
How to repair a well if the rings have moved. Features of repair of wells from concrete rings. We repair seam divergence


Widespread in our country wells made of iron concrete rings have one major drawback. The lack of rigid adhesion between adjacent structural elements, uneven edges and the tendency of concrete to crack result in a serious problem - the penetration of groundwater into the well shaft, the so-called perch. To prevent contamination of the source, it is necessary not only to properly seal the seams between the rings, but also to revise and repair defective areas.

Causes of leaks

The technology of building wells with shafts from modular reinforced concrete structures involves the installation of rings on a sand-cement mortar. Filling all the irregularities of the joint between the upper and lower rings, the building mixture must create a reliable barrier to melt and groundwater.

Contrary to popular belief, sealing with mortar from sand and cement is also needed for interlocked well modules. The presence of the latter prevents the displacement of the rings, but does not protect the joint from leakage.

Speaking about leaks between well rings, most often they recall the deterioration in the quality of drinking water, completely forgetting about the danger of the gradual destruction of the well shaft.

It should be noted that such a primitive waterproofing gives a positive result - the drinking spring shaft remains dry. However, the absence of leaks in the first years of operation is no guarantee that this idyll will continue forever.

As a rule, even on stable soils, after 4-5 years, the surface of the concrete shaft is covered with wet spots, which soon turn into dirty streaks and streams. You should not blame yourself or the builders for the fact that the work was done incorrectly. Most often, leakage occurs for completely different reasons:

  1. A simple mortar is not designed for use in such harsh conditions. Constant humidity, temperature fluctuations and exposure to salts dissolved in water contribute to its cracking and destruction.
  2. If a well is dug in a site with pronounced seasonal soil movements, then its trunk is subjected to regular mechanical stress. As a result, one can observe not only cracks at the joints, but also the mutual displacement of concrete rings in the horizontal plane.
  3. In the northern regions, the upper rings are exposed to the forces of frost heaving. Because of this, they can not only move horizontally, but also move up and down.
  4. Force majeure, expressed in the displacement or subsidence of the rings due to the appearance of a quicksand.
  5. Poor-quality materials - in rings made in violation of technology, various defects may appear over time - through cracks, crumbled areas, etc.

The waterproofing of the well should be taken care of even at the stage of its construction - in the future it will save a lot of time and effort

If the well is being built with the simultaneous laying of rings, then very often even simple sealing with mortar is not performed. And in this and in other cases, it will be necessary to carry out a set of measures for reliable waterproofing of joints.

Methods for sealing joints in a well from precast concrete modules

To seal joints between concrete rings, you can use one of the following methods:

  • plastering;
  • sealing with rolled waterproofing;
  • applying bituminous mastic;
  • filling gaps with seals;
  • the use of polymer inserts.

The choice of a specific sealing method depends on which well you have to deal with - under construction or in operation. In addition, construction technology, soil features, the depth of the source of drinking water and other factors will have to be taken into account.

Waterproofing Peculiarities
Mounting method Efficiency
Safety Durability Special
Plastering interior
high high average No average
rolled outer average low high requires additional
Bituminous outer average low high requires additional
low average low requires additional
Polymer liner interior high high high No high

It should be noted that the best results are obtained by a combination of several waterproofing methods - only in this case can one count on one hundred percent success.


The use of special plaster mixtures is perhaps the most common method of waterproofing. The popularity of sealing joints with plaster is explained by both simplicity and accessibility, as well as the ability to carry out work from the inside and outside of the well. Sealing is carried out using spatulas, with which the mortar is pressed into cracks and cracks. The plaster is applied until the solution completely fills the gap, after which the liquid mixture is leveled over the joint surface.

Sealing joints with plaster is one of the easiest and most affordable sealing methods, which makes this method very popular with home craftsmen.

There is little point in using a conventional sand-cement mortar - there is a very high probability that over time it will crack and the seam will leak. It is best not to save money and use special compounds called hydraulic seals.

Manufacturers produce hydraulic seals "for all occasions" - if necessary, you can even find a composition that can instantly stop a leak with a pressure of up to 7 atmospheres

Made on the basis of aluminum cement, fine sand and chemically active additives, hydrostable mixtures have a reduced setting time and, in addition, have such necessary properties as frost resistance, strength and plasticity. With their help, you can not only close the dry joint between the rings, but also eliminate leaks under pressure.

