
How to store fur coats after winter. How to store a mink coat at home? How not to store a fur coat

Pathology of the uterus

At home keep mink coat you need it right so that she does not lose her attractive appearance. To do this, you should make a lot of effort, because storing a mink coat in the summer is a rather responsible task. If you store a mink coat in a closet, then this is fraught with the appearance of moths, but if you are going to store a mink coat in a case, then it can become damp and deteriorate. In this case, you need to read our article, in which you can learn how to properly store a mink coat at home.

How to store in summer?

Properly storing a fur coat in the summer at home is very important, since during this period the fur coat can become damp and lose its luster and grandeur. Of course, for a mink coat, especially if it is white, you can purchase a special container where clothes will be stored for the whole season, but this is not always advisable, and frankly, it is expensive. That is why it is better to store a fur coat at home in order to always be sure of its safety. And how to do it right, we will tell you further.

  • The place where the fur coat should be stored at home must be dark so that direct sunlight does not penetrate there.
  • The temperature in the place where the mink coat is stored should always be the same. Mink coats love coolness.
  • A mink coat should be hung on special soft hangers so that it does not come into contact with the floor and other clothes.
  • It is necessary to store a mink coat in a special case, which must be breathable, allowing the coat to “breathe”.
  • At least once a month, a mink coat should be taken out of the case and “walked” on the street for several minutes.
  • A white mink coat should be stored in a colorless case that passes air well, and before hiding it in a closet, the mink fur should be gently wiped with a clean cloth soaked in lemon juice, which should be diluted with water.

Before putting a mink coat in a closet for storage, it must be carefully inspected for contamination. If the fur coat is a little dirty, take a clean cloth, dilute hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of one to one with water, spray the mixture on the fur coat and wipe it with a clean cloth. After that, you can store a mink coat at home in a case in a dark closet.

Caring for a mink coat in winter

Properly storing a mink coat in the summer at home is not enough, You also need to take good care of it in the winter. so that she still delights you with her beauty. And you need to take care of it as follows:

  • In no case do not wear a mink coat if the weather is wet outside. This can damage the delicate structure of the fur coat, making it much more difficult to store.
  • A sunny frosty day is perfect for "walking" your favorite fur coat.
  • Do not wear a mink coat if you are going to go to a place where there are too many people.
  • If you want to keep your mink coat in the same condition in which you bought it, then refrain from carrying bags on your shoulder. If you wear bags on your shoulder all the time, then over time the belt will begin to wear out the wool at the points of contact, which can ruin the look of this luxurious piece of clothing.
  • You can not use an aerosol against insects by spraying it on a mink coat. You can limit yourself to moth pills, which should be put in your pocket.

How to clean and maintain them at its best? Now there are many advanced dry cleaning technologies, there are various means for self-care of fur products, but sometimes the old time-tested methods, which will be discussed here, can come in handy.

Before storing your favorite fur coat or hat, you need to clean them well. Do not use for cleaning fur, as well as woolen and silk products synthetic detergents with enzymes (they break down these materials). Contaminated places are wiped with a sponge, wetting it in cold water, to which a little washing powder(without enzymes). Then the fur is wiped with clean cold water and dried. Very good way purges were invented by our grandmothers. The fur was evenly sprinkled with wheat bran, slightly heated, and wiped with a clean white cotton cloth - in the direction of the pile and against it until the fur became clean. Then the bran can be shaken off, and the fur knocked out, then combed. Bran can be replaced with coarse cornmeal.

Grease spots from collars, hats and other small fur products, remove with a soft, clean cloth soaked in gasoline. The pile is rubbed “over the wool” if the stain is fresh and the pile itself is long, and “against the wool” if the stain is old and the pile is short.
The fur coat should hang freely in the closet, otherwise the pile will take.

So that natural fur on collars, hats and fur coats does not wrinkle due to improper storage, it must be regularly combed with a brush. Products from expensive natural fur It's best not to brush. They should be well shaken and combed hairthen put in storage, carefully wrapped in a white cotton cloth. The material you use for storage should be clean, without foreign odors, as the fur easily absorbs these odors.

Moth is the main enemy of both fur and wool. First of all, it attacks polluted places, especially fatty spots. Therefore, you need to keep things cleaned. It is good to ventilate them before storing them without the sun, somewhere in a draft, then beat them out and fold them.

