
Eyebrow tattooing with the hair method - what are the features of the procedure, before and after photos. The essence of the technique and advantages of eyebrow hair tattoo. How is the procedure performed? Hairy eyebrow tattoo lasts a long time


However, these statements do not apply to cosmetic tattooing.

It is, however, called permanent makeup, and permanent means "permanent".

But in this case, this concept is used in contrast to the daily application of cosmetics and rather means "long-term".

Such a tattoo not only does not stay forever, but also requires periodic renewal. So, how long does the eyebrow tattoo last, why and when do you need to do the correction?

How long does permanent makeup-tattooing of eyebrows last?

This question cannot be answered immediately and unequivocally in any professional salon. Masters indicate a wide range: from a year to 3-5 years, in some cases - up to 7.

Eyebrow tattooing is a tattoo for a long time!

The specific period is very individual and depends on many factors related to both the future wearer of tattoo makeup and his procedure.

Individual characteristics and color retention

  1. Immunity. Defense system perceives the injected paint as a foreign and potentially harmful element and tries to push it out. The stronger the body, the faster it will be removed, and the makeup will fade.
  2. Age... In youth, metabolic processes occur more intensively, and cells are renewed faster. Girls aged 25 may need to restore the shade after a year and a half. In 35-year-olds, the tone does not fade for 2-3 years. And some ladies 45+ have noticed a steady effect for 7 years.
  3. Skin type... On a thin one, the color holds less than on a thick one. On dry - longer than on oily. If a lady with combination skin face can take a year with a permanent, then with a dry one you can not think about correction for 2-3 years.
  4. Lifestyle... With prolonged exposure to the sun or frequent visits to the solarium, the tattoo "burns out" faster, since ultraviolet light has the ability to burn out its own and introduced skin pigments. Sport enhances metabolism and promotes accelerated paint removal. Frequent use of scrubs renews the epidermis and brightens the tone. The colorant can also be washed out with seawater.
  5. Discipline when following the recommendations of the master after the tattoo procedure: use ointment, do not remove crusts (so that the pigment does not come off with them), do not moisturize the browbones, do not apply decorative cosmetics. If they are observed, the paint will not lose stability.

Technology and timing

On a note!
On the first day, a ichor can ooze from the wounds - this is a phenomenon within the normal range. It is necessary to gently blot the eyebrows with a cotton pad with chlorhexidine solution.
Do not rub the wounds, as the bleeding may intensify. If, after 24 hours after the procedure, there are no inflammations, suppurations, bruises in the tattoo area, then it is better not to treat it at all. So the crusts will dry out faster, and the wounds will heal well.

How to maintain tattoo makeup

  1. Use the sun protective cream.
  2. Carefully choose cosmetics for facial skin care. Do not use bleaching agents or scrubs (if possible) on the browbones.
    Ideally, it is recommended to consult a master or beautician on the care of permanent eyebrows in the long run and the choice of gentle cosmetics.
  3. Make regular adjustments to the tattoo.

Why and when correction is needed

Correction (renewal) is the restoration of the color intensity and / or correction of the shape of the eyebrows.

How long does eyebrow tattoo last without correction?

The first time it is made necessarily a month after the tattoo, because:

  • A professional master can deliberately introduce a minimum amount of pigment in order to allow the client to get used to the new look, and to see for himself how the skin reacts to the dye (it is much easier to add a tone later than to remove excess).
  • During the procedure itself, due to micro wounds and mild edema, there is no exact idea of ​​the eyebrow contour.
  • Within a month, the tattooed surface is completely healed and the paint "engrafted".
  • The wounds do not heal evenly, so the color may vary slightly in different areas of the eyebrows. It can also appear brighter due to crusting and applied ointment.

About the frequency of the procedure
Some experts believe that it is optimal to make a correction once a year or two.
When drawing individual hairs, correction may be required annually.

After a month, when the skin is completely renewed and healed, color irregularities and deviations in shape will become noticeable. And the first correction is designed to remove all the flaws and bring the tattoo makeup to perfection.

On it, the gaps of the pigment are filled in, the tone is saturated, the contour of the eyebrows is refined. If you wish, you can increase their width or make them longer by drawing the tips.

