
Questions about Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen. Questions about Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" What animals helped Gerda look for Kai


Elena Biryukova
Synopsis of OOD “Let's help Gerda find Kai”

Abstract OOD on the development of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age. « Help Gerda find Kai» .

Amount of children: 10–12 people.

1. Educational tasks:

Strengthen children's knowledge of the seasons.

Practice counting objects up to 8.

Introduce the formation of the number 9 from the previous number

Exercise in moving in a verbally given direction

Continue to teach how to choose a measure and find with it help objects of equal length.

To consolidate the ability to classify blocks according to two criteria, to read code designations.

2. Developmental tasks:

Develop attention, memory, fantasy, speech, logical thinking child.

Develop the necessary skills and abilities in children construction.

Develop visual memory the ability to compare.

3. Educational tasks:

Cultivate the desire and habit of thinking, the desire to learn something new.

Bring up friendly relations, skill to help each other.


The teacher draws attention children: Look who came to visit us (shows doll). And what is the name of this girl, we will find out by guessing riddle:

To save a faithful friend,

She had half the country pass the:

Run from the robbers

Freeze in a snow storm

Cross over the ice

Fight with the queen. (Gerda) .

As you know, her brother Kai was carried away The Snow Queen, and Gerda asks you to help her find Kai.. Let's help Gerda?

Main part (includes 3 parts)

First part.

First micro stage

Task: to consolidate children's knowledge of the seasons.

The teacher refers to children: guys, we are going with you to the kingdom of the Snow Queen. What do you think the weather is like there. (cold, frosty, windy). Right. And what time of the year lasts there for a whole year? (Winter). Guys, let's remember what seasons our year consists of. (Winter spring Summer Autumn). That's right, well done. And what time of year will come after autumn and beyond? (Winter spring Summer Autumn) Right.

Second micro stage

Task: practice counting objects up to 8.

Material: 8 small cards each with the image of different objects winter clothes for every child.

It is very cold in the kingdom of the Snow Queen, so we will need felt boots, scarves, mittens, hats and other warm clothes. Here are cards with the image of these things, count how many of them. (8) Sasha, how many winter clothes do you have? (8) And you, Masha? (8) .

Third micro stage

Tasks: all children - to introduce the formation of the number 9 from the previous number; "weak" children - exercise in counting objects up to 9, "strong"- continue to learn to carry out a difference comparison of numbers.

Material: cards with a playing field lined with 9 squares, 8 small cards with the image of different items of winter clothing for each child.

You need to arrange these things in the cells of the suitcase. Count how many cells are in the suitcase. (9) What more, things or cells in a suitcase. (Appeal to "strong" child) Fields, what number less: 9 or 8? (8) How much is 8 less than 9? (for one)

And what more: 8 things or 9 cells? One cell was left empty, so how many more cells than things?

(Appeal to "strong" child) Vanya, what number more: 9 or 8? (8) How much more is 9 than 8? (for one). What needs to be done so that things and cells are equally divided? (take one missing item). Right.

Fourth micro-stage.

Task: develop visual memory, the ability to compare.

I'll give it to you if you guess what item you're missing. Look at my full suitcase and decide what item you don't have. Well done, you have completed the task, and now we can hit the road.

Second part.

First micro stage

Task: develop constructive skills, ingenuity, fine motor skills.

Material: card diagram (deer, counting sticks.

Remember which animal helped Gerda get to the Snow Queen's castle (reindeer). I suggest that each of you fold for yourself a reindeer from counting sticks according to the scheme.

Difficulty task. But then a strong wind blew towards the deer. He turned away from the strong wind. Move the two sticks so that the deer is facing the other way.

Second micro stage:

Task: exercise in moving in a verbally given direction (forward, left - right) combined with step counting.

The reindeer knows the way to the Snow Queen's castle and will show it to you.

To do this, you need to stand in two columns and go two steps forward, three steps to the right, four steps to the left and stop.

Guys, our path is long, we are a little tired, I suggest to rest. A help us magical snowflakes from the realm of the Snow Queen.

Conducted visual gymnastics and physical education.

Take a snowflake in each hand and stand in a circle.

White snowflakes float in the air

Children raise their hands up and perform smooth movements left and right.

And quietly lie on the hands of children.

Raise your arms to the sides, direct your gaze to the right and left.

White patterned baby stars.

Stretch out their hands in front of them.

Play with us for a minute.

And quietly fall to the ground, do not melt.

Squat, look down.

Hands from snowflakes sometimes freeze.

They get up and rub their hands.

And all around are snowdrifts,

Snow covered the roads.

Hands spread apart, direct the gaze to the right and left.

Do not get stuck in the snow so that

Raise your legs higher.

Hands on the belt, raise the knees high.

