
1 pension point is equal to c. Individual pension coefficient (IPC). What can you expect in the future


Until 2014, inclusive, the size of the pension depended only on reaching a certain age, the presence of an earned length of service, income level and insurance premiums. In 2015, the calculation procedure was changed by Russian legislation. There was a concept "Individual pension coefficient", abbreviated IPK, which today has become the main determining unit in determining the amount of the pension.

Individual pension coefficient (IPC) - accumulated over the years of work. They can be instantly calculated using. To do this, just enter the amount of your average monthly salary before deducting personal income tax.

The new system obliges to save with a salary that allows you to transfer regular contributions to the PFR in an amount greater than the minimum established by law. Savings accumulated for future retirement are converted into points.

Every 12 months, the government sets the value of one point. The indicator depends on the annual price increase. To be eligible for pension benefits, you must accumulate a minimum number of units.

The new condition does not satisfy the interests of people with insufficient work "baggage" (at least 6 years in 2015 and at least 15 years by 2025). So if you don't have enough seniority, where the author gives recommendations on how to get out of this situation.

IPK affects primarily. Its size is calculated by the product of the IPC by the cost of one point in the desired year. Thus, the final allowance consists of the sum of the fixed base and the indicator calculated according to the IPC.

Maximum and minimum value in 2017

The individual coefficient for determining the pension has lower and upper allowable limits. The maximum value for those who left and abandoned it will be different. Until 2021, the IPC will grow regularly: up to 10 - without deduction of savings; up to 6.25 - during the formation of savings. At the start of the program in 2015, the indicator was 7.39 for both indicators.

An important factor is the consideration military service and childcare time. For each year of the army, a coefficient of 1.8 is taken. The IPC for child care depends on the number of wards and can reach 5.4.

In 2017, the cost of one point is equal to 78 rubles 58 kopecks.

In 2017, in order to receive a pension higher than the fixed 4,813 rubles (4,559 rubles in 2016), a citizen of the Russian Federation must have at least 8 years of service and 11.4 points in reserve. According to the annual rate, the IPC cannot exceed 8.26 in the absence of a funded pension and 5.16 with a funded rate of 6%.

In 2018, for the right to receive the insurance part, the numbers will be as follows: 9 years of service and the minimum IPC amount is 13.8.

If the lower boundary conditions are not met, a person will be able to receive only a social pension according to base size.By 2025, it is planned to bring the minimum score to 30 points.

How to calculate?

To calculate your individual pension coefficient without applying to the Pension Fund and you need to use the formula:

IPC = SP/SB, where

joint venture– the insured value of the pension at the rates at the end of the previous year;

Sat- the cost of 1 point at the beginning of the current year.

When using the formula, only the insurance part is taken, without the state fixed payment. The resulting value can be rounded up to two or three decimal places. If the removed character is greater than 5, the remaining one is increased by one.

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The use of the IPC allows you to perform all the necessary operations for calculating the pension in relative units(points), the conversion of which into rubles occurs at the final stage - upon its appointment.

The cost of the individual pension coefficient for 2017 as a result of the last indexation was set at 78 rubles 58 kopecks.

In this way, in 2018 it is planned to increase pensions by 3.7%, as a result of which the cost of one point will be set at 81 ruble 49 kopecks.

The formula for calculating the pension after the pension reform

The latest fundamental changes in Russian legislation occurred in connection with the adoption on December 28, 2013 of the Federal Law No. 400-FZ "About insurance pensions", which entered into force from January 1, 2015.

The provisions contained in Article 15 of the above law established a new procedure for calculating pensions using as a unit of account (IPK), into which the pension rights of citizens are converted.

Formula used in the calculation insurance old-age pension since 2015, as follows:

SP \u003d (FV x K) + (IPK x SIPC x K),

The procedure for increasing (indexing) the cost of IPK from February 1

Every year on February 1, the Government Russian Federation a separate resolution establishes indicators of inflationary processes in the country for the past year, on which the cost of one pension coefficient for the current one will depend. Also, from April 1, the cost of the IPC is set federal law on the budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the next year and the planning period.

The head of the Ministry of Labor Maxim Topilin made a statement during the discussion of the budget that in 2018 insurance pensions will be indexed above inflation and a month earlier, since the planned inflation rate was about 4 percent.

However, such a measure valid only in 2018, in next year the established indexing order will be restored.

