
October 2, the day of the social teacher congratulations. International Day of the Social Educator. Where the presence of a social educator is necessary

Pathology of the uterus

International Day of Social Educators, which falls on October 2, is a young holiday, adopted in May 2009 at the Copenhagen Conference of Social Educators. As part of the holiday, thematic seminars, forums, meetings and conferences are held in various countries, uniting those who have chosen an interesting and important profession.

The profession of a social educator assumes the role of a mediator between adults and children, a psychological and pedagogical mentor and a defender of the rights of the child. Social educators work in schools, orphanages, boarding schools, rehabilitation centers and social services. Their daily tasks include working with problem teenagers and children from disadvantaged families. They help children who have experienced mental and physical trauma to adapt.

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How boring would we live
Without a social educator,
How often are you needed
And your help.

Limit if you need something,
Or just help us -
Contact a teacher
It is ready both day and night.

Even though it's not your birthday,
But the holiday is also yours:
We wish you patience
And health, you are our teacher!


Social educator, who is he?
He will open a bright path for us to the future.
He will judge, explain everything about our life,
He is like a doctor for noisy and moody children.

Here the boy lit a cigarette, in the school yard,
The teacher warned that lung cancer hurts!
Like an Indian to a war, a girl wearing makeup,
The teacher explains that she doesn't need it.

So that there are no problems in the future of children -
Here is the hard work for all teachers,
Congratulations on the professional holiday,
We wish you the most brilliant ideas.


Teach, do not teach - efforts are useless,
If the child is not given education.
These rules are simple and clear,
Only an example must be set clearly.

If you yourself do not know how to work,
It is unlikely that the child will not be lazy.
The best motto of a teacher-teacher is
Do as I do, become a winner.


Social teacher,
Sometimes it is strict
But his soul is kind -
Yes, and he himself, at least where!
He will stretch out a helping hand,
He will not blame for anything,
Will say the right words -
Will always be sincere.
He will teach, he will instruct
It will direct you on a good path,
Without him we will be lost
We will fall into the dark pool,
Let him live a hundred years -
A very important person!


Congratulations to all social teachers
Happy International holiday.
I sincerely wish you all the blessings of the earth.
May your sky be clear forever.

Your work is great, necessary and weighty
We respect. We kiss your hands.
Let all your worries melt away
So as not to know you grief and separation.

Wealth in the house, happiness, inspiration,
Health, strength, love and understanding.
Well, and of course, excellent luck.
Good luck in life, light, prosperity.

International Day of the Social Educator, celebrated annually on October 2. In 2017, it is celebrated for the ninth time. The decision to establish the holiday was made in May 2009 at the International Conference of Social Educators in Copenhagen.
This holiday is dedicated to specialists who are directly working on creating a system of all kinds of events aimed at the optimal upbringing of a person.
Social educators are needed in every orphanage, boarding school, social service, school and rehabilitation center. Their responsibilities are to work with toddlers and adolescents who are brought up in dysfunctional families and, therefore, have not the best life experience. Social service educators help children cope with both mental and physical trauma. Day social worker- a holiday for those people who are not alien to other people's problems and concerns! They are, at times, the only help for low-income and poor people.

International Social Educator Day

On this day, scientific and methodological conferences are held throughout Russia, where social educators from various regions gather to exchange professional experience. A similar goal is pursued by holding smaller events - seminars. Naturally, the business is not complete without a cultural program - various creative groups and individual performers are invited to perform.
The work of a social teacher is extremely important, because such a teacher is an intermediary between adults and children. Social educator - psychological and pedagogical mentor, defender of the rights of the child.
On the International Day of the Social Educator, we join in the congratulations addressed to these highly qualified specialists and wish them success and love, victories and joy in their vital work for all of us! Happy Holidays to all social educators!

