
Lilac amethyst. The unique amethyst stone is a favorite of jewelers. History of origin: a perspective into the past


Amethyst stone is a luxurious mineral known to mankind since ancient times. It belongs to the generally accepted category, the category of gemstones of the second order, due to its noble color, transparency and variety of shades. For its beauty, luxury and rarity, purple amethyst is generally recognized as a precious stone of the first order.

Interesting! Amethyst is a stone that, according to its composition and properties, is classified as a quartz.

History of origin: a perspective into the past

The history of the mineral goes back to ancient times. Scientists' research confirms that amethysts were found in the ancient East and in medieval Europe. In Egypt, they were also noted, and in the ancient state, the stone was truly considered magical properties and considered blessed. In ancient Rome, they were used as ornamental materials that adorned small decorative items. V Ancient Greece they always sincerely believed that the mineral protects the owner from drunkenness, which is why such a name was given to him.

Amethysts owe their name to the Greek language. The name of the mineral literally translates as "non-drunk". There are other more poetic names for the amethyst stone - this is "stone violet", "purple stone nobility", bishop's or apostolic stone.

Interestingly, in Ancient China also heard of amethyst. In ancient manuscripts of the Celestial Empire, it was indicated that the mineral was used to make small bowls and vessels that were used to store aromatic oils. Amethysts were also famous in Russia. Here he was especially revered by the archbishops, which is why they named them after the clergy. Such a noble material was loved by noble princes, and nobles, and crowned, crowned persons. Therefore, along with the stone, amethyst adorned the crown of Tsarina Irina Godunova.

It is interesting! Only from the XVIII century. Amethyst stone has become a favorite mineral of many jewelry houses, where it was used to produce a variety of jewelry. They were intended not only for noble nobles, but were also offered to everyone who could pay for them.

Amethyst stone properties

Usually the amethyst stone grows on a nondescript gray substrate and resembles an elongated thin scepter. The well-known properties of the amethyst stone are its deep purple hue, which can be light or rich, deep dark. In nature, green amethyst is found, which is also highly valued by jewelers. But black amethyst is a real rarity with a deep opaque color. Much less common is pink amethyst, which is classified as a quartz.

Important! Under the influence of ultraviolet (sunlight) the stone quickly burns out. For every year of exposure to the sun, the material loses about 1% of its color intensity.

Amethysts - stones that are a variety, belong to silica by species, have the formula of all quartz - SiO2. Minerals such as manganese, iron, cobalt can be found as impurities. It occurs naturally in the oblong, elongated shape may be translucent. It is the latter that are highly valued by jewelers.

Different shades are explained by the presence of special impurities of cobalt, iron or manganese. Some attribute this to a disturbed structure of the crystal lattice, while others speak of natural dyes-impurities.

Place of Birth

In nature, you can find amethyst stone, the properties of which can change over time, it is found in the form of brushes, druses, crystals. Russia and Asia, Africa and South America are especially rich in deposits. The color, impurities and quality of the stones will differ depending on the depth of the deposit. The highest quality nuggets have been found in Africa, but few have been found. There are many amethysts in Brazil, but the quality is not the best. But the Ural amethyst is recognized as the most valuable, expensive, beautiful - the stone of properties is of the highest order. It is named "deep Siberian" in honor of the deposit.

Healing properties of amethyst stone

Lithotherapists claim that the properties of amethyst stone can be healing. This material is endowed with characteristics and features that will help:

  • forget about skin ailments;
  • relieve stress;
  • strengthen immunity;
  • get rid of depression;
  • forget about insomnia;
  • improve eyesight;
  • forget about the headache;
  • relieve muscle fatigue and fully relax.

It is believed that it is amethyst, which a person carries with him all the time, that can protect against infectious diseases and allow you to prolong youth.

