
International day of the nurse. Nurse's Day


V different countries marked differently. In some countries of the world, they begin to celebrate it already in early May, for example, in the USA, where professional conferences and celebrations begin on May 6th. In other countries, there is no strictly dedicated day for this celebration at all, however, it is mainly celebrated on May 12th. For the first time the idea of ​​the holiday was announced in 1953, however, the first time Nurse's Day was celebrated as much as 12 years later. May 12 is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of the Mercy Service during the Crimean War. It was this woman who became the hero of the occasion.

A bit of history...

Florence Nightingale was an English aristocrat who received an education only available to men. The terrible events deeply touched Florence, and she decided to use her extraordinary abilities for good. Since the wounded soldiers needed constant care, the woman gathered a group of nurses who went to field hospitals in the Crimea. Although the surgeons were skeptical about this idea, the woman did not stop at nothing.

Even before the war, Florence spoke of her desire to create her own sisterhood, showing a great interest in caring for sick people. Nightingale wanted to change the stereotype of female nurses, who were usually either drunkards or promiscuous girls.

During the war, the nurse increased the number of wards in hospitals so that the wounded were not so crowded and more comfortable. She went around them even at night, every day. The nurses and nurses who worked with her also worked tirelessly. Grateful wounded soldiers always spoke very warmly about the woman who helped them survive. According to available data, the death rate during the war was reduced tenfold! In addition to routine medical care, Nightingale organized laundries and kitchens, set up reading rooms, and helped write letters to relatives. Before leaving for her homeland, the nurse put a white marble cross on all the medical workers who died in the Crimean War.

In England, Florence Nightingale became the chief nurse in the army. All medical personnel received special training. Why is it celebrated on Florence's birthday? It was thanks to her that medicine began to take disease prevention more seriously, and if earlier it was in the hands of surgeons, since then nurses have received new rights and recognition. Florence became the first medical professional to describe the impact environment on health, laying the foundations of ecology. Monument to Florence Nightingale in Florence. In addition, the highest award given annually to nurses around the world for more than a hundred years is named after this woman. The award is presented annually on Nurse's Day, May 12.

Today, many believe that the nurse does not play very well. important role and the qualifications of such staff are questioned. In fact, this opinion is erroneous. In the world there are a huge number of different organizations that are engaged in research and improvement of nursing. Currently, nurses are trained in many educational institutions, and for good reason, because a nurse is a person to whom patients owe their health and life. In various hospitals around the world, employees celebrate the day with joy and pleasure. nurse. while it can take the most various forms, from conferences and meetings to outdoor recreation or travel abroad.

One of the most humane professions in the world is a nurse (nurse). History shows that without them, the mortality of patients would be much higher, the treatment process depends on their work, no less than on a doctor. These humane people deserve their professional holiday when every grateful patient can sincerely congratulate them and thank them.

When is the holiday celebrated

International Nurses Day is celebrated annually on May 12th. On this day, you can congratulate not only nurses, but also other auxiliary medical personnel: paramedics, orderlies, laboratory assistants. The holiday received its official status in 1974, after the organization of the association of the Council of Nurses. In Russia, the celebration began to be celebrated since 1993.

A bit of history

On May 12, 1820, the kind and strong woman Florence Nightingale was born. She can be called the pioneer of nursing, before her it was a little respected profession, which was equated with the category of cleaners, they went there to work either for special needs, or completely fallen people. Florence Nightingale was born into a wealthy family and from her childhood aspired to knowledge. In the 19th century, only men could work as doctors, but the young girl was drawn to new knowledge, and her kind heart wanted to help the helpless. At the age of 20, she left for Germany, where she joined the ranks of the sisters of mercy and began to study medicine. After returning to London, Miss Nightingale became the manager of a private clinic, nonsense for the time. At 34, already an experienced and respected nurse, she went to Turkey with the British Minister of War and 38 volunteer nurses to help the sick and wounded. Her experience and knowledge allowed her to introduce new system sanitary care. It was thanks to her methodology, sorting patients into departments, and special care for the sick, that the death rate in the hospital under her leadership decreased from 44% to 5%. After returning to England, Florence Nightingel took up charity work and became one of the organizers of the junior school. medical personnel.

How is Nurses' Day celebrated?

This celebration is celebrated by paramedical workers of the healthcare system, students and teachers of medical institutions. Main tradition On this day, choose the theme of the holiday, which is determined by the International Council of Nurses. In 2005, the motto of the holiday was "Nurses against counterfeit medicines", in 2011 - "equal medical care for all", in 2012 "from scientific theory to practice". conduct seminars, refresher courses, round tables. Every two years, the international organization Red Cross awards medals to them. Florence Nightingal, it is awarded only to the best specialists who have distinguished themselves in the hard work of nurses.

