
Congratulations to 6 year old. Congratulations to the son in prose


I congratulate you on the 6th anniversary of your beloved child. I wish you to always remain wonderful and understanding, cheerful and insightful, loving and beloved parents of a cheerful, inquisitive, purposeful, kind, healthy, talented child. Peace and all the best to your family. And may your 6-year-old miracle please you every day.

Stork six years ago
I brought you a valuable treasure,
This treasure is already big
And what a smart one!

Mum! Daddy! Now
Congratulations on your treasure!
Happy birthday to him.
Happiness to you! Everything, everything!

Your daughter is six today
She is a great blessing to you!
Joyful emotions can not be counted,
Color her life!

Let her always laugh
Let her grow like a cute princess!
Let her succeed easily
May it bring you joy!

There are no happier parents
Your child is 6 years old!
And, of course, it's class!
We congratulate you with all our hearts!

New worries await you
After all, soon the school, institute,
And even though the years fly like an arrow,
Let the children always rejoice!

Six years ago a miracle happened
And the stork flew into your house,
And laughter is everywhere
And there were a lot of important things.

Let joy fill your house
And trouble will pass
let your child grow up
And happiness always gives you!

I want to congratulate you on the sixth birthday of your little one! Let the child only please you, never get sick and love you incredibly, because you give your child all your love and care! I wish only good, prosperity and happiness to your wonderful family!

Joy and fun in the house
Bright balls parade,
The birthday is coming
Your child is very happy.

It's been six years now, like happiness
Running around the house laughing
To you, friends, I want to say -
Life is definitely good!

Let him play pranks, scream, play,
It's not a problem at all
The main thing is to fill
Meaning your days always!

I want to congratulate wonderful parents on the birthday of a wonderful child. Your miracle is already 6 years old and there are many discoveries and new interests ahead of it. I wish you to support your child in everything, help to cope with any difficulty of life and always be proud of the success of your beloved child.

Congratulations on your 6th birthday! I wish there were fewer children's tears and screams in the house, more smiles, joyful looks, warm hugs. Let him learn school sciences with diligence, have many friends, favorite hobbies. Let your child grow up as a worthy person and find his place in life!

On this day, six years ago,
He came into being.
Days of happy starfall -
And already dressed in a suit.

Look how grown up!
It's all your merit!
Mom and dad, let the son
Everyone will be smarter and more beautiful.

I wish you son
Became a support and help.
Everything in life to be on time
To have a lot of happiness.

This is a child who believes that he is already quite well versed in life, so if you are going to give a traditional car for such occasions, then it should be a radio-controlled model of some SUV. As for bicycles, here it is necessary to strain your memory and remember which brands the future birthday boy mentioned earlier.

Boys at this age are extremely subjective and stubbornly follow their preferences. But when they get what they want, joy becomes boundless and is transmitted to others. Therefore, when choosing a gift, you must discard your adult competent opinion and follow children's wishes, even if they do not appear the best option. , above all, should be warm, cordial and sincere. It is worth emphasizing that he a real man and everyone loves him. The perception of a six-year-old child is tuned in such a way that he will remember this joyful day for the rest of his life. And, of course, jokes, songs and poems are welcome.

They flew by quickly
Those first 6 years!
We allow on your holiday
Eat a kilo of candy.
play, walk
And scatter toys.
Turn the house upside down
And go to sleep sweetly.

ringing bell
Laughter breaks out
Have a child today
Holidays are the best!
Celebrating a birthday
Boy six years old
I sincerely wish
In the life of any victories!
Both in play and study
You be lucky!
Listen to mom and dad
And don't forget me!

You are six years old today
The years go by so fast!
Get your backpack ready for school
It's time to get together.

Well, at the festive table
Accept congratulations.
We wish you dear
Happiness and fun!

Look! Straight out of a fairy tale
To congratulate from the bottom of my heart,
Together with Little Red Riding Hood
The gray wolf is rushing towards you!
Friendship, joy, luck -
Wishes of all do not count!
Say it out loud: Happy Birthday!
After all, you are six today!

Birthdays have come to us
They brought six years
This date is very important.
Guys came to congratulate

Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations we love
Let it all go the way you want
You always have fun

Bright holiday has come
gave a birthday
Everyone brings you flowers
There is no one better than you.

My friend, happy birthday!
You are six today!
Talents and skills
Don't count yours!
Everyone is happier, more fervent
We want to grow up.
Get ready to study
And help mom!

