
How Angelina Jolie Raises Children. Ways of raising children in the family of Jolie and Pitt: fundamental differences. We fight without witnesses


Yes, raising six children is not an easy job, given the busy work schedule of the Jolie-Pitt star couple. However, the famous Angie, like every mother, has special secrets of raising and caring for children.

How does she teach, what does she feed and what principles does the star mother adhere to in the process of education? Read on.

Biological and adopted babies

All children of the star couple have the double surname Jolie-Pitt. Three of them are adopted children of Brad and Angie, and three are biological.

So, the first child - the son of Maddox Shivan (2001), Angelina adopted in 2002 in Cambodia, where the filming of the film "Beyond" took place.

The girl Zahara Marley (2005) was adopted by the couple in 2005 in Ethiopia, where the actress was a representative of the UN humanitarian mission. The biological mother of Zahara died of AIDS, but, fortunately, this disease was not transmitted to the girl.

In 2006, the first biological child in the star family was born - a girl named Shiloh Nouvel. The daughter was born by caesarean section.

In 2007, Jolie and Pitt adopted a boy in Vietnam named Pax Tien (2003).

In 2008, in Nice, the star mother gave birth to twins by cesarean section - a boy, Knox Leon, and a girl, Vivienne Marcheline.

Meals on demand

Angie does not want her kids to suffer from lack of attention and boredom when they are forced to tour and film in other countries. Therefore, the actress always tries to take her children with her to the shooting.

It is not surprising that due to frequent moves, the daily routine of children often shifts. In this regard, the couple came to a unanimous decision - the kids will eat on demand. For health and mental development such a diet does not affect, the star is sure. Moreover, Jolie advises all parents not to force-feed their children at strictly set hours, give them freedom to eat, and also not to suppress their taste preferences.

Right to be wrong

Every person, including Small child, has the right to make a mistake, Angie is convinced. She always repeats to her children: there is no need to be afraid of mistakes, because they are as natural as achievements. An experienced mother never scolds children for dropping a cup or breaking an object while playing. “Dropped - raise, broke - clean up after yourself, made a mistake - correct it,” - these are the simple truths Jolie and Pitt are guided in the process of education.

All six children of the star couple are homeschooled. Spouses try to develop curiosity and activity in their kids. “You don’t need to withdraw into yourself and be afraid of wrong answers, but ask, be interested and answer,” Angelina inspires children.

Maximum Democracy

The actress considers her methods of education quite democratic. For example, she does not forbid children to choose their own wardrobe.

However, many noted that their first biological daughter dresses in boy clothes and, oddly enough, famous parents do not try to remake her style.

But one day, Jolie's mother-in-law, Jane Pitt, found it necessary to intervene in a kind of "indifferent" attitude towards the appearance of her granddaughter Shiloh. A caring grandmother gave the girl a whole collection of designer dresses and sarafans. However, Angelina was by no means happy with the “noble” gesture on the part of her mother-in-law, and even considered this act disrespectful towards herself.

Jane knows that Shilo likes to dress in a boyish style, because she grows up surrounded by three brothers, from whom she takes an example, Angie explained. In addition, Jolie is convinced that in matters of wardrobe, children should have complete freedom of choice.

taboo zone

Every mother wants to know how her child lives: what music she listens to, what websites she visits, what films she watches, etc. Jolie is no exception. She is extremely afraid that her children will not succumb to the negative influence from the external environment.

The actress regularly monitors which Internet resources her children visit and even blocks those that, in her opinion, have a negative effect on the child's psyche. A caring mother also does not allow children to watch films that show violence and bloody scenes.

And recently, the press leaked information that Angelina Jolie forbids her children from listening to Rihanna's songs, because they use profanity and hidden sexual overtones.

Perhaps the somewhat categorical prohibitions are due to the fact that the actress herself has known many temptations. adulthood too early. Therefore, as loving mother wants each of her children not to stumble, passing through each step of growing up.

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Angelina Jolie: parenting is based on self-expression and freedom

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Jolie and Pitt are getting divorced- this news came as a shock to many fans of the star couple. The media say that one of the main reasons for the breakup between Angelina and Brad is a disagreement in the way they raise children. We offer you with take a look at the methods of raising children of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt and find out in which issues the couple achieved harmony, and what led to the divergence of their views.

How did Jolie and Pitt raise their children?

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  1. Jolie and Pitt's Parenting Tips - Discipline

Jolie: Angelina strives in no way to infringe on the interests of children and give them complete freedom for self-expression. She never yells at the children.

