
Rating of the best and safest baby washing powders for newborns. Checking liquid detergents for washing baby clothes


Updated: 13.04.2018 13:07:50

A newborn baby requires special care and gentle care. Right choice household chemicals and hygiene products guarantees the protection of an immature organism and the preservation of its health for many years. Doctors recommend using special washing powders for children from the first day of life. Conventional products contain components that are detrimental to baby's skin. As a result, he may experience allergic rashes, decrease immunity, and disrupt metabolism.

To avoid this, the experts at Expertology have compiled a rating of the best baby powders, based on the opinion of dermatologists and feedback from mothers. So, let's figure out what substances should not be in baby powder at all.

    Phosphates. Reduce immunity and protective functions organism.

    Chlorine. It causes severe allergic reactions, a very toxic substance.

    Optical brightener. Unlike oxygen, it is poorly rinsed out and causes unpleasant rashes and redness.

    Surfactants (surfactants). Exceeding the maximum allowable rate can cause various diseases and developmental delays.

    Fragrances. Their pungent smell also negatively affects the health of the baby.

The most optimal are washing powders based on soap and plant extracts. They do not negatively affect delicate skin baby. Many of the natural substances included in the composition have anti-inflammatory, wound healing and bactericidal properties.

Rating of the best children's washing powders

Nomination place Name of product price
The best universal washing powders for newborns 1 RUB 360
2 569 RUB
3 92 RUB
4 RUB 119
The best baby washing powders based on natural soap 1 70 RUB
2 295 RUB
3 270 RUB
Best disinfectant for children washing powder 1 390 RUB.
Best BIO baby washing powder 1 RUB 133
2 338 RUB

The best universal washing powders for newborns

Universal powders for newborns are suitable for use from the first days of life both for washing by hand and in automatic washing machines. They cope well with the waste products of the baby, take good care of the clothes. Colored fabrics do not fade and do not lose their original color even after repeated washing. The composition of washing powders includes components that are safe for the baby.

Meine Liebe is a safe washing powder for manual or automatic washing of babies' clothes from birth. It washes stubborn stains even at 30 ° C and does not contain phosphates, chlorine, fragrances or dyes. Being hypoallergenic, it eliminates the appearance of irritation and redness on the baby's delicate skin.

Baby powder rinses out well, prevents the appearance of scale in the machine, prevents shrinkage and deformation of clothes. The concentrated formulation helps to reduce consumption by 3 times compared to conventional products. Includes a measuring spoon.

With biodegradable properties, it is environmentally friendly. Dermatologists recommend this powder for children from the first days of life, as well as people with sensitive skin.


    effectively removes dirt;

    dermatologically approved;

    for all types of washing;

    economical consumption;


    safe for health;

    does not contain phosphates.


  • not detected.

The next in our ranking is Frosch - an effective German remedy that copes with the most stubborn dirt, even at temperatures of 30 °. It is hypoallergenic and does not contain phosphates, preservatives or dyes. Washes stains from juice, puree, dirt, grass. Recommended for children and people with sensitive skin prone to allergic manifestations.

Chamomile extract, which is part of the composition, gently cares for the fabric, makes it soft. The clothes retain their color brightness even after numerous washes. The product made from natural ingredients does not harm the environment.

The gel consistency eliminates the risk of dust formation that can occur when using the powder, thereby preventing it from entering the baby's respiratory tract.


    gel for all types of washing;


    effective for stubborn dirt;

    rinses well;

    the composition does not contain phosphates and dyes.


  • high price.

"Eared nanny" is the most popular baby powder among mothers. It is suitable for children from the first days of life. Thanks to the enzymes included in the composition, it washes well protein stains from cotton and synthetic fabrics. Oxygen bleach removes easily yellow spots and plaque.

It effectively removes traces of grass and dirt, which is why it is also used for older children. Mild active additives protect the structure of the fabric, retain brightness, which is especially important for frequent washing of baby clothes.

The product rinses out well from fabrics, does not contain fragrances. The mass fraction of dust is 0.7% (with an allowable 5%), so it does not enter the respiratory tract and does not cause irritation. The hypoallergenicity of this drug has been confirmed by Russian pediatricians.



    for all types of washing;

    rinses well;

    washes any dirt;

    acceptable price.


  • contains phosphates.

"Umka for children" is included in our rating, thanks to positive reviews mums and recommendations of dermatologists. Baby powder based on natural soap washes any stains, even the most difficult to remove, does not contain phosphates, fragrances and other harmful ingredients. It is absolutely safe, does not irritate the baby's skin.

Natural softening components make ironing easier and make fabrics soft. The product is intended for washing clothes of newborns and people with sensitive skin. Suitable for cotton, synthetic, linen and mixed fiber fabrics.

Designed for washing by hand and all types of machines, in which it prevents the formation of limescale. The tool copes well with all types of contamination, even with a minimal dosage, which allows it to be used economically and to reduce interaction with the fabric.



    effectively removes difficult stains;

    economical consumption;

    without smell;

    makes ironing easier;


  • not detected.