Retirement point value in 2019

In January, there was an increase in the insurance pension by 3.7%, despite inflation of 2.5% last year. Thus, for 2018, the cost of one point will be set in the amount of 81.49 rubles. At the same time, earlier in the draft PFR budget for 2018, from April, the cost of the IPC was to be 81.96 rubles However, this measure was abolished in the adopted law.

How many points and seniority do you need to retire in 2018? What are the prerequisites for being eligible for an old-age pension?

How many seniority and points do you need for a pension

in 2018: an example of calculating retirement points

Since 2015, there has been a point system for calculating labor (insurance) pensions for citizens, in which the insurance premiums paid to the Pension Fund by the employer for their employees are converted from rubles into relative values ​​(points). The amount of contributions recorded for the year is correlated with the limit of the recorded amount of contributions approved by the Government, to which 10 retirement points(this is the maximum that can be obtained in one year).

But in order to obtain the right to retire on an old-age pension within the generally established terms, it is necessary to comply three prerequisites:

  • the onset of the age established by law;
  • the presence of insurance (labor) experience;
  • the presence of an established value of the individual pension coefficient (IPC) or in other words, the amount of pension points.

It should be noted that this only applies to old-age pensions! Other types of pensions under compulsory pension insurance (disability, survivors) appointed independently on the duration of labor (insurance) experience and the number of points received.

Since 2018 prerequisite for a pension upon reaching retirement age(now it is 55 years for women and 60 years for men) is the presence of:

  • 9 years of experience
  • and 13.8 points individual pension coefficient (IPC).

An example of calculating pension points from 2015 to 2018

  • For a man born in 1965, he has an official salary before income tax (personal income tax) in the amount of 30,000 rubles (respectively, his salary for the year is 360,000 rubles).
  • Suppose the salary of this citizen has never been raised since 2015. At the same time, deductions for the funded part of the pension are not made for him, since he was born earlier than 1967.
  • Thus, the employer deducts insurance premiums for this man to an individual personal account in the amount of 16% of earnings before the deduction of personal income tax - that is, 16% × 360,000 = 57,600 rubles per year.
  • Let's calculate how many points this man has earned since 2015, when the new pension formula began to operate.

For these purposes, the Government annually approves the so-called limit value wages , the amount of mandatory deductions from which in the FIU to the individual personal account of a citizen is 16%.

Thus, the maximum established salary in the country from 2015 to 2018 is the following values ​​(see table below):

In 2018, the insurance base for contributions to the Pension Fund will be 1,021,000 rubles in accordance with Government Decree No. 1378 dated November 15, 2017. Then the maximum amount of insurance premiums taken into account for the year, taken as 10 points, will be 163,360 rubles (an increase compared to 2017 immediately by almost 17 %).

Therefore, each ruble earned in 2018 will “depreciate” when converted into pension points relative to 2017 immediately by 1 - (1 / 1.17) = 15%, and relative to the level of 2015 - by more than 30!

Therefore, it is not enough to have only a constant high salary for the formation of decent pension rights.

So that their volume does not decrease from year to year, according to the new pension formula salary must increase by at least 10% per year(see table above).

Let's go back to our example:

To translate the monthly earnings of 30,000 rubles into points, you need to correlate the salary data (taking 16% of the annual earnings, which in this example will be 57,600 rubles per year) to the established limit values ​​\u200b\u200band multiply by 10:

  • 57600 / 113760 × 10 = 5.06 points earned by a citizen in 2015;
  • 57600 / 127360 × 10 = 4.52 points in 2016;
  • 57600 / 140160 × 10 = 4.11 points in 2017;
  • 57600 / 163360 × 10 = 3.53 points will be earned in 2018.

Thus, in just 4 years, while maintaining the same level of wages (in this example, this is 30 thousand rubles per month) the number of accrued pension points decreased by 30%(in this example - from 5.06 points in 2015 to 3.53 in 2018).

Thus, in the modern pension system there is a mechanism that leads to a decrease in the level of annually accumulated pension rights while maintaining the same wage!

Accordingly, in the considered example, since 2015, a citizen has earned 5.06 + 4.52 + 4.11 + 3.53 = 17.22 points. Moreover, if a citizen had the right to a pension in 2017, then all points accrued to him must be multiplied by 78.58 rubles - this is the cost of an insurance point from April 1, 2017. And if the right to a pension arises in 2018, then from January 1, it will be necessary to multiply by 81.49 rubles.

