
Household chemicals definition. Classification of household chemicals. Identification of household chemicals


Products household chemicals(household chemical goods) combine goods for various purposes, the materials for which are obtained by synthesis or chemical transformations. The main household chemicals: laundry and washing products, paints and varnishes, adhesives, clothing and footwear care products, car cosmetics, fertilizers, plant growth activators and stimulants, insect and rodent control products and abrasive materials.

The purpose of household chemicals is diverse: they are used for construction, repair and home improvement; for the care of housing and household items; for growing and caring for plants; fuels and lubricants.

The largest share in the sale of household chemicals is occupied by laundry detergents, paints and varnishes, adhesives, which are discussed in the following sections.

Classification, assortment, consumer properties and quality requirements for individual groups of household chemicals

Means for washing and washing

Means for washing and washing are one of the most representative groups of household chemicals in terms of the breadth of the assortment on modern market. The classification of this commodity group is shown in fig. 2.2.

Rice. 2.2.

Soap. Depending on the consistency and physical state of the soap are divided into solid (in pieces), ointment, liquid and powder. Each of these groups is subdivided into soaps with different content of fatty acids (in the form of fatty acid salts). They produce ordinary solid soaps (without sawing or equivalent processing) and sawed. Peeled soaps have higher consumer properties, the output of which is increasing.

The entire range of laundry soaps is divided by purpose into soaps for washing, washing dishes and household products, and washing hands.

Solid soaps are predominantly sodium salts of fatty acids split by sunflower, soy, hemp and other vegetable oils. They are produced mainly in the form of pieces, powders and chips. Bar soap (ordinary and clarified) may contain 65, 70 and 72% fatty acids; these values ​​are called a quality indicator: the higher the percentage, the better the quality.

By color, soap is ordinary and clarified; according to the presence of packaging - open (without packaging) and closed (in packaging). Solid soaps can have a different weight (150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400 and 500 g) and shape (rectangular and complex).

Requirements for the quality of solid soaps are regulated by GOST 30266-95 “Hard laundry soap. General technical conditions”. The standard specifies requirements for appearance, consistency, color and smell. The main requirements for physical and chemical indicators are the quality number, the content of free alkali, soda and the pour point of fatty acids.

Liquid and ointment soaps are predominantly potassium salts of fatty acids and vegetable oils. Liquid laundry soaps used for economic and technical purposes, as well as in medicine and veterinary medicine.

Synthetic detergents (SMC). The modern assortment is very extensive. Most of the synthetic detergents represents washing powders. Liquid detergents, pastes and gels are produced in smaller quantities.

Household synthetic detergents, depending on the purpose, are divided into the following main groups:

  • detergents for washing woolen and silk fabrics (pH 1% solution 7-8.5), their main representatives: “Vorsinka”, “Weasel”, “Lily of the valley”, “Fleece”, “Minute”;
  • means for washing cotton and linen fabrics (pH 10-11.5). The range of these synthetic detergents is represented by products of various consistency: “Gloss”, “Deni”, “Dosya”, “Era”, “Karapuz”, “Kid”, etc .;
  • multi-purpose detergents (pH 9~9.5) for washing various fabrics, including those made from chemical fibers Henko, Aist, Era, Myth, Kristall, etc.;
  • means for washing coarse and heavily soiled fabrics, in particular overalls.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that a special group of SMS is formed by funds for washing machines machines.

Their trademark is usually supplemented by the word "automatic", they are distinguished by reduced foaming.

The functional properties of detergents are determined by their detergency and versatility. Washing capacity depends on the composition of surfactants, foaming and dissolving ability. Versatility SMS depends on the possibility of their use for fabrics of different composition and on different washing conditions (hardness and water temperature).

Ergonomic properties indicators include indicators of ease of use and indicators of safety. Ease of use largely due to the convenience of packaging (material, shape, presence of a dispenser, etc.), the consistency of the SMS, as well as additional information in the labeling of the product. When characterizing harmlessness, the absence of harmful effects on humans and the processed material is taken into account.

