
Charity Sabantuy for special children scenario. Sabantuy is a fun holiday! Pillow fight game


Galia Valiakhmetova

Every year throughout the country and even abroad, in the month of June, the Tatars arrange their national holiday - Sabantuy. Sabantuy is a favorite and widespread folk holiday. Therefore, it is celebrated from ancient times to the present day, interrupted only during wars and other difficult periods life.

The national Tatar holiday Sabantuy is truly folk holiday with a thousand year history. Previously, it was held in connection with the beginning of sowing work, and now it is associated with their completion. Even the name of the holiday speaks of this relationship: “saban” from Tatar means “plow”, and “tui” means triumph.

Purpose of the holiday Sabantuy originally consisted in appeasing the spirits of fertility so that they would help to spoil the earth with a good harvest. Over time, the magical sacrament of the rite lost its meaning, and the Tatar holiday Sabantuy became just a fun folk holiday. On this holiday, people compete in strength, agility and endurance.

I live in the village of Novoye Ermakovo, Kamyshlinsky district, Samara region. The population of our village and region is mostly Tatars. From year to year, Sabantuy is held in all the Tatar villages of the region, and the end of the big holiday is the regional, and of course, the regional Sabantuy. And by tradition, we are in kindergarten(together with elementary school) spend

Children's Sabantuy.

Music sounds.

The festivities are opened by hosts.

1 led: Sabantuy is a holiday of labor, a holiday of joy and happiness, in which beautiful customs people, and their songs, and dances, and rituals. Sabantuy is celebrated in honor of the end of spring field work. Already 2 weeks before the start of the holiday, the collection of gifts for the winners began: young horsemen collected gifts around the village for future winners: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of chintz, chicken eggs. And the most honorable gift was a towel embroidered with a national pattern, which had a symbolic meaning, and no valuable prizes could be compared with it. Therefore, girls, young women prepared gifts all winter - weaving, sewing, embroidering. The collection of gifts was usually accompanied by cheerful songs, jokes, and gifts were tied to a long pole. On the day of Sabantuy, the village was in high spirits, people went to the Maidan in the morning. They dressed in all the best, women took out their jewelry from chests.

Today we are gathered to celebrate this fun party together.

Happy holiday to all of you, dear children, happy holiday Sabantuy!

2 Vedas: A holiday has come to us today,

Cheerful, batyr, prankster,

Sabantuy, sabantui,

Sing, jump, fight, dance!

June warmly rang

Hello Sabantuy holiday!

After sowing on a summer day

We will dance and sing!

Whoever is strong wins

Bold, agile, daring!

Handy here dexterity

And courage to the young.

A fast horse flies like a whirlwind

In the clearing - strongmen!

Here is a high pole

All people are attracted to him.

And try - ka in a bag

Run across the grass!

Buckets full of water

Pass very quickly

Laughter, smiles, dance jokes -

Everything is here now.

1 led: Guys, do you know that the most important Sabantuy competition is the national wrestling - karesh. So I suggest you start our sabantuy with the national wrestling - keresh and we will determine the main batyr sabantuy.

1. Attraction game "Carry water in a spoon."

We divide into two teams. It is necessary to drag water from a basin with a spoon into a jar.

2. Game "Break the pot."

The one who wants to experience happiness goes to the middle. They blindfold him and give him a stick. A pot (a bucket of mayonnaise) is placed at a distance of one to one and a half meters from the player. You need to hit the bottom of the pot with a stick and split it.

3. Team competition "Carry the egg in the spoon" - on the basis of the relay race.

The game uses small wooden spoons. The difficulty lies in the fact that the spoon is held not with hands, but with teeth.

The youngest player in the game.

4. Competition game "Bag Run" .

The participant puts on a bag and jumps to the indicated place and back.

5. Game "Running in galoshes" .

You need to run in galoshes of large size.

6. Game "Armwrestling" .

Participants test the strength of their hands.

7. Competition game "Pull the Rope"

We divide into two teams, which of the teams will pull the rope to their side.

8. Game "Running on horses" .

Each participant in the game is given a "horse". On top of it you need to run a distance.

