
GCD for cognitive development in the senior group is the outline of the lesson on the world around (senior group) on the topic. GCD summary for cognitive development.docx - GCD summary for cognitive development "If you want to be healthy, eat right!" Pl


Target: Continue to form elementary mathematical concepts.


Educational: Improve counting skills within 10. Compare objects by length. Improve knowledge of geometric shapes. Form the ability to navigate on a piece of paper. Consolidate knowledge of the sequence of days of the week and parts of the day. To form the skills of cooperation in the classroom, to form the skills of self-assessment.

Developing: Develop attention in children, logical thinking, imagination, curiosity, mutual help.

Educational: Cultivate a cognitive interest in mathematics.

Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

Preliminary work with children: Guessing riddles, individual lessons didactic game "Week", play exercise"Finish".

Demo material: Petals of seven colors, trailers different lengths, flower vases, flowers, ball, chest.

Handout: sets of geometric shapes, envelopes with a set of numbers, cards for graphic dictation, an envelope with a set of Flowers - Sevenflowers.

GCD move

Children, together with the teacher, stand in a circle.

The sun rose a long time ago

Looked into our window.

Gathered all friends in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle

And we will all return to the place.

Let's smile, wink

Let's go travel.

Children perform exercises according to the text.

Educator: Today I invite you to go on a journey. And the journey will not be simple, but magical. Far, far away there is a magical land, an extraordinary flower grows there, it can fulfill any desire. What do you think this flower is?

Children: This is the Seven-Flower Flower.

Educator: That's right, the Seven-Flower Tsvetik. Once a mischievous wind burst into that country and scattered the petals of a magic flower. Would you like to have such a flower? (Answers of children).

Let us then set off with you and collect all the petals of the magic flower. But the path will not be easy. Are you ready (children's answers)

I see that you are ready to travel.

We need to hit the road.

Mind, gain reason,

Find all the petals

To make a wish.

And where we go - guess the riddle.

Brothers have equipped themselves for a visit,

Hooked on each other

And they rushed off - far away,

They only left a dial tone.

Children: This is a train .

Educator: That's right, it's a train. Let's get our train ready and hit the road. Here are the cars in front of you, they need to be arranged from the shortest to the longest.

How many cars does the train have in total?

What is the order of the blue?

What color is the carriage between red and yellow?

What is the order of the green carriage?

Educator: Well done, children! You have completed the task. Now it's time to hit the road.

Look left and right

What you see - name it!

Anything along the way can happen

You have to be careful.

We will succeed

It will be great!

Educator: Oh, look, here is the first petal. What colour is he?

Children: Petal red colors.

Funny trailers

They run, they run, they run.

Their round wheels

Everything is fat, yes, yes.

Breathing exercises. Children pronounce the sound - tu-tuuuuuuuuuuuu

Educator: Look what a beautiful flower meadow. I suggest you pick three flowers and put in vases as many flowers as the number is written on the vase.

(Children pick flowers and put them in vases, notice an orange petal among the flowers)

Children: Look, here's another petal - Orange.

Educator: Great guys, we already have two petals.

Here's a swamp on the way

The guys can't get through here!

We need to build a bridge for us

So that we drove there.

Didactic game "Bridge of geometric shapes"

Children continue a logical chain of geometric shapes. Each is given a set of geometric shapes that the children need to lay out. Children place their narrow "bridges" side by side to make a wide "bridge". Each child has his own version of the logical chain.

Children build a bridge and find a third - yellow petal.

Educator: Children, the wind starts blowing again.

Wind, wind, blow harder to make it more fun

Come on, wind, don't yawn, you better play with us.

Ball game "Throw - catch, call quickly"

The teacher throws a ball to the children and asks a question.

We sleep at night, and do exercises .... (in the morning)

The sun shines during the day. And the moon .... (at night)

When do your moms and dads come home from work? (In the evening)

We have supper in the evening, and we sleep ... (at night)

What day of the week is it today? (Wednesday)

What day of the week was yesterday? (Tuesday)

What is the name of the first working day? (Monday)

What are weekends called? (Saturday Sunday)

Educator: Children, look, while we were playing, the wind brought us another petal. What colour is he?

