
Friendship cards are cool. Best Friendship Quotes in Pictures

Pathology of the uterus

People can be close to each other not only because of romantic attraction or blood relationship. Often, hand in hand with these feelings, there is another feeling - between a man and a woman, between a mother and a daughter.

In this regard, we have prepared for you a luxurious selection, which presents a wide variety of quotes about your friendship, well-aimed and biting phrases about friendship, and other equally interesting and funny pictures. Friendship is as strong as love, a connection, and maybe stronger, it can be between simple man and a woman, despite the greasy jokes!

The statements of great people about friendship allow us to think about how valuable this part of human life is, how multifaceted it is. Wise aphorisms about friendship, presented below in large numbers, will allow you to feel deep meaning these sayings. Some of them may well suit you, like statuses about female friendship, and some statements about friendship between an ordinary man and a woman will make your heart respond to these lines.

Remember how often you say “thank you” to your friends for their support, for always listening and helping you? What if it's "Thank you!" will be dressed in beautiful pictures? Warm relationships are not a commodity that can be scattered right and left, it needs to be cherished and maintained, and therefore, statuses about the friendship of girlfriends are at your service if you have people who are especially congenial in spirit, and statutes about friends and friendship, if now you serve the Motherland somewhere in the vast expanses of our country.

It's so easy to send cool pictures with the inscriptions "Thank you for being you!", "You are the most best friend!”, filled with a simple, understandable and warm meaning, thereby delighting loved ones.

But in our selection there are not only cool and funny pictures cool inscriptions that will certainly cheer up your friend - we bet, having received from you funny phrases about strong friendship, your spiritual twin will definitely smile!

If you want something with meaning, then wise aphorisms from great people are offered to your attention, and many thanks to their contemporaries for having managed to keep these sayings about friendship.

Statuses about female friendship are just right for posting them on your page on a social network, thereby hinting to your friends how important they are to you, and as if telling them “Thank you for being with me!”. This is how ordinary quotes about female friendship are filled with sacred meaning for those who need to hear them.

You can download all cool and memorable pictures about friendship between a man and a woman, decorated with inscriptions, absolutely free of charge, which is one of the undeniable advantages of our selection. After all, what could be more pleasant when you have such a luxurious library of images for all occasions in the public domain - here are statuses about friendship, and cool phrases that you can memorize to effectively screw them when talking with your best friends.

“Thank you,” we say to our parents when, in a fit of feelings, we thank them for everything given to you.

“Thank you,” we say to our beloved or beloved at times when you receive powerful emotional and physical support.

But do not forget to say "thank you" to those who are close to you not by blood, but by spirit. It's so easy to send your friend cute aphorisms with a deep meaning about friendship, reminding you of your strong connection.

Or if you have a male friend, you can send him cool quotes about friendship between a man and a woman to discuss together. Or you can send funny pictures from beautiful inscriptions to laugh - online or already in person.

Deep, meaningful, phrases about female and male friendship will attract your attention, forcing you to re-read yourself again and again, but short friendship statuses can be saved to your phone and changed as many times as you want.

Whether you are born male or female, friendships are almost as strong as love ties, with the exception that there is no romantic attraction. Although there are precedents, it would be foolish to deny their existence.

But even romantic feelings between a man and a woman, as a rule, do not begin with insane passion, but with friendly relations. It starts with you jokingly sending cute pictures to each other, proofreading interesting quotes, persuading himself that this can not be in love in any case.

But over time, your statuses in in social networks about friendship between a man and a woman can change to a love theme - so be careful, perhaps your friend or girlfriend of the opposite sex does not like the aphorisms of people you send about friendship, even with a deep meaning, as well as your statuses about friends and friendship. After all, it hurts a lot when your secret love stubbornly ignores your true feelings, and the friend zone is not a good idea for someone who wants more.

Particularly liked phrases about your friendship can be completely printed out so that at the workplace or at home there are pictures about friendship with kind inscriptions that cause an involuntary smile both in you and in the people who come to you.

Statuses with a deep meaning can be easily downloaded to your personal gadget - a computer or phone, fortunately, you can choose absolutely any picture. Friendship is that spark that warms us when, it would seem, everything goes worse than ever. And so let the pictures with warm inscriptions remind you that you are dear to a few more people.

Watch, read people's statements about friendship, share them with friends.