Avoiding the question of specific brands of hydraulic seals, materials such as Penetron and Penecrete can be recommended for general cases. If you urgently need to fix a pressure leak, then choose Waterplug, Puder-Ex or Peneplug - they have a minimum hardening time and high adhesion in a humid environment.

Hydroseal is a high-tech quick-hardening composition, therefore, when preparing it, one should strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations

The use of rolled waterproofing

As a rule, the section of a well shaft at a depth of up to 3 meters from the surface is exposed to the strongest impact of groundwater. In this case, the joints can be protected with roofing material or other rolled waterproofing. To do this, a ditch about a meter wide is dug around the well and a layer of waterproofing is melted or glued onto the upper rings.

External waterproofing must be welded or installed on a layer of glue - a simple wrapping with plastic film is not enough here

For additional protection wells from rain or melt water, the pit can be filled with clay. After thorough compaction, it will act as a hydraulic lock, preventing moisture from penetrating to the well shaft.

In addition to roll materials, special sealing strips can be found on sale. Unlike roofing material, they can be used to localize cracks from the inside.

Self-adhesive sealing strips have high adhesion to the concrete surface and can be used for waterproofing joints both outside and inside wells

Using bituminous mastic

For waterproofing with liquid bitumen, the rings are dug to the required height and thoroughly cleaned of dirt. After that, a resin (tar) dissolved in gasoline is applied with a wide brush. Since a thin film of bitumen for high-quality waterproofing will not be enough, at least three layers will be needed. For better adhesion to the concrete surface, the first penetration is done with a mixture in the ratio of 1 hour of resin to 4 hours of gasoline, and the other two - in a one to one ratio.

To seal the well from the outside, you can use both ready-made rubber-bitumen mastic and do-it-yourself tar

It should be noted that rolled waterproofing, like tar, in fact, cannot be attributed to environmentally friendly materials. For this reason, the joint surface on both sides is pre-protected with a layer of moisture-resistant plaster - it will serve as an additional guarantee that substances hazardous to health will not enter the well.

Before you start coating the outer part with a bitumen composition, the seams should be plastered

Sealing inserts

There are situations when reinforced concrete rings are worn out so much that their repair, as well as joint sealing, does not bring the desired results. In this case, you can use the most in an efficient way- install plastic liners inside the barrel.

With the help of a plastic liner, you can repair the most hopeless well

Such inserts are made from high-strength polymers and, depending on the diameter, have a wall thickness of 5 to 8 mm. On their outer surface there is a ribbing, thanks to which the cylindrical liners resemble a huge corrugated pipe.

The outer helical polymer rings play a very important role. They allow you to increase the rigidity of the structure and make it possible to connect plastic modules with virtually no gaps - in a similar way, you can get a cylindrical pipe of any height.

Sealing a well with a polymer insert is a complex and expensive undertaking, so it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

The industry has mastered the production of sealing inserts for concrete rings of any diameter, so it will not be difficult to pick up a plastic cylinder in a well. Inserts could be called ideal option, if not for one thing - this option is the most expensive of all considered.

The dimensions of polymer inserts correspond to the internal dimensions of standard reinforced concrete rings

Is there a folk alternative to expensive modern materials

If immediate measures are required to eliminate the leak, and the above methods seem too time-consuming or expensive, then the gaps between the rings can simply be caulked. Both special rubber or fiber-rubber strips, as well as flax fiber impregnated with fiber rubber, hemp or jute rope are suitable for embedding. Such materials are not in short supply - they can be easily found in retail outlets selling products for waterproofing pools. Sealing with sealing inserts eliminates gaps up to a centimeter wide and is nothing more than a temporary measure. Be prepared for the fact that over time the joints will need to be sealed with more durable materials.

With the help of improvised sealing materials, you can not only quickly eliminate the leak, but also save expensive filling composition when sealing wide joints

Of course, at home, it will not be possible to create a full-fledged replacement for hydraulic seals. However, craftsmen found a way out of the situation by adding liquid glass to the mortar. Since such a composition hardens in less than a minute, sand and cement are first mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. One part of the alkaline solution is added immediately before applying the sealant to the joint or crack.

