
Karma is the main law of the universe and the essence of religions. Karma in Buddhism and Hinduism How to Get Rid of Karma

Breast cancer

The word “karma” literally means “action”, “deed”, but also carries such semantic connotations as “fate” and “fortune”. This is completely justified, because it is our actions that determine our future destiny. Briefly, the essence of the law of karma can be expressed by the well-known proverb: "What you sow, so you reap." This is not religion or prejudice, but common sense and practical experience our daily life.

In physics, the law of karma is known as Newton's third law, the meaning of which is that "any action has a reaction." Science operates in this case only with objects consisting of gross matter: a ball, a machine, and so on. But the Vedas say that not only the actions of a person on the gross physical plane bring similar consequences with the opposite sign, but also our words and thoughts, which have a certain psychic energy, will also return to us after a while. It may be in a minute, in an hour, in a day, in a year, or even in the next life.

TO a rma (in Sanskrit - deed, action, fruit of action), one of the central concepts of Indian philosophy, complementing the doctrine of reincarnation. Appears already in the Vedas and later enters into almost all Indian religious and philosophical systems, is an essential part of Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism.

In a broad sense, karma is the total amount of actions committed by every living being and their consequences, which determine the nature of his new birth, that is, further existence. In a narrow sense, karma is generally called the influence of committed actions on the nature of present and subsequent existence. In both cases, karma appears as an invisible force, and only the general principle of its action is assumed to be clear, while its internal mechanism remains completely hidden. Karma determines not only favorable or unfavorable conditions of existence (health - illness, wealth - poverty, happiness - unhappiness, as well as gender, life span, social status of an individual, etc.), but, ultimately, progress or regression in relation to the main goal of a person - liberation from the fetters of "profane" existence and obedience to the laws of cause-and-effect relationships. Unlike the concept of fate or fate, its ethical coloration is essential for the concept of karma, since the conditionality of present and future existence has the character of retribution or retribution for committed actions (and not the impact of inevitable divine or cosmic forces).

In everyday reality, our actions have certain consequences - cause and effect are always contained in action. We do not have complete knowledge due to the limitations of our mind and do not always understand what the results of our actions will be. But at least we can be sure that everything that happens now is the result of something that happened in the past, and will also affect the future. From a materialistic point of view, cause and effect follow us during our life in this body, but everything stops as soon as death occurs. The person died - and the chain of actions and their consequences ends.

The Vedic teachings left to us by the great sages of antiquity takes this concept one step higher. The chain of actions and their consequences extends not only in this life, it continues from a past life and from a whole sequence of past lives.

The soul is born in this particular body because of its past karma, because of its past actions. In what body she will incarnate in the next life depends on the karma of this living being. His current actions, combined with the total amount of previous actions, predetermine the direction of consciousness at the moment of death, which sets the future place, time and form of birth. Moreover, a living entity can wander not only from one human body to another, but also descend to the level of the form of the body of an animal or plant. In these lower forms of existence, birth and death also take place - consciousness enters the body, remains in it for some time, and then leaves it to accept a new one. It is, of course, almost impossible to count the number of life forms that exist in the universe. The Bhagavad Gita says that there are eight million four hundred thousand life forms in total, ranging from tiny insects and bacteria to humans and demigods, the inhabitants of the higher planetary systems responsible for controlling natural processes.

According to the Indian interpretation, Karma is the "Executive law of the universe." Karma is a law that gives many chances and options for fulfilling the law of Tharma. This means that everyone has their own path "Trachma", from which, if you do not deviate, you will not get away. Karma gives different options (paths) for the passage of its path, to the goal, which was also predetermined for us at one time. Thus, each person has his own path, foreordained from above.

A very simple and well-known law operates in Karma: “As you sow, you reap”, that is, everything that falls to our lot, we call ourselves, by our actions. From this we can conclude: there are no good or bad situations, it is important how we react to them. Karma can be called fate testing us. It can also manifest itself in a problem at work and even appear in the guise of a banana skin, on which you have to slip. Lessons must be learned from trials and problems, and experience must be gained in solving them. The problem won't go away until we learn the lesson. These theses were born in ancient India and are still relevant today. It must be remembered that nothing happens by accident in our life. In addition, fate never sends trials that we could not endure. Fate gives us trials so that we can improve endlessly, and reach our goal strong, tempered and self-confident. Try to remember all the significant events in your life, and you will see that nothing just happened. It is very important to understand that everything happens in due time, and we can only wait for the right moment to start action. After all, dawn is not possible at midnight, you need to wait for 6 o'clock in the morning. But you can light a candle, which will slightly dispel the darkness, and then the sun will rise.

Throughout life, a person goes through the path of evolution associated with the development of mental and intellectual abilities: he learns, analyzes, reason, finds and creates. In the life of every person there is also a goal, not always clearly defined, given to us "from above". It must be understood not only with the mind, but also with the heart. It is interesting that in some ancient texts it is said that our destiny is in dreams and dreams, in that without which it is hard for us.

Any development implies the passage of a certain crisis period: for the transition to a more energetic level of existence, it is always necessary to destroy the structures that supported the stability of the organism, it is necessary to break the usual order and courageously go through a state of relative chaos (“You cannot fall from an oak tree and not hurt yourself”). It is this period of flight, a period of relative uncertainty in one's own strengths, a relative unreliability of individual existence, that every living system is afraid of. Moreover, this fear is completely natural, natural, normal.

Self-development is a challenge to what is, to what has already been mastered, it is a way out of a cozy and warm mother's womb. And self-preservation is what ensures the reliability and pleasantness, comfort and comfort of the current existence. Self-preservation is synonymous with karma. Inertia, trodden paths, rolled asphalt roads - why do we need all this windbreak, dangerous swamps and bogs fraught with disasters.

But, unfortunately, World Life implies constant development, change, improvement. And self-preservation is not an end in itself, but a function of maintaining the stability of individual existence. If you want, you don't want to, but you need to develop. Be that as it may, it is simply dangerous to stand still, for the one who stopped invariably rolls downward, and the evolving world sweeps past him. In order to correspond to this world, in order to live with it and thanks to it, an incessant refinement of sensitivity, understanding and action is necessary. And our skeleton, our rigid core, our karma does not crave changes at all - hence all the problems.