The best baby washing powders based on natural soap

Washing powders based on laundry soap are recognized as safe for the health of the child, they do not allow allergic manifestations, do not harm the unprotected skin of the baby, while coping well with any complex pollution: baby's waste products, stains from baby food. A powder with this composition is recommended for use by pediatricians and dermatologists.

Tobbi Kids - a washing powder based on laundry soap and soda, has been recognized by Russian mothers for its safe composition and effective cleaning of the most difficult stains. It does not contain enzymes, fragrances, anionic surfactants. Its pH corresponds to the pH of the baby's skin.

The manufacturer took into account the difference in contamination as they got older and introduced a line of powders: from 0 to 1 year, from 1 to 3 and from 3 to 7. Thanks to this, each type of product is designed to remove stains of different origin.

Baby powder is suitable for manual and automatic washing of white and colored laundry. By providing gentle care, it retains the structure of the fabric and the original brightness, the clothes do not shrink or deform. 100% biodegradable formulation does not harm the environment.


    base - soap and soda;

    safe for health;

    without smell;


    for different ages;

    removes even stubborn dirt.


  • not detected.

The representative of the German brand included in our rating is recognized the best remedy based on natural soap for children from the first day of life. It is phosphate and fragrance free. A safe oxygen stain remover for the most stubborn stains.

The special formula allows you to wash your laundry even at low temperatures, and the concentrated composition allows you to economically use the powder: 1 package is enough for 20 washings. It is approved for use in any type of machine, the substances included in the composition prevent the formation of scale.

Safe composition eliminates redness and irritation. The clothes retain their original appearance even after multiple washes. The product is suitable for white and colored, natural and synthetic fabrics.


    effective stain removal;


    stain remover in the composition;

    scale protection;

    economical consumption.


  • not detected.

Baby powder "Our Mom" ​​is made from soap shavings, does not contain harmful substances such as phosphates, synthetic additives, fragrances. Does not cause allergic reactions, suitable for newborns and people with sensitive skin. It is used for soaking, manual and automatic washing in all types of machines.

The product does not dry out the skin of the hands, it carefully cares for the herbal extracts included in the composition. To improve the quality of washing, the manufacturer recommends dissolving it in hot water before use, then pouring it into the drum of a typewriter or a bowl for soaking.


    safe composition;

    removes any stains well;


    does not dry the skin of the hands.


  • high price.

Best disinfectant baby laundry detergent

For many mothers, it is not enough just to wash their baby's underwear from stains and dirt. Keeping the baby healthy and protecting the still fragile organism is the priority task of every parent. Therefore, bacteria, viruses and germs have no place on the clothes of the child. To prevent their appearance and spread, manufacturers offer special means. Our ranking includes the best disinfectant powder based on results laboratory research and the opinion of dermatologists.

Burti Hygiene is ideal for washing and disinfecting baby clothes. It eliminates 99.9% of harmful infections, bacteria and viruses without boiling or applying special means... The powder does not contain phosphates and other harmful components, therefore it is absolutely safe for the baby's health.

It is completely rinsed out. Oxygen bleach restores the original whiteness of things, removes the yellow tint. Colored things do not lose their brightness. The tool is especially important when pets live in the apartment or during the spread of viral infections.

In addition to washing, the powder can be used when cleaning the premises where a newborn child lives. It is suitable for use in all types of clippers, prevents the formation of scale and mold, and disinfects the drum.



    removes stubborn stains;


    safe composition;

    economical consumption.


  • high price.

Best BIO baby washing powder

Recently, BIO powders with an environmentally friendly composition containing natural ingredients have begun to gain popularity. They exclude the content of allergens, fragrances, dyes, petrochemical products. Such products not only do a good job of removing stains, but also take good care of clothes, do not provide negative impact on the baby's fragile body. We have included in the rating two of the best laundry detergents according to dermatologists.

Garden "Kids"

Garden "Kids" is an eco-friendly baby powder made with natural soap from palm and coconut oil... It does not contain phosphates, dyes, optical brighteners, chlorine, fragrances, and is a hypoallergenic agent recommended for children from birth.

The silver ions included in the composition destroy viruses and microbes, prevent their appearance within 30 days. The concentrated composition allows you to use 3 times less powder, which significantly increases the consumption time of one package.

The powder is suitable for washing colored and white laundry in automatic machines or by hand, greatly facilitates ironing, making the laundry soft and fluffy. Recommended washing temperature 60 °. Washing powder is biodegradable, therefore no harmful effects on the environment.

BioMio is suitable for washing baby clothes from the first day of life in all types of machines, as well as by hand. The delicate texture does not irritate the skin of the hands. Concentrate is enough for long time use.