Video: sealing a well with a homemade hydraulic seal

Features of sealing wells from the inside

The waterproofing of the well column from the inside can be done both with the help of grouting compounds and materials, and using plastic inserts. In the latter case, it is better to entrust the work to specialists, but it is quite possible to seal the seams with plaster on your own.

The first thing to take care of is the construction of a comfortable and safe workplace. Do not think that using a rope ladder in your work is a practical and convenient option - you will change your mind already in the fifth minute of using it. Most often, a small shield suspended on strong ropes or steel cables is used for this purpose. Such a “cradle” is attached to a wooden beam or channel laid on the head of the well, and a powerful winch is used to lower it. As you have already understood, it will not be possible to do without assistants. In addition, you should take care of reliable insurance - it can be used as a strong rope tightly tied around the waist and attached to the support crossbar.

The waterproofing of the upper rings can be done using a conventional ladder attached to the head of the well

When repairing an operated well, water should be pumped out of it. This will clear the bottom of silt and, if necessary, restore the filter layer. In addition, long-term layers of dirt and mold must be removed from the inner surface of the trunk. Better tool than a sink high pressure does not exist for this purpose. After a complete cleaning of the concrete surface, you will be able to see the picture of damage in detail and decide on ways to eliminate them.

You can easily and quickly clean the inner surface of concrete rings using a high pressure washer.

Sealing joints and cracks

To clean problem areas and seams between the rings, use a metal brush. Among other things, it will help to get a rough base to improve adhesion with the sealant. After that, the concrete is moistened with water and the plaster is applied. There are no difficulties here - the working mixture is pressed into the joints with force and rubbed over the surface.

It does not matter at all how the cracks will be filled - with a spatula or by hand. The main thing is that the sealing compound penetrates into the gap as deep as possible.

Only small cracks can cause difficulty - it is impossible to push the solution into narrow, thread-like cracks, and smearing the seal on the surface will not give any special results. In this case, the crack is widened with a hammer and a small chisel, trying to get a gap with a dovetail shape in cross section.

When sealing wide cracks and through holes, a lot of working solution is required, therefore, in order to save expensive purchased compositions, you can cheat a little. To do this, the main part of the seal is made of a thick sand-cement mortar or fibrous-rubber plugging, filling only the outer part of the “patch” with factory waterproofing to a depth of 1-2 cm.

The lower and upper rings of the well shaft are most subject to shear.

What to do when the rings are displaced

If the shift of the concrete modules of the well shaft does not exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the rings, then the waterproofing is performed according to the above method. With a significant displacement, the trunk is dug up to the level of the damaged area and disassembled into its component parts.

Returning the removed links back, they must be laid on a layer of cement mortar and at the same time aligned with the lower ring. After that, the seams from the inside and outside are sealed with a special compound. We will return to the question of how to prevent a possible displacement of the rings in the future.

Step-by-step instructions for sealing joints and sealing a well shaft

Before proceeding with sealing the well, you should prepare the following tools:

  • containers for mixing working solutions;
  • metal brush;
  • scrapers for surface cleaning or high pressure washing;
  • spatulas;
  • perforator or impact drill;
  • wide paint brush with stiff bristles;
  • a hammer;
  • thin chisel.

To repair the well, you will need the most simple tools that any owner has

Work should be done sequentially - so you do not miss a single detail. In each case, individual decisions are required, so there is no general algorithm. Nevertheless, we present to your attention the most complete instructions for sealing well seams. We tried to consider in it the most important points so that you have a complete understanding of the nature and procedure for carrying out repair activities.

  1. Preparatory stage. All functional and decorative elements are removed from the existing well, completely exposing the head. If necessary, the well shaft is dug up to the third or fourth ring, and the water is pumped out using an electric pump. After that, the lifting equipment and the work platform are installed.
  2. With the help of friends or relatives, they descend into the well. Using brushes, scrapers and a high pressure washer, they clean the surface of the trunk. This is best done from top to bottom. At the same time, each ring is carefully inspected, assessing the front of the upcoming work and the possible costs of the material (do not forget that the “lifetime” of factory hydraulic seals is measured in minutes).
  3. Having sunk to the bottom, do not rush to clear it of silt. Firstly, during repair work, the bottom part will somehow become contaminated with debris and falling mortar, and secondly, this will give an additional influx of water.
  4. Having cleaned the surface, they begin to seal the joint, which is located above the water mirror. There is no point in sealing the rings that are installed below - this part of the well is located in the aquifer. Embedding is performed in sections of 10-20 cm, and vertical cracks should be plastered from the bottom up.