We did not have time to look back -
And now you're six years old
The years flew by so quickly
Leaving this wonderful trail!

We congratulate you on your birthday,
We only want to win
Be in the best mood
And do not know the trouble!

Be healthy and very strong
Love your loved ones
Be smart, cheerful and resourceful,
And grow up even faster!

You are 6 years old - wow!
Let's celebrate soon!
After all, a birthday is always
Fun to meet with friends!
Gifts, games, ringing laughter,
Good smiles all around!
Grow up and be happy
In a bright and big world!

It's cool - six years
Joyful dawn of life!
smile more cheerfully
You are among your friends!
Grow up! Walk straight!
Believe - luck awaits you!
Never be discouraged!
You are the best, you know!

May you be small
Don't worry about it:
You are already big and mature,
Tomorrow you will run to school.

We wish you proudly
Live without sorrows and tears
To study for five
AND good guy grew up

We'll cut the cake into pieces
All for you, my love
And you are very happy
We want the whole family.

On the day of "Jam" of our baby, one small star was born in the sky, it is Yours! With every next year it is getting bigger and bigger. Today, on this joyful holiday, your star has become brighter. After all, you are now a year more beautiful and smarter, more beautiful and stronger.

Know that your star illuminates the path of other people, it helps your parents live, rejoice, because you are their meaning of life, their warm hope. Your good deeds brighten the path for those who walk, and you are a big smart girl! Thanks to you, people in need of help walk along the star-lit road.

What happiness, our dear, that you were born! How dramatically the world has changed with your appearance! You are a reward, you are a light, you are a small home sun, your kind heart glows on its own, along with your star.

Today, all nature rejoices that you, dear creature, are on this planet, and how infinitely happy we are that we know you!
Our scarlet flower, we sincerely congratulate you and your star!

Dear angel, my girl!
May happiness always and everywhere await you.
Let the star shine for you, my friend!
The horn of the month smiles from the sky.
Happy birthday baby! I wish
Joy kitty sea for you!
Be always cheerful, bright, groovy,
And luck will always be with you!

Birthday is a wonderful holiday!
The coolest age is 6!
May this day be beautiful
There will be countless joys!

Waiting for gifts, entertainment,
Anything you want
Because on your birthday
Dreams come true!

It's great - six years
Joyful dawn of life!
smile more cheerfully
You are among your friends!
Grow up! Walk straight!
Believe - luck awaits you!
Never be discouraged!
You are the best, you know!

You are 6 years old! Wow!
Let's celebrate soon!
After all, a birthday is always
Fun to meet with friends!

Gifts, games, ringing laughter,
Good smiles all around!
Grow up and be happy
In a bright and big world!

Today is a special day
Today we have a holiday -
SIX years have passed since
How (name) was born!
(name)! Be healthy, be beautiful!
Go to school with joy
And to the delight of mom and dad
Bring only fives!
In the yard with friends
Don't play late
And always at home
Help Mom!
Grandpa and grandma
pay attention
And friends with girlfriends
Don't forget yours!
Go bolder today
Hiking in a difficult life
'Cause you're older today
A whole year older!

You are already seven years old
I give you a flower
happy birthday congratulations
I wish you much joy

You grow up and smile
Don't be shy about anything
After all, this world is beautiful
In your honor today is a feast

We are looking forward to the holiday
And we already bring gifts
Everyone gathered at the table
Congratulations on your celebration.

Happy birthday
And we wish you lots of fun
You turned six today
Your skills are simply uncountable

We wish you a healthy growth
And with your positive you shine on us
You learn and grow
Help mom and dad!

We celebrated Milena's birthday on vacation. Upon arrival, we decided to gather the children and arrange a holiday for them. Since our birthday girl, like many girls, loves Winx, we arranged a party in their style (Winx stickers and posters on the walls).

Presenter: Today we celebrate a birthday. Only whose? I forgot something. Guys, whose birthday is today?

Children: Milenin!

Presenter: Name days are nice!

It's weird and funny

Accept congratulations.

And receive gifts.

Where is our birthday girl?

Let him sing and dance for us.

To invite her here

We need to start clapping!

Everyone applauds, Milena enters. Stand in the middle of the circle.

Host: Happy birthday! What do we wish Milena?

Presenter: And now we all say in unison: “Happy birthday!”

Children: Happy birthday!!!