Children: Petal green colors.

Educator: Oh, do you hear, someone is arguing. Yes, these are bunnies, each of them has a number and they need to be in order. They just can't figure it out.

Children, can you help them? (Answers of children)

Each child receives an envelope with a set of bunnies numbered from 1 to 10 and they are laid out in order on the table.

Get to work, guys, quickly -

Children find another petal in one of the envelopes. blue colors.

Educator: Children, who can count how many petals have we already found?

Children: We found five petals.

Educator: And how many petals does Flower - Seven-flower have?

Children: Flower - Seven-flower has only seven petals.

Educator: So how many more petals do we need to find?

Children: We need to find two more petals.

See how fun this meadow is, how many animals, birds and insects there are.

Here are ideas and tasks, games, jokes, everything for you!

We wish you good luck - to work, in good hour!

Mathematical riddles.

With your nose held high

The hare carried six carrots,

Stumbled and fell -

I lost two carrots.

How many carrots does the hare have left? (4)

Nine bees arrive in the garden

One of them sat on a flower bed,

Everybody else through the garden

They are in a hurry to go to their apiary.

So how many bees fly out of the garden?

Three hares, five hedgehogs

How many kids are there in the garden? (8)

Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived:

Daughter, son, father and mother.

Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more flew to them,

Answer quickly, boldly:

How many of them flew in? (7)

Educator: And here is another petal. He flew to this clearing. What color he is.

Children: Petal blue colors.

Educator: Children, how many petals are still missing.

Children: We are missing one petal, purple.

Educator: Children look, and there is still some kind of chest. How can we open it?

Children: We need to find the key and open the chest.

What kind of miracles:

One hand and two hands!

Here is the right palm,

Here is the left palm!

And I will tell you without melting -

Everybody needs hands with friends.

Graphic dictation "Key"

8 cells to the right, 2 - up, 4 - right, 5 - down, 4 - left, 2 - up, 4 - left, 3 - down, 1 - left, 1 - up, 1 - left, 1 - down, 1 - left, 3 - up, 1 - left, 1 - up.

Educator: So we found the key, we can open the chest.

Children open the chest and find the last one there. Violet petal.

They combine all the petals of the Flower - Seven-flower.

Educator: So we have found all the petals. Look, here in the chest there is some other envelope, what could be there?

Children take out an envelope and find there for each child magic flower... Now each of you has a Flower - Seven-Flower, you can make your cherished desires.

Educator: Children, did you enjoy our trip? (Answers of children)

What did you enjoy the most during your trip? (Answers of children)

What was the most difficult task for you? (Answers of children)

Thank you. You know so much, you were attentive, quick-witted, you helped each other, that is why you coped so well with all the tasks that we encountered during the trip. I think you will always try so hard.

Abstract of GCD for cognitive development children middle group"Where do vitamins live"

author: Bobina Irina Sergeevna, educator of the MBDOO "Kindergarten No. 161" of general developmental type, Barnaul
This material will be interesting: teachers, parents and children aged 4-7 years. Presentation with didactic game can be used by teachers as part of the lesson in consolidating knowledge about vegetables, fruits, in the formation of children's ideas about healthy eating.

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the middle group on the topic: "Where do vitamins live"

Didactic multimedia game for children preschool age"What is superfluous here"
Demo material: squirrel toy; modules of vegetables, fruits, trees, berries; laptop, projector, presentation with a didactic multimedia game "What is superfluous here?"
Handout: colored wax crayons on a box for each easel, three easels with fixed sheets of Whatman paper.
Expand and clarify the knowledge of children about the plants of the garden, forest, vegetable garden.
to consolidate the knowledge of children about vegetables, fruits, berries;
to consolidate the knowledge of children about where vegetables, fruits and berries grow;
form logical thinking;
to form an idea of ​​healthy eating;
develop speech, form the ability to explain your choice;
continue to develop the ability to negotiate with each other on joint activities.
Game situation : "Find and collect" Children enter the group, where the modules of vegetables, fruits, berries are located throughout the group. The teacher leads the children to the idea that in the group, in the absence of children, someone has visited and mixed everything up, put it in the wrong place.
Educator... Guys, what do you think we need to do now? (you need to put the toys in their places) Where did we find the fruits? (in a basket). Children find fruits and collect them in a basket.

