
How to know if your girlfriend is cheating on you. Exact signs of cheating on a girl How to find out that a girl has cheated on you


Sooner or later, everything ends. Today I thought about the relationship and came up with thoughts regarding treason. Our mini article is about this and much more.

Why girls cheat

For my small age, I managed to communicate with different girls, well, in terms of age. There were girls from 19 to 38 years old ...

As practice shows, girls from 30 years old are more prone to cheating than girls under 30 years old. Again, this is just my experience, what I myself saw and understood. Why do girls over 30 cheat more often?

A clear sign of treason))

Because, after 5-10 years of joint life in a relationship, it becomes boring ... everyday life comes, people swear over trifles and just nothing new happens.

Girls are emotional beings, a woman lives with emotions, when emotions disappear in a relationship, then a woman looks for them on the side and finds them.

If you do not want your girlfriend to cheat on you, always enjoy the relationship and give emotions. When you start to have fun and give emotions, then the girl will not even look for emotions on the side

How to know if a girl is cheating

Girls are 8 times more cunning than men, and believe me, you can't even think that your girlfriend is cheating on you. I answer yesterday's question FROM THE FIELD - How do you know that a girl is cheating? Here are a couple of external syndromes ...

She has begun to shine lately!

If she suddenly began to take care of herself often, disappear into a beauty salon simply for no reason. Previously, she had to give her gifts and surprises so that she was in such a state, but now she just shines herself without any reason. This frankly says that she has someone.

The girl began to linger at work, how to understand if the girl is cheating?

If your girlfriend began to linger at work, then it is worth talking and find out the reason, because if there is a real blockage there and she is detained at work, then she will not shine after such a difficult day. . If she shines (as I wrote above), then this is a clear sign of a girl's betrayal ... this is probably the most banal excuse that exists.

There are many such syndromes, be it frequent SMS (at work), be it a friend's night ... I'll write separately about the syndromes. Now let's move on.

How do you know that your girlfriend is cheating on you?

Her head hurts.

Surely everyone is familiar with such a woman's phrase as (Darling, come on today without sex, I'm tired, and my head hurts ... we'll sleep.)

If earlier neighbors complained to you at night because of loud groans, but now you no longer remember when you had normal sex. When a woman often starts to excuse herself from sex and simply does not want it with you, then someone else satisfies her.

Otherwise, you would have sex because the body physically wants intimacy.
How to understand whether a girl is cheating, read on.

You don't need to hire a detective to do this, you just need to track her down. Like this? If she is late at work late at night (as she says), then show up there and make sure that she is really there and she is busy with work. You calmly explain your visit by the fact that you decided to visit her, to do something nice.

Show up a couple of hours early to her. If you agreed to meet her at 21-00, then show up at 19-00 and yes, say that you wanted to make a pleasant surprise or that you finished work early and decided to come early.

If she does not open the door, or does not answer your call, then this is a clear sign that you think about a serious conversation with her. Why did I give this example now? Because at one time (even before the pickup) I faced this topic myself.

I am such a person, I have a very well-developed intuition, and so, I began to feel that something was wrong in our relationship with a girl with whom I had been together for a year ... one day I just decided to come to her early and was disappointed.

Advice from man to man, before you shoot her (check and find out) ask yourself a question, do I need this? Often we see what we want to see and do not believe in what is actually happening. I made my choice and I do not regret it. I was ready to part if I found treason and found it. Always be ready for this!

What if the girl cheated?

So you read the article and decided to check your girlfriend and came to her at work, and there was no one there, the guard says that everyone had left for a long time, you call her she does not pick up the phone you write to her zero answer and then you understand that your arguments and the guesses were correct!

If a girl cheated on ex-boyfriend then this is very real difficult situation... You know, you and your girlfriend have been dating for 4-5 months (approximately), and she lived with her ex for 2-3 years.

During this time, she got used to the person, and she fully understands him. Under such conditions, he will change with his ex it's like ordering a pizza.

If cheating is just with a stranger at the first meeting, or just for a short time, then I think you should immediately cut off everything that only connects you. Believe me, tomorrow you will find another girl and everything will be fine.

