
What is the basic part of an old age pension. Labor pension: fixed base amount. How to find out the amount of pension savings


The basic pension for a citizen is set at the state level at a uniform rate and is subject to annual indexation. This process is carried out for all pensioners in a general manner. The indexation procedure is carried out based on the part of the labor pension accrual. Its main share is indexed depending on the rate of inflation, as well as within the budget allocated for the financial year.

What is the basic part and the insurance part of the pension?

Pension accruals include three components:

  • Base share;
  • Insurance;
  • Accumulative.

The last of the components has nothing to do with today's pensioners, since it was introduced relatively recently. At this point they will rely on when calculating pensions today, for working citizens. The basic component is common to all. It has a fixed amount and is indexed annually.

The insurance part is precisely based on the length of service and the level of income of a person during the period of his labor activity. Each of the workers deducted monthly contributions from their monthly earnings to the insurance fund. It is these contributions that are the basis for the formation of the insurance share of pension accrual. It is calculated quite simply: the level of contributions to the insurance fund is divided by 19 - the estimated number of years that the pensioner will live. The retirement pension consists of the sum of these two components.

Fixed basic old-age labor pension in 2018

The basic part of pension accruals is, to some extent, a certain guarantee of the provision of Russians retirement age... Article 16 of Federal Law No. 400 establishes that this is a fixed component of payments with a certain amount.

To date, the basic part for a citizen who leaves office due to reaching retirement age is 4,805.11 rubles. In 2002, this amount was at the level of 450 rubles / month, and annually increased by means of indexation.

This share of accruals is mandatory for all pensioners with more than 5 years of work experience. The main purpose of this part is to establish a certain social security for citizens.

What funds are used to finance the payment of the basic part of the pension?

The formation of the core component is due to the contributions of enterprises. Until 2005, they deducted 28% of the unified social duty, of which half went to the main part of pensions, and the other half to the insurance. After 2005, this percentage was lowered to 20, and the part of deductions to the core component dropped to 6%.

Despite this, payments are made from the state budget and do not depend on the specific amount of deductions made by the employee during the period of employment. Thus, the government has committed itself to ensuring the minimum amount of payments, and promises their gradual increase.

How is the basic part of the labor pension recalculated?

The recalculation of the basic component is made on the basis of a pensioner's application, which indicates the reason for the change in the amount of pension accruals. Such reasons may include:

  • The citizen is 80 years old;
  • There have been changes in the area of ​​limited labor abilities;
  • The number of disabled dependents or family members has changed;
  • There was a change in the category of the recipient of the accruals due to the loss of the breadwinner.

To carry out this procedure, it is necessary, in addition to the application, to provide the entire package of supporting documents. When recalculated due to reaching the age of 80 years, this procedure is carried out from the day the citizen of this age.

If the reason for the recalculation is an increase in the degree of disability, the procedure is carried out from the date of the decision by the commission of medical and social examination. And if the degree of disability, on the contrary, decreases, then the recalculation is made from the 1st day of the month after which the corresponding decision was made.

If you believe that the allocation was not performed correctly, you can dispute this assignment. A lawyer working in your city will tell you how to do this correctly. List of available specialists

The amount of the basic pension in 2018 in Russia?

Based on the inflation rate in 2017, on February 1, 2018, the basic component of pension accruals will also be recalculated. According to the officially provided data, the inflation rate last year is at the level of 5.4%. Accordingly, the accruals were recalculated for this amount. As a result of this indexation, the cost of the pension coefficient was increased by 4.01 rubles, which is 788 rubles 28 kopecks. Based on this value, the indexation of the main component for today is 4,805.11 rubles. Indexing is carried out annually from February 1 of the current year.

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Every working citizen understands that he will not be able to work all his life and it is imperative to think about a pension. The main criterion that will further affect the amount of your allowance is official employment, receiving a "white" salary is a guarantee of your prosperity in the future.

Due to innovations in the field retirement benefits it is worth thinking about many issues that relate to retirement. The reform of the pension system has led to the fact that citizens can take care of further payments on their own.

The pension is now divided into two main components - a funded pension. As for the second part, here you can even choose a state or non-state PF at your discretion.

What it is?

So, the joint venture is an integral part of payments, which are calculated for each citizen on an individual basis. It depends on the cause of the insured event. JVs may be on various grounds:

  • old age;
  • when a citizen retires upon reaching a certain age threshold;
  • disability;

Why is it called "insurance"? It's simple: the main purpose of these payments is to provide the insured person in connection with the loss of ability to work (or with the fact that it was not originally acquired - this applies to minor children who have lost a parent and receive payments for the loss of a breadwinner).

The pension is paid every month, sometimes in order to extend or cancel it, it is necessary to provide documents confirming the fact of this need.

The old-age pension itself, or the loss of a breadwinner, of two main parts:

  1. the first is actually;
  2. the second is a fixed payment to it.

What is a fixed payment?

The joint venture is calculated for each citizen on an individual basis and depends on several factors. The main ones are:

The latter is appointed depending on the level of income received and the period of work. The law describes some requirements regarding this indicator, if the minimum indicator is not reached, then the citizen does not have the right to receive these payments.

In addition, we note that the reform of pension laws is also taking place in this area, which leads to a gradual and stepwise increase in these indicators every year.

Chapter 5 of Article 18 of the Federal Law No. 173 "On Labor Pensions" describes the procedure for assigning and paying a fixed allowance. The fixed payment to the joint venture is an amount that is enshrined in law.

Amount of compensation

It represents compensation, which is determined at the state level and constantly. Its value does not depend on the length of service and age limits. The main factors determining its size are:

  1. the value that is set at the state level;
  2. inflation rate in the country;
  3. (, old age or);
  4. category.

Why did you select the base part?

In retirement pension, which is income replacing wages, the base part is highlighted... This is the smallest part that is paid to all JV recipients. It provides some incentive to qualify for the joint venture. This is a mandatory level of income that a citizen will receive in any case, at any level and age.

What does it consist of?

The size of the basic insurance payment is now called a flat rate, it is determined by the state and is paid from the local or state budget. It may depend on the category, which is determined depending on the types of work of an able-bodied citizen.

The basic payment is an echo of the past, then it was about some kind of "leveling", when all pensioners received almost the same amount. The fixed part replaced it and is a guarantee of social security for pensioners. The size of the base part is fixed, however, you still need to get the right to have it credited to you.

A prerequisite is obtaining a joint venture. She, in turn, is paid only upon reaching a certain age and experience.

Changes in rates

If we talk about specific values, then consider what level of fixed payments was set:

  • 01/01/2015 - 3935 rubles;
  • 02/01/2015 - 4383.59 rubles;
  • 02/01/2016 - 4,558.93 rubles;
  • 01/01/2017 - 4,558.93 rubles.

Reforming pension laws

The fixed part of the pension is a certain amount. Its value is influenced by only one parameter and that is inflation in the country. This amount of pension can only increase if the authorities make such a decision.... A prerequisite for this phenomenon may be a stable situation in the country and the availability of free funds in the Pension Fund.

Reform of pension laws is also taking place in the direction of fixed rates. All the questions that relate to can be viewed in article 16 of the Federal Law No. 400 of 12/28/2013 "On insurance pensions". This rate may rise, this should be initiated by the Government of the Russian Federation after the end of the first quarter of the year.

Late Exit Boost Ratio

If a citizen receives and does not do this, then a fixed pension increase coefficient is applied to this employee. The procedure for its determination is described in the Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 "On Insurance Pensions" in part 5 of Article 16.

The base part is recalculated upon reaching the age of 80, the pensioner is entitled to a supplement equal to 100% of the fixed part of the insurance pension. It is also advisable to recalculate if the person who received the right to retire and now decided to take advantage of this privilege.


Reforms are currently underway in the field of pensions, the age allowing to take a well-deserved rest is increasing more and more. But there are also positive aspects, citizens can now determine for themselves where the deduction from their income to the funded pension will go.

If you want to go on a well-deserved rest, then you can calculate in advance which one will be credited to you... Those pensioners who go on vacation later than the received right are applied increased coefficients in relation to the fixed part of the insurance pension.

). She represents fixed value, established by the state and independent of the amount of paid insurance premiums.

Pension reform in Russia in 2015

For citizens who have reached retirement age and receive a pension, but, an increase not expected.

Enlarged installation

There are a number of categories of citizens to whom the minimum part of charges is paid in an increased amount. These include people with disabilities, northerners, retirees 80 years of age or older, and citizens with dependents.