The smallest participants compete.

2 Vedas: Well done boys! Here is a sweet treat for you (candies, juices are distributed). And so our fun holiday came to an end. Thanks to all participants and guests. We wish you all health and vivacity!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 37"

Nizhnekamsk municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

National entertainment for children of all ages

“Sabantuy is a fun holiday!”

Educational Educator

Tatar and Russian languages

MBDOU No. 37

Mindubaeva Guzel Sirenevna

Nizhnekamsk, RT

Sabantuy is a fun holiday!

Sports and musical entertainment for children of all ages. In June, kindergartens of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, together with all the inhabitants of the republics, celebrated one of their favorite national holidays - Sabantuy. Sabantuy is an ancient agricultural holiday dedicated to the end of the sowing of spring crops. Its name comes from two roots - saban (plow) and tui (holiday). Sabantuy is always celebrated cheerfully and incendiary. For young people they arrange competitions in strength and dexterity. The winners are given gifts. Gifts are prepared "by the whole world", and their collection is accompanied by jokes and songs. A holiday is not considered a holiday if there are no guests present. In the old days, Chuvash, Mari and Russians took part in Sabantuy with pleasure - everyone who lived in the neighborhood. Guests also come to kindergartens. Kids and parents take part in folk games and national competitions, and then everyone sits down at the tables with refreshments. Sabantuy is a fun holiday with elements of sports competitions. From it you can borrow games and tricks for summer fun children.

Location- Kindergarten section.

Game equipment:skittles, pot, pole, bags, wooden horses, spoons, mat, bows, buckets, rocker, rope, balls, eggs.

Musical instruments and other equipment:music center, microphone, cassettes.


Leading: Hello, friends!

Children: Hello!

Leading: We have come to invite you to the Sabantuy holiday.

To the cheerful Sabantuy

We invited all our friends.

Let's sing and dance

Friendly, fun to play.

Leading: Dear children and distinguished guests! Congratulations to all of you on the joyful Sabantuy holiday. This is the most beloved, most cheerful, most solemn folk holiday. It is carried out after the end of spring field work. On this holiday, people compete in strength, agility and endurance. Shortly before the holiday, adults and children collect embroidered towels, scarves, bird eggs. And after the competition, these gifts are awarded to the winners. Today we have gathered to spend this fun holiday together.

Saban tue, hezmat tue,

Shatlyk һәm bakhet tue

Bairam itik kөn bue!

Boilers bulsyn, balalar,

Yamle Saban tuylary!

A holiday, a holiday has come to us.

Everyone knows about it.

Music is heard everywhere

The accordion player is playing.

We will compete

We will play with you

Who is stronger, who is faster

We can find out now.

Grandmother in Tatar national dress comes out to the Maidan.

Grandmother: Hello guys. I passed by your kindergarten and heard how well you read poetry, how loudly you sing. I would like to visit you. Are you celebrating a holiday today?

Leading: Yes, grandmother, we are celebrating Sabantuy.

Grandmother: I also love this holiday since childhood. When I was young, we also sang songs that day, played funny Games. Do you want me to teach you one game? It's called"Little ring".

Let's stand in a circle and stretch our palms, folded in a boat, to the center of the circle, thumbs outward. I will quickly run past you and pretend that one of you is putting a coin in the boat. But I will try to deceive you so that no one will guess who exactly got the coin. And then I'll shout out:

Ring - little milk, Come out on the porch!

The one to whom I put a coin should try to jump out of the circle, and his neighbors will try to keep him. Not really: just touch your neighbor with your boat, and he is considered closed in a circle. The one who did not manage to jump out is given a task: to sing a song, read a poem, dance, guess a riddle.

1. The game "Ring - little milk"

The last time the coin is in the hands of the grandmother. Tatar dance melody sounds, grandmother dances.


And now my boys

I'll give you riddles.


The first riddle: A strong man is riding,

Gets a roll. (Tractor)

Second riddle: Iron horn,

The whole field was rummaged. (Plow)

Third riddle: He studied science.

Earth - as if tamed,

He knows when to plant

Sow as well as harvest.

