
Synopsis of an introductory lesson on theatrical activity “So the summer has passed


Program content:

1. To form in children love and interest in nature, giving elementary knowledge about it.

2. To form in children generalized ideas about summer as a season.

3. Expand and concretize children's ideas about colors.

4. Give an idea of ​​the simplest medicinal plants.

5. Learn to write a short descriptive story about the summer.

6. Encourage children to their own speech activity.

Previous work:

Floral exhibition;
- drawing "My favorite flowers", "Medicinal herbs";
- memorizing poems about flowers; games: “I was born a gardener”, “What color is summer?”;
- transplantation of marigolds, asters, calendula from flower beds to pots;
- targeted walk to the meadow;
- looking at photos of "How I spent my summer" and compiling short stories about the summer from personal experience.

Equipment for the lesson:

Wreaths of artificial flowers: chamomile, cornflower, dandelion, carnation, forget-me-not; photo exhibition "So that the summer does not end"; exhibition of natural flowers; "Green" pharmacy: medicinal plants- plantain, mint, chamomile, cranberries, blueberries; cafe "Semitsvetik" with still lifes of vegetables and fruits; the song “So that the summer does not end” performed by A.B. Pugacheva; "Waltz of the Flowers" P.I. Tchaikovsky.

Lesson progress

The song of A.B. Pugacheva "So that the summer does not end."

Educator: So September has come. The sun is not as hot as in summer. Summer sundresses and sandals are being replaced by warm sweaters and moccasins. Do not be sad! Today we will talk about how to keep the summer mood for the whole year!

1 way

Educator: Rather than be sad that the summer has passed, have fun from the heart: dress up in summer dresses, decorate your head with wreaths and start a round dance.

Children start a round dance "We weave, weave a wreath, weave a field wreath."

"Flowers" run out and read poems about chamomile, forget-me-not, carnation, dandelion, cornflower.

The "Waltz of the Flowers" by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds. Children - "Flowers" dance.


We have bouquets of flowers
Honey, like the sun, golden ...
Let's not forget about summer
Even in snowy winter.

2 way


Do you want summer to never end?
Set up a summer garden in your home.
We made it, how about you?

We transplanted from the flower bed
Marigolds, asters, marigolds.
Because it's already cold outside.
And in the group we will have them
Rejoice for a long time.

3 way

Educator: Do you want the summer to never end? Take photos to remember. How many wonderful minutes you will capture on film. Looking at the photos, you will mentally return to warm, fun days.

The teacher invites everyone to the photo exhibition "So that the summer does not end." Children share their impressions of the summer through photographs.

4 way

Educator: Do you want the summer to never end? Then pick flowers. After all, the smell of summer can be dried. Collect leaves of currant and mint, lemongrass and nettle. In late fall and winter, these supplies will help you remember summer. We invite you to our "Green" pharmacy.

Children represent medicinal plants.

5 way

Educator: Do you want the summer to never end? Then pick up ropes, balls and start playing.

Ball game "What grows in the garden, in the garden, in the forest, in the meadow, in the flower garden, in the field?".

6 way

caregiver : Do you want summer to never end? Invite your friends and arrange a day of memories of summer holidays. Everyone must have a lot of funny stories!

Children's stories about summer.

7 way

Educator: Do you want the summer to never end? Why don't you spend an evening in a summer cafe. We invite you to the Multicolored cafe "Semitsvetik".

The song "So that the summer does not end" sounds. Children are treated to the cafe "Semitsvetik".


Thank you, Summer, we want to say!
It's time for us to meet the golden autumn.
We will not forget about the summer, we will often remember!

About myself: Teaching experience - 28 years. I teach children to doubt, to be surprised, to think in an original way.

Subject:"So the summer is over!"

Integration educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Program content:

Gather the children together after the summer break, enjoy a warm meeting;

Activate children's knowledge about the theater;

To teach to convey with the help of gestures, facial expressions and voice the image of the hero;

Learn to play a familiar fairy tale with the help of a table theater;

Improve the performance of artistic and figurative skills;

Develop fine motor skills and articulatory apparatus;

To cultivate interest in theatrical activities, friendly relations with peers.