Safety detergents are evaluated by the level chemical safety and environmental safety.

Main reliability property detergents is persistence, i.e. the ability of a detergent to maintain its properties during transportation, storage, sale and use.

Aesthetic indicators SMS properties depend on aesthetic packaging, colors and detergent odor.

Requirements for the quality of powdered synthetic detergents are set out in GOST 25644-96. They include requirements for the composition, consistency, color, smell, quality indicators of the detergent.

Laundry aids. These include water softening means, which consist of alkaline electrolytes, they are produced in the form of powders and briquettes. Whitening products are used when washing or rinsing clothes. Their action is based on the oxidation and discoloration of dyes, respectively, they can have a chemical or physical effect. Bluing agents(blue

ultramarine natural and indigo carmine) are used when rinsing clothes to eliminate its yellowness.

Combination products can combine several substances that, for example, starching action at the same time bleaching or antistatic effect.

Means for washing and washing are usually packaged in small containers made of cardboard, glass or plastic; polyethylene and PVC bags can also be used.

Paint and varnish products

Paint and varnish products are used in the conduct of repair and construction work, as well as for finishing various kinds surfaces, i.e. they perform protective and decorative functions. They are usually divided into main and auxiliary. The main ones include drying oils, varnishes, paints and enamels, auxiliary ones - putties, primers, pigments, driers, thinners, solvents and other types.

Drying oils. Drying oils are film-forming substances derived from oils (vegetable origin) or synthetic resins. They can be used as independent material for a protective coating, and enter into colorful compositions, act as a thinner. According to their composition, natural, semi-natural and synthetic drying oils are distinguished.

Natural (oil) drying oils contain oxidized drying oils or mixtures thereof. They are obtained by heat treatment of oil (120-160 ° C). Representatives of these drying oils are linen. Natural drying oils create durable reliable coatings. Oxidized drying oils are usually darker in color and less durable.

Semi-natural drying oils contain recycled oil and 25 to 50% organic solvent. Semi-natural drying oils may be called that, or they may have another name - compacted, alkyd, combined, composite.

Synthetic drying oils - pentols and alkyd drying oils - are by-products of various industries. As a rule, their quality is noticeably lower than natural and semi-natural ones.

Varnishes - solutions of film-forming substances in solvents. Drying oils, natural and synthetic resins, etc. can be used as film-forming substances for varnishes. Varnishes can also be subdivided according to the proportion of the film-forming agent: varnish and varnish; his mind; resistance to the action of the atmosphere and other factors; by color, etc. According to the degree of readiness in varnishes, one-component (ready-to-use) and two-component (include a semi-finished product and a hardener) are distinguished.

The main representatives of varnishes are: oil, oil-resin, alkyd (PF, GF, AS, etc.); resin varnishes (based on natural resins, based on thermoplastic resins, based on thermosetting resins).

Currently, water-soluble lacquers based on acrylate are widely used. The absence of an organic solvent makes these varnishes more environmentally friendly, they are odorless, can be used both for outdoor and indoor work on various surfaces (wood, metals, leather, plaster, etc.).

Paints are suspensions of pigments in a film-forming substance. Mineral substances (ocher, red lead, zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, etc.) and organic substances (they have a wider color variety, but less resistance to external influences) act as a pigment (color).

The nature of the film-forming substance determines the following types of paints: oil, water-dispersion, adhesive. Oil paints are produced thickly grated and ready to use.

Enamels - suspensions of pigments in varnishes, unlike paints, they usually have a smoother surface and higher gloss, dry faster.

Paints and enamels in merchandising practice are called “colorful compositions”. Their quality is determined by resistance to the action of the atmosphere and other factors, gloss and color.

Main functional properties paints and varnishes are: adhesion(adhesion to the processed material); hiding power(characterizes the consumption of the material necessary to obtain a continuous coating of 1 m 2 of the surface); hardness, elasticity, resistance of coatings to external influences.

