
Scenario. New Year for preschool children in kindergarten. New Year's entertainment for children of senior preschool age New Year's scenarios for children of senior preschool age


Leading: What's happened New Year?

It's all the other way around.

Girls are like stars

Boys are bunnies...

Even educators do not require order!

Even our nanny, our nanny

Doesn't force you to eat porridge!

Chefs bake a pie -

They sing songs at the stove!

And our manager sings and dances best of all

Have fun honest people

Soon the holiday - the New Year will come.

Where does he come from?

And where does it go then?

I really want to know what the New Year is?

Now, guys, we will play with you. Who is attentive will find out. You take snowballs, find the same ones. As soon as you find a couple, you will fall into the kingdom of snow.

The game« Find the same snowballs»

Educator: Guys, did you guess who sent us these magic tickets? (winter)

Educator: Yes, that's right, winter. Winter has replaced Autumn. And the time has come for us to remember what the kids can do at this time

Can you skate? (Yes)

Breathe fresh air? (Yes)

Play snowballs? Run? (Yes)

How about sunbathing on the river? (No)

In December, in the last days near the Christmas tree to dance? (Yes)

Isn't it bad to pick strawberries in the forest in winter? (No)

And make a snowman for your beloved children? (Yes)

Educator: What a strange person

Arrived in the twenty-first century:

Carrot nose, broom in hand,

Afraid of the sun and heat? (Snowman)

In the snowy New Year's kingdom, the Snowman meets us. If we attach a nose to him, then we will revive the snowman

Stick the nose on the snowman game

(A snowman without a nose is drawn on a sheet of drawing paper, the drawing is hung on the wall. The nose is molded from plasticine. Children blindfolded take turns trying to attach the nose in place)

Snowman: New Year is coming

Have fun honest people!

Christmas snowballs - that's what you need to play!

Who will hit the ball with a snowball,

It will be accurate all year

Throw snowballs into balloons

And try to get in.

Shooter game

(Children throw snowballs at inflatable balls that are hung on a rope).

Educator: Now, guys, guess the riddle.

I come with gifts

I shine with bright lights,

smart, funny,

For the New Year, I'm the main one! (Christmas tree).

Educator: That's right guys. This is a tree. We will play an interesting game with the guys:

What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name the kids.

Listen carefully, and be sure to answer,

If I tell you right, say "yes" in response,

Well, if suddenly it's wrong, say boldly - "no".

Educator: It's time to decorate our Christmas tree

The game« »

Educator: And you guys know that our Christmas tree can talk. If the Christmas tree wants to say no, she extinguishes the lights, and if she wants to say yes, then she lights it. Here, see for yourself.

Christmas tree, do you like to frown and get angry?

Elochka, do you like to have fun?

Do you like to eat porridge?

Do you like listening to songs?

Then I will immediately ask the guys to help sing a song for you

round dance« Something our Christmas tree is sad»

Educator: Solve the following riddle:

He comes on a winter evening

Light candles on the tree.

Overgrown with a gray beard, who is this? (Father Frost)

Santa Claus is a cheerful old man?

Likes jokes and jokes?

Knows songs and riddles?

Will he eat all your chocolates?

Will he light the Christmas tree for the kids?

Hide threads and needles?

Wears shorts and a t-shirt

Doesn't he age?

Will it warm us up outside?

Santa Claus brother Frost?

Is our birch good?

Is the new year getting closer?

Does the snow maiden have skis?

Santa Claus brings gifts?

Does he drive a foreign car?

Wearing a cane and a hat?

Does he look like a dad sometimes?

Educator: How attentive you are. ? Here Grandfather Frost left his mittens and a freezing staff.

Game with a mitt

(Children stand in a circle. The teacher puts on mittens and tries to freeze the hands of the children).

Staff game

(To the words of the educator, the children move around the room: “Snow, snow, mess. Hello winter-winter.” The educator knocks with a staff. “Get up in pairs, knees (ears, pens, spouts, etc. at the choice of the educator) freeze!” ).

Educator: Something the staff pulls me somewhere, probably wants to show something (under the tree finds a package with treats and a note), reads:

Happy New Year

And I wish you all good health

So that you do not want to be sad

Didn't have any regrets

Didn't get sick, didn't lose weight

They got better every year.

I brought you a surprise here

Your wizard is Santa Claus!

New Year's entertainment prepared for children by Tsybulkina N.

Scenario new year holiday

for older children preschool age

Presenter: Hours pass, days pass - such is the law of nature.
And today we want to wish you a Happy New Year!
We wish you all the joys in the world for the New Year,
Health for a hundred years ahead to you and your children!

To the soundtrack of the song "Here is the New Year!" children with tinsel run into the hall.
1st child: How beautiful in our hall-
It's like we're in a fairy tale!
Everything sparkles and sings
Hello New Year's Eve!

2nd child: The Christmas tree came to visit us
And I'm glad for the Christmas tree of the kids.
See how many toys:
Balls, garlands, lights!
3rd child: Snow is falling outside the window
Snow is fluffy, New Year's.
Music and laughter in the hall
We are celebrating New Year's Eve!


The Christmas tree beckons with magical lights,
It bewitches, calls.
We will approach our Christmas tree
And whisper our wishes to her! (Children put tinsel under the Christmas tree)
Presenter: Let's arrange a round dance near the Christmas tree
Let everyone have fun and let everyone sing!
Round dance " green beauty» (sit down)

The New Year is coming.
What will he bring to the children?

1. Bring snowflakes - light fluffs.
New toys, loud crackers.
And for everyone will bring a cheerful laugh!
2. For fun kids - winter fun:
Sledges, skis and skates - choose according to your liking.
Slides up, slides down, whoever is on a sled - hold on.
Can't resist - and bang! In a moment you will roll into a snowdrift!
The song "Crystal Winter" lyrics and music by A. Evtodieva

Dance "Russian Blizzard" (subgroup)

Presenter: The last leaf is torn off
The calendar has been removed from the wall.
Waiting for a long time congratulations
January behind the door.


1. There are many holidays in the world
Everyone takes their turn!
But the best holiday in the world
It is a New Year!
Let the frost play more fun
Let it freeze your cheeks.
Happy New Year to you,
With a year of joy, happiness, love!
2. Happy New Year Mom! Happy New Year Dad!

We are very happy to congratulate you on the holiday.

May the New Year that you celebrate
A happy year will enter your life.
And all the good things you dream of

Let it come true and be sure to come!

Dance with hoops and ribbons (subgroup)

Presenter: Hush, hush, the lights are out

The magic hour has come

Anything can happen in a fairy tale

Our fairy tale is ahead.

Story! There she is! Knocking!

Let's tell a fairy tale...

Children: Come in! ( clock strikes)

Dance of the clock (boys)

Leading: The minutes are kept by the clock.

We have magical ones.

In this house cuckoo -

Our faithful friend. ( pointing to the cuckoo clock)

Cuckoos exactly the time

No delay, no doubt.

(To the music, Baba Yaga enters the hall in the costume of the Snow Maiden)

Baba Yaga: Hello friends! I was in such a hurry

That I forgot all the gifts.

And what did you open your mouths?

Haven't you seen the Snow Maiden?

Or not glad you came?

Well answer me baby!

Leading: Of course you guys are welcome!

We have been waiting for you for a whole year!

Only you do not look like the Snow Maiden.

B.Ya. Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden,

Look what a figurine.

Leading. Guys, let's check it with a song.

Children ( sing):Tell me, Snow Maiden, where have you been?

Tell me, honey, how are you?

B. Ya. The stupa broke by January,

She flew on a broomstick, oh, what am I saying ?!