The liquid detergent is ideal for washing all types of fabrics, including delicate ones: silk, wool, cashmere. Absolutely safe for the environment.


    safe composition;

    removes old dirt;


    environmentally friendly;

    for delicate fabrics;

    looks after clothes.


  • not detected.

How to choose the right powder for children

By choosing the right washing powder, you can be sure that your baby is reliably protected from the first days of his life. What you should look for in order to buy a really effective and at the same time harmless baby powder.

    We study the composition and exclude washing powders containing phosphates, dyes, fragrances, petrochemical products. The safest ones are made on the basis of natural soap with the addition of plant extracts.

    Be sure to check that the label "hypoallergenic" is on the packaging. This means that the manufacturer guarantees that the risk of allergic reactions on the delicate skin of the baby is excluded.

    We choose baby powder depending on the age of the baby: for newborns it will be suitable with a "0+" icon. Many manufacturers release them for specific ages, they are designed taking into account what kind of pollution appears at different periods of life.

    We look at what types of washing it is suitable for. Almost all modern washing powders are designed for all types: manual and automatic.

    Concentrates contain more detergent compounds, so by choosing them, you can minimize consumption, thereby saving money.

    If there are pets in the house, then a disinfectant powder will be ideal, which destroys bacteria, prevents them from reoccurring. It is suitable not only for washing, but also for cleaning the premises.

Attention! This rating is subjective and does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

Parents prepare for the birth of a baby in the family in advance by purchasing the necessary things: wardrobe items, a crib, bed linen, a stroller, personal hygiene products. It is very important to choose the right washing powder for baby clothes. An improperly selected remedy often causes a number of serious diseases and allergic reactions. Therefore, before making a purchase, experts recommend that you study the products offered by the manufacturer and choose the best washing powder for newborns. This can be done by taking the rating data as a basis and familiarizing yourself with the criteria for choosing this necessary tool.

The modern market offers a huge assortment of baby washing powder. It is very difficult to figure out which one is the best; this question often baffles parents. Moreover, each manufacturer claims that its products for babies and children different ages safe. When choosing a product, you need to look at the components that make up it. It should not contain aggressive substances:

  1. Phosphates. They are chemical compounds of sulfuric acid with various metals. They are added to the powder to soften the water. They are not completely washed out of the tissues, they can have a strong allergic effect on the body, reducing the baby's immunity.
  2. Zeolites and phosphonates- an alternative to phosphates. After washing, they make the clothes rough.
  3. Surfactants (surfactants)... They can enter the crumbs through the respiratory tract and skin and cause serious harm to it. As a result, pathology develops internal organs, metabolism, skin diseases. If there is a lot of foam during washing, it means that the surfactant concentration is exceeded.
  4. Bleaches. They serve to remove stains, and are optical and chemical. The former should not be present in baby powders, as they are very difficult to rinse out. The latter with chlorine in the composition, they are also recommended to be avoided. V best powder there is hydrogen peroxide, which has antibacterial properties.

When buying baby powders, you need to carefully study their composition. The packaging must indicate all the components included in the detergent. If they are not there, you should not take such packaging. Also, do not buy a powder that has a pronounced floral or pungent aroma, there is no inscription: "hypoallergenic", "for newborns."

Children under the age of three are strictly prohibited from using adult powders.

Consider the best washing powders that are included in the rating according to the version of the portal


Washing powder for newborns, as already found out, should be, above all, safe. But you should also choose effective remedy, which will help remove dirt and stains on children's things that appear on them repeatedly throughout the day. You can often hear from mommy: "I erase, but the stains still remain." Therefore, many are wondering which powders are the best. Consider the TOP 8 of the best tools that manufacturers offer.

According to pediatricians, this remedy is considered one of the best. It is hypoallergenic and does not cause side effects in babies.

True, some mothers complain that their babies have redness and itching. But this, as doctors say, occurs in children with increased skin sensitivity.

Powder advantages:

  • affordable cost;
  • lack of phosphates;
  • good washing quality;
  • does not have a pungent odor;
  • the laundry is soft after washing;
  • the presence in the package of a measuring cup and instructions for use;
  • retains color after washing, effectively removes stains.

Judging by the numerous comments left on the sites, we can conclude that, in general, this good remedy... But some users note that it does not wash greasy stains well.

Prices: 41 - 430 rubles. depending on the packaging.

Prices on Washing powder Stork Stork magic whirlwind:

It is phosphate-free and contains natural ingredients such as coconut and palm oil.

They are not capable of causing allergies, do not negatively affect the skin, regardless of whether things are washed in a machine or by hand.

  • the composition contains infusions of string and chamomile, which is very good for newborn babies with delicate sensitive skin;
  • the agent is presented in the form of a concentrated liquid that does not cause allergies;
  • effectively removes dirt;
  • the product is enriched with silver ions, has antibacterial properties;
  • convenient packaging.

