
Touch the energy with your hands - the sixth sense. Inner vision. How to learn to feel energy. Exercises How to feel the energy


Excerpt from Manteka Chia's "Iron Shirt"

The art of the Iron Shirt was in those distant times a means of developing the protective power of the body. For a fantastic increase in the density of the internal energy filling of the body, relatively simple external techniques were used. As a result of an incredible increase in the density of the energy body, the vital organs of the human physical body became practically invulnerable to the blows inflicted by the enemy. Considering that it is the vital organs that play the main role in the production of subtle energy, we get a closed circle. energy protection: Qi protects organs, organs generate Qi. The Chinese word Qi can be translated as "air" and "strength". Kung or gong - art, discipline, control. Thus, Qigong is the art of controlling air currents, the discipline of breathing, or the art of controlling strength. Iron Shirt Qigong - the art of power control, making the body invulnerable

The internal pressure of the life force Qi.
Considering the principles underlying the practice of the art of Iron Shirt Qigong, we can draw the following simple analogy: by “pumping” the tissues of the body with Qi, we create a kind of energy pressure in them, which acts similarly to the air pressure in a car tire. And, just as bumps and potholes in the road do not harm the body of a car whose wheels are in good condition and driven by a skilled driver, blows inflicted on the body of an Iron Shirt master do not cause any harm to his vital internal organs.
As you know, respiration is the most important and vital of the physiological functions of a protein organism. It is no secret that a person can live without food for more than a month, without water - for several days, but without air - only a few minutes.
Iron Shirt practice allows you to make your breathing as efficient as possible. It allows us to really develop tremendous vitality, strengthen internal organs and get rid of any diseases in the most radical way by filling the organs and tissues of the body with Qi energy, which fills every cell of the body under pressure, optimizing the functions of all organs and all systems.
a. Origin of the Iron Shirt Breathing Technique.
According to the observations of the ancient Taoist masters, it is this type of breathing that the human fetus uses while in the mother's womb. It does not have pulmonary ventilation, so it distributes bodily fluids and Chi energy from the umbilical cord with muscle pulsations similar to those used to redistribute Chi in Iron Shirt practice.
After birth, a person switches to pulmonary breathing. Gradually, it becomes more and more superficial, the abdominal organs lose mobility, the Qi pressure in them drops. They cease to provide significant assistance to the heart in maintaining blood circulation. As a result, the currents of all physiological fluids in the body system slow down. Dryness develops in the body, which corresponds to excessive heat in the energy structure. According to its properties, the heat due to the predominance of the element of fire rises upward, forming zones of stagnant dryness in the chest and head. The balance is disturbed, the cool force of the element of water descends down to the genitals, accumulates there and dissipates, leaving the body. The Qi pressure becomes even weaker, the habit of lower breathing is completely lost. This is how aging happens. The lungs are forced to cope with breathing only due to the work of the intercostal muscles, which is absolutely insufficient for normal life, since in fact no more than a third of the potential volume of pulmonary ventilation is used. From the point of view of energy metabolism, such breathing is not only inefficient, moreover, it is, so to speak, “expendable”. The energy structure loses energy instead of accumulating it, and as a result, it collapses, unable to resist the external pressure of Qi.
Lower breathing pumps Qi into the system, increases internal energy pressure, and the impact on the energy structure from the outside world - infinite universe energy fields - is compensated. A special methods training allows you to fill the energy structure of a human being with even more Qi, under pressure that surpasses the external one. This not only enhances the internal energy exchange and increases the overall energy potential of the entire system, but also allows it to successfully withstand concentrated destructive external influences.
By working with forcing breathing techniques, we fill the internal organs with Qi and make it radiate from them, accumulating in the inner layer of connective tissue. Further increase in the course of the practice of the Iron Shirt of the internal pressure of Qi in the organs and the inner layer of the connective tissue causes Qi to sequentially fill more and more of its outer layers. In the end, all the internal organs and endocrine glands are, as it were, wrapped in powerful, under high pressure Qi-filled connective tissue pillows. They not only protect everything that is inside them from adverse external mechanical and energy influences, but, if necessary, also provide functional energy replenishment. internal organs and other vital structures of the body.
Further practice of the Iron Shirt increases the density of filling the connective tissues with the power of Dm so much that the latter begins to be intensively pumped out of them into the bones, tendons and, finally, into the skeletal muscles.
Food consumed in excess. - and this is currently happening all the time - is not consumed in the form of energy, but is stored by the body in the form of fat deposits in the outer layers of connective tissue. In addition to the purely physical and aesthetic inconvenience that these deposits cause us, they also significantly reduce the density of Qi flows, significantly increasing the resistance of the energy structure. As a result of the practice of the Iron Shirt, all the energy stored in the body in the form of fat, obtained from food, is converted into pure Qi. Fat burns, and the energy released as a result accumulates in the form of pure Civ in the connective tissues. In addition, in this process, the body learns to consciously transform fat into energy only due to the corresponding volitional impulse. Thus, the fundamental possibility of the formation of unwanted fat deposits is gradually completely eliminated.
The injection of energy into the connective tissues of the musculoskeletal system turns the latter into a single structural and functional unit. Muscles tighten and tighten, tendons become strong and elastic, their connections with bones become very dense and resistant to all kinds of dynamic and static overloads. Qi from the connective tissues is forced under pressure into the muscles and bones. In the end, the bones are filled with Qi to the very core. The processes of cell division of bone marrow tissues change, bone marrow regeneration occurs, and even in the elderly, red bone marrow is restored up to the maximum filling of intraosseous cavities with it - just like in a child.
In the process of working with Iron Shirt techniques, we use different kinds lower breathing and manipulation of the abdominal and pelvic muscles. Due to this, breathing begins to provide invaluable assistance to the heart and the entire circulatory system. It is no secret that about sixty percent of the total amount of blood is constantly in the abdominal organs. Due to this, when working with forcing breathing, the abdominal cavity turns into a second heart, the performance of which is almost several times higher than the performance of the heart muscle itself. Moreover, in addition to the purely mechanical aspect of the circulatory-regulatory function of the abdominal cavity during the Iron Shirt practice, there is also an energy aspect, which, when a person reaches a certain level of fitness, far exceeds the first in its value. All this together has such a powerful cleansing and training effect that both the energy structure and the physical body completely get rid of all types of toxins, toxins and pollution, which greatly reduce the efficiency of the functioning of the organs and systems of the body of an ordinary person in his usual state.
The meditation techniques used in the Iron Shirt practice allow much more Chi to be forced into the energy structure under pressure than is normally present in it. Attempts to increase the energy status of the body through conventional exercise, so popular today in the West, do not lead to any serious results, because at a certain stage, an increase in energy pressure begins to have a destructive effect on the heart. Meditative practices of conscious work with Qi allow you to accumulate an unimaginably huge amount of energy in the system. * As a result, as Qi begins to flow more and more freely in the body, a person becomes aware of new aspects of being, and ever wider horizons of spiritual self-awareness open up before him.