Children. Where do you live, Snow Maiden, tell me.

Describe your crystal house?

B.Ya. My crystal castle on two legs.

Leading. Everything is clear to us then,

Tell me guys, who is this?

Children . Baba Yaga!

B.I: ( sobs pretending) - And I tried, dressed up, wanted to please you. Surprise prepared...

Leading: What a surprise?

B.I: Yes, there he is, under that bench. There is not? Ah, I remembered! There he is, under another bench.

( While everyone is distracted B.Ya., takes the cuckoo)

B.Ya : What didn't you find? And here's a surprise - I took your cuckoo!

Everything, until the kids!

Leading : Outwitted us B.Ya. Carried away the magic cuckoo. And without it, the clock will not strike midnight and the New Year will not come. Guys, let's call the symbol of the year. I think he will help us. Cockerel, Cockerel, our dear friend, come to the light!

(Cockerel runs out)

Cockerel: I was in a hurry - almost flew,

But it looks like it didn't.

Did you have a guest?

Children: Yes!

Cockerel: And you stole the cuckoo?

Children: Yes!

Cockerel: That's it, the whole New Year is gone!

Stop time running.

This furious Yaga

She took our bird.

To throw a cuckoo into a hole

Help us find them

Snow White Winter.

She is the mistress of all forests.

Because now is her time.

( Winter comes to the music)

Winter: I am a forest sorceress

I decorate spruce with snow.

I sweep the fields

I close the rivers.

I am friends with Frost, with a blizzard.

And the blizzard is my friend.

You were waiting for me here

Have you been invited here?

Cockerel: Hello Zimushka-winter!

Help, we're in trouble.

Grandma Yozhka was here

And took the cuckoo away.

Winter: We make a cuckoo out of snow and ice

Hey snowflakes, fly

Get lots of snow!

(Snowflakes fly to the music).

1. We are white snowflakes,
We fly, we fly, we fly.
Paths and paths
We'll screw everything up.

2. Let's circle over the garden
On a cold winter day
And quietly sit next to each other
With people like us.

3. We dance over the fields,
We lead our round dance,
Where, we don't know
The wind will carry us.

4. We fly, fly, fly,
Above the birch, above the pine.
Like ice floes we ring
In the silence of the forest.

5. Like fluff we are light,
We are swayed by the winds
White flock we fly
We want to lie on the ground
Dance of Snowflakes with scarves.
(At the end, Winter takes out a white cuckoo)

Winter: Sing, cuckoo, begin!

Open the New Year to us! ( Music sounds to the sound of bells)

Cockerel: The tree was not lit up.

The New Year is not coming!

Though the magic cuckoo

But that's not how she sings.

( puts a cuckoo on a Christmas tree, snowflakes run away to their places)

Winter: You need to call Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus is an excellent wizard, and will certainly help us!

So let's call. Magic ball in my hands. Let's all stand in a circle and pass it around in a circle, pronouncing the magic words. Santa Claus will hear them and he will come to us.
Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,
Santa Claus is coming to us.
And we know that Santa Claus
Brings us gifts.

(Santa Claus does not hear, let's say it again!)

( Music. The Snow Maiden and Grandfather Frost come in)

Father Frost: Happy New Year! Hello children! Hello guests!

Both the Snow Maiden and I congratulate you, friends!

Snow Maiden : Last year you had us

Nobody has been forgotten!

D. M: How many faces around friends

How many of my friends are here

It's good for me here, like at home,

Among the Christmas trees of relatives!

Why are the faces disturbing?

What could happen here?

(Children and heroes talk, D.M. nods, is surprised, etc.)

D.M. I'll find a way to deal with this villain.

I will put frost on her with a blizzard.

I forge her legs and hands,

I forgot that the path to witchcraft, to theft.

( D.M. conjures with a staff, the light goes out, Baba Yaga runs in and freezes)

Cockerel: Here she is unfortunate, how terrible!

How quiet it is, she did not live peacefully. ( Threatens with a finger, sits down )

D.M.: ( takes from B.Ya. cuckoo, gives to the leader) I return to you the cuckoo - the mistress of time.

(The host puts the cuckoo in the clock, the ringing sounds; B.Ya. cannot move, only plaintively asks)

B.Ya. Sorry grandma! Release Yagusa!

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's let her go, because the New Year came to us.

And she became kind, we all say together:

One, two, three, sorcery go away!” ( they say)

B. I: How good it is to wake up kind when the white light shines.

I leave you with good, Happy New Year!

D.M. Well, go ahead, no more shawls! (B.Ya. leaves)

D.M. Guys, your Christmas tree is big,

But it doesn't seem to be alive.

There are no lights on it.

Christmas tree, sparkle, burn! ( Children repeat, Christmas tree not lights up);

Apparently no one was screaming.

It looks like someone was silent.

The parents were silent

They probably didn't scream.

Let's all get together

Let's say together: "One, two, three!

Christmas tree, sparkle, burn! ( Everyone repeatsChristmas tree lights up );

D.M. For the beauty of the forest, sing a song together!
Get in a circle with me, play music louder!
Round dance “You came to visit us, Santa Claus! »

D.M. I'll tell you a secret:
I want to have fun.
Hide your hands quickly
I'll whistle like a whirlwind!
Freeze game
Snow Maiden: Grandfather Frost, what smart guys,

And the Christmas tree, how it sparkles. Watch out, don't freeze them completely!

Children: And we are all remote guys,

We will put on coats and boots.

Song "Santa Claus and felt boots" music. V. Shainsky

D.M. Can't sit, stand
So it pulls to dance!
Come on, children, the circle is wider ...
I'm starting three or four!

Come on, guys, learn!

Dance "Teach me how to dance" music by A. Evtodieva
Snow Maiden: So you got into our circle - stay here!

Do not leave you, Frost! How not to get out!

D. M: How not to let go?! And now I'll take it and leave! ( Children are not released.)

Game "We won't let go"

D. M. And now I'll outsmart you anyway. What are you now: small or big? (Big ones!) What were they like before? (Little ones!) Show me! (Children squat down.) And show how big you are now? (Children get up.) And when you grow up, you will be even bigger, show me! (The children stand on their toes, unhook their hands and raise them up.) So I went out, and you said: we won’t let you out, we won’t let you out!

D. M. But I know the riddle
And now I will tell you:
Winter covered her
In a silver dress
Sparkling dress in the sun,
He was bright and rich.
And now that beauty
Dressed in gold
With colored embellishments
Came like a miracle to the house.
Children: FIR-TREE!
D. M. Your Christmas tree is amazing -
And fragrant and beautiful.
All in toys and crackers,
So pretty and slim.
For the beauty of the forest,
Let's read the big verse!


1. In the new year - a cheerful laugh,
What joy for all!
And on a Christmas tree elegant
Multicolored garlands.
Can't count the lights
One, two, three, four, five…
2.A toys! Better no!
How many balls, sweets!
And under the shiny Christmas tree
the snow is like real.
Let's sing, dance
And receive gifts.

Father Frost. Do you know where we came from? Do you think that from the forest? That's right, first from the magical frosty New Year's forest. But on the way to you, we looked into an amazing zoo. Where all the animals and birds can talk! Come on, Snow Maiden, let's talk!

Snow Maiden. And you, Santa Claus, will you help me?
Father Frost. Of course, Snow Maiden! How can your own beloved granddaughter - and not help?

Snow Maiden (referring to children).
New Year's zoo
We handed out gifts!
We are the board game
Got a kangaroo!
Gave the ball to the elephant
And the ball bounced loudly!
Himalayan goat
We gave Yulu!