Ergonomic properties paintwork materials are determined ease of use them (viscosity; drying speed (“from dust” and “full”); readiness for use; security(toxicity, fire hazard, explosion hazard, environmental safety) and hygiene(Ease of maintenance).

Aesthetic properties of this group of household chemicals are one of the determining factors in the purchase of paints and varnishes, they are evaluated according to the following indicators: color, gloss, transparency, surface texture.

Reliability Properties are largely related to functional indicators, they are determined by the durability, maintainability of the coating and the shelf life of the material.

When choosing paint and varnish products, the buyer pays attention to trademark, as well as other symbols that are given in the marking. The symbol can be divided into five groups of characters:

  • the first group (word) denotes the type of material (lacquer, paint, enamel, etc.);
  • the second group of characters (2-3 letters) encrypts the film-forming substance (ML - melamine, GF - glyphthalic; PF - pentaphthalic; MA - oil; V-PE - water-borne polyester, etc. according to GOST 9825-73);
  • the third group of characters (number) - the purpose and conditions of use (1 - for outdoor work; 2 - for indoor work, etc.);
  • the fourth group of characters (digital) - the number assigned to this ink composition;
  • the fifth group (verbal) - the color of the material.

The breadth of the range of paint and varnish products is determined by all the marked indicators included in the symbol, as well as the size of the packaging.


Adhesives - compositions consisting of organic and inorganic substances capable of gluing materials due to the adhesion of the adhesive layer to the surfaces of the materials being joined.

The bonding process and the properties of the adhesive joint are determined by both adhesion (chemical and physical interactions between the surfaces to be bonded due to the adhesive film) and cohesion (interaction forces between the particles of the adhesive itself).

Adhesives are usually classified according to a number of features, the main of which are the purpose, the nature of the adhesive (Fig. 2.3); water resistance, heat resistance, consistency and degree of readiness.

According to their purpose, special adhesives are distinguished (intended for gluing materials of the same type) and universal (intended for gluing various materials).

In terms of water resistance, highly waterproof adhesives are distinguished (withstand exposure to boiling water); waterproof (withstand the effects of water at room temperature); non-waterproof (destroyed by water).

According to heat resistance, adhesives based on thermoplastic and thermosetting components are distinguished.

Adhesives can also have a different consistency, which affects the ease of use, transportation and storage: solid; liquid; pasty, etc.

An important indicator that also affects the ergonomic properties of the properties is the degree of readiness. On this basis, ready-to-use adhesives are distinguished in adhesives that require preliminary preparation before use (introduction of a solvent, thinner or hardener).

The quality of adhesives is determined by the following indicators: adhesive ability; universality; resistance to external influences (chemical, thermal, water resistance, light resistance, etc.); ease of use and storage (degree of readiness for use, state of aggregation and volatility, setting and drying time, etc.); safety (toxicity of incoming components, flammability and fire resistance); reliability (shelf life; pot life, service life of the adhesive joint); environmental and aesthetic indicators (color, transparency, packaging design, etc.).

When choosing glue in the distribution network, most consumers are guided by its scope, for example, for gluing papers (“Silicate”, “PVA”, etc.); carpentry (furniture) adhesives (“Mezdrovy”, “Bone”, “Casein”); shoe, etc.

Miscellaneous household chemicals

Care products for clothes, shoes and household items. This sub-group of products includes cleaning products and stain removers for clothing and household items; shoe care products (creams, protective, coloring compositions, etc.)

Autocosmetics. Products of this purpose combine means for washing and polishing car bodies; means for cleaning and caring for individual units of the car; means for protection against corrosion of elements of the car; means for other purposes (means for removing rust, means for preparing a car for painting, etc.).

Means for the care of plants and animals. This group includes mineral and organic fertilizers; activators and growth stimulants; plant and animal protection products, etc.