It is advised to add hot water to the concentrate before use, and then drain the solution into the drum, if the process is carried out in an automatic machine or into a basin for hand washing. For some parents, such a disadvantage is insignificant, especially when you consider that many manufacturers advise doing such an operation with many detergents.

Prices: 105 - 1162 rubles. It depends on the amount of concentrate in the package.

Prices on Washing powder Our mom Baby soap:

In the production of funds used baby soap... Therefore, on the packaging you can see the inscription - soap powder.

It is free from synthetic flavors, colors and other substances, including phosphates.

The advantages of the products are as follows:

  • the cost is affordable for most consumers;
  • powder is consumed sparingly;
  • has a pleasant childhood smell;
  • possesses antibacterial properties, washes perfectly, does not cause allergies and does not dry out your hands.

Parents who have chosen the World of Childhood powder are advised to pour it into small amount directly into the drum, otherwise the product will foam. The washed items are soft and pleasant to the touch. Many mothers call this powder a miracle.

Prices: from 175 rubles.

Prices on Washing powder World of childhood Children's:

4. Tobbi Kids

For a certain circle of buyers, this is the best washing powder for children.

It contains only completely harmless soda and laundry soap.

At first glance, it is attracted by the beautiful bright packaging and the absence of phosphates. In addition, the powder has the following advantages:

  • the absence of fragrances, dyes and harmful chemicals in the composition of the product;
  • the minimum, within acceptable limits, the content of surfactants;
  • acceptable cost;
  • lack of unpleasant odor;
  • safety, the powder does not have a negative effect on babies;
  • perfectly removes stains from drinks, purees, tea, fruits and other products, and dirt.

Disadvantages: not identified.

Prices: 50 - 403 rubles.

Prices on Washing powder Tobbi Kids 1-3:

5. Burti

This powder is made in Germany; the excellent quality of this country's products is known all over the world. The products intended for washing wardrobe items were no exception. Children's powder from the BURNUS GmbH company, founded more than 180 years ago, has a lot of significant advantages:

  • high degree of washing efficiency;
  • well removes stains from baby food, paints, grass and other dirt;
  • washing is delicate and gentle;
  • there is no allergy from the powder, it does not dry the skin of the hands, it is completely safe;
  • economical spending;
  • is made on the basis of natural soap, which ensures the softness of the laundry after the washing process;
  • non-aggressive composition, no phosphates;
  • good washing out of the detergent from things, rinsing, while maintaining the color shades, contributing to their restoration;
  • the presence of a pleasant smell.

Disadvantages: rather high cost.

Prices: 362 - 499 rubles.

Prices on Laundry detergent Burti Baby Compact:

6. Eared Nian

Many parents liked the detergent produced in the Northern Russian capital. Due to the high efficiency of the powder, those who once tried the Eared Nian in action usually choose it for further use. The undoubted advantage is packaging in packages with different weights. The agent is anti-allergenic, while it has a number of significant advantages:

  • perfectly cleans all types of dirt, including stains;
  • has a pleasant smell;
  • caresses wardrobe items well;
  • can be washed by hands and machine;
  • clothes become soft after washing;
  • can be used for washing adult clothes, bed linen, towels.

The powder contains mild additives that help preserve color shades.

Despite the fact that the product is popular, it contains sulfates, phosphates, fragrance, so it is not recommended to use it for newborns.

Prices: 62 - 1399 rubles.

Prices on Washing powder Ushasty Nian For washing baby clothes:

This is another product from a German manufacturer that is free of phosphates and surfactants. The powder is based on plant-based soaps and safe additives, which makes it possible to use it when washing babies' clothes.

The advantages are as follows:

  • perfectly cleans various dirt;
  • can be washed in water of varying degrees of hardness;
  • there is no smell;
  • economical spending of funds;
  • after washing, things do not lose their brightness, do not deform, the structure of the material does not change;
  • does not cause irritation and allergic reactions.

Sodasan Powder was specially formulated for those with delicate sensitive skin.

Cons: high cost.

Prices: 752 - 1005 rubles.

Prices on Washing powder SODASAN Comfort Sensitive:

This is the best baby washing powder for many parents. It dissolves well without requiring additional stirring. Ideal for people with allergies. The product is sold in a colorful, convenient package that is resistant to water. This indicator also matters. In addition, it has the following advantages:
can be washed by hands and in a typewriter;

  • there is no smell;
  • perfectly cleans even old stains at any water temperature, preserving the color of clothes;
  • does not contain harmful chemical components;
  • is economically spent;
  • has a protective effect against scale;

Cons: high cost.

Prices on BabyLine Children's laundry detergent based on natural soap:

Prices: 259 - 999 rubles.

We reviewed the rating of the best, according to experts and consumers, washing powders for children's clothes. Which one to choose - everyone decides independently. There is always the opportunity to purchase a small package of the product and experiment.

Gel for washing baby clothes takes a leading position in the list of detergents chosen by parents to care for their beloved babies' clothes. It is this consistency that gives a number of advantages, which we will talk about in this article.