The magical properties of amethyst

  1. Since ancient times, a variety of properties have been attributed to purple amethyst. The property that prevents the development of a hangover syndrome and generally does not allow the owner to sleep has become the main property. It is enough to use purple amethyst to inlay jewelry or as a pendant to overcome cravings for alcohol.
  2. The features and unique capabilities of the stone included the ability to give good spirits to the owner in the morning, replenishment of energy. This stone of blessing and prudence was highly valued by the ministers of the church. Often used to direct one's mind in a certain direction for the subsequent development of a person in a chosen area.
  3. Especially valuable is pink amethyst, which was considered the patron of emotions, feelings, love. It is this beautiful stone of deep color that is recommended to be presented as a gift to the object of your love. From ancient times, amethysts were ranked among the stones of peace, blessing, appeasement, they became the key to a long and successful relationship, became a symbol of reconciliation.
  4. Until now, purple and green amethyst is considered a symbol of success in business, it becomes a talisman of business relations and business development. A valuable mineral contributes to the transformation of a person, his inner world, appearance, feelings.

Interesting! Amethyst has always been ranked among the very strong magic stones, which was even applied to the forehead to relieve headaches, is also used in isoteric rituals.

Talismans and amulets

Green, purple or black amethyst is a talisman-protection against extraneous anger, rage and anger. It is also an amulet that saves its owner from drunkenness.

Set in gold, amethyst becomes a symbol of success and balance, both in personal and business affairs. But in combination with silver, amethyst can bring real happiness to the house - often a woman who chooses such jewelry quickly becomes pregnant. Even incorporeal women brought a long-awaited child just such a stone.

To dispel alcohol intoxication and wine vapors, it is recommended to constantly carry such a talisman with you. It is believed that the constant wearing of an amulet, which contains amethysts, not necessarily natural ones, allows you to get rid of addiction, develop willpower and even recover from alcoholism.

amethyst colors

In nature, the most common purple mineral that grows on a gray, nondescript substrate. Found deposits and other types of stones, which are presented in green, purple, pink, black colors.

These are amazing stones of natural origin. For their luxurious delicate shade, they received another name - proselytes. A very rare material has become precious, it is used by jewelers to create single or collectible pieces. To give a special shade, a unique cut is used that amazes the imagination.

The cost of precious and rather rare material is low. This is explained simply - in such a material you can often find needle-like inclusions, which reduce, and significantly, the price of natural material. Some people buy stones with such needle inclusions, because they believe that such an addition makes the mineral piquant, unique, original.

This is the rarest, unique material for which you should choose an exceptionally expensive and valuable frame. This material is more related to quartz, and it can be opaque, with speckled inclusions, which only adds to it a special, unique charm.

Important! Since the pink amethyst stone is quite rare, it is recommended to store it only in an opaque package or in a dark place. In the light, pink amethyst (quartz) quickly loses color, it becomes pale gray. Exactly pink shade recognized as a symbol of health.

Black amethyst is a real king, which is quite rare in nature. It is created by nature itself, and it spends several million years on its offspring, therefore such a treasure cannot be cheap. This is a truly expensive mineral that requires high-quality, exquisite and expensive cutting.

It is valued not only by jewelers, but also by those people who believe in its magical, medicinal properties. It is believed that the material is able to deal with stress and eliminate the consequences, the harmful effects of radioactive radiation. Psychics believe that it is amethyst that is able to "open" inner vision- "third Eye".

The pure purple hue has made the stone so valuable and sought after by jewelers. In nature, there are various shades of purple amethyst - from the most delicate lilac to rich, deep and luxurious violet. The main reason for this shade, scientists call inclusions of iron ions.

And this material can also lose depth of hue if kept out in the open. Ultraviolet and even short-term heating will discolor the stone. Only a small fraction of the color will return to the mineral after complete cooling.

How to distinguish a fake?

Technologies make it possible to produce even artificially, let alone amethyst. Non-natural material is significantly inferior to the natural counterpart in the depth of color, indicators of hardness and strength, resistance to temperature fluctuations. To verify the naturalness of the proposed amethyst, a potential buyer is invited to conduct their own mini-test:

  • Check the mineral for inclusions, impurities, defects.
  • Check the uniformity of color and distribution of shades.
  • Artificial material, when immersed in water, will not lose its color at the edges, as it will definitely happen with natural material.