Educator. Where were the vegetables? (in a drawer). The children find vegetables and put them in a drawer.

Educator. What else is out of place? (berries) . Children collect berries in a cup.

While searching in the group, the children find a frightened squirrel, which admits to the children that it was she who played with toys. The children calm the squirrel down and invite her to stay with them.
Educator. Well done guys, how quickly you put things in order in our group. I suggest you rest a little and sit on the chairs. (children sit on high chairs) If you want, we can play a game. and a squirrel will play with us. Help her guess which picture is superfluous. You just need to answer with a full answer so that the squirrel understands why this picture is superfluous. After answering, you need to click on the extra picture with the mouse. If it disappears, then you guessed it right. (The child must explain his choice: there is an extra apple, because it is a fruit, and the rest is vegetables.)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (Raspberries, red currants, gooseberries, tomatoes) What's superfluous here? (Extra tomato, because it's a vegetable, and the rest is all berries)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (red currants, cherries, pears, strawberries) What is superfluous here? (extra pear here because it's a fruit and the rest is berries)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (potatoes, pear, apple, orange) What is superfluous here? (extra potatoes here because it's a vegetable and the rest is fruit)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (zucchini, lemon, onion, tomato) What's superfluous here? (extra lemon here because it's a fruit and the rest is vegetables)

Educator. What do you see on the screen? (Carrots, cabbage, peppers, onions, apples) What is superfluous here? (an extra apple here because it's a fruit and the rest is vegetables)
Educator. What are you guys. We helped the squirrel figure out the pictures. Let's rest and play a game.
Gymnastics for the eyes "Our bed"
One, two, three, four, five
Let's look for vegetables.
(circular movements of the eyes)
What's growing in our garden?
(look down)
Cucumbers, sweet peas,
(look up)
There is a radish, there is a salad.
(look left, right)
Our garden is just a treasure.
(blink eyes) V. Volina
Educator. Now I propose to work in subgroups. Let's compete with each other. We will guess riddles, and the squirrel will listen to how we can guess them and for the correct answer she will present your table with a picture with the answer.
Game "Guess the riddle"
We grow in the forest, in the garden, in the garden bed.
Eat us and you'll be fine! (berries)

Don't touch us yet!
Let the sun blush our sides
And we will ripen, you can safely eat,
Vitamins in us - do not count!
Both adults and children love us
How to name all these fruits? (fruit)

Eggplant and zucchini,
And a carrot and an onion,
Tomatoes cucumbers-
They are full of vitamins.
Guess - ka, guys,
What is growing in our garden? (vegetables)
Educator. What do berries, vegetables and fruits have in common? (vitamins) That's right, guys. There are a lot of different vitamins in these products, and therefore you need to eat them every day.
To be always healthy
You need to eat every day:
Very important products!
These are vegetables and fruits!
Finger game "Berries"
One, two, three, four, five,
(the fingers of both hands greet, starting with the thumb)
We are going for a walk into the forest.
(fingers are walking on the table)
For blueberries,
For raspberries,
For lingonberries,
For viburnum.
We will find strawberries
(bend fingers, starting with the thumb)
And we will take it to the brother.
Subgroup game "Draw together"
Educator... Guys, now we are going to be artists. At the same table, you have guessed the riddle about vegetables, which means you have to agree on who and what will draw from vegetables. You have guessed the riddle about fruits, which means the guys sitting at your table will draw fruits. At the third table, you have guessed the riddle about berries, which means that you will draw berries on your easel. Children at the tables agree on who will draw what; they approach the easel in turn, each drawing one object at a time. Each table draws at its own easel. After drawing, the guys discuss what happened.
Educator... Each of you drew one object, and the whole picture turned out. Well done! Did you enjoy playing with the squirrel today? What did you like the most? (children express their opinion as they wish) Squirrel also enjoyed playing with you. she prepared a treat for you. (the teacher shows the fruit basket and distributes to the children)