How to wash baby clothes?

The variety of beautiful packaging on the shelves of shops scatters eyes, there is nowhere to go from mass advertising, and the advice of friends is generally a separate conversation. What means to wash children's clothes so that they are clean, do not lose their shape and color, and, most importantly, are safe for babies?


Many housewives believe that laundry soap is an environmentally friendly and harmless detergent for washing. Therefore, it is often used to clean baby clothes.

We hasten to warn you that this opinion is erroneous, because such a product has a high acidity, which harms the delicate skin of the baby. Soap gets clogged in the space between the fibers of the fabric, it is poorly rinsed out. As a result, air hardly penetrates through the fabric, the skin becomes drier, itching and irritation may appear.

Another laundry detergent option is baby soap. But it is ineffective for removing serious stains, which are so rich in children's clothes. Therefore, even if this remedy is safe, it is not in great demand among parents. But in any case, it will come in handy for the baby, so use our rating to choose.

Soap nuts

In the countries of Asia and America, soap nuts are actively used for washing children's and adults' clothes from various fabrics. They are effective enough to remove dirt, do not spoil the fibers of the fabric, do not wash out the color of the product. After washing, things do not have any smell, they become soft.

This remedy is absolutely safe, so the mothers of our country began to diligently look for them in pharmacies and stores.

Important! Regarding consumption, half a kilogram of the fruit of the soap tree is designed for approximately 80 washings.

Using them is quite simple:

  1. Several nuts are thrown directly into the drum of the washing machine. In cooperation with warm water, they begin to release a soapy solution.
  2. If the fabrics need to be washed in cold water, then the fruits are poured with boiling water in advance, after which the water is decanted and used as a washing agent in a machine.

Soap root

Another ecological laundry detergent is the soapwort plant. You can buy it at the pharmacy. To prepare a soapy solution for washing:

  1. Pour 100 g of root with a liter of boiling water.
  2. During the day, the infusion is defended.

After - it is used for its intended purpose.

Important! It is best suited for woolen items.

Powders and gels for washing baby clothes - composition

Powder is a more common form of household laundry detergent. Gels for washing children's linen and adults have appeared on the shelves of our stores relatively recently, therefore they cause less confidence among housewives.

Why do so many popular household chemicals often lead to irreparable health problems? Because regardless of the form of release of funds for sale, they can include a large number of harmful components.

The danger of surfactants

Almost any detergent contains a certain percentage of surfactants. They are added to the detergent for a better wash. It is these components that destroy the connection between the spot and matter.

Important! Surfactants significantly reduce the surface tension of the water, making it easier to remove contaminants. There are two types: anionic and nonionic.

The danger of these substances has been proven through continuous research and experimentation. They, penetrating the body through the skin, destroy the protective shell of living cells and have a detrimental effect on them.

Most often, for making detergents anionic surfactants are used, which are the most aggressive. Therefore, when choosing a detergent for children's clothes, take the trouble to find one that contains non-ionic surfactants.

Important! The concentration of surfactants in children's detergents should not exceed 15%.

Visual check for the presence of surfactants in powder or gel

Pay attention to the amount of foam during the wash. If its amount is abundant, then the detergent contains a large percentage of surfactants. Such a remedy is dangerous for your child's health.


These components of household washing chemicals cause dermatitis in children and adults. They also:

  • negatively affect the human immune system;
  • cause diseases of varying complexity of organs such as the kidneys and liver;
  • cause metabolic problems.

Important! They are added to powders and other types of detergents, including gels for washing baby clothes, to reduce water hardness.

On some packages you can find the names phosphonates and phosphorites. These are less aggressive modifications of phosphates, which, however, under certain conditions, can turn into phosphates. Therefore, these components are also undesirable in the composition of children's detergents and gels.

Important! Sesquicarbonate, which is the safest raw material for washing chemicals, is considered a worthy substitute for phosphates.

Fragrances, bleaches and dyes

To give things after washing a pleasant aroma, fragrances are added to the products. So that the powder or gel for washing baby clothes has a more beautiful appearance, a dye is used in its manufacture. And so that the washed things have excellent whiteness and retain their original colors, optical or oxygen brighteners are added to its composition.

Important! Gel for washing baby clothes should not have a strong odor, which is felt even through the sealed package. The best options are fragrance-free powders and gels.

Some manufacturers add chlorine to their products as a bleach. It is very dangerous to health, especially child's body... Optical brighteners are not much better than chlorine. They remain on clothes even after washing.

Important! The best option the bleaching component is oxygen bleach, which should be included in the detergent for washing children's clothes.

Baby wash gel or powder?