There is another difference - this is the effect of temperature. When heated up to 250 degrees a natural stone able to lose color intensity, but do it evenly. But artificial material only partially and fragmentarily lose color.

artificial amethyst

Mankind successfully synthesizes artificial amethysts, which can be grown in special laboratories with specified color parameters. You can even choose the size of the stone that should be obtained after the procedure. The cost in the jewelry market of artificial amethyst is close to the price of a natural stone.

Amethyst Care

Since the material is afraid of the sun, it must be stored exclusively in dark, closed rooms. Do not heat the stone or wet it as it will lose its color intensity. For long-term storage, the material is placed in a box where light does not penetrate.

Amethyst and zodiac signs

Astrologers say that amethyst stone is suitable for Aries and Aquarius, as it helps to curb excessive emotionality and impulsiveness. This material allows you to focus on the important life situation and achieve the set goal. It is also good for restoring mental strength. Taurus is not recommended to purchase a mineral.

Amethyst stone - luxury of color and unique magical properties

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Amethyst - inexpensive jewelry stone, a purple variety of quartz. A transparent and very beautiful stone of dark and light colors in nature occurs in the form of crystals. Uncut amethyst crystals are in high demand among collectors around the world. For its delicate purple hue, jewelers called it "stone violet".

It is a gemstone that is widely demanded in jewelry industry. Amethyst jewelry is extremely popular due to its extraordinary beauty, variety of shades and energy properties.

Amethyst is a symbol of sincerity, devotion and sincerity. It is recommended to wear jewelry with a stone if you are tormented by anxieties and emotional experiences. The energy of the stone gives peace of mind and inner peace, helps to preserve mental health strengthens the will. The ancient Romans called it nothing more than a "blessed stone" that brings good luck and peace.

This stone is loved by magicians and psychics, as it is more susceptible to magic than many others. gems. Ancient amethysts are very often charmed. Such specimens are valued more because their energy is amplified many times over, since the stone is able to store magical energy for hundreds of years.

Amethyst helps lovers

Amethyst is also considered a stone of fidelity and eternal love. According to legend, Saint Valentine wore an amethyst ring carved with the image of Cupid.
In the old days, widows and widowers wore it, as a sign of devotion to their departed spouses. At all times, amethyst was considered a powerful amulet that protected from evil fate. From the female heart, amethyst is able to expel unrequited and unhappy love. It is believed that the heart-shaped amethyst is the best gift groom to the bride and a talisman that brings happiness and peace to the newlyweds.

Amethyst increases the vigilance and prudence of a person. Protects against hasty and thoughtless actions.

Amethyst fans note that the stone itself chooses its owner and does not accept everyone - it can suddenly split, get lost, etc. And if he chooses, then after constant contact he gets used to it, absorbs the spirit of his master, becomes a soulmate and helps him in every possible way in life. After a while, the owner of the stone feels a spiritual connection with him and practically does not part with the stone.

The most commonly used setting is silver. Amethyst in silver promotes friendly contacts, successful business meetings. It is considered that infertile women silver jewelry with amethysts helps to become mothers, and men - to restore masculine strength. Amethyst in gold gives the body energy balance. Amethyst looks great in red gold jewelry in combination with citrines and chrysolites.

origin of name
The origin of the name of the stone is associated with another amazing property - to stand guard over the sobriety of its owner. From ancient Greek, amethyst is translated as “non-drunk”. According to legend, the stone absorbs alcoholic vapors, remaining absolutely "sober".

An ancient legend is associated with the name of the stone. The unusually beautiful mineral was named after the Greek nymph Amethis, with whom Dionysus, the god of wine and fun, was in love. The beautiful Amethys rejected the eternally drunk Dionysus. For this act, the goddess Artemis turned the nymph into a purple-lilac stone, which was given the name "amethyst", which literally means "non-drunk".

Color and varieties of amethyst
The color of amethyst is different, but most often in nature the stone is found in purple tones of varying saturation. The Russian writer Kuprin wrote about amethysts as follows: “they look like violets blooming in the forests at the foot of the Libyan mountains.” There are dark purple amethysts, lilac-violet, as well as blue, pink, red-violet, cherry and even blood-red.