When you close your eyes, it will torment you inside and this is not good.
You must independently decide whether you are ready to continue your relationship with her or not.
At one time I was alone good woman said this.

Tim, if a girl cheated on her at least once, once, and you closed your eyes to it, then believe me, this is just the beginning. Never, never allow yourself to close your eyes to cheating. Whoever has changed once will not stop there. A woman told me this after our sex, she is 35, and she was married. But by the way, that's another story.

She's not like that. A man begins to justify his companion, who has a share of doubt about the loyalty of his beloved. After all, only for him she prepares the most delicious borscht. Thanks for the gifts, kisses gently. Every day he looks with an incredible sparkle in his eyes. Or maybe this shine remained after a stormy night spent with a passionate lover? Thousands of questions remain unanswered, and among them the main one is how to understand that a girl is cheating? Her status is not supposed to be. Monogamy is the difference that the universe has awarded the beautiful half of humanity.

Everything would be fine, but outside the window of the XXI century and a huge variety of men, from thin and bald to fat and in suits. And between them there are at least 100 more self-righteous handsome men - they also appeal to many ladies. In general, the choice is great, so you need to keep track of both, so that your beloved does not twist around her finger, hanging the horns on the wall, as an attribute of decoration.

It is a well-known fact that a guy goes for adultery without any remorse. For them, this is the most common process, like drinking a strong cup. For ladies, exactly the opposite, decides to take a step of infidelity with full understanding and responsibility for what is happening. She completely surrenders to the feelings and emotions that possess her at that very moment. After a while, she may show regret. But in the moment of betrayal, be sure - he gets pleasure. Because female infidelity can be safely equated to a disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets with the help of beloved friends and not only.

If you want your chosen one to be faithful, before crossing the line between flirting and a serious relationship, learn a little about her. more information... How to determine that a girl has no tendency to cheat?

Usually a person who grew up in a family where parents respect each other, love and value marriage, is himself loyal and responsible.

Ask your darling about the family if this fits into the framework of your conversation.

Another reason for cheating may be hiding in the past of a beautiful lady. This can be seen in behavior. Find out during communication how much serious relationship she had before meeting you. If the woman was previously unfaithful, and she told you this story, it is possible that this can happen again, only this time with you. As a rule, people do not change, but we are individual, so look at the situation and trust your inner feelings.

Her friends can become indisputable helpers. If you happen to meet them, do not miss the chance to ask about the chosen one. But by no means be too intrusive, behave naturally and ask questions that will really lead to results. Find out what reputation she enjoys with family and friends. Observe how the people around her are treated and treated. And friends are a real treasure, they always love to talk and laugh with each other's young guys, to tell interesting stories... It is important to record only the truth from these stories and draw conclusions whether the girl is worthy of attention or not, as they often like to embellish the story.

Find me a reason to cheat

If a girl is cheating, a man may be the immediate cause, without knowing it. If you stopped pampering her with gifts, giving flowers, giving compliments and kissing tenderly before going to bed, this may be an excuse to stare at others, look for small joys on the side. Such circumstances entail betrayal.

The ability to calculate and prevent this situation is absolutely real, if you do not want it to cheat on you. On the part of a man, a desire and willingness to act is necessary. As you know, the habit is developed over 21 days, so you can practice making small pleasures for your beloved, which will fill the relationship with warmth over time. It is also an opportunity to test the strength of a relationship. Prepare delicious and unusual breakfasts for her, even if they are not very complicated and excellent, but prepared with love. She will definitely appreciate your care and attention. On the other hand, if you are not delighted with your partner and are not going to build a serious relationship in the future, then the question of how to recognize a girl's betrayal at all brings a smile - do not waste time. You may be the first to turn left.

If you are far away, how do you know if a girl is cheating at a distance, because the absence of a partner nearby increases the possibility of infidelity several times. In such a situation, it is necessary to call up more often. Talk on a mobile phone, arrange video conferences - modern technologies allow you to choose a variety of programs for such purposes. Ask what plans your lady has for the evening or weekend, where she spends her free time and what she does. If a girl is cheating, she will less often answer your calls and in every possible way avoid any conversations.