Congratulations on the Day of the Social Educator in prose

Today is the International Day of the Social Educator. This holiday is relatively young, but very responsible and important. Congratulations to all representatives of this profession, we wish you pedagogical success, easy contact with children and adults. Look for ways of comfortable communication, because in our time it is so important!
On the International Day of the Social Educator, I want to sincerely wish you wonderful work, instant clarification of any problem, correct analysis, successful development of solutions to issues, good advice, personal achievements, great success and complete harmony in life.
On the International Day of the Social Educator, we congratulate the teachers of this field. Your job is challenging, but incredibly demanding. Finding the right approach for difficult teens is not easy. Not everyone will be imbued with the problem of the child, not everyone will give objective advice. Thank you, dear teachers for your work!
Today we celebrate the International Day of the Social Educator. We would like to congratulate you, our dear specialists, and wish you success and achievements in your work, as well as a comfortable climate in the family, because it is so important for a social worker to maintain harmony both at home and at work! Happy Holidays!
Our dear, irreplaceable social educators! Congratulations to you today with your professional holiday! May your work bring you pleasure, and may the invaluable help and benefit to society! Work from the bottom of your heart, commit yourself to work, and you will certainly reap the benefits. Congratulations!
Congratulations on International day a social teacher and I want to wish you always to remain a true example of self-confidence, sociability and a strong personality for both adults and children. I wish you success in your work, pleasant and joyful moments of happiness in life, interesting communication and fun time in the company of good people.
I congratulate you on the International Day of the Social Educator and wish you not to lose professionalism and a positive emotional attitude. May your work and diligence make this world a better and kinder place. I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect, happiness and all the best.

Congratulations on the Day of the Social Educator in verse

Happy Social Teacher Day!
Happy international day!
Let the communication be yours
With children it will be free!
You communicate with them tenderly,
As if on an equal footing
But always let's understand
Who is in charge of the conversation.
Let there be no grief
In your life and in fate,
More passionate adventures
I wish you!
If something is beyond your power
Or the parent could not do something,
It acts as a faithful helper
A special teacher is a social educator.
It is important to guide the teenager correctly,
To find the right path.
Many mistakes cannot be corrected later -
It must go around this road.
Celebrating the Day of the Social Educator in the world:
You need to pay attention to him.
Giving interest is still better
Than to punish the fucking one hundred times.
We wish social educators patience,
Let the joy of work be among them.
Let children reach out to teachers
And congratulate them on the holiday.
Social educator - you are a defender of the rights of the child,
You are an intermediary between an adult and children,
Troubled all teenagers
You will always lend a helping hand.
Congratulations on your holiday,
Let the work bring you inspiration,
We wish you good luck, happiness and goodness,
Let life put everything right in its place.
You always do good
The fate of problem children depends on you,
You are a mentor, psychologist and teacher,
You open up many right roads for teenagers.
We wish you good luck on the holiday,
Wealth and family well-being in addition,
May fate always smile at you
All earthly blessings to you, peace and warmth.
Social educator, like a kind angel,
Helps children who are not spoiled by fate,
There are no casual people in social services
They give themselves to their work in full.
Let the good that you do
Comes back to you with a torus,
Live in abundance and love
May the Lord help you.
You always protect the rights of the child,
Someone else's pain is perceived as one's own,
You give part of your heart to your children,
And in return, of course, you don't take anything.
May fate smile on you on a holiday
Let life flow like a full river
Let them love you, appreciate, understand,
Let good friends surround you.

Beautiful poem Happy Social Teacher

With your warmth of the heart
Instill hope in souls.
You are a social educator

Find self confidence
You have helped many people,
Forgetting about yourself for a while
Alien souls were resurrected.

Rises up on the wings

Working with problem teenagers,
Always gives a positive result,
Caring for them like young shoots,
Good always prevails over evil.
Today is your holiday, congratulations,
We wish you good luck, endurance, patience,
Let there be only a white stripe in life,
May fate be favorable to you.

Congratulations on the Day of the Social Educator: beautiful poems and SMS

Congratulations to the school social teacher

Social teacher!
In our school, you are a god!
You will resolve any conflict
You're fair and a little angry.

The whole school respects you
The director sees off with a look,
Congratulations to you today
We wish you success in your work!
A social educator is a difficult job.
You must solve the impossible:
How to reconcile a teacher with a student
How to explain the basics to a preschooler.

But you can handle any task
Good luck always accompanies you;
Save and take care of your teaching talent,
Everyone will be happy to work with you!
Social teacher
Sometimes it is strict
But his soul is kind,
Yes, and he himself is anywhere!