Reforms are constantly being carried out in Russia, including those relating to the pension system. Therefore, it is extremely important to know how to calculate the pension in 2018.

When calculating the pension in 2018, the total points and the difference in periods between reaching the appropriate age and actual retirement will be taken into account. In addition, the government will index fixed payments and the cost of points.

Pension in 2018 will depend on the following parameters: salary, length of service and the period when retirement occurs. In addition, since 2015 funded part was separated from the insurance component. The final amount of the pension depends on the pension points, which will remain relevant in the coming year.

The legislation defines the formula by which the pension will be calculated in 2018:

SP = F×K1 + IC×SK×K2, where

  • SP - insurance pension;
  • Ф - fixed payment;
  • K1 - a coefficient that increases the payment subject to a delay in retirement;
  • IR - individual coefficient;
  • SC - the cost of the coefficient, which is determined during the actual registration;
  • K2 is an additional coefficient that increases the individual, subject to a later retirement.

The fixed payment depends on indexation, which takes place in February (mandatory) and April (optional). In 2017, the government increased the fixed payment to RUB 4,823. (indexation by 5.4% in February and by 0.36% in April). The final amount of the fixed payment depends on a number of additional conditions.

The current legislation provides for an allowance for a fixed payment in the following cases: disability, work in conditions Far North, age over 80 years, etc. As a result, the average payment in 2017 amounted to 5745 rubles. Taking into account the indexation of 2018, the basic fixed payment will reach 5,000 rubles.

The cost of IC also depends on indexation. In 2017, this indicator reached 78.58 rubles, and in 2018 it will increase to 80 rubles.

The individual coefficient is defined as the sum of the annual coefficients (ARC), or pension points. In this case, only those periods when insurance premiums were transferred are taken into account. In addition, a later registration of a pension will increase the individual coefficient.

To calculate the GPC, 3 parameters are used:

  • insurance premiums paid from the total income received during the year (CO);
  • 16% contributions from the contributionable salary (set by the government on an annual basis) (CM);
  • a multiplier of 10 is the limit on the number of annual points.

HPC = CO / CM × 10.

Postponing the registration of a pension can significantly increase its size. For example, if a pension is issued 5 years after reaching the required age, then the individual coefficient is multiplied by 1.34. In addition, the fixed payout is multiplied by 1.27. The maximum size of premium coefficients reaches 2.32 for the individual coefficient and 2.11 for the fixed part.

An example of calculating the level of pension for a man who will draw it up in 2018:

At the time of actual registration, the IC is 78 points. At the same time, the fixed payment in 2018 reaches 5,000 rubles, and the cost of a pension point is 80 rubles.

As a result, the pension will be:

5000 + 80 × 78 \u003d 11,240 rubles.

If we assume that a man reached retirement age in 2013, and draws it up in 2018, then the amount of the payment will become much larger:

5000 × 1.34 + 80 × 78 × 1.27 = 14624 rubles.

Retirement problems

The economic crisis, which, unfortunately, is not in a hurry to end yet, is forcing officials to cut government spending again and again. This includes the costs of pension provision. In the short term, the ratio of the old-age pension to the subsistence minimum will drop to 50% (against the current 161%). In addition, as early as 2018, the size of the social pension will be less than the required minimum, which will be a real test for pensioners.

According to the latest official data, the number of complaints against NPFs in the past months of 2017 alone has increased 5 times, or almost 3,000 complaints in absolute terms, and by 2018 there will be even more. The reason for this is the conclusion of contracts without the knowledge of citizens and the loss of investment income due to poor awareness of the population.

Painless transition from one pension fund in another is still one of the main problems.

The ratio of the level of pensions to the subsistence level started to decline after the onset of the crisis. Despite high inflation, the government was unable to provide adequate indexation of pension payments.

The cost of living is calculated based on the cost of the basic consumer basket, taking into account the inflation index. According to the forecasts of officials, in 2018 this indicator for pensioners will be 9,364 rubles. At the same time, the social pension in the same period will be 205 rubles less.

The living wage allows you to determine the level social supplement(difference between all social payments received and living wage). In particular, the support provided by the regional authorities is taken into account.