Everyone needs friendship in life. With a friend it is easier to live in the world. But you have to be friends. We will try to tell you about what real partnership is, using pictures about friendship with inscriptions with meaning.

Pictures about friends and friendship

Friendship has always been valued and is valued now. Partnership is a timeless concept. About this our pictures with inscriptions.

Pictures about the meaning of friendship

Are there many friends? Hard to say. After all, one friend is a lot, because not everyone is lucky with friendship. A friend is someone you can call in the middle of the night, with whom you can be yourself. And you can send him one of these pictures with an inscription. Right now.

About friendship in pictures with inscriptions

Friendship is based on mutual assistance, common hobbies, affection and the same outlook on life. Such is the definition of friendship give explanatory dictionaries. What definition give pictures with inscriptions - see for yourself.

About friendship with meaning

Since ancient times, friendship has been filled with great meaning and was considered a great value. Among the Scythians, for example, it was sealed with blood. But in the Middle Ages, friendship was the embodiment of real nobility. The knights, on the other hand, put friendship even higher. family relations. Of course, times have changed, but the attitude towards friendship, as can be seen from these pictures, has not.

"A friend loves at all times and, like a brother, will appear in times of adversity"
(Prov. 17:17)

“Who wants to have friends, he himself must be friendly; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother.”
(Prov. 18:24)

“The one who covers up the transgression seeks love; and whoever reminds of him again, he removes the friend "
(Prov. 17:9)

Do not let your friend enter your friend's house more often, lest he become weary of you and hate you.
(Prov. 25:17)

There are enough judges in the world. A friend is made to accept you.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

A true friend is a person who will tell you everything that he thinks about you, and tell everyone that you are a wonderful person.
O. Khayyam

"A friend is first of all one who does not undertake to judge"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend; if you are a tyrant, you cannot have friends.

He who has many has no friends.

Even the smallest relationship of friendship is a gift from God.
V. Ryaguzov

True friendship is true and courageous.
J. Byron

A friend knows how to guess what a person has in his soul, even if he says the opposite.
Mark Levy "Shadow Thief"

“Stupidity and wisdom are as easily seized as contagious diseases. So choose your comrades."

He who deals with the wise will be wise, but he who makes friends with fools will become corrupt
(Prov. 13:20)

Deeds, deeds ... Worries cycle,
And something constantly gnaws at the soul ...

Who just like that, in a friendly way, will help.

Sickness will come without invitation
Misfortune, too - will not knock on the door ...
GOD GIVE, that he was near,
Who will pull, support, will not leave ...

Sin is sweet and sticky like honey:
Dirty - and in life you can’t wash off ...
GOD GIVE, that he was near,
Who will not allow the sinful to happen.

Year after year goes by,
The flowering of gardens is replaced by a blizzard ...
GOD GIVE that there is always one near,
Who do you call JUST ANOTHER!

“And I say to you, make friends for yourselves with unrighteous wealth, so that when you become poor, they will receive you into eternal habitations.”
(Luke 16:9)

“You are My friends if you do what I command you. I no longer call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends because I have told you all that I have heard from my Father.”
(John 15:14-15)

All my life it was hard for me to make friends, because a true friend is a slow growing plant.

Friend. This word is used when referring usually to a friendly or close person.

A friend is a supporter, supporter and protector.

Friendship is a relationship between someone based on mutual affection, spiritual closeness and common interests.

Friendship is the mutual attachment of two or more people, their close connection; disinterested, enduring affection based on love, respect and mutual benefit (V. Dahl)

There is no greater joy than seeing friends
There is no bitterer grief than separation from friends.
Abu Abdallah Rudaki

Friendship is a holy union of hearts, where the word does not disagree with the deed. Each other will always yield, will not insist on his own.

True friendship stems from respect for each other, from the commonality of ideas, concepts, and aspirations.

True friendship has no secrets. Everything is open, everything is there. True friendship is a slow growing plant. The best of sciences is friendship. Sincerity in relationships and truth in communication - this is friendship.

Friendship is a union of two people based on mutual love and respect.
(I. Kant)

The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship
(F. La Rochefoucauld)

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding Friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunlight

In friendship people are always happy

Friendship doubles the joys and cuts the sorrows in half
(F. Bacon)

Without friendship, life is nothing

One of the greatest joys of this life is friendship; and one of the joys of friendship is that there is someone to entrust a secret
(A. Mandzon)

The look of a friend is condescending. The look of a friend is caring.

