
Basic chemical and physical properties of magnesite and brucite. Magnesite - a talisman with an ancient history


Magnesite is a common mineral, anhydrous magnesium carbonate from the calcite group. Included in the solid solution with siderite (FeCO3) and gaspeite (NiCO3). Synonym: magnesian spar. The flame does not color. It dissolves in acids only when heated. A drop of HCl does not boil in the cold. It dissolves in hot acids.

Chem. composition: magnesium oxide (MgO) 47.6%, carbon dioxide (CO 2) 52.4%. Impurities of iron, manganese, calcium.

Varieties of the mineral:
Breunnerite is a type of ferruginous magnesite with a percentage of Mg:Fe2+ atoms from 90:10 to 70:30.
Gelmagnesite, colloidal magnesite (gelmagnesite, kolloid-magnesite) is an amorphous (devoid of a crystalline structure) variety of magnesite.
Ferrous magnesite (ferroan magnesite), (Mg,Fe)CO3 is a ferruginous variety of brown magnesite.
Mesitine spar is a ferruginous variety of magnesite with an atom ratio of Mg:Fe2+ from 70:30 to 50:50.
Nickel magnesite, hoshiite (nickeloan magnesite, hoshiite) - a variety of magnesite enriched with nickel.

The crystal structure is the same as that of calcite.
Compared to calcite, magnesite is much less common in nature, but sometimes occurs in large continuous masses of industrial interest.

Some of these accumulations are formed by hydrothermal means. First of all, these include rather large deposits of crystalline-granular masses of magnesite, spatially associated with dolomites and dolomitic limestones. As geological studies show, these deposits are formed in a metasomatic way (among the deposits, it was sometimes possible to establish relics of limestone fauna). It is assumed that magnesia could be leached and deposited in the form of magnesite by hot alkaline solutions of dolomitized strata of sedimentary origin. Typical hydrothermal minerals rarely occur in the paragenesis with magnesite.
Accumulations of cryptocrystalline ("amorphous") magnesite also arise during the processes of weathering of massifs of ultrabasic rocks, especially in those cases when a thick crust of destruction products is formed during intense weathering. In the process of oxidation and hydrolysis, magnesium silicates undergo complete destruction under the influence of surface water and atmospheric carbon dioxide. The sparingly soluble iron hydroxides that arise in this case accumulate near the surface. Magnesium in the form of bicarbonate, as well as released silica (in the form of sols) sink into the lower horizons of the weathering crust. Magnesite, often enriched in opal and dolomite, in the form of veinlets and accumulations of sinter forms is deposited in highly leached fissured porous serpentinites in the zone of stagnant groundwater.
Finally, finds of magnesite with hydromagnesite (5MgO.4CO2.5H2O), mostly of mineralogical significance, are observed among sedimentary saline deposits. The formation of magnesium carbonates is associated with the reaction of the exchange decomposition of magnesium sulfate with Na2CO3.
Place of Birth

The well-known Satka deposit of crystalline magnesite of hydrothermal origin is located on the western slope of the Southern Urals (50 km southwest of the city of Zlatoust). Large magnesite deposits were formed here metasomatically among the dolomite sedimentary sequence of the Precambrian age. Similar deposits are known in the Far East, in South Manchuria, Korea, Czechoslovakia, Austria (Weitsch, in the Alps, south of Vienna) and in other places. It is formed together with talc during metamorphism (Shabrovskoye deposit, Middle Urals) and weathering of ultrabasic rocks(Island of Euboea in the Aegean Sea, Greece.
The deposits formed in the ancient weathering crust of ultramafic rocks include Khalilovskoye (South Ural) and the deposits of the island of Euboea in the Aegean Sea, Greece.
Sedimentary magnesite is deposited in lakes and lagoons, interbedded with dolomite or mixed with anhydrite. The largest deposits are in the strata of lagoon-marine dolomites: magnesite layers up to 500 m thick and tens of kilometers long (Satka in the Urals, deposits of the Liaodong Peninsula, China).
Practical value

