
Chemical peeling for the face: the essence of the technique, its advantages and disadvantages, useful recommendations. What does facial peeling give? The benefits of peeling for the skin What are the benefits of peeling the face


Whether peeling is harmful to the face is a primary and topical issue before the planned cleansing procedure. It would seem that it could be better: old cells are removed, new ones appear, the effect of rejuvenation is obvious ... But the problem lies deeper than we notice, and with the slightest oversight and violation of the technology of the procedure, peeling becomes even dangerous to health and life.

The essence of peeling

Peeling has come to cosmetology for a long time. Even in ancient times, queens, priestesses applied concentrated lemon juice to their faces, scrubbed their skin with berry seeds. But if you look at these procedures from the point of view of modern cosmetology, this is nothing more than acid and mechanical peeling.

The secret of the high popularity and fame of peeling lies in its effectiveness. Indeed, sebaceous plugs that are “frozen in the pores”, keratinized layers and old, already non-working cells of the epidermis in every possible way prevent the skin from filling with nutrients and breathing. If you do not pay attention to this, then the rate of aging will begin to increase, a dull color will appear, single wrinkles will deepen or increase in number, problems with dryness, oily epidermis will become more frequent. Insufficient cleansing of the skin stimulates acne and the development of dermatological diseases.

In this case, peeling comes to the rescue. All unnecessary, problematic areas are removed cleanly, giving way to new, resilient and elastic cells. Having got rid of dead cells, the mechanism of rapid renewal (regeneration) of the integuments is launched. AT short time the skin is forced to actively work to fill the resulting voids. The deeper and more extensive the peeling, the more intense the renewal takes place and the more active the skin works.

As a result of peeling, the patient notes an even relief of the face, a fresh look and unusual lightness, tenderness of the covers.

What happens inside the skin after peeling

Despite the excellent anti-aging effect, peeling also leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • After cleansing, the uppermost layer of the epidermis becomes thinner, which provides the skin with the main protection against external factors. It is not surprising that after acid median, deep peels, the risk of a herpes rash, the appearance of hyperpigmentation caused by sunlight, increases. All this in the absence of proper protection of the epidermis.
  • The thinning of the upper layer of the epidermis causes dryness and peeling of the integument in the future. That protection is no longer there, the skin is unable to retain moisture particles. They leave the cells of the epidermis faster - an unusual feeling of tightness, dry skin appears.
  • Excessive activity of epidermal cells for the regeneration of damaged areas can have a deplorable effect on the further life of these particles. Each cell has its own supply of energy and strength, so the faster it spends them, the faster it freezes. That is why patients can observe a sharp rejuvenating effect after cleansing, and after a short time, an accelerated rate of wilting.

There is one caveat: in adulthood, the instant effect of the cleansing procedure may soon turn into a boomerang of trouble. Therefore, it is important to anticipate this, to direct all efforts to prevent it. The solution to the problem is simple, contact a beautician and use high-quality care cosmetics.

AT young age sparing peels are used, they have less stress for the skin, and bring less harm. However, this does not mean at all that it is possible to carry out various cleanings and therapies every week. Follow the measure - and the unpleasant consequences will bypass your skin.

Complications after peeling

Possible side effects, complications - this is the second point of the harmfulness of peels. Of course, the risk of complications after peeling depends more on the responsibility of the patient to choose a clinic and staff, to prepare before cleansing and care for the skin after it. The slightest mistake in any of the stages of the procedure threatens with serious violations of the vital activity of the skin, in some cases even deformity, long-term treatment.

Unpleasant effects after cleaning cosmetologists are divided into 2 types: expected and unexpected.

  • Expected complications are erythema, slight swelling, noticeable peeling of the integument. They are considered acceptable, pass by themselves and do not cause strong feelings for clients.
  • Unexpected defects are the answer of the skin, which is unable to fight the attacks of infections, ultraviolet radiation, its own predisposition to the appearance of rough scars. Often, a sharp expansion of blood vessels provokes an accelerated rate of development of problems with rosacea, which was not diagnosed in the client before peeling. Unexpected complications can be caused by poor care during the rehabilitation period. It is necessary to solve unpredictable problems with the help of a professional, self-treatment, ignoring defects will only complicate the situation.

