
What do the wrinkles on a man's forehead say. What do wrinkles on the forehead say about men? Character, success and future. What does a wrinkled forehead say


It is not without reason that physiognomy exists. The knowledge accumulated over time by sages and healers is often interesting and surprisingly accurate.

Have you ever wondered what expression wrinkles can tell about you? After all, the pattern on the face is different for different people. One person with school age there are “furrows” on the forehead, the other has funny “crow's feet”. And someone has an unusual wrinkled wrinkle at the bridge of the nose. What does all this mean?

It is believed that the lines on the face can tell about a person's health and character. According to one of the versions, dealing with the appearance - with the help of cosmetic procedures or regular gymnastics for the face - and reducing the manifestation of wrinkles, you can improve health, that is, by acting on the consequence to change the cause.

But this is just one of the points of view that can be taken into account, but not too reassured by it.

So, what can mimic wrinkles tell us?

Mimic wrinkles on the forehead

  • Longitudinal wrinkles in this part of the face usually indicate that a person is self-sufficient and smart.
  • Small intermittent horizontal wrinkles indicate that a person does not know how to complete the matter. In addition, it can be a consequence of the love of gossip.
  • Vertical stripes are usually found in open and kind people.
  • Transverse facial wrinkles can also occur in those who suffer from migraines.
  • The longitudinal lines between the eyebrows indicate that you are a shy and insecure person.
  • Vertical wrinkles on the bridge of the nose demonstrate an intelligent and purposeful person with analytical thinking. It is also a mark of intelligence.
  • But for those with a low forehead, a vertical wrinkle on the bridge of the nose speaks of concern about insoluble problems.
  • "Curved" wrinkles on the bridge of the nose usually give out an unbalanced jealous person.
  • Lines at the bridge of the nose can also signal problems in the bladder and kidneys.
  • Lines upward from the outer corners of the eyebrows indicate a person's unreliability.
  • The angular wrinkles above the eyebrows whisper of anxiety.
  • But small horizontal wrinkles above the outer edge of the eyebrows represent honesty and loyalty.

What will the eyes tell

  • "Crow's feet" testifies to attentiveness and good memory.
  • If the "crow's feet" are directed upwards, then their owner is a cheerful person. If down - suspicious, nervous, pessimistic.
  • Angular wrinkles around the eyes indicate an alarming and sometimes aggressive nature.
  • Crow's feet can also be a signal to pay attention to the gallbladder and stomach. And they can also be the result of the frequent squinting of myopic people.
  • Small mimic lines under the eyes or above the eyebrows show the habit of being surprised.
  • A mesh of wrinkles under the eyes can indicate a lack of vitamins or insomnia.
  • Those who are attentive to small details often have circular lines around their eyes.
  • Creases in the upper eyelids can indicate heart problems.

We look at the mouth

  • A person with a light and joyful outlook on life has raised up wrinkles near the corners of the lips. Downward lines speak of negative emotions in relation to yourself and those around you.
  • Expression lines around the mouth are usually found in lonely, withdrawn people who are also indecisive.
  • The nasolabial folds are most pronounced in people who have suffered a lot in life, disillusioned.
  • Wrinkles in the very lower part of the face, below the lips indicate prolonged physical and mental anguish.
  • Vertical wrinkles over upper lip may exhibit hormonal and gynecological problems, as well as bowel disease.

But the state, which many strive for - without wrinkles, with age can mean laziness, passivity, indifference. So, maybe you should think about whether you should be so afraid of mimic wrinkles. After all, they - outward signs your inner world.

Here's where to look! We have compiled a detailed map.

On the face of each of us, if you look closely, is full of wrinkles, long "lines" and age spots, But did you know that they can tell more about you than just indicate your age?

According to leading medical scientists, the person and his appearance directly related to the rest of the body. Therefore, if you carefully consider your own, you can notice what kind of danger signals your body is sending you. In some cases, this can be very important.

Every line and every wrinkle on your face has its own special meaning. Even the appearance of age spots on your body is not accidental! Are you wondering what the wrinkles and roughness in the areas marked with the numbers mean?

1. Horizontal deep lines on the forehead

They are often called "worry lines" because they clog up a lot of stress in the mind. If you have them, and are noticeable enough, then you need to rest and relax more often. Go on vacation more often!
Also, this area is directly related to the stomach. Are you eating too much sugar? Or is your diet high in fat? Are you drinking too little water?

If you are reading these lines, you almost certainly need to take more care of yourself and what goes into your body during the day.