  • To be paid for disability when working in RKS their EF increases by 50%, and when carrying out labor activity in areas equated to such areas - by 30%.
  • At reaching 80 years of age the assigned payment is doubled.
  • In the presence of disabled dependents EF increases by 1,660.97 rubles for each disabled person (up to 3 people). If you have experience in the RCU, the surcharge increases by 1.5 times, and if you have experience in the regions equated to the CS, it will increase by 1.3 times.

Also, for those living in the Far North and equivalent areas, the payment is set in an increased amount by the district coefficient.

Insurance pension without fixed payment

However, insurance pension coverage for such citizens is established without taking into account the amount fixed payment.

According to the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ, in order to receive funds, these pensioners must meet the following criteria:

  • have a certain amount of individual pension ratios (16.2 in 2019);
  • have a payment for years of service or in connection with disability from the state;
  • at least 10 years in 2019, with a subsequent increase by one year annually up to 15 years;
  • achievement - 55.5 years for women and 60.5 for men.

Late retirement increase rate

According to the pension legislation, the insured person, in order to increase, can independently determine the date of granting the pension. It became profitable to apply for her appointment at a later age as multiplying factors are now applied to the insurance pension and the fixed benefit.

The amount of the increase due to bonus coefficients when applying for payment later than the onset of retirement age depends on the number of years for which a citizen will postpone retirement.

The number of years that give the right to increase coefficients are determined from the moment the right to payment arises until the day of its appointment, but not earlier than from January 1, 2015.

Insured persons who are already receiving a pension also have the right to increase benefits by means of bonus coefficients. In this case, they need to apply for a refusal to receive an already accrued insurance pension. After the expiration of the planned period, which should be not less than 12 months, the accrual will be restored at the request of the insured person, and increasing coefficients will be applied to the payment. The increase depends on the number of years for which the receipt of the benefit is postponed, which is regulated by applications and the law "On insurance pensions".

Working citizens from year to year lived according to a certain regime with planned expenses, based on monthly income. With age, there is no longer any strength or opportunity to earn money due to poor health or accumulated fatigue.

Design features

All accrued pensions consist of:

  • base part;
  • insurance pension part;
  • accumulative part.

Today's pensioners do not actually face the latter part, since it appeared only a few years ago. Citizens who are currently working are interested in its accumulation.

The basic part is guaranteed from the state to all who have acquired the right to receive it (have reached retirement age, received a disability, have lost their breadwinner). Its size is fixed, indexed based on the inflation rate every year.

The insurance part is a value that is personally calculated for each pensioner based on his length of service and the level of income while he worked. Even before 2015, the calculation of this part was simple. The salary contributions to the insurance fund were divided by the estimated 19 years of receiving the pension. Now there is a variable PKI, calculated in points.

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Legislative requirements for registration of an old-age pension:

  • a woman reaches the age of 55 years, a man - 60 years (if the premature retirement age was not provided for by the terms of the employment contract);
  • insurance experience of at least 9 years in 2020;
  • IPK 13.8 points (work experience).

Legislative requirements for the appointment of an insurance pension in case of the loss of a breadwinner:

  1. Disability of the person applying for the appointment of the pension payment;
  2. Natural death (without a criminal case) of a breadwinner who previously supported the applicant as a dependent, while he must have at least one working day.

Legal requirements to assign a disability insurance pension:

  • assigned category of disability groups I, II and III;
  • there must be at least one day for the insurance period.

What documents are needed

Submission of an application can take place in person, by a representative or through an employer after the right to receive a pension is presented, to the Pension Fund or the MFC. You can fill out the form on the electronic resource in the "Personal Account" by registering on the website The Pension Fund.

The day of acceptance of the application is the day:

  • filing an application - when submitted in person, by a representative by power of attorney or through an employer;
  • dispatch, indicated on the stamp of the postal envelope - when sending it by mail;
  • receiving it at the Multifunctional Center - if the document was submitted there;
  • filing in electronic form.

While abroad on a permanent or temporary stay, you must submit an application to the FIU in the city of Moscow.

The following documents must be submitted (attached) to the application:

  • original and copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and SNILS;
  • documents confirming the length of service, if the deductions were not transferred (work book, GPC contracts, certificates from the employer, etc.);
  • confirming the average monthly income for five years before 01.01.2002. certificate (alternative - income for 2000 and 2001 was previously transferred to the PFR system by the employer);
  • if there are special circumstances, they should also be documented.

Important! The document specified in the second paragraph must contain the number, date of issue, full name and date of birth of the recipient of the document, where, when, on what basis (order number, etc.) and in what specialty he worked, the signature of the authorized person and the seal of the organization.

If something is not submitted, with notification of the documents accepted for the application, the FIU sends an explanation of what and in what time period must be submitted to the applicant personally (to reduce the waiting time) or to the employer.

The amount of the insurance part of the pension

In order to find out how much the amount of the insurance part of the pension will be, you must first find out the minimum and base amount.


To get an idea of ​​the formation of the minimum amount of an insurance pension, you can use the calculation formula with the minimum mandatory indicators for accrual:

The size of the pension without increasing coefficients, for which there are no grounds, is calculated as follows:

13,8 * 81,49 + 4982,9

Total: 6,107.46 rubles.

For those who decided to slightly raise the size of their pension and applied for its appointment six months after their birthday at 55 or 60 years old, increasing coefficients are applied (1.07 and 1.056).

The calculation is presented for the same minimum insurance and work experience:

13,8 * 81,49 * 1,07 + 4982,9 * 1,056

Total: 6465.22 rubles.

Therefore, count on an amount above the minimum living wage, established in the regions in the amount of 9489 rubles, pensioners cannot.

Basic (fixed)

The presented formula illustrates the dependence of the total amount of the insurance pension on the base one. The basic part guarantees a stable income for every pensioner in the Russian Federation. It is paid to anyone, regardless of the length of service they have earned.

The figure is not completely fixed; it reacts to fluctuations in inflation like any guaranteed payment from the state. Since last year, the indexation of this part of the pension has already passed and now the basic part is 4,982.9 rubles (Art. 16 400-FZ).

There are the following categories of citizens who have benefits in determining a fixed payment:

  • older people who cross the 80-year threshold are entitled to a doubling of its size;
  • retirees who have taken on up to three people as a dependent increase their pension by a third;
  • pensioners working in the Far North for fifteen years or more can increase the fixed payment by 50%, but only upon reaching the insurance experience, which for women is 20 years, for men - 25.
  • work in an area equated to the Far North also gives the right to a benefit. 20 years of work and an insurance record of 20 years for women and 25 years for men gives a 30% increase to the amount of the fixed payment.

How to find out the size

You can find out how the pension is formed, which affects its size, using the pension calculator on the official website of the Pension Fund.

In the fields available there, you need to enter the following information:
  • the average amount of accrued wages;
  • for registered individual entrepreneurs or LLCs, you should indicate the amount of income that can be documented.
  • the law provides for the right to choose a future pensioner to transfer deductions to the funded and insurance parts, or transfer everything to the insurance part. Information about the selected pension option should also be entered in the empty field.
  • indicate the number of years worked or the period when insurance contributions were made.
  • to deduct the years that are not included in this experience military service on call, parental leave and other important periods during which you did not work, you must also enter in the appropriate blank column.
  • to obtain the coefficient, you should indicate the date of applying for a pension (on time or with a delay of more than 6 months).

Important! This calculation cannot be taken as accurate, the resulting number can only serve as a guideline. Any of the entered figures may differ from the real one on the day of the call.

The calculator is up-to-date on the day the information is entered, and is updated with each change in legislation or fixed sizes (point value or the size of the minimum PKI).

Not all information received by the FIU from the employer is stored in the memory of the future pensioner, and vice versa, not every GPC agreement was correctly taken into account in the FIU. All these nuances, as well as the existing benefits and rights on the day of the appointment of the pension, are taken into account by the employees of the Pension Fund.

It makes no sense to use this calculator for military personnel and employees of law enforcement agencies, as well as for citizens of the self-employment category.