Previously, they kept it by putting naphthalene in the pockets of fur things (it is impossible to pour things with naphthalene). Sometimes camphor was also used. Now, in addition to the old "grandmother's" means, there are many others that reliably protect things from moths. Many of them are based on herbal remedies such as lavender. You can use simply dried lavender flowers - and the smell is pleasant, and the fur is under reliable protection. It protects very well from moths a leaf of a walnut, tobacco, leaves and flowers of St. John's wort, as well as geraniums. If the first may not be for everyone, then geranium, everyone's favorite plant, is for many. A very good way to store, especially hats, is with the help of newspapers. Printing ink contains precisely those substances that repel these insects. Hats are filled with crumpled newspapers, this helps to keep the shape and protect from moths.

During the entire storage period, it is necessary to occasionally look at things: shake the cap, blow on the fur, comb it, replace the old moth protection with new ones.

In ancient times, vinegar was used to kill moths. How did they do it before? That's how. Where the moth wound up, they put a basin, heated the brick as much as possible, and lowered it into the basin. And then the brick was doused with a solution of vinegar - vinegar vapor destroys insects and their larvae. But it is better not to use this method. I think that it is too cruel, of course not for moths, but for our own health, especially if your upper respiratory organs are weak in health. It is best to thoroughly ventilate and keep your apartment and your belongings clean and therefore prevent the occurrence of insects. And for reliability, use the means that are most accessible to you and harmless to your health.

Fur coats, fur coats, hats and other products with fur are very popular in our latitudes. Firstly, our cold winters contribute to this, and secondly, fur is a recognized adornment of women, and many Ukrainian beauties cannot deny themselves “soft luxury”. And why, if the level of happiness of a woman wrapped in her favorite fur coat is rapidly increasing?

Needless to say, fur products are quite expensive. Therefore, the attitude to such clothes should be careful. Moreover, as a rule, the more delicate the fur, the thinner and "capricious" it is in care, the higher its cost.

Proper care and storing a mink coat will help ensure its safety and beautiful appearance for many years. To store a fur coat, you can use a separate service - storing fur in a special refrigerator, or you can store the product at home. Consider the disadvantages and advantages of these options.

Storage in a special refrigerator

Fur storage services are provided by many dry cleaners or fur salons.

The advantages of this choice:

  1. The fur product is always in optimal conditions. Specialists maintain the required storage temperature: from ten to twelve degrees Celsius above zero. Humidity parameters do not exceed sixty-five percent. The room is constantly ventilated.
  2. The fur coat is systematically examined by specialists.
  3. Enough space to store coats. The fur does not wrinkle when in contact with other products, it is always combed and ready for the beginning of the season.
  4. Possibility of rendering additional services such as cleaning, product repair.
  5. At home, there is additional space in the cabinets for new acquisitions.


  1. Not always conscientious attitude of firms providing services.
  2. Relatively high price for the service. The cost of such storage usually ranges from one to two percent of the estimated value of the fur product per month.

If you have chosen this option for storing a fur coat, treat the choice of a company providing such a service responsibly. Read the reviews about the reputation of the company, and not only on its website, try to find out how the store is technically equipped, whether there are all the necessary conditions for the “summer holidays” of your fur coat, do not hesitate to ask the specialist your questions.

Storage at home

If you decide to store a mink coat at home, you need to carry out some preparatory steps.

  • Inspect the fur coat very carefully, both from the outside and from the inside.
  • If there is obvious contamination or damage, do not try to deal with them at home, it is better to entrust this to specialists.
  • If there is no noticeable contamination, mink fur can be cleaned with improvised means such as flour, starch or talc. To do this, place the fur coat on a flat surface, sprinkle the fur with the selected product and then gently clean it with your hand. Shake off your coat. Comb with a special brush for fur products.
  • Air your coat well. The place should be cool and dark, with good ventilation.
  • The fur coat should be stored on wide hangers that are suitable in size, otherwise the product may be deformed.
  • It is necessary to store a fur coat in the form buttoned up on all buttons.

