
What are retirement points for large families. Find out how old a mother with many children retires. The amount of the insurance pension will be calculated according to the formula


One of the measures to mitigate the consequences of the new pension reform, which began on January 1, 2019, is to provide preferential conditions for retirement for mothers with many children with 3 or 4 children. Let us consider under what conditions it will be possible to use preferential registration of pension benefits.

Preferential pensions for mothers with many children in 2020: by age, years of birth, length of service and points

On January 1, 2019, the pension reform started in Russia. According to the law, which was signed on October 3, 2018 by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and before that was adopted taking into account presidential amendments by the State Duma and the Federation Council, the retirement age for Russians will be gradually increased by 5 years until it reaches the final values ​​of 65/60 years, respectively for men and women. However, in order to mitigate the consequences of the reform on behalf of Vladimir Putin for mothers with many children who gave birth to 3 and 4 children, the opportunity will be provided for early exit on retire. Previously, this right extended only to mothers with many children with 5 or more children.

  • Given that the increase retirement age will take place in stages (annually with a step of 1 year), for the first time they will be able to use the new benefit women born in 1965 and younger(see the table of retirement of mothers with many children by year of birth).
  • For women with 5 children, pension legislation already envisages early retirement. And according to the new law of 2018, nothing changes for them - such large families will still have the right to apply for a pension. upon reaching 50 years of age if necessary insurance experience and the number of PKI.

Softening the pension reform for women with many children

For the first time, Vladimir Putin announced the softening of the pension reform to mothers with many children during his televised address to Russian citizens on August 29, 2018. He noted that "in our country, the attitude towards women is special, careful", therefore he proposed to change some of the basic provisions of the proposed by the Government

  1. Reduce the new retirement period for women from 63 years to 60 years (that is, in total, the increase will be 5 years instead of the 8 years proposed by the Government).
  2. Those who, according to the old law, were supposed to retire in 2019 and 2020, you can apply for a pension 6 months earlier new retirement age.
  3. Provide for the possibility of early registration of payments:
    • mothers with three children - 3 years earlier a new term (i.e. 57 years);
    • mothers with four - 4 years earlier retirement age (i.e. 56 years old).

This means that in connection with the reform for mothers with many children, the retirement schedule will change - now they will be able to arrange payments ahead of schedule.

However, due to the fact that the amendment to the law provides for a fixed value of the retirement age (57 and 56 years), such a benefit can be used 2020 and 2021 only, since in 2019 the value of the generally established standard for women will be less than these values ​​(55.5 years).

Pension for mothers with many children with three (four) children

According to the Law No. 350-FZ signed by the President on October 3, 2018, pension for mothers with many children with three or four children will be appointed ahead of schedule - for them the retirement age will be reduced by 3 and 4 years respectively. It will be possible to use preferential registration of pension provision if the following conditions are met:

  • The woman gave birth to three (four) children and raised them until they were 8 years old.

This will not take into account children in relation to whom the woman was deprived of parental rights or canceled the adoption.

  • The necessary insurance experience has been developed for the appointment of an insurance ( labor pension). Starting from 01.01.2015, the standards of experience increase annually until the final value is established in 2024 - 15 years
  • The total number of accumulated pension points (IPC) is not less than the standard value established for the year of registration of payments. Since 2016, the minimum required IPC value has also increased annually until it reaches the final value of 30 IPC in 2025.

You can determine how many years of work experience and IPC you need to have in order to issue an old-age insurance pension using the table below:

If all of the above conditions are met, then mothers with three and four children who raised them at least until they reach 8 years of age will have the right to leave early - accordingly upon reaching 57 and 56 years old... And in the event that the necessary insurance experience or the value of the IPC is not accumulated, then it will be possible to issue payments only after the necessary indicators are achieved.

At what age does a mother of 3 and 4 children retire?

As noted above, the President's amendments suggest that:

  • the retirement age for large families under the new law will be fixed (if a woman gave birth and raised three children - 57 years old, and if four - 56 years old);
  • it will not depend on conditions transition period 2019-2028 when the retirement period for women will increase gradually from 55 to 60 years old.

This means that in the early years of reform as such early release for mothers of large families not provided- women with many children will draw up payments in accordance with generally established standards, taking into account the transitional provisions.