It is an ore of magnesium and its salts; used for the production of refractories and binders, in the chemical industry; used for the production of refractory bricks. In the extraction of magnesite, mechanical (manual and with the use of photocell and laser devices) is used only to a limited extent, sometimes also flotation and electromagnetic enrichment. At a temperature of 750-1000 ° C, a powdered chemically active, so-called, is obtained from magnesite. caustic, magnesia, from which CO2 has not yet been completely removed. At 1500-2000°C, refractory magnesia is obtained, which consists mainly of periclase (MgO) crystals with a melting point of about 2800°C. At elevated temperatures (up to 3000°C), extra pure fused periclase is obtained in electric furnaces.
The most massive product of magnesite processing - refractory magnesia - is used mainly in metallurgy. Caustic magnesia is used in chemical processing processes (weakly alkaline reagent, catalyst, etc.), as a fertilizer, for feeding livestock, in special cements, in the production of cellulose for gas purification, in the manufacture of filters, etc., for the production of viscose, synthetic rubbers , paints (refractory filler), sugar and sweets, in winemaking, glassmaking, ceramics (fluxes), electric heating rods, water and gas cleaning, uranium processing, as an anti-corrosion additive to petroleum fuels, etc.

V jewelry industry magnesite is widely used. This stone lends itself to coloring, so the most various decorations. Magnesite is painted under red coral, lapis lazuli, turquoise.

Mineral properties

  • Origin of name: In the region of Magnesia (Thessaly, Greece), where it was first discovered.
  • Opening place: Magnisia Prefecture (Magnesia), Thessalia Department (Thessaly), Greece
  • Opening year: 1808
  • Thermal properties: Doesn't melt, cracks.
  • Luminescence: May exhibit pale green to pale blue fluorescence and phosphorescence
  • IM status: approved
  • Typical impurities: Fe,Mn,Ca,Co,Ni,ORG
  • Strunz (8th edition): 5/B.02-30
  • Hey's CIM Ref.: 11.3.1
  • Dana (8th edition):
  • Molecular weight: 84.31
  • Cell options: a = 4.6632Å, c = 15.015Å
  • Attitude: a:c = 1: 3.22
  • Number of formula units (Z): 6
  • Unit cell volume: V 282.76 ų
  • Twinning: Sometimes it can be seen
  • Dot group: 3m (3 2/m) - Hexagonal Scalenohedral
  • Spatial group: R3c (R3 2/c)
  • Density (calculated): 3.01
  • Density (measured): 2.98 - 3.02
  • Pleochroism: visible
  • Optical axis dispersion: very strong
  • Refractive indices: nω = 1.700 nε = 1.509
  • Maximum birefringence:δ = 0.191
  • A type: uniaxial (-)
  • Optical Relief: moderate
  • Selection form: Obtuse-rhombohedral crystals, usually found in dense, granular, earthy, chalky, amorphous porcelain-like aggregates (cauliflower-shaped or brain-shaped).
  • Classes according to the systematics of the USSR: Carbonates
  • IMA classes: Carbonates
  • Chemical formula: MgCO3
  • Syngony: trigonal
  • Color: Colorless, white, gray-white, yellowish, brown, lilac-pink; colorless in internal reflexes and through. Crystals often have an uneven zonal-sectoral color distribution.
  • Dash color: White
  • Shine: glass frosted
  • Transparency: transparent translucent
  • Cleavage: perfect by (1011)
  • Break: conchoidal uneven stepped
  • Hardness: 3,5 4 4,5
  • Fragility: Yes
  • fluorescence: Yes
  • Literature: Anfimov L.V., Busygin B.D. South Ural magnesite province. Sverdlovsk: IGG UNC AN USSR, 1982. - 70 p. Anfimov L.V., Busygin B.D., Demina L.E. Satkinskoye field in the South Urals. M.: Nauka, 1983. - 86 p. Vitovskaya I.V. and others. Nickel magnesite from the Saryku-Boldy deposit (Central Kazakhstan) is the first find in the USSR. –Report. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1991, 318, No. 3, 708-711.

Photo of the mineral

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  • Magnesite - talc (bitter) spar
    In addition to obtaining metallic magnesium, magnesite is used in the production of highly refractory bricks for laying furnaces.