2. Wrinkles near the right eyebrow

Vertical wrinkles in this area are a clear sign of liver weakness. If you want them to disappear from your face, you need to heal this internal organ.

Start eating more green vegetables, sugary fruits, and whole grains. Cut back on coffee, spicy foods, and salt. If you feel that you may have serious liver problems at all, see your doctor immediately! Unfortunately, the diet and lifestyle of the vast majority of us are not conducive to her health.

3. Wrinkles at the left eyebrow

This area of ​​your face is directly connected to your spleen. Wrinkles in this area indicate problems with it.

The work of this organ, as well as the associated pancreas, can be disrupted by excessive p

consuming sugar. Just make sure you have a little of it in your diet. Dried fruit instead of sweet cookies is a great start! Well, what you can refuse next, you yourself know!

4. Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose

This is uncommon, but some people have wrinkles here as well. Usually, their appearance in this place indicates a reaction to seasonal allergies.

Ironically, this area is also linked to your libido. If you have wrinkles on the bridge of your nose, you may have less need for sex than usual. Maybe it's time to be less nervous. And eat foods called "aphrodisiacs."

5. Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes

This popular type of wrinkle is also called crow's feet. If you've never heard of them, then you don't laugh very often. Otherwise, you probably would have already begun to manifest them (which, of course, is not bad).

There is only a problem here if your wrinkles in these areas are especially deep and noticeable. This could indicate rapidly progressing vision problems. You should probably stare at your phone less often, watch TV less often, or try not to sit too much at your computer.

In addition, crow's feet are associated with some internal organs - the stomach, kidneys and liver. Perhaps you need to force yourself to move more and finally go on a healthy diet.

6. Circles or bags under the eyes

We all see them early in the morning in the mirror, when we have not had enough sleep. But if you see them every day, then it almost certainly indicates kidney weakness. Start eating more fruits and vegetables, and try to drink more fluids throughout the day.

Especially large bags under the eyes can also indicate problems with the circulatory system. You need to fight poor skin circulation! Yoga or massages are great. If you yourself feel that this is becoming a serious problem, then you should see a doctor.

7. Dark spots on the cheeks

If you have spots of light and dark colors, this may indicate problems with some internal organs. First, you are almost certainly eating poorly.

Second, you almost certainly smoke. Because you have had weak lungs for a long time. You need to start practicing breathing exercises and try to learn breathing control. Effectively cleanses the lungs of jogging in the morning.

You can also use this guide here.

8. Acne and flaky skin at the tip of the nose

A red nose may not be a problem, but acne and redness in this area indicate a poorly functioning circulatory system. You have an increased risk of developing blood pressure problems. If the problem has been with you for a long time, and you have not paid attention to it for several years, perhaps now is the time to see a doctor.

The health of your heart is of the utmost importance. To maintain it, avoid spicy foods, alcohol, and coffee. Foods with "healthy" fatty acids include avocados and fish. They are better, believe me!

9. Wrinkles in the corners of the mouth

Many people have vertical wrinkles in this area. But this point is directly connected by nerves with the large intestine! This internal organ is rarely thought about, but its health will have a direct impact on the quality of your life in old age.

Fortunately, rebuilding and keeping fit is pretty easy: Eat fiber-rich foods and get enough Vitamin D.

10. Laughter wrinkles

Usually, deep wrinkles in this area develop in people who laugh a lot, loudly and often. Laughter is known to be good for both mental and physical health. So you must love these wrinkles!
On the other hand, if you don't laugh often, but there are wrinkles here, this could indicate a problem with the pancreas. Add blueberries, cherries, grapes, garlic, and spinach to your diet.

11. Wrinkles above the upper lip

Not all people, even in old age, have vertical wrinkles on their lips. But those who do have them are almost certainly smokers. Smoking is one of the important reasons why these generally unnatural wrinkles appear here.

Also, this area is directly "connected" to the spleen. Try adding root vegetable products to your diet. Turnips and carrots are especially useful. To relieve the spleen, it is better to eat often, but little by little.

12. Spots on lips

Lip stains can have several explanations. They can be an indicator of poor circulation (in this case yoga is recommended), and problems with the colon, and liver weakness. To find out their appearance for sure, you have to go to the doctors.

13. Double chin

People who have wrinkled and sagging skin on their necks are almost certainly overweight. This is a popular problem, especially in our time when we all eat a lot and exercise a little.

However, this area also "includes" the thyroid gland. To improve her health, you need to take zinc tablets and at least temporarily give up bread and any flour products in general.