He will stretch out a helping hand,
He will not blame for anything,
Will say the right words
Will always be sincere.

He will teach, he will instruct
It will direct you on a good path.
Without him we will be lost
We will fall into the dark pool.

Let it live a hundred years
This important person!
With your warmth of the heart
Instill hope in souls.
You are a social educator
And your work is undoubtedly needed.

Find self confidence
You have helped many people,
Forgetting about yourself for a while
Alien souls were resurrected.

May your life be bright
No storms, no fierce weather.
Rises up on the wings
A reliable companion is the bird of happiness!
Social teacher!
I want to glorify you!
And I'm running as fast
To congratulate you!

I sincerely want to wish
Believe in yourself!
Never lose heart
Forget loss.

Good deed always
You are ready to do!
Never be sad
Meeting a new day!
Being a teacher is not easy
And social is doubly more difficult!
You need to be a skilled psychologist,
To do the job perfectly.

Be an excellent organizer,
To arouse children's interest!
And stay, moreover, pretty
To increase the credibility qualification.

May all desires come true!
You do business from the heart!
I wish you just happiness
So that you are always good!
Congratulations, social educator!
I wish you patience!
Let the warmth of these lines warm
On your holiday, I wish you luck!

Let good luck not leave you -
It will come in handy at work!
I wish you all the best -
Cherished wishes come true

To love your loved ones and those you are
You instruct on the true path!
I wish you smiles, love, kindness -
You can handle everything, you know!
It happens that problems arise,
You cannot decide on your own ...
Friends, acquaintances don't help
Even the family does not help ...

Only he alone will understand the nuances -
Our wise social educator!
And he will get to the main reason,
So that the person can solve the problem.

From the wilds of all conflict situations
The teacher will teach us to go out!
We wish you to smile more often,
And live life happily and brightly!
Being a social educator -
The job is not easy at all!
It will take a lot of knowledge
Patience doesn't hurt.

You are a social worker and psychologist,
And one teacher!
Every ward is dear to you!
Sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard

But you strive for all the solutions
To find any problems!
We wish you happiness, no doubt,
And we hasten to wish you joy!
Social educator in charge
For true spiritual comfort,
To make the children happy, healthy,
You need to believe - the best will come.

Yes, sometimes the work is not easy -
It seems that there is no more strength.
Only, without lowering your hands,
You go ahead to be

Every day filled with good luck
Always new achievements!
You solve complex problems
Simple and easy as never before!
How hard it must be to carry knowledge,
Teach someone who doesn't need it
And how many bad words did we meet on the way,
Well, that is how it is, the teaching service.

On Teacher's Day, let everything go quietly,
I wish you only smiles in the classroom.
May life return your efforts
Good luck, happiness, joy with a hug.
The social teacher is always held in high esteem,
You are waiting for congratulations today!
We are together, congratulate you together,
We wish you well-being and happiness.

International day only for you,
Please with successes, with victories you us,
In life, only luck awaits you,
And you will solve all difficult tasks!

SMS congratulations on the Day of the Social Educator: beautiful poems

Congratulations on the Day of the Social Educator in verse, prose and SMS

You help children in life
You understand their problems.
Do not spare yourself, surrendering completely
Walk through life proudly and skillfully!
I wish you smiles in class
Make fewer mistakes in life.
Your honorable profession
Let life be joyful and fun!
Let the teachings pass quietly
Let the words find reflection.
May life reward for efforts
Fate commands a social worker!
Knowledge is not easy to convey
But you should be lucky in this matter.
Let the social teacher always be lucky
Let him find inspiration!
You are a protector and mentor for the child
Today we celebrate international holiday.
Patience in your work and life without worries
And of course, less everyday troubles!
Social teacher
It carries an important mission -
Correctly teach to communicate,
And not to fight and swear.
Your profession is very important -
She will reveal a lot to children.
Happy holidays, social educators,
Not many are capable of teaching children!
Congratulations on this day,
Thank you for the hard work.
He is very much needed and believe me
All life is a big school.
You act as helpers for children
All the power of your words, you know.
Children listen to you
We wish you to become closer to your dreams!
It is very important to guide the child correctly
After all, many mistakes, alas, cannot be corrected.
A social teacher will come to the rescue
And he will certainly find an approach to it!
Will help you find a place in life
He will tell you how to fight and win.
There are a lot of kids and everyone has their own worries
Let's wish the social teacher patience at work!
Pass on knowledge and educate
All childhood experiences and troubles, you know.
Thanks for the great job
Goodness to you in any weather!
Cheerfulness, patience and inspiration.
Finding an approach to children, skills.
Social teacher happy holiday to you
You are a special specialist, just a class!
You will help all children and difficult and orphans
Lay your soul and knowledge in them.
Not an easy job for a social educator
We will ask God for good health for you!
You appreciate your work
Not many children will give hope.
You can always help solve problems
Let the trouble not touch you!
We sincerely wish you well-being
Of course we know about your hard work.
Praise to the social educator
To make your life happy!
Social worker -
Sounds very proud
And in this profession
You tread firmly.