Father Frost.
We give the bear a brother.
Toptygin began to smile:
- Though you are a plush brother,
Anyway, I'm happy for you!

Snow Maiden.
After the bears, after the bears
We visited monkeys.
Brought jump ropes to them
Monkeys mischievous!

Father Frost.
And for everything we gave
We were thanked!
We are glad that everything
They say thank you to us!
Children applaud .)

Father Frost (joyfully). Everything, Snow Maiden! We've been applauded, we're leaving!
Snow Maiden. What are you, Santa Claus? How are we leaving? And who will give gifts? Here you and I have been waiting for so much! Santa Claus! Your young friends want to tell you a fairy tale! Yes, not simple, but chocolate! Yes, not about anyone, but about you, beloved!
Father Frost (surprised). Yes? And how did you find out about this, Snow Maiden?
Snow Maiden. So I'm a magician! As are you.
Father Frost. Then let's listen to "Chocolate Tale".

1. In this chocolate fairy tale
Santa Claus lives smart!
You see: from colored foil
Hat, coat, boots.
2. Here is a chocolate fairy tale
Santa Claus is dressed up.
It doesn't just go like this:
Handing out chocolates!
3. Chocolates for rabbits,
For squirrels, and for wolves,
For foxes and hedgehogs
He's in the bag!
4. For Natasha, Yulia, Tanya!
For Volodya, Sasha, Vanya!
And for everyone, for everyone who is happy
Take chocolate as a gift!
5. Don't worry, everything is fine:
There are our chocolates!
We'll eat ourselves
Let's give mommy too!

Father Frost (children). Well done! The voices are sonorous, you talk without hesitation. What can I tell you? You won't be left without chocolate! Give it away now or leave it for later? (Children answer: it's better now !) So the chocolates will melt in your hands! (Children answer that for now they will give chocolate to their mothers.) So moms will eat it while you are having fun here! (To parents.) Truth? (Parents disagree .)

Father Frost (mischievously ). Oh I don't know Dear Parents, will you eat, will you not eat ... Maybe not, but why are you smiling?
Snow Maiden. What's wrong with you, Santa Claus? You surprise me today. Straight to tears! Parents smile because they know that children will share with them! (to the children.) Really guys? ( The children agree. Santa Claus distributes chocolates to young readers. At this moment, the Snow Maiden turns to the rest of the children.)

Snow Maiden. While Santa Claus is busy, I want to ask you about this. Chocolate can melt in your hands. What else, you know? (Children answer: ice cream, ice, icicle.) Well done! I was told that some of you know poems about icicles and about the smart girl Yulia. Tell me?


( Boy ) I taught my sister Yulia
With the onset of winter days:
- If you lick an icicle,
That tongue will stick to it!
Our Julia is at least small,
Understood the instruction!
( Girl ) I left the house and loudly
The baby calls to itself:
- Do not gnaw the icicle, Romka,
Freeze your mouth!

Snow Maiden. How wonderfully you read poetry! It seems to me that even the toys on the Christmas tree listened to you attentively.

For children so skillful,

The smartest, the most courageous,
That adventure is not afraid
They can sing, joke, laugh,
For these guys - gifts!
Nothing for them is a pity! Really, grandpa?

D.M: Certainly!

Santa Claus "sculpts" a snowball, shows it to everyone. A small snowball is placed under the Christmas tree in advance .
Snow Maiden. And we will help you with a song.
The song "Ah, snowball" op. and music by D. Goltsova

Father Frost.
What a wonderful snowball I got.

(ringing) Hello, my miracle device, hurry up to kindergarten, you need gifts for the guys.
(music sounds, apparatus appears)
Apparatus: Yes, I'm going, I'm going...
D. M.: How quickly you came, instantly found yourself in the hall.
Apparatus: You forgot to put your gifts in a bag, I had to rush to you very much. What a forgetful grandfather you are.
D. M. What do you, dear, want from me - I'm so old! Well, okay, let's not waste time, friends are waiting for gifts! Come on, granddaughter, let's get me a snowball gifts.
Look guys, we throw a snowball there and get a gift!
(throws out boots)
D. M. What's happened? This is probably your granddaughter.
Snow Maiden: No, grandfather, the size is not mine.
D. M. (knocks on phone) Hey?
Apparatus: ha ha ha
D. M. Don't joke with me like that!
Apparatus: Apparently, I froze on the way. Or the battery is dead

you, stroke me, warm me ...
D. M. Okay, okay, don't get angry (strokes the machine)
- CHARGING (music sounds)
- CONNECT (the garland on the device lights up)
D. M. Well, Petya, go try to get the first gift ...
Throw a snowball and get a gift
See it works!
(the Snow Maiden has snowballs)
Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden help to receive gifts.

Snow Maiden:

So it's time for us to finish the New Year's holiday,

We wish a lot of joy today, kids,

So that you grow big, so that you do not know worries!

And Santa Claus and I will return to you in a year.

Father Frost:

The old year is leaving
His last page rustles.
Let the best that was not go away

Let him not skimp on happiness
Let there be a generous New Year!
Snow Maiden:

Goodbye kids, have fun!

Goodbye mom, dad,

Together: Happy New Year everyone, everyone, everyone!!!

D.M. Now come here everyone. I really want to be photographed with these guys.

Holiday script for the New Year for children of the eldest and preparatory group"Old man Hottabych at the children's Christmas tree"

Scenario New Year for senior and preparatory groups.
Letter to the group:
"Dear children!
Girls and boys!
You hurry together into the hall.
Near the Christmas tree
There will be a carnival!
Enchantress. "

To the music, the children run into the hall, where they are met by a fabulous Fairy.

Fairy: Hello my friends!
It's me you all today
Gathered near the Christmas tree
Because today is a holiday
Noisy New Year's Eve.
Let it be a fairy tale
He's coming to us today!
(He waves his wand - the tree lights up).
The children are looking at the tree.
1 child: So the tree is dressed up,
All lit up in flames
And the toys sparkled
On her big branches.
2 child: Well we have today
Better places can not found!
Near the Christmas tree
Do not pass, do not pass!
3 child: It will be fun today
will never be bored.
Hello, New Year's holiday!
We've come to meet you!
4 child: We have a holiday today,
Today there will be a carnival!
How many fairy tale characters
He got it here today!
Fairy: Well, it's time to open our ball
Noisy, ringing carnival!
Happy new year, happy new year
Dear child!
Joyful holiday, happy
It's time to start!

Round dance "Yolka-Yolochka".

5 child: Snow is falling outside the window
Snow is fluffy, New Year's.
New Year's laughter in the hall -
Carnival is here today!
6 child: Our tree with a head
All covered with gray
And keeps thick needles
The smell of the resinous forest.
7 child: How elegant are you
With a silver star!
How big are you
How fun with you!
8 child: Tall, beautiful
Green, slim
colorful lights
She glows!
Everything: Isn't she a beauty?
We all love the tree!
Fairy: Happy New Year! Happy New Year!
Become a dancer!
Let a cheerful round dance
Be the first to enter the New Year!
Round dance "Our tree".
(Children sit down).
Fairy: Attention! What are miracles?
I hear someone's voices.
Someone is stomping loudly
And clapping his hands!
Someone laughs merrily
Someone wants to congratulate us!
Girls behind the Christmas tree:
We've been waiting for this hour all year.
And under the thunder of crackers (clapping)
We start a round dance
Christmas toys!

"Dance of Christmas Trees".
(At the end, at the behest of the Fairy, everyone sits down.)

Fairy: Waving a shaggy branch
We have a happy new year.
Listen, tree, our song.
Everything: Hello hello,
New Year!

The song "First Snow".