In the future, the need for correction is determined individually by the bearer of the tattoo.... It was said above how long the tone can last depending on the action of one or another single factor. Their combined effect can reduce the shelf life of makeup without renewal.

The deeper the puncture, the longer the tattoo!

Besides, there is another aspect - fashion and personal preference. Sometimes you want something new: change the bend, width, color. Correction will come to the rescue again.

When to do it so as not to harm your health with unnecessary dyes and punctures? Optimally, according to surveys of experienced women and girls, after a year and a half from the date of the first correction.

Thus, a cosmetic permanent is far from being a constant. And this is probably correct: on the one hand, the spectacular appearance is stable, on the other, stability can be adjusted as needed.

You can find additional information on this topic in the section.

Eyebrows cannot be attributed to a part of the face, it is rather an element of it, obligatory and necessary. Eyebrows give expressiveness as well as eyelashes. They are able to make us known to be good or, conversely, evil.

Once, narrow thin eyebrows were in vogue, and all the girls without exception plucked them. But trends are changing, so those who have not been awarded with sable eyebrows by nature can use such a popular service as permanent eyebrow makeup.

What is the procedure?

This phrase denotes a method of changing the color and shape of parts and elements of the face: eyebrows, lips, eyelids. This is done with special pigments, which are introduced into the surface layers of the skin at a minimum depth. Yes, the procedure resembles a tattoo, but unlike a tattoo, permanent pigmentation will disappear after 1-3 years. The dye will fade and be recycled by the skin cells over time.

Eyebrow tattooing (this is another name for permanent makeup) can be performed not only by women who have all their hairs plucked out, but also by those who are simply unhappy with the shape of their native eyebrows. The wizard will correct everything as you wish. A specialist in his field will not only do the job with high quality, but will also explain to the client about the possibility of a quick regrowth of new hairs. Do not be afraid - you will only need to occasionally pluck out unnecessary hairs that will spoil the new image.

Someone probably now remembered the wide, dense eyebrows, painted with paint in a local hairdresser or with a pencil at home. This is not at all what we are talking about. Eyebrow tattooing is performed with point movements, so the result is more than natural. The master tries to draw every hair so that no one can even think that you have made permanent eyebrow makeup. Naturalness is the main criterion for the work of a tattoo artist, not only for eyebrows, but also for lips and eyelids.

How to determine how naturally the tattoo is done? If, with a glance, artificiality is not read on the face, that is, if the eyebrows are not dramatically striking, but only complement the image, then everything is done more than professionally.

Hair technique

This is the most popular technique because this is how a natural look is best obtained. With the help of permanent eyebrow makeup using the hair technique, you can do the following:

  • correct the asymmetry of the eyebrows;
  • draw a long thin tip of the eyebrow, which will become its logical conclusion;
  • add missing "hairs" above or below;
  • make the beginning of the eyebrow more pronounced.

Types of hair tattoo

It is customary to distinguish 2 hair methods of eyebrow tattooing:

  • Oriental. Hair is drawn at different angles different lengths and as if intertwined with each other;
  • European. Identical strokes are drawn at minimal intervals in one direction.

A master cosmetologist will be able to advise this or that type.

Sequence of execution

  1. First, the master will conduct a small consultation with regards to the line of the eyebrows, their color, size. Agree the result with you.
  2. Then the skin is cleaned, the instrument is disinfected.
  3. With a cosmetic pencil, the master will draw for himself the boundaries of the future eyebrow line for the convenience of work.
  4. Choosing a shade of paint. The client takes part in this. It determines the final paint color.
  5. Performing anesthesia.
  6. The procedure itself. In time, it lasts at least one hour, but possibly more. Each master works at a different speed. Also, the execution time depends on the complexity of the technique.

How to choose the perfect eyebrow shape

This is a controversial issue, because it is difficult to idealize something. Each person is different, and the shape of the eyebrows can depend on many parameters. It's good if your master is a professional and you trust him. Then he can advise the form. But if you are used to trusting only yourself, but for the optimal combination of eyebrows and face, you should use the matching rules. As you know, there are 6 main facial contours. In the photo on the Internet, you can find parallels drawn by cosmetologists regarding the shape of the face and eyebrows.