Signs or ghosts?

Imagination often plays a cruel joke with us. In a fit of jealousy, we ourselves, without knowing it, can paint a non-existent picture. We depict on it our beloved in passionate hugs with another and think about whether it is worth forgiving. But, in fact, in order not to become an artist, you just need to watch your soul mate. If a girl has cheated, one day it will come to light. After all, everything secret, sooner or later, becomes apparent.

There are basic signs that can help confirm or refute concerns:

  1. Calls and messages. For the stronger sex, this is a trifle, but the fragile half of humanity is very fond of cute SMS and calls throughout the day. If they become less frequent, it is worth paying attention to this.
  2. Kiss me softly. By touching your lips, you can convey a lot of pleasant emotions, excite, make it clear that you are the one and only. If the kisses are cold, something has gone wrong.
  3. The way to the heart is through the stomach. It is a pleasure to prepare a fragrant dinner or a light breakfast for your beloved man. Unless the woman on the side has one for whom it has already been done.
  4. Social network. Online dating is not uncommon these days. If the chosen one began to deliberately leave her accounts, getting nervous when you surf her page is one of the reasons to think that they are lying to you.
  5. Sex. Perhaps this is one of the main points to find out whether your beloved is true or not worth worrying about. When you go to bed for several weeks and just fall asleep, this is a sure signal for anxiety.

Your bed is no longer glowing with passion, your kitchen utensils are left untouched, and it constantly disappears at parties with friends or stays late at work. You start asking about how your day went, and she reluctantly squeezes out a few sentences from herself and keeps correspondence on social networks with unknown people. The makeup is a little brighter, and the clothes for work are defiant and haughty sexy. And shines like Christmas tree, for no particular reason. Then the signs of the girl's betrayal are obvious.

Understand and forgive

When you find out about what happened, the world turns upside down and incredible sensations embrace inside. Of course, this is one of the most unpleasant news. At this moment, the question becomes acute whether it is worth forgiving such behavior. It is important to take into account all the details of what happened, perhaps you yourself made her go to such a desperate act. They behaved unworthily, not noticing in her chosen one that she was struggling to show her true love with her behavior.

It is worth considering, perhaps she did this not on her own initiative, but because of the circumstances. Talk to her about your relationship. If you want to keep them and start from scratch, try it. After all, no one knows what awaits you around the next turn.

When the answer is directed in an absolutely opposite direction - you are infinitely in love, put your whole soul into a relationship and gave you horns, the answer is obvious. Do not hope for the continuation of the novel and make plans. Give freedom and release the traitor. People who betray are bad companions for life. Believe me, somewhere ahead of you is a beautiful lady who will not make you think about all this.

Love me Love

If you really met the chosen one of your life and your heart starts to beat faster when you meet her, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy real happiness together. Appreciate and listen, talk, dream, spend more time holding hands, kiss hard, and have passionate sex. Do not doubt that she will reciprocate and be faithful. In such a relationship, all worries are dissolved in a daily smile and strong love.


The main signs of a girl's betrayal are easy to recognize. But it is important not to confuse them with the usual changes in the life of your beloved. And before deciding how to convict a girl of treason, think about whether there is any other background in her behavior.

The main signs of deception

Parallel relationships or their development are not easy to hide, the girlfriend will resort to various tricks. Before planning how to check a girl, you need to try to figure out whether she is cheating or not. Patience, endurance, observation - and the secret will be revealed. So, there are warning signs:

  1. The unexpected appearance of a new girlfriend. This item may turn out to be useless if the girl has recently changed her place of work or study - new acquaintances are natural. You should be vigilant if a mysterious friend appeared literally "out of thin air", you have not heard of her before. Recently, her beloved complained that she was lonely wandering around the shops, now she spends most of her time with the mysterious Masha. How to understand if a girl is cheating on you - ask in more detail about a new girlfriend, common interests, place of acquaintance. Remember the answers, after a week, repeat the collection of information - compare the result.