Fairy(picks up the bell)
mischievous bell,
He is always, everywhere with me.
Ding dong, ding dong!
He invites you to a fairy tale.
(The lights go out, twilight).
Magpie: Stree-ke-ke!
I brought good news!
Now, or maybe exactly at six,
You will have a big guest.
The guest is gray-haired, with a beard.
Guess who is?
Everything: Father Frost!
Magpie: I'll look out the door
Maybe he's coming, friends!

(He approaches the door. A large jug appears from behind the door, smoke flows from there, the light goes out in an instant and an old man appears).

The guest goes gray-haired, gray-haired,
With a long white beard.
Made me cry!
He is not Santa Claus at all!
Hush, hush, hush!
(Flies away).
The light comes on, the old man Khattabych is standing by the Christmas tree in an oriental outfit, and on top of his coat.
Khattab. May there be peace in this house!
Hello, the most educated of the educated and the most charming of the most charming! Children and distinguished guests!
Fairy: Only you can’t come here in a coat, grandfather!
Khattab. O! How, tibidah!
Do you know who you don't let? Yes, I will turn you into desert sand!
I will command the wind, and it will scatter you all over the world!
Fairy: Oh guys! Did you find out who it is?
(Khattabych takes off his coat).
Why, this is old Khattabych!

Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!
Khattab. Right! Oh, the wisest of the wisest educators! You recognized my name. Where did I get to? Whose house is this beautiful, where there are so many children?
Children. Kindergarten!
Khattab. How beautiful and bright it is here. What a beautiful palm!
Fairy: It's not a palm tree.
Khattab. Why not a palm tree?
Fairy: And now the children will say!
Hot summer, cold winter,
And suddenly smart for the New Year
Comes to visit our round dance
Children. Christmas tree!
Khattab. Christmas tree, what a beautiful, wah, wah, wah! Beautiful tree!
What a strange tree! (touches).
And what strange fruits on it! And here's an apple, I'll pick it now!
Fairy: You can't, Gasan Khattabych. This is not a real apple. It is made of glass.
Khattab. What miracles! What country am I in? Do they eat glass apples here?
Fairy: Khattabych, we know you as a kind magician. Tell me, can you help us?
Khattab. With great pleasure, my dear!
I'm old for years, I won't lie.
But I am not weak-willed.
I'll help you in three counts,
If I wasn't Hasan Hadtab!
Command, incomparable!
Fairy: We want to invite Santa Claus to the holiday.
Khattabych: Why Frost? What for? I'm afraid. Where I live, it is always warm, the sun is shining, trees are growing, palm trees. There is no snow, why do you need Santa Claus?
Fairy: We can't light the Christmas tree without him. We want it to light up now!
Khattabych: Oh, cruel of the cruel! Oh, evil children! Do you want this wonderful tree to burn?
Fairy: No, grandfather. We want multi-colored lights to light up on the Christmas tree - light bulbs.
Khattabych: So I'll do it right now! (Conjuring). Oh, la-lam, oh, la-lam!
(Lights do not light up).
Fairy: Calm down, Khattabych. Can you help us invite the Snow Maiden? She will light the lights on the tree.
Khattabych: Snow Maiden? Snow Maiden?
You, blizzard, do not sweep,
Invite the Snow Maiden to us.
(Snowflake girls run out.)
"Dance of the Snowflakes"
Khattabych: Look, look how many Snow Maidens I have invited!
Fairy: Khattabych, these are not Snow Maidens.
Khattabych: How is it not snowmen? And who is this?
Fairy: Snowflakes. We don't need snowflakes. Fly away!
Khattabych:(blowing on them)
Don't be upset, dear!
I figured it out fun game. Now I will cheer you up!

Game "Funny bridges".

Fairy: Khattabych, invite Santa Claus. Maybe he will come to us for the holiday and bring fun!
Hey gin, oh gin!
Hey la la!
You, blizzard, do not sweep,
Invite Frost to us!
(Two buffoons run out from behind the tree).
1st. Under the king, yes under the peas
Naughty buffoons
On the way to the booth
Lost drum.
They don't care, don't worry
Musicians anywhere!
hit with a spoon
In ringing hands!
2nd. Neither rain nor hail
And the splashes are flying!
Dancing echo, dancing shadow
Dancing all and sundry!
"Dance of buffoons".
Khattabych: Wah, wah! La la!
How did buffoons appear instead of Frost?
Fairy: Yes, Khattabych, you are somewhat distracted today.
Khattabych: I'm not the only one distracted. Guys are scattered too.
Fairy: Our guys who are sitting in the hall are very attentive!
Khattabych: Now I'll check!
Answer questions:
It's me, it's me, it's all my friends
And clap your hands.
1. Who sings and has fun,
And not afraid of work?
2. Who has ever been sick
Because you overate?
3. Who is not afraid of frost,
Does it fly like a bird?
4. Which one of you, tell me, brothers,
Forgetting to wash?
5. Who knows how to relax,
Run, swim and play?
6. Who is a good angler -
Fishing for cows?
7. Which one of you is on the pavement
Walks upside down?
8. Which of you is the most nimble here,
The first to meet the happy Snow Maiden?
Fairy: Khattabych, I think I know what's the matter. You forgot the magic word, think about it.
Khattabych: That's right, I know this word, everyone should pronounce it when asking for something. O wisest of wisest children, what is the word?
Everything: You are welcome!
Khattabych: That's right (pulls out a stick).
wand please
Serve the service
Santa Claus
Invite with the Snow Maiden!
(Children dressed in costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter to the music).
Fairy: Oh why are they so small!
Khattabych: They traveled from afar
And the road is not easy.
Wherever they've been
And under Sun rays hit!
Let's take them into the woods and put them in the biggest snowdrift.
They will grow up and come to the feast!
(Khattabych puts on his coat). It's time for me to say goodbye. It's cold, and I'm afraid of frost. It's time to return to warmer climes.
Goodbye, wisest of the wisest!
Goodbye, most beautiful of the most beautiful!
(Kisses the hand of the Fairy, leaves).
Music sounds, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden go around the hall.
Fairy: Here he comes, the welcome guest,
All overgrown with a beard,
And cheerful, and ruddy.
Who is this?
- Father Frost!
Father Frost: I see forest bears here,
Dolls, playful hares
And funny goats
Wolves, brave hares.
All dressed up in costumes
And at the Christmas tree they started dancing.
So, in this hall there is a ball,
New Year's Carnival!
There is nothing more interesting
What a wonderful day like this
Winter holiday season
Meet the kids!
Snow. Happy New Year
Congratulate everyone
Together with you
Celebrate the holiday!
Father Frost: Let the elegant Christmas tree sparkle
Let your songs and laughter sound unceasingly.
And may this whole year be joyful,
You are all very nice people!
Snow. So that no one frowns,
Start playing, dancing.
Get into a round dance
Let's celebrate the New Year together!

Round dance with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

Father Frost: You, Snow Maiden, my friend,
Call your friends soon.
Get in a circle soon
Let's have fun dancing!
Snow. Hey, mischievous snowflakes,
My dear sisters
Fly in, spin around
And have fun with me!

Dance of the Snow Maiden and Snowflakes.

Father Frost: Well thank you guys
You danced with me.
Tell me guys
Do you have fun in winter?
Child. Frost is not a problem for us,
We are not afraid of the cold.
We walk in fur coats and earflaps
And we go sledding.
Father Frost: But as?
Children: But like this!
(Children imitate sledding to the music).
Father Frost: And then?
Children: And then we'll get on skis
And we'll roll down the mountain.
Father Frost: But as?
Children: But like this!
(They imitate skiing to the music).
Father Frost: Well done! What else?
Children: We also take skates.
And we run to the rinks.
Father Frost: But as?
Children: But like this!
(To the waltz, couples skate).
Father Frost: Now let's play snowballs!