What form of detergent to choose for washing baby clothes? Baby wash gel or liquid detergent is better suited for this purpose. They have a number of advantages over powders:

  • Wash fabrics more gently.
  • They do not dust like powders, because it is this action that often causes an allergic reaction even in adults.
  • Convenient and easy to dispense, ensuring an economical use of the product.
  • More convenient in storage: they do not crumble and are not affected by moisture.
  • More quickly and completely dissolve in water.
  • Easy to rinse out.
  • Convenient when applied directly to the stain.
  • They are universal in relation to the type of fabric.

Children's washing gel - how to choose?

Nowadays, children's washing gel is no longer as surprising as, for example, ten years ago. Moreover, the choice of the manufacturer and brands has greatly expanded. It is difficult for people to choose a safe and high-quality product from a large assortment. How to determine which detergent is better and safer for washing children's clothes?

Packaging and labeling

The first thing the buyer pays attention to is the packaging of the goods. That is why manufacturers of household chemicals constantly pay great attention to the design of their packages, containers, give them an original enticing shape and unusual colors. Everything is solely for the purpose of attracting the attention of a potential consumer.

You should not choose a gel for washing baby clothes according to the external beauty of the bottle - this is the main rule that you need to remember and what to follow. Additionally, pay attention to these recommendations:

  • The presence of instructions and clear recommendations in it for the use of the product. The complete composition of the product, storage conditions and shelf life must be indicated in an understandable form, clearly, in the language of your country. There should also be information such as the coordinates of manufacturers or representative offices in our country.
  • Gels for washing baby clothes are available either in transparent or opaque plastic bottles of different sizes, or in replaceable plastic bags. The first type of packaging usually has a handle for easy carrying. A package of gel is always cheaper and you buy it if you already have a bottle to pour it into for airtight storage.
  • The cap on the bottle acts as a dispenser in most of them. In this case, the instructions indicate doses not only in milliliters, but also in caps. Most manufacturers make a double cap - with an internal drain. Due to this, when the bottle is twisted, the remaining gel flows inward, and does not spread along the outer walls of the bottle.

Baby Laundry Liquid Detergent Test

After testing the most popular and affordable baby washing gels for most consumers, the following results were published.

Important! The test involved brands:

  • Burty Baby (1.5 L);
  • Dallі med (1.5 l);
  • Luxus professional - liquid detergent for washing baby clothes (1 l);
  • Domal Baby fashion (1.5 l).

External indicators:

  • All products are packaged in a bottle with an opaque plastic handle.
  • The cap, in addition to its direct purpose, also serves as a measuring cup in all samples.
  • On the labels, the dosage of gels is indicated not only in milliliters, but also in the caps.
  • The most clear and understandable information is given on the packaging of the Domal product, which shows the number of caps required for washing. On the rest of the tools, the information is presented in such a way that some mathematical actions should be carried out to obtain the number of gel caps required for washing.
  • It is also worth noting that in all the samples undergoing testing, the cap is made double.
  • The most complete information on security measures is indicated on the Domal tool. Burti's packaging lacks precautions, which is a disadvantage of this gel.


  • Laundry detergents Domal, Burti and Dalli contain anionic and nonionic surfactants.
  • All tested gels do not contain dyes, which is very important for children's detergents.
  • Dalli and Luxus gels lack enzymes - these are components that are responsible for removing specific stains from tissue, such as blood, grass, fats, milk. Enzymes are absolutely not suitable for washing delicate fabrics - silk and wool. However, there is no such indication on the Burti packaging, and on the Domal label it is indicated that absolutely any fabric can be washed.


Manufacturers Luxus, Dalli and Domal claim their product is a concentrated product. But comparing the dosages of all tested samples, it turned out that Burti's non-concentrated gel should be used less than some other concentrated products.

Dosage of gels for washing very dirty laundry in water with a high level of hardness

  • Dalli: 113 ml.
  • Burti: 125 ml.
  • Domal: 148 ml.
  • Luxus: 200 ml.


Parents never save on their children. But when choosing a gel for washing baby clothes, it would be nice to know which one requires less consumption. The price of each sample may differ from store to store. The calculation was made based on the maximum consumption of the gel.

Samples cost by rating from cheapest to most expensive:

  • Luxus professional Liquid detergent for washing baby clothes (1 l).
  • Burti Baby (1.5 l).
  • Domal Baby fashion (1.5 l).
  • Dalli med (1.5 l).

The cost of one wash in hard water, taking into account the consumption:

  • Burti.
  • Luxus.
  • Dalli.
  • Domal.

Best before date

Burti gel has the longest shelf life - 60 months. The rest of the children's washing gels are suitable for 3 years from the date of production.

Important! All manufacturers, except for Dalli, indicated the presence of preservatives in the composition. These components extend the life of the product, preventing the formation of pathogenic microflora. But, as you can see, the shelf life of the Dalli product is the same as that of other gels with preservatives, from which we can conclude that the composition is not fully indicated.

Practical qualities

According to the results of the washings, it turned out that all products are suitable for lightly soiled items, since not a single gel for washing children's clothes has completely washed the more difficult stains.