Another option, how to identify a girl's betrayal: ask to introduce him to Masha. Prepare in advance to listen to a thousand excuses from your beloved how this mission is impossible.

  1. Indifference to the partner's leisure time. Previously, the girl was interested in where you were going, but the interrogations with addiction were left behind. My beloved managed to be jealous of the friends with whom you spent your free time. Now your absences are profitable for the traitor. She will not say a word across, because her hands are completely untied. This is another sign in the piggy bank of observations, how to find out whether a girl is cheating or not.
  2. No claims. The beloved is not only not interested in the leisure of the chosen one - she sharply reduced the level of bitchiness to zero. Until recently, in the morning, you listened to an angry tirade on the topic of a mirror splashed with toothpaste, and in the evening you got stuck for picking your teeth with a fork. Now the house is calm and quiet, but God's grace, but it's too early to relax or rejoice. Girls play the role of tyrant when relationships are important to them they want to make the partner perfect. Instead of day and night searching the Internet for information “how to find out if a girl is cheating on me”, it is enough to assess the degree of her indifference.

Important! When a romance begins on the side, the traitor is indifferent to what is happening in the "Danish kingdom". She doesn't care about anything but new ones developing relationships... How to determine that a girl has cheated on you - deliberately cause an explosion of negative emotions, asking for a remark. The storm passed by - the opponent is much closer than on the horizon.

  1. Change in behavior. Should be alerted by a sudden change in interests and sexual habits. For example, the girl has always been indifferent to football, and now she can say with confidence that Messi is the best scorer of all time. A rare representative of the fair sex cheats for the sake of banal sex - women need attention and communication. She subconsciously absorbs the information she has heard from her lover. Unexpected experiments in sex are also transferred from someone else's bed to their "native" - ​​and the beloved began to bite her neck in a fit of passion for a reason.

Important! Lack of an intimate life is not a reason to accuse a friend of infidelity. The first item on the popular lists “How to find out if a girl is cheating on you” is sexual abstinence. To lull her vigilance, she may not give up sex on the principle of "satisfied - disarmed." In the wake of an emotional upsurge, a girl is able to simultaneously indulge in sexual games both with her lover and with a regular partner. However, small adjustments and new addictions will always be visible.

  1. Improving appearance. The main mistake of all guys thinking about how to catch a girl cheating is to pay attention to the wardrobe. Women of any age and status adore new clothes, so buying outfits can hardly be called the main indicator of infidelity. Much more important is what is under the clothes. The closer the X-hour is, the more emphasis is on underwear. A permanent relationship relaxes a girl at an everyday level: she ceases to be ashamed of unshaven legs, dirty hair... The gentleman on the side keeps her in good shape with sudden calls, unexpected dates - you have to correspond to the ideal.

Important! How to understand that a girl has cheated on you? Observe her behavior after returning home. She will probably go to the shower and put the laundry in the washing machine. The makeup she's been working on all morning will be gone.

  1. Inseparability with gadgets. Modern people are literally glued to laptops, tablets, smartphones and computers, but the traitor has a special attachment to instant messengers. The blush does not leave her face when she selflessly scribbles texts, answers questions about the interlocutor confusedly or aggressively. The phone can hardly be noticed accidentally forgotten on the bedside table, access to the computer will be password-protected.

Important! This behavior can be observed if a loved one is preparing a surprise timed to a birthday or memorable date... If there is no celebration in sight in the coming months, chances are you are in for some bad news.

How to check the fact of treason

There are several simple tricks to check a girl for treason:

  1. Examination mobile phone... It is more logical to cover up your tracks, but how can you resist the temptation to reread the love letters of a secret admirer? Messages contain comprehensive information.
  2. Regular calls. The less often a girl answers calls, the higher the likelihood that she has a boyfriend. She can refuse dates on the weekends, strictly forbid meeting her at the end of the day.
  3. Confirmation of words. Before the girl leaves, ask where and with whom she is going. "Accidentally" find yourself in the appointed place. If the "alibi" is false - call back, specifying the information. Her answer will finally dot the i.