There is a wonderful Latin proverb: "I carry everything with me." Karmic programs are not somewhere out there, our karma is in us, more precisely, it is ourselves . Karma is a set of pains and mistakes, blows and misunderstandings that have crystallized in the cells of our body, which are more than rigidly imprinted in the programs of the individual unconscious. Karma is a memory of crimes, of violations of the laws of spiritual life - a memory soldered into our bodies, into our psyche, into the tissues of our body. That is why they say that without correcting the mental life in the body, no real healing is simply impossible.

Through long lives, sins and grievances, pains and suffering accumulated in the soul, walking from century to century. A person is like a tourist, behind whose shoulders a heavy backpack, full of many incomprehensible (and sometimes frankly unnecessary) things and objects, hangs and dangles from side to side. Soul salvation is simply throwing the backpack off your shoulders. But this is easier said than done. After all, it seems to us that all this accumulated filth, all this rubbish is part of our personality. There are various methods for positive psychoprogramming (Coue method, Pythagoras method, Bandler method).

Whether we like it or not, it is karmic, legitimate, but we have already predetermined the very fact of the soul returning to the body, returning for the sake of performing a very specific work, to carry out a specific evolutionary program, to carry the burden and accomplish the mission. It should not be forgotten that the presence of a body implies not only limitations (karma), but also opportunities (dharma): one can act only in the body, and in a given, concrete body, in a body complementary to the soul, corresponding to its individuality. Actions in the world are invariably attracted by "back blows" - they just need to be patiently parried and move on. If our food is like the bodies of others (parents, brothers and sisters, fellow believers and fellow tribesmen), then we are talking about the similarity of karmas and the similarity of dharmas. You need to go through life with your own people, with your relatives, with loved ones, they are always there. And the more elevated, enlightened and harmonious our body becomes, the greater changes we have achieved in the transformation of our own karma, the greater the result of mental labor we have achieved. Karma is misunderstanding, and liberation from it is associated with illumination, with the expansion of consciousness. Karma is latent deformational tensions of the soul, dissatisfaction with oneself and life, numerous internal protests, sobbing and twitching, misunderstanding of the laws of being and disagreement with their objective nature.

It is necessary to get rid of the very idea of ​​the admissibility of diseases, of the possibility of peaceful coexistence with them. After all, Grace is always poured around us, and we not only can, but must also attract it, use it in self-healing. And, transforming our own karmic programs - programs that stupefy, darken, complicate, transforming our own body, we save not only ourselves, we save the whole world. For humanity and the planet are ill with us. By coping with our illness, we invariably make the life of others easier. Human problems will be removed only when they are recognized and recognized by the person himself.

Salvation is the creation of a vessel of understanding, into which the grace pouring from heaven can be absorbed. This is the creation of a harmonious bodily form, in everything consistent with the movements of the personality and the wills of the essence. “Salvation” is only from oneself, only through oneself and in oneself.

Humanity is an abstraction. A person is specific. And there is no problem more serious, more complex and subtle than the problem of restoring the integrity of the microcosm - the healing of a person.

Similarities and differences in determining fate and karma

Is fate the only factor in existence, or are there other factors that can change fate. Or, if fate is set, are there any other sources, forces or plans of fate and can we change our original fate by turning to this other source of fate, force or plan and making them active in our life.

Metaphysical questions are not so simple that they can be solved so clearly in one sense or another, this is a popular approach, but it is lightweight and unconvincing. Everything is free will or everything is fate - everything is not as simple as in this formulation. This question of free will or predestination is the very knot of all metaphysical questions, and no one has yet been able to untie it, by common sense, and fate and will exist, and even free will exists somewhere; the difficulty is only in achieving it and making it effective.

Many astrological predictions turn out to be true, most if taken in bulk. But this does not mean that the stars rule our destiny; the stars simply write the fate that has already been formed, they are a hieroglyph, not a Force, or, if their activity is a force, then it is a transfer energy, and not the first generating Force.

There is someone who has determined Destiny, or something that is Destiny; the stars are just pointers. Astrologers say there are two forces: destiny and individual energy. Individual energy can change and even cancel destiny. Moreover, the stars often indicate several possible destinies, for example, that someone may die in middle age, but if this prediction can be overcome, then he may live to a predetermined old age. Finally, there are cases where the predictions of the horoscope are fulfilled with great accuracy up to a certain age, but then no longer apply. This often happens when the subject turns from ordinary life to spiritual life.

If the turn is radical, predictions may immediately cease to correspond to the events of his life; otherwise, certain results may continue for some time, but are no longer so inevitable. This shows that there is or may exist a higher force, a higher plane or a higher source of spiritual destiny, which can, if their time has come, overcome the lower force, the lower plane or the lower source of material destiny, of which the stars are the indicator.

The Indian explanation of fate is Karma. We ourselves create our own destiny by our actions, but the destiny created by us binds us, for what we have sown we must reap in this life or in another. Yet, we create our future destiny, even when our previous destiny from the past unfolds into the present. It gives meaning to our will and action, and does not lead to harsh and fruitless fatalism. But, again, our will and activity can often cancel or change the past Karma. This is just a certain strong effect called utkatakarma that cannot be changed. And here, too, the achievement of spiritual consciousness and life is considered to annul or give the ability to annul Karma.

For we are entering into union with the “Divine Will”, which can annul what it has sanctioned under certain conditions, which can remake what it has done, eliminate narrow fixed lines, establish more plastic freedom and breadth. Neither Karma nor Astrology, therefore, indicate a harsh and forever unchanging destiny.

If everything is predetermined, why say that life, as Shakespeare, or rather Macbeth, is “a story told by an idiot, full of noise and fury, but meaning nothing”? Life would be like that, rather, if everything was a matter of chance and uncertainty. But if it is something foreseen, planned in every detail, does this mean that life means something, that there must be a secret Intention in it, which is carried out powerfully, persistently, through all eras, and we ourselves are a part of it and employees in the implementation of this invincible Intention?