Snowball game.
"Beast Orchestra"

Father Frost: He sang songs, made children laugh.
What else did I forget?
Children: Presents!
Father Frost: Well, okay, kids,
You have amused me.
For a holiday for you
I've got something here!
It's time for our holiday to end.
Do you all see the wand?
I'll just take it
I'll show you a miracle!
(The Christmas tree is on fire, a wolf runs in the twilight).
Wolf. I am in the dark nights
Ran into robbery.
All tremble before me,
I am satisfied with myself.
Ha ha ha ha!
I live in the forest not in vain,
I will raise the noise of the forest,
I will break trees.
Ha ha ha ha!
(Strokes his stomach.)
Oh, and there is nothing to profit from, but you want to eat so much!
(He sniffs the air, approaches the house.)
It smells like goat!
(He sees a note on the house, reads aloud):
"Everyone went to the Christmas tree in kindergarten."
I'll dress up as a Snow Maiden.
(He dresses, purrs to the tune "The leaves are yellow."):
Here I am walking on the tree,
And I've been dreaming of catching
I am a goat, I am a goat.
Happy New Year,
Happy New Year,
You, friends, you, friends!
White goats are spinning around me,
The sharp horns move with fear.
And you can't hide from the wolf, you can't hide.
But for now, I'm only dreaming about it.
(Changed clothes).
I'll sit at the Christmas tree, watch the goats dance!
"Dance of the goats".
After the dance, a wolf appears, hiding behind a fan.
Fairy: Who has come to you?
Wolf. I am the Snow Maiden!
Fairy: Why do you have such big hands?
Wolf. This is to better hug the kids.
Fairy: Why do you have such big ears?
Wolf. This is to better hear how the goats sing.
Fairy: And why. (at this time Santa Claus appears and the Fairy does not have time to ask a question).
Father Frost:(sees the Snow Maiden and goes swiftly towards her):
Snow Maiden! Granddaughter!
What happened to you? Why are you like this?
The song of Santa Claus and the Wolf is performed from the film "Well, you wait!"
Wolf to the words "My best present is you!" grabs the goat and runs away.
A fox runs in, carries a carrot, a bucket and a broom.
Fox. Oh, trouble, trouble!
That's what's left of the snowman! The wolf broke him!
Only the animals managed to hide the gifts he was carrying. Now the Wolf demands gifts in exchange for a kid.
Father Frost: Well, guys, let's give gifts to the wolf? And then he will eat a goat!
Wolf (shouting):
Well, Santa Claus, do you accept my conditions?
Father Frost: Yes, we agree, we agree! Give me the goat!
(The wolf gives the goat, they take the bag and immediately unties it. A dog jumps out of the bag, barks and drives it away).
Father Frost: Well, little animals, show me where you hid the bag!
(The bag is found under the tree, gifts are distributed).
Song goodbye, Santa Claus.
Fairy: The Christmas tree is flashing with lights,
Saying goodbye, probably with us.
Let's say together:
Everything: Farewell, see you next winter!

Natalia Usenko
Scenario New Year's holiday for children of senior preschool age

Scenario New Year's Eve

for older preschool children

Children under the soundtrack of the song

"Santa Claus conjured"

in pairs they enter the hall, go around the Christmas tree, stop facing the audience in two lines and perform movements in accordance with the text of the song.

See Appendix No. 1


In the radiant, New Year's

Light of holiday lights

We greet today

All the assembled friends.

Tell me guys

What kind of holiday awaits us all?

Answer amicably, loudly,

We meet…


New Year!

1 child

He will give songs, fairy tales

Everyone will be swirled in a noisy dance.

Smile, wink -

It's New Year's Eve (in chorus)

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

With new joy for all!

Let them ring under this tree

Song, music and laughter!

2 children

Near the Christmas tree elegant

We'll walk slowly

Let's love, let's see -

Our tree is good!

green, fluffy

Resinous, fragrant

how we like it

Christmas tree beauty!

Vedas. Guys, look what a beautiful Christmas tree Santa Claus gave us. I invite you to come up to the Christmas tree, consider and admire our Christmas tree closer. (They rebuild one after another, go around the Christmas tree)

Quiet background music sounds, the presenter conducts an examination of the Christmas tree.

Where are the lights on our Christmas tree?

To make it more fun

light fires on it? (Yes)

Then we will say magic words to you. Friendly, together:

We stomp, we stomp, we turn away

Let's clap, clap, turn around

1,2,3 - beautiful Christmas tree,

Light up the fires!

What is it, I don’t understand why the lights on the Christmas tree do not burn?

Moms, dads, help out,

And help guys!

We stomp, we stomp, we turn away

Let's clap, clap, turn around

1,2,3 - beautiful Christmas tree,

Light up the fires!


Let's hold hands tightly

Let's get up in a friendly round dance.

Near the Christmas tree elegant

Let's meet the New Year with you!

Round dance "Merry round dance"

See Appendix No. 2

Leading to quiet music, holding hands, leads all the children to sit on the chairs

Walked in the field of a blizzard

Outside the window a blizzard sweeps

How is Santa Claus to us

Find a path!

Let's call Santa Claus!: "Santa Claus, a-y!"

1) Children (D. M. does not hear);

2) Parents;

Baba Yaga appears with a staff and a toy Santa Claus,

Baba Yaga. (out of breath)

Everything is fine - run away!

Santa Claus proved!

What am I stronger than him!

I'm not afraid of anyone!

Now I'll have some fun - ha ha ha,

Now I'm spinning

Here is my new year

All people will remember!

Oh guys

what kind of guest came to us,

What news did she bring!

(children's answers)

I'm sorry, but we didn't invite you

We are waiting for Santa Claus in this room!

Really guys? (encourages children to dialogue)

What was it not called? And who did you call? Santa Claus? And why do you need it? Celebrate New Year?

Ha ha ha, whatever you want.

No Santa Claus will come to you.

Your old one sat on a stump ...

Dozed off…

I got closer

Grandfather took the staff!

And while he slept sweetly

He became my toy

What are you waiting for Santa Claus? Here's Santa Claus. (puts down a toy) I will not give you, Santa Claus, to anyone! Now I have my personal Santa Claus. And, most importantly, always at hand.

I bewitched him.

I will have fun in this room.

Vedas. I do not understand anything!

And there is nothing to understand. I turned your Grandfather into a toy.

Today we have New Year's celebration and we can not do without Santa Claus!

How is it so, Baba Yaga? Not fair! The guys were waiting for the New Year, getting ready, and you bewitched Santa Claus. Look how good the guys are, take pity on them, return them - disenchant Santa Claus.

Of course, everyone has a holiday, but they forgot about me!

And I also want to have fun and receive gifts!

To receive a gift, you must earn it! What can you do, dear Baba Yaga?

I will sing ditties, but you help me!


See Appendix No. 3

Let's do this: I'll give you interesting New Year's tasks, and if you can handle them, I will return Santa Claus to you. Well, if you can't do it, then blame yourself - you will be left without Santa Claus. Agree?.


See Appendix No. 4

B. Ya. Well, you know how to solve riddles! But I won’t give you the staff and I won’t disenchant Santa Claus!

Baba Yaga runs away from the hall with a staff.

Oh guys, we have no forgiveness

Let's make a decision soon!

We must return the staff to Santa Claus.

I don't think force can solve the problem.

This is where a trick will help.

The fox alone can handle this.

The presenter turns into a Fox: she puts on elements of the Fox costume.