Abrasive materials can be considered both in this group (the binder is a chemical, more often synthetic substance), and in processing materials (taking into account their purpose). Abrasive materials include circles, bars, skins, pastes used for processing various surfaces lower hardness (sharpening, grinding, polishing, lapping, etc.). Natural mineral materials (diamond, corundum, sandstone), as well as artificial and synthetic materials of high hardness are used as abrasive particles.

Control questions and tasks

  • 1. What products are classified as household chemicals?
  • 2. Describe the range of detergents and washing, taking into account their classification.
  • 3. What indicators of the properties of detergents and washing determine consumer preferences?
  • 4. How are paint products classified? Describe their main types.
  • 5. What is the difference between enamels and paints?
  • 6. What is the principle of the symbolic designation of paint and varnish products?
  • 7. What property indicators affect the quality of paint and varnish products?
  • 8. What determines the adhesive power of adhesives?
  • 9. On what grounds and how is the assortment of adhesives subdivided?
  • 10. What property indicators determine the quality of adhesives?

Household chemicals- a sub-sector of the chemical industry that develops and manufactures household chemicals.

Most often, the term "household chemicals" in everyday speech refers to the household chemicals themselves, manufactured at chemical plants.

Household products include chemicals care of property: clothes, premises, cars. Household chemicals also include disinfectants, repellents and glue.

More than half (in monetary terms) of household chemical goods are laundry detergents: washing powder, washing gel, fabric softener and washing aids. The second largest category (about a quarter of the market) is hand and dishwasher detergents. Then come cleaners, disinfectants and bleaches. In fourth place is a windshield washer for cars.

Household chemicals include laundry soap, sales of which are declining every year. With the help of household chemicals, we can do housework and more.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    ✪ Household chemicals and symptoms of allergies, asthma and eczema. The best smell is no smell. Review of studies

    ✪ Bottling lines for household and industrial chemicals, technical liquids and oils - NPP Spetspromavtomat

    ✪ How to build sales of chemicals to car services


Categories of household chemicals

Detergents. The most popular detergents are:

  • Soap;
  • washing powders;
  • personal hygiene products containing surfactants;
  • washing gels;
  • dishwashing detergents;
  • car wash products;
  • floor cleaners.

Cleaners. Cleaning products include:

  • Cleaning powders;
  • carpet cleaners;
  • toilet and bathroom products;
  • pipe cleaners;
  • car cleaning products;
  • universal cleaners;

Motor and transmission oil for cars


Air fresheners and fragrances.


Bleaches and stain removers.

Chemical care products for clothing and footwear.

Manufacturers of household chemicals

The world's largest manufacturers of household chemicals are Procter & Gamble, Henkel, Reckit Benckiser, Unilever.

The composition of household chemicals

Depending on the purpose of the product, the composition contains:

  • Surfactants (surfactants);
  • Phosphates;
  • sulfates;
  • Carbonates;
  • chlorides;
  • propylenes;
  • acids;
  • Aldehydes.

Use, storage and disposal

Many household chemicals widely used in daily use contain chemicals that are harmful and dangerous to human health and life. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions contained on the packaging of the product used.

Most often, the main conditions for storing household chemicals are protection from direct exposure to light, compliance with the temperature regime and the maximum level of humidity in the room. A complete list of storage conditions is mandatory prescribed on each package of the product.

Before using any product, you must carefully study the instructions for its use and recommendations for safety rules that must be observed. The place of storage of all poisonous preparations should be absolutely inaccessible to children. Do not keep unknown substances in the house, as well as any cans or packages that do not match the labels on the contents.

Even if the chemical is expensive and left on the bottom, do not pour it into a smaller container from another drug. Your confidence that you remember exactly which funds are stored in a particular bank may be erroneous and cost you and your loved ones dearly. All chemicals must be stored separately from food to completely eliminate the possibility of poisoning.

There are companies involved in the disposal of unused household chemicals. If necessary, there are ways to safely dispose of them.

Household chemicals have become so firmly established in our lives that we cannot imagine even ordinary home cleaning without it, not to mention professional cleaning. The use of household chemicals allows us to cope with the most severe pollution, saving our time and effort. Therefore, every year such tools are improved and become stronger and more effective.