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2. Iron Shirt as a means of radically increasing life expectancy.
The normal life expectancy of ancient Taoist masters was five hundred to a thousand years. Unlike the attitudes towards material well-being that prevail in today's society, the then understanding of harmony was based on a stable balanced interaction of material aspirations and the desire for spiritual self-realization. Yogis and Taoist masters have always talked about the inner world of a person, which can be reached and which is a complete reflection of the entire grandiose outer Universe. It is the full-fledged self-awareness of man as a potentially infinite spiritual being and is considered by Taoist masters the goal of human life. And this life should go on as much as possible so that a person can have time to really move forward in this. The prospects are truly endless. And Taoists know how to implement them. The whole point is only in constant, properly constructed training.
“A person must live at least a hundred years. After all, his life is in his own hands, and not in the hands of some unknown Universal Being. This is one of the ancient Taoist sayings. Such an optimistic positive attitude towards the issue of life expectancy could only be characteristic of those who knew exactly what is behind human life, in whose hands it really is, and how to make it all full, active and conscious, regardless of its duration.
The point is that the main distinctive feature It is the Taoist systems of integral training that are their accuracy and thorough alignment of each step in everything related to the practice of controlling the power of Qi. Every technique, every step, every shade of any Taoist technique has been practiced for thousands of years. The results of every action taken in accordance with the guidelines of the training system are known and predictable, so if the Taoist masters say: “Doing this and that, then you will get such and such a result,” they invariably turn out to be right. Based on the foregoing, it is not difficult to guess why in the traditions of Taoist Yoga it is not customary to rush things. “You go quieter - you will continue” - the formula is quite universal.
3. Results of Iron Shirt Qigong Practice.