Knows everything in the native land

And it's called... (Agronomist)

Well done, smart guys.

Batyr appears, he walks past the square with a brisk step, humming something.

Leading: Guys, who's coming? Isn't it with us for the holiday?

Batyr: Ah, that's where you all are! What a beautifully decorated meadow! I heard that you are celebrating Sabantuy today, and I decided to drop in on your holiday. Will you please me with fun games?

Children: Yes!

Batyr: Only I can’t linger here, I need to go on, on my own business. Really, that's the problem! I brought you gifts for the holiday and was in a hurry. Got lost in a hurry. Lost, he did not notice how he lost a bag of treats.

Leading: And the big bag?

Batyr: Big, heavy! Oh, I'm sorry for the gifts!

Leading: Guys, let's look for a bag! Maybe he's somewhere nearby.

Children walk around the site in search of a bag.

Child: Look, look! Here it is! It's under a bush!

Everyone gathers around the bag.

Batyr: It's good that the bag was found! Now we will untie it!

Host: Oh no!

Batyr: Why?

Leading: This bag is kind of weird. Moves by itself.

The bag begins to move and bounce, scaring the children.

Batyr: And, really! Something strange happened to my bag. Only it still needs to be unleashed: two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided!

Unties the bag. From the bag jumps Shurale-leshi from Tatar beliefs.

Batyr: What else is this? What is a forest monster?

Shurale: Monster? You yourself are a monster! And I am Shurale! The most cunning, the most dexterous, the most beautiful!

(He takes out a mirror in a wooden frame and admires himself. Then he addresses those present with offense.)And you didn't recognize me! They didn't invite you to the party! Offended the good Shurale! For this, I will spoil the whole holiday for you! I have already hidden your gifts. To the promised place. And now I'm going to tickle the kids! They won't be able to play any game!(Running around the site, pretending to want to grab the children.)

Batyr: Look, you broke up! Well, give gifts to pick up, say hello, otherwise it will be bad for you!

Shurale: I feel bad? Hee hee hee! Ho-ho-ho! He-he-he! Yes, I am the smartest, most cunning, most powerful Shurale!

Batyr (mimicking Shurale): Ha-ha-ha! He-he-he! The strongest Shurale (Changes intonation to menacing.) Stop boasting here in vain! Let's measure our strength! In a fair fight. And the guys will judge us by the truth and decide for themselves who is the strongest and most dexterous here.

The host gives Batyr a rope. Batyr throws one end to Shurale, and they begin to pull the rope. Batyr clearly has the upper hand, but is in no hurry to finish the match, swinging Shurale at the end of the rope from side to side.

Shurale screams.

Shurale: Hey, hold on! Gonna fly Now! Oh save! I'm lost!

Finally, Batyr releases the rope from his hands, and Shurale flops to the ground.

Leading: Children, who won?

Children: Batyr!

Leading: Who is the strongest at the party?

Children: Batyr!

Leading: And you, Shurale, are just a braggart!

Batyr: Boasting again? I'll ask you! (Takes a step towards Shurale.)

Shurale: Oh, I won't, I won't! Forgive me, take me to your holiday! I will play sports with you! And I will give you your treat now. I hid it over there. (Sighs). I wanted to eat everything myself, yes, apparently, it will come out!

Leading: Shall we leave Shurale for the holiday?

Children: Yes!

Leading: Shurale, will you play with us?

Shurale: I will, oh I will! But as?

Leading: Then let's play a game. Are there real jigits here? Come out, let's fight.

2. The game "Drag the Rope"

Shurale: You know how to compete, everyone saw it! Can you break a pot while blindfolded?

Leading: Let's do it! Let's try!

3. The game "Break the pot."

Those who want to experience happiness go to the middle of the Maidan. They blindfold him and give him a stick. The pot is set at a distance of one to one and a half meters from the player. You need to hit the bottom of the pot with a stick.


Look, it's a spoon

An egg settled in it,

Run along the path

Just don't break it.