What is household chemicals

Household chemicals are divided into professional and for home use. Professional chemistry, as a rule, is designed for very strong pollution. For example, on burnt solidified fat, cement, rust, persistent stains from earth, food, grass, paint, etc. Sometimes only professional tool containing strong ingredients.

Household chemicals are also divided into:

  • dishwashing detergents and dishwasher detergents;
  • grease removers;
  • means for plumbing;
  • floor cleaners and scrubbing machines;
  • washing powders;
  • rust removers;
  • detergents and universal detergents;
  • glass and mirror cleaners and many others.

Each of the products ideally took its place in the world of household chemicals, fully complies with the requirements applicable to a particular type of cleaning.

Requirements for professional household chemicals

Modern household chemicals must meet a number of requirements. For example, a professional fat remover should not only completely remove the most difficult burnt greasy spots, without the use of additional equipment - scrapers, brushes, washcloths. In addition, such a product must be safe for humans, since it is used in the kitchen and comes into contact with dishes in which food is cooked - baking sheets, pans, grills, etc. The same requirements apply to dishwashing detergents. Manufacturers of washing powders are trying to make them not only as effective as possible, capable of removing the most difficult stains, but also hypoallergenic. This is especially true for children's powders.

Profitability is one of the most important requirements for professional household chemicals. Many products for professional use are available in concentrated form and are sold in large containers. This allows you to buy the product less often and dilute it depending on the degree of contamination.

Although it contains powerful ingredients, it must be gentle on many surfaces. For example, this applies to glass cleaners, mirrors, glassware. Also, delicate products are chosen for polishing furniture of their precious woods, for washing fine fabrics, and others.

Currently, the market offers a huge number of professional household chemicals. Most often they are sold in specialized stores, in ordinary supermarkets it is almost impossible to get them. It is most convenient to buy professional household chemicals in large wholesale quantities with delivery to the office or enterprise.

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Household chemicals

Household chemicals include various products obtained by chemical means and used at home. Household chemicals are divided into detergents; bleaching agents; bluing agents; means for starching; means of complex action; means for antistatic processing of products from fabrics; finishing means; stain removers; cleaning products; polishing agents; care products for leather and suede; care products for cars, motorcycles and bicycles - washing, cleaning, polishing, protective, sealing, auxiliary and maintenance; adhesives; photochemical goods; means against household insects, rodents, for disinfection and antiseptics; means for protecting plants of gardens and orchards from agricultural pests and weeds and mineral fertilizers; paintwork materials; paints for household dyeing of fabrics, textiles and knitwear, school and stationery goods (ink, ink, plasticine), tonic, ionizing and deodorizing agents, putties, lubricating oils, candles, means for eliminating odors in the room and in closed containers.

The group of detergents includes two subgroups: detergents for fats and water softeners and synthetic detergents. Soaps are fatty detergents. The main raw materials for its production are natural solid fats (beef, lamb, lard), solid oils obtained during the processing of liquid vegetable oils (coconut, palm kernel) and fish oils, as well as synthetic fatty acids, rosin, naphthenic acids. In the production of soap, fats can be replaced by solid fatty products - lard, which is obtained during the processing of vegetable oils, as well as synthetic fatty acids, resin acids in the form of rosin and naphthenic acids in the form of soap naphtha and asidol. For saponification of fats when cooking soap, caustic soda, soda ash, sodium silicate are used. During cooking, fats interact with alkaline substances and form fatty acid salts (soap) of a certain concentration (from 40 to 66%). The hardness of the solution is given by cooling or salt treatment (salting out). When salted out, a high quality soap is obtained. Soap with a high content of fatty acids (up to 80%) is obtained by vacuum processing.