Presenter: And how old is Milena now?

Children: Six!

Presenter: We stomp our feet six times! Have fun!

We clap our hands six times! More friendly!

Come on, Milena, turn around!

Come on, Milena, take a bow!

And once again we all stomp!

And clap your hands again!

One two three four five six!

Presenter: We will open the holiday now,

We will arrange miracle games here.

Turn to each other

And shake hands with a friend.

Raise your hands all up

And move at the top.

Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"

It's time to start the games!

You help each other

Answer questions

Kindly give me an answer:

Only "Yes" and only "No".

If "no" you say

Then tap your feet

If you say yes

Clap your hands then.

An old grandfather goes to school.

Is it true, children? .. (No - children knock with their feet)

Does he take his grandson there?

Answer together ... (Yes - clap your hands)

Ice - frozen water?

We answer together ... (Yes)

After Friday - Wednesday?

Together we will answer ... (No)

Is spruce always green?

We answer, children ... (Yes)

Birthday - a fun day? .. (Yes)

Are you waiting for games and fun? .. (Yes)

Let's congratulate the birthday girl? .. (Yes)

Or will we send to my grandmother? .. (No)

Shall we give her a chocolate? .. (Yes)

Kiss sweet sweet?.. (Yes)

Presenter: So, well, well, but can you determine the taste of fruit?

Competition "Guess the Taste"

We blindfold the child and put in his mouth a piece of different fruits (apples, pears, bananas, kiwi, oranges), and he guesses what it is.

Presenter: Well, maybe, since you started eating anyway, let's continue this lesson and sit down at the table? Let's have a little refreshment, because there are still many contests and games ahead!


Chamomile contest.

A chamomile is made from paper in advance - as many petals as there will be children. Funny tasks are written on the back of each petal. Children tear off the petals and begin to complete tasks: they crow, jump on one leg, meow, grunt, croak, moo, bark, squeak ...

Milena had to show her tongue.

Game "Funny monkeys".

I say the words:

"We are funny monkeys,

We play too loud.

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

We puff out cheeks

Jumping on toes

And even to each other

We'll show you the tongues.

Together we jump to the ceiling,

Let's put a finger to the temple.

Let's stick out our ears,

Tail on top.

Let's open our mouth wide

We'll make all the grimaces.

When I say the number three

All freeze with grimaces!”

And HERE they bring in a letter from the mailbox.

Dear Milena!!!

We are the fairies of the WINX club - we wish you a happy birthday!

You can already do all this.

Hooray! You are six today!

Joy reigns in the soul!

We wish you happy, without boredom

Live with family and friends

Art to comprehend, science,

Cherish your health!

And let it be from God

In fate, a beautiful road !!!

We are sending you and your guests a gift - a birthday cake, but in order to receive it, you must work hard and solve our crossword puzzle dedicated to MAGIC! Solve this crossword puzzle, where all the words are somehow related to magic, and you will find out exactly where we hid the GIFT.

WITH Best wishes fairy club Winx.

After they read in the crossword that the gift was on the balcony, everyone went there together.

Discovery of a "gift".

In the box, instead of a cake, there is a mouse and a note "a gift from Trixie",

When the children return to the balcony in the room, Trixie is waiting for them. My younger sister agreed to help me.

Trixie: Well, do you want some presents, a birthday cake? There will be no gifts for you, I hid them and bewitched them, you won’t find them! Cry, mean girls, friends of the fairies of the WINX Club! Cry harder, louder, maybe your tears will pity me. HA-HA-HA!!!

Presenter: I reassure the children and offer Trixie, instead of a ransom, solving her puzzles and participating in contests.

Trixie: Okay, now let's check what kind of Winx girlfriends you are. In order to be their girlfriends, you need to have certain abilities. I'll arrange a Mind Reading contest for you.

Mind Reading Contest.

Trixie gives a questionnaire to the birthday girl, Milena in another room answers the questions of the questionnaire choosing one of the three options. Then Trixie takes the sheet and asks these questions to all the participants in turn, and they answer the questions together, as if reading Milena's thoughts.

Purpose: to answer in the same way as the first participant, i.e., "read his mind."

When the kids guess wrong, Trixie gloats.

The questionnaire was like this:

1. If you could turn into a fabulous animal, what would it be?

in a pegasus

In an elf

In a pixie.