I want to wish
Good luck to you in life:
So that in all your affairs
Become richer!

Happy International Day of Social Educators

You are with those in trouble.
You are wise mentors.
Children, problems lead to you,
Sometimes they are not small at all.

Thanks for the hard work
For sensitivity, for patience.
May this day be rewarded to you
Honor and respect.
Social teacher!
You are as important as God at school.
A pile of papers, "difficult" teenagers,
It's not easy for you to work.

So let for your hard work,
A decent salary will finally be given,
Be happy and don't be sick longer,
And only the "right" children for you.
You are kind, not scandalous
Social worker!
You will always help people
He gives hope!

Even Peter the Great
You are recognized as the most important
The fate of you for this
He will reward royally!
A social worker is someone who will help,
Whoever will not be able to pass by the pain and fear.
He knows how to create a smile on his face
The one who stands in the outskirts, and the end.

Always be kind with a frank soul,
Very clean, decent, bright, large.
Know that a good deed will return doubly.
All the best in life to you.
We assume our life
God disposes of it!
They instantly lose health,
They don't know who would help them!

You will disperse all sorrows in an instant
You give hope and peace
Always a social worker
He was broad in heart and soul!
Kindness, primordial care,
You enter every house in peace,
Be healthy, social worker,
And you are proud of your work!

Was, so that old age is not anxious,
Many are waiting for participation here,
We know you can do what you can
You will be rewarded a hundredfold!
I congratulate you today
Our social worker is dear!
I wish you all the best
On such a wonderful day!

May all dreams come true
Work will bring joy
I wish you a lot of happiness!
And may you be lucky!

Short verses-congratulations to the social teacher

I congratulate you on the holiday!
I wish you, a social worker,
For work to bring
All the best! I know,

That you deserve happiness
In many ways, helping people!
Warmth, good luck, and love!
Let the success never leave!
Social worker, congratulations
Take it on a personal holiday!
May luck accompany!
Live and prosper!
Will you accept, social worker,
Congratulations today!
Be happy! Love!
Live well always!
Beautiful is your great work -
Work only for the benefit of people!
Let the sorrows all go away
And everyday life will become rosy!

We wish to receive in full
Pleasure and money for you,
We wish you to step forward
All career steps!
A man just as beautiful
I wish to stay always.
May your path be safe
And never barriers!

May family happiness warm
And love will never go away
Let the bad weather disappear from the road
Always be happy in life!
What would they do without you
All teenagers, kids?
We lay on you
All our hopes.
Social educators
We congratulate everyone
Happiness, creative victories
We wish you!
Social teacher -
Difficult teacher.
His lesson is important to us -
How to become a winner
And her influences
On immature minds
Young talents.
Thank you very much
And the earthly bias
For a difficult business -
Legion kids
Teach, love and help
Find a place for them in life.
Social teacher
For kids, the king and God.
Teaches simple truth
Live with dignity, be yourself.
Morality, morality and honor.
We are countless of good qualities.
Be an example to children.
As a pioneer once.

Growth and development rates modern world overwhelm. Many scientists agree that in the past 10 years we have made more strides forward than in the 50 years that have passed before. The amount of information that a modern person must master is incomparably great, and it begins to attack consciousness from childhood. It is not uncommon for a child to grow up to be aggravated by additional unfavorable factors: incomplete family, violence at home, difficulties of character, aggression or vice versa fearfulness, orphanhood or having many children, homelessness or addictions of various kinds. It is an indisputable fact that the foundations of a healthy future are laid from infancy, so how can we help children and adolescents from unprotected segments of the population?