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On the physical plane.
As a result of the practice of the Iron Shirt, the general psychoenergetic status of a person changes radically and a transformation of the usual human body into a powerful integrated energy structure, all elements of which ideally conduct the flows of Qi force and, functioning in the optimal mode, are always absolutely under the control of the will if necessary. The strength, strength and endurance of such a body are truly fantastic, with a chronological age of fifty to sixty years, it can have the biological characteristics of a twenty to twenty-five-year-old organism. Due to the development of the Qi Belt, a strong stable interaction is established between the energy channels of the upper and lower parts body. In a normal, average state, this interaction in an ordinary person, as a rule, is disturbed. A significant increase in the density of energy flows in the body leads to complete detoxification of the body and the release of the energy structure from toxins and stressful energy blocks, forcing the Qi force into the tissue develops a phenomenal resistance of the body to adverse external mechanical, physicochemical, biogenic, field and radiation energy effects. Dense energy grounding allows a person to learn to withstand truly crushing mechanical attacks, grounding the force of their impact by passing it through the bone structure. A person who has fully mastered the technique of grounding is able to easily withstand not only the strongest punches or kicks, but also remain motionless when exposed to several people. There are masters who cannot be moved even by twenty or thirty strong men at the same time.* A person acquires the ability to easily generate Qi flows in the body and fully consciously control them, transferring Qi from dense to more subtle planes, and on the basis of the energy body forming the body of the soul and the body of the immortal Spirit.
b. Neither psycho-emotionally.
A person learns the technique of transforming negatively colored emotional energy into positive energy. All energy is concentrated into a single, fully controlled mass and compressed into a ball of Qi force in the Lower Dan Tien. This prevents uncontrolled energy leakage, which inevitably occurs if excess
* As a result of the practice of the Iron Shirt, the gap between the dense physical and the subtle disappears in the perception of a person. energy bodies- (approx. transl.).
Qi is not condensed and is constantly moving in the body in the form of powerful currents. If the force is collected in the lower dan tien, it can always be drawn from there and used as additional energy in situations when it is necessary. There are ways to condense force into a ball through mechanical manipulation of the abdominal muscles. One who has mastered these techniques perfectly can move the Qi ball inside the abdomen. Over time, as a result of practice, mastery comes in controlling the movements of the Qi ball with the help of mental-volitional manipulations alone. The next step is to master the technique of conducting the ball of condensed Qi through all channels of the energy structure with its obligatory return to the lower Dan Tien. * As the skill in controlling the power of Qi in the energy structure grows, the Qi ball turns into a ball of light, the energy density in which becomes unthinkably huge. This ball resembles a pearl. From it subsequently develop the body of the soul and the body of the immortal Spirit.
v. On the spiritual plane.
In order for spiritual self-awareness to become a reality and for a person to gain the freedom of a self-aware Spirit, thereby gaining continuity of self-awareness that is not affected by the death of the physical body, its energy structure must undergo appropriate changes and develop, acquiring fundamentally new qualities.

Energy can be felt in one way or another by anyone. The following practices are aimed at developing this feeling.

First stage
Posture for training: sitting on a chair or reclining. Important: a person should be focused on learning - do not smoke, be sober and moderately full - it is under such conditions that consciousness is most adapted to perception and, accordingly, to learning.