Pitt: At the same time, Brad is of the opinion that children should grow up in strict discipline, and therefore they can be yelled at in case of disobedience.


  • Babysitters talk about how Angelina Jolie actually raises children
  1. Jolie and Pitt's Parenting Tips - Keep Calm

Jolie: After her illness, Angelina settled down and focused entirely on home, family, raising children and charity. And the priority of her values ​​​​shifted precisely to the peace and safety of children. This was even cited as one of the reasons for the union and marriage between Jolie and Pitt. She expected the same return from her husband.

Pitt: Brad, on the contrary, strives for adventure and new experiences, not staying at home for a long time with his family. He is full of desire to live a full, rich, vibrant life, ambitions and plans - from working in the film industry to a new passion for architecture.

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  1. Jolie and Pitt's Parenting Tips - Family Rituals

Jolie: Being an adherent of complete freedom and democracy in the family, and also an owl by nature, Angelina often wakes up late in the morning and dine when she pleases. But she considers her home to be the place where her children are, and at the same time, she treats moving quite easily.

Pitt: Brad believes that it is important for children to instill common family rituals. So, for example, while mom is sleeping, the family gathers at a common table during breakfast. But you don’t need to impose your religious views on children - everyone is free to choose their own path and their faith. The same applies to the choice of profession - the child should not be consistent in this.


  1. Jolie and Pitt's Parenting Tips - Family Brawls

Jolie and Pitt: Parents should never quarrel among themselves in the presence of children. Possessing a frantic temperament, Angelina, however, converges on this issue with the calmer Brad. Both Jolly and Pitt do not question each other's rightness in front of their children. And if one of the parents forbade something, the child will not even have the thought to seek permission from the other.

  1. Jolie and Pitt's Parenting Tips - Parenting Authority

Jolie: Both Jolly and Pitt believe that one should not transfer the mistakes of their parents to their own children and impose the same stereotypes. Although, according to Jolie, the upbringing of parents leaves a significant imprint on the attitude of people towards their children. By the way, only having had her own children, she was able to forgive her father for his mistakes.

Pitt: Brad, like most parents, really wants his children to find themselves in life, but at the same time, the way of life, the popularity of their parents, as well as the large fortune received as an inheritance, do not become a hindrance to them. Children must respect their parents and recognize their authority - this is what he requires in his family.

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  1. Jolie and Pitt's Parenting Tips - Family Difference

Jolie and Pitt: The Jolly-Pitt family has six children. Biological children are 10-year-old Shiloh and 8-year-old twins Vivienne and Knox, as well as adoptive children: 15-year-old Maddox, 12-year-old Pax, 11-year-old Zahara. Both Jolly and Pitt agree that one should not make any distinctions between their own and adopted children. Some were born, others were adopted, but they should not feel the difference.

03.08.2015, 22:07

Recently it became known that the ten-year-old daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt Zahara wants to return to Ethiopia to her biological mother. But it turned out that some of the other children of Brangelina also have a keen desire to leave foster parents. We understand why.

The famous star couple "Brangelina", for a long time considered the epitome true love, happy family and just a union of amazingly beautiful and talented people going through hard times.

More recently, it became known that their ten-year-old black daughter Zahara (born January 8, 2005) wants to return to Ethiopia to her mother. Recall that Brad and Angelina adopted a baby at the age of six months, during the paperwork it was agreed that the girl's mother, Mentewab Dawit, died of AIDS.

But now it turned out that the information about the death of her mother was wrong and Menteouab is indignant that Jolie took Zahara away and is looking forward to her daughter's return. What happened to young Zahara and why did the girl, who was raised by a star couple from infancy, suddenly decide to give up her big family and comfortable life?

On the this moment There is no unequivocal answer to this question: perhaps Zahara lacks attention, perhaps she is jealous of her adoptive parents for their biological children, or perhaps the secret lies even deeper.

It is only known for certain that because of what is happening, Jolie is on edge and often quarrels with her husband. It is obvious that such a serious problem, combined with the planned addition to the family (at the beginning of the year, the couple announced their intention to adopt a two-year-old boy Moussa from a Turkish refugee camp) is a serious test for the spouses.

But it turns out that the children have already complained about their famous mother more than once, and the fact that one of them wants to leave Angelina Jolie is not news for the star's entourage. Everything is clear with Zakhara - the blood of her ancestors calls her to her homeland. Now we are sorting out what the parents of the remaining five children of the family do not like: Maddox, Pax, Shiloh, Knox and Vivienne.