Deposits of the mineral Magnesite

  • Satka
  • Savinskoye field
  • Onot deposit
  • Russia
  • Irkutsk region
  • Chelyabinsk region
  • Tyva Republic
  • Barun-Khemchiksky
  • Ak-Dovurak
  • Zimbabwe

The treasury of the planet is full of enchanting beauty with gems. Magnesite is a natural stone, which is the least noticeable, if evaluated at first glance. However, its healing value is superior to other crystals. Due to the wide range of uses, it is considered the most sought after, unlike all known mineral rocks.

History and origins

The ancient origin of magnesite is a historical fact. Its healing, magical, and also refractory properties were known in antiquity, people could use the mineral for its intended purpose.

The first fossil was discovered in Magnasia, which is located in Greece. One of the largest mines was discovered there. The breed contained in them aroused interest among local population. They tried to burn the ore, as a result of which it turned out that it can withstand high temperatures. Since then, magnesite has been used as a refractory material.

Its deposits are found in the form of large layers, thanks to which it has found application in some industrial sectors. In the largest deposits, at medium and shallow depths, such masses are formed as a result of hydrothermal processes. Crystal-granular formations of the mineral were exposed to hot alkaline solutions, resulting in the formation of ore.

Hydrothermal crystals of value are found in mineral formations adjacent to magnesite. Cryptocrystalline magnesite is formed by the weathering of rocks.

During the chemical reaction of water, air and mineral mass, magnesia silicates are destroyed, which contributes to the precipitation of magnesite in pores and cracks in which groundwater stagnates. In a mineral formed in this way, there are impurities and, as indicated by veins.

Magnesite with hydromagnesite is found in sedimentary rocks of salt-bearing deposits; such fossils are of interest for jewelry production.

Place of Birth

Known large-scale deposits are located in Russia. The Satka mines are rich in hydrothermal magnesite. Fossils are hundreds of millions of years old.

The Far East is famous for its minerals, the mineral is mined in South Manchuria. Ore deposits are found in Korea, Austria, Czechoslovakia. Minerals are mined in mines. Euboea, in Greece, also in the Urals in the Shambarovsk mine. Large deposits of magnesite, layers 500 meters thick and tens of kilometers long, are located in the Southern Urals, in the Satka deposits, in China, on the Liaodong Island.

Physical properties

Magnesite is a brittle mineral, with a dull, dull or vitreous luster. The crystals are dense, granular, have a trigonal or rhombohedral shape. Magnesium carbonate is sparingly soluble in water, decomposes in heated acid and reacts to an increase in temperature.

admixtureFe, Mn, Ca
CleavagePerfect in the rhombohedron.
kinkStepped to conchoidal, fragile.
Density3.0 g/cm³
TransparencyTransparent to translucent.
ShineGlassy or dull.
ColorBrown, white, gray, yellow, pink.

Medicinal properties

magnesite endowed healing properties, the energy vibrations of the mineral gently affect a person, calming the nervous system, improving the functioning of the whole organism. healing stone helps relieve muscle spasms and general tension, and is known to help reduce the activity of the complex cyclic symptom complex (PMS) that occurs periodically in some women.

A gem is used for cleansing, during which toxins are removed from the body, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves. As a result of cleansing, the work of the sebaceous glands improves, and unpleasant body odor disappears.

The power of the stone is able to relieve headaches, cope with a migraine attack, and also soothes acute toothache. When symptoms of arthritis appear, magnesite should be carried with you, this will help prevent the development of the disease.

Magnesite is a wonderful relaxing and calming stone that can be used in meditation. The pacifying effect of the stone will help you quickly plunge into a meditative state, feel lightness and weightlessness in the body.

It is a strong stone that awakens psychic abilities. In the event of an anxiety, excitement or fear, if you have a stone with you, these sensations quickly disappear. It enhances self-confidence and helps to cope with stressful situations.

magical properties

This is a magical crystal with powerful vibrations that positively affect a person's energy and situations in his life. Its metaphysical properties and magical power can change lives depending on what the owner of the stone wants.

The mineral contributes to the harmonization of the inner world, helps to tune in to positive and learn to make the right choice. The vibrations of the stone help increase self-esteem and live your life in accordance with your own needs and aspirations.

He helps those who are psychically and mentally ready to discover potential and if this decision is consistent with the will of higher powers. The vibration of this crystal helps to connect with the forces of the subtle world, spiritual guides.