4. Competition "Transfer the egg in a spoon"

The game uses small wooden spoons. The difficulty lies in the fact that the spoon is held not with hands, but with teeth. It is advisable that children do not support the spoon.

5. The game "Horsemen"

Children at a holiday in kindergarten participate in "races", but not on real horses.

Several children (five or six people) stand at the edge of the area reserved for the races. The teacher gives each participant in the race a stick 50–60 cm long. The children sit on the stick astride. On a signal, they jump on sticks to the finish line. During the races, you can not push and interfere with each other. Whoever jumped first, he won.

Leading: Sabantuy is a “plow holiday”. It is celebrated when the spring field work ends. So we did a good job in the garden, and now we have more fun

Here is a log, but here are the bags

Come out guys

Who will hit whom with a bag

He will take all the dry!

6. The game "Fight with bags"


You guys are so great, you know how to do so many things, but I’m wondering, when is this holiday - Sabantuy?

Children: Summer!

Shurale: Oh how great. And I love summer.

You can sunbathe in summer.

And lie down on the grass

Go to the forest for mushrooms.

Catch fish in the river.

Summer has come to us again

It is very good!

Children, do you know how mosquitoes squeak?

Children: zzzzzzz

How do flies buzz?

Children: buzz

How do birds sing in the forest?

Children: chirp chirp

Does the cuckoo scream at the bitch?

Children: ku-ku, ku-ku

How does a frog croak?

Children: qua-qua-qua


Oh, what good fellows!

Leading: So our fun holiday has come to an end, we wish everyone health, happiness and more joyful days. Goodbye!

Merry holiday - Sabantuy!

holiday for senior group kindergarten.

Target : Inclusion of children preschool age to the traditions of the Tatar people. To form a festive culture, to evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holidays in children. To develop in children the desire to actively participate in the holidays.

preliminary work: Conversations with children about the traditions of the Tatar people, viewing illustrations / national costumes, Tatar culinary products, arts and crafts /, excursions to the museum of Tatar culture in kindergarten

Characters: Two leaders: a boy and a girl in Tatar folk costumes; Kamyrsha, Batyrsha - adults in national costumes.

Attributes : horses on a stick, props of Tatar cooking, a samovar, embroidered towels, dolls in costumes of different nationalities, a pole with towels, rockers with buckets, wooden spoons, bags, sticks and pots.

All children are smartly dressed, if possible in costumes of different nationalities, the holiday takes place on sports ground parents are invited.

The course of the holiday

Presenters come out: a boy and a girl in Tatar costumes.

  1. Bugen bezda sabantuy,

Eshlerenen, lady, kui.

Tizrak yoger maidanga:

Bayram bashlana monda!

  1. The Tatar people have a custom

Every year the weather gets warmer

After the sowing

Everyone goes to the holiday together,

They dance, they sing merrily!

Compete in what you can

And they don't let us get bored!

We are in Tatarstan today,

We live together, have fun

Our dear guests, we invite you to Sabantuy!

Festive procession

12 children come out in Tatar costumes and start a round dance

Round dance: "Wreath" tat. nar. melody "Kaz ropes"

At the end, they are rebuilt in a semicircle. 6 boys come out with horses.

  1. Dashing riders are galloping,

The horses run and run.

And the boys are distant,

Dexterity want to show!

  1. Malaylar alyp kilganner

In life of yurtaklarna

Үzlәre da sonatmyylar,

Chitta torsyn atlary.

Rhythmic etude: "Riders"

Children come out to a cheerful Tatar melody, they have props of Tatar cooking, arts and crafts in their hands. They walk in a circle and take their places, at this time the teachers say the words.

Tarbiyache: Bezneң әbi-babalarybyz elek-elektәn үk eshchen, tyrysh, tyynak, namusly һәm pҩhtә bik tә ңgan bulgannar. Kaida gyna, nindi genә ash bashkarsalar da, җirenә җitkerep, tөgәl itep eshlәgәnәr, bush vakytlarynda da matur itep yal itә belgәnәr.