Methods and techniques:


Conversation and story about the theater;

Problem questions, explanation;

Riddles, artistic word and tongue twisters;


Demonstration of the method of action, observation;


Improvisation game;

Playing out a fairy tale with the help of a table theater;

Articulation and finger gymnastics;



game situation.

Preliminary work: conversation about the theater, improvisation games, acting out sketches, preparing for performances, learning poems, monologues and reading fiction.

Individual work: learning finger gymnastics and physical education minutes, work on the expressive pronunciation of words and replicas of fairy-tale characters.

Demo material: a small ball, magic pouch, a scroll, a figurine of a kolobok from a table theater, musical accompaniment, masks of characters from the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

Vocabulary work: theater, scenery, artists, spectators, stage, makeup, costumes, masks, poster, facial expressions, gestures, improvisation, comedy, drama, musical.


1. Organizational moment.

Music sounds, children go into the hall, stand freely at the central wall and perform movements after the teacher.

On Monday I swam, (Depicting swimming.)

On Tuesday I painted. (Depicting drawing.)

On Wednesday, I washed my face for a long time, (We wash ourselves.)

And played football on Thursday. (Running in place.)

On Friday I jumped, ran, (Jump.)

I danced for a very long time. (We circle in place.)

And on Saturday, Sunday (clap hands.)

I rested all day. (Children squat down, hands under the cheek - fall asleep.)

After the game, the children sit in a semicircle on the carpet.

P: Hello my friends! So much time has passed since we met in our cozy hall! I am very glad to see you all, and now that the hot summer is over, we will again play, improvise and show performances for friends.

2. word game"Say the name affectionately."

P .: Let's remember who's name is, and get to know the "new" guys. (The child who has caught the ball pronounces his name, or the name of a neighbor, observing an affectionate intonation.)

3. Conversation about the theater.

How about playing them?

Then tell me friends

How can you change yourself?

To be like a fox?

Or a wolf or a goat?

Or a prince, or a Baba Yaga?

(You can change your appearance with a costume, mask, makeup, hairstyle, headdress.)

And without a suit, you can, children,

Turn, say, into the wind,

Or in the rain, or in a thunderstorm,

Or a butterfly, or a wasp?

What will help here, friends?

(Gestures and of course facial expressions.)

P .: And what kind of art combines improvisation and transformation, helps with the help of a costume, facial expressions, gestures and voice to turn into different people and animals?

P .: Of course, the theater! Do you know how and when the theater appeared? It was so long ago that no one remembers when. The first actors were wandering actors, buffoons. They were also called differently, comedians. At that time there was not even a theater building itself. Comedians performed right on the street under the open sky. And only after many, many years, buildings for theaters began to be built. Now the artists are performing on stage. And what, in your opinion, is a necessary component of the theater? (Stage, scenery, masks, costumes, poster, makeup, orchestra, actors, spectators.)

P .: What types of theater do you know? (Puppet, finger, cone, stick theater, bi-ba-bo, glove, mitten, mask.)

P .: And what can you say about genres, what types of performances can there be? (Comedy, drama, musical.)

P .: Well, most importantly guys, we must remember that the theater is Magic world, which in an instant can take us to a fairy tale, past or future, tell about good and evil, give a good mood.

4. Game-improvisation.

The teacher quietly takes out a scroll with tasks.

P .: Let's with you, to cheerful music, without uttering a single word, depict what is written in this scroll:

On the parquet "Friendship Waltz"

The flies were dancing.

They saw a spider - they fainted. OH!

Children show a miniature, the teacher helps if necessary, notes the success of the children.

5. Articulation gymnastics.

P .: Well done, coped with the task. But ahead, I have prepared another task for you, it is difficult, so first you need to articulation gymnastics. In order for you to succeed, repeat after me:

Our Deniska is a mischievous one,

Pulls lips to ears

Look, he says

Now I am a frog!