The play of forces does not mean that everything is rigidly predetermined. Behind the visible events in the world there is always a mass of invisible forces that act, remaining unknown to the external mind of people; and with the help of yoga (going inward and establishing a conscious connection with the cosmic Self, Force and powers) one can begin to become aware of these forces, consciously intervene in the game and, at least to some extent, determine its results. All of this has nothing to do with predestination. On the contrary, one can observe the development of events and push them here and there when it is possible and necessary. In all this there is nothing that would contradict the statement of the great scientist, Sir C.V. Ramana. Raman once said that all these scientific discoveries are just a game of chance. However, when he says that scientific discoveries are just a game of chance, he simply means that human beings do not know how they are made. This is not a rigid predestination, but also not a blind ignorant Chance. This is a game in which possibilities are worked out in Time.

Fate, in the strict sense of the word, is applicable only to the external being, as long as it lives in the Ignorance. What we call destiny is, in reality, only the result of the present state of being, nature and energies accumulated by him in the past, influencing each other and determining current attempts and their future results. But as soon as someone steps on the path of spiritual life, this former predetermined destiny begins to recede. A new factor appears, Divine Grace, the help of a higher Divine Power, different from the power of Karma, which can lift the sadhak beyond the current capabilities of his nature. Then his spiritual destiny becomes a divine choice that determines the future. The only doubt has to do with the vicissitudes of the path and the time it takes to walk it. It is here that hostile forces play on the weaknesses of the past nature, trying to hinder rapid progress and delay implementation. Those who fall, fall not because of the attacks of forces, but because they take the side of the hostile Forces and prefer ambition or desire (ambition, vanity, passion, etc.) spiritual siddhi.

Neither Nature, nor Fate, nor the Divine act in a mental way or in accordance with the laws or standards of reason - that is why even for a scientist and philosopher Nature, Fate, the mode of action of the Divine remain entirely a mystery.

Karma and heredity are the two main reasons that determine innate temperament. According to some, heredity is also subject to Karma, but this is possible only in general, not in all details.

All energies introduced into activity - thought, speech, feeling, deed - participate in the formation of Karma. They help to develop nature in one direction or another, and nature and its activities and reactions lead to internal and external consequences: they also affect others and create movements in the total amount of forces that can sooner or later return to the one who created them. Unexpressed thoughts can also act as forces and have their effect. It is a mistake to think that a thought or will can have an effect only when it is expressed in speech or in action: unspoken thought, unexpressed will are also active energies and can produce their own vibrations, effects or reactions.

Anyone with some intelligence and observation, living more in the inner consciousness, can see the play of invisible forces at every step, which give rise to certain events and affect people without their knowledge. Yoga or inner consciousness, for there are people who, like Socrates, have developed or have some kind of inner consciousness without yoga, leads to the difference that they begin not only to become aware of these invisible forces, but can also consciously use or control them.

Questions about the destiny and the state of his soul after death worried mankind many centuries ago. Various theories and reasoning about what the meaning of being is, gave rise to the emergence of various currents, which today are called religious - Buddhism, Taoism, Vajrayana, Krishnaism, Judaism and many others. Each of these directions has its own understanding of its immortality, the possibility or impossibility of reincarnation and the state of the soul after death. In this article we will figure out what the law of karma is, whether it belongs to punishment or a test that everyone must go through, how the destiny is connected with fate and the exact sciences, what causal relationships it has.

What is Karma

Under the concept " karmic relationship»Popular dictionaries have several meanings. In a broad sense, this is how one can self-identify, based on the committed actions. This can be the fateful destiny of a person, his path to. This is also the law of direct justice - the soul receives the action that it once performed in the past in relation to someone.

According to the philosophy of Buddhism, karma is a person's post-death reward, which can be reincarnation (for those who lead sinful), or nirvana - for righteous, "pure" people. In the religious currents of the Indian faith, a brief definition of the karmic law is the "law of retribution", which determines the future fate of a person after death - whether he will be doomed to good or bad - depends on what image he had before.

Four types of karmic connection

Karmic connections are ways of combining, interacting and working souls of people in this world. Karmic connections, or, can be both close, close, and distant, barely combined. The karmic connection of souls can be both destructive, harmful, leading to negative consequences, and healing, ennobling and transforming for the better.
There are 4 types:

  1. Sanchita. These are all those past actions that the individual did in the past - both positive and negative. All actions are recorded on a certain "karmic account". Sanchitas can be known - those that you know or see in specific actions, or unknown - that karma, the existence and execution of which you may not be aware of. This "unknown" karmic result comes from the theory of reincarnation - according to it, the causes of all events in the present are the result of actions and actions performed in the past. We can ask various questions - for example, why did we manage to graduate well from university, but did not find a suitable one, why we cannot get married, or why we cannot start. In fact, all this is the result of previous karmas, experienced earlier - either in the past or in the earliest childhood - even at a level. All actions already taken in life will leave an imprint and return like a boomerang to every person. Everyone will be able to experience some of the consequences of their actions in their own life, and some of them can be transferred to a future, reincarnated life.
  2. Prarabdha. This is the kind of karma to be experienced in the immediate future. It means all past actions that have already manifested themselves in the present or will appear in the near future. Prarabdha is part of the sanchita. Example: if he is famous, or he has an amazing voice, he is considered gifted, talented. This display of mastery may be the result of hard work in a past life.
  3. Kriyamana. This is the sum of all current karmas, all the consequences that a person will return, based on their actions now, in the present tense. If the 2 previous concepts are in some way predetermined, then krimayana is only what a person “earned” himself in real life. This is an active species, which consists of active actions and actions, according to the results of which the immediate future of the individual will be drawn up. Example: if a successful lawyer has an innate that does not give him the opportunity to have, this is the result of either sanchita or prarabdhi. However, if he goes for a surgical intervention and eliminates the ailment, he will bring Krimayana into action - that is, it will affect the result in the future.
  4. Agama (future karmic laws of an individual). These are all the actions that you, in principle, plan to carry out in the future. The foresight of the individual and the ability to make decisions are the main characteristics of this type. Based on the examples discussed above, planning an operation that will cure him will be agama. There is a well-known adage that it takes careful planning to be successful. In this example, planning is agama and achievement is kriyamana.