Unexpected complications can be avoided. To do this, adhere to the recommendations of the cosmetologist as much as possible, choose only specialists experienced in their field, adhere to the frequency of cleanings. Frequent peelings increase the harm from the procedure, cause unacceptable stress for the skin.

What to fear

Consider the main points that can affect the condition of the skin after peeling and even pose a strong threat to the patient's health:

  1. The peeling procedure involves the removal of dead cells, interfering with the integrity of the structure of the skin. Therefore, there is always a risk of infection. If the dangers are minimized during hardware cleaning (the integrity of the upper layer is practically not violated), then with acid exposure or mechanical grinding, these risks are at a high level.
  2. Insufficient skills of a cosmetologist, ignoring contraindications, their silence on the part of the patient, exceeding the dosage or concentration of the exfoliant during chemical peeling becomes the cause severe burns, exacerbation of chronic diseases, even disorders of the patient's organs. If with light superficial cleaning this does not carry a strong danger, then with deep exfoliation with phenol, an excess of the concentration of phenolic acid, its hasty application even threatens with a fatal outcome.
  3. Allergy to an exfoliant component is a significant health risk factor. This applies to a difficult stage, exacerbation of the problem. There are cases when the neglect of a rapid test for skin sensitivity to the drug used cost patients their lives. The most striking example of this is Quincke's edema. The reaction is very fast: there is a strong swelling that can spread to the larynx. Then the person begins to suffocate, falls into a hypercapnic coma. This is very dangerous for human health, so everyone should seriously think about the importance of an allergy test!
  4. Improper care during the rehabilitation period, premature visits to the bathhouse, swimming pool, sunbathing and increased sports, use decorative cosmetics on damaged areas - all this provokes skin infection, a surge of acne and the development of skin diseases, the development of severe erythema, swelling, delays the recovery period and threatens with drug therapy. In addition, after such consequences, scars, scars, age spots remain.
  5. A separate category of patients are pregnant and lactating mothers. The ignorance of the doctor and the client in how the procedure will affect the health of the mother and baby is doubly dangerous. Therefore, patients in a position breastfeeding you need to approach the choice of the type of exfoliation with all rigor, if possible, it is better to postpone peelings for a while or replace them with homemade scrubs. Besides, hormonal background women can play a cruel joke, the effect can be zero or cleaning will provoke a surge of acne.

Be attentive to the choice of procedure, beautician and yourself in the post-peeling period. Do not jump to conclusions, but weigh the decision. Sometimes your health depends on it!

Summing up

Modern cosmetology unequivocally recognizes peeling as one of the most effective and useful problems, even despite the risks of harming the skin. If you follow the recommendations, prescriptions of specialists, strictly approach the choice of cleansing technique, the risk of complications and unpleasant consequences is minimized.

Whether facial peels are harmful is a moot point. Each person is individual, the reaction of his body to the actions taken is different. To a greater extent, the final result of peeling depends on the professionalism and skill of the cosmetologist in choosing the exfoliation technique. Having carefully studied the characteristics of the patient, the structure and problem skin, having analyzed the tendency to any complications, he can predict the outcome of the procedure and determine the possible risks.

If you want the cosmetic procedure to leave only pleasant memories of yourself, a rejuvenated, refreshed face - listen to the opinion of specialists. In this case, the danger, the possibility of harming the skin will be negligible. Be healthy!

Clean and fresh skin is the key to youth and beauty. You must take care that the pores are clean, and the color of the skin itself is uniform. In order for your face to attract the eyes of others and evoke positive emotions, you need to make every effort to maintain a well-groomed appearance. Today, peeling is a popular procedure in beauty salons, as it can help you achieve the skin of your dreams. A professional will do the necessary procedures, and after a short period of time you will see the result. In pursuit of youth and beauty, you should not go to desperate deeds, it is enough to choose the right skin care products.

Various peelings deep impact today raise a lot of questions and objections. Women, for the most part, are simply afraid to use the services of a cosmetologist in this direction, because this is a very serious procedure. But in fact, not everything is as scary as they write about it on various forums.

What is peeling? This is a cosmetic procedure during which a specialist removes dead cells from the client's skin. The purpose of this procedure is to directly cleanse the skin, improve its appearance and activate cell renewal. If a specialist cosmetologist removes old cells from your skin that no longer bring any benefit to the body, then under them young ones will be visible, effectively refreshing your face.