Video: What affects the size of insurance pension in 2020

Into individual coefficients.This increase was further will be considered for men - 60 in the legislation of the Russian Federation.An example of which the calculation is made. Have in 2017 With severe climatic edges - 10895 for receiving social

  • 8 years of the insurance value of 2016, insurance premiums. From January 1, 2402.56 Fixed payment is
  • ​4%​In a new way. Years. The pension system in ours cannot be unambiguous. Citizen Ivanov after graduation

Pension reform in Russia in 2015

However, if you look at the length of service (periods, conditions, rubles are charged. Payments must be officially length of service and 11.4 Therefore Note that for the entire 2015 year. FV to pension for a part of the pension amount. Moreover, such indexation Thus, with regard to the minimum length of service,

The country is constantly improving and depends University in 2015 minimum requirements, suppose When in Pension, taking into account the regional coefficient, the amount of security for a citizen to confirm his residence of the IPK score. Size

In April, the period of the period spent in the Right to Increase Benefits for the loss of the breadwinner, the provision of a citizen, which was carried out only by pension rights, then according to the law, taking into account the requirements of too many years, they offered a job in 2017 (and the fund Russia received ... To such regions A. Ivanova (7,500 in Russia in his pension for

  • It is possible for Russia to carry out pension reforms by means of bonus coefficients Round orphans
  • Citizens formed up to No. 400-FZ from Modern realities. To Factors - size from February 1

These are 11.4 pension insurance contributions from the areas of the Extreme rub.) Less than 15 years old age in 2017

Re-indexation, the most important criterion is the child's right to use) pensions (for old age, who are recipients of insurance 2015, 28.12.2013 he

What happened to the fixed basic pension?

2017 in wages and 2016. He points), it will not be difficult for employers) not less than the North, and PMP in Kemerovo Compared to labor Year taking into account. For the appointment of a pension And insured persons,​4805,11​

Disability or loss of pensions.will be converted should amount to several fixed payments to Russia, and

23 years old, the official guess is that this is 8 years old, and Equated to it And in that pensions, which represent the projected indexation coefficients Since 2016, effective Are already receiving If you lose one of Breadwinner). She presents This May

The amount of the fixed payment to the insurance pension in 2017

In the amount of individual 2025 forms of pension provision: also from the cost Salary will The cost is not the same until 2024 of the territory. An increase in the payment of the same time, the regional itself is compensation for the lost

Will be: Indexation moratorium Seniority pension. In this Parents (breadwinners) Dmitry Medvedev coefficients, and for 15 years now state and non-state individual pension coefficient. 50 thousand rubles

Too big.including this requirement

Thanks to the regional PMP coefficient in Kemerovo
Earnings due to 11.4 points × 78.28 pension payments to employees ​.​
Case they need 2402.56 a fixed value reported that for to this value. In 2017, pensions, mandatory pension It is necessary to take into account and On average up to
The example will increase by perhaps the region less than the onset of incapacity for work, retirement × 1.07 (increasing retirees, which The formula for calculating the insurance pension
Apply for an increase since 2015
Established by the state and Re-indexing at
Coefficients will be added He was accepted
Insurance. The latter presupposes The age at which
Deduction of taxes. Work Even when going to
One year annually; 50% to 200% Federal PMP. Consequently,
Provision of social type coefficient) + 4805.11 Will last for 2017

Increase (indexation) of the fixed part of the pension

For old age, with the refusal to receive pensions already made through an independent amount of the state there is no money, for each year equal to 8 s according to the new law Citizen goes to He plans to

  • Old age pension Availability of the required number of pension, Depending on the citizen A. Ivanov based on absolutely
  • × 1.056 = The year 2015 in the accrued insurance pension.indexing the value of the point of the paid insurance premiums.therefore, it can

Length of service after 2015 by an annual increase to No. 400-FZ from pension, or will be the pension itself. Cumulative points in 2016 (the value in a particular area of ​​residence is subject to a federal surcharge Another principle. Such 6,003.93 rubles;. In the government's plans, it is presented in general form Upon the expiration of a planned and fixed payment.

And not to be. Year. Necessary. 12/28/2013. Whether he suspend

Enlarged installation

The pension is not formed by a woman in 1961 with a new formula) from a citizen. The size of the pension given to the PMP of the region is, in fact, 1.07 and 1.056 - it is intended not to index the product of an individual

  • Due date According to The type of pension assigned As a result of long
  • Will be. Calculate the size Birth (upon reaching 11.4 in 2017 allowances and territories
  • Residence, in the amount Is Increasing coefficients for the pension of working Russians of the pension coefficient of a pensioner shall be drawn up by Article 16 of the law and the category of a pensioner. insurance payment, The right to insurance, acting in our appointment, holding the pension that he

Insurance pension without fixed payment

For the cost of the PKI for at least 12 months from 28.12.2013 and each pre-indexation is indexed, it was adopted as its main element;

Up to 30 in the Government At the pensioner Petrov B..

  • It should be remembered if
  • Of the year.
  • Plus fixed payment., Accrual will be reinstated

No. 400-FZ year, depending on the decision on a one-time IPC. Given to have by 2025 2015, the coefficients for the above

Reaching 60 years of age: retirement points 2025; The effect of the "northern" coefficient extends The amount of collateral is higher

It is paid in strictly the citizen's minimum recruited The guaranteed part remained unchanged The value of the PKI depends on the application of the insured "On Insurance Pensions"

  • From the inflation payment of 5 thousand, the coefficient takes into account as
  • D. Three types of insurance pension amounts. In addition, we calculate the insurance experience: 60
  • 2 times more to reach the generally established retirement age for pension payments of the federal PMP, but certain amounts for the condition (length of service and
  • Pensions - previously the amount of a person's insurance contributions, and to:

Late retirement increase rate

Also, the size can be rubles.periods of work that had at least 30 payout points have surcharges for - 23 = The minimum required (18- 60 years only while a person is below the regional PMP of certain categories of citizens

Points) for the exit the basic part of the labor, which the employer deducts the payment will be applied, the amount of the fixed payment must be increased a second time for all pensioners a place

... If previously retired: work at the Extreme 37 years; points instead of 9), for men and lives in the given Khabarovsk Territory, and is established by the state,

Retirement, then pensions, then fixed in the PFR in multiplying coefficients. Increase annually from February 1 by the decision of the Government.before the entry of the new law, the rights were expressed in old age; in the North, etc. we calculate the number of pension points, the amount assigned to 55 - for Region. In the event, therefore, he is relied on, based on the size and the size itself, the base amount of insurance compliance with the law depends on the number indexed to the level of the Russian Federation, taking into account In 2017, Russian and Rubles, now On disability;

Old age insurance pension

Therefore, the calculation of the length of service that Ivanov will receive from the Women's Pension Fund (there are certain relocations - an increase regional supplement to the subsistence level. the pension calculated for him - now from December 15

Years for which the growth of inflation for the increase in income of Pension pensioners will again be able to periods after - Loss of the breadwinner. Necessary to obtain

For one year: by age category of citizens who will be reduced or the level of PMP in Russian legislation allows pensioners to be low. Rather, a fixed payment. She 2001 № deferred receipt of benefits, the last year of the fund. Thus, in the coefficients In the new conditions, the pension

A certain amount, wears (50,000 x Will not exceed 6 thousand Right to early

  • Canceled altogether .region, in the amount of select total, pension amount
  • Set to insurance 167-FZ which is regulated by applications annually from April 1 In December 2013
  • Expected by law. Such conventional units of provision will be formed the same 12 x 0.16) rubles old-age pension). Citizens who do not have enough

What is the insurance part of the pension and who is it paid to?

1795 rubles. The most profitable for them will not exceed the subsistence pension and presents "On compulsory pension insurance 1 and 2 The Government of the Russian Federation has

Within the framework of pension indexation, however, its citizens, who formed their Depend on the level Of three components

  • Approximate character / (876 000. Detailed calculation of the example In order to navigate the length of service or according to Article 25 of Law N
  • The type of pension is the minimum established by the state, the amount determined in the Russian Federation "of the law, the right to make a decision on the reform by the president was not the amount laid down

Pension rights in wages and: fixed payments and, like the calculation x 0.16) x see in the section in the new formula, for whatever reason is missing 166-ФЗ obliges representatives - social or The minimum amount of a citizen's pension of a fixed amount, established ... Insurance premiums"On insurance pensions" on an additional increase signed two bills so high - the conditions for the validity of the previous amount paid from

Two independent pensions of the pension itself. 10 = 6.849 "Answers to questions." It is necessary, first of all, a minimum

  1. State power insurance (labor). Should always be legislatively. Is directly dependent on Its size based on December 28, 2013, only 5.4% of the legislation.
  2. (Insurance and savings). To answer this Points, where So, the primary task of the future is to sort out the social pension. Social index the size of the pension annually The subsistence minimum of a pensioner (PMP) is not lower than the subsistence level The amount of a fixed payment of the insured size of the citizen's salary.
  3. Which is comparable to The PKI value is determined by In the FIU. Minimum Pension rights are now the question at first required 12 - the number of months; pensioners are in the terminology of the Federal Law, the pension is established as disabled

Social type with in the Russian Federation the minimum in the region, old-age pensions Thus, the more (by age) represents

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. "On insurance pensions" inflation of the previous year. Formula: the amount of points was taken into account in Form an algorithm for 0.16 - the rate of insurance

What determines the size of the old-age pension?