    Sealing dry cracks, as well as those from which water flows in small portions, does not cause difficulties. Difficulties arise with damage, from which the jet beats under pressure - the sealing composition is immediately washed out. In this case, at a distance of 25 cm below the leak, 1-2 drills with a diameter of 20-25 mm are performed - they will serve to redirect the flow. After the main crack is closed, the holes are sealed with wooden pegs or rubberized tow and sealed with a thick layer of filling solution.

  5. To protect the inner surface of the rings from fungi and mold, the entire concrete surface is covered with an antiseptic. Offhand, you can call quite good Nortex, Capatox or Ceresit CT-99 products.
  6. After the last gap is closed, they sink to the bottom and clean the bottom filter. If necessary, the filter layer is restored.
    For more information on how to clean a well, see this article:
  7. Having risen upward, they begin to seal the outer surface of the well shaft. To do this, the walls are covered with two or three layers of bituminous mastic (tar) or glued (melted) on them with rolled waterproofing.
  8. The excavated trench is covered with soil and rammed, equipping a hydraulic lock made of oily clay near the surface. The thickness of its layer should reach the point of maximum freezing - this will be the key to a dry well mine during the spring floods.
  9. Return to the place and, if necessary, repair the outer part of the well and the finish.

The operation of the well does not begin immediately. It is necessary to wait until it is filled to a normal level and completely pump out all the water. Only then can the source be considered usable.

Clay dumping should be equipped according to the rules, otherwise there will be no sense from such a hydraulic lock

How to prevent displacement of well rings in the future

You will have to put up with the displacement of the lower rings - digging the trunk to such a depth is an extremely time-consuming and expensive task. Since most often the shift occurs due to weak soil or quicksand, there is no guarantee that the trouble will not recur after the repair. As for the upper 2-3 rings, they should just be returned to their place without fail - this will make it possible to make high-quality waterproofing and thereby avoid flooding the mine with top water.

Usage well rings with seam locks prevents their horizontal displacement

The simplest thing that can be done to prevent horizontal movement of well rings is to replace them with interlocked hollow concrete modules. For those who are embarrassed by additional costs, it is recommended to connect adjacent rings with strong metal brackets or thick steel plates. To do this, at a distance of at least 25 cm from the joint, holes are drilled into which a bracket is driven in from the outside. The edges sticking inward are bent and carefully sealed. If plates are used, then they are installed on both sides and fixed with bolts with a diameter of at least 12-14 mm.

Concrete rings can be connected to each other with metal brackets and straight or curved plates made of thick steel strip

The method of connecting rings using metal fasteners is widely used by experienced craftsmen when digging wells. Concrete modules fastened together settle down much better, since the lower links pull the upper ones with them. In addition, the likelihood that the rings in the water horizon will “float away” under the influence of quicksand is reduced.

On heaving soils, cracks in the joints appear due to the fact that the soil tries to push the upper rings up, lifting them above the other links of the well shaft. In this case, the trunk is dismantled to a depth below the calculated freezing point and the cylindrical modules are changed to conical ones.

Factory-made or hand-cast cone rings will remain in place even on the most heaving soil

Prefabricated cone rings are almost impossible to find, so you have to cast them yourself. The slope of the latter should be directed inside the structure and be from 10 to 15 degrees. Due to this, the pushing forces reverse their direction, pressing the upper concrete module against the well shaft.

Video: how to seal the seams in a well with a precast concrete shaft

Now you know how to repair cracks between concrete rings and how to prevent their occurrence. We will be glad if our advice and recommendations will help to make drinking water in your well tastier, cleaner and safer for health. Leave feedback on the article, share your own solutions to the problem and ask questions. Our experts will provide you with qualified assistance in the shortest possible time.

Time is merciless. Due to the movement and destruction of the reinforced concrete rings, the level and quality of the water drops. Well 365 repairs wooden and reinforced concrete wells in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region. Timely repair of water or sewer wells will maintain efficiency and extend the life of the well. To identify defects, an annual inspection of the mine is required. Able to fix a well, up to 30 meters deep.