On May 12, you have a chance to congratulate friends and acquaintances who have chosen the profession of a nurse for themselves. Remember that 80% of the time is spent with you not by the doctor, but by them. They work selflessly, despite heavy and sometimes irregular work schedules and low wages taking care of us. It deserves respect and respect.

International Nurse Day is a professional holiday for paramedical personnel. Employees of public and private medical institutions, students, graduates and teachers of medical colleges and universities take part in the celebrations.

In Russia, in 2020, the International Nurse's Day is celebrated on May 12 and takes place at the unofficial level 28 times.

Meaning: the holiday is timed to coincide with the birthday of F. Nightingale, sister of mercy and public figure in Great Britain.

On this day, nurses traditionally receive awards and gifts. Conferences, round tables, seminars, professional competitions, concerts are timed to coincide with the holiday.

The content of the article

history of the holiday

The idea of ​​honoring nurses appeared in 1953. The first mass celebrations began in 1965. In January 1974, the International Council of Nurses (ICN) fixed May 12 as the date of celebration. international day nurse. The holiday has been celebrated in Russia since 1993.

The date of the International Nurse's Day is dedicated to the birthday of F. Nightingale, a sister of mercy and a public figure in Great Britain.

Holiday traditions

International Nurse's Day is held every year under a new motto, which is proclaimed by the International Council of Nurses. On this holiday, the leadership of medical institutions encourages nurses with awards and memorable gifts. Conferences, round tables, scientific and practical seminars are arranged. Professional competitions and reviews are held. Celebration concerts are organized in cultural institutions.

Every two years on this day, the International Committee of the Red Cross awards nurses and volunteer members of National Red Cross Societies with the F. Nightingale Medal for dedication and bravery in helping the wounded and sick.

Task for the day

Ask about the rules for providing the first medical care for the most common emergencies. Make sure that your home first aid kit has the necessary medicines for this. Share what you have learned with your family members.

  • In London, there is the Museum of F. Nightingale, who lived in the 19th century and was engaged in charity work in hospitals. She developed nursing techniques that helped reduce the death rate in hospitals.
  • In 1856, F. Nightingale erected a white marble cross on the mountain above Balaklava in the Crimea in memory of the soldiers, doctors and nurses who died in the Crimean War of 1853-1856.
  • Most nurses in Finland: 2162 per 100,000 people, the least - in Haiti: 5 per 100,000 people.
  • Among the entire medical staff, 80% of the employees are women. And among the nursing staff, only 6% are men.
  • According to the observations of American studies, the average nurse on duty lifts about 1600 kg, including medical equipment and patients.
  • In some Western European countries, the maximum working shift time for a nurse is 10 hours. This time must not be exceeded - with an increase in hours of work, the risk of committing medical errors and harming the health of patients increases.


“Our dear nurses! On this day, we are pleased to congratulate you on your professional holiday and sincerely thank you for your important and worthy work. You - good fairies in white coats, beautiful saviors of human health, real squires of doctors. Without you, the work of medical institutions simply would not be possible. Thank you, charming sisters, for the fact that your fragile shoulders can withstand all the hardships given to you by fate and your profession!

“Today we congratulate people on the most merciful profession, in which it is important not only to possess vast medical knowledge, but also a big heart. You are always ready to help a defenseless patient! We thank you very much for your work and wish you happiness in your personal life!”

“Nursing is not just a profession, it is a calling. You, like good fairies, help the sick to recover. You manage to do everything: put a drip, change bandages, give an injection, and say good word sick. Today is your holiday, dear nurses. Let me sincerely congratulate you on your professionalism, patience and endurance. Let the work bring you only inspiration, and be sure to be deservedly paid. May love and prosperity reign in your families.


Themed cake. A large cake decorated with a mastic figurine of a nurse, a syringe or a blister of pills will be a themed gift that will be in the center of the festive table.

Medical gown. Medical gown or suit original design would be a great idea for a professional holiday. Professional clothes can be decorated with embroidery or the owner's initials.

Gift Certificate. A gift certificate to a perfume shop, a beauty salon, a massage session or dance lessons will be a pleasant and practical present.

Cup. Mug with owner's name, original congratulations or a photograph of the team will serve as an inexpensive and original gift.


Medical equipment in everyday life
For the competition, it is necessary to prepare cards in advance with the image of various medical devices: a tripod for a dropper, a phonendoscope, a scalpel, a neurological hammer, etc. Several teams take part in the competition, each of which the host thinks of a certain place: a beach, a kitchen, a hairdresser's, a summer house, etc. Teams must figure out how to use medical devices in a hidden place. The winner is the participant whose story will be the most original.

Healing, non-healing
In front of the body, it is necessary to mix tablets and sweets in the form of dragees in deep containers. Contestants are blindfolded. Their task is to divide the contents into two parts by touch: tablets and sweets. The winner is the participant who can cope faster and does not make mistakes.