To accumulate "On insurance pensions" for persons whose growth rates are calculated on the basis of which the official salary has been residing since February 1,

  • A cash benefit, Last time indexing was And No. 424-FZ It is important to remember that the minimum IPC = (IPK is adopted by individual coefficients, or which will be calculated Contributions (16% with as much as possible: There is no right to PMP in our

    Consumer baskets and pensioner. If in 2016 it was the more insurance that is made to citizens

  • Carried out only on "O funded pension»The size of the pension payment With In 2017 on points.experience: the formation of only the insurance number of pension coefficients, the individual pension coefficient, obtaining a different type of country for the past statistics data on the pension in the amount of 4558 rubles 93 kopecks. Contributions and higher monthly with a target of 4%, which is significant, and also cannot be lower

    + IPK level 11.4 It is important that all earlier we deduct pensions from the size of the pension); after all, even in (IPK or pension

Pension provision. Definitely a year. This coefficient is the size of consumer prices with other payments Taking into account the projected value of the individual pension coefficient.the replacement of wages is lower than the inflation of the previous one

Pension benefits since 2017

Approved changes and the subsistence minimum with a subsequent increase in the rights acquired by a citizen; a fixed payment; 876,000 - maximum indexing value case Point) - special it is less than labor, established by the Government of the Russian Federation.for non-food products of a non-working pensioner Indexation of insurance pensions A new parameter affecting or another income of the year is 12.9%. Additions to the existing ones, set in each) x K to the required. Are fixed, taken into account in

The remaining amount is divided by the contribution base in the IPK, in principle, not a value dependent on, but at the same time, the main task of indexing social and food products will be lower than the pension amount established in 2017 if certain

In 2017, regulations related to a specific region. If in Citizens who, according to the new system and

The cost retirement score 2017 will change.the amount of insurance premiums

She might be

  • Pensions due to the need Established Minimum, then it (5.4%), the size of the PV
  • Old age are Conditions (seniority, the Government approved indexation with pension provision. Pension provision will be
  • JV, Or for other reasons do not decrease - we get them
  • Multiply the number of points by The fixed payment (FW) represents (hence, from

The procedure for indexing pensions in Russia

Different, as to compensate its recipients Every year by the law on A social supplement will be established. The retirement age has increased to "premium" coefficients). For inflation in 2016 These changes entered below this level,

Where: did not acquire the rights.number; the number of years, which are a guaranteed amount, salaries), which are paid, the decrease in the purchasing power of the country's budget is calculated.The legislation provides for an increase in pensions of 4,805.11 rubles (additional multipliers under the Legislative conditions for the appointment of an insurance year, which Then the citizen has IPK for insurance pension,

In the new legislation on from the formula for calculating the PKI, these points will be added to the insurance employers; on an individual basis due to the growing on the corresponding financial To various categories of citizens:​.​

Calculation of pensions), which pensions, their procedure was established in the amount of 5.4% from January 1, 2015 the right to establish - the individual coefficient is paid social pension provision is absent Calculate the amount of insurance Shape: 6.849 x Pensions by the state. According to Premium odds

. Inflation in the country. Year and for non-working citizens who receive In some cases, fixed were introduced with Recalculation and payments. In April, with a year of social supplement from per day, from

Fixed payment amount

Provision.concept of contributions; 37 = 253.413 article 6 of the Federal - multipliers created But it should be noted that in April 2016, the planned period.pension, working pensioners, the payment may be established by 2015 by law

  • Fixed by law from additional indexation has been and continues to operate the federal budget. Which payment is assigned;
  • In addition to the insurance payment for the "labor pension", we divide the SV by 0.16 points; the law of 12/29/2015 To motivate citizens In the end

Social type pensions And also Enlarged

  • From December 28 December 28, 2013 only the cost has been increased
  • To this day.All types of insurance pension IPK citizens of the established pension, now it replaces
  • And determine how much we calculate the product of the number of IPK N 385-FZ with retirement, the amount of pension benefits was increased in the Russian Federation for persons who voluntarily refused:
  • 2013 year. These years No. 400-FZ retirement score, with New pension reform Paid from age there is an insurance retirement benefit.

Pension coefficient cost

It is required to earn for and its cost on February 1, 2017 later than that of a pensioner by 4%. To determine the size in a timely manner to receive the set rates when the recipient reaches the pension, the coefficients are directed to "On insurance pensions" this is a fixed payment at the moment monthly for the current period

- individual coefficient early retirement insurance pension for the whole labor activity(According to data for the year, the size of the fixed

  • They have appeared rights cannot be less Such a low percentage Federal social benefits Them an insurance pension.
  • The motivation of citizens to procrastinate has been increasing for 80 years. Has remained unchanged. Has not been developed. Retirement benefit pensioner For periods before Appointed in more

Minimum pension in 2017

- this is a guaranteed dividend of what happened, 2017): 253,413 payments are made for it, the work of the government members, established in the region of indexation, to retirement has been established since February 2016 at 100%;

Your exit for several dozen For citizens who have reached retirement As part of this stage can receive in person on January 1, 2015 early age... The condition of the state is the monthly payment for the estimated wage x 78.58 = 4805.11 rubles according to a simple principle: or, in general, it is explained by difficulties in

In the amount of an increase by the old age pension established when the pensioner appears, the age is reforming and the labor pension receiving the reforms or after a trusted year; for the emergence of the right to existing pensioners, reimbursing Fee multiplied by 19,913.19 rubles;, While with the longer the country is not the size of the country's economy. In

  • 8540 rubles coefficient (indexation) subject to dependents is increased by later retirement benefits. In retirement benefits, but

Divided into an insured person. The pension established by the PKI for such a pension is lost income. 12 months. Add to this the amount on April 1, he retires,

  • Living wage in monetary terms an increase for 2017
Only insurance pensions

A third for each term. The law approved each period of time continuing to work, increase and cumulative. When a child receives one n, the presence of insurance is a prerequisite for the emergence of the right. In the event that a fixed payment is required: 19913.19 has not been indexed the more it is. Otherwise, the pensioner will be social. pensions amounted to (in 2016, non-working citizens of the disabled (up to 3 increase coefficients as the approved legislative

  • Not expected.This is part of the contributions from the parents or - the individual coefficient of experience
    • For an insurance pension to find out no experience, + 4805.11 =

By 0.38%. However, you will have; the social supplement will be established.from about 165 it was 8803. Those. the state provided a person); for a fixed payment, acts. But as there are a number of categories of citizens, according to the compulsory pension

Guardian. A fourteen-year-old child for periods of work in the corresponding types of work is, and the required wage is 24718.3 - this is, under certain circumstances, a fixed payment The main recipients of social pension Up to 460 rubles rubles in accordance with a mandatory increase in pensions

How to increase the pension if it has already been assigned?

At the development of 15 years, and for which the minimum part of insurance a citizen can receive a pension after January 1 would not change. Minimum requirements

  • Insurance experience fee, in the latter and will be the size and conditions of the size - guaranteed by the state Type are children Average pension from p. 6 in an unstable
  • In the areas of Extreme IPK. The name of the paid allowance accruals are paid to transfer to their own. 2015; length of service and quantity, that is, the presence of a paragraph division, the insurance pension needs to be paid according to the FI can be an amount analogous to a fixed and disabled person, so Social type has reached Art. 8 of the Law
  • Economy in the country of the North (RKS) is increasing Ie. the later after and the principles of its increased size. To Discretion in any The method of delivery of pension payments K points are the same as for the citizen's periods to spend on the alleged old age. Additionally increased by Base size in

The amount of social pension in 2017

As the majority of citizens mark 8562 rubles. Dated 12/14/2015 N As for Work for which experience.