Together we will go forward:

Where the road will lead.

Third stage:

First micro-stage.

Task: continue to teach how to choose a measure and find with it help objects of equal length.

Material: paper logs different lengths, a picture depicting a castle.

Guys, you feel how cold it is, we approached the Snow Queen's castle. But here's the problem, the bridge was destroyed by a hurricane, and we can't get over the abyss. What to do? (to build a bridge) Right. But the hurricane scattered the logs from which the bridge was built, and broke some of them, so we do not know how long the logs for the bridge should be. Look at the picture and, applying logs of different lengths, find a log that is the same length as the abyss. This will be a conditional measure, with its help find logs of the same length. From them we will build a bridge. Well done. Build the bridge.

The second micro-stage.

Task: to consolidate the ability to classify blocks according to three criteria, to read code designations.

Material: Gyenes logic blocks, hoops of two colors, code cards.

We crossed the bridge and ended up in the Snow Queen's palace. Look, here's Kai. He played with colored pieces of ice and mixed them up. The Snow Queen will not let Kai go home until he sorts out the ice the way the Snow Queen wants it. Let's help Kai. Lay out the figures according to the scheme drawn by the Snow Queen. Get started. Children are divided into subgroups and complete the task.

Tell us how you found the right shapes. What figures did you put in the red hoop, in the blue one? Why did you put these figures at the intersection of the hoops? Well done guys, you got the job done helped Kai. The Snow Queen lets Kai go home.

The final stage:

Kai and Gerda thank you, guys. But before heading back, Kai wants to know how we found him, what tasks we had to complete. What difficulties have we overcome? Who wants to talk about it?

Go around almost the entire Earth in search of best friend? For the heroine of a fairy tale, this is not at all difficult. Bold and courageous Gerda will overcome any trials in order to save a loved one. And what kind of obstacles can we talk about if a sincere faith in goodness lives in the heart.

History of creation

In 1844, the collection New Tales. Volume one." The book included a story about the adventures of a girl named Gerda, who was desperately looking for her missing friend.

Scientists claim that "The Snow Queen" is the longest fairy tale of the writer. Hans Christian Andersen himself called the work "the fairy tale of my life." Such a statement is justified. Most of the acting characters in a fascinating story are not fictional - they are real people who accompanied Andersen on his life path.

The prototype of the brave Gerda was a girl named Lisbeta. The future heroine of the fairy tale lived not far from little Hans and often came to visit. Over time, the children became so friendly that they began to call each other "sister" and "brother". Lisbeta is the first listener of Andersen's still uncertain, but already interesting stories.

There is a theory that in the confrontation between Gerda and the Danish writer displayed the struggle between religion and science. This idea did not take root in the Soviet Union. It is not surprising, because the fairy tale reached the USSR in a stripped-down version. Mandatory censorship, through which foreign works passed, deleted religious motifs from the tale - in original version memories of helped melt the heart.


Gerda was born into a poor family. Despite the heavy financial position, parents and grandmother tried to give the child a happy childhood. The family lives under the roof of an apartment building. The young heroine has an attractive appearance:

“The hair curled, and the curls surrounded the girl’s fresh, round, like a rose, face of the girl with a golden glow.”

Mom and dad built a flower garden for Gerda, which the girl looked after with the neighbor boy Kai. The guys have been friends since childhood and spent a lot of time together.

The relationship changed when Kai became a hostage to the fragments of the magic mirror, distorting the perception of the world. Having hit the boy in the eye and in the heart, the fragments turned Kai against Gerda.

The girl's best friend goes missing, the adults decide that the boy is dead. Only Gerda does not accept such a truth and, with the onset of spring, goes in search. The first person the girl addresses is the local river. Gerda offers the elements an exchange: the river returns Kai to her, and the heroine gives her the only value - new red shoes. The river does not help the girl, but takes her to the old witch's house.

The naive Gerda allows herself to be bewitched and carelessly lives in the old woman's house at the end of spring and all summer. Randomness reminds the girl of the goal of her journey. After consulting with local flowers and finding out that Kai is not buried in the ground, Gerda returns to the search.

The road leads the brave girl to a beautiful castle. The questions of the talking raven confirm the guess - Kai lives in the palace and is quite happy with the local princess. The girl persuades the raven to lead her inside. Alas, another boy turns out to be the princess' fiancé.

Kind rulers listen to the sad story and give the girl warm clothes and a golden carriage. The gifts came in very handy. Gerda again sets off on a difficult journey. Bandits attack an expensive carriage in the nearby forest.

Gerda is saved from death by a little robber who decided to take the girl into her collection of curiosities. At night, when the robber falls asleep, white doves tell the girl where to look for Kai. Delighted, Gerda shares what she has learned with the jailer. Despite the environment, the heart of the young robber has not yet hardened. The thief releases Gerda, giving her reindeer as her escort.