Karma as a mechanism for the movement of samsara. What is Karma for?

Examples of karmic causes of illness

Determining the state of a person's karma is such a state that can last for quite a long time. Positive karma for the most part provides a person both physically and spiritually. However, bad deeds, negativity and the wrong lifestyle provoke the appearance of certain complications.
These include:

  • Damage to the central nervous system,. It is not worth explaining that constant bad relationships with others, negative emotions entail a violation of inner harmony, in severe cases - mental disorders, up to mental illness.
  • Obesity. Immoderation in destroys the "temple of the body", moves away from perfection and inhibits the filling of the karmic vessel.
  • Cirrhosis and diseases caused by drug and abuse... According to Buddhist philosophy, it is a terrible sin - when a person purposefully destroys his body.
  • Various skin diseases (, rash, etc.). According to karmic laws, such visual manifestations as rashes on the body and lesions skin, indicate that a person does not act according to the rules. Perhaps he has a karmic debt. Buddhists consider this kind of illness as a punishment sent from above - it is a sign to stop, reconsider your actions, change your way of life, and return to spiritual practices.
  • Cerebral palsy (brain damage). It is believed that if such a disease is congenital, it is a consequence of the fact that during rebirth a person inherited bad karma from his past life.
  • Diseases endocrine system and damage to the skeletal system. One of the causes of the disease may be bad ancestral karma - if, for example, one of your ancestors was a black magician, or a curse hangs on the family.
  • Female and male infertility. It can be as a punishment for sins committed both in the past and in the present life. It can also be a test of how much parental karma is in you, how much you want your baby.
  • , SARS, flu. Such painful conditions knock a person out of their usual rut, fuss, give time for solitude and rethinking life. Therefore, it is not always bad when, due to the flu, you have to take to work and stay at home - perhaps this time was given specifically for introspection.
  • CFS (chronic syndrome)- another kind of "stop signal", which is sent to stop, restore mental balance and the ability to reconsider their actions and deeds.

Karmic causes of illness in the present are those actions that we performed in a past life, and which affect our present existence. For example, if in the past we offended, laughed or mocked them, karma may be innate (higher powers do not give a chance to have children so that a person does not carry out a relapse of his behavior). In this sense, such a disease is a punishment from the past that a person made to himself.

Important! Karmic diseases are a kind of work-off that must be realized and passed through. This is the only way to get rid of the illness caused by bad karma. The duration of the process will depend on the neglect of the disease and the person's desire to work on himself and his mistakes.

Hereditary diseases- the result of affecting the karmic law of parents in relation to their child. It can also be a punishment for parents, which is reflected in their children. These include different types hereditary and genetic diseases - from hemophilia to Down syndrome. In this example, both parents and children are fulfilling their karmic obligations.
It is believed that karma very carefully builds the relationship of people, so if a child has serious illnesses, this means that the mother or father may have bullied someone in a past life - and now this tortured soul has become a sick child, which, as it were, “ compensates "the suffering caused. The child in this example in a past life could not obey his parents or teachers - therefore, a karmic debt ascribes to him suffering of this kind.

Chronic illnesses often require surgical intervention - this leads to a change in the body, and as a result, the soul. Such a reorientation can also be karma, which will manifest itself either in the present or already in the reincarnated life. One of the main slogans of karmic medicine is that there are no incurable diseases, but there are people who simply do not want to change anything in their thoughts, actions, souls and lifestyle in general. Please note: sometimes illness is not always a punishment or a test. It can be a blessing that is aimed at stopping, introspection and correction of the future karmic law by changing actions in the present.

How to find out your karma?

Everyone can find out their karma or diagnose it. But this will take some practice. In fact, what yogis do, in a broad sense, is the study of oneself, one's “I”, one's karma. In some cases, they resort to sessions or psychotherapy - this helps to reveal the deepest secrets of a person's consciousness. However, you can find out karma without such radical methods, namely, by carefully analyzing your actions, causal relationships, establishing contact with the subconscious, decoding. Help in this will be morning, classes, the right time for contemplation of nature, the ability to feel your own impulses and biorhythms of the body. With such a purification of thoughts, one can clearly see the path to be followed in the future.

How to improve your karma?

It is virtually impossible to change the result of actions performed in a past life (that is, sanchita and prarabdhu) - you just need to accept and transfer what should happen. However, you can change your future karma, influence the karma of your future rebirths and all of humanity.
Improving the aura and predestination is in direct proportion to good, positive deeds, a person's way of life, his contacts with others in the present. To cleanse karma and fill a karmic vessel, certain exercises are necessary, sometimes the ability to restrain yourself in certain situations and control yourself, not swear, adhere to moderation in food, affect the subconscious of a person, and create a channel between him and the energy of the Universe. , beginners should practice reading mantras with an experienced yogi - otherwise, the wrong order of actions and pronunciation of mantras during meditation can increase the imbalance of harmony. The presence of a spiritual medium will help you open your chakras and correctly follow the path of purification with the help of a mantra.

How to get rid of karma?

Everyone strives for better life, to better karma and destiny. However, do not forget that karma in ancient Indian philosophy is a law and the result of retribution for already accomplished deeds is the result of actions performed in a past life (this is especially pronounced in children preschool age). You can independently change the influence of karma on your future, but this requires dedicated efforts and hard work on yourself. You can change karma only by first understanding yourself: in which specific area problems arise - in the family, financial, sphere, children, housing problems and much more. It is important to know what is the root cause of the problems - it requires careful introspection.

Did you know? Karma literally translates from Sanskrit as "action." In America, the law of karma is considered Newton's second law - "the force of action is equal to the force of reaction."

A vivid example of someone who fully felt his karma is Buddha - he saw the cause and effect of his actions, realized how to get rid of karmic knots, remade his path and comprehend the path of liberation. Yoga teachers and followers of the Buddha follow his example, trying to achieve the same purification of consciousness from the bad karma of a person and to comprehend nirvana - complete liberation. Some people succeed after several years of hard training. Thus, we can conclude that your future life or karmic law (agamu and kriyamanu) can really be changed, but for this it is worth stocking up on great patience and perseverance.