Distinguish between laundry and toilet soaps. Laundry soap is produced with a fatty acid content of 72, 70, 60% in pieces weighing 250, 340, 400 g, respectively. Liquid and greasy laundry soaps are obtained from less valuable fats and are used mainly for technical purposes. Toilet soaps contain from 74 to 80% fatty acids and come in a variety of bar shapes and colors. They also produce liquid and powdered toilet soap. The composition of toilet soaps can be introduced with special additives that have a preventive or therapeutic effect (tar, boric acid, etc.). For washing fabrics, clothes, knitwear, in addition to soap, water softeners are used (soda for cotton fabrics, ammonia for woolen fabrics).

Synthetic detergents (SMC), as well as auxiliary agents for the treatment of fabrics, are widely used. The composition of synthetic detergents includes surfactants of various compositions (sulfanol, alkyl sulfates, etc.), various additives (alkalis, etc. for water softening), as well as chemical bleaches, enzymes, perfume fragrances, foaming agents, stabilizers, etc. detergents are produced in the form of powders or pastes, as well as liquid. SMS can be designed for washing cotton and linen fabrics, which hold dirt more firmly than others and shrink during washing. The composition of such SMS includes special alkaline additives that provide good removal soiling and bleaching of these fabrics. However, such SMS is unsuitable for washing woolen and silk fabrics, since it contains alkali, which causes the destruction of wool and silk. To restore the whiteness of fabrics, chemical bleaches are used. They are part of many detergents, but can be used alone to wash heavily soiled fabrics. For bluing cotton and linen fabrics, ultramarine blue, extra, etc. are used, and for bluing and starching, starch blue is used.

On products made of synthetic, artificial and mixed fabrics, under the action of friction that occurs when wearing clothes, electric charges accumulate. This causes unpleasant sensations (the fabric sticks to the body), the surface fibers on the fabric roll down, the product loses its shape. Static electricity can cause headaches, allergic diseases, cracking and sparking can be observed when wearing products. The electrification of tissues can be reduced by increasing the moisture content of the tissue, resulting in a decrease in electrical resistance. To do this, fabrics are treated with special surfactants that form a film on the fibers that can retain water. Antistatic preparations are used for antistatic treatment.

Removal of dirt from household items, floors, window panes, painted and plastic surfaces, household electrical appliances and household plumbing is done using special cleaning products. The composition of cleaning products includes detergents, abrasives (crushed pumice, silica), anti-adsorbents that separate dirt from the surface, acidity regulators, bactericidal substances, fragrances. Cleaning products are available in powder form, in the form of an emulsion and milk.

Adhesives are used to produce fibrous and laminated plastics, protect materials from atmospheric influences, as well as in the repair, construction of buildings and structures, the production and repair of clothing, footwear, and other products from various materials. Chemical processing products (synthetic adhesives) and modified natural substances (artificial adhesives) are used as starting materials in the production of adhesives. Synthetic adhesives are obtained on the basis of polymerization resins and polycondensation resins. Artificial adhesives are based on proteins, starch, silicates and cellulose.

Photochemical goods include cinematographic, photographic and magnetic materials - films, photographic films, photographic papers, tapes for sound recording, magnetic tapes for video recording, magnetic disks, magnetic cards, photographic plates, light filters.

Chemical plant protection products include various chemicals that are used to treat flower, vegetable and fruit crops. Due to the diversity of pests and their abundance, it is impossible to create a universal chemical plant protection product. The use of chemical plant protection products is permitted on the basis of special studies and relevant conclusions of the competent authorities. To enrich the soil with nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and others), which are necessary for normal growth and development of plants, mineral fertilizers are used.