Lisa comes out to the music.


I am a red fox,

I'm a smart sister

Music sounds, B. Ya. with a staff run in


Grandma Yaga, let's change!

I have a magical Cockerel, he fulfills all desires!

The fox agrees - gives the staff, takes the Rooster-voiced toy; plays the Cockerel: he crows and leaves happy, satisfied.

The fox turns into the Host: removes the elements of the costume.

Vedas. (takes staff)

Magic staff, you help us

Santa Claus into a real, live, big turn!

Music sounds, Santa Claus is walking without a staff.

Hello children!

Hello guests!

Santa Claus I'm real

From a deaf, dense thicket,

Where they stand in the snowdrifts of spruce,

Where are the snowstorms, yes blizzards,

Happy New Year,

I wish you a snowy winter!

Father Frost,

We will play with you and sing songs,

But first we will return the staff to you

Take it guys

Me in a friendly round dance.

Song, dance, yes fun

Let's meet the New Year with you!

Round dance "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

(with parents) (sit down)

Santa Claus,

We guys want to greet you

And meet you with a friendly orchestra!

B. Ya. appears with maracas and asks the children for a holiday: he offers to please everyone by playing maracas, plays them funny.

Vedas. D.M., our children also know how to play musical instruments, only you can help us.


So I dreamed for a whole year

Who will read poetry to me?

Show some respect

Read the poem.

Christmas tree - thorn

Green bug.

An angry Santa Claus

He took all the gifts into the forest!

(D. M. scolds her, explains that the verse is awkward)


Well read poetry

Are you tired of sitting?

I suggest everyone get up.

We will play at the Christmas tree!

Suspended game "TREES ARE DIFFERENT"

Application No. 5

My focus is simple guys

With a staff I will knock here

And now in a moment

Here the Christmas trees are green and snowmen will come!

Dance "Christmas Trees and Snowmen"

Attention, kids!

There is another game for you!

Speech game "So - not so!"

Application No. 6

I see my grandchildren here

My favorite frost

You make us all happy

And arrange a winter dance.

Dance Freeze

Guys, take all the snowballs

Come out to play snowballs!

The dance turns into a snowball game

Snowball game

Our holiday is cheerful today,

let us hurry

Santa Claus sing a song

And please your guests.

Song "Hear someone coming"

I love winter very much!

Snow and ice, frost and frost,

AND funny dance winter!

Sweetheart amuse me

Do a dance about winter.

B. Ya. comes running and teases the children that they are dancing incorrectly (Performs his "crooked" dance)

Dance "At the edge of the forest"

There are many games in the world

Do you still want to play, kids? (Yes)

There is one game for you

Under the name "Kuterma"

Game "Kuterma"

See Appendix No. 7

Guys, did you play? (Yes)

Let's joke? (Yes)

Vedas. and children in chorus

Santa Claus, do you like a joke

So close your eyes for a minute

Count to five

And try to find us!

Hide and Seek With Santa Claus

Children hide behind Santa Claus one after another. Santa Claus is looking for them, at this time they are moving in single file after Santa. Then he discovers them and catches up.

D. M. catches up with children

Oh well played

And they got a little pissed off.

Our tree is shining, shining very brightly

Here comes the time

Distribute gifts!

I left a bag with gifts outside the door so that they would not interfere with the children in the hall to sing, play, have fun.

To the music, B. Ya. appears with a bag and eats sweets, walks around the hall, throws candy wrappers at Santa Claus, on the floor.

What did the villain do?

Everything was stolen by a lihodeyka

Santa Claus, yes, she ate all the gifts!

Yes, how could you

How dare you!

Tra-la-la, tra-la-la -

No gifts for kids!

It was hard for me to resist

Refrain from gifts

Chocolate from your fairy tale

So delicious, so sweet!

(runs away)


She ran away: "goodbye" did not say!

we will rescue gifts. You help me, collect all the candy wrappers in a bag.


Let's save gifts!

Santa Claus leads a staff around the bag and says magic words:

1) facing the audience, 2) back to the audience, 3) asks the children to help.


Come out of the bag, gifts!

Santa Claus takes out 1-3 gifts from the bag, then the host quietly brings the rest.

Everyone for the New Year

Your gift is now waiting!

That's how it is, guys

In fairy tale good always wins

Everyone for the New Year

Your gift is now waiting!

Distribution of gifts

Have you received all the gifts?

Nobody forgotten?

Goodbye guys

Bearded Frost wishes you happiness

I'll definitely come

But only next year!

Happy holiday

For a wonderful holiday

For wonderful gifts

Thank you Santa Claus!

Application No. 1

Santa Claus conjured all night

I drew a pattern on the glass,

And on the Christmas tree on the green

He put on toys.

Lanterns hung in a row.

Look how bright they burn!

And crystal bells

Everyone is invited to the masquerade.

Children under the soundtrack of the song

"Santa Claus conjured"

they enter the hall in pairs, go around the Christmas tree, stop facing the audience in two lines and clap over their heads

They circled in a round dance,

(circling in a "boat" in pairs)

Golden rain falls from the sky.

(perform "lanterns" facing the audience)

Happy new year friends!

(turning to the audience to the right)

Happy New Year!

(turning to the audience on the left side)

With new happiness

(“draw” a circle with both hands through the center)

and a new dream

(waving both hands to the audience)

Application №2

Round dance "Merry round dance"

Sl. E. Kravchenko Music. A. Komarova

We drive, we drive near the Christmas tree

We are a fun dance

Because here by the tree

We are celebrating the New Year!

Cheerful star burn!

Light up the tree,

Light up the lanterns!

Santa Claus is in a hurry for the holiday,

With him and all the forest people,

To be with us near the Christmas tree

Celebrate the New Year together

Let's clap together: one, two, three,

Cheerful star burn!

Light up the tree,

Light up the lanterns!

We drive, we drive near the Christmas tree

We are a fun dance

You won't find better than a Christmas tree

What do we have for the New Year!

Let's say together: one, two, three,

Cheerful star burn!

Light up the tree,

Light up the lanterns!

Application No. 3



(to children) Help us, children!

1. Here is a bear dancing under the tree

And the fox waving its tail

All the people are having fun...

Children in chorus:

2. A crow sits on an oak

And the gifts are waiting

White snow all around

Children in chorus:

"Hello, hello, New Year!"

3. A magpie sits on a pine tree,

There are no gifts, there is no use.

Santa Claus will bring them ...

Children in chorus:

"Hello hello new

4. Oh, how I want a gift.

I feel a little sorry for myself

I'm waiting for a week...

Children in chorus:

"Hello hello new

Application No. 4

You sing songs well!

But you won't fool me!

Guess now guys

Very difficult


The windows shine brightly

The house smells like tangerines

The tree is coming to visit us,

It's a holiday (New Year)

In felt boots he comes to the house,

Round dances with you leads

bearded, grey-haired,

Kind grandfather (Frost)

Caught on the ledge

Hanging head down

Acrobat, tiny

Winter Lollipop (Icicle)

He was once water

But suddenly he changed his appearance,

And now for the New Year

On the river we see (Ice)

She circles the snow along the streets,

Like the feathers of white hens

Zimushki - winter's friend,

Northern guest (Vyuga)

I, decorating the top,

There I shine, as always

Very bright, large, Five-winged .... (Star)

Application No. 5

The game "Christmas trees are different"

In this New Year's game the host gathers the children in a circle and says: “Christmas trees are different: wide, and low, and high, and thin. If I say "high" - raise your hands up, "low" - squat, "wide" - make the circle wider, "thin" - make the circle narrower. "The game begins. The leader gives the children tasks, trying to confuse them.