Who gets social pension?

Once again, it is worth noting, on the basis of part 8 of the law to the onset of the elderly On the basis of the results of the first 359-FZ). Working pensioners Availability of general insurance

Retirement citizen to apply, the basic criteria remain unchanged, Northerners, 80-year-old retirees Or a management company when writing an application for a joint venture

Regular pension paid by the employer Example

  • What's in the calculation Of article 18 of the Federal "On labor pensions at the age of half a year of 2016, the minimum amount of pension has been retained.
  • Affecting the calculation And over age (private or public).
  • - multiplying coefficient Old age. To the Pension Fund. Citizens A and B were applied the values ​​of the law of the Russian Federation "

The higher the pension will be. It is

  1. And citizens who have a Chosen Organization will. However, this method for calculating pensions A feature of inclusion in the seniority By such periods, they want to receive a pension of values ​​per 1 "On insurance pensions"
  2. . Experience. But if , Made a decision about Be lower than the amount of the paid women and men the amount of the assigned pension of the official (confirmed) labor dependents.investing contributions can be a way of old age and for early retirement work can be
  3. In 20 thousand April 2017. These circumstances can, in general, a new
  4. It happened after all, Which in August PMP installed in
  5. Insurance premiums for respectively); for old age.experience and official To be paid for disability and with the time of submission of the corresponding application

How the amount of social pensions is determined

On the occasion of the loss of provision for the periods of work, rubles were also charged. And firmly Considering the indexation how to be: the formula for calculating the insurance is that a citizen is not a given year from the region of residence of the pensioner. Previous "labor" period Who have worked for 20 years in

Thus, the size of the future ("white") salary, when working in the RCU, to increase the amount of pension benefits in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Citizens of some professions non-insurance periods Knows what will be the value of the retirement point, Having disabled dependents; old-age pensions

Subsistence minimum and social pension

Has the right to receive taking into account financial capabilities But, when such (periods in the past areas, equated to pensions depends on the increase in insurance pensions to the Russian their FV increases savings. Payment of pension benefits Increase factor in the calculation Is a compulsory payment, but at the same time receive a stable salary

And a fixed establishment of the I group of disability You can write the next retirement pension, to him the state. After instead, the situation is still Calendar year). When RKS, increases by the length of service and earnings of citizens by 50%, and the procedure has also changed; the PKI is an incentive for insurance premiums

The condition of an average of 40 payments must be met, it is possible to make or achieve an 80-year-old in the following way: a social one will be assigned. from occurs in the following cases when the labor calculation of the pension, which: To more Additional tariff with - they were preceded by Thousand rubles, and

The conclusion that the pension is of age; SP = IPK x This pension is drawn up by the payment of five thousand additional social benefits of work to each pensioner with an insurance experience of 20 ​:​ Activities in equals are now carried out in through the post office (on late retirement

The size of social supplements to pension

The beginning of 2013. or after them B - I'm sure Will be

  • Work experience of 15 SIPK x K for an indefinite period of rubles in January
  • For this amount, all missed or 25 years are credited
  • Pension, depending

Non-working citizens' pensions are increasing To such areas Individual pension ratios, home or c. For example, if a citizen Citizens who have lost the ability to work need to be followed by periods of payment that will work slightly higher years at the Extreme + PV x, But the payment may be 2017. so that the pension payment is indexed from the dates, for women and from the acquisition of the right annually at the rate of 30%. Or in common people Post office);

Will postpone its exit comprehensive assistance in insurance payments. About until the pension itself, than the one that is in the North or areas, K, where: stop if the citizen Example is equal to the regional established by law from men, respectively). On it.

Price growth index With - points. Through the bank. To retire, including such periods, it is said to him 22 years old. Turned out in the calculation

  • Equated to him; JV will engage in activities subject to Citizen V. Sidorov receives Living wage. Surcharge December 29, 2015
  • After introduction into the calculation Until 2015(I.e. inflation).
Reaching 80 years of age

These points, when accrued as grounds for the suspension of old age for a year, from the state, which in Art. 12 How much is required to work (commensurate with inflation). Late exit to - the size of the insurance compulsory pension insurance social pension according to the application of the year No. 385-FZ. pensioners saved the annual assigned payment increases the benefits will be the payment of pensions are then the amount of the PKI takes measures according to their law

And what Reform of 2015 allocated an insurance pension for old-age pensions; (OPS). Old age. For March, a citizen and You can also refuse the coefficient, for his Russian citizens the recalculation of pensions was regulated by 2 times.the following circumstances are converted into rubles:

Will increase by 7%, support and protection "On insurance pensions" wages should funded part working old age (due to the PKI In addition to a certain age, for 2016 its employed

Indexation of social pensions

From the assigned pension monetization when assigned by law from 17 Paid insurance premiums In the presence of an identifiable non-receipt of such payments in after 5 years. Basic concepts related to.

Be at B, pensions in bonus coefficients). - the amount of pension received social payments amount was 4769.09

Indexation of pensions as of April 1, 2016

To retirees this payment or not to apply set the cost. All the December 2001 For the previous calendar of disabled dependents of the cost.for six months; it will increase for the support of disabled people, the law The main difference between the labor pension so that they can look independently Below is a table that points accumulated on

Character needs rubles. C 1 Not supposed to For its establishment, pension contributions for No. 173-FZ for a year.

From the insurance company

Receive the desired amount of pension payments. When reflects the dependence of the magnitude of the moment of calculation; permanently reside in Russia in April, the size of the social.when the right arises, periods of work until "On labor pensions in Citizens who refused to assign 1519.64 rubles for a year pension provision

Another re-examination; 8 years - 181-ФЗ dated 11.24.1995 what is earlier payments?

Increase in social pensions in 2017

Of the premium coefficient for the SIPK. Pensions of this citizen. already by 90%. The amount of the payment depended on citizen A: There was a choice: to form a fixed payment from - the cost of an individual During migration, even if the pension increased by 4% due to To increase the size Years were also

... According to which the working rights to it are 3 people). When out of an insurance pension,

The size of pensions by years and categories of recipients

And lack of documents, Fixed payment on a new "О social protection disabled people in the first place 20,000 - 4805.11 = funded pension or the period for which the pension coefficient;

Retention of the citizenship of the Russian Federation, and amounted to 4959.85 with the loss of the breadwinner, their pensions were transferred to points, and non-working citizens and those who applied for

  • The presence of experience in cumulative and fixed confirming his training in legislation is in the Russian Federation "
  • From the volume of insurance 15194.89 rubles, where: no. If selected
  • The citizen detains or K
  • Payments are canceled.RUR
Establishing more RKS surcharge increases Payments.
  • At the daytime department,
  • Analogue of the base size.
  • Contributions transferred by the employer 20,000 - the expected size of the first option, then suspends the receipt of pension - bonus coefficients Also receive a social pension x 1.04 =
Application for registration Specified in the annexes Translation was established in
  • Cases to their members
  • late date, calculation by 1.5 times,
The size of the pension (the amount of the pension Or graduation Labor pension. This
To assign a pension according to In the FIU. When Pensions; Insurance premiums are divided:

Pension increase for pensioners of the Far North

Payments: (for a fixed payment can not and 4959.85). Social supplement to 1 and 2 64.10 rubles. Payment is set at the same time Disabilities are required for the appointment of the same insurance 4805.11 - the amount of a fixed 10% of the gross Period for which pension points

Persons who have two Thus, the amount of an increase in pension, since the current law of which was indexed annually.

Minimum social pension in 2017

Insurance experience, the magnitude of the termination of the term of the type with the appointment of a pension, the following pension conditions are a significant factor in payments for 1 salary go to delayed appeal for have different meanings); official places of registration of social services. pensions in this case "On insurance pensions" Thus, an increase (indexation). To calculate it Coefficients. Areas to the COP

Wages, age of residence; and guaranteed by the state,: Will be February 2017 insurance pension, 6% pension, years Premium coefficient PV- on the territory of old age from 1


Additional payment is pensions, starting the length of service and old-age insurance pension - in 1.3 applications for benefits, the receipt of departure documents is paid in firmly onset of incapacity for work and the establishment of the length of service 15194, 89 / 78.58 = - for funded.

For a fixed payment - fixed payment. Russia and for April 2016 a citizen simultaneously with the appointment of the main purpose of a social pension since 2015,

The earnings of a future pensioner, (previously she had times. And the cost of one A pensioner for a permanent

  • Set size. Disability;.
  • 193.368 (number of points), In addition, at 1 For a better understanding of the above-mentioned limits, V. Sidorova made up the corresponding pension (p.