Of course, before deciding on such a procedure, I would like to learn about it from other girls who have already done tattooing. Among the chaotic comments for and against permanent makeup are the following:


  • lasts long enough, allowing you not to engage in eyebrows every day;
  • you can choose a color that matches the shade of your hair;
  • excellent value for money;
  • the ability to plan your day, regardless of makeup (the paint will not flow either in the heat or in the rain).

By the way, about the price. How much does eyebrow tattoo cost? For the full procedure, you will have to pay about 3000 rubles. An easy adjustment will cost about 1,500 rubles. Again, it all depends on the salon that you choose, on the specifics of the pricing policy of your city. But girls who regularly suffer with the shape of their eyebrows, not knowing to leave this hair or pluck it, note that after tattooing all the problems have gone.

Competent permanent eyebrow tattooing allows you not to paint. The look becomes expressive, you don't even need to tint the eyelashes. Therefore, the salons are overcrowded at the beginning of summer: girls make themselves a tattoo (and not only eyebrows) and calmly bathe, rub their eyes and kiss, not being afraid to smear their makeup.

Cons of eyebrow tattooing

  • with a low pain threshold, you can experience discomfort;
  • the risk of infecting (but if you do the procedure in a good medical cosmetology center, there is nothing to be afraid of);
  • a long recovery period, during which there are moments in which you should limit yourself.

In fact, the procedure for performing hair permanent eyebrow makeup is not a big deal. No blood is produced, unless you feel a slight tingling or tingling sensation. But some reviews say it's even nice. If penetration of a thin needle under the skin seems very scary to you, you can watch a video on the Internet to lift your spirits. Some of them demonstrate the procedure itself, some clients describe the sensations during tattooing, and someone simply tells the camera about their emotions.

How to care for eyebrows after tattooing

Eyebrow care after the procedure is necessary. This is necessary to avoid complications in the skin condition.
There are some simple rules.:

  • do not sunbathe, do not go to the sauna and do not swim in questionable bodies of water until redness and pain have passed;
  • do not use a scrub in the eyebrow area;
  • temporarily stop using masks and creams. The skin around the eyebrows must breathe;
  • for long-term healing, apply an ointment that prevents inflammation. The master will recommend it;
  • if crusts form on the skin, do not remove them! They will pass by themselves;
  • do not rub the skin with a towel, do not scratch.

Such eyebrow care should be continued until you feel that the redness has subsided, there is no inflammation and itching, and the eyebrows have taken on a natural look.

How long does it last?

The effect of the cosmetic procedure lasts a long time, but not forever. The master introduces the paint no more than 0.8 mm, so it will fade over time. How long the result will last depends on a number of factors:

  • Pigment

During application, the master must use quality paint. Otherwise, the effect will not last long. The deeper the composition is introduced, the better it holds. Give preference to dark shades if you want not to resort to correction for a long time.

  • Age and metabolism

For young girls, the result will remain worse than for mature women. The young body will more quickly fight the coloring composition, which it perceives as a harmful substance. Women who have an active metabolism will also have to re-visit the master quite quickly.

  • Lifestyle

Sun lovers will have to choose - either long-lasting makeup or a beautiful tan. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the paint will fade or acquire a completely different color. The effect will last longer if it is observed in the first weeks after it simple rules... It is necessary to use healing agents, and it is better to forget about cosmetics for peeling for a while.

If all the rules are followed, the color can last, without fading, from 3 to 5 years. Most experts agree that it should be updated every 1-2 years.

Microblading or permanent. What is the difference?

Microblading is also called manual tattooing. It differs from the classical technique in the method of application and the depth of penetration into the epidermis.

During microblading, the master introduces the instrument by 0.1 - 0.3 mm. For the procedure, not a needle is used, but special thin blades, which, when inserted under the skin, stain the upper layer of the epidermis.

Microblading is preferred by women who want to look more natural. It is used for asymmetry, deficiency or absence of hairs, to hide scars.