Its action can awaken paranormal abilities that are not even suspected. The best thing magic stone magnesite affects the development of clairvoyant abilities, multidimensional or psychic vision. With the energetic support of this stone, visions are likely to be more distinct, with exceptional clarity.

Artists are emotional than most of their environment, and they simply need the appropriate energy supply. The magic crystal will help them to be inspired, filled with positive energy. Magnesite helps develop Creative skills those who are fond of painting, revealing the ability to visualize more colorfully and splash out everything that the imagination draws on paper.

If this gem is applied to the sixth chakra, in the forehead area and to the seventh, thousand-petalled, just above the crown of the head, then a pulsation is felt. A clear sensation if you put a stone in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye" during meditation. The power of the stone opens the chakras of the crown, which allows a person to feel and understand the people around him. During meditation, keep the crystal with you, then a person with pure thoughts, good intentions and sincere faith in himself will be rewarded in the form of amazing discoveries.

Jewelry with a mineral

Sonya Choquet wrote: "You must find a stone that reflects your spiritual burden." Deciding that magnesite will serve as an amulet, it is important to correctly understand which mineral will have to be in contact with. A stone of such amazing power is capable of performing the tasks of a talisman, it carries a charge of great power, which you will have to learn to control.

They charge the mineral, take care of it and always keep it with you, and he pays for it with kindness. Combined jewelry stone not with all gems, the set should be selected carefully. It is important to consider the compatibility of the mineral with the magical properties of other gems. At first, until they “married” with their amulet, it is better not to complete jewelry with a stone of a different breed.

The use of a gem should be beneficial, therefore, jewelry is selected that will complement each other and help solve specific problems. It is known that magnesite protects the energy of a person and prevents all sorts of troubles from appearing in life. It is advisable to use the amulet with a stone as often as possible, try not to part with it.

Especially when traveling, when performing important tasks that require high energy costs. The price of jewelry with magnesite is affordable, everyone can afford to buy them. For magical protection you can buy a stone even without a frame:

  • tumbling stone from deposits in Zimbabwe, 1.5–2.5 cm in size, costs $2.31;
  • the price of magnesite tumbling from the same deposit, 2.5–3.5 cm in size, is $3.2;
  • magnesite decor element in the form of an egg, 6.2–4.5 cm, is estimated at $77.8;
  • the price of an egg made of magnesite mined in Kazakhstan, 8–5.8 cm in size, is $106.5;
  • original silver and magnesite bracelets cost $25;
  • the price of a ring with a stone, beads or a rosary made of painted magnesite is $ 15 per piece.

ornamental stone magnesite, in the form of a crystal, is used in jewelry. Bright yellow precious crystals are mined in Australia and Brazil.


White magnesite is more common, it is mined in many deposits. The mineral is also pink, brown, gray or yellow flowers, it all depends on the impurities that make up its composition. If the iron content predominates, the stone looks brownish, and may be a rich yellow color.

This mineral accepts dye well, therefore magnesite beads painted in various colors are very often found on sale. After that, the stone retains its healing and magical properties. Jewelry with a multi-colored mineral is very popular among connoisseurs of gems. The ornamental stone used for finishing the facades of houses is usually left in a natural color in the design of the room.

How to distinguish a fake?

The mineral is mainly used to make jewelry that is not of value in jewelry art. An exception is the varieties of magnesite in the form of precious crystals. Sometimes imitations of red, turquoise and by staining are made from the mineral.

For example, turquoise was imitated from magnesite in order to distinguish the original from a fake on its own, this would require a microscope. There are tips to help you avoid the scammers' trap.

Natural stones are better to buy in specialized stores. To verify the originality of the mineral, a certificate is requested proving the authenticity of the gem.

Caring for stone products

The gem requires care, like any other minerals. Magnesite is best kept from direct sun rays, especially after staining, it is able to lose brightness. If a stone is left in water for a long time, it fills with moisture, swells, and it is better to protect it from this. Rinse under running water and dry thoroughly. The gem is fragile, try to avoid bumps and falls.

Compatibility with names and signs

Magnesite is a strong stone that many do not know about. Not very pretty, and looks unassuming. But there is an amazing property that it has, help in building relationships. If you keep the mineral with you, for example, at the time of a showdown, everything will go well and there is no doubt about it.