Repair of wells in the Leningrad region

Negative consequences arise when using non-factory concrete products, installation errors. The customer receives a pit to collect dirty water. Also, a well made of concrete rings requires repair due to old age. Frosty heaving of the soil leads to a shift of the rings.
When it is not possible to fix the well, we dig a new one next to it.

Let us know in advance how much it costs to repair a well. The cost of repairing the well, the estimate is calculated individually. Often, a foreman or a team leaves to inspect the well.
If possible, we repair on the day of inspection. If not, then we adjust to the schedule, the client's finances. Works on the repair of wells are performed by a team with a minimum experience of 5 years. Payment for services in 100% of the amount occurs on the site upon delivery of the object.
In the Leningrad region, we repair more than 70 wells during the season.

Cost of work:

For the production of work on the repair of the well, you will need free access to the source. Electricity 1.5 kw, in the absence of an electric generator. The team consists of 2-3 people, a professional tool. Lead time for orders is 1-2 days.

Well waterproofing repair, 2 years warranty

To make repairs to country wells, it is better on warm days. Negative temperature air, surface water interfere with the waterproofing of the seams of the well. When the snow melts or there are heavy heavy rains, these are not favorable days.

Materials for sealing seams in the well:

  • Hydroseal, hydrolast, lamposilex - waterproofing hardens in 1-5 minutes, emergency leaks. Certificate for the repair of drinking wells.
  • Sand, cement M500 + liquid glass - the solution reliably seals dry and wet seams, cracks in reinforced concrete rings. Setting period 50 minutes, curing 25 days.

Repair of waterproofing joints is carried out from the inside of the well. When the rings move more than 11 cm, the shaft is dug from the outside. The rings are aligned with each other, connected with metal brackets. Consumables come with the team. Guarantee for waterproofing seams, cracks 730 days.

Repair options for old wells

  1. You can repair a worn-out well using reinforced concrete rings or a plastic insert of a smaller diameter. Products fall inside, fastened to each other. The gap between the walls is filled with sand. There is a filter at the bottom.
  2. Dig a new well in place of the old well. Dismantling a well is a laborious, unsafe task. It is reasonable to retreat from the source two three meters. Dig a well to the same depth, we get an anologue. Saving money and nerve.

Well repair services, result at a reasonable price, with a benefit of 25%. We don't charge up front, you pay for the end result. Services for individuals and organization, seven days a week.

The upper well rings are exposed to heaving soils, due to which the gap between them increases, the seam breaks. Then it is inevitable that muddy and dirty melt water enters the well through these seams. Ruptures can be repaired by replacing the top rings in difficult cases, or by digging them in from the outside. After that, the torn seams between the rings are stapled and sealed. The space around the well is covered with clay. You can also make a blind area around the well, if the customer wishes.

The stapling procedure consists in fastening the well rings with staples of various sizes to ensure rigidity at the joints. Staple helps to avoid displacement of rings, vertical rupture, increase the strength of the mine shaft,

Clipping of rings at the joints (seams) is performed in order to:

  • protection of the well from shifts (displacements) of the rings relative to each other;
  • protection of the well from rupture of the seams of the rings (joints);
  • strengthening of the well shaft;

The use of tongue-and-groove rings is justified, since they tolerate soil pressure well from the outside. However, they cannot cope with vertical movements of the soil, for example, movements in spring and winter, when it either freezes or thaws. It is then that ring displacements and vertical breaks occur. Due to the mobility of the soil, the entire well column moves, then the rings are displaced relative to it. To prevent ruptures, it is worth taking care to staple the trunk when the seams are secured with three staples.

Staple process

There is nothing complicated about scraping. At the same time, it is quite effective. The brackets are installed using a perforator and bolts. Each seam of the rings is fastened together with three staples, one edge of which connects the bottom of the ring, and the other the top of the other ring.

The benefit of scraping, which consists in giving the well shaft rigidity, strength and durability, is achievable if:

  • scraping will be carried out for a preventive purpose, for example, even at the stage of well construction, fixing 2-3 joints of the rings, regardless of the type of soil;
  • trust scraping to qualified specialists who have the necessary equipment of a special nature, observing all safety measures when working with wells;

A durable well will become a reality for you with our specialists who have performed its staple!