Types of peeling

Mechanical (removal of dead skin cells using exfoliating particles).
- Chemical ( special means, which destroy the dead cells of the epidermis in the process of interaction with the skin).
- Laser (with the help of laser beams, dead cells are connected from living ones and your skin is completely renewed).
- Fruit peeling (fruit acids perfectly cleanse the skin and allow young cells of the epidermis to work better).

Peeling allows you to perfectly cleanse the skin and rejuvenate it, with the help of this procedure you will feel the freshness and purity of your body. What kind of peeling to choose is a matter of your desire. There are clients who love only the deepest types of skin cleansing, and only with their help feel the effectiveness of such a procedure. Peeling also perfectly stimulates blood circulation, because all procedures are aimed not only at cleaning the skin, but also at stimulating small vessels.

What are the restrictions for those who want to have a peeling procedure? If you want your skin to become younger and fresher, then peeling is just the way that is perfect for you to achieve this goal, but it is worth remembering that such a cosmetic procedure can bring both benefits and harm.

1. Be sure to consult with a beautician, as it is he who knows the peculiarities of the peeling procedure and will help you choose a specific tool for removing dead cells.
2. Do not exfoliate in any winter period, nor in summer, because the skin becomes very sensitive after the procedure. In summer, they can negatively affect deeply cleansed skin, and in winter, a sharp drop in temperature can harm young cells.
3. Do not peel more than 2 times a week.
4. Almost all peeling procedures must be done on wet skin.
5. You can not do deep peeling for people who suffer from vascular networks and strong pigmentation.
6. Chemical peeling is not recommended for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Myths and facts about deep peeling

Worth more often learn information directly from the specialist himself, and not look for answers from other potential clients like you. Deep peeling involves a serious impact on the skin in order to clean the pores. With a competent approach, this procedure has a great effect on your skin and allows you to get rid of dead epidermis. Many women around the world in this matter began to resort to the help of cosmetologists, because this is actually an effective recipe for deep cleaning facial skin. We should also not forget that a lot depends on the choice of the clinic, since everything medical procedures must be carried out skillfully, and the illiteracy of specialists can lead to serious infections.

Chemical and mechanical peeling slightly damage the skin, so the recovery process after the procedure can last a couple of weeks. Peeling and redness of the skin after deep peeling are considered the norm, so do not forget to follow all the instructions of specialists. Those peels that are based on a high content of fruit acids help you get the most comfortable facial cleansing without allergic reactions. Always try to apply as many skin care products as possible after the procedure, because this will provide you with protection against infections. There is also swelling, because the skin is under stress for another 72 hours. In fact, deep peels allow a woman to rejuvenate her skin very quickly and effectively. If you do not know how to get rid of mimic wrinkles and enlarged pores, then this procedure will ideally solve your problem. Deep peeling will allow you to look much better and look younger for several years even after the first procedure.

Don't forget that deep peeling always worth doing in the cool season to avoid aggressive sun rays, because from them the healing process will only be delayed, and the condition of your skin will not please you for many more days. Deep peeling allows you to forget about such a problem as age spots and scars after acne, because modern lasers can save you from such cosmetic trifles in a matter of minutes. Peeling can not be done by everyone, some restrictions still exist, but try to consult in advance not only with a cosmetologist, but also with your doctor. Deep peeling will give youth and freshness to your skin, and you will enjoy the beauty of your reflection in the mirror for many more years.

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For many women, the use of home cosmetic masks has long become the norm. As for the chemical peeling procedure, it has not yet gained such popularity, although the effect is simply amazing. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Chemical peeling and its mechanisms of action

The term "peeling" (from English to peel - to remove the skin) refers to a cosmetic procedure aimed at removing dead skin cells. Among various kinds In peeling, a special place is occupied by chemical peeling, for which acids of organic origin are used: fruit, carbolic and trichloroacetic acids. With the help of acids, damage or destruction of the epidermis is achieved. In other words, the peeling mixture, no matter what recipe is used for it, provokes a burn of the skin of the face, but not traumatic, but controlled by a beautician.

Cells get stressed and begin to actively renew themselves. As a result of these processes, new collagen and elastin are synthesized, the skin of the face thickens, becomes healthy and elastic. These mechanisms of action of acids on the epidermis were first studied by the German dermatologist Unna Paul Gerzon at the end of the 19th century. Since then, organic acids have been actively used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Chemical peeling has a complex effect on the skin of the face, allowing you to achieve several goals: cleanse the skin, remove dying cells, refresh the complexion, get rid of wrinkles, scars and stretch marks, make the sebaceous glands work better, and speed up blood circulation in the skin.