Important! The products, during testing, had to cope with such stains on different types fabrics like: herb, tea, fruit children food, blood, ketchup, cherry juice, chocolate, vegetable oil and a felt-tip pen. No remedy could cope with the tea stain at all.

Testing conclusions

Summing up the results of all testing, taking into account the economy of detergents for washing children's clothes, Burti Baby was recognized as the best baby gel for washing. It has dealt with more stains than the competition, and the cost per wash is the lowest.

  • Sort white and colored items and wash them separately.
  • The best washing cycle for baby clothes is washing machine is the washing of cotton fabric.
  • First of all, the detergent for washing children's clothes must be safe. Look for phosphate-free gels labeled “hypoallergenic”. Use soap-based products.
  • The temperature of the water depends on the type of items you are washing. Diapers and bed linen can be washed at temperatures over 90 degrees. This will kill germs and replace boiling. Wash your baby's clothes at milder water temperatures - from 40 degrees.
  • Be sure to use extra rinses to help you feel more at ease with the detergent residue in the fibers of the fabric.
  • Important! It is desirable that the temperature of the water for rinsing is at least 50 degrees..

    • Try to wash baby clothes when the baby is not at home.
    • Do not use fabric softeners when rinsing baby clothes. They can also have harmful substances in their composition. Protect children from additional risks.
    • The things of newborns must be heat-treated. Therefore, after washing and drying, they should be ironed on both sides with an iron.
    • All new children's clothes, regardless of the child's age, should be washed before the first wear, because you do not know how many children they tried on and which hands touched them.
    • It is recommended not to wear clean and ironed items for 3 days. The concentration of harmful substances on the tissues, if any, decreases during this time.

    For the birth of the baby, the parents picked up children's things, bought a stroller, and arranged a cozy nest for the baby. Sometimes the question remains without proper attention: "How to wash children's clothes?"

    For newborns, careful removal of liquid feces and urine from diapers, undershirts, slips is required. It is important to choose a “soft”, hypoallergenic product for washing children's clothes without irritating components. Explore the range of safe washing powders and gels, learn the rules for washing a newborn's wardrobe by hand and machine.

    How to wash clothes for newborns

    In supermarkets, the names of household chemicals with hypoallergenic properties are presented. Imported and domestic samples are good at removing pollution from the things of a newborn, but they do not irritate the delicate skin of the baby.

    Manufacturers offer special gels and powders without aggressive components. ECO-formulations of foreign manufacturers are in demand. Non-toxic, safe means are more expensive, but there is a guarantee that the powder or gel will not provoke allergies.

    How to choose the right product

    Requirements for powders and gels for baby clothes:

    • remedy for delicate wash manufactured by a well-known company with a good reputation. Quality formulations, especially those with the prefix "bio", never come cheap;
    • minimum or complete absence of phosphates, conditioners, optical brighteners;
    • soft, natural surfactants;
    • effective fight against stains in hot / warm water;
    • lack of a pungent odor;
    • the ideal option is the inscription "hypoallergenic" on the packaging;
    • ECO powders are labeled “biodegradable”. This indicates that there is no harm not only to the baby's skin, but also to nature;
    • the product is sold in a pharmacy or a large supermarket (guarantee that you will not buy a fake).

    Note! Hypoallergenic gels and powders are labeled “for washing baby clothes”, “for children”, and other similar inscriptions on the packaging. Some brands produce formulations of the same line for adults and children, for example GALA (regular powder) plus GALINKA (for babies). Refuse to buy "adult" household chemicals, do not risk the health of the newborn.

    10 rules for washing baby clothes

    • always pay attention to the good condition of children's underwear, but do not lead the struggle for cleanliness to fanaticism;
    • Always wash new undershirts, slip-ons, caps, diapers, and other items of your baby's wardrobe before putting on for the first time. Things will become softer, they will not rub the delicate skin. After washing, be sure to iron the fabric with a hot iron;
    • use only special formulations without irritating components marked "for washing baby clothes";
    • if the diapers and slippers are heavily soiled, rinse them well under the tap, soap them, soak them, put them in the machine after half an hour or wash them by hand;
    • rinses, conditioners, bleaches - compounds prohibited for use to remove dirt from children's clothes. Excess odors, aggressive components provoke allergies;
    • undershirts, caps, sliders, diapers, and other items of children's wardrobe should always be washed separately from the things of other family members, even older children;
    • always rinse thoroughly things that come into contact with the baby's body, remove well the foam from the bedding for babies. The washing machine gives a better rinse;
    • mommy should wash her clothes that come into contact with the baby's skin (nursing shirt, bra, etc.) with the same product as for baby clothes;
    • a hot iron with steam after washing will help to disinfect and soften the newborn's wardrobe items;
    • dry the clothes away from the road: the less dust gets on the baby's things, the lower the likelihood of negative reactions.