(Holding lips in a smile, teeth not visible.)

Who plays the guitar

And Denis on the pipe,

Lips pushed forward

Narrow narrow tube.

(The mouth is open, the lateral edges of the tongue are bent up.)

The tip of the tongue rests on the teeth,

We bend the back - the slide turns out.

Quickly, quickly down the hill,

Denis is sledding.

(The mouth is open. Rest the tip of the tongue against the lower teeth, lift the back of the tongue up.)

Denis has a watch -

Amazing beauty!

Arrows go around

And they want to catch up with each other.

(The mouth is ajar. The lips are stretched into a smile. With the tip of the tongue, alternately stretch under the teacher's account to the corners of the mouth.)

Tongue - up and down -

Denis sat on the swing.

Here's the swing high

Here is the swing low.

How good is

Have fun Denis!

(The mouth is open. With a tense tongue, reach for the nose and chin, or for the upper and lower teeth.)

Recently grandmother Anfisa,

I bought a drum for Denis.

And now he's busy:

Loud - loud drumming.

(Smile, open your mouth and tap with the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and distinctly pronouncing the sound “D-D-D.)

Here is the Deniskin steamer

Floats boldly across the sea.

Not afraid of a steep wave,

He hums merrily: "s-s-s"!

(Bite the tip of the tongue and pronounce the sound “Y” for a long time, like a steamer is buzzing).

6. Exercise for the development of diction (Patter).

P .: And now, as promised, a difficult task for you, but after our special exercises, you will definitely make it. You need to sing a tongue twister on one sound.

Boiled pike cabbage soup.

Invited three ruffs.

Ruffs told everyone:

“Pike cabbage soup is good!”

(The teacher helps the children during the exercise.)

P: You did a great job.

7. Finger gymnastics.

P .: Oh, something we sat up, let's warm up a little:

(Children do finger exercises.)

Embroider, sew a needle,

The finger hurts

Finger prickly.

The left palm is open, in the right hand there is an imaginary needle that “sews” and touches the finger.

A thimble

At the same moment

To the girl on the finger

They pretend to put a thimble on their finger.

Says to the needle: neck,

And don't you dare poke! They threaten a needle with a finger.

8. Physical education.

Bunnies, where have you been?

(Children show bunny ears with their hands)

We rested in cabbage.

(trembling with fear)

Why did you eat cabbage?

(hands put on the belt, swing)

We just touched the nose.

(finger touches nose)

Oh, you need to be punished.

(threaten finger)

Well, try to catch up.

(quickly jumping in place).

9. Game-performance based on the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".

(The teacher takes out a magic bag and makes a riddle.)

Right off the shelf, over the threshold.

The ruddy side ran away.

Our friend rolled away

Who is this? (Kolobok)

(Pulls out a kolobok figurine.)

P .: You guys guessed right, but let's beat this fairy tale, we have scenery and masks. I will be a storyteller, and I will ask you guys to take their roles and take their places (Give out character masks to children).

Russian-folk melody sounds. Grandfather and grandmother are sitting at the house. Grandfather is cutting something, grandmother is knitting.


In a village next to a river

In a warm house with a Russian stove,

Lived - were, for many years,

Old grandmother and grandfather.

Grandfather: Bake, grandmother, bun.

Grandmother: What is the oven made of? There is no flour.

Grandfather: And you, grandmother, go, scrape the bottom of the barrel, mark the barn! Perhaps the flour will be typed.

Grandmother stops knitting, goes into the house.

Storyteller: The old woman took a feather, scraped it in the bottom of the barrel, broomed it in the barn, and there was a handful of flour from two. She kneaded the dough, heated the stove, baked a bun. The result was a bun and lush, and fragrant.

Grandma puts a toy bun on the windowsill.

The grandmother put the bun on the window to cool. And the gingerbread man jumped out the window - and rolled along the path.

Instead of a toy, a child appears on the stage, playing the role of Kolobok. He runs into the forest, saying.