For friendship, any burden is easy
(D. Gay)

Loyalty is the commandment of friendship, the most precious thing that can be given to a person at all.
(D. Gay)

Friendship penetrates the lives of all people, but in order to maintain it, sometimes you have to endure grievances.

Friends are treasures that adorn a person
(Egyptian folk wisdom)

Home decoration - friends visiting it
(R. Emerson)

The basis of friendship lies in the complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.

Trust is the first condition of friendship
(J. La Bruyère)

A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence I can think out loud
(R. Emerson)

We acquire friends not by what we receive from them in favor, but by what we have someone to entrust a secret to.

Enjoy communication - main feature friendship.

Good friendship with knowledgeable people
(D. Rumi)

A good person is one near whom it is easy to breathe
(P.A. Pavlenko)

True friendship can only be connected by those people who know how to forgive each other.
(J. La Bruyère)

Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses
(W. Shakespeare)

Friends are there to help each other.
(R. Rollan)

Sincere friendship is inherent in giving advice and listening to them.

The most pleasant thing is to have friends who always tell you the honest truth.

The best friend can be the one who knows the worst about you and still loves you (L.N. Tolstoy)

The first sign of true intimacy is sincerity and frankness.

There is no greater joy in this world than the sight of relatives and friends. There is no more painful torment on earth than to be apart from your friends.
A. Rudaki

True friendly intimacy is sealed by mutual favors. A sincere friend is dearer than a relative.

A big soul is never the same. No matter how fate takes friends from us, in the end it always creates them for itself.

Good and useful friends can be found everywhere by sensible conduct.

In mutual friendship, love and fidelity are most valued. A true friend is a strong defense; who found it, found the treasure. A true friend has no price, and there is no measure of his kindness.

Let everyone you come into contact with feel that you are his sincere friend.

In order to be a friend, one must think about the state of mind of a friend.
L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"

A faithful friend is the medicine of life, and those who fear the Lord will find it.

The best acquisition is a faithful friend.

Where the spirit of friendship reigns, the joy of love always shines. True friends do not forget each other, support each other under all circumstances of life, rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep.

The only way to have a friend is to be a friend.

Our comrades are of great importance in shaping our character. The friendly fellowship that we choose creates a reasonable moral and spiritual atmosphere in which we constantly Breathe; and our spiritual health is strengthened or weakened depending on who we are friends with.

You don't have to be a dog to be a friend.
(Mikhail Zadornov)

A person who belongs to a large church family has friends all over the world.

A big soul is never alone. No matter how fate takes away friends from her, in the end she always creates them for herself.

It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends.

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.
(B. Franklin)

The most enduring friendships are almost always tied up in a difficult time for friends.
(K. Colton)

Nothing binds hearts like the joy of joint tears (J.J. Rousseau).

In adversity a friend is known and an enemy exposed

A friend is someone who, whenever you need him, knows about it
(J. Renard)

Friends under happy circumstances should come by invitation, and in unfortunate circumstances - without an invitation, on their own (Socrates).

Don't be afraid of criticism from a friend, be afraid of praise from an enemy.

ONE who wants to be happy on this earth must have friends; and whoever wants to be happy in the world to come must first of all find a Friend in the world to come in the Personality of God, the Father of His people.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon

You can never do too much for a devoted friend.
(G. Ibsen)

Friends should be remembered not only in their presence, but also in their absence.

You will know friends and relatives at the hour when trouble threatens. Whoever leaves a friend in trouble, he himself will know the bitterness of troubles.

WITH good friend there are no long roads.

You will deceive a friend once, yourself - forever.

It is better to listen to the reproaches of friends than to lose them.

Prosperity makes friends; misfortune tests them.

Shared sorrow weakens, and shared joy increases.

Do not choose your friends according to their appearance: beautiful shoes often pinch your leg.

No wound hurts like one inflicted by a friend.

A true friend will not turn his back on you when happiness turns its back on you.

Do not be friends with a crafty person who harms your neighbor, and do not rejoice with one who does evil to another.

If you cannot directly, frankly, even sharply tell a friend
everything that you think about him, about his actions, or listen to him
the same truth about yourself - it means you are not friends yet,
you still do not understand and do not respect each other.

It is difficult without a friend when he is lost, but it is also difficult with a friend when he is unfaithful.

If you have opened your mouth against a friend, do not be afraid, for reconciliation is possible.