The retirement schedule for mothers with three and four children can be presented in the form of a table:

Category of citizens Retirement year under the old law
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
General increase in PC for women under the new law New PV 55,5 56,5 58 59 60
New GWP 2019-2020 2021-2022 2024 2026 2028
For mothers with 3 children New PV 55,5 56,5 57
New GWP 2019-2020 2021-2022 2023 2024 2025
For mothers with 4 children New PV 55,5 56
New GWP 2019-2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Thus, the first to retire, taking into account new benefit proposed by the President will be able to:

  • women with four children - already in 2021 when the generally established age is at the level 56.5 years, and mothers with many children will be able to receive a pension half a year earlier - at 56 years old;
  • women with three children - in 2023 when the general retirement age is 58, they will be able to retire one year earlier (at 57).

Retirement of women with many children under the new law

As noted earlier, due to the transitional provisions of the law on raising the retirement age in the early years of the reform, mothers with many children will not be able to take advantage of early registration - they will retire according to generally established standards like other women.

  • Women born in 1964, who, according to the old rules, were supposed to retire in 2019, will not be used by the “early” registration:

In 2019, the age standard will be set at 55.5 years, which is less than that provided for mothers with many children (56 and 57 years old). Therefore, mothers born in 1964. will process payments on a general basis - at 55.5 years old in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020

  • The first who will be able to take advantage of the privilege will be women born in 1965 with four children- they will have the right to issue payments in 2021 upon reaching 56 years old, while the generally established standard will be 56.5 years.
  • Mothers of three children will start early (at the age of 57) pension provision from 2023 - this will affect women born in 1966 and younger, for which the generally established release date will be 58 years.

We present information on the retirement of women by year of birth in the form of a table:

Date of Birth Generally established standards For mothers with three children For mothers with four children
January-June 1964 55,5 July-December 2019 55,5 July-December 2019 55,5 July-December 2019
July-December 1964 January-June 2020 January-June 2020 January-June 2020
January-June 1965 56,5 July-December 2021 56,5 July-December 2021 56 2021
July-December 1965 January-June 2022 January-June 2022
1966 58 2024 57 2023 2022
1967 59 2026 2024 2023
1968 60 2028 2025 2024

Note: PV is the retirement age in the corresponding year; PRT - retirement year.

How old are you to retire if you have 5 children?

Pension for mothers of large families with five children will be appointed according to the old rules- as it was established before the reform. According to part 1 of clause 1 of Art. 32 of Law No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions", for women with 5 children insurance pension in old age can be assigned earlier than the generally established standard for age - at 50... The law on raising the retirement age this category of women will not be affected at all- for them, the privilege will be preserved in the course of the reform, and the age limit will not be shifted.

The conditions for providing them with early registration of payments remain the same:

  • The minimum required number of years of service and pension points (IPC) according to generally established requirements.
  • 5 or more children must be born and raised until they reach 8 years old.

The amendment to the law, proposed by V. Putin, supplements the list of requirements with one more additional condition: children in respect of whom the mother deprived of parental rights or canceled the adoption.

If all of the above requirements are met, a woman can pre-schedule pension payments upon reaching 50 years of age. You can present the schedule of retirement by year of birth, as well as conditions for seniority and IPC, in the form of a table:

What is the pension of a mother with many children

The bulk of a woman's pension is the same as that of ordinary citizens. Her seniority and penny. the coefficient will be calculated in exactly the same way. The size of pension payments will primarily be determined by her deductions from salaries and insurance experience.

And the basic pension of a mother with many children will be increased by the allowance for having many children, which will vary depending on the number of children in the family. Also, as mentioned earlier, benefits will allow the mother to retire much earlier.

The nuances of early retirement are as follows:

  1. A mother will not be able to retire early if she has raised five children, but lost parental rights to one of them before the child reaches the age of 8. In the case of six children, but she is deprived of the rights to two, the situation is similar. And on the rise.
  2. If the mother was deprived of parental rights later - the child turned eight long ago, her right to early retirement pension remains in effect (if the other conditions have been met).
  3. If a woman has received the necessary work experience, earning for The far north then she may retire early with two or more children.

If the woman is 80 years old, then the pension will be recalculated and the pension will be increased additionally. The allowances will depend on the number of children:

  • if there are two children, then from 6440 to 12800 rubles will be added to the pension;
  • for three children, they will add from 7200 to 14400 rubles;
  • for 1 child, they can add from 4000 to 11200 rubles.

Additional conditions were developed for mothers to receive an increased pension:

  • children had to be born before 1990;
  • the mother was supposed to retire in 2015.