I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

By the barn methen,

planted in the oven,

It's cold on the window!

I left Grandpa and

Gone from Grandma!

(From behind the Christmas tree on the right, the Hare jumps towards Kolobok).

Hare: Kolobok, ruddy side! I will eat you!

Kolobok: Don't eat me, oblique Bunny! I will tell you a poem.

I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

By the barn methen,

planted in the oven,

It's cold on the window!

I left Grandpa and

Gone from Grandma!

And from you, Hare, and even more so I will leave!

The gingerbread man quickly "rolls" past the hare, and disappears behind the trees on the right. The hare runs away in the opposite direction. Music is playing.

Gingerbread Man appears from behind the trees on the left, because of the trees on the right, the Wolf comes out to meet Gingerbread Man.

Wolf: Kolobok, ruddy side! I will eat you!

Kolobok: Don't eat me, gray wolf! I will tell you a poem.

I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

By the barn methen,

planted in the oven,

It's cold on the window!

I left Grandpa and

Gone from Grandma

I left the Hare, and even more so I will leave you, Wolf!

The gingerbread man quickly "rolls" past the Wolf and disappears behind the trees on the right. The wolf runs away in the opposite direction. Plays music. Gingerbread Man appears from behind the fir trees on the left, because of the fir trees on the right, the Bear comes out to meet Gingerbread Man.

Bear: Kolobok, ruddy side! I will eat you!

Kolobok: Don't eat me, Clubfoot! I will tell you a poem.

I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

By the barn methen,

planted in the oven,

It's cold on the window!

I left Grandpa and

Gone from Grandma

I left the hare

I left the Wolf, and I will leave you, Bear, even more so!

Gingerbread Man quickly "rolls" past the Bear and disappears behind the trees on the right. The bear goes in the opposite direction.

Music is playing.

Gingerbread Man appears from behind the fir trees on the left, because of the fir trees on the right, the Fox comes out to meet Gingerbread Man.

Fox: Gingerbread man, ruddy side! I will eat you!

I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

By the barn methen,

planted in the oven,

It's cold on the window!

I left Grandpa and

Gone from Grandma

I left the hare

I left the wolf

I left the Bear, and I will leave you, Fox, even more so!

Fox: Oh, how nicely you sing! Yes, I can't hear well. Come closer, tell me one more time!

Storyteller: Gingerbread man was glad that they listened to him, and rolled up close, close to the cunning fox.

I'm scraped by the bottom of the barrel,

By the barn methen,

planted in the oven,

It's cold on the window!

Storyteller: And the fox, his - Am! - and ate.

Although no. Kolobok still managed to escape. But after that, he never boasted again.

Here is the end of the story! And who listened - well done!

10. Summing up.

P: Our meeting has come to an end. What did you like about the lesson? (Children's answers.)

P .: I really liked how you depict all your heroes with facial expressions, gestures and voice, how boldly you completed all the tasks. Well done! Today we were artists, And you guys showed a fairy tale. The artists were all good, let's applaud each other from the bottom of our hearts!

Summary of the lesson of the world around in grade 1 on the topic

“The summer has passed. Autumn".

Lesson Objectives: to form ideas about the annual cycle - the seasons, months, their sequence, to learn to highlight the characteristic features of the seasons.


Subject: distinguish the seasons according to their characteristic features.

Personal: have a positive motivation to study the course " The world».

Metasubject UUD:

Regulatory: develop and train their powers of observation.

Cognitive: understand the information in the textbook.

Communicative: collaborate with classmates to complete game tasks; understand and convey the content of the texts read; listen and understand others, express their point of view, ask questions to each other, negotiate and come to a common decision, working in pairs

Educational Resources: presentation "Seasons", physical education for the eyes.


I. Motivation of educational activity (organizational moment).

To become a friend of nature

Know all her secrets

Unravel all mysteries

Learn to observe.

Together we will develop mindfulness,

And our curiosity will help to find out everything.