2. If you were born a fairy, what color hair would you like to have?


orange with red

3. If you were born a boy, what would you like to be called?


4. If you were Koshchei the Immortal, where would you hide your needle?

In a haystack

To your pocket

In the needle bed of our grandmother.

5. What wonderful thing would you buy at the fair?

Self-assembly tablecloth,


Hat of invisibility.

6. What is your favorite book?



Mathematics textbook.

7. If you were a specialist, who would you choose to fight?

With a demon

With the Serpent Gorynych,

With Walter.

8. Most of all you like...

Pick your nose

9. Where would you fly on a magic carpet?

In Far Far Away Kingdom,

To Africa

To Alfea.

10. In the dark, you are most afraid of ...



Babu Yaga.

11. When you grow up, you will be...

Teaching birds to fly

Catch mosquitoes and flies for frogs

Brush your crocodile's teeth.

Trixie: Well, you did it with this task, just don't rush to rejoice. Each time the tasks will be even more difficult. Now, I invite you to dance! But let's dance like your favorite Winx do in the Alfee country. Each fairy has its own dance moves:

Bloom - spinning

Tekna - beautifully squats,

Flora shrugs.

Stella folds her hands in a “boat” ...

First, everyone dances as they wish, and then Trixie calls one of the names, and everyone must dance the way the named fairy dances. Who could not quickly make a move is out.

Trixie: Are you strong in magic? Now you will conjure - and you need to conjure a portrait of your birthday girl. (Draw on whatman paper attached to the board).

1. On a piece of paper and draw a head on top.

2. Bend the sheet so that the drawing is not visible, only the tip of the neck.

3. Pass the drawing to a neighbor.

4. Each participant in the game had a new sheet with an image that he had not seen.

5. Everyone draws now upper part torsos, again “hide” the drawing and pass it on to a neighbor.

6. On the remaining sheet, you need to finish the limbs and pass it on to your neighbor.

7. Now say the spell: "Yaigam - ote argi" (on the contrary, "Magic is a game") and expand all the drawings!

It turned out to be a monster.

Trixie: Milena and these kids you call your friends. They spoiled you.

Their brains are littered with these crappy Winx. Now I'll make them use their brains. I will do riddles. And if they don’t guess, I’ll have to enchant them forever and turn them into frogs and mice.

Trixie: Now where are my hardest riddles? (Looks in his pockets for a long time, pulls out all sorts of pieces of paper, takes out a mouse - throws it at the children, Well, where are the riddles? Well, I found it! Well, hold on!

You can't hide cheese from them.

To all thieves a thief ...

Bury your head in the sand

Fluffy tail loosened.

I'm trying to catch up with him

But faster than the wind...

Two buckets of river water

It loads into the humps.

Respects all work

Phlegmatic pan...


Wakes up early in the morning

Indiscriminately the whole family,

Singing caresses the ear

Our village...

The net weaves, but not the fisherman,

I did not hold the thread in my hands,

Waiting for stupid flies

Sitting in the corner...

Here is another animal

He carries a wallet in his bag

Deftly long jump



Will roar the loudest



All words are behind you

Will repeat like clockwork.

Who is it, guess!

Well, of course, ...

(A parrot)

For you to be healthy

Give us milk ... (cow)

In more often, head up,

Howling with hunger ... giraffe.

Who knows a lot about raspberries?

Clubfoot, brown ... wolf.


Daughters and sons

Teaches grunt ... ant.

In his warm puddle

Loudly croaked ... Barmaley.


From the palm tree down to the palm tree again

Deftly jumping ... a cow.


Trixie: ok, ok - guessed the riddles, now I'll check if you know fairy tales. I name the characters of the fairy tale, and you say its name.

1. Mouse, frog, bunny, fox, spinning top, bear. ("Teremok")

2. Grandfather, woman, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse. ("Turnip")

3. Grandfather, woman, chicken, egg. ("Ryaba Hen")

4. Mom, daughter, pot of butter, pies, wolf, hunters. ("Little Red Riding Hood")

5. Toad, beetle, field mouse, swallow, elf. ("Thumbelina")

And more difficult?

1. Soldier, hollow, dog, princess. ("Flint")

2. Prince, queen, night, shower, featherbed. HINT (if you suddenly find it difficult): a pea ("Princess and a Pea")

3. Sledge, snow, robber, mirror, friendship. CLUE: Kai, Gerda. ("The Snow Queen")

4. Soldier, ballerina, troll, snuffbox, fish, fire. HINT: a witch. ("Persistent tin soldier»)

Trixie: Why are you screaming like that, I won't bewitch you. I'm tired of you, I'll fly away from you.