How the pension of a mother with many children is calculated

The final pension for mothers with many children will depend on factors:

  1. The amount of deductions withheld from the mother's salary.
  2. Work experience.

The pension for mothers with many children in 2020 will be calculated from two amounts: a fixed (labor) payment and an insurance one. Mothers with many children (especially heroine mothers) spend a substantial part of their work experience in maternity leave, for which she is awarded points.

  • For the first-born, a woman receives 1.8 points,
  • for two - 3.6,
  • and for three, respectively, 5.4.
  • No points are awarded with four or more children.

By the way, the decree is also included in seniority- one and a half years for each child. But in total, no more than six years are taken into account (for four children).

IPK is an abbreviation for the term “individual pension coefficient”. He denotes the very points awarded to a woman for children.

The amount of the insurance pension will be calculated according to the formula:

Pension = IPK * SPK (value of the pension coefficient).

How much will be added to the pension? In numbers, the surcharge will look like this:

  • for one child, the amount of the additional payment will be 3416 rubles;
  • for two - 4270 r;
  • for three children - 5124 p.

What documents are needed to register the pension of a mother with many children

In order to obtain an increase in pension and ensure early access to it, a mother with many children needs to contact Pension Fund Russia. The increments will not be accrued automatically - the process begins exactly in the order of the application.

The woman will need to collect the necessary package of documents:

  1. The application itself for registration. It must be properly drafted, with a well-formulated request.
  2. A copy of the Russian passport - confirmation that the mother has Russian citizenship, and her age is suitable for early retirement.
  3. SNILS (document in the form of a plastic card).
  4. Employment history.
  5. Other documents that confirm the required work experience of a mother with many children.
  6. References and documents about the current individual pension coefficient... They can be issued only at the regional center of the Pension Fund.
  7. Copies of passports or birth certificates of each of the children.
  8. If necessary - documents of adoption.
  9. Document confirming social status- certificate of a mother with many children. It must be prepared in advance, since the document has its own definite validity period - 1 year.

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Legislatively in Russia, certain privileges are enshrined for mothers who are recognized as having many children. Having a certificate allows you to retire earlier and receive allowances for it.

Pension for a mother with many children: significant differences

The status of a mother with many children also affects the process of obtaining support. The state gives significant preferences to this category of women. Their essence and the procedure for their appointment are enshrined in federal law and cannot but be observed in the constituent entities.

Pension benefits for mothers with many children: legal framework

The basis early appointment the insurance pension for mothers with many children is Federal Law No. 400. Federal Law No. 400 defines the conditions, the totality of which makes it possible to exercise the right to earlier pension payments.

But the norm sets benefits not specifically for mothers with many children. In fact, nothing depends on obtaining the appropriate status and certificate. The article defines the number of pupils, which allows more early age go to rest.

Thus, the generally accepted understanding of a mother with many children is not taken into account here. In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 431 of 1992, women with three or more children are entitled to benefits. In addition, each subject is entitled to determine the conditions for assigning a status. And only the pension legislation is allocated, establishing different rules.

When people retire due to large families

For women falling under subparagraphs 1 and 2 of paragraph 1 of Article 32 of Federal Law No. 400, rest is possible at the age of 50. However, age is far from the only condition that must be met:

  • raising five or more children who have reached the age of 8;
  • insurance experience - from 15 years;
  • sufficient pension coefficient.

The number of IPCs (individual pension coefficient or pension point) changes annually upward: and in 2018, 9 points are required. Already in 2025, the figure will reach the specified in the law - 30.

For women working in the Far North or in areas equated to it, the conditions are less stringent:

  • being in the upbringing of at least two children;
  • insurance experience of at least 20 years, of which 12 - in the areas of the COP or 17 - in equivalent areas.

When the period of preferential pension begins early with 3 children or more

There are no special rules at the federal level concerning mothers of three children in the pension legislation. However, in most regions, such a family can already be recognized as having many children.

Thanks to this status, women in some regions have the opportunity to receive concessions regarding the retirement age. But the region should make payments, since federal laws it is not provided. Accordingly, in the standard sense, there are no privileges in terms of a preferential pension for a mother with many children.

What are the benefits of mothers with many children upon retirement

Reaching retirement age, many continue to work, taking advantage of their preferences, including those provided in the labor sphere. Accordingly, a person has a stable additional income, combined with the ability to earn.

The mother is entitled to a number of benefits.