It has always mattered to a person what the stars have prepared for him, what astrological properties of a given stone one has to rely on. The list demonstrates the predisposition of the stone, who may be more suitable, and who is contraindicated in using it.

  • Gemini magnesite patronizes more than other signs. The main task of the mineral is to protect those ambitious people from rash decisions. He will prevent possible losses by taking control of the excitement inherent in this sign. The vibrations of the crystal powerfully affect this zodiac sign, a ray of hope and good luck will be directed to it.
  • Libra and Capricorn can count on the help and protection of an amulet with such a mineral. Magnesite is very powerful in that it stimulates mental activity, and at the same time makes you listen to your heart. Therefore, representatives of these signs are fantastically lucky in all matters and undertakings.
  • and Aquarius resorting to the help of magnesite is not recommended, as this will lead to the fact that their interest in everything that happens around them subsides.

For other signs of the zodiac circle, magnesite will be a protection against negative impact. The energy of the stone helps to objectively assess the situation, eliminates illusions.

  • Arthur stone will help tame impulsiveness.
  • Vladislav mineral will help develop the flexibility of the mind.
  • To Oleg, magnesite will add a little missing romanticism to prudence and self-confidence.
  • Saveliy crystal will help the realization of grandiose plans.
  • Yaroslav will not be harmed by enterprise, the mineral will contribute to its development.
  • Antonina will receive the missing lightness and cheerfulness from the gem.
  • 5 (100%) 2 votes

/ Mineral Magnesite

Magnesite is a common mineral, anhydrous magnesium carbonate from the calcite group. Included in the solid solution with siderite (FeCO3) and gaspeite (NiCO3). Synonym: magnesian spar. The flame does not color. It dissolves in acids only when heated. A drop of HCl does not boil in the cold. It dissolves in hot acids.

Chem. composition: magnesium oxide (MgO) 47.6%, carbon dioxide (CO 2) 52.4%. Impurities of iron, manganese, calcium.

Varieties of the mineral

  • Breinnerite(breunnerite) - a variety of ferruginous magnesite with a percentage of Mg:Fe2+ atoms from 90:10 to 70:30.
  • Helmagnesite, colloidal magnesite (gelmagnesite, kolloid-magnesite) - an amorphous (devoid of a crystalline structure) variety of magnesite.
  • Ferrous magnesite(ferroan magnesite), (Mg,Fe)CO3 - ferrous variety of brown magnesite.
  • Mesayite spar(mesitine spar) is a ferruginous variety of magnesite with a ratio of Mg:Fe2+ atoms from 70:30 to 50:50.
  • Nickel magnesite, hoshiite (nickeloan magnesite, hoshiite) - a variety of magnesite enriched with nickel.

The crystal structure is the same as that of calcite.
Compared to calcite, magnesite is much less common in nature, but sometimes occurs in large continuous masses of industrial interest.

Some of these accumulations are formed by hydrothermal means. First of all, these include rather large deposits of crystalline-granular masses of magnesite, spatially associated with dolomites and dolomitic limestones. As geological studies show, these deposits are formed in a metasomatic way (among the deposits, it was sometimes possible to establish relics of limestone fauna). It is assumed that magnesia could be leached and deposited in the form of magnesite by hot alkaline solutions of dolomitized strata of sedimentary origin. Typical hydrothermal minerals rarely occur in the paragenesis with magnesite.

Accumulations of cryptocrystalline ("amorphous") magnesite also arise during the processes of weathering of massifs of ultrabasic rocks, especially in those cases when a thick crust of destruction products is formed during intense weathering. In the process of oxidation and hydrolysis, magnesium silicates undergo complete destruction under the influence of surface water and atmospheric carbon dioxide. The sparingly soluble iron hydroxides that arise in this case accumulate near the surface. Magnesium in the form of bicarbonate, as well as released silica (in the form of sols) sink into the lower horizons of the weathering crust. Magnesite, often enriched in opal and dolomite, in the form of veinlets and accumulations of sinter forms is deposited in highly leached fissured porous serpentinites in the zone of stagnant groundwater.