Karma - in Indian religion (Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism) and philosophy, complementing the concept of samsara; the sum of actions committed by a living being and their consequences, which determines the nature of a new birth, reincarnation; the influence of committed actions on the nature of the present and subsequent existence. Translated from Sanskrit, "karma" means "deed." Karma is perceived as the law of causation (the law of retribution, the law of retribution). In Buddhism, karma represents a conscious effort of will.

It is believed that a person's life takes place in three worlds (planes) and in all these worlds a person manifests himself through actions, then karma passes through all worlds (planes). With the departure from the physical world, earthly karma ceases and the karma of the higher worlds comes into force. Death does not interrupt a person's work on himself, on his mental, emotional, motivating (manifested in action) qualities. Freed from the shackles of the physical body, a person can more easily and more fully assimilate the store of experience acquired in earthly life. Synthesized and replenished, this experience is transformed into those inclinations and abilities of a person that determine his next incarnation. The work of the spirit is not lost after the next incarnation, but is resumed from the very edge that he reached in his previous life. The aspirations (desires) of the current life are transformed into abilities in the next incarnation, repetitive thoughts turn into inclinations, volitional impulses - into activities, trials that have fallen to the lot of a person - into wisdom, the suffering of the soul - into conscience. An act affects karma weaker, since it relatively little affects the true essence of a person, his immortal soul, the development of the latter is determined not so much by the action itself as by the motive that caused it.
Eastern tradition distinguishes between three types of human karma:
Mature karma, or karma of past actions ("the karma of an action cannot be exhausted by inaction"). It determines the duration of earthly life, the characteristics of the organism, affects the selection of relatives, friends, enemies and in general all people with whom a person comes into contact, determines the conditions for the manifestation of fortitude, determines the saturation of life with joy and suffering in the necessary proportions.
Latent karma is a consequence of causes that can be transferred from incarnation to incarnation, remaining unclaimed until the conditions necessary for its manifestation are created. In contrast to "mature" karma, "latent" karma can be changed. It reveals itself in the form of inclinations originating in the past. By influencing the inclinations, a person through inner work can alleviate this type of karma, and even failure is a step forward, since resistance to the negative destroys part of that negative energy that may be part of karma.
Incipient karma is the consequences that are created by thoughts, desires and actions in the present for subsequent working off in the future. By controlling these three plans, you can determine your future, consciously shaping your future life.

The main law of life in all inhabited Worlds of the Universe is the Law of Karma. It is also the basis of all past and existing religions, and is inscribed in their Sacred Texts. different ways: from direct instructions - "according to your deeds" to hidden meaning - behind the philosophy of parables and the secret writing of words.

In the material presented by us, we will not analyze the attempts of the currently dominant religions to reduce the mention of Karma in their Texts to a different interpretation. About this in different times many polemical works have already been written. In this work, relying on the "Linguistic Code of the Holy Scriptures" discovered in 1999 in Russia, we will show how and in what volumes the Law of Karma is spelled out in three existing religions: in Judaism, Christianity and Islam, which have a single plot basis. of their Sacred Texts.

The "Linguistic Code of the Holy Scriptures" discovered in Russia is a secret writing system discovered in the Holy Texts, through which, behind the symbolic language of parables, the original meaning of spiritual Knowledge was hidden. Each person who decided to step beyond the limits of the everyday life of his life had to strive to discover and comprehend this Knowledge.

Moreover, all the Sacred Texts turned out to be just an instruction for the passage of a person life path In parallel with indicating the correct steps in life, the Texts are also an intellectual test. The texts of the Holy Scriptures are like trials in a labyrinth, where at each fork you have to make the right choice, correctly solving the prescription set out in the parable. Nothing complicated, but very exciting. And, judging by the many symbolic labyrinths left at different times and in different nations, right up to church temples, as, for example, in the center of Notre Dame Cathedral of Chartres (Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos) in France, many minds went to guessing certain levels of life's labyrinths.

In this material, we will show the supremacy of the Karmic Law hidden in the Sacred Texts. The reader should take into account that the premise of this material is our firm position in the existence of the Creator and His omnipresent presence and participation. That is, existence has an ordered system of construction and the purpose of its purpose.

The starting point for the search for references to the Karmic Law can be considered the fact that the word COSMIC turned out to be a hidden spelling of the word KARMIC (see figure). Thus, to the hypothetically asked question "what law rules in the Cosmos" we get the answer: the basic COSMIC LAW is the KARMIC LAW.

Recall that the word KOSMOS (kosmos) was interpreted by ancient Greek philosophy as an ORDER. Only, for some reason, they subsequently added to this interpretation that ORDER arose from the original CHAOS - disorder. What was the logic of such an addition, and what systematic series of examples can be given for such a conclusion? Unclear. But the events of today - the days of the End Time show the fallacy of the paradigm of the primordial chaos. With the beginning of the formation of the World of CHAOS, at the end of earthly days, humanity came to chaos in the structure of civilization. But, if the fundamental scientific paradigm of the universe were the original ORDER and God is His creator, then at the End of time humanity would again return to understanding the ORDER and to the primacy of God over the World.
Humanity, passing through the symbolic labyrinth of its existence, guided by its understanding of the Sacred Texts, has already reached the point of "self-destruction" (Armageddon), having made many wrong choices on its way at the forks of the path. But people still have a chance to fix the matter while God is present on Earth. And this chance is in the hands of Russia.

So, after God has determined the Karmic Law as the main Law of the Cosmos, then all attempts of people to change references to Karma in the Sacred Texts in their own way can be considered as failed. Or it must be admitted that attempts to remove from the earthly Knowledge and the spiritual Teaching of the Church the Karmic law with its constituent elements: reincarnation, cause-and-effect relationships and personal responsibility for one's own affairs, are a political mistake of the Second Council of Constantinople (553 A.D.), when the Church Fathers decided, to please the Emperor Justinian, to anathematize Origen's teaching "on the pre-existence of the soul" as an "unacceptable view" that was not understandable to ordinary Christians. Either, since the error has not yet been corrected and the Karmic Law has not been restored as the basic Law of God, today's Religions must agree that the religious (human) Tradition diverges from the Truth of the Word of God, due to a lack of understanding of the Sacred Texts, or, on the contrary, due to the complete understanding the obstacle that the Karmic Law places on its nurtured spiritual Teaching of a particular religion.
The sacred texts warn that it is better for a person to admit a mistake before God and try to correct it, than to persist in his apostasy, and, in the end, still receive retribution according to the Law of Karma for his criminal stubbornness.