Friends invite you to a feast - come there late if you want. They call you to console them - hurry up to this invitation

If your friend makes important mistakes, tell him without hesitation - this is the first duty of friendship.

If you look indifferently at the vices of a friend and do not take measures to correct him, then you clearly show yourself that you are a dubious friend.

A friend differs from a flatterer in that one talks to please, while the other does not restrain himself from what can upset
(Basil the Great)

Do not promise yourself the innocent joys of friendship if you do not seek them in virtuous friendship.

Do not make acquaintance with a wicked person. Friendship with the evil one is friendship with the devil (Anthony the Great)

Virtuous people, seeing virtue in their enemy, are reconciled with him, and a vicious friend is dismissed if he is incorrigible.

One Christian said: “If I see that my most beloved is dragging me into spiritual harm, then I will immediately reject him from myself, that is, I will stop acquaintance and contact with him.”

In whom your heart is not entirely sure, do not cling to him with your heart.

Do not have such friends who love a well-fed meal more than Friendship.

Do not allow yourself to violate the divine commandment for the sake of human friendship
(Anthony the Great)

Have a friendly disposition towards everyone, but not all have advisers.
(Anthony the Great)

Precious is a faithful friend who, sharing with us sorrow and joy, can also be our adviser in the difficult circumstances of our life, a denouncer of our errors and a mentor in virtue! But such friends are rare, just as jewels are rare in general. Therefore, wise people advise to be especially selective in choosing a friend and, in general, a person to whom one could entrust one's soul.

A sincere friend speaks commendably of his friend among friends, and speaks badly of his friend in private.

War tests the brave, anger the wise, need the friend. A blow from a friend is the heaviest of all blows. An unreliable friend is worse worst enemy. It is better to accept counterfeit gold than a counterfeit friend.

Do not reveal your thoughts to everyone, but only to those who can heal your soul (Anthony the Great)

Be transparent, like a stream, before God and conscience, but do not let the vicious and evil look into your soul: the look of vice darkens the soul.

A bad friend is like a shadow: on a sunny day, run - you won’t run away, and on a cloudy day, look - you won’t find it.

If you want to know who your friends are, do something wrong.

When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow. How many such friends do you have?

Try to maintain friendship with those believers with whom fellowship strengthens you spiritually.

No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, happiness is a matter of two
(Erasmus of Rotterdam)

He who is deprived of sincere friends is truly alone.
(F. Bacon)

It is equally shameful not to have a single friend and to change many friends.

Not trusting friends is more shameful than being deceived by them.
(F. La Rochefoucauld).

Friendship ends where distrust begins

He who seeks his friends is worthy to find them; he who has no friends never wished to have them
(G. Lessing).

Who wants to have a friend without flaws, he remains without friends

When friendship begins to weaken and cool, she always resorts to increased politeness.

Not noticing the cooling of friends means little appreciation of their friendship
(La Rochefoucauld).

The person with whom true friends do not remain for a long time has a heavy disposition (Democritus).

Happiness gives us friends - misfortune tests them
(German folk wisdom).

The Friendship That Ended Never Actually Started
(Publimus Sir).

Friendships must be immortal
(T. Levy).

If a friend reproaches you for any shortcoming, always think that he has not yet told you everything.
(T. Fuller).

Not the friend who smears honey, but the one who tells the truth in the eye (Russian folk wisdom).

I value friendship, not afraid of harsh and decisive words (M Montaigne).

He who is so deaf that he cannot even hear the truth from a friend is hopeless (Cicero).

The loss of friends makes the Lord Jesus Christ closer and dearer.

Do you want to have a true friend? Call on Christ and He will not leave you.

The friendship of the world is deceptive, fragile and short-lived; while heavenly friendship is perfect and eternal, and it constantly manifests its eternal grace-filled properties and its greatest spiritual value.

Refrain from associating with those whose friendship harms your spiritual and moral state.

He who does not seek friendship with his neighbor is his sworn enemy. Hold on to those who have a pure heart.

Although it hurts to talk about shortcomings, a friend will speak about them directly, and an enemy will laugh at them.

Both our friends and enemies are our own creations. There is no enemy worse than the one who pretends to be a friend.

A thousand friends are few, one enemy is many.