Finally, finds of magnesite with hydromagnesite (5MgO.4CO2.5H2O), mostly of mineralogical significance, are observed among sedimentary saline deposits. The formation of magnesium carbonates is associated with the reaction of the exchange decomposition of magnesium sulfate with Na2CO3.

Place of Birth

The well-known Satka deposit of crystalline magnesite of hydrothermal origin is located on the western slope of the Southern Urals (50 km southwest of the city of Zlatoust). Large magnesite deposits were formed here metasomatically among the dolomite sedimentary sequence of the Precambrian age. Similar deposits are known in the Far East, in South Manchuria, Korea, Czechoslovakia, Austria (Weitsch, in the Alps, south of Vienna) and in other places. It is formed together with talc during metamorphism (Shabrovsky deposit, Middle Urals) and weathering of ultrabasic rocks (Evbea Island in the Aegean Sea, Greece.

The deposits formed in the ancient weathering crust of ultramafic rocks include Khalilovskoye (South Ural) and the deposits of the island of Euboea in the Aegean Sea, Greece.
Sedimentary magnesite is deposited in lakes and lagoons, interbedded with dolomite or mixed with anhydrite. The largest deposits are in the strata of lagoon-marine dolomites: magnesite layers up to 500 m thick and tens of kilometers long (Satka in the Urals, deposits of the Liaodong Peninsula, China).

Practical value

It is an ore of magnesium and its salts; used for the production of refractories and binders, in the chemical industry; used for the production of refractory bricks. In the extraction of magnesite, mechanical (manual and with the use of photocell and laser devices) is used only to a limited extent, sometimes also flotation and electromagnetic enrichment. At a temperature of 750-1000 ° C, a powdered chemically active, so-called, is obtained from magnesite. caustic, magnesia, from which CO2 has not yet been completely removed. At 1500-2000°C, refractory magnesia is obtained, which consists mainly of periclase (MgO) crystals with a melting point of about 2800°C. At elevated temperatures (up to 3000°C), extra pure fused periclase is obtained in electric furnaces.

The most massive product of magnesite processing - refractory magnesia - is used mainly in metallurgy. Caustic magnesia is used in chemical processing processes (weakly alkaline reagent, catalyst, etc.), as a fertilizer, for feeding livestock, in special cements, in the production of cellulose for gas purification, in the manufacture of filters, etc., for the production of viscose, synthetic rubbers , paints (refractory filler), sugar and sweets, in winemaking, glassmaking, ceramics (fluxes), electric heating rods, water and gas cleaning, uranium processing, as an anti-corrosion additive to petroleum fuels, etc.

Magnesite is widely used in the jewelry industry. This stone lends itself to coloring, so a variety of jewelry is made from it. Magnesite is painted under red coral, lapis lazuli, turquoise.

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Mineral Properties

Color Colorless, white, gray-white, yellowish, brown, lilac-pink; colorless in internal reflexes and through. Crystals often have an uneven zonal-sectoral color distribution.
Dash color White
origin of name In the region of Magnesia (Thessaly, Greece), where it was first discovered.
Location of discovery Magnisia Prefecture (Magnesia), Thessalia Department (Thessaly), Greece
Opening year 1808
IMA status approved
Chemical formula MgCO3
Shine glass
Transparency transparent
Cleavage perfect by (1011)
kink conchoidal
Hardness 3,5
Thermal Properties Doesn't melt, cracks.
Luminescence May exhibit pale green to pale blue fluorescence and phosphorescence
Typical impurities Fe,Mn,Ca,Co,Ni,ORG
Strunz (8th edition) 5/B.02-30
Hey's CIM Ref. 11.3.1
Dana (8th edition)
Molecular weight 84.31
Cell Options a = 4.6632Å, c = 15.015Å
Attitude a:c = 1: 3.22
Number of formula units (Z) 6
Unit cell volume V 282.76 ų
Twinning Sometimes it can be seen
dot group 3m (3 2/m) - Hexagonal Scalenohedral
space group R3c (R3 2/c)
Density (calculated) 3.01
Density (measured) 2.98 - 3.02
Pleochroism visible
Dispersion of optical axes very strong
Refractive indices nω = 1.700 nε = 1.509
Maximum birefringence δ = 0.191
A type uniaxial (-)
optical relief moderate
Selection form Obtuse-rhombohedral crystals, usually found in dense, granular, earthy, chalky, amorphous porcelain-like aggregates (cauliflower-shaped or brain-shaped).
Classes in the systematics of the USSR Carbonates
IMA classes Carbonates
Syngony trigonal
fragility Yes
fluorescence Yes
Literature Anfimov L.V., Busygin B.D. South Ural magnesite province. Sverdlovsk: IGG UNC AN USSR, 1982. - 70 p.
Anfimov L.V., Busygin B.D., Demina L.E. Satkinskoye field in the South Urals. M.: Nauka, 1983. - 86 p.
Vitovskaya I.V. and others. Nickel magnesite from the Saryku-Boldy deposit (Central Kazakhstan) is the first find in the USSR. –Report. Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1991, 318, No. 3, 708-711.