Educator: The people of Tatarstan are known for their hospitality. Guests are invited to the Samovar, and on the table are “chak-chak” and other world-famous Tatar culinary products. For a long time Tatarstan has been famous for craftsmen and craftsmen. Diligence, patience, fiction, fantasy - all this is inherent in the Tatar people.

Children come out in costumes of different nationalities, in the hands of flags of different republics. Waving the flags, they walk in a circle and take their places, at this time the teacher says the words. Some children have dolls in national costumes in their hands.

Tarbiyache: Republic of Tatarstan Anda tatarlar, ruslar, chuvashlar һәm bashka millаt keshelаre, ber gailә kebek, bergәlәп еshlilәr, dus, tattoo yashilәr.

Dus yashәrgә kirәk җir yozendә,

Duslar kirәk һәrber keshegә

Duslar bulsa yashү dә kүңelle,

Unai bula һәrber eshen dә!

Educator: Wider circle, wider circle, the music is calling.

All friends, all girlfriends in a noisy round dance.

People of different nationalities live on the territory of Tatarstan. They work together, relax and, of course, love the Sabantuy holiday!

Musical and literary composition

Readers come to the fore.

1 point: Җilferdi chikkan sөlgelәr

Bүlәklәr kubebezgә.

Korashik tә, uzhyyk ta-

Sabantuy bugen bezda!

2 points: Plow holiday, summer holiday

That's what Sabantuy means.

And on a holiday on this

Sing songs, play, dance!

3 points: Sabantuye - hezmat tue

Shatlyk һәm bakhet tue.

Uinap - biep, җyrlap kolep

Bayram itek kon bue!

4 points: Kүnelle saban tuylary

Bugen bairam, zur bairam!

Matur җyrlar җyrly-җyrly

Uynybyz әylan baylan!

5 points:” Finished the job, walk boldly "-

The people echo us wisely.

And on our Sabantuy

we call a round dance!

Song "Sabantuy" lyrics by G.Zainashev, music by L.Batyr-Bulgari.

6 points: Shau-gor kilә, kin bolynnar

Kyrlar һәm su buylary,

boilers bulsyn, gorlap torsyn

Yamle saban tuylary!

7 points: A national holiday

Happens in June

then they participate

All in Sabantuy!

The participants of the procession sit down, the children of the 3rd group come out.

Educator: This year our country celebrated the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Tarbiyache: 1941 elda fascist ilbasarlary beznen ilebezgә sugysh uty achtylar. Bezneң babalarybyz yashү өchen, үz-үzlәren ayamyycha kөrәshәlәr. “Sugysh” digan dakhshәt kabattan

Yanarmasyn tarikh bitendә.

Dus bulsynnar illar, halyklar,

Koyash kölep torsyn һәrkemgә!

Bala: Tynychlyk Suzen

Kabatly һәrkem.

Tynych kuk yozen

Kurik without һәrkөn

Kirakmi bezgә


Ulem chachuche

өrәk bit alar!

Kүktә һәrkөn

Koyash balkysyn,

Җirdә balalar

һәrchak shat bulsyn! /Ә. Gazizova/

Song: "Kүrәsem kilә" Suz. R. Gazizov, music M. Minkhayev

Dramatization: "Batyrsha and Kamyrsha"

The participants in the procession sit down in their places, Kamyrsha and Batyrsha come out from two sides. Kamyrsha holds a roll, Batyrsha holds a pole with towels and scarves.

Kamyrsha: Hello Batyrsha!

Bamyrsha: Hello Kamyrsha! How is it going? How is your health?

Kamyrsha: What there health! I try to eat a lot and sleep a lot. I move a little, so as not to lose my health, but all the same it hurts my back, then I have a colitis in my side. Yesterday I lay on the stove all day, I saved my health for Sabantuy. Batyrsha, don't you know if they will feed you at Sabantuy?

Batyrsha: Oh, Kamyrsha! What is this health! Take my example. I get up early in the morning, do exercises, wash my face with cold water. (Kamirsha shudders) I work all day and have time to do physical education.

Kamyrsha: When do you take care of your health? When do you have time to lie down on the stove?

Batyrsha: Yes, I can't do it alone. Will you guys help me?