The eldest son of Jolie and Pitt Maddox Sivan (born 08/05/2001) is preparing to celebrate his 14th birthday. 13 years in the family of star parents flew by happily and unnoticed, a young man originally from Cambodia turned into an attractive young man and has already managed to start an affair.

His young crush is from England, and Angelina Jolie calls her cool. One can only guess how the relationship of young lovers develops, but Angie does everything to ensure that the family, or at least the eldest son, visits England more often. Most recently, Angelina traveled to Cambodia, where she will soon begin filming her directorial work First They Killed My Father - Memoirs of Cambodia's Daughter.

The actress has high hopes for the film, because with its help she wants to improve Maddox's relationship with her homeland. According to the plan of the mother, the boy will spend all his free time on the set after school. However, on the part of Jolie, this was obviously a forced step ...

Why Maddox Sivan wants to leave Angelina Jolie? Last year, a source close to the Jolie-Pittt family claimed that Angie and Brad were very worried that their boy wanted to leave them. He constantly talked about traveling to Cambodia and spent hours surfing the Internet, trying to find his real relatives.

Pitt and Jolie adopted a three-year-old baby named Pham Kwan (born November 29, 2003) from South Vietnam in the spring of 2007. When processing documents, the baby received not only loving parents and older brother, but also a new name - Pax, which in Latin means "peace".

Today, Pax is already 11 years old, he is growing up as a stylish and very attractive young man, teenage girls on the forums are actively discussing his external data and writing compliments. But, as it turned out, the boy is not only handsome, but also talented. He is a born culinary specialist who constantly pampers his family with gourmet dishes.

Angelina admitted in an interview that she cooks badly. That is why the responsibility of the family cook fell on the shoulders of Pax. It was the young man who became the author of the wedding cake at the wedding of his parents, which took place in September last year). Perhaps, as an adult, he will surprise the world with his own cooking show, recipe book or author's restaurant.

Why does Pax Thien want to leave Angelina Jolie? The middle son of the actress was taken to her homeland only in 2001, that is, four years after she had adopted. During the flight from Vietnam, the boy looked extremely sad and clearly did not want to leave the country.

But, in fact, this was the only case when the boy did not want to stay with his star mother. In general, he is an exemplary son and loves his family very much.

Nine-year-old and very similar to her mother Shiloh (born May 27, 2006) from an early age was a tomboy, loved to play hooligans, drive the ball and preferred a boyish style of dress. When Shai was three, she told her parents that she wanted to be a boy and asked to be called John.

Jolie obediently cut her hair and supported her daughter's rather strange request, but Brad Pitt's mother sounded the alarm. Grandma Jane constantly gives her granddaughter dresses and other things for the girl, afraid that Shiloh might be a transgender.

Angie and Brad believe that nothing terrible is happening and the whim of their daughter is dictated by the rebellious spirit and the love of all children for gender games. The media actively speculated that in this way Shilo, as the first biologically child of stars, is trying to attract the attention of parents and overcome jealousy for adopted children.

The Jolie-Pitt couple refutes this version and continues to be loyal to their daughter's antics. By the way, at the age of ten months, Shiloh played with her father in the film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and a year later she was declared the most influential child under five years old, according to Forbes.

At the premiere of the film "Unbroken" a year ago, Shilo Jolie-Pitt appeared on the red carpet, dressed in a formal men's suit like the rest of the male half of her family. It cannot be denied that the image was perfect for the girl, and with the choice of orientation and gender, apparently, you will have to wait a few more years.

Why does Shiloh Jolie-Pitt want to leave Angelina Jolie? In 2007, Angelina Jolie honestly admitted to reporters that Shilo Nouvel loves her adopted children more (Knox and Vivien were not yet born). This was repeatedly confirmed by the mother of Brad Pitt, who scolded her daughter-in-law for not doing Shiloh at all, and because of the lack of attention from the actress, she prefers to spend as much time as possible with her grandmother.

In addition, the girl grows up closed and has repeatedly admitted to Jane that she does not feel love from her mother.

Knox and Vivienne (born July 12, 2008) are twins and the younger biological children of Angie and Brad. Barely born, the kids managed to earn $ 14 million by appearing on the cover of two glossy magazines: People and Hello!.

At the age of four, Vivien began her acting career under the auspices of her Oscar-winning mother, with whom she starred in the film Maleficent. Angelina turned into a powerful sorceress on the screen, and little Vivien played Princess Aurora, who was subsequently bewitched by Maleficent.

In ordinary life, Vivien also likes to feel like a princess: she wears bright dresses and sundresses, as well as shoes of all colors and shades. As for Knox, he grows up as a reserved boy, likes to wear long hair and does not seek publicity.