Catalog of Minerals

Varieties of the mineral:

Brainerite(breunnerite) - a kind of ferruginous magnesite with a percentage of Mg:Fe 2+ atoms from 90:10 to 70:30.

Helmagnesite, colloidal magnesite(gelmagnesite, kolloid-magnesite) - an amorphous (devoid of a crystalline structure) variety of magnesite.

Ferrous magnesite(ferroan magnesite), (Mg,Fe)CO 3 - ferrous variety of brown magnesite.

Mesayite spar(mesitine spar) - a ferruginous variety of magnesite with a ratio of Mg:Fe 2+ atoms from 70:30 to 50:50.

Nickel magnesite,hoshiite(nickeloan magnesite, hoshiite) - a variety of magnesite enriched with nickel.

Sample photos


Syngony: Trigonal

Composition (formula): MgCO3


Colorless, white, yellowish, cream, pale pink, gray in various shades

Dash color (powder color): White

Transparency: Transparent, Translucent, Opaque

Cleavage: Perfect

Fracture: Rough, Conchoidal, Stepped

Gloss: Matte, Glassy

Hardness: 3.5-4.5

Specific gravity, g / cm 3: 3, 00

Special properties:

Magnesite is brittle; can fluoresce and phosphoresce in pale green, pale blue when exposed to ultraviolet rays, triboluminescent. Reacts to hot hydrochloric acid to release CO 2 .

Selection form

Magnesite forms rhombohedral shaped crystals, usually found in dense, granular, earthy, chalky, amorphous porcelain-like aggregates ("cauliflower" or "brain-shaped" shapes).

Main diagnostic features

Magnesite is characterized by a variegated "grouse" color of granular aggregates; cleavage in 3 directions, stepped fracture, porcelain-like aggregates with increased hardness, reaction with hot HCl.


Magnesite as a primary mineral, is formed in igneous and sedimentary rocks;

possible formation during metamorphism or replacement of serpentine or peridotite;

in weathering crusts over ultramafic rocks;

rare in carbonatites.

Deposits / manifestations

Large crystals of magnesite are found in the province of Carinthia in Austria and near the city of Brumado, Bahia in Brazil; magnetite finds are also known on the territory of the Magnesia region in Greece; on the Piedmont Plateau Italy; Canada at the Del Oro field, in the province of Ontario; China in the province of Laonin; Norway; USA at a large field in the Gabbs area, Nevada, at large fields in California, in the state of Washington. V Russia magnesite is found at the Onot deposit (Irkutsk region).


Magnesite is an ore of magnesium, metallic magnesium and its salts are obtained, it is used in the manufacture of alloys necessary in medical production and construction. In metallurgy, fired crystalline magnesite is used for the manufacture of refractory bricks that can withstand temperatures up to 3000°C. The second area of ​​application of burnt magnesite is the manufacture of cement used in the abrasive industry and construction. Magnesite is used for the production of electrical insulators, in paper, sugar, rubber and other types of production. Magnesite mineral raw materials are also widely used in the chemical industry and in the production of fertilizers.

Magnesite is natural mineral containing magnesium carbonate. The stone is most often gray or white, sometimes it can have a brown, greenish, yellow tint. Attracts a glassy, ​​matte sheen of magnesite. Stone crystals have different grain sizes and increased density. The mineral is very brittle and sensitive to high temperatures, making it difficult to process. Why is magnesite useful? What is the purpose of the stone?