Long awaited reforms

Patriotic pension system remains unbalanced, which can lead to serious consequences. An increase in the number of pensioners per employed person leads to an increase in the budget deficit. On the this moment to cover the costs of the FIU, the authorities use a frozen funded pension. However, experts note that this only perpetuates the current problems. In order to eliminate the existing imbalances, the authorities must decide to carry out painful reforms.

In 2016, the government launched several initiatives aimed at reducing the pension fund deficit. Officials decided to abandon indexation for working pensioners and raised the retirement age for civil servants. In addition, the authorities decided to purposefully fight with salaries in envelopes, which will increase income from insurance premiums.

However, experts consider such measures insufficient. The authorities should consider options for raising insurance premiums and the retirement age. In addition, the government should abandon existing industry incentives and early retirement which is already starting to happen. In this case, the state treasury will annually save more than 600 billion rubles.

The passivity of officials is connected with the social sensitivity of this issue. The authorities prefer to postpone making difficult decisions, fearing a rating downgrade.

The calculation of the pension in 2018 takes into account the total points and their value, bonus coefficients and a fixed payment. The later a citizen retires, the higher its size will be. In addition, despite the economic crisis, the government continues to index fixed payments and the cost of points.

Experts note that the current pension provision model remains unbalanced. To correct the situation and reduce the deficit of the pension fund, the authorities need to decide on painful reforms. For citizens, especially those over 35 years of age, we strongly recommend that you explore other ways to save money, such as bank deposits and investments.

As a result of pension reform In 2015, the structure of pension provision changed in our country. Before the reform, pensions were calculated taking into account pension capital, but now payments are directly dependent on the individual pension coefficient (IPC). Its essence lies in the fact that the entire amount of pension rights earned by a citizen is converted into so-called pension points, which are taken into account when calculating monthly pension payments.

The number of points that can be earned by citizens in one calendar year directly depends on the size of the official salary. Points, on the other hand, have a certain value, which is regularly indexed in accordance with inflation and other economic indicators.

How is the old age pension calculated?

To calculate the old-age pension, it is necessary to add to the basic fixed rate the number of IPCs multiplied by their value at a given point in time. The amount of the fixed rate from April 1, 2017 is 4823 rubles.

What is an individual pension coefficient

An individual pension coefficient is a special parameter that reflects the rights of citizens exercising labor activity and those insured in the MPI system, for pension provision. As a result of the fact that a citizen makes insurance premiums, individual points are formed on his personal pension account.

During the entire period of making insurance contributions, citizens increase the number of pension points on their pension account. All the security that was earned by citizens before the 2015 reform was also converted into points. The number of points may increase even in some cases when the insurance premium is not paid. Among these are:

military service by conscription;
the term of imprisonment if the person was subsequently acquitted;
maternity leave to care for a child under the age of one and a half years, does not apply to the decree on the upbringing of the 5th and subsequent children;
caring for a citizen who is not capable of working.

The total score can be calculated by adding pension savings before reforming in 2015, converted into points, and the number of points after 2015. The amount received is multiplied by the IPC coefficient if the citizen applied for a pension later than the deadline. On average, for a year, citizens of our country add 3 points to their individual pension coefficient.

How many points do you need to receive a pension?

If a pensioner draws up pension provision in 2017, then he must have at least 8 years in his “piggy bank” insurance experience at 11.4 pension points. Further, over the years, the minimum numbers will only increase. Gradually increasing, the bars, according to the plans of the government, should be 30 for points and 15 for years of insurance experience.

Maximum IPC size by years

As sad as it may be, the number of pension points that a citizen can earn in one calendar year is limited. Citizens born in 1967 and later must decide on the type of formation of rights to pensions:

insurance and savings.

In the first case, all contributions made by the employer fall into the insurance part, in the second case they are evenly divided between the insurance and funded parts. The indicator of the maximum annual number of pension points is gradually increasing every year and by 2021 it will reach 10 for the exclusively insurance form of provision and 6.25 if the combined form is chosen.

The cost of one point in rubles

The cost of one point today is 78.58 rubles. In 2018, the next indexation of this indicator is planned, but what percentage it will be, the government has not yet determined. Over the past year, the increase in the amount of one point was about four and a half percent.

Indexation of the insurance pension in 2018

For the next three years, the government provided 4% for the indexation of insurance pension payments. However, this percentage is not yet final, it can be adjusted depending on inflation rates, taking into account the economic capabilities of the pension fund of Russia and the state.