So, on the back of a mighty animal, the heroine gets to Lapland. The duo makes their first stop at the house of an old Laplander. The woman, having learned the fate of the deer and Gerda, gives the heroes a strange message written on dried cod for their journey. The old woman asks to convey a message to a familiar Finn.

Having reached Finnmark, Gerda finds the old woman's dwelling. While the heroes are warming up after a long journey, the Finn carefully examines incomprehensible letters. The reindeer, who during the journey has taken a liking to his companion, begs his new acquaintance to help Gerda. But the Finn, seeing the character traits of the girl, has a different opinion on this matter:

“Don’t you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! It's not for us to borrow her strength! The strength is in her sweet, innocent baby heart. If she herself cannot penetrate into the halls of the Snow Queen and extract the fragments from Kai's heart, then we will not help her even more!”

Having reached the entrance to the Snow Queen's garden, Gerda is left alone - the reindeer is waiting for her at the entrance. Prayers help the girl reach the castle. The angels who came to help drive away the guards of the Snow Queen from the heroine and do not allow them to harm Gerda.

The house of the evil mistress of the snow fascinates the girl, although during the journey the castles ceased to amaze Gerda. Seeing Kai, the heroine throws herself on her friend's chest. Warm tears rolling from the girl's eyes melt the ice in the boy's heart, and the mention of Christ in his favorite psalm makes Kai himself burst into tears. So fragments of the cursed mirror came out of the body of a young man.

Happy heroes set off on their way back and, having reached their home, they realize that they have matured a lot during the journey. Only their hearts remained the same kind and pure.

Screen adaptations

The first cartoon about the adventures of a brave girl was filmed in the USSR in 1957. The cartoon "The Snow Queen" was awarded with international awards and was transferred to six foreign languages. The actress became the voice of Gerda.

In 1967, the film studio "Lenfilm" released a fairy tale film "The Snow Queen". In the film, in addition to living people, puppets are involved, and elements of animation are inserted. She played the role of Gerda.

The premiere of the New Year's musical of the same name took place on December 31, 2003. She performed the role of Gerda. In addition to the original plot, there are other Andersen stories in the musical film.

Inspired by a Danish writer's fairy tale, Osamu Dezaki created an anime about the adventures of a brave girl. The cartoon almost does not depart from the original source. The image of Gerda was created by Akio Sugino, and the voice was given by Ayako Kawasumi.

In 2012, a new animated film "The Snow Queen" was released. Later, the fairy tale was continued - "The Snow Queen 2: Refreeze" (2015) and "The Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice". In the first and second parts, Gerda was voiced by the singer (Anna Shurochkina), in the third - by Natalia Bystrova.

  • The name "Gerda" came from Scandinavia, the meaning of the name is the protector of people.
  • A polar bear named Gerda lives in the Novosibirsk Zoo. In August, the animal toiled from the heat, and the servants brought real snow to the aviary. The video of Gerda enjoying the snow has spread all over the world.
  • The poetess Stefania Danilova dedicated a verse to Gerda, in which the heroine enters the halls of winter. The work ends unexpectedly: Gerda confesses her love not to Kai at all, but to the Snow Queen.

What fairy tales do not happen in the world! The kind storyteller Andersen told us another instructive story about two children, Kai and Gerda, their friendship, about what trials they had. Gerda met different people, including royalty. She faced many incomprehensible, unknown, but everything was overcome. The fairy tale has a happy ending. The quiz based on Andersen's fairy tale "The Snow Queen" will touch upon interesting moments of the fairy tale. All quiz questions are answered.

1. Who made a mirror in which everything good was reduced to small, and everything bad appeared brighter?
Answer: troll

2. What was the name of the boy and girl who became friends and played together?
Answer: Kai and Gerda

3. Who, according to the old grandmother, covers the windows with ice patterns in winter, like flowers?
Answer: Snow Queen

4. What was Kai doing when the shard of the evil mirror got into his eye?
Answer: looking at a picture book

5. Who did Kai tell about knowing the four operations of arithmetic and dealing with fractions?
Answer: Snow Queen

6. What shoes did Gerda put on when she was going to look for Kai?
Answer: red shoes

7. Which heroine of the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" combed Gerda's hair with a golden comb?
Answer: the old woman from the wonderful garden

8. What kind of birds got a position at the court and the opportunity to keep them completely on kitchen leftovers?
Answer: raven with a crow

9. Who provided Gerda with a golden carriage with coats of arms shining like stars?
Answer: prince and princess

10. From whom did Gerda learn that Kai was riding in the Snow Queen's sleigh, and the white hen was carrying his small sled on his back?
Answer: wood pigeons