Abstract of the GCD for cognitive development in the senior group "Space travel"

Purpose: creating conditions for cognitive activities and the formation of children's ideas about the structure of the solar system.

Tasks: - Educational:

1. Expand children's ideas about space, the solar system, planets;

2. Strengthen children's knowledge of classification(location)planets of the solar system;

3. Give a new concept - the ORBIT of a cosmic body.


1. To develop mental activity (comparisons, inferences);

2. To improve the types of speech communication;

3. To promote the development of independence and initiative in different types activities (communication, play, creativity).


1. to educate respectful attitude to the profession of astronomer, cosmonaut;

2. To evoke a sense of pride in the country that was the first to conquer space;

3. To cultivate mutual respect for each other.

Preliminary work: talks about space, acquaintance with the planets of the solar system, cognitive games, reading encyclopedias, decorating the "Space Distances" exhibition, making helmets for children.

Equipment: PC, screen, slides of the starry sky, solar system, planets, sheets of paper, a star (puzzles), a box with 9 disks with numbers, a map with orbits, Zaitsev's cubes.

GCD move.

(Children are included in the group to the "space" music of the "Space" group).

Educator: Guys, listen to what unusual music sounds. Look, we have guests. Let's greet each other.

"Good afternoon" we will say together,

To smile the world needs,

For everyone to feel

Joy, light and a lot of strength.

Educator: Look, some kind of box, whose it is, you don't know? (answers). Can you touch other people's things? (children: no) Here is a note attached to the box. Let's read. Suddenly she has a master.

The child reads with the teacher: "FOR THE MOST AMAZING. Open and you will understand everything!"

Educator: - Guys, there are some disks here. What does it mean? Why are they here? (children's assumptions) What are they?

Children: They are all round shape and different in size, color, and there are only 9 of them, they shine, etc.

Educator: Right, some kind of riddle. What can they remind us of? Nine in total, how can we compare them?(children's reasoning).

Educator: And here is a letter. Find out from whom? (Yes).

Educator: "Hello. The Astrologer is writing to you. If you are holding a box in your hands, then there is hope for your help. Help me figure it out and put everything in place. When I conducted regular observations of the stars in outer space after a magnetic storm, I noticed that some planets The solar systems have moved out of orbit and swapped places. Our instruments are out of order. I can not make a correct map of the solar system. Everything needs to be returned to its original place. Space disks will be useful to you. They have certain tasks. You need to add a key word - password. from cubes. If they get into their orbits, the control system will work and everything will be restored. You can safely return home. But how to do it all? ... "

Educator. Guys, what can you do for the Astrologer? How can I help him?

Children (answers)

Educator: - To help the Astrologer, you need to fly. Do you agree? . Who are we going to be? (children: astronauts) Yes, we will become astronauts. And who was the first astronaut to fly around the world around the Earth. Who is he?

Children: Yuri Gagarin. (Photo). Yes, it was Yu.A. Gagarin who made the first flight into open space on April 12, 1961 on the Vostok-1 spacecraft. On a manned spacecraft, he made one revolution around the Earth. From space, he saw our planet as a beautiful, lively, blue color, protected by a layer of air. And this is the color of what? (water answer) The color of life.


Educator: Guys, what should astronauts be like, what qualities should they have?

Children: Brave, smart, athletic, courageous, etc.

Educator: Well, it's winter in the yard, you need to dress warmly, don't forget the scarf, the hat. How are you going to go on a space trip?(children's answers).

Exercise 1.DISC # 1 "What will a novice pilot take with you on the flight? "...