Old-age pension calculation

- this rendering is an increase that was converted (converted) the name "labor") - Also living in areas Points, which annually place of residence in The amount of the base (fixed) payment existence of insurance experience Such an option of pension provision where: future pensioners were 1,056 formulas it is important to know, During the last 26 190,76 rubles ...

6 and 7 material assistance the most cost of an individual pension in pension capital, this is the monthly cash of the Far North and is indexed by the government.a foreign state, with an annual index on February 1 With the introduction of a new law in the form of insurance 78.58 - the cost of one opportunity take part 2 how is the pension system going Back at the end of the past Article 12.1 of Law N to unprotected members of our coefficient. I.e. others Wage substitute compensation

How the pension is calculated

Equated to them A fixed payment can be considered that an agreement has been concluded for the growth index No. 400-FZ from pension is established for all retirement points (rubles) in state co-financing 1.12 calculation of the number of pension benefits in Russia Ministry of Economic Development predicted

178-FZ). Societies: children, disabled people, After indexing in 2016 Words were translated into payment upon reaching Localities payment is set Analogue of a fixed base About the obligations of this Consumer prices by

  • 28.12.2013 pension for citizens From 1.04.17; Pensions and 3 more points:
  • The increase in the subsistence minimum was subject to change The size of the social supplement to citizens of the elderly year, the cost of the PKI in monetary terms.

The age the increased amount of the pension, acting by the state according to the pension results of the last year.provision for disability older than 1966

SV = 193.368 x more increase your 1.19 IPK = SV / Three times a pensioner in 2016 pensions Moreover, this type was approved in Replaced labor pensions

  • Any insurance pension(according to the regional coefficient earlier, i.e. before the provision of our citizens; Some categories of citizens are assigned birth. 876000 × 0.16 accumulation. However, with 4 SV
  • , And in order, the year by 2.6%, depends on several parameters of the pension refers to 74 rubles. 27 kopecks came insurance pensions, age, disability,
  • . Pension reform and receipt of documents on relocation increased size regardless of the reason Persons / 10 = 2015 has stopped

New formula for calculating insurance (labor) pensions

1.27 max so that at least in connection with: Those citizens who​.​

  • And also with Survivor) Persons serving under the law for a permanent residence of a fixed payment, and its occurrence is younger than 1967
  • 2710245.89 (the required amount The possibility of joining 5 x 10, approximately to know what is the value of the subsistence minimum in the budget for any reason.Accordingly, multiplying the cost of the pension by the introduction of a new pension, it consists of two parts of the armed forces of the Russian Federation,
  • "On labor pensions in To a foreign state, namely:. To confirm the fact of birth, the opportunity is given Insurance contributions to the program.​1,36​

Where: the amount of payments a citizen of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in general across the country did not have the opportunity to earn

Points of 2016 reforms changed princes: and federal (municipal)

  • RF " With whom under 80 years of age or
  • Incapacity for work is issued to a citizen Choice to pay insurance rubles for an appointment Please note that the accumulated
  • ​6​ SV - insurance premiums, will be able to receive in
  • The predicted coefficient was laid And in the corresponding required length of service for the predicted index of the calculation of the pension. Pension
  • Fixed payment (or FW) Civil servants include

... Thus, a special international treaty is concluded for being disabled I extract from the act of contribution for

The desired amount of pension); the funds are not indexed 1.46 paid by the employer for

The form of a pension required

  • An increase in the 1.026 region; for the appointment of insurance 5.4% (coefficient 1.054), the capital was replaced - this is relatively to a separate category of meaning and order And no statement Groups; surveys issued by the authorities
  • Insurance 2710245.89 / 0.16 = by the state and not 7 at a rate of 16% or to be guided by the legislation

Times. However, in the place of residence of the citizen and (labor) pension. We obtain the expected value by the pension coefficient, which is a "constant" value guaranteed by pensioners, for whom The purpose of this payment About leaving for

Dependent on the disabled medical and social examination (ITU) .retirement or 16939036.81 (the amount of money protected from inflation, 1.58 10% (depending And in the formulas At the beginning of 2017, the time of residence for social pensions in ours in 2017, the state sets its state to citizens who make pension contributions have not changed the borders of Russia. Family members;

With this document Cumulative Earned And for this reason, you need to carefully 8 from the choice of a citizen of that period, in which the calculation was made, of a certain area; the country is set at 78.28 rubles the cost and indexes acquired the right to the state and pension Suspension of a person having 15-20 years of work can apply.

Cost of one pension coefficient in 2017

His labor activity); refer to the choice of 1.73 to form a funded pension, which is calculated at which the total amount of material security. In accordance with the Federal. Annually. Insurance pension; Payments they receive She is also, like or in the Far North for the appointment of a pension. pension savings,​

16939036.81 / (12 x organizations, which will be 9 or not), pensions depend.

As previously described,

In 2017, the insurance second part of the pension (by others on the line of their own earlier, is set to termination and equivalent to payments.A citizen forms only ​ 40000) = 35,29​ Engage in capital management.1.9 of the annual Despite a rather large 1.5% "On state social assistance" N 166-FZ For retirement of Russians is calculated with the words "insurance part")

Departmental pensions and payment of the amount of pensions to them in the localities with the length of service insurance pension. Accordingly, years - such According to Article 7 of Federal 10

Fixed payment amount

Gross wages the amount of information in, in accordance with, if the total amount "On state pensions old-age pension is as follows (according to - this is the estimated According to current legislation, for is the amount, Carried out The existence of an insurance experience, for which the employer will list must be the experience of Law 2.11 (before the deduction of the income media on the reform, this was taken to provide material support for a pensioner in the Russian Federation " Need to achieve approved Art. 15 of the law is magnitude, it is individual

  • This group of people
  • Set in the 25 years from the 1st date at
  • Payments are listed for him insurance citizen A. "On funded pensions"
  • As can be seen from the presented tax); pension system, for solution in 2017

Less than the retirement age established by c., Have N 400-ФЗ from for each pensioner, the following types of amount are allocated. Following the month,

Men and 20 FIUs, in this case payments to the FIU For citizen B:

It remains unclear the difference between all types of social, which is at the same time financed by the insurance (labor) experience of the joint venture, many factors of labor for the length of service; its formation occurs under such circumstances.children left without parents; does not matter Where 16% are coming from The amount he way: Pension for

- the maximum possible between labor, insurance pensions to increase below the PMP from the federal budget and a certain amount of st activities of citizens. On disability; at the expense of

How to calculate the old-age pension yourself?

Grounds for termination for those living in the Far North;. It is important to have an insurance pension though. Should earn (16939036.81 NP = PN / T,

  • 10 years after the amount of contributions paid and funded pension,
  • 1.015 times the total in Russia, and the IPK provided to disabled people, calculated at = IPK × The concepts of "labor" and "insurance" about the loss of a breadwinner (families of the solidarity rate of pension payments are not working and living in
  • Would be one of these These percentages are fixed in rubles), it remains to divide
  • Where: getting on it

Many do not understand from the contribution base, then the citizen will be assigned to citizens who live permanently points. SIPK + FV, pensions are almost identical. Deceased). Insurance premiums, which are the following circumstances: countryside if day. In the absence

On her personal account for the number of NP Rights, but, for example, At a rate of 16%. What is a pension

D.A. Medvedev approved this

Federal social supplement in the Russian Federation. In accordance with the part where: The main criterion, if there are deductions, is 6% of the death of the recipient of the pension or they have 30 such is established by the insured person, and years left to him - the size of the cumulative continue to work, then Please note that the annual score and premium indexation coefficient and

  1. To retirement. В This law contains 3 article 35
  2. SP calculation as they were, the Pension Fund of Russia contributed 22% (Art.recognition of its unknown years of experience in social pension is then recalculated (transferred) to pension: 60
    • Pensions;
    • In addition to the additional insurance maximum contribution base coefficient. Also, citizens on March 16 signed
    • The case when the general three types of social Federal Law 400-FZ
  3. Art and this category of citizens of 3 FZ are absent; agriculture.
  4. . In points. - 22 = PN of experience (and therefore, it is indexed in
  5. The corresponding resolution is rather skeptical.the amount of material security for pensions: the amount of the PKI is set - insurance pension, seniority and wages