P. Actualization and fixation of individual difficulties in a trial educational action.

III. Statement of the educational task.

Today in the lesson of the world around us we will talk about the seasons:

What are the seasons and months

What is the name of,

How many of them

How they change one after another

We will learn to distinguish them by characteristic features.

By the end of the lesson we should:

Learn the sequence in which the seasons change;

Learn to recognize the time of year by characteristic features.

IV. Discovery of new knowledge (construction of a project for getting out of a difficulty).

We will be divided into 4 groups, 4 teams, each of which represents a certain time of the year. SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN AND WINTER

Teacher: The mother came up with names for her daughters,
Here is Summer and Autumn, Winter and Spring.
Spring is coming, forests are turning green
And bird voices are ringing everywhere.
And Summer has come - everything blooms under the sun,
And ripe berries ask in the mouth.
Generous Autumn brings us fruit,
Fields and orchards give crops.
Winter covers the fields with snow.
In winter, the earth rests and slumbers.

Guys! How many seasons do you know? That's right, 4, so we will first listen to a poem called Sparrow's Diary, which will be read to us in spring, summer, winter and autumn.

1. M. Plyatskovsky. sparrow diary

And at random, and at random, and straight
Streams run. Chirp-chirp!
Starlings, thrushes, rooks cry -
Try to outshout everyone!

Chirik-chik-chik. Light. Warmly.
And so summer is here again.
I sing along with everyone:
"Let it never end!"

Clouds covered the blue.
Raindrops fall into the grass.
Chick-chick-chirp! To the ends of the earth
Cranes are flying somewhere.

Snow everywhere. And someone to me
He puts the feeders on the window.
I'm used to being grateful.
Thanks people!

Well done boys! Now we know 4 seasons. And who knows that each season has its own color.

2. I. Surikov. Four colors.

White hats on white birches.
White hare on white snow.
White pattern on the branches from frost.
I run skiing through the white forest.

Blue skies, blue shadows.
The blue rivers have shed their ice.
Blue snowdrop - a resident of spring,
It boldly grows on a blue thawed patch.

In a green forest on a green blade of grass,
Leads a green beetle with a mustache.
Green butterfly on the path
He covered my net, a thread cap.

The yellow sun heats weaker.
Yellow melons on yellow ground.
Yellow leaves rustle down the alley.
Yellow drop of resin on the trunk.


Guys, every season we change shoes and clothes. And rightly so, because it is cold in winter and hot in summer. After all, it would be stupid and ridiculous to see a person in shorts and a T-shirt in winter, and in a fur coat and hat in summer. Truth? Let's listen to the poem...

3. V. Orlov. Who is in what?

Puddles sparkle
On the paths -
Autumn stomps
In boots.

rain cloud
Carried away -
Walks in shoes

Summer is walking
Or in sandals

And the winter
Creaking snow -
In lukewarm

v. Primary fastening.

View the presentation "Seasons".

We looked at 4 seasons, remembered what goes for what, learned that each season has its own color, its own clothes, shoes. And now guys, let's look at each season in more detail, because each season consists of 3 months, and there are exactly 12 of them in a year and each month has its own characteristics.

4. V. Stepanov. ABC of the seasons.

White path, white.
Winter has come. Winter has come.
I wear a white hat
I breathe white air
My eyelashes are white
Coat and mittens, -
Do not distinguish me in the cold
Among the whitening birches.
Freeze. And a squirrel in silence
Suddenly he jumps into my arms.

The branches of the birches freeze,
Frost crackles in the morning.
Well, the bear doesn't care -
He has been sleeping in the den for a long time.

Snow covered hillocks in the forest
And the ravines are covered.
Bunny jumped out of the mink -
Quiet. Cold. White…

The formidable Vyugovey walks
In a snow cap to the eyebrows.
Even a wolf, a robber wolf,
Frightened and silent.

Spring came along the edge,
She carried buckets of rain.
Stumbled on a hillock -
The buckets overturned.

Drops rang -
The herons roared.
Ants scared
The doors were locked.