Another difference from the classic application: after microblading, healing will occur much faster, since the skin is less injured. But the result will not last so long either. Customer reviews suggest that the effect rarely lasts longer than a year. In most cases, you will have to resort to a color update within a few months.

Correction of permanent eyebrow makeup

Regardless of how you care for your eyebrows after the procedure, sooner or later you will have to take advantage of the correction. It is best to do this for the first time no later than 1 - 3 months later. During this time, the color will finally appear. The wizard will quickly correct the flaws that might have been invisible at the time of the first session. Experts recommend not neglecting the correction if you want your eyebrows to retain their beautiful shape for a long time.

In the future, it is necessary to correct the form every 6-12 months. You can do this less often, but then the master will spend more time correcting the resulting imperfections.

Every time you refresh the color, crusts will appear on the brows. But, unlike the first session, healing will occur faster and will take no more than a week. The cost of the second procedure is much lower than the initial one.

In some cases, after 4-6 sessions, the correction becomes unnecessary. The eyebrows will retain their acquired shape forever.

Laser removal of permanent makeup

You will have to think about removing pigment if the quality of the work did not suit you or you simply decided to give your eyebrows a different shape. There are several ways to get rid of the annoying color. The two main ones are chemical and laser removal.

The laser method is considered one of the most effective. The beam penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. Under the action of a laser, the pigment is destroyed, and then excreted from the body within a few weeks. One hundred percent paint removal occurs after 3 - 6 sessions.

Before starting the removal, the area is treated with a disinfectant solution, and protective glasses are put on the client. You will not feel any discomfort during the session.

After each visit to the treatment room, it is necessary to avoid sun rays, as well as temporarily refuse to go to the sauna or bath. Laser removal also has a number of contraindications:

  • fresh tan;
  • pregnancy;
  • heart and endocrine diseases;
  • neoplasms.

The laser does not affect the epidermis and therefore does not cause damage. However, during the session, natural hairs may fade and you will have to use eyebrow dye. This method has one drawback. The rays do not affect the warm shades of the dyes.

How permanent makeup heals

In the first weeks, the makeup will look unusually bright. No need to worry - over time it will fade and look more natural. After a few days, the eyebrows will become a little lighter, and their contour will be more blurred.

The most unpleasant after the procedure is the healing period. In the process of applying paint, the skin receives microtrauma, therefore, after a few days, a small swelling and crusts form in this place. If an almost clear liquid is released from them, it should not be touched by hands. It is best to remove the ichor with disinfectant solutions and clean napkins... The healing site must be treated daily with special emollient ointments.

In rare cases, an allergic reaction is possible. If the swelling persists for several days, an antihistamine should be taken.

During the healing period, give up decorative cosmetics... There is a risk of it getting into the wound, which will provoke unnecessary irritation.

The crusts will start to crack after a week. It will take a few more days for the eyebrows to clear completely. But the color can change within a month. Therefore, the correction is made not earlier than this period.


There are a number of contraindications for cosmetological intervention. They are usually divided into absolute and relative.

When an absolute procedure is strictly prohibited. These include:

  • poor blood clotting;
  • insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • high temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • allergies, asthma;
  • oncology;
  • mental disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • AIDS, HIV;
  • state of drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • keloid scars at the site of application.

In the presence of relative contraindications, it is necessary to consult a specialist or take medications prescribed by a doctor. In the list of restrictions:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • feeling unwell;
  • inflammation of the skin;
  • treatment with potent drugs;
  • high pressure;
  • period of menstruation;
  • taking alcohol on the eve of applying permanent makeup;
  • frequent conjunctivitis;
  • herpes during an exacerbation;
  • age is less than 18 years.

The patient experiences slight pain at the injection site during the procedure, therefore it is not recommended for people with a low pain threshold. True, in cosmetology, anesthesia is often used, which will help to reduce discomfort to a minimum.

Is permanent makeup harmful?

In the absence of contraindications, there is nothing to be afraid of. Although the procedure is painful, it is harmless. It is worth fearing only those cases when it is carried out in non-sterile conditions. The tools should be disposable, like the container used for the paint. If at least one of the conditions is violated, there is a risk of introducing any infection.