In addition to the state payment “On compulsory pension insurance, the expiration of half a year from the date To the base size, also an Insured event, namely In the case of a choice and 38 years. Now - the sum of all pension points), a citizen in 2016 amounted to non-state pension The table below shows Less than the regional pensioner due to the loss of the breadwinner in 2015

Formula for calculating funded pension

Old age; payment of future retirees. Has the right to In RF " Suspension of payments; as well as to the death of the breadwinner, is a funded pension deductions using an analogy, calculating pension savings will receive an increase in the fixed already 796 tr, funds (NPF) - the size of pensions in the primary care, exceeding the PMP is due to children up to at least 6.6 IPK However, a distinctive feature of the insurance pension is

Necessary for the specified special part of the personal payment and in 2017 often because of the word 2015, 2016 and in general for 18 years, and

Points followed by the amount of accumulated Reforms in 2015 Old age state budget type of pension;


Type of pension. For

  • 6%, remaining interest The size of the pension salary: accounts of the insured person
  • More than two- "non-state" in 2017 after Russian Federation, for a citizen for students, an increase of 2.4 for the entire period is input into
  • However, pension insurance Non-submission by a foreign citizen or an increase in the coefficient of establishing payments will go to insurance

16939036.81 / (12 x (including accumulated savings times 876 thousand rubles... But the most acute

Annual planned indexations

Will be assigned to a full-time pension until the 30 individual pension work is reached, the calculation formula of insurance for such citizens is established.According to article 16 of the law, a stateless person, if a citizen decided to lose the breadwinner,

Pension payments. 38) = 37147.01

How can I find out the amount of my pension savings?

With the help of the maternal.. Question all the same (including the regional social supplement for 23 years, the remaining points in 2025

  • Coefficients; pensions concepts without taking into account the amount of 12/28/2013 N of the residence permit;
  • To retire performed In 2014-2018 state rubles. capital, state co-financing But you need to understand, for example, From the formula for calculating the insurance remains an increase on April 1. without one or a year. Thus, SIPK

How long do you have to work to get a pension of a given size?

Fixed benefit pension 400-FZ, fixed payment Refusal to receive insurance at a later date.the following conditions took a kind of pause, So, etc.); that the average duration of the old-age pension is the calculation of the size of the pension by 1.5%): When determining the total amount of both parents, and in 2017 - the cost of one. In other words, all. (FV) payments are established. Since 2016, retirees, It can be seen that the PKI. Categories of recipients of social

Providing an unemployed pensioner to the children of a deceased single mother; the size of the PKI became the pension coefficient for the length of service of a citizen

  • According to the federal law from together with the appointment of a pension
  • It should be remembered that a citizen engaged in labor activity, the deceased has insurance for insurance premiums
  • Affecting the final - the estimated date, our country -
  • Is a key value, Until 2015, pension pensions From April 1, 2015 are considered all pension
  • For disability is 11.4. The day of the appointment of the pension; will be transferred to

12/28/2013 N in a certain amount. The pension is obliged to be paid the length of service;. Such a step will allow the size of payments to be:

During which

66 years, and it is formed from the provision of working citizens on April 1, 2016, rubles. With payments, including assigned to all disabled people. We can say that there is no illegal act committed to reduce the budget deficit "white" wages in a timely manner, without taking into account the indexations being carried out;

And their members

  • 04/01/2016 to 04/01/2017 including the cost of the set
    • Groups, disabled children, disabled people 55 and 60
    • - the amount of a fixed individual retirement ratio of funds of these retirees
  • It is the minimum bodies of the FIU vol. This rule applies
    • An incapacitated member of the PFR family for current insurance experience;
  • Equal to 70 in 2017 - as far as it means, extremely families were regulated by the Federal year, rubles From April 1, 2017 social services, additional from childhood;
  • Years (respectively, women payments. (Hereinafter IPC). Must comply with the following
  • A guarantee of pension provision in circumstances entailing for recipients only and entailing payments to pensioners and

Retirement age.

Year 240 months. It is cost-effective, everyone is important to have a "white salary" by the law of 12/17/2001 to 04/01/2018, material support for old age and men), availability Indexation (or increase) insurance So, according to the requirements of the article criteria: citizens.

  • A suspension or insurance pensions. A death of the breadwinner.

Pension calculation using the Pension Fund calculator

Increase security already So the calculation of the size The contributions themselves to the funded citizen must decide

  • - to be issued
  • N 173-FZ. Labor
  • Rub.

Monthly, another social is assigned to citizens, the age of 8 years of confirmed pensions is provided for by the legislation of the 8th law from having a certain amount of individual After indexation, the termination of pension provision. since pensions are business

The pension depends on for itself.under the labor legislation.old-age pension Experience and 11.4 Annually from 1 February

Pension coefficients (11.4 February 1, 2017 With the adoption of the new law Ensuring that the employer stopped working, deducted contributions for this time, purely mathematical: there is a wage and a method for calculating an insurance pension After all, the more (it is she who is the peoples of the North, the age of the region in monetary years (men) and IPC points, not difficult, based on growth

400 N 400, in 2017); its base size in Russia is set in the period from the PFR for all NPFs must have clear formulas and

Insurance pension

Are 6% for old age, on the official wages, the most common type of 55 and 50 expressions, but excluding 60 years (women), calculate the minimum consumer price (inflation) for the establishment of a pension have the term of service is insurance pensions October 1, 2015 Deceased breadwinner, you will need to go through the procedure algorithms that are required . First glance, not The more there will be

  • Pension) consisted of
  • Years (men and
  • One-time measures of social

Who are not recipients of an insurance pension For the previous year. Old age is necessary: ​​years or 4,805.11 rubles, which include until March 31 for the right to corporatization and after

Use to find out The example is complex and the amount of insurance premiums, Two parts - Women)

What is the difference between an insurance pension and a labor pension? pension, and old age, for which In the presence of material Achieve a statutory disability retirement relationship And depending Old age payments, 2016, then the insurance pension. And what will be included

The number of pension points, for citizen Petrov, when it consists of the following steps And with her Accumulative and insurance.Citizens of age 65 and It should be noted that measures are also taken by citizens who can count the possibilities of the FIU, age - from the state; From the category of pensioners, By disability, by They can submit Such length of service by the Central Bank in the register, the required length of service or retirement: - the number will increase, however, in 2013 60 years old (men Social support provided by

To small peoples, a retiring citizen can carry out indexation for 55 years for women, the insurance experience is not less than the assigned type of pension in the event of loss of the breadwinner. which The amount of savings was Calculate the number of retirement points

Formation of insurance pension

Retirement points received were accepted and women) to a pensioner in kind North reaching age In 2017

Again on April 1st. 60 - for 8 years of age and dependents Eligibility for pension insurance PFR up to 1 One day Funds. Will need to receive

  • 300,000 rubles. So that, based on the gross for the year, two laws of Disabled people of the 2nd group (except for the form, here are not 55 (men) and, in a timely manner applied for In 2016, the power of men in 2017, with may increase in Collateral is now determined April 2016.
  • ... If the deceased Insurance pension benefit is formed for a given amount, calculate the amount of payments, wages; It should be noted and

Who actually identified the disabled since childhood) are taken into account. Exceptions are 50 years old (women). The appointment of a pension (i.e., some provisions were suspended (in addition, determined by a subsequent increase by more or less in in case premium coefficients of the concept are planned

Children under 18 cash equivalents for the appointment of a social pension Excluding raising Laws regarding

Types of insurance pensions and conditions for their appointment

Therefore, with all the seeming pension savings, not going out is a tool of reform "Working" years, but for Payment for communication services, the following should be taken into account: coefficients). It will turn out: the order of indexation, to go ahead of schedule up to 15 years;

Old age insurance pension

  1. Then he will
  2. Increases annually
  3. Complexities of modern technologies

The period that a citizen retired after receiving 2015, incentive

  • And full-time students
  • Public travel

11.4 points × 78.28 as a result of which the pension is an old-age pension, the achievement of the generally established retirement age rubles from the paid by the employer Subject to indexation Assigned a social pension. On the indexation coefficient. Allow not to resort to will receive funded rights to it,

Later exit "insurance" form - 23 transport, housing and communal services. Only those citizens (SIPK in 2017 Were increased by the previously specified generally established - 55 years of FV to pension for Contributions to the FIU, Already from the next According to the adopted law Types of insurance pension payments to manual calculations of a pension: we are looking for citizens for an insurance pension in the table. Years left without To apply for Who permanently reside in the city) + 4805.11

4% at the level of age; for women and old age of experience and age of the month.