Today, seven-year-old Jolie-Pitt is reputed to be one of the most beautiful children in Hollywood. And yes, Knox and Vivien seem to be quite happy with their star mother and so far see no reason to leave her.

Two-year-old Syrian baby Moussa struck the beautiful Jolie at first sight. They met in a Turkish refugee camp during Angelina's visit as a UN ambassador. The escort introduced her to the baby and spoke about his difficult orphan life. The heart of the mother of many children trembled, and she could not hold back her tears.

At that moment, Moussa reached out to her and hugged her tightly. Until the end of the trip, Angie and the baby did not part. At the beginning of the year, the Jolie-Pitt couple began collecting documents for adoption and verifying information about orphanhood.

Fortunately for the spouses and for Moussa, everything turned out well and in February the media reported that youngest child Jolie-Pitt goes to her parents, but already in April, the official representative of the family denied the information about the adoption. Whether Mussa will be lucky with joining an international family, or whether a child from Kenya will become the new Jolie-Pitt (the rumor about the adoption of an African child swept through this spring), time will tell.

But if you recall the prophecies of Hollywood psychic Ron Bard, Angie and Brad will have to become parents twice more. Recall that they themselves planned to give birth to more babies - especially for this, Jolie froze her eggs before the operation to remove the ovaries.

Today -5%

Dear mothers. I am writing here for the first time, please do not throw slippers. Need your help with advice. My wife is 8 months pregnant, and this is a completely different person than the one I married! I can't understand anything, I'm in a panic. Maybe here they will tell me something and reassure me that everything will return and get better after the birth?

She constantly yells at me. For every little thing! I didn’t wipe the crumbs, I didn’t close the door to the bath tightly, I didn’t buy the milk, I’m not standing there whistling. Sometimes I feel like she hates me. It categorically turns out to go to a family psychologist, she says that everything is in order with her, it's just that I'm a moron. Meng is terribly offended and I do not know what to do. I tried to talk this way and that, my mother-in-law also connected and also talked to her in every way, nothing came of it. I'm desperate. They say that it can change the hormonal status.

Until recently, everything was fine, the desired child will be a boy, though the wife wanted a girl and burst into tears right on the ultrasound when they said it was a boy. Then she calmed down and gladly chose a name and all sorts of things for boys. But since then, I think her attitude towards me has changed a lot. What am I to blame? What's wrong?

She doesn't answer anything and says that I'm sick of her with stupid questions. And I can't live like this anymore. I can’t imagine what will happen when he is born, if everything is already so bad. The men at work said that after the birth of a child, their wives became furies, and mine was still a month before the birth and she was already ready to kill me ..


Horizon Zero

The other day, my daughter and I turned our brains around in terms of where to go to study. Unfolded radically and suddenly. Now I think, did we do the right thing, that we submitted the documents not at all to where we planned earlier? When you chose who to be, what did you rely on? Was it your decision? Or did your parents insist? And are you happy now? Or did you have to change careers? Do you blame yourself or your parents for taking the wrong step? A little panicked. I can't get used to it. And everything seems to be correct.


Julia but

A very sad story for me, and I'm really confused, I ask for advice on what to do.
The mother-in-law has been changed for the last two years. Lost 20 kg! I began to make up a lot, get a fashionable haircut, do nails, take an interest in all the new products ... so I write and I myself think that I could have guessed, but no. Didn't guess.
They have been together with their father-in-law for over 30 years. I love them both! They always help with the grandchildren, we also with all our hearts to them.
We went on vacation with the mother-in-law, the father-in-law works. And here she is on vacation every day, picks up my husband's phone and calls her male colleague. Allegedly at work. At 11 pm. By video call. For 15 minutes. Every evening. She takes the phone, supposedly to call Our grandfather (father-in-law), leaves, and talked with her grandfather for a minute. And with that, about 20 minutes. And more recently I went to rest, allegedly with my girlfriends. Later it turned out that "a colleague was also in their company." And besides this colleague, she doesn't call anyone else. The question is whether there was a company at all or only a colleague.
All this makes me very sad. I love my father-in-law very much, he is also not quite healthy. I love my mother-in-law, but in my opinion, all this is very wrong. She softly told her husband, so and so, what kind of colleague is he, is he married? The husband says “just ask your mother yourself,” but I suspect that this topic is also very unpleasant for my husband, and he is afraid to face the truth.
We thought with the mother-in-law to open a business, because. her place of work was closed. And she wanted to bring a colleague into our business. Guess who? Yes Yes. She just said “yesterday your future business colleague called, discussed matters” Just disgusting (
Here's what should I do? Talk to mother in law? In what format? "Who is he to you? What kind of relationship do you have? Overhear their conversation in the evening? (This is a dumb option, but it exists, at least it will clarify) Open a business or not? I do not want to be associated with my mother-in-law's lover, and in general, all this is very bad. In short, I'm lost. Can you give me some smart advice here? She even involves my children in conversations with this colleague, they wave their regards to him and pass on, brr(


Everything will be awesome

Hello girls.