A social educator comes to the rescue.

The meaning of the profession. As you may have guessed, this is not an ordinary teacher of mathematics, or the Russian language. This is a person with a whole list of responsibilities and personality requirements.

Necessary qualities:

Sociability, ability to listen and hear adults and children, understand and delve into their problems;
Organization skills;
Tolerance and tact;
Behavioral flexibility and observation;
A responsibility;
Good memory;
Love for children;
Emotional stability and poise;

Front of works:

1. Cohesion and establishment of good relations in children's groups;
2. The maximum possible embodiment of all the talents and abilities of students;
3. Promotion and protection of the rights of the child;
4. Identification and elimination of cruel and inappropriate treatment of children (both by parents and by teachers);
5. Active work with difficult teenagers and vulnerable people.
6. Constant two-way communication with the families of the wards.
Social educators work in schools, kindergartens, boarding schools, summer camps - any government (and not only) organizations associated with children's groups.

For such a person, it is important to constantly keep abreast of events, to be enterprising and decisive. After all, he can often be surrounded by situations requiring an immediate response. This position is like a connecting link between a team of employees, parents and children. Do not forget what exactly the sciences of sociology are engaged in - the upbringing of generations, in the context of the influence of the environment of society on them.
History of origin. The profession of a social teacher in Russia appeared at the end of the twentieth century. Since 1991, new specialties have appeared at universities, and already in 1996, the first graduates of this industry flooded in.

The need to introduce such a specialist into places of mass gathering of children is obvious. In the present, the adaptation of a child to life in society does not always go smoothly, stretches out a lifeline and supervises all stages of overcoming the crisis, a social teacher. It is most convenient to carry out explanatory work and prevention in extracurricular conditions. Therefore, such specialists closely cooperate with circles, clubs, studios, sections, etc. Previously, this kind of work, as a rule, fell on the shoulders class teacher, or the organizer teacher.

In May 2009, the XVII International Conference of Social Educators in Copenhagen established an international holiday - the day of the social educator, which is usually celebrated on October 2 every year.

How to celebrate the day of the social educator? First of all, our recommendations will concern people who are somehow involved in the areas of work with children.

1. Attend or organize a scientific conference, seminar, topics that can be touched upon as social pedagogy as well as your field of activity: working with large families, problems of puberty, methods of combating children's tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction, adaptive techniques for older children adolescence etc. Perhaps you will be able to write a report on one of the topics from your own experience.

2. Attend or organize a series of psychological trainings and workshops. Skillfully combine the problems of society and psychology: removing clamps, getting rid of complexes, working on characters, exercises for trust, etc.

3. Explanatory work with children can also be timed to coincide with the holiday. It is best to conduct them in a playful way, according to age. For the younger ones: themed fairy tale, puppet show, modeling, drawing, evening with a book. For teenagers: sport competitions, quests, flash mobs, internet races. Connect social networks, the ability to use gadgets - children will be delighted. Don't forget to tie game form with the main purpose of the event. Ask yourself specific idea for interpretation to children: etiquette and rules of behavior, tolerance, team-building, internal relationships of children. Do not grab onto everything at once.

What if not related to pedagogy? Do you work in a deeply distant field, but still want to celebrate this holiday for yourself? Then the following options for celebrating October 2 are for you. Let us turn to an understanding for whom social educators work, and we will try to help them in their work.

1. Carry out an audit in the closets, and collect all the old things, clothes and shoes, in which, in principle, you are not ashamed to show in public, but for some reason you do not like it. If it is difficult to decide, then apply simple rules:
Have not used the item for last year- postponed.
The thing is small, or, on the contrary, large - they postponed it.
We pack all the selected items in packages and take them to the nearest Orphanage... For a change, you can add toys, stationery, chocolates, fruits.
Important! Do not put old, torn and dirty items. You are eating on a visit, not in a trash heap. Before you give anything, bring it into a dignified form. Well-worn can be beautiful if it is well-groomed.