Educator: We need to properly collect the things necessary in space. Be careful.

(task completion).

Educator: Well done, coped with the task and get two cubes. You're right to go on space travel, you need a spacesuit. We have personal helmets with you. We will put them on with you and go to the ship.

Educator: Attention! Put on spacesuits, take seats in space rocket... Guys, what planet do we live on? (children: Earth). So, who are we? (Answers - people, children, earthlings).

What will we call our ship (name) Ready to fly? Let's start countingT: 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 start).

Physical education "Raketa"

We fly high in a rocket

Rocket flight over the horizon.

We meet on our way

Comets with a rainbow tail.

Meteorites fly after

Sometimes they cause a lot of troubles.

But we are not afraid of anything

We are "One for all, all for one!"

To continue the flight, let's turn up the speed a little,

Let our spaceship fly forward, but what is it?

There is also a task - a second test.

Task 2.DISC # 2 "Guess the riddles, the answer to which is the continuation of the next one"

Let's try to solve them, guys. You are ready? Let's start.

1. To arm the eye

And be friends with the stars

See the milky way

We need a powerful ... (telescope)

2 a telescope for hundreds of years

They study the life of the planets.

He will tell us about everything

Smart uncle- (astronomer)

Astronomer, he is a stargazer,

Knows everything!

Only the stars are seen better

The sky is full ... (moon)

A bird cannot reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon

But he can do it

Make it fast ... (rocket)

The rocket has a driver

Weightlessness lover.

In English: "astronaut"

And in Russian ... (cosmonaut)

Educator: You quickly solved the riddles. We continue our flight in our space orbit. We have 2 more space cubes in our hands.

Beautiful stars sparkle

A comet with a red-blue tail is racing.

But the planets are spinning in a circle.

They move only in their orbit.


Educator: Guys, remember, please. Any cosmic body, be it a planet, a satellite, which makes its way around the Sun, has an ORBIT. Our spacecraft will also be in its orbit so as not to deviate from the trajectory of motion. Let's repeat together - ORBIT. Each planet moves in its own orbit. It has its own location in outer space.Some planets are composed of rocks, some are made of gas, and only one has oxygen, which means life. This is our Earth.

You and I need to check the correct location of the planets in the solar system, draw up our own map and send it to the Astrologer. But first you need to complete the next task.

Assignment 3DISC No. 3." Space dictionary "It is necessary to name as many words related to space as possible. Will you help me? (Children's answers). I give you a helmet, you name a word (rocket, satellite, aliens, spacesuit, planet, moon, meteor, comet, astronaut, asteroid, universe, telescope, star, sun, etc.)

Educator: Thank you, you remembered cosmically a lot of words, and, therefore, coped with the task. Our ship is moving further along its orbit, along the same path. We have 2 cherished cubes.

Physical education

We fly high in a rocket

But we are not afraid of anything.

After all, our motto is:

One for all and all for one.

The song "Starfall" sounds. A. Pakhmutova - words of Dobronravy

Lilac stars are falling from the sky

Even desire is not easy to come up with.

In the sky of familiar apartments

Let the star "Altair" light up.

Starfall, starfall ... Fortunately, friends, they say.

Educator: -Guys, here is a starfall. Stars different sizes here, apparently invisible. ...

Stars are large space objects, whole systems are formed around them, such as our solar system.


There are dwarf stars and there are giant stars.

Meteorites, various comets flew by,

They touched the planets of the solar system a little.

Here's the next challenge. A Star Quest awaits us.

Task 4.DISC # 4 "Find all the parts - connect the star". Collect the puzzle into a single star (yellow).

Educator: Well done, you worked together and did everything yourself. We have 2 cubes. Have you guessed what I have in my hands?

Children: Star, Sun.

Educator: You are absolutely right, I have a star called the sun.


Educator: So, the Sun and the planets revolving around it make up the Solar system. It includes all planets and satellites, comets and meteors, cosmic dust and ice.