For a long time on Sabantuy people not only sang and danced, but also competed in strength and dexterity. The strongest, the fastest, the most dexterous won prizes and even a whole ram!

Kamyrsha: Wow, you, a whole sheep! I also want to be strong, agile, fast!

Batyrsha : Well, for starters, let's see how hardy you are! Together with the guys we will play the game "Freeze". When the music sounds, everyone dances, but when the music stops, everyone freezes and does not move. Whoever moves, is out of the game.

Freeze game.

Kamyrsha: How fun, it turns out, to move, to play. I want to make friends with the guys!

Batyrsha: It's very simple. Get into a round dance and sing a song about friendship with the guys.

Round dance "My Song"

Games, competitions, awards, treats.

Leading : Our Sabantuy continues, the competition begins!

Don't be lazy, come out and show your strength!

Tarbiyache : Saban tuenda gyna

Bula gaҗәep yaryshlar:

Kapchyk kiep tiz yogeru,

Koch sonashu, ger kүtaru,

Ә iң kyzyky-bulak өlәshu duslar!

Children go to five objects with competition games: “break the pot”, “running with a yoke”, “running in bags”, “bag fighting”, “horse racing”. The winners receive prizes.

Batyrsha: Kamyrsha, where have you been?

Kamyrsha: There should be a treat at the end of every fun! You agree Batyrsha!

Batyrsha: After such competitions, it’s not a sin to treat yourself!

Kamyrsha: Aha! Here you see! Kamyrsha took care of everything and now the most favorite treat of the Tatars "chak-chak" will appear here

Children in national costumes take out “chak-chak”, they treat everyone.

Leading : And now for all of you a merry dance.

Play music louder, invite everyone to dance!

Duslar! Typyr-typyr typyrdashyp

Berg basaek al.

Uinap-kolep, җyrlap-biep

Dus, a tattoo box ale!

Cheerful Tatar music sounds, children and adults dance.

Compiled by: Varlamova M.A. music director of the 1st quarter

Gizdullina I.A., Khasanova G.K. caregivers for

Teaching children the Tatar language.

Preschool educational institution No. 71 “Ship”, Naberezhnye Chelny

Holding national games "Sabantuy"

(Holding national games on the site).
Program content. To consolidate knowledge about the national holidays of the Republic of Tatarstan, to develop further aspirations of children to cognitive activity about the traditions of his people. To consolidate knowledge about the types of national games. To develop the physical qualities of children: speed, agility, endurance, strength; the ability to independently organize games and exercises. To cultivate respect for the older generation, pride in the cultural heritage, dedication, friendship between peoples.
Previous work. A conversation about the history of the Sabantuy holiday, about national types of competitions.
Location. On the site.
Methods and techniques. Competitions, conversation, games.
Equipment: Scarfs 2pcs; gymnastic sticks 2 pcs.; medium buckets 2 pcs.; wooden spoons 2 pcs.; rubber eggs 2 pcs.; landmarks - skittles 6 pcs.; rope 1 pc.; medium balls 2 pcs.; hoops 2 pcs.; bags 2 pcs.; "tunnel" 2 pcs.
Holiday structure:
1. Greeting guests of the holiday.
2. Conversation about the name, features and history of the holiday.