Presenter: And why are you going to fly away? Since you will not bewitch anyone, stay with us, we will dance now.

Trisky dances the dance of little ducklings with the children and is about to leave again. (At this time, you need to quickly spread out the clues).

Host: Wait, Trixie, wait, what about the birthday cake. After all, without it there can be no real holiday.

Trixie: I didn't say I'd give it to you. First, unravel all the encrypted clues and leave the first piece of paper to Milena.

Riddles are written on the sheets. The answer serves as an indication of the place where the treasure should be looked for. The children go there and find another note. And so on until the last place, where the cake will be hidden.

1. Who comes, who goes,

Everyone leads her by the hand.

(Entrance door)

2. (on the door)

I see dust - I grumble,

I'll scream and swallow!

(a vacuum cleaner)

3. (on a vacuum cleaner)

He has water in his belly

She churned with warmth.

Like an angry boss

Boils fast...

4. (on the teapot)

I will tell you without boasting:

I will rejuvenate all my friends.

They come to me sad

With wrinkles, with folds,

They leave very nice

Cheerful and smooth.

5. (on iron)

In our kitchen all year round

Santa Claus lives in the closet.


6. (on the refrigerator)

Who went out with me in the rain,

That's why I'm like a roof.

7. (on an umbrella)

He runs on wires

You say it here and hear it there.


8. (on phone)

He has four legs

Looks a bit like a horse

But it doesn't jump anywhere.

And plates, cups, spoons,

And great food

On his broad back

Settled easily...

9. (on the table)

Four blue suns in mommy's kitchen

Four blue suns burned and went out,

Shchi is ripe, pancakes are hissing,

Until tomorrow the sun is not needed.

(gas stove).

In the oven, a long-awaited gift - a cake. I apologize for the background.

The hair on the dolls is a little run down.

After the cake there were dances. The children received prizes for the best dance.

Lastly, gifts.

So the toys were bought, wrapped in wrapping paper Instead of hanging them traditionally at home on a string, we tied them to a hula hoop. I stood in the center of the hoop, holding it with my hands, spinning from time to time, the candies from this flew up and swirled with me. So lively! :) Children came up one by one and chose a prize for themselves.

You have not been a baby for a long time -
Six whole years today.
You know the world quite well
You are looking for an answer to everything.

Soon to school. Without a doubt,
You won't be bored there.
And today is my birthday
To receive gifts.

Have fun, don't get discouraged
Laugh, rejoice, frolic.
Be brave and smile
Enjoy your childhood!

May your life be wonderful
Big, beautiful, interesting,
Cheerful, sunny and smooth...
And sweet like chocolate.

Make every step easy.
Mind, activity and growth,
Health, agility, success,
Wits, mischief and laughter!

We congratulate our baby
We kiss you hard.
Be the happiest in the world!
And happy birthday, happy sixth birthday.

Congratulations on the 6th birthday of a wonderful child. I want to wish you a happy fate and well-being, strong parental love and good luck comprehensive development and interesting hobbies in life, good friends and fun games, good health and great success.

Happy birthday, dear sun!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
Turned 6 years old today.
Oh, how quickly the years go by.

You grow, do not get sick and be smart.
Let your eyes shine with happiness.
You, our little ray of sunshine,
Never face trouble.

Mom and dad are proud of you
Your friends want to play with you.
Sweets, the brightest toys,
Let the chocolate flow like a river!

Today is your birthday
There will be six candles on the cake.
You will blow them out, and believe me,
Wishes come true soon!

Let knowledge be given simply
The world opens miracles.
And magic is free
Only those whose eyes shine.

Today is a very important day
And the soul is worried.
Six years old, isn't it enough?
"Experience" is great for the baby.

You are already such a person
Everyone considers you
And, of course, for mom
You are a golden child.

Your childhood desires
May they come true.
Happy birthday, happy birthday.
Happiness, joy to you!

Happy birthday.
Games, laughter and fun
mischievous entertainment,
Cakes, sweets, cookies!

After all, you are only 6 years old,
What worries are there!
Have fun and have fun
Smile happier everyone!

Happy Birthday to You
We all congratulate.
You, bunny, are already 6 years old,
We wish you happiness.

Let everything be with you
Nice and wonderful
May you always be around