Educator: What do you see in the middle, in the center of the solar system?

Children: In the middle, in the center of the solar system, is the sun.

Educator: Our Sun is a star - a huge red-hot ball. This ball emits warmth and light, which is so necessary for all living things - people, animals, plants.

The Sun star has its own family, only these are not sons and daughters, but planets. How many planets in the solar system do you know?(Answer: 9). Only one has life, because there is water and air. What is this planet? (Children-Earth). Let's remember our well-known counting room, where it is installed correct order planets.

Fizkultminutka (counting room) Stargazer lived in the world.

He counted the planets.

Mercury -once,Venus - two,

Three-Land , Four-Mars .

Five-Jupiter , Six-Saturn,

Seven-Uranus .Eighth -Neptune,

And the discovered Pluto became a dwarf planet..

Educator: All planets are different in size and they have their own orbits, their own paths of movement around the Sun.A huge number of researchers have devoted their lives to the study of endless, dark outer spaces. Astronomers, cosmonauts, physicists are trying to reveal the secrets that are hidden in the vastness of the Universe. And today we will help the Stargazer to create a map of the planets of the solar system and restore order with the help of cubes.

FINALLY with you today

We solar planet studied.

The sun has eight planets,

We ask you to remember them.

9 is a dwarf planet, cold touched.

We have 9 discs sent by the Astrologer. From the Sun they are arranged in the following order: Let's repeat together: (children repeat and arrange in orbits) Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - Pluto.

Educator: Guys, in what orbit from the Sun does our planet Earth move (children - according to the third). Yes, this is the only planet with life. Why? Together, we will place cubes and disks in orbits for the Astrologer, who expects from us the word-password. There are numbers on the disks; they must be placed on the map where the planets in the starry sky should be located. And the cubes must be placed on the disks by numbers.

We start in order

As if we were doing exercises.

We charge the planets

A kind word and advice:

Each in its own orbit

Flies by, look!

So everyone lined up in a row,

They have numbers.

And on the cubes their

Alphabetical letters.

The numbers are no longer mischievous

The letters say the word.

Educator: GUYS, read the word-password. (Read- "KOSMODROM BAIKONUR").

What is a cosmodrome?

This is for the rocket ... home. And the place where spaceships stand at the start, ready to soar into the sky to conquer cosmic distances.


It's time for us to say goodbye now

You can smile together!

Let's fasten our belts soon,

We will be at the Earth in a moment.

1,2,3 rocket fly to the house.

Educator: Thank you all for your work, creativity and optimism. And now I propose to depict our dear planet EARTH on the sheets.





The song is played with the guitar "Little Prince" muses. M. Tariverdiev, lyrics by N. Dobronravy

Who invented you, star country?

I have been dreaming for a long time, I have been dreaming about it.

I will leave the house, I will leave the house,

A wave is beating right behind the pier ...

Abstract of the GCD for cognitive development in the senior group


Topic: "Journey to the Autumn Forest"

Resources (visuals): transparent sacks and a bag, dummies or pictures of mushrooms and leaves (2 maple and 3 oak), geometric shapes (2 sets, each containing 2 rectangles and 3 circles), models "Sacks", cards with signs "+" and " = ".

Dispensing - sets of pictures of mushrooms and leaves, cards with "+" and "=" signs, geometric shapes, models of three "bags":

Target: Introduce the compilation of tasks


Educational: formation of the ability to solve simple addition problems using visual material; fformation of ideas about addition as the unification of groups of objects into one whole; acquaint with the "+" sign; to consolidate knowledge of the properties of objects, signs of autumn.

Developing: develop thinking in the process of performing logical operations (analysis, synthesis, classification, generalization); develop speech by developing full sentence response skills; development of motor skills in the process of performing various actions and physical education; development of attention, imagination.

Educational: foster independence; develop the ability to listen without interrupting; cultivate perseverance; foster a tolerant attitude towards the answers of other children; foster a desire to help those who have difficulty completing the assignment.