I'm tired of my mother sticking her nose into my family life. I have no desire to share everything that happens with her. Every day the same questions: as with my husband, what do we do, where do we go. A little more and ask the question how many times a night. V Lately I answer in monosyllables, I don’t go into details, but then a mountain of clarifying questions pours down on me.

When I answer that this is my personal, I don’t want to go into details, it’s none of her business, she is either offended or aggression begins. Like, I'm your mother, I should know everything.

And I don't want her to know. In such situations, advice begins on how to and how not to, she starts to goat her husband, then all the men in a row, then she finally freaks out and holds on to her heart. This is followed by calls that she is ill, pressure, that she should drink from medicines. As a result, I'm on edge and she's on Corvalol. And the advice she gives is not the best, from my point of view.

Once I followed her advice, I almost got divorced. And in general, what practical advice can she give if her family life did not work out ...

This situation is not only in the family sphere. She tries to influence my purchases, my appearance, raising children, my communication with others, trying to get into repairs in our apartment with my husband.

I want to live my mind, learn from my mistakes.
In general, I ask for advice on how to discourage interest from my family life with husband.
It is not an option not to communicate, we live separately, but sometimes it helps with children.


Angelina is a complex and multifaceted personality. Film director, UN Goodwill Ambassador and, finally, mother of six children. A multifaceted actress who is equally good at roles in action films and psychological dramas. The rebel from "Gia", the agile Lara Croft - the tomb raider, the fearless special agent from "Salt", the dangerous and irresistible beauty from "The Tourist", the fairy from "Maleficent", the bored wife from "Cote d'Azur" - in each of these heroines there is a piece Angie. And Angelina is the personification of sophisticated style and femininity. In interviews, she talks more about charitable work than about her private life, but occasionally makes exceptions.

About beauty

My mother was very beautiful by nature and did not like bright makeup. I, like her, prefer elegant simplicity. Even on the red carpet, the basis of my image is black arrows and lipstick in red or nude shades, nothing more. The main thing is that the skin tone is perfect. My skin is naturally dry, so I have to apply moisturizer several times a day. Washing products I choose only for sensitive skin and never go outside without a high SPF sunscreen. Generally, in Everyday life I try to give my face a break from makeup, but I like to use correctors. They give the skin a radiant and healthy look. But even when I don't have to pose for photographers, I tend to look feminine. Small, but very significant little things help me in this. For example, for my mother, powder with a delicate iris-violet aroma, which I still remember, was such a cult thing. About lifestyle

When I want to relax, relieve stress, I do yoga, and when I need to release negative energy - kickboxing. In order to have enough strength for training, you need to eat right. I try to drink about three liters of water a day, I eat often, but in small portions: overeating completely kills my desire to do anything. I try to eat more protein and less carbs. Some time ago, I tried to completely switch to a raw food diet and veganism, but my body lacked calories, I lost weight dramatically, and felt bad. So now sometimes I allow myself a little red meat or chicken. By the way, I start my day with a spoon coconut oil and oatmeal- it starts the digestive system.

About true values

I always thought that I did not fit into the generally accepted standards of beauty. My face is too big. But I notice that with age I become more and more like a mother, and I am very glad of this. Mom always believed that beauty is expressed through actions. Waking up every morning, I try to change something in myself. My goal is to become smarter, gain new knowledge, try to be useful for this world. Inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. About kids

There is no greater honor for me than being a mother. I believe that this is my most important role in life. Surprisingly, back in 2000, I was completely unprepared for this. I did not want to be pregnant, and communication with other people's children annoyed me. But two years later, when I arrived in Cambodia, I saw Maddox, and something in me turned over - I wanted to save him, protect him, hug him and not let go. It seems that it was quite recently, but now our family has become much larger, and I feel really happy. The eldest son took an active part in the filming of the film, where I acted as a director. And the younger ones - Pax, Shiloh, Zahara and Knox - tried themselves as dubbing actors: they got small roles in the cartoon "Kung Fu Panda 3". Despite their young age, the guys showed themselves as real professionals, and I, as a mother, of course, am proud of them.

Text: Anna Tyurina