14. "Ring around the pupil"

During your monitoring, you can check not only your face, but also your eyes. If you notice a "ring" along the contour of the iris, then you have high cholesterol levels.

This almost always leads to serious problems, including heart attacks and other heart diseases. Fortunately, there are many ways to lower your levels. Eat more vegetables and less trans fatty foods. Add soy sauce and nuts to your diet.

15. Noticeable veins at the corners of the forehead.

If you have veins in your temporal region, it could be a sign of hypertension. Obviously, you need to do something about stress. If necessary, quit for the sake of it. Start going out more often, take yoga classes, or even take an unplanned vacation. This is not a joke!

Also, take it for granted that you need to eat more bananas and gradually eliminate salt. Once the pressure starts to decrease, your vein will become less visible.

16. Wrinkle under the lip
Many people have a split chin. But this only indicates that there is too much negativity and pessimism in your life.

The habit of always preparing for the worst may sound good to you, but it actually has a devastating effect on your health in the long run. Let go of your grudges. Try to avoid frustration and anger at all costs. The world inside you, as you can see, is able to be reflected on your face!

What wrinkles do you have on your face? Let us know in the comments what you think about all this!

Many people have heard that facial wrinkles play a role. And this applies not only to age. There are scientists who "read" faces, know the meaning of wrinkles and can say a lot about a person.

For example, if a woman has stripes from her nose to the corners of her mouth, this indicates that she is cheerful, constantly smiling or laughing. If a man has deep wrinkles on his forehead, then we can assume that he is often frowning, angry or serious by nature.

The meaning of wrinkles on the face must be interpreted carefully, since there are also nuances here. Sometimes people draw the wrong conclusions, and this can lead to the fact that you only offend or offend the person.

The meaning of facial wrinkles

But what do facial wrinkles mean? Let's figure it out. As we said above, if a person has wrinkles around the mouth and eyes (they are also called "crow's feet"), then we have a kind, cheerful, cheerful person who can pity you and sympathize with you, but he will not always be able to help, because often such people turn out to be a little windy and frivolous. We do not say that everyone is like that, but, as a rule, this is the place to be.

And here is another meaning of wrinkles on our face. If a person has wrinkles around the eyes (as we wrote above, the so-called crow's feet), but the entire skin of the face is smooth, then this person should be feared, since it can be assumed that he is rather secretive, suspicious and attentive to details, you from this is unlikely to be useful.

This is explained by the fact that such a person can often squint, thinking about something, and therefore only crow's feet appear near the eyes.

If you come across a person with horizontal wrinkles on the forehead, then you should listen to his advice and recommendations. Why? Because such people, as a rule, think logically, think several moves ahead and generally try to reason adequately and rationally.

It is quite another matter if these horizontal wrinkles are intermittent. This suggests that the person is cunning, quick-witted, fickle. He may start doing something, then lose interest in it and give up everything. It is better not to have common affairs with such people.

If you notice wrinkles above the eyebrows in a semicircle in a person, then you can safely conclude that this person is responsible and will not let you down. He would rather throw himself than you difficult situation... You can rely on such a person and trust him completely.

A deep vertical wrinkle between the eyebrows may indicate that the person in front of you is an intelligent or shy person.

If your interlocutor has angular wrinkles above the eyes, then this may indicate that the person is aggressive and dangerous. Such people need to be treated with caution.

The meaning of the location of wrinkles on the face will tell you about the various diseases that a person has. For example, the presence of a nasolabial fold indicates a person's hypersensitivity, which is why they often have problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Vertical wrinkles above the lips indicate that there is a risk of gynecological diseases, and if they are directed downward from the corners of the mouth, then we can mean problems with the stomach (gastritis, ulcers) or pancreas.

Short folds from the lips to the nose can tell you that a person does not tolerate too hot or cold food, as well as high fat content. Such people have the likelihood of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Here are some examples of how the meaning of wrinkles can be interpreted. If you are seriously interested in this business, there are special courses where they teach to recognize body language.

Every year science goes to a new level, improving skills. And in whatever direction it develops, the main thing that research is aimed at is a person. Everything more people begin to take an interest in physiognomy. This branch of scientific research aims, in part, to provide an answer to the question of what forehead wrinkles are talking about.

In fact, every part of the body, every notch, can tell everything about its owner. The main thing is to learn body language and understand what it tells us. By studying a person's forehead and how he has become with age, you can calculate character traits, health status and much more. It all depends on the number and location of the resulting folds.