Now let's talk directly about the storage process

  • Never store a mink coat rolled up.
  • The fur coat should be stored in a cover made of natural breathable materials. To avoid wrinkling the fur, lift upper part cover. It is an unforgivable mistake to store a fur coat in a polyethylene case, in which the fur coat will lose its gloss.
  • There should not be any jewelry or accessories on the fur coat. If the fur coat was with a belt, remove it for storage.
  • In the case, the fur coat should hang on wide coat hangers, preferably on those with which it was sold.
  • Do not forget to take preventive measures against moths. To do this, place lavender or other moth repellant in small cotton bags. Arrange the bags in pockets, under the collar and cuffs. Do not spray insect repellant on fur. It is better to process the cover with such a tool.
  • Fur does not like moisture. Therefore, place substances that absorb moisture well in a closet or wardrobe, for example, camphor or silica gel. In order for their action to be constant and, accordingly, more effective, the means must be changed periodically.
  • To prevent the product from losing its color and luster, it should be stored in a dark place. Sunlight is detrimental, especially for light-colored mink and dyed products.
  • Fur does not like heat very much. At a storage temperature above twenty-five degrees, the mezdra dries up, the pile fades and breaks. Fur quickly ages and loses its luxurious look.
  • The fur coat should have enough of its own space. To prevent the fur from wrinkling, the product should not come into contact with other things.
  • During the "rest" of the fur coat, inspect and air it every two months by hanging the fur coat in the open air, in a place protected from the sun.

A few general tips for caring for a fur coat, allowing you to extend its "life" and keep it in excellent condition for a long time

  1. It is advisable to wear a mink coat only in dry, frosty weather. If it so happened that the fur coat got wet, do not force things, do not try to speed up the drying process. Hang the product on a wide coat hanger, fasten all the buttons and let it dry well on its own. Do not use heaters or other appliances for drying.
  2. So that the fur does not wrinkle and bald spots do not form, do not wear bags on your shoulder or on your arm. Do not attach jewelry and accessories to the fur coat.
  3. Protect the fur coat from getting perfumes on its pile: firstly, the fur deteriorates from alcohol-containing substances, and secondly, the fur absorbs odors well and retains them for a long time.
  4. Protect the fur from contact with the body, put a scarf or scarf under the collar of a fur coat, this simple trick minimizes pollution and rubbing of the pile in the collar area.
  5. You need to sit down in a fur coat carefully. Unbutton the bottom buttons, and smooth the fur so that it does not gather in folds.
  6. If you often use a car with heated seats, do not use this feature all the time. From overheating, the flesh becomes hard and brittle. Unfortunately, this process is irreversible.

This fur retains all its qualities, including a luxurious look and gloss for at least ten years, if you know how to store a fur coat.

How to store a fur coat: simple secrets

Even if you wear it every day, it is necessary to create conditions for the fur coat to “rest”.

Here are some simple secrets on how to store a fur coat at home:

1. In no case should a fur product be hung near heating appliances. - this will dry out the inner leather side of the fur. The sun is also contraindicated for such products - the fur simply burns out.

2. Mink has excellent water-repellent properties, and yet you don’t need to take risks and wear it under wet snow. If the fur is still wet, you need to gently shake the product, if necessary, wet the wet places soft cloth absorbs moisture well and, hanging it on a coat hanger, let it dry completely natural way away from heaters. And then comb the fur with a soft brush.

3. In no case should you store fur coats in a closet packed with things - they need their own space. By the way, it protects the fur itself from the appearance of creases and bruises.

4.Wide comfortable hanger - a must-have addition to such models, even if you hang it in the closet for two or three days, you need to carefully straighten the coat on the hanger and fasten all the buttons or hooks, this will prevent the hem from deforming.

5. Fur perfectly absorbs any foreign odors, so it is best to hang products from it in a well-ventilated area or in a tightly closed closet. And of course, you should avoid getting any liquids with a smell on the fur: perfumes, toilet water or antistatic sprays - alcohol-containing liquids spoil the fur.

6. Professional furriers say that when storing mink coats, the fur should breathe. And this means that if you do not wear a fur product every day, it must be aired. Once every two or three months, it is enough to hang it on a balcony or loggia for several hours. If you follow these simple rules and storage conditions for a mink coat, it will look like new for more than one season.

How to prepare a fur coat for summer storage

Before sending a fur coat for summer storage, you need to put it in order and carefully examine it. And not only from the outside, but also from the inside, a special danger for elongated models is street dirt and reagents that treat snow.

You can get rid of minor traces of dust yourself by cleaning the product with a clothes brush along and across the growth of the pile.

But if you notice more serious pollution, they should never be removed at home. You can get rid of them only in dry cleaning.