  1. She cannot be refused admission solely because of her age.
  2. She is protected from the risks of being fired due to retirement due to reaching retirement age. And if a woman wants to leave her place of work, she may not work out the prescribed two weeks, like any other employee.
  3. For this category, there is the possibility of dismissal on their own initiative due to retirement.

Early retirees can earn bonus points to increase their future insurance benefits.

To do this, you can postpone going to rest. Many people take advantage of this, because by the age of 50, the PKI does not guarantee a normal level of payments. Accordingly, early retirement results in lower income. Taking into account the coefficients, the difference sometimes reaches 20-30%.

The pension of a mother with three children is assigned only on a general basis, unless there are other opportunities for early retirement. Benefits are provided only for the birth and / or adoption of at least five children.

For a mother with 3 children

Mothers with three children can only calculate their pension according to the standard procedure. Federal Law No. 400 stipulates that three offspring are enough to retire at 50 years old only with long-term work in the Far North or areas equated to them. At the regional level, additional preferences can be provided, but they are only in the most developed regions of the country.

However, for the upbringing of children, you can get an increase in the PKI. For the first child, 1.8 points are added, for the second baby - 3.6 points. For the third baby, 5.4 points are already awarded a year.

Benefits for pensioners with 4 children

As in the previous case, no special rights are provided. However, being on maternity leave with a fourth child allows you to get another +5.4 per year. Accordingly, the decree with each baby up to one and a half years in total gives 24.3 points. The rest of the rules are the same.

Pension benefits for 5 children

Provides early retirement for mothers of 5 or more children - at 50. A complete list of conditions for the appointment of payments is established in subparagraph 1 of paragraph 1 of this provision.

What are the benefits of pensioners with 6 children or more

Again, no special rules. The only difference is the higher number of retirement points when you are on parental leave. For each child after the second, an IPC = 5.5 is charged.

How the Pension Fund calculates the allowance for mothers with many children

The pension, as always, consists of two parts:

  • a fixed amount approved by the Government;
  • insurance part.

The latter is made up of the pension points accumulated by the woman. Their cost is determined every year by a government decree. At the moment of calculation, conventional units acquire a monetary form.

The amount of payments under the law

The amount payable in connection with retirement is adjusted at the beginning of each year. The increase is influenced by inflation at the end of the previous year, the rise in the price of the consumer basket, and the general rise in prices.

In 2018, the IPK was valued at 81 rubles 49 kopecks. For example, the minimum coefficient for 2025 (IPK = 30) would allow receiving the insurance part in the amount of only 2,444 rubles 70 kopecks.

Since January 1, there has been an indexation and a fixed payment. For old-age insurance pension, it is set at the level of 4982.9 rubles. (1,037 * 4805.11 rub.)

Leaving on vacation with the minimum required IPC, a woman does not have to count on normal payments. This is what makes many people stay at work for several more years.

How is the family's additional payment for children accrued

The law provides for allowances for pensioners raising minor children. Their prolongation is possible if children go to study at a university or secondary specialized educational institution.

Supplements are expected for each child. With the birth of the second and subsequent children, the amount of the benefit increases. The upbringing of one minor allows you to receive 32%, two - 64%, three - 100% of the pension.

In order to receive an increase, a number of conditions must be met:

  • raising at least three children;
  • lack of work;
  • the presence of a formalized pension.

You can clarify the amount of the additional payment in the Pension Fund. Employees will pre-calculate the due amount and advise on the possibility of assigning an allowance.

How many times are the benefits of a pensioner revised

Recalculation is possible if there is a reason to change the fixed part of the payment. The application will be accepted subject to the submission of the necessary documents confirming this or that basis.

An increase in payments in connection with reaching the age of 80 years occurs without requesting an application and documents, that is, on the basis of information that is at the disposal of the Pension Fund.

The classical understanding of a large family is not used in pension legislation in Russia. When assigning a pension at an earlier age, it is not the status itself that is taken into account, but the number of those born or adopted in the family. The law provides for preferences for mothers of five or more children. Separate rules exist for women who work for many years in the harsh conditions of the Far North or in areas with a similar climate.

Useful video

Mothers with many children, like other citizens of the Russian Federation, are assigned an old-age retirement pension upon reaching a certain age. The procedure for her appointment is enshrined in law at the federal level. In Moscow, there are municipal laws that provide pensioners with a pension not lower than the established subsistence minimum.

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Basic moments

In 2020, the pension reform was launched in Russia, which the government intends to complete by 2025.