Learn more about manhole staples.

Two years ago on my suburban area dug a well, the water was clean and tasty. Summer residents from neighboring streets came to take water. This summer, I found that the water is a little cloudy, and the top rings are slightly shifted. Why did this happen and how are the rings of the well aligned?

Our expert answers this question:

The reasons for this origin are few, but they exist. The displacement of the elements of the mine is caused by natural factors, namely:

  • Swelling of the soil.

Soil heaving

The fact is that when spring comes, the soil begins to thaw and groundwater is actively moving inside the rocks. The pressure on the walls of the barrel increases, which often leads to rupture of the seams of the upper elements. If you look closely, you can notice these violations.

Groundwater, together with the soil, seeps into the structure and silts up the bottom, which leads to cloudy water. Closer to summer, active processes calm down, and the rings try to return to their previous position. As a result, they move.

A phenomenon similar to the first option, but in this case, the movement of the soil does not occur in the upper layers, but much lower. Therefore, the displacement occurs at the bottom of the shaft. Violations cannot be seen because they are hidden by the water column. To see them, you need to pump out the water.

Methods for restoring well rings

The appearance of such a defect is indeed a big problem. To restore the well shaft, it is necessary to carry out a number of complex complex measures. First you need to make sure the problem is serious:

  • pump out water;
  • to diagnose the condition of the walls of the structure and seams.

If a significant shift is detected, extensive excavation will be required. The structure is dug in, the rings are aligned. If necessary, replace damaged elements. After the completion of measures to restore the mine, it is covered with a clay castle.

If the problem is not so serious, and only the upper rings have shifted a little, they are edited without excavation. Adjacent rings after restoration are fastened with staples.

Both in the first and in the second case, after the repair work is completed, the inner surface of the barrel is cleaned and disinfected.

To avoid the movement of the rings, during the construction of the mine, the elements are connected with overlays, which will not allow the rings to move in the future. Around the mine make backfilling with sand or gravel. This is especially true for moving soils. Around the head on the surface, a cement pavement is made to drain rainwater.

The implementation of such a complex of works is a responsible event that requires special skills and abilities. In this case, you can not do without special equipment. Therefore, before proceeding with the restoration, you should think about attracting specialists with experience.

If the well is built of reinforced concrete rings, sooner or later water begins to seep through the seams between them, cracks appear in the walls.

This can happen very soon if the workers during construction did not pay enough attention to sealing the joints or if the soil on your site is very mobile. How to cover the seams in the well in this case and how to do it right?

Why are seams leaking?

As a rule, during installation, they are installed on a cement mortar, and even then not always - the actions of the workers must be monitored so that they comply with the technology. If the rings are interlocked, sealing the seams of the well is generally considered superfluous and unnecessary.

But even the presence of a cement “bond” does not guarantee that the seams will not leak over time. Why is this happening?

The reasons may be different:

  • Conventional cement mortar under the influence of moisture, salts and temperature changes simply collapses over time;

  • The well was dug in unstable soil - the seams diverge due to periodic soil movements;
  • The forces of frost heaving act on the well shaft (especially on its upper part). In this case, the first two or three rings live their own lives - they "walk" in a horizontal plane relative to the lower ones;
  • During construction, the instructions were not followed, the technology for erecting a well shaft was violated.

The result of all these factors can be not only the destruction of the seams, but also the appearance of cracks in the walls of the well. Through them, as well as through poorly sealed or destroyed openings for utilities, contaminated surface water, sand and soil particles penetrate into the well.

If this happens, urgent sealing of the seams between the rings of the well and other defects is necessary, otherwise the water will become undrinkable.

Seam technology

To decide how and with what to seal the seams in the well, you need to see if water is flowing from them, since the technology for repairing dry and wet seams is different.

Preliminary work

Before sealing the seams between the rings in the well, some preparatory measures should be taken:

  • Clean the walls of the shaft from dirt, algae and other deposits using mechanical cleaning methods or a jet of water under strong pressure;

  • Remove the destroyed concrete from the joints, beat it off where it is cracked and does not hold well;
  • Expand and deepen the seams, clean them.

In a word, the repaired surface must be clean and durable.

Advice. To prevent rupture of the seams in the future, you need to fix the rings relative to each other. To do this, they are fastened together with metal brackets. Below the level of soil freezing, two brackets are enough, above - at least four.