Important! Sometimes it is dangerous to dwell on the thought of how to find out that a girl has cheated on you. It is not uncommon for a loved one to simply move away: everyday life is stuck, the partner deprives of attention. The fact does not add optimism, but we are not talking about treason either. If, after checks, the presence of a rival is not confirmed, this is a chance to refresh the relationship.

It is necessary to look for indirect signs and hints: late delays, long gatherings with friends and the appearance of unusual interests. Searches for a telephone contact "Lover Oleg" are unlikely to be crowned with success. Sometimes a man, with his own indifference, pushes a girl into the arms of his lover - accidental female infidelity is extremely rare.

One of the exciting questions for the stronger sex is how a woman behaves when she cheats. By what symptoms is it easier to recognize a deliberate lie of a wife or girlfriend? It is difficult to accept the news of treason, but it is useless to torture yourself in vain. It is better to find out the truth in life than to continue to be excruciatingly jealous and try to save a crumbling relationship.

What should you pay attention to?

How does a woman usually behave when she has been cheating for a long time? Oddly enough, men often like the first changes in behavior. The other half stops nagging at the scattered socks, does not notice late returns, ignores minor sins, for which she was previously ready to throw a tantrum. But this does not mean that problems have ceased to worry her. A husband should be aware of the following warning signs:

  • Unusual changes in appearance. If a friend started wearing erotic lingerie, doing deep hair removal and taking care of her appearance at any time of the day or night, this speaks of a new relationship, for which she is trying to look beautiful.
  • A sudden change in schedule, the appearance of hobbies that require staying away from home. The wife begins to do fitness, dancing, endlessly stays at work, almost every evening she is not at home. Any reasons can be invented, but in any case, a woman will not allow her husband to accompany him to a fitness club or meet him from work.
  • Strange calls, constant correspondence in social networks, allegedly with new friends, about whom the husband will soon find out unpleasant information.

Why do wives betray?

It is necessary to understand that male infidelities are different from female ones. If for men this is a casual flirtation or spree on the side, from which only pleasant memories remain, then the female gender pays attention emotional attachment... Therefore, the question is so acute whether it is worth forgiving. Sex with another did not happen out of nowhere, so you have to make a responsible choice - to keep or break off the relationship.

The only advice: before asking a question about cheating, get ready to listen to a stream of accusations that you do not pay attention to her, do not love her, in general, it is your own fault that she has a lover. How to react to this, everyone decides for himself, but it is necessary to refrain from rash actions. Tell us about your experience and share some helpful advice!

There are statistics stating that married couples in which both partners periodically cheat on each other are stronger and more durable. This does not mean that you need to change your soulmate, but there are such statistics. Scientists explain this by the fact that a person, purely physiologically, sometimes needs to change a partner. Well, cheating is a short-term variant of such a change. Therefore, marriages in which the husband or wife is sometimes unfaithful can last longer.

There are people who are sure that a negative attitude towards adultery was imposed on a person by society. They are convinced that this attitude is contrary to human nature and has no basis whatsoever. However, opponents of betrayal argue that if it were not for social restrictions, the world would have plunged into debauchery. Moreover, they are convinced that by cheating on his partner, a person becomes like monkeys and other animals.

As you can see, you can treat cheating in different ways. But not all people are ready to accept the fact that their loved one is cheating on them. This is especially true for guys for whom cheating on a girl is a real blow to their self-esteem.

Physical and emotional cheating of a girl

There are several types of betrayal, which are radically different from each other. There are physiological and emotional betrayals. And if in the first case, hormones push a person to commit adultery, then in the case of emotional betrayal, the person is guided by other motives.

Most often, men cheat purely physically. That is, they become attached to the partner with whom they cheated on their soul mate. And although physical cheating is not justified by the action of hormones, after it you can maintain a relationship. Although a person has betrayed his soul mate, this does not mean that his feelings have cooled or changed for the worse. Therefore, after a purely physical betrayal without emotional overtones, many couples maintain their relationship. Moreover, after that, they can become even stronger.