If virtue does not seem to you beautiful in your enemy, and vice hateful in your friend, can you say or think that you love virtue and hate vice? (Lafantère)

Enmity should be written on water, so that it disappears sooner, and friendship - on copper, so that it is forever observed by a firm and indispensable
(Isidore Pelusiot)

Swallows return in summer, they leave for winter - this is an image of false friends. In the red days of life, they are devoted to you; and if happiness changes you, then they fly away

Unfaithful friends are swallows, which you meet only in summer; it is a sundial, the benefit of which is only as long as the sun shines
(T. Gippel).

That enemy is much more dangerous who pretends to be your friend.
(G. Skovoroda).

An enemy is usually made from a friend
(E. Kopiev).

A friend in power is a lost friend
(G. Adams).

A blow inflicted by a friend is the heaviest of blows (oriental folk wisdom).

A cowardly friend is more terrible than an enemy, because you fear the enemy, but you hope for a friend.
(L.N. Tolstoy).

Friends do not have to be perfect, it is enough that they are there in difficult times.

Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends (Pythagoras).

How many friends does a person need?

Once a man came to a famous sage and asked:
- I want to know, Master, how many friends should a person have? I have heard the saying: “Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends,” but it seems to me that if I strive to look for many friends for myself, then this will somehow look artificial; all the more, it’s not always immediately clear what kind of person is in front of you, and whether he has the ability to true friendship And I can't always answer for myself...

I will give you the answer, - said the Teacher, - or rather, you will receive it yourself. See that tall apple tree over there? This is one of the tallest apple trees in the world. Go and pick an apple for me from the very top.
Throwing back his head and seeing apples lit by the sun in the sky, the man replied:
- But, Master, it is actually a very tall apple tree. How can I get the fruit?
- And you call a friend, and together you will get it, - the sage answered.

The man called his friend, stood on his shoulders, but was still far from the top of the tree.
- No, nothing works, - the seeker muttered distressedly.
- What, don't you have any more friends? the Teacher smiled.
The man called a few more. They sniffled, strained, climbed on each other's shoulders, built living pyramids, stretched upward, but ... all the structures collapsed, people fell, and it was not possible to reach the very top.

Having observed all this, the sage called him to him and said:
- Now you understand how many real friends a person needs?
- Yes, Master, I understand, - the man answered, rubbing his bruised knee, - they need a lot so that we could solve any problem together!
The teacher shook his head sadly.
- Apparently, this is so, we need a lot of people. Or just one reasonable person who would come up with a bright idea - to bring a ladder!

Who are called useless doctors in the Bible?
Friends of Job. (Job 13:4)

Who was healed by Jesus not by their own faith, but by the faith of Friends?
The patient, who was brought into the house and lowered through the roof by four friends.

One day a young man decided to get married. For a week he ran all in the chores, preparing for the wedding. One evening he turned to his father:
“Dad, I have a request for you. I can't do everything by myself, so please, here's a list of my friends. Call them up and invite them to my wedding."
“Okay, son,” the father replied.
On the day of the wedding, the son ran up to his father and began to resent: “Dad, I asked you to call all my friends!”
- That's exactly what I did.
- But there were 50 people on my list, and I only see 15 of them.
- Son, I called all ... all 50 people. I told each of them that I was calling at your request, that you are now in trouble and you need the help of friends. And he asked everyone to come at this time to this very place. So don't worry son, all your friends are here now!

Friends and friendship - the topic is certainly very interesting and quite complex. Acquaintance, friend, comrade, friend. Is it always possible to say for sure who is who for us. How often are you confident in a person as in yourself, and then bam ... at one “wonderful” moment, something happens and you yourself no longer know who he is in your life. And after all, the main thing would never have thought of him (her). Surely you have often met various interesting pictures about friends with meaning that often make you think. It seems that everything is not new, it seems that you know everything, but it is presented in the picture somehow in a special way, it catches you in short.

There is a lot about friends and friendship wise quotes and aphorisms, reading which you kind of evaluate your friends and yourself in between times. Everyone would like to be the most faithful, reliable, trouble-free ... but you need, first of all, to be like that for them. Remember them not only for the holidays, but even without a reason, at least just call, ask how you are doing. It is important to be able to admit your mistakes and if you were wrong, “take off the crown” and ask for forgiveness. By the way, many tend to "score" on friends over time. People who enter into relationships often sin with this and they have a girlfriend (friend), wife (husband).

The topic, of course, is fertile for reflection, you can talk a lot, it's better to look at cool pictures. Be friends, value friendship and take care of yourself and your friends!

Great pictures about friends with meaning