What is the Law of Karma and what is its effect?
The word KAMMA (KAMMA) from the languages ​​of Sanskrit and Pali is translated as "cause-effect, retribution", but the word KAPMAN - as "deed, action, work." It is for this variegation that the interpreters were hooked in order to deprive the Law of Karma of the action of "retribution and personal responsibility for deeds." If the words are different, then it means that they also refer to different concepts. The interpreters did not take into account only one thing, that all the Sacred Texts are written in secret writing and should not only be read literally, but investigated to extract the Truth from them. Therefore, the words KAMMA and POCKET, from the standpoint of cryptography, are not different, but complementary meanings.

Man believes, and God disposes. God turned out to be "more cunning" people. He used in his God's Word to people not the direct word KARMA, but its meanings: retribution, retribution, revenge, cleansing. Plus, there is the secret spelling of the word KARMA itself, as, for example, in the phrase that actually replaces the Name of God - “I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the First and the Last” (Rev. 22:13) (see fig. ).

The fact is that, despite the general understanding of the Law of Karma as “retribution by the same to which you yourself are involved”, the philosophical interpretations of Karma by different religions differ from each other.

We have already said that discovered in Scriptures The "Linguistic Code" made it possible to find an indication hidden in secret writing that the Word of God is an INSTRUCTION for man. And the instructions must be followed in accordance with the recommendations, otherwise, what it was drawn up for will not achieve the correct result. However, the Word of God is carried out by his servants strictly as an instruction, but only literally: blood means blood, water means water, revenge means revenge. And a thousand-year debate lasts about the cruelty of One God and the kindness of the Other. In fact, the understanding of the Texts had to be done with MIND. This is what the Quran's frequent saying is dedicated to: "Maybe you will understand !?", which also means a secret addition to it - "if you have a mind?"

Consider a couple of examples for each religion, how the Scriptures indicate the Law of Karma through words that are directly related to it: retribution, retribution, revenge, cleansing.
23. If even after this you do not correct yourself and go against me,
24 then I also will go against you and smite you seven times for your sins,
25. and I will draw upon you a VENGEOUS sword in revenge for the covenant;
But if you hide in your cities, I will send a plague on you, and you will be delivered into the hands of the enemy.

Deut. 32:35 I have revenge and retribution ...

2 Tsar Ch. 22:
21. The Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to the purity of my hands He rewarded me.
22. For I have kept the ways of the Lord, and have not been wicked before my God,
23. for all his commandments are before me, and I have not departed from his statutes,
24. and was blameless before Him, and wasware lest I sin.
25. And the Lord rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my purity in His sight.

Is.61: 8 For I, the Lord, love justice, I hate robbery with violence, and I WILL RETURN their reward in truth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with them;

Jer.32: 19 Great in counsel and mighty in works, whose eyes are open in all the ways of the sons of men, to REWARD each one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his works.

1 Pet.chap 3:
8. Finally, be all of one mind, compassionate, brotherly, merciful, friendly, humble;
9. DO NOT RETURN evil for evil or curse for curse; on the contrary, bless, knowing that you are called to this, in order to inherit the blessing.
10. For whoever loves life and wants to see good days, keep his tongue from evil and his mouth from crafty speech;
11. shy away from evil and do good; seek peace and strive for it,
12. For the eyes of the Lord are turned to the righteous, and His ears are toward their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil, to destroy them from the earth.

Revelation 22:12 Behold, I am coming soon, and My RETURN is with Me, to reward each one according to his deeds.

Surah 2:45 (48). And be afraid of the day when the soul will not REWARD for another soul, and intercession will not be accepted from it, and EQUALITY will not be taken from it, and no help will be provided to them!

Sura 2: 175 (179). For you, in RETURN is life, O possessors of reason! - maybe you will fear God!

Sura 4: 122 (123). These are not your dreams and not the dreams of the possessors of the scripture. Whoever does evil will be REWARDED by the same, and he will not find an intercessor besides Allah or a helper.

Sura 6: 120 (120). Leave both obvious sin and hidden sin; verily, those who acquire sin will be REWARDED for what they have won!

Sura 11: 113 (111). Indeed, your Lord will fully REWARD everyone for their deeds: after all, He is knowledgeable in what they do!
Surah 24:25 (25). On that day, Allah will fully REWARD them according to their true faith, and they will know that Allah is the clear truth.

Sura 6: 161 (160). Whoever comes with a good deed, for that - ten like him, and who comes with a bad deed, then RETURN only to those who are like him, and they will not be offended!

Our use of a large number of quotations was necessary in order to show how and how often the Law of Karma is mentioned in the scriptures.

Thus, it was not the business of the church censors to correctly correlate this or that quotation from the Holy Scriptures with the Law of Karma and try to change its meaning, but to LEARN to read the Texts CORRECTLY.

In these examples, the direct spelling of words denoting the Law of Karma is given: retribution, retribution, revenge. But there are also secret phrases indicating the Law of Karma, which we will not talk about in this material, because they require a more detailed explanation and a different description format.
Why is the Law of Karma so terrible for individual Religions?

The fact is that Karma is an automatic Law of bestowal: receive in return what you have done, as it is indicated in the Quran by the word EQUILIBRIUM. Such automatic REMEDY (retribution) depends on the behavior of only the person himself, and does not provide for the institution of mediation, which is the host of priests with their sacred acts.

Sura 6:69 (70). Leave those who turn their religion into play and fun: they were deceived by their neighbor
a life! Remind with it that the soul will perish for what it has gained. She has no helper besides Allah, or an intercessor! If she offers any replacement, then she will not be taken from her. These are the ones who are ruined by what they have acquired. For them - drinking from boiling water and a painful punishment for being unfaithful!