Instead of the previous procedure for calculating pension payments based on the indexation of social insurance contributions, a new point system has been introduced. A new formula is also applied for calculating pension payments for all categories of citizens.

The amount accumulated during the insurance period ( labor activity) points should be at least 30 points at the end of the reform.

If all documents are collected in full and drawn up without violations, then the decision on the appointment of a pension is made within 10 days. Otherwise, the procedure can take up to one or three months.

The insurance part of the old-age pension is assigned from the date of the official application:

Payment delivery is carried out in three main ways:

The pensioner must choose the most preferable method for him and notify the FIU about this in a written or electronic (through the personal account on the FIU website) statement.

Collecting documents

The term for assigning a pension and the amount of payment depends on how well the documents will be collected.

Most often, problems arise if the future retiree was unable to collect paper confirming the length of service or salary or in work book errors were made when filling out.

The package of documents looks like this:

The work record must be confirmed by the work record. If it is missing or filled incorrectly, with violations (through the fault of the employer), you need to collect an exhaustive list of supporting documents.

It can be:

Indicators Description
Official contract with the employer labor or civil
Archive transcript issued by municipal authorities

Other documents may be required. Which ones, the specialist of the Pension Fund will tell you.

Collect documents in advance, at least six months before submitting an application.

This is necessary in order to hedge against the revealed violations in the work book and the need to send requests to various organizations and departments.

Video: the large family- difficulties are not terrible

Special nuances

Higher pensions awarded by the Moscow government are made possible by federal legislation.

According to the laws, each region has the right to establish an additional payment for non-working pensioners. This is done if the pension is below the subsistence level established in the region.

Additionally Moscow government introduced an additional payment for the following categories of non-working pensioners:

In any case, the size of the pension in Moscow will be higher than the average for the Russian Federation. In 2020, at the initiative of the Mayor of Moscow, an increase in the amount of social benefits was carried out by 20%. The amount of pensions increased by 2.5 thousand rubles.

The legislative framework

For the calculation of pensions for mothers with many children in Moscow, the following laws are relevant.

The federal law:

The article tells on what conditions the pension is paid to mothers with many children in 2020, explains the nuances of the legislation.

Basic Provisions

The state encourages fertility. Mothers with many children have many benefits, including early retirement.

In the Russian Federation, pension benefits simply cannot be obtained.

The right to an early retirement pension is given by preferential length of service or having many children.

4 conditions for early retirement:

  1. Age at least fifty years old;
  2. The birth of 5 children.
  3. The age of babies is over 8 years old.
  4. Insurance activity for 15 years.

Example. Semenova V.M. brings up five children. The youngest son is six years old. In this case, you cannot apply for a benefit. We'll have to wait until the boy is eight years old.

If you have experience in the Far North, then the benefit can also be obtained with two children

In Russia, there is a preferential procedure for payments to guardians. The retirement age is reduced by 1 year in a year and a half. Work experience must be at least fifteen years. The maximum decline occurs for five years.

Size of transfers

For mothers with many children, early retirement pension is transferred in different ways.

The amount depends on the following indicators:

  • the size of the salary of a mother with many children;
  • the pension of a mother with many children also depends on the number of years of work;
  • the age when the woman came to an appointment with the OPFR specialists.

Experience data and wages must be confirmed by documents.

Required documents

When a mother of 3 children goes on a well-deserved rest, it is necessary to confirm the right to the benefit.

Important! Information about work activity is confirmed by a work book. It contains all the relevant information about the periods of work. If the work was carried out not only according to the work book, additional certificates and contracts will be needed.

The right to an early retirement pension is confirmed by documents on the birth of children and their upbringing up to eight years.

Mothers and mothers who have adopted children have equal rights. Both those and others can go on vacation ahead of schedule.

Prior to 2002, data is provided on any sixty months of employment.

Pension fund specialists carefully check all documents. If necessary, they will send additional inquiries about the work of citizens who are retiring. It is advisable to come to the consultation in advance to check if everything is in order.


The upbringing of the spouses' children does not entitle them to early retirement benefits. It is the formal adoption that is required.

Example. Kuzovkina N.A. raised three sons and two daughters of her husband from her first marriage. She began to raise girls from the age of three, and did not officially adopt them. In this case, the woman does not retire before the due time, since she did not adopt her husband's children.

A preferential pension for mothers with many children is not assigned if children under eight years of age have not been brought up. For example, children died before this age, or there are other reasons. Applicants with three children lose their right to the benefit if they have been deprived of their parental rights.