Repair of dry seams and cracks

The seams in the well are sealed with dry mixtures mixed with water. The most affordable option is cement and sand. But such a composition, under the influence of moisture and frost, will not last long, and will begin to collapse again. To prevent this from happening, liquid glass is introduced into the mixture.

When working with it, you should remember that it hardens very quickly, so the seams must be prepared in advance for sealing, and the mortar should be made exactly as much as you can use in 5-10 minutes. The process itself consists in covering the joints with mortar with a spatula, as is done when plastering walls.

Advice. The wider and deeper the gap to be sealed, the thicker the mortar should be. And vice versa - small cracks can be qualitatively eliminated only with a more liquid composition.

When deciding how best to seal the seams in the well, do not try to simplify your work and use various sealants, mounting foam or epoxy for this purpose. At best, you will not achieve the desired effect, at worst, you will harm the quality of drinking water, make it unsafe for consumption.

Repair of leaking seams

If a top water leaks through the cracks and potholes in the walls of the well, it is pointless to seal them with cement mortar - it will wash out without having time to set and harden. How to cover the seams in the well in this case?

To do this, quickly hardening expanding materials are used - the so-called hydraulic seals (HydroStop, Waterplug, Peneplug and others). They harden very quickly, without forming cracks and reliably sealing the leak.

Hydraulic seals are absolutely waterproof, resistant to temperature changes, thawing salts and other aggressive influences. Their only drawback is their high price. A three-kilogram package costs an average of 800-1000 rubles.

Waterproofing seams in a well using a hydraulic seal is possible in two ways:

  • Just a solution. It is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions - most often it is diluted in a clean dish with water heated to 20 degrees in a ratio of 5: 1. the proportion may vary depending on the size of the defect. The solution is kneaded in a small amount, as it quickly hardens, stirs very quickly and is pressed into a pre-embroidered hole with your own hands. Then it is held manually for 2-3 minutes.

Note. If the hole is oblong, it is closed gradually. If it is vertical at the same time - from top to bottom.

  • With the use of additional materials. If the seams and damage are deep, a lot of expensive mortar will be required to repair them. Therefore, before greasing the seams in the well, they are caulked with hemp, linen or jute rope impregnated with fiber rubber or any other compound used for waterproofing pools. Caulking is made using a flat wooden spatula and a hammer. After that, the seams are covered with waterproofing (see), and all other dry potholes and cracks - with cement mortar with liquid glass.

If the groundwater behind the walls of the well is under pressure, and the flow between the rings is very strong, you can try the following method. Drill one or two holes with a puncher 15-20 cm below the leaking seam.

Water will rush into them, the pressure between the rings will weaken or disappear altogether, and sealing the seams in the well will be easier. When the mortar sets, the holes can be filled with fitted wooden chopsticks and also covered.

Unfortunately, even the highest quality cannot guarantee that leaks will not appear over time in other places. Therefore, it is necessary not only to waterproof the seams of the well, but also to treat the entire inner surface of the shaft with special elastic compounds.

After drying, they create a continuous film, sealing all small cracks and preventing them from growing. The composition adheres well to the surface, resistant to water and frost.

If the upper seams constantly leak and diverge, it makes sense to seal them up not only from the inside, but also from the outside, by digging the soil around the well. After the repair work is completed, it is advisable to arrange a clay castle around the source or make a blind area.

clay castle

  • The well is dug from the outside, releasing 3-4 rings or about the same number of meters, covered with clay, well compacted.
  • There should be no sand and earth in the clay to prevent water from reaching the well.
  • You can fill the recess with a solution of cement, which is prepared in the following way.
  • Tools and raw materials are being prepared. Mixing container, cement, sand, electric drill or shovel, water.
  • One part of the cement is diluted in a container with water and thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous cement milk is obtained. 3 parts of fine, dry sand are added to it and mixed well with a shovel or drill.
    If the waterproofing work was carried out correctly and in compliance with all recommendations, then the taste of drinking water will be excellent.


The technology for sealing various defects in a well shaft is not difficult; anyone can handle this work by watching the video in this article. The most important thing is to decide how to seal the seams in the well, buy high-quality certified material and use it correctly. And yet, it is better to entrust the work with expensive mixtures to specialists.