Cosmetic indications for peeling with acids

With the help of chemical peeling of the face, the following cosmetic problems can be solved:
hyperpigmentation, freckles;
post-traumatic scars;
scars formed after squeezing out acne (post-acne);
stretch marks;
ingrown hair;
withering, aging skin, wrinkles, sagging folds.

Types of chemical peels

Depending on the level of damage to the layers of the epidermis, superficial, median and deep peels are distinguished. Before we talk about them in more detail, consider the structure of the skin of the face.

As you can see, it consists of several layers. If you act on the upper (horny) layer of the epidermis with the help of acid, then this will be a superficial peeling. It simply removes dead cells that do not bring any benefit. With median peeling, facial skin cells are destroyed at a deeper level - directly in the epidermis. When deep peeling is performed, the entire epidermis is rejected up to the dermis.

Acids for various types of peeling

It has already been said above that the procedure involves the use of fruit acids, as well as phenolic and trichloroacetic acids.
1. Fruit acids (mandelic, glycolic, pyruvic, malic) - ideal remedy for superficial chemical peeling, which is recommended for young skin. They have a good exfoliating effect and virtually eliminate discomfort during the procedure. Moreover, facial skin is moisturized due to the accelerated renewal of the epidermis.
2. Trichloroacetic (sometimes salicylic) acid is most often used for surface-median peeling. This procedure solves the problems of age-related changes in the skin of the face: stretch marks, scars, hyperpigmentation, wrinkles. Sometimes its effectiveness is compared with laser resurfacing.
3. Carbolic acid (phenol) is used as a deep type of peeling, a radical and dangerous procedure, similar to surgery under anesthesia and comparable to a 3rd degree burn. Under the influence of phenol, the entire epidermis is rejected, which is not only painful, but also risky: infection is possible, the toxic effect of acid on the liver and kidneys. After the procedure, a long rehabilitation is also required.

Possibility to carry out the procedure at home

If peeling is compared to a face burn, then it is quite clear that this is far from a harmless cosmetic procedure. Neither a deep nor a medial type of chemical peeling can be done at home. They are very effective, they solve problems radically and for a long time, but they are done in hospitals and under the supervision of specialists.

As for superficial peeling, it can be done at home after consultation with cosmetologists, since such a procedure is practically not dangerous. Superficial chemical peeling in a beauty salon is most often carried out using glycolic (hydroxyacetic) acid. For a home procedure, you can use drugs such as calcium chloride or salicylic acid.

Recipes for peeling mixes at home

With calcium chloride
For the simplest procedure, it is enough to buy calcium chloride (5 or 10% solution), prepare a sponge and baby soap. Apply a solution to a face cleansed of makeup with a sponge, then lather the same cotton sponge with baby soap and work out the face in a circular motion, adhering to the massage lines. Literally immediately it will be discovered that particles of the keratinized layer of the skin remain on the soapy swab. Then you need to wash off the soap and apply a cream with a moisturizing effect. This procedure should be done no more than 1 time in 10 days.

With salicylic acid
A very simple and affordable peeling recipe is based on the use of a regular acetylsalicylic acid tablet, which is in every medicine cabinet. You need to drop on it a small amount of water, and when the tablet begins to granulate, add a little honey to it, about ½ teaspoon. Mix and apply massage movements on the skin, leave for a few minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

And another easy recipe.
Prepare a mixture of 30 g of camphor alcohol, the same amount of glycerin, 10 g of boric acid, 2 tablets of hydroperite. Slightly chip into the mixture. baby soap stir until foamy cream. This mixture should be applied to the skin, and after drying, rinse first with calcium chloride (10% solution), and then with warm water.

Such a simple chemical peel at home improves skin condition:
pores are cleaned of dirt and fat;
small scars and acne marks are smoothed out;
the skin acquires a well-groomed and healthy appearance;
reduces the number of wrinkles.
Of course, home peeling is somewhat weaker than those carried out by cosmetologists, but it also gives an excellent effect.