2. If the soul asks for a holiday, then organize it for the children. Add to gifts Balloons, more treats, come up with entertainment program... Remember children will meet you different ages, and together they may not participate in all games. Win-win and a budget option- create a cartoon with children. There is a lot of information on the techniques on the net. But in short: you need a camera and laptop.
Choose the characters of the cartoon with the guys from the assortment of their toys. As a last resort, available tools (paper clips, phones, food, fingers) will do.
Create a story in which all the characters can participate. For example: "How Telefonchik fell in love with the Cup."
Decorations for a cartoon can be made from cubes, plasticine, colored paper or fabric.
Then place the camera opposite the scenery on a flat surface so that it does not change position during shooting.
Place the characters, take the first shot.
Then slightly change the position of the heroes, according to the scenario (if the hero has to leave the "stage", then move him a couple of centimeters), take a picture again;
And so you need to play the whole plot, changing the position of the dolls step by step, and photographing each change;
When you're done, dump the photos into your laptop, any simple video editing software will help you merge the snapped frames into a story. At worst, you can just quickly flip through the images.
Arrange a massive multi-masterpiece viewing.

3. Do not feel the strength to organize everything on your own, contact the holiday agencies - they will help and have all the requisites.
For those who have children of their own, we advise you to involve them in any of the described processes in order to show and explain the importance of helping others and supporting those in need. Happy holiday to you.

The International Day of the Social Educator is celebrated annually on October 2. This is a young holiday for Russia. They began to celebrate it after the symposium in Copenhagen, which took place in 2009. It was attended by experts from the most different countries as well as Russia.

Functions of social pedagogy

The working day of a social teacher is not easy. It is entrusted with very serious functions, on the implementation of which the socialization and adaptation of a person in society depends.

The main task of a specialist is to study the child, how adapted he is to environment, what is his relationship with peers, teachers and parents. Usually, the need for a social teacher arises when a child or a group of children has it.For this reason, there must be such an employee in children's institutions in the state.

The teacher should direct the child's activities towards self-education and self-education. One of the functions is to teach the emerging personality to take responsibility for their actions and life.

In addition, an employee of such a difficult profession is obliged to coordinate the activities of other specialists dealing with childhood problems.

Where the presence of a social educator is necessary

Currently, such specialists are actively working in the following institutions:

  • Schools, kindergartens, universities.
  • Children's clubs and leisure facilities.
  • Rehabilitation centers that provide assistance to families.
  • Boarding schools, orphanages and orphanages.
  • Special schools and
  • Narcological dispensaries.
  • Medical institutions.

On the Day of the Social Educator, a large number of events during which you can gain invaluable experience. Experts with many years of experience share their skills with young workers just starting out.

Events on the Day of the Social Educator in Russia

All over the world on October 2, symposia, seminars, conferences are held aimed at improving the qualifications of specialists in this field. During these events, the following topics are covered:

  • Spiritual, moral and social forms of development of the younger generation.
  • Difficulties in raising children and adolescents.
  • The role of the family and relationships in it for harmonious development personality.
  • Questions healthy way life.
  • Level up information work with the population.
  • Conflict situations and methods of their resolution.

The International Day of the Social Educator for Russian specialists has become an excellent opportunity to learn and acquire new practical skills.

Distinctive features of the conventional and social educator

A teacher or educator of a childcare institution primarily conducts work with each child, regardless of his or her problems in public life. While the activity of a social teacher is aimed at identifying and correcting difficulties in relationships and adaptation to the environment. He works with children and adolescents who have problems in the family or society.

It should be noted that these two areas in pedagogy are closely interrelated and are in constant interaction. It is joint work that makes it possible to effectively solve the difficulties encountered by the child.

Activities on the Day of the Social Educator are also aimed at training specialists to cooperate with other educators and organizations dealing with issues of children and adolescents.

Pedagogy is not an easy science and requires the involvement of personnel who have the ability and, most importantly, the attraction to such activities. On Social Day, people have the opportunity to get information about this specialty. This is especially necessary for children who are thinking about choosing this profession. To test their abilities for social and pedagogical work, special tests and trainings are carried out. Thus, young people will be able to assess their capabilities and get a complete picture of this science.