An unqualified specialist can also cause harm. When referring to such masters, asymmetry occurs, bad color or an unnatural look. Professional specialist will always follow the technique, which will save you from possible complications.

In very rare cases, an exacerbation of herpes occurs. The virus is present in the body of almost all people, but more often in a latent form. Cosmetological intervention sometimes provokes its manifestation. This can lead to discoloration of the pigment, so it is better to drink a course of antiviral drugs that the doctor prescribes in advance.

With frequent corrections, small scars form under the skin. They are invisible if you always visit the master and update the color. But after laser removal, the defect appears. Therefore, it is better not to make wide eyebrows if in the future you plan to give them a more neat shape.

Unfortunately, nature has not endowed every girl with gorgeous eyebrows, although everyone dreams of having such. So have to look different ways to achieve a similar effect... This article will focus on just one of these methods - eyebrow tattooing with a hair technique.

The essence of the procedure

Eyebrow tattooing using the "hairs" method is quite new cosmetic procedure, which consists in the introduction of a coloring pigment under the skin using a special apparatus with a needle. The highlight of this procedure is that the master draws each hair separately, which makes the eyebrows more expressive and graceful in shape and at the same time preserves their natural look.

Differences between eyebrow hair tattoo and microblading

Microblading- This is a subspecies of hair tattoo. The most important difference between the two is the color pigment application tool. Microblading uses a very thin spatula blade to cut through the eyebrows and then apply paint. While the hair technique uses a needle. The difference between these procedures also lies in the depth of pigment injection: microblading - up to 3 mm, hair technique - up to 8 mm.

Eyebrow microblading

How to make eyebrow tattoo with the hair method

Everything takes place in several stages of work:

How long will the eyebrow tattoo made with the hair method last?

This question is one of the most important for girls before deciding on such a procedure. Of course, the effect depends on a number of factors, such as the characteristics of the organism, the type of skin, the degree of penetration of the pigment under the skin and the quality of the coloring pigment. But in general, this technology provides a fairly long-term effect, which varies from 6 months to 3 years.

What are the types

Innovative technology of permanent eyebrow hair tattoo can be done by two techniques:

Technique No. 1. European- consists in drawing hairs of the same length and width from roots to tips in one direction. The result is more voluminous and expressive brows.

Technique No. 2. Eastern or Asian. In this case, the hairs of the eyebrows are drawn in different directions, of different lengths and, possibly, even go beyond the contour of the eyebrows, this is the maximum natural look... This technique requires not only skill but also artistic skill.

Where can you do this procedure

Beauties, kindly request, very carefully and carefully choose the master who you are going to do such procedures. Do not spare either your time or money to find a highly qualified specialist. Ask your friends, read real customer reviews. So that later you do not have to observe and experience the deplorable consequences of "cheaper" procedures.

Elena, 29 years old

By nature, I have very rare eyebrows, and, of course, this did not suit me. Of all the possible procedures that I have tried, I stopped at eyebrow hair tattoo, I am attaching a photo before and after. The result won me over from the very first procedure. I never thought that my eyebrows could look so beautiful, graceful and natural. I will never trade this "miracle technology" for any other.

Few would undertake to argue with the assertion that every representative of the fair sex strives to look beautiful and well-groomed. To do this, girls have to resort to various tricks: they build up their nails, eyelashes and hair, monitor their diet and visit gyms, style their hair and apply cosmetics on their faces every day, and choose appropriate clothes.

V Lately the technique of permanent make-up has become very popular. This includes the tattooing of lips, eyebrows and space between the eyelashes. Let's consider in detail: the methods of carrying out and the time of use.

Eyebrow tattoo

With the help, you can change your facial expression beyond recognition. You can ask the master to give your appearance a more serious look, or, conversely, get a flirty facial expression.

If you decide to tattoo your eyebrows, the methods of applying paint can be different:

  • shaded drawing;
  • volumetric view;

Consider the technique for performing these types of makeup.

Feathering color

By choosing this version of the pattern, you will get a clear eyebrow line, the inner cavity of which will be filled with one color. The master selects the most suitable shade for you and carries out the so-called color alignment.