Before retirement, applicants can come for a consultation with the specialists of the RPF. Employees will review the documents, tell you what certificates need to be additionally submitted.

Categories of beneficiaries

  1. Mothers who have given birth to five children and work in normal conditions. In this case, you need an insurance experience of at least fifteen years.
  2. Mothers who gave birth to two babies. They have experience in the Far North or in equivalent areas.

Thus, in order to receive benefits, you need to raise 5 children or 2 children, but work in difficult climatic regions. Payments can be made five years earlier when there is work experience and children. At the age of 50, you can already contact the specialists of the pension fund.

Even if a woman raised four or five children and did not work, there will be no benefits. For example, the period of receiving the survivor's pension is not included in the period of insurance activity.

If it is not possible to receive a pension earlier on this basis, other provisions of the law may be appropriate. How many years the benefit is due also depends on the conditions of work.

Rules for calculating seniority

Childcare time is included in the insurance period. The amendments were introduced by Law No. 427-FZ.

When the eligibility for payments is determined, the time spent “sitting” with children under one and a half years is taken into account. The maximum is four and a half years. Previously, the maximum was three years.

Therefore, mothers with many children will receive increased transfers. To confirm the time of leaving, you must contact the specialists of the OPFR with supporting documents.

Applicants who have previously issued benefits are given the right to apply with supporting documents for recalculation. The time "sitting" with children does not pass without leaving a trace. Retirement points are assumed;

  1. During the "sitting" with the first baby, one and a half points are given.
  2. 3.6 points are awarded for the time of caring for the second baby.
  3. For the third baby and the fourth, 5.4 points are already given.

Points are given to mothers who refused to work and were sitting with children. A woman can independently choose for what period to take points: take into account the period of work or "sitting" with children.

Legislation news

The State Duma is discussing a draft law on reducing the retirement age for large families. The question of what time to receive the allowance will be decided differently for mothers with three children. For regions where a decrease in the birth rate has been recorded, the age threshold will be lowered to forty-seven years. Where the birth rate is good, then the age limit, on the contrary, will increase.


Only women are eligible for early retirement. Such privileges are not given to male pensioners.

Pension legislation is constantly changing. Pensions for mothers with many children are preserved in 2020.

One of the measures to mitigate the consequences of the new pension reform, which began on January 1, 2019, is to provide preferential conditions for retirement for mothers with many children with 3 or 4 children. Let us consider under what conditions it will be possible to use preferential registration of pension benefits.

Preferential pensions for mothers with many children in 2020: by age, years of birth, length of service and points

On January 1, 2019, the pension reform started in Russia. According to the law, which was signed on October 3, 2018 by Russian President Vladimir Putin, and before that was adopted taking into account presidential amendments by the State Duma and the Federation Council, the retirement age for Russians will be gradually increased by 5 years until it reaches the final values ​​of 65/60 years, respectively for men and women. However, in order to mitigate the consequences of the reform on behalf of Vladimir Putin for mothers with many children who gave birth to 3 and 4 children, the possibility of early retirement will be provided. Previously, this right extended only to mothers with many children with 5 or more children.

  • Given that the retirement age will be raised in stages (annually in 1 year increments), for the first time, they will be able to take advantage of the new benefit. women born in 1965 and younger(see the table of retirement of mothers with many children by year of birth).
  • For women with 5 children, pension legislation already envisages early retirement. And according to the new law of 2018, nothing changes for them - such large families will still have the right to apply for a pension. upon reaching 50 years of age in the presence of the necessary insurance experience and the number of PKI.

Softening the pension reform for women with many children

For the first time, Vladimir Putin announced the softening of the pension reform to mothers with many children during his televised address to Russian citizens on August 29, 2018. He noted that "in our country, the attitude towards women is special, careful", therefore he proposed to change some of the basic provisions of the proposed by the Government

  1. Reduce the new retirement period for women from 63 years to 60 years (that is, in total, the increase will be 5 years instead of the 8 years proposed by the Government).
  2. Those who, according to the old law, were supposed to retire in 2019 and 2020, you can apply for a pension 6 months earlier new retirement age.
  3. Provide for the possibility of early registration of payments:
    • mothers with three children - 3 years earlier a new term (i.e. 57 years);
    • mothers with four - 4 years earlier retirement age (i.e. 56 years old).

This means that in connection with the reform for mothers with many children, the retirement schedule will change - now they will be able to arrange payments ahead of schedule.