At first, it is easiest to give yourself the opportunity to feel the energy in the palms, for this you need to warm up your hands, while the trainee concentrates on a specific context, which is very important in the future. Methods of warming up the hands from simple friction of the palms to complete kneading of the hand. After the hands are warmed up, they need to be squeezed and listen to the sensations, feel the pulsation of blood in the palms, and then slowly part them. Then reduce again and do the same thing several times. After the trainee can feel the pulsation of the blood without warming up the hands, one should proceed to the next phase.

Feeling of energy
Warm up your hands. Squeeze them and slowly spread them, a tingling sensation occurs in the hands (in most men) or a chill with a tingling (in most women) if the described sensation does not occur after 3 times, you can use the gain. To do this, you need to pour your energy into the hands of another from the outside of the palms. (If it does not feel, you can clear the channels) Further, after the trainee can easily switch to feeling in the palms, we move on.

Feel the gum
Feel the energy in your palms, then slowly squeeze your hands and unclench them a little faster, as if playing an accordion. Method of molding dough, clay. Learning to sculpt a ball of energy (the first experience with a thought form).

Insert the ball into yourself, do not throw it away after use.

Channel cleaning
Blind the ball and lift it with willpower along the arm (control and feeding the ball with the other hand helps some) from the hand to the elbow, from the elbow to the shoulder, roll the ball along the collarbone to the other shoulder, then to the elbow and the ball into the hand. Operate only in a clockwise direction.

Same with legs
After everything worked out with the channels of the arms and legs, we learn to shift the ball from one hand to the other (this is necessary for clearing the spine). First, the described sequence of actions, then the same thing, but mentally. After the goal of shifting is achieved, we put the ball on the coccyx and slowly lift it along the spine / back with willpower (it is difficult for some to feel the spine, then lift it along the outer side of the skin).

Beginning of manipulation
Learning to "lengthen" the finger. For this action:
Warm up your hands, feel the elastic band of energy between your outstretched hands, wind something that springs around one of the fingers of your right hand, so that you get a beam. Tap the beam in the opposite hand. Check to knock on someone else's hand. Next, drawing with a beam on your own and someone else's hand.

Learning to roll the ball on the surface of the body
This exercise is the most important, as it gives control over the thought-form. So, we create a ball, put it on the top of the head and let it roll between the eyebrows, then along the nose, lips, chin. After the ball has rolled off the chin, let it go on the neck and further down - up to the genitals.

Next, we create a ball again, put it on the crown of the head and lower it along the outer side of the back along the spine (we do everything slowly). Additions to this exercise: after everything turned out, you can create not only a ball, but also other simple shapes. The main thing is not to forget to take the ball into yourself after completing each action!

This completes the basics of manipulation.

Safety rules when working with energy and thought forms
1. Never dump energy into outer space.
2. Do not start exercising if you are sick.
3. Don't practice your strength by jumping exercises
4. When working with the spine, avoid negative thoughts.
5. Be patient!
6. If you started to do some kind of exercise - it is strictly necessary to bring it to the end!
7. Don't be afraid.

How to learn to feel and manage energy

Everything you do, wherever you are, whatever you do, it all comes down to one thing - energy. Every day, you get up in the morning and this miracle splashes in you, falling asleep every day, this miracle quietly vibrates in you. Energy surrounds us all our life, it is in the air, objects, in other people. You have so many types of energy, you have no idea.

But the problem is that humanity has forgotten how to use energy. It has forgotten how to see it. They live by the principle "What you can't see, that's not there." This main mistake of this world. Energy is like believing in a miracle, if no one believes in magic, it doesn't exist. And since no one believes in this power, it weakens.
Everyone can own energy. We just learned how to do it. From childhood, parents teach us to walk, read, write. But no one teaches us to feel energy and control it. Imagine that energy is the same household chore as washing dishes or going for a walk. We only attach such significance to this, because we have not fully studied this “Phenomenon”. In fact, energy is not as complicated as it seems, and anyone can own it. Moreover, everyone owns it.