Volumetric drawing

This method of performing permanent makeup can be considered a novelty. The master carefully draws the lower hairs, after which he makes the top layer more defined. As a result, your eyebrows appear visually fuller and more effective.

Hair eyebrow tattoo

Unlike its predecessor, this type of makeup is done with so-called hairs. The master first creates an eyebrow contour, after which he begins to fill its cavity. Carefully drawing each hair, the specialist creates a graceful and even arc.

Execution technique

Before starting work, you need to decide and choose what kind of tattoo you want.

In most cases, the fair sex choose the hair-like method of applying paint. After you have decided on the technique of execution, the master draws an eyebrow for you with a special pencil and makes it possible to evaluate the result. If you are satisfied, then you can proceed to the direct application of paint. In the event that you do not like something, the wizard provides an opportunity to correct the existing shortcomings. Listen to the opinion of a specialist, because he chooses for you, taking into account all the nuances of appearance.

You will then be offered anesthesia. The master applies a special freezing ointment to the eyebrow area and gives you some time to rest. When the effect of the drug has come, the most crucial moment comes.

Carefully, step by step, the specialist creates eyebrow tattooing. Photo finished works you can take a look in this article. The dye needle is inserted about half a millimeter under the skin. There, pigment is injected to color the subcutaneous area.

After completing work on one eyebrow, a symmetrically located area is “stuffed” in a similar way.

Caring for permanent makeup after the procedure

Many people wonder how long the eyebrow tattoo lasts. In fact, a lot depends on your facial care in the first days after the procedure.

When you leave the salon, you will have a sufficiently saturated color of the traced areas. Do not be afraid of this. After a while, the top crust will come off, and the color will become soft, ideally suited to your face.

Never try to remove any loose crust yourself, otherwise your makeup may look uneven. When the top layer begins to peel off, the healing process takes place. At this time, the injured skin areas are trying to "grab" the maximum amount of pigment from the crust. By interrupting this process, you risk getting an insufficiently intense color.

How long the eyebrow tattoo lasts depends largely on your skin color. For women with a snow-white face, the pigment disappears a little faster than for dark-skinned beauties.

Also, the time the pigment is present on your face depends on the methods of caring for it. If you are a fan of cleansing masks, peels and scrubs, then, most likely, permanent makeup will not last long on your face. Try to bypass permanent areas during procedures and avoid processing them.

How long the eyebrow tattoo lasts also depends on the care of the treated areas in the summer. To maximize the life of your makeup on your face, use sunscreen. Apply these lotions and creams just before leaving your home. It is also worth using sunglasses.

So how long does eyebrow tattoo last? On average, the use of permanent makeup lasts from four to seven years. When you notice that the pigment is no longer as bright as you would like, you need to make a correction.

The choice of the master and the price of work

If you decide on permanent makeup, then first of all you need to decide on the choice of a salon. Try to give preference to already proven masters. It is better if you have a good example in front of you. Many salons provide photos of their clients who did eyebrow tattooing.

The price of the work must also correspond to the quality. Don't go for cheap rates. You will have to live with this makeup for more than one year, so do not skimp on yourself.

So, here are the approximate prices for work. Eyebrow hair tattoo: the price varies from 4 to 6 thousand rubles. Volumetric drawing: the cost ranges from 6 to 8 thousand rubles. Soft shading: the price category ranges from 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

Also, the cost of the work largely depends on the region in which the tattoo is performed, on the type and manufacturer of paint and on the tools used.

Try to give preference to salons that work with quality materials.

Eyebrow tattoo: before and after

If your eyebrows are not chic and thick enough, if you have to paint on them every day with a pencil, in the event that you spend a lot of effort and money to buy products that help grow eyebrows, but all this does not bring any result, you need to get an eyebrow tattoo.

You can see photos of finished works right in the salon, or you can choose the technique of drawing in advance. After the procedure, you will forever forget about the daily torment and prolonged use of makeup.

You no longer have to buy and try to make them symmetrical lines.

Eyebrow tattooing has become a truly lifesaver for many women!


Remember that during the procedure, all sanitary standards must be observed. The tattoo needle should always be new and disposable. The wizard must open a new package with tools in front of you.