Application No. 6

Speech game "SO - NOT SO".

Santa Claus wrapped in snow winter forest. So?

And then suddenly he climbed onto a large pine tree. So?

I live there like a squirrel in a hollow. So?

I am a nephew of Grandmother Yaga. So?

I have gifts for the children in my bag. So?

Two buckets of heavy bricks. So?

In my bag is a plate of semolina porridge. So?

I cooked it today in the bathroom. So?

I have toys in my bag for us. So?

I look like a mischievous old woman. So?

I am a kind wizard, Santa Claus. So?

I'll freeze my ears and a little nose. So?

Application No. 7


Children: Snow, ice, mess

Hello Zimushka-winter!

D. M .: Get up in pairs,

Try on your palms!

(knees, backs, noses ... freeze to the chairs)

Guys, did you play? (Yes)

And now let's joke with D. Moroz!

Let's joke? (Yes)

Vedas. and children in chorus

Santa Claus, do you like a joke

So close your eyes for a minute

Count to five

And try to find us!

And here is another one, some moments are repeated, but the plot is different.

Scenario New Year's party
for older preschool children.

Presenter: Dear guests, we congratulate you on the coming New Year. We wish you good health success, joy and happiness.
Reb - to: Come into the hall as soon as possible, everyone!
The tree stands in New Year's beauty,
All silver, lush and slender.
From the forest to visit, she came to us.
Reb - to: Come in, come in,
Our dear friends.
Relax, have fun -
You can't get bored here at all.
Reb - k: We are starting a children's ball,
Fun, noisy carnival!
At the tree we will dance and sing,
We have fun today!
Look everyone, and we will begin
Our New Year's Eve!
(Children enter the hall to festive music.)

After the dance, the children remain standing in a semicircle near the Christmas tree.

Reb-k: Hello New Year's holiday!
So we had to meet!
We all have fun today
Hello, tree, dear guest!
Reb-k: She was going to visit us for a whole year
Green beauty of the forests
Then quietly dressed up in this hall,
And now her outfit is ready!
Reb-k: We are admiring the Christmas tree today,
She gives us a delicate aroma,
And the most the best holiday New Year
Comes with her to kindergarten!
Reb - k: How good Christmas tree,
Look how she dressed up!
Dress on a Christmas tree of green silk,
Bright beads shine on the chest!
Vedas - I: Everyone is happy with our Christmas tree,
And what an outfit she has on!
But where are her lights?
Something they do not burn.
Guys, let's light the fires on our Christmas tree with the help of magic words.
(children stand around the Christmas tree)
Let's say together: one, two, three - come on, burn the Christmas tree!

THE LIGHTS ARE ON THE CHRISTMAS (Children look at the Christmas tree).

Veda: Let's sing a song guys, let everyone sing
About the beautiful Christmas tree and about the new year!

DANCE “Herringbone”.

(After the song, the children sit on chairs.)

The New Year is coming - a time of joyful worries,
Time for good news, time for fabulous guests.
Quiet music sounds, the first guest is in a hurry here.

The Snow Maiden enters the hall and sings a song.

Snow: Hello boys! Hello girls!
I'm glad to see you at the Christmas tree!
Vedas: Hello, Snow Maiden! We are also very happy to meet you.
Snow: I see you are not lazy
And they worked hard.
Your tree is just amazing
So elegant and beautiful!
Yes! There are a lot of toys
So many that you can't count!
What else hangs on the tree
You will have to guess!

(The Snow Maiden calls various items. If the children decide that this item can hang on the Christmas tree, they clap together and say “Yes!”. If the object is not a New Year's decoration, then the children stomp and say "No!".)

Snow Maiden.
Cotton bunnies?
Chocolate bars?
An old clay pot?
Vociferous cockerel?
Red lanterns?
Old pillows?
Wrinkled newspapers?
Tasty candy?

Vedas: Snow Maiden, where is Santa Claus?
Why doesn't he go
And it's almost New Year's Eve.
It's time for him to come.
Snow: He was delayed on the way.
Father Frost! Ay! Whoa!
Listen, I'm calling you!

A female voice is heard: “Your Santa Claus is bewitched! He can't leave the house because I put a big ice lock on the door! Ha-ha-ha! There will be no more holidays, no more fun and gifts!
Snow: What was that!?
Vedas: Some strange voice said that Santa Claus is enchanted and we will not have a holiday! What to do?
Seng.: We must save Santa Claus! We urgently need help. What to do? (thinks). Invented! We will now split into two teams and shout loudly. One team is "help" and the other is "save". Let's see who will rush to our aid.

After screams for help, Agent 007 runs into the hall.

007: Hello! I am the smartest, most resourceful and most courageous detective in the world! Who needs help?
Snow: We need help!
007: Oh, I'm always ready to help such a charming girl. Have you been robbed? Are you threatened!?
Sneg.: No, no one threatens me, but our grandfather has disappeared.
007: Helping the elderly is the first duty of a hero! (Pulls out notebook.) So, special signs of grandfather: what was he wearing, how old?
Vedas: No, you didn’t understand us, Santa Claus disappeared from us, and this is his granddaughter Snegurochka. Santa Claus was supposed to come to the holiday, but suddenly some female voice said that he could not leave the house.
007: So, so, so! I'll deal with this mysterious case. Everyone, don't move, don't trample on the physical evidence! (Pulls out a magnifying glass and starts looking around.) I thought so!
Snow. and Vedas: What!?
007: The crime was committed by an experienced criminal, he did not leave any traces.
Snow: What about the voice?
007: Oh yes, the voice! I completely forgot about him. What was that voice and what did it say?
Snow: It was a female voice. And he spoke in a strange way. Like this: "…".
007: So, so, so. (thinks). A woman's voice means it's a woman. Castle, ice castle, cold, snow… Hooray!!! I solved this mystery! This is the voice of the Snow Queen! Hooray, I made another feat, you can leave. No, no, don't thank me. (He heads for the exit.)
Snow: Wait, what about Santa Claus? We need to help the guys get it back.
007: Oh yes. Then I stay and help to disenchant Santa Claus.
Vedas: But only herself can disenchant Santa Claus The Snow Queen. I read about it in a book. Only he can remove the witchcraft spells who created them.
007: Great! Then we go to the fairy tale. Repeat after me the magic words: “Top, clap, spin, right in a fairy tale!”. (Children repeat words and movements).

Magical music sounds, the lights are dimmed.

007: Here we are in a fairy tale. Where to go? (Looks around, sees a stone). Guys, look, some kind of stone with an inscription, let's read it. (Children approach the stone). You will go straight - you will lose your head. If you go to the right, you will lose a friend. If you go to the left, you will lose your horse. So guys, which way are we going? (They decide to go to the left, because they have no horse, which means there is nothing to lose.) And with a song, the road is more fun!

(After the dance, the children sit on chairs,
Nightingale - the Robber flies into the hall with a whistle).

SR: Yeah, gotcha! Past me, the Nightingale - the Robber, just like that, no one passed. Give me the horse!
007: But we don't have a horse.
SR: What kind of good fellow without a horse? Then give the children back. I will make such robbers out of them, to my mom and dad for joy.
Vedas: Don't! They can play pranks and play pranks without you. Make way for us - the path!
SR: I won't give in! You can’t measure the strength of the heroic with you, everyone is frail, you can’t check the courage of the brave, you will have to ride a horse .... (counts children) to exchange for horses.
007: How is it? Yes, we have the strongest, northern, hardened guys. Yes, kids?
SR: Oh, oh, oh who will believe you?
007: Well, guys, let's play our favorite winter game - Let's chase the Nightingale __ Robber!
SR: Yes, I'll whistle, and your guys will fly away with snowballs!