Most of the time we do this unconsciously, like blinking our eyes, walking and talking. There is nothing complicated in this. Imagine you are a baby again and you are born again. AND your task is to begin to feel the energy, just feel like working with a spoon or running. This is what we will do in this article. Let's start feeling the energy.
For an elemental magician, working with energies is just as important a task as knowing the alphabet for a Russian teacher. You must have your own idea of ​​it. The way it flows in us, how it lives in other objects, how it passes from one state to another.

We have many types of energy. From astral and mental to kinetic. Our muscles work on kinetic energy, and our soul and the work of a magician work on astral and mental energy.

I think it makes no sense to describe what this energy is. It is very important for the magician to recognize this energy. The easiest thing you can learn is to feel the energy, to distinguish it in our body. Roughly speaking, touch. Further, you can learn to see energy with your eyes, but it is much more difficult than touch. For a start, one feeling is enough for you, and you can learn to see and smell the energy over time.

Take and connect your two palms. What do you feel? That's right, heat or cold from the opposite palm. But imagine: while you hold your palms together, energy is already formed between them. And the way you feel the other hand, you also have to learn to feel the energy. Try holding your palms to feel this energy. But, I'll tell you, it will be more difficult. Most The best way learning to recognize energy is meditation. Meditation focused on energy itself. Those who opened the chakras felt the energy in the "swirls". It will be easier for them to feel it. For a magician, the opening of the chakras is very important - a direct strengthening of your body.

How will you feel this energy? Each person will feel it differently, or rather, you will have one of 4 options. Someone will feel heat or coals. Some are cold and tingly. And someone - directed movement and resistance or vibration. Don't worry, it's because Initially, each person has one of 4 types of energy. Fire, water, earth, air. I won't venture to say which one each feeling refers to. After you have learned to feel the energy, try to feel the energy throughout your body. This way you will speed up your work.
The most important thing for a magician is not only to be able to feel energy, but also to be able to emit and receive it. It is desirable to be able to do this with your whole body. The fact is that throughout our body there are points that can emit energy and receive this energy.

Attention: do not try to first learn to try to emit the energy of the whole body - it is dangerous. So that you understand the principle of receiving and supplying energy, start with two points. These are our palms. Yes, there is one of these points in the center of the palm. At the beginning of training, try to release energy with one hand, and receive energy with the other. Thus you will receive vicious circle energy. After you understand and feel how to let in and receive energy, change hands. And take the energy with the hand that emitted it. And vice versa with the other hand.

When you learn how to do it masterfully, then you can try to learn how to do it with the whole body.
The best exercise that will help you at first is "Habit is a time killer." I call her that. Habit is the key word here, because when you have already gone through this, the habit of doing this exercise still remains. So, prepare your two palms and place them at a distance of 10 centimeters. Further, reduce this distance without touching the palms, then increase, and so repeat this several times. You should notice a resistance between your palms. To feel this, do this exercise slowly, without making any effort.

Then, when you begin to feel this resistance, imagine that there is a ball of energy between your hands. Mentally begin to roll it over your palms. You will start to feel every turn and direction of movement on your palms if you are careful. The key word is habit. Make it a habit and do this exercise constantly. At least ten minutes a day. After a week, you will already start to feel good energy. And after a month you will already be able to sculpt Spells.
Or as it is also called "Sculpting an energy ball." And the same principle applies to sculpting fireballs.

How to learn to feel and manage energy

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Everyone can develop the ability to shape events according to their own desire, to speak without words, to see with their inner vision, to feel people at a distance, to mentally view the future and many more all sorts of “etc.” How to learn to create events? How to learn to feel energy? Wonders? Yes, no! You just don't know how to do it. Just never tried. Because there are people like you around. And who knows what miracles are? The whole world is permeated with energy. It can be seen and felt, but in most cases it requires some preparation.

How to feel the energy

Since magic implies the ability to interact with energy, let's start by learning to feel it (of course, we will also learn to see it, but this is a little later). Now I propose to try to feel your aura, that is, the energy-informational field that permeates the physical body and is its continuation. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work right away: if you haven’t done anything like this before, then it may take some time to develop this skill. You can close your eyes if that makes it easier to concentrate. So...