Before starting the procedure and choosing a peeling recipe, you need to know about some contraindications, namely:
the presence of severe inflammation and open wounds on the skin;
herpes in the active phase;
cardiovascular diseases;
mental disorders.
In addition, peeling with acid is not recommended in summer, with active sun, because it can provoke the appearance of age spots.

What else needs to be remembered?
1. Before the procedure, an allergy test for the drug to be used is required.
2. The selected drug is always applied in a thin layer to avoid burns.
3. Do not apply the mixture on the skin around the eyes.
4. Chemical peeling is recommended no more than 3 times a month.

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One of the most popular methods of rejuvenation. The action of the procedure is aimed at smoothing the color of the epidermis, getting rid of wrinkles and other skin defects.

Peelings can be used separately, be a preparation for others. cosmetic procedures or be part of a comprehensive care.

What is the procedure

Peeling - translated from English means "cleaning". This is one of the methods, the action of which is to cleanse the face of dead skin cells.

The first procedures were carried out in Ancient Egypt. Sand, mineral particles, crushed fruit pits were used as cosmetic mixtures. Even then, the processing was multi-stage.

At the same time, chemical cleanings began to be used, where natural acids were used as a remedy.

About a hundred years ago, phenol peeling was invented., which became the prototype of modern methods.

What is useful

The procedure cleanses the upper layers of the dermis from dead cells, dirt, and sebaceous secretions.


  1. - under the action of active components, there is a noticeable weakening of intercellular bonds. As a result, it is possible to get rid of dead cells, subcutaneous fat, and other contents of the epidermal ducts, the skin acquires an even structure and a healthy color.
  2. - after getting rid of the stratum corneum, active recovery starts, resulting in the formation of young cells. After the procedure, cellular fibrils of elastin and collagen begin to be produced. As a result, the firmness and elasticity of the skin increase, skin creases and mimic wrinkles are smoothed out.
  3. important for patients with oily skin. Clogged ducts are cleared of natural secretion, there is a narrowing of the skin channels. Passing a full course of procedures allows you to get rid of acne and acne.
  4. - cleaning sessions help to fight acne scars, scars, age spots formed after acne. The latter factor is associated with the peculiarities of the production of melanin, which is formed in the upper layers of the dermis, the rate of renewal of which increases under the influence of active substances.

There are dozens of types of peeling.

The choice of procedure depends on the functional, anatomical, physiological and other features of the epidermis. The method and depth of exposure to the skin are important.

In case of allergic reactions to the active substances, another procedure should be offered.

What is harmful, are there any contraindications

General contraindications for all types of peeling:

  • individual intolerance to the laser, enzymes, acids;
  • pregnancy (including planned);
  • lactation period;
  • herpes virus in acute form;
  • viral infections, respiratory diseases;
  • heat;
  • SARS, acute respiratory infections;
  • dark or thin skin;
  • the presence in the affected area of ​​birthmarks;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • period from March to October.

Any peels, despite their obvious benefits, are stressful for the skin of the face., since their action is aimed at destroying its surface layer. Cosmetic formulations can be harmful - even cause a chemical burn.

The procedure provides an accelerated start of recovery, the body begins to produce its own collagen and elastin. As a result of natural restoration, a rejuvenation effect is achieved.

But the partial destruction of the protective barrier causes an immune response of the body, so peelings are not recommended during illnesses (skin, cardiovascular, chronic, oncological diseases).

Pros and cons compared to other cleaning methods

Peeling, in comparison with scrubs and facial cleansing, has a deeper effect.. It is recommended for signs of wilting, helps to get rid of freckles, skin defects.

For young women, such procedures are a good prevention of the appearance of wrinkles. They help to even out the tone of the face.

The biostimulants, moisturizers and others included in the peelings useful material prevent complications.

Some procedures promote the synthesis of your own collagen and elastin, as a result, natural rejuvenation processes are launched in the body.

As facial cleansers, they have a lighter effect. Useful on their own. They help get rid of dead cells.

The purpose of a standard facial cleansing is to get rid of dirt, secretions and fat, there is no effect of rejuvenation and renewal.

The disadvantages of peeling compared to scrubs are trauma, the presence of contraindications.

Criterias of choice

It is very difficult to orient yourself at first, even a specialist cannot always give an exact answer. It is impossible to predict the individual skin reaction to the procedure.

Testing will help you choose a safe type of procedure.. Based on the results, the cosmetologist will draw a conclusion and suggest the necessary procedure.