Give me an injection
Prepare before the competition a large number of inflatable balls. The same number of balls is laid out in front of each participant. On command, the contestants must pierce all the balloons with a syringe. The victory goes to the one who completes the task faster.

About the profession

Nurse (male - nurse) - medical worker middle level. Types of nurses: main, senior, junior, ward, procedural, operating room, district, dietary, with a narrow specialist.

Responsibilities depend on the position and specialization. The nurse follows the instructions of the doctor and carries out the nursing process. She takes care of the sick, controls the intake of medicines, makes injections, prepares patients for operations, and conducts medical and preventive procedures. A representative of this profession should be a stress-resistant, accurate, attentive and caring person, be able to provide first aid. Whose hands are so light and so kind!
I can't imagine hospitals
Without a kind, compassionate nurse.

I wish grateful patients
That they appreciate your hard, necessary work.
Happy, bright, joyful moments.
Let them wait for you at home and at work!

You are always ready to help the sick
And do everything so that a person would become healthy again.
For this I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart
And on your holiday of love and happiness, I wish you a lot.
So that in life there are many reasons for joy and laughter,
In all matters I wish you luck, good luck and success.

What date is International Nurse's Day in 2021, 2022, 2023

2021 2022 2023
May 12 WedMay 12 ThuMay 12 Fri

The history of the Nurse's Day holiday goes back to the beginning of the 19th century; on May 12, Florence Nightingale, the founder of the service of sisters of mercy, was born. During the Crimean War, this woman first organized a service for the care of wounded soldiers, which contributed to a significant decrease in mortality during hostilities. She also organized charitable foundation to create the world's first school of sisters of mercy. In 1934, the International Foundation was created. F. Nightingale, on whose initiative the International Day of the Nurse became an annual holiday.

It is difficult to imagine our medicine without a nurse. This is one of the most humane professions of our time, since a person's life, his health are the main values ​​for everyone. It is they who fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions, their indifferent word plays a significant role in the process of the patient's recovery. According to statistics, about 80% of all patient care falls on the shoulders of nurses.

Show congratulations

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Our dear nurses! On this day, we are pleased to congratulate you on your professional holiday and sincerely thank you for your great work, which you carry with dignity. You are good fairies in white coats, beautiful saviors of human health, real squires of doctors. Without you, the work of medical institutions simply would not be possible. Thank you, charming sisters, for the fact that your fragile shoulders can withstand all the hardships given to you by fate!


Today we congratulate the lovely and caring nurses, beautiful women with a sweet smile and good hands who every day fight for life with diseases and ailments. May your health always be strong, may you always have personal happiness.


Today we celebrate the day dedicated to the representatives of the most humane profession - the nurse. It was they who dedicated their lives to selfless help to other people. We wish them patience, obedient and respectful patients, and just great human happiness.


Arriving at the hospital, everyone understands that the patient's recovery depends not only on the qualifications of the doctor. Nurses fight diseases no less, and sometimes many times more, than the doctor himself: they put droppers, give injections and collect tests, carry out all the necessary procedures and often have considerable treatment experience that allows them to make independent diagnostics and, in emergency cases, adjust treatment and save lives. So let your work be appreciated, and on the International Nurse's Day you will receive all possible congratulations from colleagues and patients.


Everyone knows how difficult and troublesome your work is, because you are the ones who are especially affectionate and patient with the sick, no matter how capricious you are. You try to make the injections not painful, the dressings are fast. I wish you excellent health and happiness, may your children never have to use your professional skills.


Let not only on this day, but always, words of gratitude be addressed to you for helping people in difficult hours of their lives, when it hurts and is scary. I especially want to wish you health, kindness, optimism, only positive emotions at work and at home.


We often say thank you to the doctors for ensuring our health, but we often forget those who came into the ward at night to check the temperature and our well-being. May your patients recover without fail and never forget that you were there during the days and nights of illness.


Congratulations on your sister's medical day
We must remind about the profession.
Health is their concern.
Yes, let there be fewer sick people every day.
Once a change - so that it goes smoothly.
And bonuses - once a month and worthy!
Always follow the call of the heart,
Forget about the difficulties of working from home.
Good health "excellent"
Joy in business and personal life!
Let luck be reliable, familiar.


We congratulate you on this holiday,
Happy international day of the nurse,
We are just proud of what is on the planet,
Our saviors are you.

Night and day you are on guard of health,
We are sure of your help
And everyone needs you
We trust your hands.

Happiness and joy, the best emotions,
We wish you today
May everything succeed in your life,
And all problems are solved.


Nurse like a prima donna
With a kind, gentle smile in his eyes.
Her caress, her sensuality is bottomless,
And cruelty and fear are unknown to her.