Feeling of energy between the palms

It is easiest to feel the energy between the palms - especially if they are rubbed first. Place your palms one opposite the other at a distance of about 25 centimeters and begin to slowly bring them together, listening to the sensations that arise. The result can be expressed, for example, in a feeling of slight tingling, warmth or repulsion (as between magnets, if they are brought together by the same poles). The perception of energy for each person is subjective, so you should not expect the appearance of any particular sensation, just tune in to the perception as much as possible.

If you can say: I can feel the energy in my palms - great, keep practicing, developing the sensitivity of your hands. If not, the same thing: train, anyway, sooner or later, you can learn to feel the energy. After you learn at least a little to feel the aura between the palms, you can proceed to the following exercises.

Feeling your own aura

The principle is the same as in the previous technique, only here you need to place your palm over your forearm or thigh at a distance of about 30-40 centimeters. The sensations will be the same, only weaker, which is understandable: the radiation of energy from the palms is always more active. (By the way, the sensitivity of one palm is often higher than the other, so it makes sense to train hands alternately.)

And now try to feel the whole etheric body - a cocoon of energy that envelops you. Something like a second skin, the boundaries of which are 30-40 centimeters from the surface of the physical body. You may have heard that the human aura is shaped like an egg and extends about a meter outside the physical body. Where did these 30-40 centimeters come from then? The fact is that the aura is not homogeneous, but consists of several layers, or thin bodies that permeate each other and the physical body. They all have a different volume, and therefore each subsequent body goes beyond the previous one. Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish the following layers in the aura.

Layers of the human aura

  • The etheric body is the counterpart of the physical; it contains the energy matrix of all organs and tissues of the body. The correct impact on the energy matrix leads to the healing of diseases. It goes beyond the physical body by 3-5 centimeters.
  • Astral body - consists of the energy of emotions. When we experience negative emotions, clots of negative energy form in the astral body, which, however, then dissolve; but the more often a person experiences negative emotions (especially on the same occasion), the denser these clots are, the longer they remain in the aura - and the greater the danger of their negative impact on health. (Medicine? Positive emotions, naturally.) The astral body goes beyond the physical by 5-10 centimeters.
  • The mental body is the body of thoughts; everything that has been said about the formation of clots of negative energy in the astral body is similarly applicable to the mental. This body goes beyond the physical by 10-20 centimeters. The astral and mental bodies are closely related enough (after all, thoughts and emotions are often inseparable), so that sometimes they even speak of the astro-mental body, referring to both of these layers.
  • The karmic (causal) body is a layer of the aura that contains information about our past incarnations and about everything that we have done in this life. Unlike the etheric, astral and mental bodies, the karmic body after the physical death of a person does not disintegrate, but passes with it to the next plane of existence.
  • The intuitive (soul) body is the matrix on which the etheric body is built; it is defined as a body in which higher unconscious processes take place.
  • The spiritual body is that part of our "I", which provides a connection with the Higher Mind. This body stores the spiritual program of a person, the goals of his life (lives) and the obligations assumed by him before incarnation. It has the shape of an egg, which extends 80-100 centimeters beyond the limits of the physical body (Fig.).

The wider the boundaries of each of the bodies, the more subtle the structure of its energy - accordingly, the more difficult it is to see or feel it. That is why the first steps in energy work are connected with the perception of the etheric body - as the most dense and easily tangible.

How to recharge your batteries

It is best to have physical contact with the elements: for example, with a burning candle or a fire, if you are fueled by Fire; with a natural reservoir, an aquarium, or at least with an open water tap - if you are powered by Water; with a flower pot or, say, with a lawn - as with a manifestation of the Earth. Well, there shouldn’t be any problems with Air, except that you can go out of the room to the street, where it is fresher and more mobile. In extreme cases, the element and any of its manifestations can be imagined - it all depends on your ability to visualize.

To learn how to feel energy, look at the element. Touch it or, if it is Fire, bring your hands as close to it as possible. Imagine that you breathe in the element, it fills you, shares its energy. You can do this technique with your eyes closed.