3. Conversation about the types of competition.
4.Competitions, games.
5. Summing up the holiday.
Presenter 1: Hello! Welcome to our Sabantuy holiday! Can you please tell me where does it get its name from?
Children and parents: Saban - plow, tui - wedding, holiday.
Lead 2: That's right, our great-grandfathers called this holiday "The Feast of the Plow." And can you name the date of its holding, what is the reason for it?
Children and parents: After completion of sowing work in the fields, at the end of May beginning of June, people widely celebrated this event.
Presenter 1: What national types of competitions, competitions can you name?
Children and parents: Kuresh (wrestling), horse racing, running in bags, running with an egg, climbing a pole, running with a yoke.
Lead 2: That's right, and we will compete with you. The competition is called "Egg Run". Two people must quickly run around the flag and, without dropping the egg from the spoon, return to their original position.
Presenter 1: Well done! The next relay race is "Train to the tunnel". Each team member makes his way through such a tunnel, reaches the hoop, touches the ball in it, and free-runs to the starting point. The next participant does the same. The first team to arrive at the starting point wins.
Lead 2: You deftly cope with tasks. The next relay race is called “Kangaroo”, as it is necessary to move around like these funny animals. Clamp the ball with your knees and jump over the skittles with big jumps, at the starting point the ball is passed to another participant. The team that does not drop the ball and crosses the line first is the winner.
Presenter 1: How amicably and harmoniously compete in teams of fathers and mothers, grandfathers and grandchildren! And which of you will tell me what the next contest is called if I show the rope?
Children and parents: Tug of war.
Presenter 1: Right. Let's check, whose family will be more friendly and win the competition?
Children and parents: Certainly!
Presenter 1: Both the most cohesive and the kindest teams won this competition. Well done!
Leading: We are glad to see that Sabantuy is, first of all, a family holiday for you! It is joyful to realize that you remember and honor national traditions, know the history of education Tatar holidays. We wish you to remain as smart, friendly, brave, skillful!

Scenario of the holiday "Sabantuy" in kindergarten

(middle group)

Holiday goals:
To continue to acquaint children with the traditions and customs of the Tatar people: to give an idea about the Sabantuy holiday, to arouse interest and desire to participate in competitions;

To promote the development of physical qualities in children: dexterity, strength, speed, to satisfy the need of children for physical activity.

Cultivate a responsible attitude to the implementation of the rules and various tasks. To promote the development of positive emotions, the ability to communicate with their peers, mutual understanding and empathy.

Preliminary work with children:

For the holiday, the site is decorated with balloons, flags, beautiful towels and scarves with Tatar ornaments. It sounds like a Tatar dance. Children stand in a circle.

Presenter: Hello guys! What is our holiday today?

Children: Sabantuy!

Presenter: Right!Today we have gathered to celebrate the Tatar national holiday - Sabantuy. Sabantuy is a holiday of labor, a holiday of joy and happiness. Sabantuy is celebrated in honor of the end of spring field work. Already 2 weeks before the start of the holiday, the collection of gifts for the winners began: young horsemen collected gifts around the village for future winners: embroidered scarves and towels, pieces of chintz, chicken eggs. And the most honorable gift was a towel embroidered with a national pattern, which had a symbolic meaning, and no valuable prizes could be compared with it. Therefore, girls, young women prepared gifts all winter - weaving, sewing, embroidering. On the day of Sabantuy, the village was in high spirits, people went to the Maidan in the morning. They dressed in all the best, women took out their jewelry from chests.

Today we have also prepared - What is your mood?

Children: great!

Host: Well done!

To the cheerful Sabantuy

We invited all our friends.

Let's sing and dance

Friendly, fun to play

Song "Sabantuy"

(A horseman comes out of the fairy tale "Shurale")

Jigit: Hello guys. I passed by your kindergarten and heard how you have fun, how loudly you sing.

Do you like to play? Let's play the Tatar folk game "Hey, my friend, sell the pot!"

Tatar folk game "Hey, my friend, sell the pot!"

Well done!

Jigit: Attention attention!

Let's start the competition

Who is dexterous, brave and skillful,

Get out of the circle soon!

Competition games:

"Running in bags";

Jigit: Here I give you a bag

Get in it buddy.

Who will run faster

He certainly wins!!!

(running in bags)

"Running with spoons";

Jigit: Here is a spoon, in a spoon - an egg!

You can't run, you can't tremble,

You can breathe - just be careful!

(running with spoons)

"Running with buckets";

Jigit: Here are two buckets, full of water,

You have to run fast, don't spill!

(running with buckets)

"Pot Fight"

"Pull the rope»;

(pot breaking and tug of war)

Jigit : Well done boys! Here are some gifts for you (distributing handkerchiefs decorated with Tatar ornaments to children). And it's time for me to go. See you soon!

presenter Did you like it!? (children's answers) Here's a sweet treat for you (candies are distributed) This concludes our holiday!

Sau bulygyz! Goodbye!