The task of a clergyman is not to perform a secret action in front of a believer, but to explain this secret to a person. And the Mystery of God is the Mystery of His Word, which must be revealed in Lately Himself, and which is already revealed to the reader if he understands what is written.
And if the Word of God has revealed its Mystery, then THAT DAY has come, in anticipation of which it carried its service and priesthood. And if the time has come, and the Lord Himself Came to Earth, then a choice must be made according to understanding, and not according to self-interest. At the Court it is already too late to build new versions in your own defense, the Judge already knows WHAT you have done, and whether you are worthy of reward or retribution.

Surah 82:19 (19). on the day when the soul cannot do anything for the soul, and all power on that day is for Allah.
Sura 6: 164 (164). What each soul gains remains on it, and the other who carries the burden will not bear. And then your return to your Lord, and He will inform you about what you disagreed with.

How does the Law of Karma work today, when many masks have been torn off, and almost everyone has taken one side or the other of the world events unfolding in front of him?

The thing is that a person of today, who has brought his planet to the brink of destruction, has completely no awareness of what he is doing. Neither the atheist has this awareness - that he destroys himself by his behavior, there is no awareness of the believer who, under the banner with the face of God, goes to kill an innocent, personally before him "enemy", and another believer, clothed with the title, blesses him to the feat of arms of the defender. After all, a medal always has two sides. It was necessary to live and build relationships with each other so that it never happened to become enemies. And the victory is always ultimately won by the MIND, awakened from the more prudent side, and not by force.

It was his personal IGNORANCE that brought man to his disastrous confrontation today. And first of all - ignorance in spiritual Knowledge, in the Knowledge of how the World is arranged, in the Knowledge of God. Ignorance is when there are all the possibilities to cognize, but a person refuses to do it. This happened with the spiritual guidance of a person through life - the Holy Scriptures about God. They should have been STUDYED, not BELIEVED in them !!

And now what happened has happened, and the person does not even understand that he is on the verge of this very Armageddon, which, for some reason, they decided, should happen somewhere far away - "there at that time." All these "somewhere" arose precisely from the ignorance that a person cultivated in himself.

We have presented to you the proofs of the Revelation of the Mystery of the Word of God and the proof of the great error of man in his opposition to God. Confrontation is rebellion, as the Scripture says. Rebellion against God provides for adequate punishment - the destruction of rebellious humanity.
In the light of the evidence presented for the special language of scripture writing, that is, evidence that a person misunderstood what was written in the Word of God and was guided by this misunderstanding in his life actions, we declare that in the scriptures it is today that time is designated as “The time of God's presence on Earth and the Judgment of Men ”, regardless of whether a person wished to see God in the flesh or not. The trial is underway.

To save the planet from final destruction, the only reasonable step of man today is to find God and entrust Him with the salvation of the situation, for which He Comes in the flesh at such a moment among people.
Russia, Moscow is designated the place of today's presence of God. All evidence is presented in scriptures with signs of place and time.

None of the people knows what God's RETURN is, and how the REMEDY of human sins works, so a person is not afraid to do evil.
A person does not understand that it is enough just to pick up a symbol of death, such as a portrait of a serial killer (for example, Hitler), or to put on its symbols, or to vote with his indifference for the death of others, so that the Law of Karma would make such a follower responsible for all the victims of that the killers. Or - the same RETURN (compensation) will go from God to the boss who condemns others to death. He will have to redeem every ruined soul. And what the mechanism of this redemption will be, such a boss can only imagine from the bodies torn apart from his will, but he does not even come close by understanding what this redemption really is.

Luke 12:48 And from everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required, and to whom much has been entrusted, of him more will be required.

Eccl.8: 11 Judgment on bad deeds is not quickly accomplished; from this the heart of the sons of men is not afraid to do evil.

Job 28:28 The FEAR of the Lord is true WISDOM, and removal from evil is MIND.
Proverbs 1: 7 The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord; Fools only despise wisdom and instruction.

Open chapter 22:
10. .. the time is near.
11. Let the unrighteous still do unrighteousness; let the unclean be filthy still; let the righteous do righteousness still, and the saint still be sanctified.
12. Behold, I am coming soon, and My RETURN is with Me, to RETURN to everyone according to his deeds.

In almost all religions of our world, there is an explanation of why a person should adhere to highly moral behavior.

This topic is especially deeply and in detail disclosed in a number of Indian teachings - karma in Buddhism and Hinduism is the embodiment of a cause-and-effect spiritual connection. We will understand in detail this concept itself, and also consider its main differences in the two religions presented above.

General concept of karma in Buddhism and other religions

Whatever religion a person adheres to, he knows very well that almost every action and deed has certain consequences. Usually this or that choice leaves a mark on the future life after death. If you try to generalize this scheme, it turns out that bad or negative actions tilt the scales towards future punishment, and good or positive actions, respectively, entail encouragement.

This system is somewhat different in each of the religions, but the principles remain approximately the same. The block of Indian teachings answers this question somewhat differently. Any of them is known for paying special attention, first of all, to the spiritual component of a person and putting development in this direction at the head of all life. It is not surprising that the causal relationship of human actions and events is interpreted in a completely different way.

First of all, it should be noted that this word is translated into Russian as an act. This is the closest word of all possible translations. Karma is a kind of law that regulates the relationship between a person's actions and future events that become their result. This implies that nothing just happens in people's lives. Any loss or find, success and failure - all this is regulated only by karma and nothing else. It is the actions of a person that program his entire subsequent life.

Interestingly, karma affects not only a specific human life - you should not consider it so narrowly. This law is central to another concept that is characteristic of the Indian block of religions, like samsara. As in relation to karma, each teaching has its own interpretation of this phenomenon and for each it is individual, but still the informational basis of the concept is the same.

Samsara is the cycle of rebirths of the human soul, during which only the physical body and consciousness change, and a number of characteristics remain the same.

It is precisely such a constant that karma is, although such a definition is not entirely correct, because it is she who provokes this cyclicality and the process of rebirth is caused by its presence in this or that person. Any soul that has encountered the concept of karma and samsara is trying to break out of this cycle, its goal is liberation from it and transition to a completely different level. We will talk about this process below.