Description of magnesite

The composition of the stone contains magnesium, calcium, iron impurities, carbon dioxide. The main component of magnesite is magnesium oxide. The mineral was named after the location. For the first time they started talking about the stone in ancient greece. Magnesite is mined in Mexico, Russia, USA, Australia, China, India, Austria. The mineral is hard to confuse with others, it has a bright yellow color and is actively used for jewelry purposes. In India, a transparent type of magnesite is mined.

Magnesite is widely used in agriculture and industry. It is especially actively used in the manufacture of cellulose, filters for water purification. It has been proven that magnesite helps to quickly disinfect water, rid it of sediment, heavy metals. Magnesite is used in the petrochemical, refractory industry. This type of mineral is distinguished by fire resistance, durability, environmental cleanliness, moisture resistance, and sound insulation.

Useful properties of magnesite

The stone improves mood, improves the work of the central nervous system. It turns out that if you look at the yellow stone for several minutes, you will get rid of fear, fatigue and depression. White stone is good for the eyes, it removes, restores vision.

It has long been proven that magnesite helps to get rid of various mental illnesses. It is recommended to use it after the transferred stress. For constant peace of mind, the stone must be worn in the form of a talisman, an amulet.

Lithotherapists advise you to have white magnesite with you if you are disappointed in life, you have deep depression, chronic fatigue, a pessimistic view of life.

The use of magnesite for medicinal purposes

The stone contains a large number of moisture. Magnesite in the room is able to ionize the air, it will be as healing as on the sea coast.

Due to salt air ions, you can clean the air of bacteria and protect yourself from influenza, various infectious diseases, increase efficiency, strengthen the immune system, cleanse the lungs.

Everyone is aware of the health risks of mold. It can lead to a serious allergic reaction. To prevent fungus, mold, it is best to choose material with magnesite for wall decoration. It perfectly cleans the air in the room.

Scientists have proven that magnesite is the best stimulator of lipid and protein metabolism. Pendants, talismans with stone should be used for problems with the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the central, peripheral nervous system, as well as in dentistry, dermatology, ophthalmology. The stone is especially useful for blood vessels and the heart.

How does magnesite affect the human body?

  • Calms the central nervous system.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Relieves pain.
  • Normalizes the state of the immune system.
  • Helps to cope with chronic diseases faster.

Magnesite can be used for massage with stones for radiculitis, arthrosis, as well as for dystrophy of the musculoskeletal system.

The use of magnesite by traditional healers

Protection from negativity

Healers believe that this stone helps to strengthen the family. Healers recommend that if your house is constantly heated, quarrels, you need to buy magnesite and give it to your loved one.

Magnesite is a stone that pacifies and guarantees family well-being. Do you wish to attract good luck, happiness, to be always in good mood? Buy a magnesite talisman, and don't forget to carry it with you all the time. Amulets, talismans not only protect from everything bad, they give strength and reliably protect from danger.

Positive impact on the child

In order for your child to be constantly cheerful, obedient, you need to give him a talisman with magnesite. He will help him calm down, give strength. You will immediately begin to notice positive changes in his behavior.

Relief from stress

Using this type of mineral, a person does not even suspect that he is gaining a close connection with nature. The stone restores not only physical strength, but also mental. Quite often a person suffers from stress and does not know how to calm down. Do not rush to drink alcohol and get involved in other habits. It is best to contact a lithotherapist in a timely manner, who will definitely offer you the best options.

Protection from injury

Folk healers are sure that it is magnesite that protects human health. For example, if a person catches on a sharp leg, he will receive an abrasion, a closed injury. And the one who likes to wear magnesite jewelry will also feel pain, maybe even more, while he will not have external damage.

Prevention of infectious diseases

If a person wears a ring with magnesite, beads, a bracelet every day to work, he will protect himself from a viral infection,. It has already been verified that the stone is the best prophylactic against various diseases.

Thus, magnesite is a rather interesting gem, in which real healing and inexplicable magical properties are intertwined. On the one hand, it improves health, protects against various diseases, on the other hand, it helps to overcome many obstacles and avoid failures. Many scientists are now interested in how stones affect human health, what is their strength? As long as it is known that they are loaded natural energy, which, when using stones, is transmitted to humans. Lithotherapists know all the intricacies of stone treatment, so it is better to consult with them.