The subclass of paints and varnishes includes drying oils, paints, enamels, varnishes, desiccants, primers, putties, solvents and washes, and a subclass of mineral pigments is also distinguished. Paint and varnish products are used to protect metal, ceramic, wood and other surfaces from external influences (water, light, etc.), as well as to give the goods processed by them a beautiful appearance. Drying oils called film-forming materials obtained by processing vegetable oils or oil-containing alkyd resins. Lucky– solutions of film-forming substances in organic solvents. After drying, they form a hard, transparent, as a rule, shiny film, resistant to water and the action of weak acids and alkalis. Enamels are called suspensions of pigments or mixtures of pigments with fillers in varnishes. Enamels dry quickly and form, as a rule, hard and transparent films. Primers and putties are used to create an intermediate layer between the treated surface and the paintwork material or to eliminate imperfections (cracks, irregularities, etc.) of the surface. Solvents are used to dilute varnishes, enamels, primers, and washes are used to remove old oil coatings. Mineral pigments are part of paints and enamels and are divided into white and colored.

The labeling of paint and varnish products reflects the type of material, its composition and purpose. To characterize paints, a system consisting of five groups of signs is used, and for varnishes - from four groups of signs. The first group of signs characterizes the type of paintwork material. The second group of signs forms an index, consisting of two or three letters, characterizing the film-forming substance. The third group of signs (digital) characterizes the purpose and conditions for the use of paints and varnishes. A hyphen is placed between the second and third groups of characters. The fourth group of characters (digital) reflects (except for oil paints) the serial number assigned to this paint composition. The fifth group of signs (verbal) indicates the color of the material (paint) - white, blue, brown. Many of their household chemicals pose a certain danger to humans and environment. According to the degree of danger to humans, they are divided into three groups: safe, poisonous and flammable. Detergents, most mineral fertilizers, etc. are safe. Poisonous are insect and rodent control products, chemical protection products, etc. The labeling of such products must indicate “Poison” or “Poisonous”. Flammable products include polishes, leather care products, insect control products, chemical plant protection products, etc. When storing and using such products, fire safety rules must be observed. The labeling of such products indicates "flammable".

Table of contents
Merchandising of non-food products

Detergents and cleaning products are everyday goods. When making a purchase decision, consumers pay attention to price, brand, packaging, but pay much less attention to the composition of household chemicals.

While washing, cleaning, washing dishes and windows - people use industrial products every day in everyday life. It is impossible to imagine our life without synthetic detergents (SMC), cleaning powders or soaps. However, in last years more and more often you can hear discussions about the dangers of their components. To understand this issue, consider the composition of home cleaning products in detail.

Main Components

Most household chemicals do contain potentially hazardous elements, such as:

  • Surfactants (surfactants). They are a necessary component of all cleansing agents. They contribute to the purification due to the molecules of a special structure. Thanks to the surfactant, the particles of fat are combined with water and washed out. High concentrations break the lipid barrier on the skin, can provoke an allergic reaction.
  • Phosphates and phosphonates. Used as water softeners. Extremely negative impact on the environment. Getting into water bodies with drains, they cause their abundant flowering and, as a result, the death of the inhabitants. In humans, they can cause skin diseases (eczema, atopic dermatitis), an allergic reaction, irritation of the respiratory system. More and more manufacturers are now replacing phosphates with less hazardous zeolites and polycarboxylates.
  • Compounds containing chlorine and its derivatives. Found in bleach, mold killer products. Many substances containing chlorine have been banned in European countries since 1987, as their connection with diseases of the heart and blood vessels has been proven. In addition, they can irritate the mucous membranes of the ENT organs.
  • Formaldehyde. Used as a preservative. Carcinogen.
  • An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide (ammonia) is found in window cleaning fluids. Its vapors are irritating to the respiratory system.
  • Nitrobenzene is a toxic organic substance. Found in furniture polishes. May cause shortness of breath and vomiting.
  • Methylphenols and phenol. They are used as potent antiseptic additives. Toxic. Can cause disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Security measures

When buying household chemicals for home care and laundry, pay attention to their composition. Choose samples with a content of surfactants and phosphates not more than 5%, hermetically packed, without a strong odor. Do not mix different products. Observe the rules for storage and disposal of these products.

Note! Work with household chemicals should be carried out using personal protective equipment.

It should be remembered that all of the above compounds are contained in quantities provided for by regulatory documents. However, there are rules and regulations for the use of these products that you should know in order not to harm your health.