Rain buckets Spring
Didn't make it to the village.
A colored rocker
Fled to heaven
And hung over the lake -

The forest froze in a transparent haze,
Ice is melting on the trees.
Drops fall from the branches
And the tit trill is heard.

The snow has come down. It smelled of prejudice.
Thunder rolled in the sky.
Ants under an old spruce
The whole family is building a house.

Kidneys burst together
Leaves unfurl.
Dew trembles on the grass
An elk runs after a rainbow.

straw summer,
Straw sand.
straw hat
Sliding to the temple.

straw gave,
Straw days.
straw horses
Visible in the sun.

straw sky,
Straw hut.
I draw with a straw
Forget about the pencil.

The sun shines brightly in the sky
But in dense shade it is not hot.
Here and there chicks sing -
Forests new tenants.

In golden flowers edge,
The bees dance.
A frog screams in the reeds:
It's raining because of the river.

Warm in the forest until morning
From resinous pines.
A squirrel carries a mushroom in a hollow ...
Autumn is coming.

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
Outside the window rustling in the morning
Yellow blizzards.
Under the feet of the first ice
Crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh
And sing -
He is shy.

Empty in the swift's house -
The poor one flew away
And like a hedgehog's umbrella
Yellow maple leaf.

Knits a spider net,
The wind drives the clouds.
Chipmunk sad
About last summer.

There is a hollow in the hoarfrost,
Rowan in the lights.
The woodpecker beats with its beak -
Winter is waiting for you.

Well done boys. We learned a lot about the seasons.

VI. Inclusion of new knowledge in the knowledge system and repetition.

And so from year to year the days, weeks, months and seasons fly by. And every year you grow, get older, mature, smarter. But the months and seasons remain the same.

Creative task. Guys, I know that you were still drawing drawings at home - drawings of your season and made up a short story based on them. Tell us and your classmates about it.

(Children show drawings and tell short stories from the drawings).

VII. Reflection of educational activity in the lesson (total).

Guys, can we now answer the question -

What time of the year does summer come after? (After spring).

What time of year is it now? (Autumn).

And what time of year will be after autumn? (Winter).

And after winter? ( Spring)

And after spring? (Summer). And there will be summer holidays.

And after the summer? (Autumn). And we will come back to school in the 2nd grade.

Who remembers the names of the months? How many months in a year? (12 months).

Let's call all the months of the year with the help of a circle. Let's start with the month that starts each year. (Children name the names of the months from January to December in chorus). They can be seen in calendars (small and large), calendars. (Display of calendars, calendar).

Thanks guys. You have tried very hard! Everyone is great today! And they deserve gifts!

This concludes our lesson.

Occupation in speech therapy group on the topic: "Here the summer has passed"

Lesson number 1.

Theme "Formation of ideas about sounds."

Correctional and educational tasks.Expansion of ideas about the changes taking place in nature. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis of words.: awakening interest in learning new sounds, creating a positive attitude towards learning.

Correction-developing tasks.Development speech hearing, coherent speech, memory, thinking, articulatory, fine and general motor skills.

Correctional and educational tasks.Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Education of love and respect for nature.

Equipment. A mirror for each child, a screen, musical instruments, paper, a hammer, scissors, pictograms symbolizing emotional condition human, animal masks.

Course progress.

1. Organizing moment


Look at these faces.

Children are shown pictograms.

How different they are!

Children name the emotional state of a person:joyful, upset, sad, angry.Mimic exercises.

Depict the evil Baba Yaga, the good wizard, the sad Alyonushka, the distressed Ivan Tsarevich. Take a mirror, it will help you.

2. Lesson topic message

Today we will listen, recognize and pronounce different sounds.

3. Development of auditory attention

Close your eyes. One, two, three, four, five - we begin to be silent and calmly listen to the sounds.

The Silent Game is being played

What did you hear? There are many sounds around you. Items may sound different. Listen to these sounds.

Playing musical instruments, cutting paper, rustling paper, tapping with a hammer.