How to get energy from the sun

Charging from the Sun is best at dawn or sunset, but not when it is at its zenith. Stand facing the Sun (you can close your eyes at the same time), and imagine how its rays fill you with golden energy. In the same way, you can, if you wish, be nourished from the Moon, but in no case on a full moon or a new moon - the energies of these phases are too heavy to perceive (however, if you have good sensitivity, then you will not have a desire to be charged with lunar energy at this time).

Energy in a place of power

The Place of Power may be located outside the city or in its very center; it can be quite large in area or limited to a couple of square meters - in any case, it has that special energy that makes you recognize it. (If you have not yet learned to identify such places - do not be discouraged, this skill will come later.)

So, if you know where the place of Power is, take the time to be in it for a while, open up to it, feel its energy. Imagine how his Power pours into you in a luminous stream (someone may eventually develop their own ways to feel energy, but for now you can try the most universal images of light and / or heat). To begin with, it will be enough to stay in the place of Power for about fifteen minutes, then the time can be gradually increased. As a result, you will be able to say to yourself: I begin to feel the energies and feel them.

Getting energy from space

The method is convenient because it does not require absolutely any special conditions - just imagine how the energy from the surrounding space fills you. (To make it easier, you can imagine how the energy comes in on the inhale, and the exit is evenly distributed inside the aura, but this is not necessary.) A slight inconvenience is that this energy must be filtered out during the absorption process so as not to pick up anything unwanted .

Pranayama to increase energy

Exists various ways performing Pranayama, which will help you learn to feel the energy. One of them is next.

  • Sit with your back straight or take the lotus position.
  • Inhale slowly and evenly through both nostrils. The mouth must be closed.
  • Now hold your breath for as long as possible (without allowing any discomfort), close the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand and exhale slowly through the left nostril.
  • Expand your chest as you inhale.
  • Inhalation should be accompanied by a special sound that occurs due to partial compression of the glottis (make sure that it is continuous and of the same height).

Also, this technique can be performed while standing and even while walking. (Option: instead of exhaling through the left nostril, you can exhale slowly through both nostrils). Pranayama should be practiced for 15 minutes every day for at least a few weeks. Exercise in a well ventilated area or fresh air. Eating before this is not recommended.

Many people know the meaning of the word energy, because everything that exists in this world consists of it. It accumulates, passes into other forms and does not disappear without a trace. Everyone has their own energy, good and not so good. Just in this article, 9 easy ways to determine the energy of a person.

In this article

How to understand who is in front of you?

Not only people have an energy field, but also the animal, plant world, stones and so on. From this it is clear that the relationship between man and nature occurs as a result of the exchange of information.

You can determine the energy of a person according to the following criteria:

  1. Day, year and place of conception. If conception occurred during a solar or lunar eclipse, then the energy will be changeable, with certain violations.
  2. Solar Activity. Those born during this period have a strong energy, they are resistant to external factors.
  3. Human field. For example, a stranger came into the room, and there was a feeling that he pushed everyone out. So his energy is very strong. And vice versa, if you go unnoticed, you have an energetically weak person in front of you.
  4. Intuitiveness. The sensitivity of each individual personality is developed differently. When in contact with someone, you need to listen to your feelings.

How to feel?

The energy of a person is so strong that you can feel it not only in direct contact, but also from a photo, at a distance.


In the distance, you can feel the energy of only a fairly close person. It is not necessary to have pronounced energy abilities.

To do this, you need to concentrate on the person, understand what he is doing in this moment And what are his emotions.


You can tell a lot from a photo. There is an opinion that during the creation of a picture, energy passes from a person to a paper image. It may also change over time.

In order to learn how to correctly read information from an image, it is advised to start with cards of people you know, about which almost everything is known.

Then pick up a photo, carefully focus your eyes on the eyes of the person being read, his facial expressions and gestures. Turn on the imagination, it will help to match some of the details.

In this video, magician Sargas gives a couple of simple practices that will help you learn to see energy and will be a good help in further magical development:

If you don't get it the first time, try again.