Such a beautiful shade is obtained due to the presence in the crystalline rocks organic dye impurities. This exquisite mineral is almost always transparent, with a bright vitreous luster. The play of shades looks fantastic.

It is curious that amethyst changes its color somewhat, depending on the lighting and viewing angle. This is especially noticeable in the example of the Ural amethysts, which, under artificial lighting, are filled with a purple-red color.

Place of Birth
Amethysts are mined in the Russian Urals and Yakutia, in Eastern Siberia and on the coast of the White Sea, in Uruguay and Brazil, in Central Asia and Australia, in Armenia and Azerbaijan, in India and the USA, in Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Very large gem-quality crystals are mined today in the Urals and the Kola Peninsula.

The ancient Chinese carved magnificent bottles and caskets from amethysts. The ancient Greeks and ancient Romans made carved amethyst gems and seals. In the Hermitage you can admire many highly artistic specimens of this unusual mineral. For example, see a gem with the image of the Roman emperor Vespasian and a frog amulet from the 3rd century BC. e.

In Russia, this crystal was called the "bishop's stone" and was decorated with pectoral crosses, as well as icons and altars. Delicate purple amethysts adorn the frames of the Savior Almighty and Our Lady of Smolensk icons, which are on display at the Moscow Kremlin Armory.

For many centuries, jewelry has been made from amethyst. Today, amethyst is included in the list of the most popular and sought-after stones. A gem-quality crystal is widely used as an ornamental material - boxes, dishes, small figures are cut out.

  1. Huge purple amethysts adorned the crown of the Russian Empress Irina Godunova.
  2. It is believed that the most beautiful amethyst belongs to the British crown - a very large spherical stone adorns the royal scepter.
  3. Princess Tarakanova had an amethyst ring of the rarest beauty. So beautiful that information about it has been preserved in historical archives.
    The talisman ring accompanied her on all her travels, attracted wealthy patrons to her mistress. According to legend, Princess Tarakanova was imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress the next day, after she presented an amethyst ring to her lover, Count Orlov.
  4. The largest amethyst geological formation in the world is the Empress of Uruguay geode: the height is over 3 meters, the weight is 2.5 tons. Composed of over 10,000 dark purple crystals.
  5. A well-known world masterpiece is the bouquet of the Austrian Empress Maria Theresa, in which there are more than 1500 amethysts. A luxurious gift was created at the behest of the Empress for her crowned husband, Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria. Today this magic bouquet can be seen in the Vienna Historical Museum.

Healing properties of amethyst
In addition to unusual beauty, amethyst is different healing properties.
Ancient Roman healers put amethyst in glasses of wine to control the level of their intoxication, as well as to neutralize the effect of the poison, if one got into the vessels.

The ancient Greeks used amethyst to rejuvenate the body - the stone helps to smooth out wrinkles, get rid of freckles and age spots.

Old Russian chronicles tell about amethyst like this: “amatist ... dashing thoughts away, good mind does and gives help in all matters”, “... if someone drinks infusion from that stone, it will give infertile children, and extinguish the poison and warriors from saves enemies and leads to victory, and even helps in catching wild animals and birds.

Amethyst helps to strengthen memory, treats skin diseases. If you apply a stone to your forehead, you can get rid of headaches.

Helps people with upset nervous system and helps to cope with their emotions and passions. In ancient times, amethyst was placed under a mattress to get rid of a strong "devilish" temptation. Putting an amethyst under your pillow at night can help with insomnia.

With the help of an amethyst drink, healers treated inflammation, prescribed it to patients at a high temperature. Amethyst water heals colds, cleanses the capillaries, as well as the liver and kidneys.

According to historical facts, jewelry-amulets with amethysts were worn during epidemics in order to neutralize the infection. It is believed that amethyst in earrings improves eyesight.

Modern lithotherapists recommend wearing products with amethysts in order to improve the blood supply to the brain, get rid of insomnia and nervous breakdowns.
To strengthen immunity, it is necessary to wear an amethyst ring on the right hand on the ring finger.

The magical properties of amethyst
The magical properties of amethyst are described on ancient Sumerian tablets, which indicate that this stone evokes love for the one who gives it. Even if the recipient of the gift is in love! That is why amethyst should not be taken from strangers.