As for girls, they most often cheat emotionally. That is, ladies become attached to the person with whom they are cheating on their boyfriend. Such a betrayal is much worse, because after it it is impossible to maintain a relationship. Moreover, if a girl betrayed her young man emotionally, then after this relationship you do not even need to try to maintain the relationship, since they cannot be returned to their previous level. They will only get worse over time. After all, if a woman betrayed her man not only physically, but also emotionally, it means that her feelings for her lover have changed for the worse.

Is it worth checking a girl for treason

Most people are convinced that trust is central to any relationship. But jealousy and suspicion of infidelity completely negate the principle of trust. Therefore, many guys doubt whether it is necessary to check a girl for treason at all. These doubts are quite understandable, because if, for no reason, you begin to doubt the girl's loyalty, then this can negatively affect the relationship. These doubts are fully justified, because if a girl finds out that the guy does not trust her and checks her for loyalty, then this can greatly offend the lady. This is why girls don't like jealous guys who don't trust them.

You do not need to check a girl for cheating if there is no reason for this. Trust your beloved if he does not give any reason to doubt his loyalty and love. Be confident in your lady and do not wind yourself up with the thoughts that she is cheating on you. After all, it is more likely to be true to you.

Checks for "lice" for your girlfriend should be carried out only if there are clear signs that she is cheating on you. Well, these signs will surely be. After all, no matter how well a girl hides her betrayal, at any moment she can betray herself with any trifle. So learn to recognize the signs of a girl's infidelity.

Signs of possible female infidelity

1. The girl has become more restrictive of personal space. Any person needs to have personal space. Therefore, even the strongest couples in love cannot spend all the time together. They need to periodically rest from each other. After all, if this is not done, then the relationship can quickly get bored and love will turn into hate. So it is imperative to give a girl a personal space.

However, if the girl sharply shielded herself from you, then this should be alarming. In the event that a lady for no reason at all began to declare that she needed more personal space and you began to see much less often, then you will probably think about how and with whom she spends her free time. Well, if she answers your questions that it doesn't matter at all, because this is her personal space, then it's time to think about checking the girl for treason.

2. The girl began to take more care of her appearance... Most women at any age take care of their beauty and appearance. Moreover, for many girls this task is one of the main ones.

However, if your beloved suddenly began to zealously take care of her appearance, putting on revealing outfits and putting on festive makeup every day, then it's time to think about who she does it for.

3. The girl started to have new things (perfume, jewelry, accessories). If a girl does not work anywhere, but she starts to have new outfits, cosmetics, underwear, perfume and other things, then it would be logical to ask her where all this comes from. But even if the girl is working, then it is worth paying attention to the sharp increase in the number of such things.

4. Silent mode on the phone. If you notice that your lady has started to put the phone on silent mode so that it is not noticeable who is calling her, then be sure to pay attention to this. After all, perhaps the girl wants to hide from you that another man is calling her.

5. The girl began to linger more often at school or work. If, for no reason at all, your beloved began to linger at work or school, then this should alert you. There is no need to immediately accuse the girl of betrayal, as situations at work can be completely different. Perhaps the girl really needs to stay late to finish the project. The same goes for studies. But you need to pay attention to this.

6. The lady began to communicate with her ex-boyfriend. Most guys are extremely jealous of their lover's communication with her ex-boyfriend. And this is quite understandable, because sometimes such communication can grow into something big. Therefore, if you notice that your girlfriend has begun to communicate with her ex-boyfriend, then do not lose sight of this communication.

7. The girl closes the phone screen when she receives a message. Other people's messages, like letters, are indecent to read. But if your girlfriend began to close the phone display at any notification, then this suggests that she has her own secrets.

8. The girl began to communicate less with your friends. If the lady communicated well with your friends, but now has limited communication with them, then pay attention to this.