Characteristics of the stages of GCD

Estimated time

Educator activity

direct speech)

Student activities

(activities, direct speech)

Organizing time:

Target: set up children for the lesson, stimulate their interest, bring them to the topic of the lesson

The teacher gathers the children in front of him.

Guys, look out the window. See how beautiful it became on the street.

What time of year is it?

Why autumn?

That's right, well done.

Guys, what are people doing in the fall?


But not only people work in the fall, but also animals.

What do you think the animals in the forest are doing?

Well done.

Children name the signs of autumn (it got colder, it rains often, the trees turn yellow, the grass is withering, etc.)

Children's answers (they are harvesting, preparing warm clothes, where they need to store firewood, etc.)

Children's answers (make supplies for the winter, someone hibernates, etc.)

Introductory stage (updating knowledge).

Target:phrased through the verb

The teacher takes out an envelope

Guys, this morning when I went to Kindergarten I met Dunno. He was walking in the woods and met a squirrel who gave him a letter for us.

The envelope reads: "To the guys from the squirrel from the forest."

Do you want to know what the squirrel wrote to us in her letter?

The teacher opens the envelope and reads the letter.

Hello guys! Autumn has come, it's time to get ready for winter. You need to make a lot of supplies for the winter so that you don't have to starve in the winter. But I don’t know how to find out how much mushroom I have stored? How many nuts? Suddenly I will not have enough. Can you help me?

Dunno wanted to help the squirrel, but he himself does not know how to calculate all its reserves.

Squirrel wrote in detail in a letter that she had already saved herself for the winter.

What, guys, are we going to help the squirrel?

Guys, how can we teach a squirrel, because it is in the forest, and we are in the kindergarten?

To go far into the forest.

What else can you do?

Let's sit down in our seats. And Dunno will look at us and learn.

Children agree

Children's answers

The main stage.

Target: to form an idea of ​​addition as a combination of groups of objects

Combining groups of objects into one whole.

The teacher tells the story:

The squirrel ran through the forest with her daughter looking for nuts and acorns. The daughter found 2 acorns and put them in her basket (the teacher asks one child to put it on the flannelgraph), and Belka's mother found 3 nuts and also put them in her basket (the teacher asks the second child to put it on the flannelgraph).

At her house, a little squirrel met a friend, a hare, and asked her mother to let her go for a walk. But first theyfolded fruits in one large basket.

What word can replace the word "folded"?

The action that the guys performed is called in mathematicsaddition. See what fruits are in the common large basket? What is the result of the addition?

Our squirrels walked through the forest and met their friend a hedgehog. And they decided to help him harvest.

The teacher invites the children to his place.

Physical education

In the morning along the forest path -

Top-top-top - feet trample.

Walks, wanders along the paths

An old hedgehog with pins and needles.

Looking for berries, mushrooms

For my son or daughter.

Securing the Meaning of Addition

The task is dramatization

Squirrel mom: "I found 3 boletus boletus."

Daughter: "And I have 2 boletus."

Both: “That's nice! Let's put everything in our pantry, you won't have to starve! "

Guys, how many mushrooms did the squirrels collect? Let's count.

Consolidation of ideas about the properties of objects.

Guys, not only hedgehogs and squirrels live in the forest. There you can find other animals and various insects. And what trees and flowers there are in the forest!

Consider the first picture. (Hangs it up on the board) Come up with a name. It seems to me that someone is superfluous here. Who do you think?

Consider the second picture. What can you call it? Is there a superfluous subject here? What's superfluous?

1st child lays out

2nd child lays out

Children transfer acorns and nuts to the third basket

Put together, combined, etc.

2 acorns and 3 nuts - 5 fruits in total

Children stand slightly bent over. The arms are bent at the elbows, in front of the chest; hands down. Legs, slightly bent at the knees, take small, frequent steps. Children's fingertips are connected - they "pluck" the berries.

1st lays out on the flannelgraph

Children lay out each on their table

The teacher and children listen to all possible options for reasoning, for example:

I think the extra chicken because it is big and everyone else is small.