Astrologically, amethyst is recommended to be worn by people who are too mundane, striving for spiritual growth. Most of all, amethyst suits the signs of the element Air - Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Amethyst jewelry is not recommended for Leos and Capricorns. Aries and other signs of the element of Fire are recommended to wear amethyst during emotional overexcitation, with outbreaks of aggression.

Amethysts are very receptive to Yin energy and have a positive effect on the Ajna (6th Brow) chakra. If you look at amethysts for a long time, it will help relieve nervous tension, calm down and get rid of insomnia.
Amethysts with the image of the moon and the sun are the strongest amulets against witchcraft and black magic.

Amethyst is the most valuable of the many varieties of quartz. The composition of this mineral includes silica or silicon oxide. The color of amethyst is associated with iron impurities. The gem is able to withstand high temperatures, and under the influence of the sun, the crystal can fade. When a piece of amethyst is heated to 200 degrees, the stone will become colorless, and as it cools, the gem will return to its original shade. All types of cuts can be applied to this gem.

The highest quality stones have deposits in the Urals, Brazil and Uruguay. In Russia, altars, panagias, icons and pectoral crosses were decorated with this gem.

The name "amethyst" comes from the name of the ancient Greek nymph Ametis. According to the legend, once the god of winemaking Dionysus fell passionately in love with a forest nymph. But Ametis refused courtship to the Greek god, because she loved the shepherd Sirikos. Enraged and offended, Dionysus chased her, but she prayed to the goddess Atremis for help. At that moment, when Dionysus approached the exhausted nymph, she turned into a statue. In an attempt to revive Amethys, Dionysus doused the statue with wine, but it only turned purple. So the amethyst stone appeared on earth.

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Violet amethyst belongs to the group of quartz, but it is kept apart from other gems of the same origin. This is the most precious mineral of all quartz, the reason for such a high position was the unusual color of the gem - except for amethyst, lilac stones are practically not found in nature.

Amethyst owes its name to the ancient Greeks, literally it means "not drunk", but in a figurative sense - "not tempted". It was believed that wearing this gem with oneself allowed one to maintain a sober mind even when in large numbers drunk wine. In order not to get drunk, the stone was not only carried with them, but goblets for wine were cut out of it.

According to the second version, the stone got its name from the beautiful nymph Amethys, who turned into a statue to escape the persecution of Bacchus.

Amethysts were mined already in the days of Ancient Egypt, and even then they assigned many magical properties to this stone. He brought good luck, calmed anger, helped to gather his thoughts, kept from troubles and nightmares.

In the Middle Ages, amethysts were worn by clergy, using it to decorate their clothes. The stone was popular with both Catholics and Orthodox. They decorated altars, crosses and icons, and by the 17th century in Russia, amethysts were more expensive than rubies and were called "vareniki".

Lilac amethyst in its natural form is a crystal with a rhombic cross section. It is noteworthy that this cross-sectional shape is typical only for these gems, the rest of the quartz crystals are hexagonal. Some amethysts grow in the shape of a scepter, expanding towards the top, and some are shaped like a prism.

What color is amethyst? There is no single answer to this question, the fact is that this stone has a rich palette of shades, and it is also able to change color. This is the property of few gems and amethyst is the undisputed leader. If we talk about the palette of shades, then in nature you can find blue, black, red and green amethyst.

Classic amethyst color - purple, lavender color, rich and deep. Such stones have always been highly valued. From Greek, the name of the mineral can be translated as "not drunk."

The gem was known to people in Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome, there is a legend that tells how it appeared in nature. It is quite natural that she is associated with the gods and nymphs.

amethyst colors

In the forest lived a beautiful nymph named Amethys, who easily seduced and fell in love with the god Dionysus. But the girl was in no hurry to reciprocate the god of wine. The nymph was in love with another. She fought off the importunate admirer with difficulty and hid in the temple.