However, due to the fact that the amendment to the law provides for a fixed value of the retirement age (57 and 56 years), such a benefit can be used 2020 and 2021 only, since in 2019 the value of the generally established standard for women will be less than these values ​​(55.5 years).

Pension for mothers with many children with three (four) children

According to the Law No. 350-FZ signed by the President on October 3, 2018, pension for mothers with many children with three or four children will be appointed ahead of schedule - for them the retirement age will be reduced by 3 and 4 years respectively. It will be possible to use preferential registration of pension provision if the following conditions are met:

  • The woman gave birth to three (four) children and raised them until they were 8 years old.

In this case, children in respect of whom the woman was deprived of parental rights or the adoption was canceled will not be taken into account.

  • The necessary insurance experience has been developed for the appointment of an insurance (labor pension). Starting from 01.01.2015, the standards of experience increase annually until the final value is established in 2024 - 15 years
  • The total number of accumulated pension points (IPC) is not less than the standard value established for the year of registration of payments. Since 2016, the minimum required IPC value has also increased annually until it reaches the final value of 30 IPC in 2025.

You can determine how many years of work experience and IPC you need to have in order to issue an old-age insurance pension using the table below:

If all of the above conditions are met, then mothers with three and four children who raised them at least until they reach 8 years of age will have the right to leave early - accordingly upon reaching 57 and 56 years old... And in the event that the necessary insurance experience or the value of the IPC is not accumulated, then it will be possible to issue payments only after the necessary indicators are achieved.

At what age does a mother of 3 and 4 children retire?

As noted above, the President's amendments suggest that:

  • the retirement age for large families under the new law will be fixed (if a woman gave birth and raised three children - 57 years old, and if four - 56 years old);
  • it will not depend on the conditions of the 2019-2028 transition period, when the retirement period for women will increase gradually from 55 to 60 years old.

This means that in the early years of reform as such early release for mothers of large families not provided- women with many children will draw up payments in accordance with generally established standards, taking into account the transitional provisions.

The retirement schedule for mothers with three and four children can be presented in the form of a table:

Number Description
"On insurance pensions"
"On funded pension".
"On state social assistance"
"On the suspension of certain provisions of legislative acts of the Russian Federation, amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the specifics of increasing the insurance pension, a fixed payment to the insurance pension and social pensions"
Category of citizens Retirement year under the old law
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
General increase in PC for women under the new law New PV 55,5 56,5 58 59 60
New GWP 2019-2020 2021-2022 2024 2026 2028
For mothers with 3 children New PV 55,5 56,5 57
New GWP 2019-2020 2021-2022 2023 2024 2025
For mothers with 4 children New PV 55,5 56
New GWP 2019-2020 2021 2022 2023 2024


Thus, the first to retire, taking into account the new benefits proposed by the President, will be able to:

  • women with four children - already in 2021 when the generally established age is at the level 56.5 years, and mothers with many children will be able to receive a pension half a year earlier - at 56 years old;
  • women with three children - in 2023 when the general retirement age is 58, they will be able to retire one year earlier (at 57).

Retirement of women with many children under the new law

As noted earlier, due to the transitional provisions of the law on raising the retirement age in the early years of the reform, mothers with many children will not be able to take advantage of early registration - they will retire according to generally established standards like other women.

  • Women born in 1964, who, according to the old rules, were supposed to retire in 2019, will not be used by the “early” registration:

In 2019, the age standard will be set at 55.5 years, which is less than that provided for mothers with many children (56 and 57 years old). Therefore, mothers born in 1964. will process payments on a general basis - at 55.5 years old in the second half of 2019 or the first half of 2020

  • The first who will be able to take advantage of the privilege will be women born in 1965 with four children- they will have the right to issue payments in 2021 upon reaching 56 years old, while the generally established standard will be 56.5 years.
  • Mothers of three children will start early (at the age of 57) to apply for retirement benefits from 2023 - this will affect women born in 1966 and younger, for which the generally established release date will be 58 years.

We present information on the retirement of women by year of birth in the form of a table:

Date of Birth Generally established standards For mothers with three children For mothers with four children
January-June 1964 55,5 July-December 2019 55,5 July-December 2019 55,5 July-December 2019
July-December 1964 January-June 2020 January-June 2020 January-June 2020
January-June 1965 56,5 July-December 2021 56,5 July-December 2021 56 2021
July-December 1965 January-June 2022 January-June 2022
1966 58 2024 57 2023 2022
1967 59 2026 2024 2023
1968 60 2028 2025 2024

Note: PV is the retirement age in the corresponding year; PRT - retirement year.