Procedures, all tests, dressings -
All this will not surprise her for a long time.
But her eyes still shine brightly,
And she is ready to help the sick.

International Medical Sisters Day
Today the whole earth is celebrating with joy.
We wish you good luck, kindness, health,
Lots of happiness and warmth.

May the heavens smile on you today
And they will give a lot of joy, love.
Kindness may return to you a hundredfold.
May your angel keep you from sorrow.


There are different moments
During the working days of a nurse:
Injections, enemas, documents -
The movements are precise and fast.

She is the first assistant
Every country has a doctor.
But sometimes nerves give in -
How not to break loose?

Let all patients wait -
Nurses need to rest
After all, these moments are so rare,
Allowing you to sit down and breathe.

Accumulate knowledge, nerves, strength -
Without them it is absolutely impossible, in any way.
May they be on this holiday, dear
All troubles are nothing.


May sun in the hospital room
Plays on the wall with a beam.
A nurse in a short coat
Flutters like a white butterfly.

"Follow me, dear patient,
You have biochemistry. Urgently!"
After you? Fine! At any moment I
I'll run headlong, even at night!

"A little patience, my sick friend,
It might hurt a little...”
Believe, from your divine hands
I will accept all torture with dignity!

The trembling in my body is not from fear, no.
Rather, it is from excitement.
I would like to find support for the hand
On your beautiful knees...

The opponent suddenly appeared at the door -
Toothless grandfather laughs.
Naughty, he didn’t wilt at all from illnesses:
“Are you zhamush, or not?”

After all, only sometimes from looking at you
The patient gets better.
And the light that shines from fabulous eyes,
Heal any pain.

Happy Nurse's Day today
Congratulations on behalf of all patients.
The ocean of kindness given to us
Let it come back to you with a percentage!

Let's write a recipe for your fate:
May happiness be poured into life!
There - immensely love potion,
Extract from passion! Cito!


Someone will bite or suddenly cut myself,
I'm going to the hospital with a rainbow dream,
That I will again bask in your eyes,
That I have a date with a nurse.

These white robes won't hide
No long legs, no cello stand,
And sweet hopes will not perish
Get well in the hospital bed.

Well, today is a noble occasion
Raise the test tube with a large degree,
Celebrate this international day
That the nurse has become a family holiday.

For your ultra-sterile gowns,
For your views, they drive you crazy
For clean hospital rooms
Which without you is almost a prison.

Live long, happily, richly,
Married, divorced and no one's
While draws, free girls,
My nurses are coveted!


Wait, little sister
I really need it!
I will say this for you
The day is yours
Work as a reward
And fatigue sets in again!
Your look is kind
Comes from the soul
How are you all this
... have time ...
Joy and work go together
You have a holiday today - you know?


The sick are sick of you
Only feeling a mile away
Tongues in the mouths go numb
Seeing this beauty...

Dear Nurse,
Happy Holidays to you again!
Be airy like a bird
Do not pass by us!

Let injections or enemas
At least they'll wait a while
And all our organisms
They will say "bravo" for your work!


How to live without a nurse
In the white mourning of hospitals?
I'll pinch out of habit,
So that sparks from the eye sockets.
From the most tender message
The bruise is pouring
you are very nice today
They answered me like this.
I won't be offended one bit
Yet your holiday has come,
Pour, come on, drop by drop,
Until the doctor saw

This day is celebrated in the spring, it is celebrated on May 12th. This is a great occasion to congratulate and thank the women who have chosen one of the most rewarding professions in the world. It is nurses who are the most among health workers, they provide many medical services. In fact, the holiday is old - it is about 150 years old, but in our country it has been celebrated for only a quarter of a century. This is the day to congratulate women who have dedicated their lives to helping others.

history of the holiday

This is a professional holiday that appeared in honor of the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale, who created the first organization of nurses during the Crimean War. Then they took on the duties of nurses - they carried the victims from the battlefield. Nightingale was in her early 30s when she and other nurses traveled to Turkey to treat wounded Englishmen. The mortality among them was about 50%, but the efforts of Florence managed to reduce this figure to almost zero. It was on her initiative that the division of patients by wounds was launched.

Then this great woman organized a school for the training of nurses. It was opened at the St. Thomas Hospital, which is located in London. It was Nightingale who developed the nursing staff training system. Then Florence died - but her memory lives on, the Red Cross annually issues medals in her name, and on the holiday they congratulate those who have chosen the same path.

The holiday was officially recognized in 1974. It has been celebrated in Russia since 1993. Nurse's Day began to be celebrated from the moment the sisters of mercy from 141 states of the planet Earth united into a professional public organization, which was called the International Council of Nurses. This profession of a nurse is one of the ten most revered specialties in the world.