Now guess these objects by sound.

Actions are performed behind a screen, and the children name what sounded.

You heard different sounds and recognized by them which instrument sounded. What were we listening to?(Ears.) The ears are an important organ of our body. What should be done to preserve our hearing and not harm it?(You can not shout loudly to each other at close range and put any objects in your ears. You need to cover your ears in cold weather.)

4. Introduction to the term "speech sound"

You have already heard how different objects sound. All living beings also make sounds. Listen to the poem "Different Sounds".

Somewhere dogs growled:


In the stall, the cows mooed:


The flies were buzzing in the room:


They ran past the car:


All the wires hummed from the wind:


Water dripping from the tap in the kitchen:


Trains called to each other in the night:

Whoo! Whoo!

The leaves rustled in the wind:


The snakes in the forest hissed:


And the mosquitoes all sang:


Fidget ball day and night

Doesn't want to calm down

Pam! Pam!

Dolls cough in bed -

Ate ice cream during the day!

Khkh! Khkh!

E. Niit (Translated from Estonian by E. Rakeeva).

How did the trains call?(Woo!) Today you will not be able to repeat all the sounds, but we will definitely learn how to wear them out.

Animals make sounds, and you and I talk. Man has speech. Speech sounds combine to form syllables, syllables form words. We will learn to listen and pronounce speech sounds.

5. Physical Minute

Pantomime "Walking in the Forest". Walking with high knees.

We step over the tall grass. We jump over a puddle.

Jumping on two legs.

Look what a beauty! Let's express admiration: Ltd! Listen to the sound of the leaves. Suddenly a breeze blew.

Easy exhalation with rounded lips. Simulation of strong wind during a storm.

The wind has died down. Let's pick mushrooms. We walked through the forest, walked, found a boletus (boletus, boletus).

6. Pronunciation of individual sounds. Development of prosody

Once a hare, a bear, a fox, a wolf, a squirrel and a hedgehog gathered in a forest clearing. We decided to show each other how well they can sing. The fox sang: a-a-a. Wolf wow. Bear s-s-s. Squirrel: and-and-and. Hedgehog: uh. How did the animals sing?

Children put on masks. Repetition by children of "songs" of animals with a change in the strength and pitch of the voice.

We sang different sounds for the animals. Speech sounds sound different. R-r-r, d-d-d (loudly), p-p-p, t-tp-t (quietly), w-w-w (with a voice), sh-sh-sh (without a voice).

7. Acquaintance with the organs of the articulatory apparatus

What do you think helps us to make sounds?(tongue, lips). That's right, we pronounce sounds with our mouths. Our mouth is the house of sounds.

In this house there are red doors, next to the doors are white animals. Animals love Candy and buns.

Every house has a door, and not even one. The first door is lips, the second is teeth. Make a sound p-p-p This sound is pronounced with the lips. Make a sound b-b-b. This sound is also pronounced...(lips). Pronounce the sound l. See how our tongue pressed against our lips. The house has a ceiling. This is the sky. Click your tongue. Pick him up by his top teeth and knock d-d-d. Did you feel how the tongue knocks on the tubercles? These are alveoli.

Put your hand on your throat. Speak d-d-d-b-b-b. This is where the voice lives. Sometimes he sleeps and you can't hear him. Make a sound to. Did you hear a voice?(Not). Now make a sound G. The voice woke up, sang so loudly that the wall of the house trembled. So what helps us to make sounds?(Lips, teeth, palate, tongue, alveoli.)How should we take care of our mouth?(Brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth after eating. Do not bite hard objects.)

8. Articulation gymnastics

To beautifully pronounce sounds, you need to teach your lips, tongue. Do different exercises. Pull out your lips with a tube, and now smile.

Lip and Tongue Exercises

BUT still need to learn how to breathe properly.

Breathing exercise "ball-fossa"

9. Summary of the lesson

What did we listen to? (Sounds.) What were we listening to? (Ears.) do we make sounds?(Mouth.)