. Switching attention effectively softens the centers of the created tension.

The person returns to a calm state, to his usual ability to work and high-quality performance of operations that require concentration of attention.

If, after a while, mentally reproduce the events preceding the moment of revealing the loss, it is found quickly and without much difficulty. It even becomes incomprehensible how it was possible not to notice the thing during the previous searches.

What can you use to find it?

Reliable, although not very fast way search for a metal ring, is using a metal detector... It is not necessary to purchase it for one-time use. You can ask around among friends, maybe someone will find a familiar treasure hunter who has such an argument “in his arsenal”. Alternatively, you can search advertisements to rent for one day.

Engage in the search someone from your family or friends who know your habits well. In some cases it works.

What conspiracies can help in the search?

Traditional rituals work well. It is not without reason that only that which has been repeatedly tested by time and brought a positive result falls into this category. Superstition is superstition, but if this method works, why not use it? Let's talk about some known methods used by our ancestors.

These include such rituals in which there is a "conditional ring"... They are associated with tying a cloth or thread in a circle, using objects whose edges also form a ring:

  • a chair leg is tied with a thread or scarf. After completing this ritual, repeat the following phrase several times: “ Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!". The phrase does not need to be repeated aloud. You can turn to the housekeeper silently, but with faith in the strength of tradition. There is no scientific confirmation of the mechanism of action of such a phrase, but the effectiveness of the procedure has been confirmed in many cases. A possible explanation for this is the person's belief in the result. After completing the rite, faith gives a person additional strength and prudence in the search process;
  • try to win over the brownie by treating him with something tasty. For this purpose, a saucer is placed on the table, milk is poured into it. Cookies are placed nearby. The brownie eats a treat, picks up and helps to find the loss;
  • a wine glass, glass or a simple jar is placed on the table. Leave the subject overnight. The next day, the search continues, but with the help of the brownie.

The attentive reader has noticed that all of the above rituals use a delay in time... Before continuing to search for the loss, a person needs to perform a certain action and wait a while. During this time, relaxation of the centers of mental tension occurs. An additional resource appears due to the belief in the help of the brownie. Perhaps that is why further searches come to the end with success.