God Dionysus easily found his beloved, and then the girl asked for protection from the goddess Artemis. She took pity on the nymph and turned her into stone. When Dionysus entered the temple, he saw a statue of a colorless mineral. God tried to revive his beloved, but nothing happened, then Dionysus poured wine over the statue, because of which the crystal acquired a characteristic purple color.

The wine did not help the beauty, and then God broke the image of the beautiful nymph into small particles. And so a mineral of incredible beauty appeared, which is able to change color.

Lavender amethyst is incredibly beautiful, it is called the most popular variety of quartz, and if it could compete with a diamond, it would certainly become the most expensive and sought after. These stones were the first, the masters began to use them to create jewelry.

Monarchs for many years drank wine from goblets and cups made of amethyst, they believed that the gem was able to prevent misfortune. If the stone changed color, then the owner of the bowl or goblet was in danger. The stone could prevent poisoning, was considered a kind of indicator of poisons.

The color of amethyst can be different, but black gems are considered the most expensive and rare.

Shade palette

Undoubtedly, its value depends on the color of the stone. In nature, there are various shades of amethyst:

  • blue;
  • blue;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • purple;
  • purple (like lavender);
  • green;
  • white.

Blue and blue shades of amethyst cannot be called classic, but such specimens are still found in nature. The color of the mineral may change processing. If the stones are heated to 250 degrees Celsius, they can become transparent, they are often passed off as aquamarines and topazes, selling at a higher price. Cooling will help to partially return the shade to it.

If pink gems are not uncommon in nature, then red ones are rare. They are found in Brazil, and hematite ions, which are present in the structure, give the minerals an unusual shade.

Amethyst color is purple and lilac. Such minerals are invariably in demand, they are very beautiful, a rich shade affects the cost of the stone. If we talk about the classics, then the most expensive minerals are mined on the territory of our country, they are found in the deposits of the Urals.

Green amethysts are rare in nature, they are very beautiful, but it is unlikely that you will be able to find and buy such a stone in a store.

Black amethyst differs from its counterparts in that there are minor formations on its surface. They resemble thorns, which gives the gem a special charm. A crystal can decorate any jewelry, most often such products are made of gold or platinum, for this reason they are far from cheap.

The "thorns" on the black amethyst are located exclusively on top. They arise due to the fact that gems are formed in the strata of the rock at great depths, they are mined only in Uruguay at one deposit.

But the cost of crystals is affected not only by the shade, but also by the method of cutting. Amethysts are cut in several ways. Most often they are given a cabochon-shaped cut, stones can have a diamond cut. It all depends on the quality of the mineral and its size. Most often, varieties of quartz are shaped into an oval or triangle.

Crystal can decorate:

  • earrings;
  • pendant;
  • suspension;
  • ring or ring.

Amethyst is considered universal, it is able to complement any image. Gold is considered the best setting for this stone, since the yellow metal complements the color of the gem, enhancing it several times. Jewelry with this mineral looks best during the day. The light of the sun makes the products beautiful, but it is dangerous for the amethyst, as it can cause its color to change.

Place of Birth

Amethyst color is not characteristic of everyone; such stones are mined in the deposits of the Urals and Brazil. These countries are rich in mineral deposits, but as for Brazil, this country has a lot of gems that are not of high quality. They do not have transparency, and, therefore, they are not used for making jewelry.

Stone deposits are also found in Africa; amethysts are mined in this country in a small amount, but they all have good characteristics.

Amethyst color is characteristic of those gems that are mined in the Urals, they are called "deep Siberians" for the saturation and brightness of the shade. Even in Russia, gem mining is carried out on the Kola Peninsula.

In addition, amethysts are found in the following countries:

  1. Mexico.
  2. South America.
  3. India.
  4. Sri Lanka.

But not all countries mine minerals that are suitable for creating jewelry. Some amethysts are used as ornamental stone because they are not high performance.

Amethyst color has long attracted people and fascinated them. The stones were incredibly popular, but because they were widespread, they never became the most expensive in the history of mineralogy.

The stone was endowed with various properties, in the old days it was believed that it was able to protect a person from drunkenness and other bad habits. Amethyst was considered a symbol of a clear mind and sobriety, perhaps for this reason it was so often worn by representatives of power and the clergy.