I think the extra chicken, because it is poultry, and everyone else is forest dwellers.

I believe that it is an extra ant, because it has no wings. and everyone else has.

Depending on the choice of the criterion by which an unnecessary subject is excluded, a generalizing name is given: "Insects", "Animals", etc.

Children can call a bell superfluous, since it is a flower, and all other plants are trees. A palm tree may be superfluous, since all the rest grow in the middle lane, and a palm tree is a tropical plant. Children may also call a Christmas tree superfluous, because it is a coniferous tree, and all the rest are deciduous plants. All statements are noteworthy. It is important for children to be able to argue their opinion.

The final stage.

Purpose: to update the knowledge gained in the lesson, reflection.

What action did we do with nuts, acorns and mushrooms?

Why were we able to help Dunno?

Now Dunno will be able to teach the squirrel and help her count all her reserves.

What did you like about the lesson? What caused the difficulty? What do you remember the most?

Children's answers (We added them).

Children's answers (Taught him to fold)


GCD for cognitive development

with children of the middle group on the topic:


Target: to clarify and improve children's ideas about wild animals.

Tasks: continue to introduce children to wild animals.


Clarify children's ideas about wild animals, their way of life, habits, food and housing, expand the children's vocabulary at the expense of nouns (hollow, hole, den, den), adjectives (prickly, cunning, clubfoot ...)


Develop logical thinking (guessing riddles, finding an extra object among groups of the same)


To foster a respect for nature;

Cultivate interest in cognitive activity;


Handout: cards for each child with a picture of an animal and food, a simple pencil. "Nature Connoisseurs" medals.

Technology: playful moment of interest, dialogue with children, dynamic pause.

Form of carrying out: group.

Prior work: viewing illustrations, talking about animals.

GCD move:

Guys, let's play a game called Nature Connoisseurs. Our guests will evaluate the game. At the end of the game, we find out how our guys know nature. Two teams will participate in the game: a team of boys and a team of girls. Our game will be dedicated to wild animals. Let's remember who wild animals are. (children's answers)

Let's move on to the first competition of our game:


I suggest that the children name wild animals (Children take turns calling wild animals). While our jury evaluates the children's answers, we proceed to the second competition:


    will curl up into a ball, in the hands is not given? (hedgehog)

    on the branches gallops, not a bird, red, but not a fox. (squirrel)

    redhead, with a fluffy tail, lives in the forest under a bush. (Fox)

    gray, toothy calves prowling across the field, looking for lambs. (Wolf)

    fast jump, warm fluff, rushing from the hill, pressing the ears. (Hare)

The second competition is over, and we proceed to the third.


    we visited the forest, met there ... (fox)

    deep nest is not shallow, it sleeps in the warmth ... (squirrel)

    I hear the stomp of someone's legs - rushing along the path ... (hedgehog)

Little white and small under a bush ... (zainka)

He began to roar loudly, I recognize ... (bear)

A gray wolf in a dense forest met a red ... (fox)

While our jury evaluates, we will have a little rest.


The guys are ready, charging begins bunny jumping gallop, galloping through a bush and a stump of squirrel jumping on knots here and there, here and there the bear woke up sweetly in the morning, sweetly stretched waddling around, went honey sweet, found someone's legs ran along the trodden path, this is a wolf, a top running behind him the fox is hurrying with a red head, a cunning cheat.

    We took a little rest and started the fourth competition of our game, which is called


    Guys on the tables you have sheets of paper with the assignment. You must distribute food for each animal. (I suggest the children draw lines from the animal to the food with a pencil, after the children have completed the task, I specify which animal it eats) I ask the jury to rate this competition. We are starting the last competition of our game, which is called


    I suggest that the children continue the logical chain (forest ..., wild animals, it is necessary to choose wild animals among others). So our game is over, now our jury will tell us whose team knows nature better. The word of the jury. At the end, the winners are awarded with "Nature Connoisseurs medals".