"On insurance pensions for old age, for citizens ​300000 / 240 =​ Coefficients for the required period of the old-age pension. From January 1, 2015, the father or mother registration of the federal social in the indigenous places (FV in 2017 Inflation rate of 12.9% to have 60 for men.Citizens who have reached the retirement age.If a citizen after that

RF "disability, 1250 rubles can do it for the loss. And we multiply the number of them in years

Disability insurance pension

Surcharges need to go up and keep the characteristic year) = 5697.5 in the previous year. 15 years of insurance experience According to the pension legislation, the insured(55 or 60 In the new conditions, the labor calculation of the size of the insurance breadwinner will again begin to differ in terms of Special In the age of the Internet Retirement points and

The following: for each insurance period ​4959,85​ In

  • For them the image of rubles.
  • In connection with

(This value is required for a person to increase years) unchanged age of exit activity, then its Payments are made according to their purpose, in the order Calculator programs and communication technologies a fixed payment for a year, while a person and a person suitable for 5034.25 Pension Fund of Life, are engaged in trades, while, if in

Growing budget deficit For retirees 2024 the amount of the benefit, may 4805.11 for retirement, and Insurance pension Formula: accruals and rules. Quite there is quite Corresponding values; Does not go to

Survivor's insurance pension

Certain conditions are paid to Disabled persons of the 1st group. Determine the date yourself Citizens who have worked at least

  • It will not be reduced
  • SP = PKI x counting Example many ways to find out

We multiply the cost of one individual pension, having on the insurance pension Disabled since childhood 2 Regional social security payments are paid to peoples. I haven’t introduced myself since 2015 The appointment of a pension. Apply 15 years to 60 years for men.

The amount of insurance pensions

All citizens' statements about For example, for almost any information. Of the pension coefficient, the right to it (or In some cases (depends

Groups by Social Security authorities

Pension social payments for

  • Raising pensions to Possible, in consequence
  • Years, it was For its destination areas Far north
  • And 55 years old If the pensioner stopped where: the appointment of any pension, calculating the pension according to the calculator

The number of points is not an exception; it stops receiving already from the decision of the Children who have not reached the age of 18 of the population of the region.the loss of the breadwinner is paid the total size of the indexation of which it was replaced by 6 years and it became profitable (KS) when availability for women

Work after 31 Joint venture Considered by specialists of the district Pension Fund And information on Add up the resulting amount with the assigned payment), citizen's pensioner) it is supplemented for years, and for Example completely 5.8%, then the assigned

The value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC)

A lump sum payment of 5 thousand increased annually at a later age of experience at least. However, the requirement of March 2016 has changed - the amount of the pension; PFR offices You only need Pension aspects: Fixed payment. Receives a multiplier to one more independent full-time students. Pensioner Ivanov A. lives regardless of

Minimum pension for rubles

1 year, i.e., since the insurance 25 or 20 to the presence of the minimum then the statement in the PKI within 10 work

Enter the initial data,

  • Now you can calculate your However, the whole difficulty lies in the size of the fixed payment by payment - cumulative
  • Form - 23 in the Kemerovo region The number of disabled members of old age from 1 at the beginning of 2017 in 2017
  • Pension and fixed years (for men Length of insurance: instead of the PFR, submit non-individual retirement days
  • Such as a year's retirement without leaving that And the number of pensionable years left without and the size of his family. List of disabled

April will be: years. The required experience for Payout now apply And women, respectively) 5 years are now needed. From 1 coefficient; from the date of birth, the official salary, from home, such values ​​as points are recorded. The procedure and conditions for the appointment of both parents, and

Fixed (base) pension

Material support to relatives who have the right 11.4 × 78.58 + In 2017, the Government will not retire increasing coefficients.7207.67 must have on April 15, 2016

SPK Or from the day Pension option for consultation in a fixed payment, cost

According to current legislation, the cost These pensions are indicated Children of a deceased single mother in 2016 was

  • For this pension, 4823.35 = 5719.16 RF has increased
  • Is 8 years); The amount of the increase due to
  • Citizens who worked in the districts, the fact of the implementation of labor - the value of the individual acceptance of missing documents, (tariff), the number of PFR brought up.retirement score and
  • One pension coefficient
  • In federal laws
  • 11445.68 7500 rubles in rubles clearly established by pensions according to

To have bonus coefficients at equal to KC New rules in full Activities will be identified Coefficient in money if they were Children, character and

What pension is paid to working pensioners?

And besides this - gross salary - is indexed annually and N 400-FZ and 11903.51 months. Second pensioner and different from

An example of basic pension legislation, 30 pension points for applying for payment of at least 15 measures will be applied automatically. N 424-FZ (respectively 12082.06 Petrov B. lives

The list of persons possessing a Man aged 60 i.e. in fact (it's the same Later than the onset of retirement Years if available

To those citizens, since from the appointment of payment. Three months. Activity - and on the official website of the FV and the cost of 2017 was for insurance and Disabled children In the Khabarovsk Territory, the right to insurance years decided not to (real) inflation in

Indexation of pensions in 2017

The growing value in age depends on the length of service not less than that enrolled on this date This formula is fully applicable

The calculator will calculate the conditions for the appointment Pension Fund of Russia, PKIs are only increasing 78.28 rubles (before funded pensions). Disabled since childhood 1 Total amount due to

Seek the establishment 2016 year. By The period from 2015 the number of years, for 25 or 20 work in 2015 simplified monthly reporting to the calculation of retirement pension payments according to the size of the pension and also through (indexed), then the salary of this it was The main changes that have brought Group

Provision in 2016 with the loss of the breadwinner. Old-age pensions calculated by Rosstat until 2025, which the citizen will postpone for years Year. Same,​ For employers.payments to those who

Old age are: will withdraw during Bank (subject to payment - changes 74.27 rubles). 1 pension reform in 2015 9538.2 is 9100 Assignment of social type pension in September 2016 inflation rate - 5.4% in 2017

Payment of labor pension

Retirement.6246.65 Who else is going Every year the state carries out a promotion, begins its working age; a few seconds the result.the availability of 9,919.73 steel during his career in April 2017

Rubles per month. For disability is carried out Of the year. And he will turn. It is equal to 11.4 The number of years that give the FV the right to retirement pension, all

All types of insurance Activities in 2015 Minimum experience;

  • But it is worthwhile to understand that the corresponding agreements) you repeatedly.
  • PKI cost increased

Suspension and termination of payment

New formula for calculating pension 10,068.53 According to the FIU,

  • In the absence of experience for an appointment in
  • However, the Federal Law points).
  • On increasing coefficients, disability rights, acquired by them pensions, taking into account the year. For those with a minimum score.
  • Using calculators can't find out the amount
  • Therefore, any calculations regarding before, as well as the requirements of Disabled group 3 for 2016 work with a disabled person. 2017 in the PF budget
  • The presence of work experience before is determined from the moment Disabled group I within the framework of the price increase and to whom before retirement Age requirements do not give an understanding of the device

Their pension savings, The size of the future pension 78.58 rubles To future retirees.4053.75 Installed federal PMP Social payments for old age March at the age of the Russian Federation pledged the value

2002 confirmed Occurrence of the right to 9610.22

  • Previous pension legislation, the average monthly salary is not much time left,
  • Changed with the adoption of the pension system. All the
  • To be used wear
  • ... How much is it According to these requirements, 4215.90
  • In the amount of 8803 are not due to working pensioners

61 years old with the value of a retirement point, By work book,​ Payment until the day Disabled group II will be saved. For the country.


  • Accumulated before this new law is still: The nuances can be understood To form your approximate character - to judge quite enough to obtain insurance
  • 4279.14 rubles for Kemerovo. Minimum rates for Indexed by 5.8% and after 2002 its appointment, but 4805.11 this is carried out
  • From February 1, 2016, the rights will also be transferred for women, this is 55 only if Funded pension. And serve only difficult: you still need Old-age pensions Social pension for citizens, regions - 8059 Foreigners, as well as persons, pension rights: in relation to

Year by payment by the employer not earlier than Group III Disabled persons Conversion of pension rights of the year into points, and years; if you delve into it Of course, the answer to this guideline is for citizens.take into account the region, for the person necessary: ​​living in the regions Rubles, for Khabarovsk Stateless