    Washing baby clothes in the car:

    • only put the baby's laundry and clothes in the drum;
    • load the machine in moderation: in a full drum, things are washed and rinsed worse;
    • use only baby powders or soap shavings dissolved in water;
    • if the machine has a program for washing baby clothes, use only this type of treatment. In the absence of a program, set the “delicate wash” mode;
    • while the baby is not older, do not wash heavily soiled adult things, rugs, shoes in the machine;
    • Always use the Extra Rinse program for the perfect removal of powder residues.


    • pour hot water into a basin, put on thin cotton gloves to protect your hands, then rubber gloves. The hotter the water, the better;
    • use baby soap or special powders. Soap foam acts more delicately on the skin, does not cause allergies;
    • pre-soak heavily soiled items in soapy water for 30–60 minutes, water must be hot;
    • after washing, rinse the laundry several times with hot and then cold water: particles of powder or soap irritate the skin of the newborn;
    • hand wash is harder and longer. If possible, buy a washing machine: while the appliance is working, you can relax a little, take time for your baby or husband.

    The best washing powders and gels for baby clothes

    Look out for popular brands of stain removers. The products are designed taking into account the characteristics of the skin of a newborn, do not contain toxic substances and fragrances.

    Amway baby


    • phosphate-free concentrated product SA8 ™ Baby;
    • country of origin - USA;
    • hypoallergenic product with delicate action;
    • the BIOQUEST Formula ™ mark confirms the hypoallergenicity of the product;
    • all ingredients are obtained only from natural sources (throne mineral and grain);
    • things are easy to rinse, the composition is quickly removed after washing;
    • there is no pungent smell;
    • the product is ideal for sensitive, delicate skin of children;
    • concentrated washing powder is allowed for use from the first days of life;
    • not suitable for heavily soiled, does not always wash off the remnants of juice or stains from food;
    • water temperature during stain removal - from 30 to 90 degrees;
    • the average cost of an organic product is 2,000 rubles, the weight of a package is 3 kg. This amount is enough for 85–88 washes.

    Burti baby


    • safe components, an environmentally friendly product based on natural soap;
    • phosphate-free powder, concentrated product;
    • the composition contains enzymes, components that prevent the color from being washed out;
    • fraction - small, but there is no "dust effect" when placing a washing machine in a container;
    • softens linen well, perfectly removes biological pollution;
    • removes "difficult" stains without aggressive effects;
    • after processing by hand or in a typewriter, the pleasant softness of the fabrics remains;
    • country of origin - Germany;
    • the approximate cost of a package weighing 900 g - 490 rubles;
    • the volume is designed for 28 hand wash or 18 machine wash.

    Eared nanny


    • a product of the Nevskaya Cosmetics company;
    • well washes various dirt;
    • concentration of phosphates - less than 30%, surfactants - from 5 to 15%;
    • economical consumption;
    • packaging of different volumes - from 400 g to 9.0 kg;
    • suitable for hand and machine wash;
    • unobtrusive smell;
    • often you have to rinse things additionally;
    • causes skin irritation in some babies;
    • v large packages there is no measuring cup;
    • the powder cannot be called hypoallergenic;
    • the average cost of a 400 g package is 55 rubles, 2.4 kg - 355 rubles, 4.5 kg - 580 rubles, 6 kg - 720 rubles.

    Garden kids


    • high-quality powder is made on the basis of baby soap;
    • silver ions kill harmful bacteria;
    • the composition does not contain irritating ingredients, fragrances and bleaches;
    • components: baby soap, silver citrate, soda;
    • an environmentally friendly product must be poured directly into the drum, set the temperature to 60 degrees;
    • dissolves quickly, washes away dirt well, rinses out easily from different types fabrics;
    • biodegradable composition;
    • the product disinfects things;
    • concentrated product is a replacement for three standard packages;
    • the average cost of 400 g of powder is 135 rubles.

    our mother


    • high-quality product made of soap shavings of the "Extra" category;
    • delicately washes baby clothes;
    • hypoallergenic agent;
    • does not dry out the skin of the hands;
    • can be used in a typewriter or washed by hand;
    • no pungent odor;
    • packages of different weights, economical consumption;
    • the average cost of 500 g - 270 rubles, 900 g - 480 rubles, 2200 g - 1000 rubles.

    Hypoallergenic products

    High-quality compositions of well-known brands have earned positive reviews:

    • Our mother, Mir Detstva, Garden Kids (Russia);
    • Amway baby (USA).
    • Baby Born, Burti Baby, Frosch (Germany).

    Traditional methods

    The use of natural remedies gives good results:

    • soap nuts. Order online or buy at a phyto-pharmacy. The soap tree fruit contains a high concentration of saponins, which are safe natural foaming agents. Miracle nuts are suitable for hand / machine wash, give a generous foam, delicately take care of things, do not cause skin irritation and allergies;
    • you can whiten diapers with baking soda or hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to rinse the items well.