How old are you to retire if you have 5 children?

Pension for mothers of large families with five children will be appointed according to the old rules- as it was established before the reform. According to part 1 of clause 1 of Art. 32 of Law No. 400-FZ "On insurance pensions", for women with 5 children, an old-age insurance pension can be assigned earlier than the generally established standard age provides - at 50... The law on raising the retirement age this category of women will not be affected at all- for them, the privilege will be preserved in the course of the reform, and the age limit will not be shifted.

The conditions for providing them with early registration of payments remain the same:

  • The minimum required number of years of service and pension points (IPC) according to generally established requirements.
  • 5 or more children must be born and raised until they reach 8 years old.

The amendment to the law, proposed by V. Putin, supplements the list of requirements with one more additional condition: children in respect of whom the mother deprived of parental rights or canceled the adoption.

If all of the above requirements are met, a woman can pre-schedule pension payments upon reaching 50 years of age. You can present the schedule of retirement by year of birth, as well as conditions for seniority and IPC, in the form of a table:

What is the pension of a mother with many children

The bulk of a woman's pension is the same as that of ordinary citizens. Her seniority and penny. the coefficient will be calculated in exactly the same way. The size of pension payments will primarily be determined by her deductions from salaries and insurance experience.

And the basic pension of a mother with many children will be increased by the allowance for having many children, which will vary depending on the number of children in the family. Also, as mentioned earlier, benefits will allow the mother to retire much earlier.

The nuances of early retirement are as follows:

  1. A mother will not be able to retire early if she has raised five children, but lost parental rights to one of them before the child reaches the age of 8. In the case of six children, but she is deprived of the rights to two, the situation is similar. And on the rise.
  2. If the mother was deprived of parental rights later - the child turned eight long ago, her right to early retirement pension remains in effect (if the other conditions have been met).
  3. If a woman has received the necessary work experience, earning money in the Far North, then she can retire early with two or more children.

If the woman is 80 years old, then the pension will be recalculated and the pension will be increased additionally. The allowances will depend on the number of children:

  • if there are two children, then from 6440 to 12800 rubles will be added to the pension;
  • for three children, they will add from 7200 to 14400 rubles;
  • for 1 child, they can add from 4000 to 11200 rubles.

Additional conditions were developed for mothers to receive an increased pension:

  • children had to be born before 1990;
  • the mother was supposed to retire in 2015.

How the pension of a mother with many children is calculated

The final pension for mothers with many children will depend on factors:

  1. The amount of deductions withheld from the mother's salary.
  2. Work experience.

The pension for mothers with many children in 2020 will be calculated from two amounts: a fixed (labor) payment and an insurance one. Mothers with many children (especially heroine mothers) spend a substantial part of their work experience on maternity leave, for which points are awarded to her.

  • For the first-born, a woman receives 1.8 points,
  • for two - 3.6,
  • and for three, respectively, 5.4.
  • No points are awarded with four or more children.

By the way, the decree is also included in the length of service - one and a half years for each child. But in total, no more than six years are taken into account (for four children).

IPK is an abbreviation for the term “individual pension coefficient”. He denotes the very points awarded to a woman for children.

The amount of the insurance pension will be calculated according to the formula:

Pension = IPK * SPK (value of the pension coefficient).

How much will be added to the pension? In numbers, the surcharge will look like this:

  • for one child, the amount of the additional payment will be 3416 rubles;
  • for two - 4270 r;
  • for three children - 5124 p.

What documents are needed to register the pension of a mother with many children

To apply for an increase in pension and ensure early access to it, a mother with many children needs to contact the Pension Fund of Russia. The increments will not be accrued automatically - the process begins exactly in the order of the application.

The woman will need to collect the necessary package of documents:

  1. The application itself for registration. It must be properly drafted, with a well-formulated request.
  2. A copy of the Russian passport - confirmation that the mother has Russian citizenship, and her age is suitable for early retirement.
  3. SNILS (document in the form of a plastic card).
  4. Employment history.
  5. Other documents that confirm the required work experience of a mother with many children.
  6. References and documents about the current individual pension coefficient. They can be issued only at the regional center of the Pension Fund.
  7. Copies of passports or birth certificates of each of the children.
  8. If necessary - documents of adoption.
  9. A document confirming social status is a certificate of a mother with many children. It must be prepared in advance, since the document has its own definite validity period - 1 year.

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