It is important to note that the role of God in all of this action is also slightly different depending on which religion we are considering. Most often, God is a kind of distributor of rewards and punishments depending on the quality of karma. Or it does not interfere in any way in karmic processes, but is able to influence it directly.

The Law of Karma in Hinduism

First of all, it is necessary to realize that the concept of karma does not imply any fate and does not act in its role. Hinduism adheres to the fact that a person has freedom of choice, because without it there would be no way to get out of samsara and find the highest freedom.

There is absolutely no orderliness in karmic actions. This means that by performing this or that act, a person does not program himself for any event. Of course, positive actions lead to positive ones and vice versa, but at what point in time the fruits will be received - no one knows.

To better understand this phenomenon, it is necessary to become familiar with the varieties of karma that Hinduism describes.

There are three of them:

  • Accumulated (kriyamana);
  • Bearing fruit (prarabdha);
  • Accumulated (sanchita).

All actions and actions leave some part in the accumulated karma, its supply is constantly replenished while we perform karmic actions. When the time comes for the rebirth of the spirit, the accumulated energy passes into the category of accumulated energy. At this moment, a cycle of samsara occurs and a part of the accumulated karma is randomly distributed throughout the future life. This means that there can be equal punishments and rewards in it, or they can be in completely different proportions.

All this is a matter of chance, so there is a high probability that prarabdha will ultimately consist entirely of punishments, although in general the karma was positive. A similar cycle occurs until the accumulated karma is used all for rebirth. In this case, the human spirit gains freedom and breaks out of the cycle of samsara. But how can sanchita end if it is constantly replenished by kriyamana, you ask. This is what we are going to talk about now.

As already mentioned, positive actions make karma lighter and entail all kinds of rewards in the form of pleasures and the like.

Negative actions have a detrimental effect on karma and translate it into a negative plane.

At first glance, it may seem that one should strive for the positive, and that it is here that the only way to spiritual freedom is hidden. In fact, this is not the case. Any action, good or bad, strengthens your position in the samsara cycle. Of course, in the first case, your life will be much better, it brings a lot of joy and pleasure, but this is not freedom, but walking in circles.

Liberation, or as it is also called moksha, is possible only when there are no desires of your own behind your actions. That is, the essence of such activity is reduced to the performance of any business, without waiting for payment or reward for it. Of course, we are talking here not so much about material benefits, but about the achievement of some kind of internal result.

For example, a person can do something good at first glance for free, but in fact he is pursuing some of his own interests, it can even be a banal desire to amuse his pride or something like that. Let such an act be positively deposited in his karma, but not a single step on the path to moksha as a result of such activity will take place.

An act that has no support in the form of personal desires does not affect karma at all.

On the contrary, such activities take a part of the sanchita and destroy it. This is the secret of how to leave samsara. It should be noted that all this does not at all mean that mental liberation and exit from the cycle is possible only after death, no, similar results can be achieved during life, and is also accompanied by knowledge of the very essence of a person and the disclosure of spiritual potential.

The Law of Karma in Buddhism

Here, things are somewhat more loyal to a person than in Hinduism. Karma in the teachings of Buddhism is, first of all, a conscious choice of everyone. This feature can be interpreted as follows: only deliberate intentions can somehow influence a person's karma.

Cyclicity and samsara are also present in Buddhism, only they are much more generalized. The fact is that karmic consequences grow like a snowball. This means that by committing any negative act, you invoke this negative into your life. His presence provokes the emergence of even more bad events.

As a result, a person is left with sharply negative karma, which can be carried over to the next life and manifest itself in them with a number of problems. It is with such processes that various congenital diseases, a tendency to criminal activity, poverty or cruelty are associated.

How to fix the state of affairs if negative karma itself provokes a person to actions that further worsen it? Here it is necessary to remember that Buddhist karma accepts only those actions that are performed consciously. This means that it is enough to change your view of the situation and start performing actions for others, and not for yourself.

Interestingly, Buddhist karma takes into account even thoughts, not just actions. Of course, plotting and committing murder is not the same thing, but even admitting such reasoning leaves some negative mark. That is why it is important to control not only your actions, but also your thoughts.

In general, Buddhism distinguishes between only two karmic varieties, which is less than in Hinduism, and they do not have such a tight connection. There is so-called destiny or daiva and action or purusha-kara. The first can be briefly described as the past, the second - the present.

The teaching itself recommends discarding all memories and thinking only about the present and the future, since it is here that the possibilities for changing karma are concentrated, and not in the past. Of course, daiva created everything in which a person lives, but it is in his power to make everything change.

Therefore, you need to concentrate and change your activities, as well as try to control absolutely all your thoughts. The result of this will be the acquisition of positive karma, which will bring all kinds of gifts to its owner.

It is rather difficult to predict what consequences this or that action will have. It is likely that a good deed will lead to negativity and vice versa. This is due to the ornateness of the future and the fact that there is too much a large number of various variables that can affect a particular event. This phenomenon is quite common in our life, and it is far from new.

Remember how many cases you know when a person's intentions were good, and the result of his activities entailed catastrophic consequences. That is why the emphasis should be placed not on those actions, the fulfillment of which was the result of personal desire, but on those that are done unconsciously and do not pursue any benefit. This will also allow you to achieve the state of nirvana - an analogue of Moksha.

In fact, breaking out of the cycle of samsara in Buddhism is many times easier than it is described in Hinduism. To do this, you need to focus all your activities on other people, and not on yourself. Any manifestations of one's own desire are thrown aside, since they can not only simply add positive karma, but also entail the negative consequences described above. That is why actions that are in no way tied to results are the best choice and allow you to leave samsara, moving to a new level of understanding of the soul.

It should be noted that the reason karma appears in Buddhism is similar to its appearance in Hinduism. This is, first of all, the so-called human ignorance. The fact is that people move away from their spiritual development and close only on their physical shell and the material world. Such actions precisely enclose the soul in the cycle of samsara, since it no longer represents what it was originally.

Actions without attachment to desires return its original form and endow it with complete freedom.

That is why they are present in absolutely all Indian religions and are the key to liberation.