(Nightingale - The Robber tries to whistle, but nothing comes out.)

SR: Help, save! (runs out of the room).
007: Well done guys, together we will never be lost! But what fairy tale are we in? Hear, it seems, someone is crying.

The Tsar and Nesmeyana enter.
Tsar: Fathers are holy! The people have fallen! Dark darkness! Probably marriages! (Turns to Nesmeyana) And you sit here like a deck and roar all day! Dry yourself on a scarf! Welcome dear guests! Why did you complain? On merchant business? Or choose a bride?
007: No, we are going to the property of the Snow Queen, to rescue Santa Claus.
King: (disappointed) Ah-ah-ah! I thought - to marry ... Well, okay. Here, admire my daughter, my princess Nesmeyana! He sits all day long, shedding tears. Girls on the street snowmen sculpt, decorate a Christmas tree, and she is still in tears. The girls on this ... Well, they have such a shaking, as it is called, I forgot ..
Nesm: (sobbing) Disco…a..a..a….
King: Wow! And so every day! The crown and that rusted from dampness!
007 and Snow: Yes, not nice...
King: Listen, can you help my grief? Cheer up the princess, eh? What I just didn’t do: I called buffoons and brought overseas magicians. And at least she smiled. Life is not sweet, believe me, dear?! (Hugs 007, starts to cry).
Snow: What to do?
Vedas: I think I know! Guys, let's sing Nesmeyana a fun song, and even play musical instruments!

(Nesmeyana, gradually begins to dance, smile)

King: Nesmeyanushka! You are my dove! (Hugs her.) Guys, thank you! Look, I've become a completely different person!
Nesm: Thank you for dispelling my sadness - my longing. For this I will help you. I have a magic ball, it will show the way to the Snow Queen. (Passes the ball, say goodbye and leave).

007: Well guys, let's test the power of the magic ball? Ball, ball, show the way to the possession of the Snow Witch. (Throws a ball, and together with the children go around the Christmas tree, stop at the house). What is this strange hut? Come on, can you help us? (He knocks, the voice of Baba Yaga is heard from the house).
Baba Yaga: Wow, wow! Uh, uh! I hear the childish spirit! (Leaves the house, the children run to the chairs).
What kind of gathering is this? Why merry laughter?
I will arrange a holiday for you ...
I'll beat everyone right now!
I am Baba Yaga, bone leg,
I'll scare you all.
Wow! How evil am I! (She tries to scare the children, but she does not succeed).
What are you laughing at? Are you not afraid?
Ho-ro-sho... Then hold on! (Baba Yaga threatens children, agent 007 prepared to defend himself).

Snow: Grandmother Yaga, please don't be angry,
Don't swear, don't get angry.
Baba Yaga: Oh, and why are we so polite?
Vedas: We are from the kindergarten "Birch".
B.Ya.: Does everyone talk to their elders like that?
Vedas: Of course, the guys know that elders should be respected, especially grandparents.
B.Ya.: Yes… How good life is for your grandparents. And here I only hear: "Grandma Yozhka, Grandmother Yozhka." At least one kind word ... (begins to cry), but I can feed deliciously, and heat a bathhouse, and help with wise advice. After all, I am almost two hundred years old, I have seen a lot, I know a lot ....
Vedas: Baba Yaga, don't be upset. You guys are so much now kind words they will say that you have enough for another two hundred years.


B.Ya.: Thank you guys, I seem to be getting younger. And what are you looking for in our cuts?
Vedas: Our grandmother is in trouble. The Snow Queen wants to spoil the holiday for the guys. She bound the doors with an ice lock and Santa Claus cannot leave the house. So we are looking for her in a fairy tale to remove the spell.
B. Ya .: Oh, oh, oh, my hearty ones, clear falcons, it’s hard to measure strength with the Snow Queen. Everything she touches turns to ice.
007: And what should we do?
B.Ya. Okay, I'll help you. There is one remedy. The Snow Queen will resist any force, but her icy heart melts from kindness and fun!
007: Thanks for the advice.
B.Ya.: There, behind the edge, the possessions of the Snow Queen begin. And it’s time for me to fly to visit Koshcheyushka, otherwise he was tired of waiting. Good luck ... (flies away).

The lights go out, the Snow Queen appears.

SK: And here I am, the smartest and most powerful queen!
007: (Rushes at Snow. Kor.). Well, immediately disenchant Santa Claus!
S.K.: Freeze! (agent 007 freezes). What a disgrace, neither hello nor goodbye, but they immediately rush and shout. Let's hug like old friends.
Vedas: Guys, be careful! Remember: everything the Snow Queen touches turns to ice! Only she has no power over kindness! So let's smile, join hands and have a big round dance!
SK: Stop the fun, stop smiling immediately!

(Snow Queen starts to dance, agent 007 comes to life).
S.K.: What's wrong with me? What an unusual feeling, I so want to do something good!
007: So do it, return the holiday to the guys, release Santa Claus.
S.K.: Of course. (Begins to conjure, the light goes out).

Santa Claus comes out.

D.M.: Hello adults, hello children!
I am Santa Claus, the best in the world!
I remember exactly a year ago I saw these guys,
The year flew by like an hour, I did not notice
Here I am again among you, dear children!
Oh, yes, the tree, just a miracle, so elegant, so beautiful!
I have been in all the gardens, I have never seen a better Christmas tree!
Finally - I got there, otherwise I could not leave the house! Oh, yes, agent 007 himself is our guest. And what kind of beautiful lady is this?
007: The Snow Queen, she bewitched your doors and you couldn't leave the house.
DM: So she is evil?
007: No, the guys were able to melt her cold heart.
DM: So that's the point, well done guys!
007: Well, I did my job, now it's time for us to say goodbye.
D.M.: Or maybe you will stay for a holiday?
007: I'd love to, but others are waiting for my help. Goodbye! (Leaves).

Veda: We were waiting for you, Santa Claus, we are for you in the evening,
How excited everyone is for New Year's Eve!
We will start a round dance, we will sing a song for you.

(children hold hands at the end of the song)

D.M.: How can I get out of the circle?
Children: Once you got into a circle with us, stay here,
Do not leave you Frost, no matter how you break out!

D.M .: Oh, how clever, I can’t get out of the circle. And now my friends, I'll play with you!

(After the game, the children scatter to their places).

D.M.: Oh, guys, I'm tired. Don't chase me after you!
Snow: Sit down, Grandpa, rest, and now it's my turn to play with the guys!

(games are held by the Snow Maiden and the Snow Queen)

D. M .: Here is the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish!
Much happiness to you today
I want kids!
Snow: Santa Claus, wait!
Where is your magic bag?
Don't upset the guys
And give them gifts!
(looks for bag)
No bag, I'll go look
You will have to wait!
Bag: (because of the tree) Santa Claus!
D.M .: Who is calling Grandpa there?
Let's get in here soon!
(bag runs out)
D.M.: My bag came here.
Where have you gone?
Bag: I walked along Africa,
Fig-dates plucked.
D.M .: You must stand still,
Or walk with me.
Bag: And today is the New Year,
It will be the opposite!
(runs away)
D. M .: Stop, bag, wait,
Wait, don't go!
(runs after the bag, and takes out the real one from behind the tree)
D.M .: Now we will untie you,
We'll show you what's inside.
D.M .: I wish you joy, and not be bored,
Do not upset moms and grandmothers!
Snow: And always ask for forgiveness for any grief!
S.K .: I wish you to temper and grow wiser,
And for the whole year never get sick
D.M.: Well, in next year I will check you out!