As a person ages, wrinkles appear on the face. On the forehead, they appear as straight and intersecting lines. If many small folds have formed, then their owner has a harsh disposition and has health problems. One vertical wrinkle crossing three horizontal lines indicates that their owner is happy and successful person, he has a great career and all is well in the family. Long-livers and lucky people have a rather interesting arrangement of lines, they fold into a rhombus. And this is not all that the wrinkles on the forehead speak about.

Horizontal wrinkles

The owners of horizontal folds in the forehead area are usually happy people, very respected among their acquaintances and popular among the opposite sex. If there are two such wrinkles, then fate clearly loves these people, they differ from the rest with increased luck. In addition, they have a well-developed intelligence and always a high level of intelligence. If a person has three horizontal folds on his forehead, it means that he is artistic, positive, with great creative potential.

If the wrinkles are arranged in a zigzag shape, then their owner is not very well versed in business matters and, most likely, any attempts to start a business fail. People with a nervous disposition become the owners of short horizontal wrinkles. If the tips of the folds have creases, then it is difficult for such a person to share his personal space with others, and it will not be easy to get along with him.

If the wrinkles are located on the outer corners of the eyes, then this is a clear sign of cunning in character. People who have well-developed business aptitude often have similar wrinkles on their foreheads.

What do vertical folds say?

If there is a large vertical wrinkle in the center of a person's forehead, then this indicates a large number troubles in life and poor health. It is believed that such people feel uncomfortable in a team, are prone to conflict, it is difficult to get along with them. In addition, it is quite difficult for them to establish their own lives.

If a person with such a wrinkle has a family, then we can safely say that he does not live very peacefully with his other half. They have constant quarrels, perhaps the person survived a divorce.

If a person is a business person and he has a vertical wrinkle, it means that he has reached certain heights in doing business. If angular wrinkles appear above his eyebrows, this means that the person has experienced a lot of anxiety and is constantly worried about something. This is what vertical forehead wrinkles mean.

Parallel wrinkles between the eyebrows

Strong leadership skills appear in the owner of parallel wrinkles between the eyebrows. Such people are very successful, they are able to reach heights in the creative and political spheres. Often their ability to learn quickly leads them onto a teaching path where they pass on their knowledge to others.

If these wrinkles are curved, then the person has an unhealthy psyche. You are faced with a person prone to criminal acts and violence. He is very tough and it is better to behave with him carefully, because he is not always sensibly aware of his actions. It is also worth noting that vertical folds between the eyebrows can appear as a result of a previous heart attack. They are also often indicative of digestive problems.

Seriously considering the question of what the wrinkles on the forehead are talking about, it is worth noting that the interpretations of each small detail are very detailed and with a deep study you can make a complete psychological picture... Also, using them, you can find out the hidden diseases of a person, and, perhaps, this will save his life, since the sooner you determine the presence of a problem, the easier it will be to solve it.

Why do wrinkles appear

The appearance of wrinkles on the forehead is mainly due to the elasticity of the skin, the age factor, as well as the peculiarity of the cell structure. But these are not all reasons. A polluted atmosphere, temperature drops and other natural factors can affect. Genetics and various diseases... Wrinkles can appear due to bad habits, malnutrition, poor skin care. Psychology, facial expressions, stress and other factors can also cause changes in the structure of the facial skin.

Chinese technique

One of what forehead wrinkles are talking about is disease. The ancient Chinese used wrinkles to diagnose human health as far back as the third century BC. With their help, they determined the state internal organs, this practice has survived to this day. They also determined the latent and explicit abilities of a person.

So, top part, namely the forehead from the eyebrows to the hair, could tell about intelligence and the conditions in which a person grew up. From the eyebrows to the nose, creases indicated fortitude and the ability to control one's emotions and actions in emergencies. Lower part faces were examined exclusively in older people, with its help it was possible to find out how successful a person became and what attachments he had.


Almost no one can avoid the appearance of age-related wrinkles, except that the period of their occurrence is slightly delayed with the help of cosmetics. But if they appear ahead of time, then this is a clear manifestation of a tendency to various diseases. After 25 years, many men and women are interested in what deep wrinkles on the forehead are talking about.

Diseases associated with wrinkles on the upper forehead

Studying the lines on the face, you can learn about a variety of diseases that the owner himself does not even suspect about. For example, wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate liver health. The folds on the top of the forehead are responsible for the bladder. The wrinkles in the center of the forehead speak for the intestines.