If the procedure is carried out incorrectly, using reusable instruments, you can get some unpleasant and dangerous diseases. That is why it is necessary to be very responsible when choosing a clinic and a master.

They are satisfied with the result and use permanent makeup for other parts of the face. For example, they shape the contour of the lips or gracefully line the upper eyelid. Such decorative make-up, although temporary, is very convenient. You can read the reviews on the forums in sufficient volume and understand which option is right for you. It is also recommended to consult with the master before the procedure so that he tells you about all the features of the process. In order to make permanent makeup for your eyebrows, experts use the technique of hair tattooing or the watercolor method of applying pigment (shading).

Persistent makeup is held differently for each person, because the characteristics of the body determine the reaction to foreign pigment. That is why not a single master can reliably tell you how long the eyebrow tattoo will last (the saturation of the makeup colors).

Average duration

At this moment, the master can fully evaluate his work, the resulting shade of pigment, the shape of the tattoo. Therefore, reviews before the first correction are completely different, because not every client understands all the subtleties of the process. The task of the master is to explain the basics and outline the time lines for which you need to control the intermediate result.

The main point of finalizing makeup

First, the tattoo appears completely and the uneven distribution of the pigment is visible. The first correction is performed after the skin is restored after the main procedure, and the formed crusts are removed naturally. This adjustment technique allows specialists to make eyebrow makeup more even, the gaps are filled with pigment and appearance becomes complete. In addition, during the design process, you can ask the artist to change the size of the tattoo (width or length), to correct the eyebrow line. ...

Remember! The color that you get after creating the tattoo and the one that you chose before the procedure may differ slightly. The behavior of the pigment on the skin is especially for each organism and it is impossible to predict how much its tone will deviate from the original.

After the eyebrow tattoo is done and the skin regenerates, you need to contact a specialist in the salon again to complete the creation of permanent makeup. The determining factor that will tell you the time of the first correction is the lightening pigment.

. Sometimes permanent makeup is redone, since the desired shade can no longer be returned through correction.

:. ... ... Exceptions include cases when, after eyebrow tattooing, you like the effect in all respects (contour, shade, uniformity of pigment distribution). However, more often than not, eyebrow correction after tattooing is really necessary and does not turn out to be a superfluous measure.

In order to keep spectacular makeup as long as possible, it is necessary to properly care for the eyebrow tattoo. Good care will prolong the chic appearance of the eyebrows, they will fade less rapidly. If you want to maintain the original result, then you cannot avoid correction.

. If you need to draw each individual hair, it is better to visit the master once a year.

Follow the regularity of the correction, but do not this procedure often.

Recipe for success

There are basic conditions that must be met in the first two weeks. They will help keep your makeup intact.

  • Choose a good salon with professional staff, guided by the recommendations and reviews of people familiar with the place;
  • Be extremely attentive to the condition of the skin in the first days after tattooing;
  • Eliminate mechanical stress and water ingress on the eyebrows;
  • Use the product for better regeneration skin, so the inflammation will go away very quickly;
  • Do not remove the crusts that form during healing;
  • Exclude exposure to sunlight on a vulnerable area of ​​the skin;
  • Use a barrier cream before going outside.

Reasons affecting safety

  • How deeply the needle of the master enters affects the safety of the make-up. Therefore, tattooing can be specially done for a minimum period if you are afraid of the effect or are not sure that you want to keep the result for a long time. If you do not voice such requests, the specialist will determine the depth of penetration of the tattooing needle on his own. Basically, when determining this parameter, the master assesses the sensitivity of your skin and the tolerance of painful effects, he also empirically notices some features, after which the picture is completely formed in his head;
  • The action of the pigment. Depending on how the pigment is formed, the preservation of the tattoo can be different. The organic base does not retain its saturated shade for a long time, but the color of the tattoo itself remains unchanged. If the base paint contains minerals, then the service life will be longer than that of organic pigments, but the color change will be significant. The second version of the pigment is often used in tattoo parlors;
  • Certain features of a person: his immunity, age, type of skin. Swarthy skin tone preserves permanent makeup better. Good immunity does not contribute to the fact that the tattoo is in its original form for a long time.