It's all about the incredible effectiveness of chemical skin cleansing, which is often used as a rejuvenating technique. At the same time, despite the huge variety of home peeling compositions offered by well-known cosmetic brands, it is professional chemical exposure that, unlike other cosmetic procedures, has a powerful mechanism of action that can achieve the greatest efficiency.

Based on the nature of the interaction of a chemical peeling agent and human skin, many patients ask themselves a logical question - is it worth doing a chemical facial peel, and in which cases the risk is really justified. We will try to consider all the pros and cons of chemical peeling and find the "pitfalls" of this procedure.

Benefits of a chemical peel for the face

In order to fully appreciate the advantages of chemical peeling, it should first of all be understood that the technique is aimed at complete cleansing of the surface layers of the skin from dead skin cells of the epidermis, excess sebaceous secretion and pollutants. The essence of the procedure is to obtain a controlled light chemical burn under the action of an acid or enzyme composition, as a result of which the skin is cleansed and renewed, forming a young healthy epidermal layer.

The effectiveness of chemical peeling lies in the following aesthetic and physiological effects:

    Skin cleansing. Under the action of acid, there is a significant weakening of the intercellular bonds of the stratum corneum, which leads to the elimination of dead cell structures. A similar reaction is observed in relation to sebum and the contents of the epidermal ducts. As a result, the skin is cleansed of excess surface elements, acquiring an even structure and a healthy color tone.

    Rejuvenation. The anti-age effect that can be achieved by chemical peeling is justified by the complete renewal of the surface layers of the epidermis. After the chemical destruction of keratinized cells, an active regeneration process is launched, which leads to the formation of new, young skin cells. In addition, the activation of internal growth factors provokes the production of collagen and elastin by cellular fibrils, which as a result is manifested by an increase in the elasticity and firmness of the skin, as well as smoothing of epidermal mimic wrinkles and skin creases.

    Normalization of the sebaceous glands. Especially often, cosmetologists recommend peeling procedures to patients with oily skin types. This is due not only to the ability to clear the clogged ducts of the glands from the natural secretion, but also to the effect of optimizing the work of the sebaceous glands and narrowing the skin channels. A full course of peeling procedures significantly reduces the fat content of the epidermis and eliminates the manifestations of acne and acne, restoring the natural beauty of the skin of the face.

    Elimination of skin defects. Chemical peels are often used as a therapeutic technique for removing scars, scars, especially those formed as a result of acne, as well as age spots. The latter aspect is based on the fact that the melanin pigment is produced in the superficial skin structures, which are rapidly renewed under the action of peeling.

Considering the ratio of the pros and cons of chemical peeling, one can unequivocally draw conclusions in favor of this cosmetic procedure, since it is almost impossible to achieve the appropriate aesthetic effects without the use of chemical agents.

Speaking about the dangers of chemical peeling, it is worth mentioning that there are a number of contraindications, which most often provoke complications and the development of unpleasant consequences of this cosmetic technique. Most often, subject to the protocol of the procedure and the absence of contraindications, chemical peeling does not cause significant side effects. At the same time, a number of temporary post-peeling reactions are always observed, which you should know about in advance when deciding to carry out this cosmetic procedure:

  1. Chemical burn of the skin- this concept primarily means hyperemia and swelling of tissues, which may be accompanied by the formation of crusts and active peeling. Usually, this reaction persists for the first few days - a week after the peeling.
  2. Dry tissue– one of the disadvantages of the peeling effect is some dryness of the skin, which patients usually notice in the first week after the procedure. In this case, such a reaction is quite natural and is compensated by the subsequent active hydration of the tissues.
  3. Hypersensitivity to sunlight- is manifested by an increased risk of the formation of age spots. This effect is typical for almost all types of chemical acid peeling, which imposes some restrictions on its implementation - it is recommended to do it only in the autumn-winter period.

Assessing the benefits and harms of chemical peeling, of course, we can conclude that this procedure has much more positive effects than negative skin and body reactions. At the same time, a decision on the need and feasibility of peeling and the choice of a specific technique should be made only on the basis of consultation with a professional cosmetologist who will be able to assess the individual characteristics of the skin condition. Cosmetologists of the beauty center "NEOMED" are ready to provide informative advice and conduct an effective and safe chemical peeling of the face.