11. What person gave the task to take the reindeer to the palace of the Snow Queen Gerda?
Answer: little robber

12. What natural phenomenon did the reindeer and Gerda observe?
Answer: northern lights

13. What did the Laplander write the words on?
Answer: dried cod

14. Who in the fairy tale said that Gerda's strength is great, that people and animals serve her, and that she went around half the world barefoot?
Answer: Finnish

15. What did the Snow Queen usually sit on when she was at home?
Answer: on the throne

16. What fire-breathing mountains are mentioned in the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?
Answer: Vesuvius and Etna

17. What was the name of the game that Kai played during his stay in the Snow Queen's palace?
Answer: "Chinese puzzle", "ice mind game"

18. How did Kai get rid of the harmful mirror shard?
Answer: he cried

19. What person in a bright red hat, riding a magnificent horse, did Kai and Gerda meet on their way home?
Answer: little robber

20. What time of year did Kai and Gerda end up at home?
Answer: summer

This page contains general issues with answers.

Who wrote the fairy tale "The Snow Queen"?

Answer: The author of the fairy tale is Hans Christian Andersen. Famous Danish storyteller. Born in Denmark in 1805 and over 70 years of his life, he wrote many wonderful fairy tales for both children and adults.

What did the Snow Queen promise Kai?

Answer: A couple of new skates and the fact that he will become his own master.

Quote: The Snow Queen told him, “If you put that word together, you will be your own master, and I will give you all the world and a pair of new skates.

What does the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" teach?

Answer: Courage and selflessness on the example of Gerda. The fact that a kind person who follows the right path always meets those who are ready to help him. Love and devotion, true friendship.

What is the fairy tale "The Snow Queen" about?

Answer: About how a small and very brave Gerda went a long way to save her friend Kai, who was kidnapped and frozen by an insidious and evil sorceress. Various characters help her on her difficult path: the raven and the crow, the prince and the princess, the Little Robber, the Reindeer and others.

What is the power of the Snow Queen?

Answer: She is a sorceress who controls the cold elements: snow, blizzard, blizzard, snowstorm. According to Kai's grandmother, it is she who, looking through the windows, creates patterns on them. She is able to bewitch a person or animal, suppressing his will, subordinating him to herself. Another of her magical qualities is the ability to move in space, overcoming great distances on a snow sleigh. She can turn into a small snowflake. And return at will to the appearance of a very beautiful young woman, in whose eyes there is not a drop of warmth. Her preference is exclusively correct forms brought to an unnatural ideal.

Who is the Snow Queen?

Answer: This is a sorceress and ruler of all the winter elements. She controls snowflakes, snowstorms and blizzards. She is subject to the northern lights and ice. In addition, she knows how to control living beings, freezing them, depriving them of feelings and emotions, turning them into some kind of her own likeness. She is very beautiful, but completely cold. It cannot be called emotional and it is even difficult to call it alive. She is close to the concepts of "perfection" and eternity. Unnatural ideality and regularity of forms and phenomena reign in her halls.

What does the Snow Queen look like?

Answer: She is perfect and very beautiful. Dressed in the finest white tulle and looks icy, unless you have a shard of the devil's mirror in your eye.

Quote 1: Snowflakes fluttered outside the window; one of them, a larger one, fell on the edge of a flower box and began to grow, grow, until finally it turned into a woman wrapped in the thinnest white tulle, woven, it seemed, from millions of snow stars. She was so lovely, so tender, all of a dazzling white ice and yet alive!

Quote 2: Kai looked at her; she was so good! He could not have imagined a smarter, more charming face. Now she did not seem to him icy, as she had been sitting outside the window and nodding her head to him; now she seemed perfect to him.

Why did Gerda defeat the Snow Queen?

Answer: She was persistent and, despite the difficulties, went to her goal. Many people and animals, imbued with sympathy for this brave girl, helped her on her way. Her heart was so warm, kind and full of love that the spell could not resist him. Her tears melted Kai's heart, removing the shard from it. Her kindness and devotion made him cry, and the shard from his eye left with his tears. After that, the queen could no longer have power over him, and he became the former kind and sympathetic boy.

What is Gerda's strength?

Answer: Both people and animals help her. She is kind and brave.

Quote: - Stronger than it is, I can not make it. Don't you see how great her power is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! It's not for us to borrow her strength! The strength is in her sweet, innocent baby heart. If she herself cannot penetrate into the halls of the Snow Queen and extract the fragments from Kai's heart, then we will not help her even more! Two miles from here begins the Snow Queen's garden. Take the girl there, let her down by a large bush covered with red berries, and, without delay, come back!