In the presence of longitudinal, small wrinkles, we can say that a person is prone to neurotic states, depression, and he may have sleep problems. Any folds between the eyebrows indicate an incorrect metabolism, when they appear, it is better to examine the condition of the liver.

Diseases associated with wrinkles on the lower forehead

But what about the wrinkles on the forehead, located transversely, - a person often has headaches. The frequency of their occurrence can be calculated from the depth of the folds. If they are intermittent, then the nervous and autonomic systems of their owner are weak, but at the same time he is a very intelligent and intellectually developed person.

Vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows indicate arrhythmias and stomach problems. Longitudinal wrinkles between the eyebrows can tell about problems with the spine. Most often, they indicate the presence of cervical osteochondrosis.

The character of a person and wrinkles on the forehead: what they are talking about, photo

Over time, wrinkles appear on the face of each person, and if you carefully consider their depth, location and shape, you can tell a lot about their owner. For example, determine his behavior in society or find out important traits of his character. If the folds appear to emerge from one point, then this is a clear sign of a complex character.

Such a person will not be in a hurry in business, he would rather solve all the problems himself than entrust the performance of duties to someone else. Moreover, if an emergency and very serious situation arises, he will be able to quickly make a decision.

Persistent character is observed in people with the same folds. They strive firmly towards their goals, never relying on the help and support of others. This is what the wrinkles on the forehead of a man, similar to each other, say. People with a line in the center of their foreheads have a strong will and courage. They are able to calm everyone around with their determination and responsibility.

Arc-shaped wrinkles betray a born strategist and diplomat. Intermittent folds indicate a well-developed logic, determination and intolerance to lies. Such personalities are well versed in people, next to them are only trusted friends. Good-natured and decent people have continuous horizontal folds, they are great friends and always help others.

In ancient times it was believed what do facial wrinkles say about the state of human health. Of course, all wrinkles appear with age and it is difficult to avoid them altogether, you can only postpone their appearance. Premature wrinkles on the face can indicate a tendency to certain diseases. Therefore, take a closer look at the wrinkles in your mirror, maybe they will tell you about the problems that exist in your body.

What can forehead wrinkles mean?

Transverse wrinkles on the forehead can occur in those who have frequent headaches: their depth can tell about the frequency of migraine attacks. If the wrinkles have an intermittent appearance, then they report a weak nervous and autonomic system, a tendency to neurosis and depression.However, such wrinkles can also indicate a remarkable mind and an excess of energy.

A vertical wrinkle in the middle between the eyebrows - can be a sign of digestive problems, and also often appears in people who like to frown.

Longitudinal wrinkle between the eyebrows may appear in people suffering from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. A crease between the eyebrows is most often formed in serious people, intelligent people.

Horizontal forehead wrinkles usually come from honest and benevolent people, and the owners longitudinal wrinkles over eyebrows are great friends.

If your forehead is wrinkle-free, then this speaks of a cheerful, sociable and calm character.

Why do wrinkles appear under the eyes

Creases in the upper eyelids are a likely sign of heart problems.

Crow's feet around the eyes possibly signaling problems with the gallbladder and stomach. However, they often occur in people with myopia, due to the constant habit of squinting.

Mesh of fine wrinkles under the lower eyelid may indicate a lack of vitamins, and is also formed in people suffering from insomnia.

Bags under the eyes warn that you may have kidney problems, so it will not be superfluous to check them

Wrinkles near the nose

Wrinkles at the bridge of the nose - probable sign of disease Bladder and kidneys.

Vertical wrinkles above the upper lip warn about problems with the intestines, possible disorders of the hormonal system and gynecological diseases in women.

Wrinkles on the cheeks

Diagonal wrinkles in the cheeks indicate hypertension and circulatory disorders.

Wrinkles around the lips

Deep nasolabial folds can also signal such stomach problems as peptic ulcer and gastritis.

Wrinkles at the corners of the lips warn of possible disturbances in the intestines. However, wrinkles in the corners of the lips, as well as the eyes, may indicate a lightness of character and a cheerful disposition.

Deep crease between the chin and lower lip, which is also called "Jupiter's wrinkle" - informs about possible problems with the liver, intestines and hemorrhoids.

Neck wrinkles

Vertical wrinkles on the neck can be a manifestation of metabolic disorders.

If you have wrinkles, whatever they say, you should not be very upset about this. After all, their appearance testifies to the fact that you have become an everyday wise and mature person. And to prevent the appearance of new ones, feel free to use the arsenal of modern tools available in the hands of every woman, which will help you keep your skin in excellent condition.