Types of energy


The mirror man has the ability to reflect energy. Directed energy returns to the one who sends it. And it's not always positive. This type of people easily defends themselves from any kind of negativity, including those specially directed at them.

They feel those around them. Mirrors distinguish the energy that is sent to the world. With any contact, the mirror person becomes clear who is in front of him, and whether it is worth dealing with a stranger in the future.

Anyone who carries negative energy, tries to bypass people-mirrors. After all, he receives the negativity emanating from himself in another more, which in turn provokes illness and causes problematic situations.

Mechanism of action for such a positive person same: when communicating with a mirror, he receives only positive emotions.

The circle of communication of the mirror is made up of only good people who carry positive emotions.


Wall people have the strongest energy. You could say they are invincible. Any trouble coming at them bounces off like a cork off a concrete wall.

But when interacting with a human-wall, there are some disadvantages. Everything bad that is directed at him flies off and returns not to the one who sent it, but to the people surrounding the wall.


There are a lot of such energetically charged men and women. Every day we face them, whether it's at work, on the subway or on the street. It could also be one of the family members. Leeches are very similar to vampires. They replenish their energy by taking it away from others. With it, the life force is gone.

Leeches work according to this method: provoke conflict, humiliate others. As soon as they charge people with negativity, they gain positive energy and feel better. Leeches become more active and feel a strong surge of strength. Anyone who has succumbed to the influence of such a person feels devastated, depressed, and experiences physical weakness.

This type of people is quite aggressive and persistent, a strong wave of negativity comes from them.

In order for the leech to always have good mood, it needs energy donors. She surrounds herself with such people, because you can cling to their energy field.


A type of people who throws a huge amount of negativity at an interlocutor (even an unfamiliar one). They try to stick to a person for a long time in order to slowly suck the positive out of him. Sticky people want to be close to the source of energy, call, make appointments, advise or ask for advice.

But if something not entirely good happens in life, they immediately remove the blame from themselves and condemn others. That is, they act a little differently than leeches. Sticky people are fueled by the energy of people who provide them with moral support, feel pity, and give advice.

It is worth noting that their energy impact on people is much less than that of leeches.


Sinkers can be both recipients and donors. They have accelerated energy-information exchange and increased sensitivity. They feed on what is being introduced into the lives of others, affecting personal aspects and showing increased care.

There are two types of such people:

  1. The former absorb both positive and negative. Often look offended, but quickly calm down.
  2. The second type needs negativity, gives its positive energy to others. Representatives of this category help people, but they themselves suffer.


They are called energy donors. People-plants give their energy to others. At the same time, they like to poke their nose into other people's affairs, which is not particularly liked by others who express their discontent and anger.


They have a strong enough energy, passing through themselves both positive and negative. Everything that is sent to the filter man flies to the sender, only with a completely different charge.

The negative remains in the filter, only the positive returns. Such people are found in the following professions: psychologist, diplomat, peacemaker.


Category of people with accelerated energy exchange. They absorb positive (and not so) emotions, but cannot adequately resist the negative. It appears like this: the intermediary was given information, he cannot handle it and sends it further. This is one of the most common types of people.


People who are quite fixated on their experiences. They rarely come into contact with the outside world, because they are not endowed with the property of a competent distribution of energy. They hide a lot of negativity.


Human energy is easy to calculate by. To do this, multiply the day and month of birth by the year. Then sum up the numbers and get the result.

For example, the birthday is August 2, 1993. Following the formula (month and day) * year, we get: 802 * 1993.


1+5+9+8+3+8+6 = 40

Up to 20 - energy is weak. Such a person sucks strength from others, can do it both subconsciously and consciously.

From 21 to 30 - the average. Most of the owners of the average level of energy. They live a measured life, they lack stars from the sky, they have both positive and negative energy.

More than 31 - very strong. People who receive energy from space and share it with others. They are drawn to, feeling their powerful potential.

And at the end

In this video, Oleg Makeev will tell you how to get into your mind:

plays important role in everyone's life. From it you can recognize a person, determine his strengths and weaknesses and understand whether to continue communication with him or not.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!