It is necessary to prepare a fur coat for storage as carefully as possible. Comb the fur, paying special attention to the cuffs, sleeves at the bend of the elbow, pockets and places where it came into contact. But, it is absolutely useful to evaluate the condition of the lining, which winter season could get dirty or just skid.

This is especially important for light linings. You can also clean them in dry cleaning, at home you can harm the fur itself. By the way, it is recommended to change the lining from time to time, it is better to do it immediately after the end of the season - such services are provided in any atelier working with fur.

The best place to store fur coats in the summer are special "fur refrigerators", this service is provided by large dry cleaners. In a room with optimal temperature parameters (not higher than 10 degrees) and humidity (not lower than 50 percent), the fur will be perfectly preserved. But, unfortunately, such refrigerators are not available everywhere, and their services are quite expensive.

Mink coat storage: how to protect fur from moths

To begin with, the fur and lining should be carefully inspected and eliminate possible contamination. Comb the fur thoroughly, and thoroughly ventilate the product itself. To create ideal conditions, you will need a protective cover that will protect the fur from dust. Pay attention to the composition of the fabric from which it is sewn.

When buying in a store, they often give out covers from artificial materials, in which the storage of a fur coat at home, especially for a long time, is simply not recommended. Artificial cases are good for transporting the product, and for storage the best materials cotton or linen will become, if desired, such a cover can be sewn with your own hands in just half an hour.

One of the main conditions for storing fur coats is the need to protect them from “raids” of moths. Even if it is not found in your home, preventive measures will not be superfluous.

Let's immediately exclude aerosols designed to fight moths - they will spoil the surface of the fur, and at the same time naphthalene - its smell is perfectly absorbed and very poorly weathered.

To prevent the appearance of moths and other side effects, you can use the old folk remedies, absolutely safe for fur:

1. Dried lavender, geranium, or the peel of any citrus fruit will do the trick. You can make several small sachets with these products, put them in your pockets and in a closet.

2. Straighten your fur coat on the shoulders, fasten the fastener, lay out the moth products, put on the cover and hang it in a closet or dressing room, separating it from other things. With such organization of storage, it will survive the summer months perfectly, and by the winter it will look like new.

A mink coat is a beautiful and status thing. Therefore, many ladies dream of acquiring it. However, just buying a mink coat is not enough. In order for it to always look chic, you need to properly care for it - clean it and, of course, store it. There is a whole set of rules on exactly how to clean a fur coat for the winter so that it does not lose its beautiful appearance for longer.

The fur can wrinkle, fade, lose its luster, and this is far from full list troubles that can befall a mink coat if stored improperly in the summer. Therefore, if you value your thing, be sure to follow the rules for caring for a fur coat. For such a delicate fur product, several parameters are very important:

  • storage
  • in what and on what the fur coat will be stored
  • illumination
  • preliminary preparation

How to properly store a mink coat

It should be remembered that it is best to store a mink coat in a special bag (only not plastic), which must be breathable. In addition, it must necessarily hang on wide shoulders. Keep in mind that fur needs constant air circulation so that it can breathe. So try to provide a separate storage area that is also dry and cool.

Do not hide the fur product in a plastic bag, the fur coat will simply suffocate in it. As a result, insects can start in the fur, which further spoil the appearance of the product.

Newspapers are an excellent option for protecting a fur coat from insect pests (moths and skin beetles). It is enough to wrap the fur coat in newspapers before placing it in the bag. Also, add special anti-moth products to the fur - orange peel, lavender, pepper or tobacco. Their main advantage is that they have a natural smell that does not cause irritation. As for industrial protective equipment, it is better to refuse them.

Remember that the mink coat is very afraid of naphthalene, as it contains harmful chemicals and does not have a particularly pleasant smell. Therefore, the experience of grandmothers should be abandoned

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of hangers on which you hang your fur coat. So, it is best to give preference to plastic or wood. The length of the shoulders should be equal to the length of the coat shoulder.

Frost can be the best solution for storing a mink coat. Today, many dry cleaners offer a fur coat storage service in special refrigerator cabinets. The freezer contributes to the fact that insects in a fur coat do not start.

Caring for a fur coat at home is not as difficult as it seems, if everything is done correctly. In winter, the fur coat is naturally ventilated when worn outside. Therefore, in the summer it is necessary to provide forced ventilation of the fur product. Take your fur product out regularly Fresh air. Just try to keep it out of direct sunlight.