9. The beloved has become estranged from your family. If your girlfriend used to communicate well with your family, but stopped doing it, then this can also be a sign of her betrayal. If a loved one has betrayed you, then she will be ashamed to look your family in the eyes. In addition, this behavior can be a signal that the girl wants to leave you, so she tries to limit communication with your family.

10. Abrupt changes in behavior. Any girl's mood can change once a month and a man cannot tell her anything about this. But if for a long period of time a lady's mood changes from day to day, and her behavior is difficult to explain, then this should not be closed. She may be cheating on you, which is why she's so nervous.

11. The girl often turns off the phone. If you call a girl, but instead of her voice, you often hear an operator who says that the phone is turned off, then this should also alert you. Surely the woman explains this by the fact that her battery is running low, but perhaps she turns off the phone when she sees another guy so that no one bothers her.

12. You spend less time in bed. It has long been proven that girls want sex as much as men who have to get it. different ways... Therefore, if your loved one denies you this pleasure, then there is a possibility that she has enough of it on the side.

13. She stopped paying attention to your mistakes. Many girls try to fix their boyfriends by pointing out to them all their mistakes and shortcomings. But if your lady stopped doing this, then this can be a signal that she wants to leave you.

14. Password on the phone and computer. If your girlfriend suddenly has a password on her phone or laptop, then this should alert you. This may mean that she has information on her phone that she needs to hide. Otherwise, she would not have set passwords.

15. New password in social network... Many couples do not hide passwords from each other on their social media pages. And if earlier you knew the password for your girlfriend's page, but she changed it, it means that she began to communicate with a person you don't need to know about. If, when asked about changing the password, the girl starts to say something about her personal space, do not believe it.

16. The girl has a new acquaintance with whom she often communicates. Nowadays, girls can easily be friends with men, even without a hint of love relationships. The poem does not need to be jealous of a lady for every man on her list of friends. But if she has a new acquaintance with whom she often communicates, then do not close your eyes to this communication.

17. Trips to nightclubs with girlfriends. Any girl needs to relax with her friends. But if your beloved often goes to nightclubs with her friends, then sooner or later it may end up waking up in bed with another man in the morning. So, be careful about such trips.

18. The girl often leaves the room when talking on the phone. If, with every call, a girl leaves the rooms or leaves you, it means that she does not want you to hear who she is talking to.

19. Periodic attacks of tenderness. If your girlfriend periodically shows you excessive tenderness and care, then perhaps she feels guilty in front of you and wants to redeem her.

20. The phone is constantly busy. If you call a girl, but her phone is constantly busy, then be sure to ask her who she talks to so often. If she says she talks to her friends all the time, you might question her honesty.

Ways to expose a girl

If you notice one or more signs of possible cheating on the part of a girl, then you can check her without remorse. Perhaps your doubts will turn out to be unfounded, but you will be confident in your beloved.

1. Check her phone or computer. Discreetly check the messages that the girl receives on her phone. If the lady managed to set a password for him, then try to find out it. Take a look at the girl's phone when he is typing the password.

2. Track her. If a girl goes for a walk with her friends or goes to a meeting, then you can follow her to see if she went where she said.

3. Ask your friend to write to her on the social network “I know everything!”. You can ask your friend to check the girl by texting her that he knows everything. If the girl is to blame for something, then she may start asking your friend not to tell her anything. If she is innocent, then the friend's message can be translated into a joke.

4. Visit her earlier than you agreed. If you have agreed that you will come to the girl's home at a certain time, then visit her earlier. This way, you can catch the girl with another man.

5. Catch her on the contradictions in the "testimony". If a girl is confused about what she is telling you, then she is probably lying to you. You can catch her on this.

6. Check with whom and where she spends her time. If the girl said that she is going to drink coffee with her friends, then ask where exactly they will do it. Visit the place where your girlfriend and her friends should be and see who she is actually sitting with there.

7. Meet her after work or school. Perhaps you will not be the only one to come to meet her.

8. Lie to her about your schedule. Tell the girl that you work all day when you have a day off and visit her without warning.

9. Ask her if she is cheating on you. The easiest way. But you must be prepared for the girl to lie to you.

Male Secrets Pages