
Ordinary woman, ordinary man. "Ordinary woman, ordinary man (compilation)" Maria Metlitskaya Metlitskaya ordinary woman epub


Millions of men and women feel unhappy because they think they made the wrong choice. They live with the most ordinary, ordinary "halves", but they dreamed of a handsome prince or a beautiful princess.

And it doesn’t even occur to them that happiness is a very small step. There are no ordinary women and ordinary men. We are all special in some way. You just need to look at the person with whom you live. And, quite possibly, it turns out that a handsome prince or a beautiful princess has been around all his life. It just took time to understand it.

The work belongs to the genre Modern Russian literature. It was published in 2016 by the Eksmo publishing house. On our site you can download the book "Ordinary Woman, Ordinary Man" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The rating of the book is 3.67 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also refer to the reviews of readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In the online store of our partner you can buy and read the book in paper form.

Ordinary woman, ordinary man (compilation) Maria Metlitskaya

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Title: Ordinary woman, ordinary man (compilation)

About the book "Ordinary woman, ordinary man (collection)" Maria Metlitskaya

Millions of men and women feel unhappy because they think they made the wrong choice. They live with the most ordinary, ordinary "halves", but they dreamed of a handsome prince or a beautiful princess.

And it doesn’t even occur to them that happiness is a very small step. There are no ordinary women and ordinary men. We are all special in some way. You just need to look at the person with whom you live. And, quite possibly, it turns out that a handsome prince or a beautiful princess has been around all his life. It just took time to understand it.

On our site about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online book"Ordinary woman, ordinary man (compilation)" Maria Metlitskaya in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and a real pleasure to read. Buy full version you can have our partner. Also, here you will find latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginner writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at writing.

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Year of writing: 2018 The book in a surprisingly sincere form will tell us the fate of three friends. Having matured, we begin to understand that life is not what it seemed in childhood. The heroine takes out a photograph in which three girlfriends are standing, dressed as usual - in chintz dresses and sandals. They were so close that it seemed that nothing in the world would separate them even after a year. Their dreams, their idea of ​​the future, all this was in those carefree times of childhood dreams and fantasies. Years go by and life paths friends split up. After all, everyone has their own priorities. Life makes its own adjustments in love relationships and friendships. Everything that seemed so reachable in childhood now seems so far away. But each of her friends chooses her own path that will lead her to happiness. Happiness, which each person understands in his own way.

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Year of writing: 2011 The book impressively depicts ordinary women's fates. Each fate is a separate story, a whole facet of the great rebus called life. They are all different, but they are similar in one thing - this is to find your love and be loved and happy. Isn't that what every woman aspires to? But to this goal - to become happy, everyone goes their own way. Some of them become famous successful business women, and some become the mistress of a rich man. Some of them patiently hope that the husband is tired of running after another mistress and will return to the family, become an exemplary family man. Some of the women become a hunter for a rich husband, and some just go through their lives hoping for a chance. Different stories - different life paths, but the goal remains the same - to become happy.

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Cycle: Behind someone else's windows Year of writing: 2017 After reading the fairy tale about Cinderella, many girls dream of meeting a prince and living in love and joy with this prince in a castle. But what becomes the reality if you really meet the prince, will life with this person be so cloudless? The main character Milochka meets a wonderful man who not only took her away from life in the slums and brought her to a huge apartment. Prince Darling turned out to be a rather wealthy man who made her life truly fabulous. But, like all people, Mila now faced a choice - to stay with her prince or to prefer another person - more successful and more wealthy. Temptations in life are always great. What will Mila choose - will she stay with her prince or will she try to settle down more successfully?

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Year of writing: 2017 A wonderful work sincerely and without embellishment tells about the fate of a simple woman from a rather ordinary family. After all, everything that is laid down in us from childhood leaves patterns of behavior in adult life. Nina Gorokhova was born in an ordinary family. She lives on just as she imagined. After school, Nina entered a vocational school, and then went to work. She got married well and had a child. But a divorce from her husband leaves a deep mark of loneliness in her life. At such moments, Nina comes to the aid of her best friend Inga. Inga also does not have everything in her personal life, but when helping, her friends do a lot of pleasant little things for each other. And the smell of Antonov apples reminds us that there is always hope for the best...

Author: Maria Metlitskaya Cycle: Behind someone else's windows Year of writing: 2017 The collection contains two wonderful stories about completely different fates of two women. In the first work we will see beautiful woman Tatyana, who gave birth in pretty early age child and raised him. The son grew up, fell in love, got married and ... went to his wife in Paris. What is left for Tatyana now? We also have the fate of Larisa - a successful entrepreneur who has a wonderful family - loving husband and daughter. But the daughter grew up and went to Paris. But Larisa's life fell into decay: her husband became seriously ill, and the business was on the verge of closing. What steps should Larisa take in order to return her well-established such a successful life? Will she be able to restore her business and cure her husband?

Maria Metlitskaya

Ordinary woman, ordinary man (compilation)

© Metlitskaya M., 2016

© Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2016

* * *

Ordinary woman, ordinary man

He looked out the window. As always, waiting for her. His woman. Lin. So it was easier to survive these unbearable minutes of waiting. She, of course, was late - well, woman, what can I say. Although ... Funny, little swindler and intriguer. Yes, slightly. She dragged on. I dragged out a minute of the meeting. Of course, in order to...

Nervous. I was afraid. Twitched. I doubted. In short, he suffered.

For what, you ask? In order to once again realize that she is an unthinkable, impossible gift?

Yes, he was well aware of that. Just to tickle your nerves? Of course.

He, Leo, an adult, treated this with understanding and with a slight grin - a fool! But did he ... even for a minute doubt what SHE is? She is in his life. In his destiny.

No, intriguer, by God! He looked out the window. The taxi pulled up to the house at five o'clock sharp. Smooth! And she ... This beauty of his ...

She looked at her watch, looked around, and headed for the tent at the edge of the road.

For about five minutes I looked at the meager shop window. Then she handed over the money and received some object in return. She looked at it slowly. Unfolded. I took a bite and threw it in the trash.

Then she opened her wallet again and handed the money through the window. This time the saleswoman's hand appeared with a bottle of water. She unscrewed the plastic cap, took a couple of sips, and put the bottle back in her bag.

“My prudent! he thought. - What a zealous one! Well, do not disappear as good, by golly.

Again look at the clock, and - slowly went to the entrance. Slowly.

Well, five minutes - yes, mine: why not pull?

He moved away from the window. Here! Punish. Punish and teach. For all this pain. No, just a scoundrel! After all, these fifteen minutes are just a whole life, that's what these most precious fifteen minutes are. How many times can you hug? How much to kiss? And just press her to your heart and listen to her breathing and tremors in her chest? Inhale the scent of her hair and her perfume? What about talking? Put the kettle on and casually, without turning away from the stove, ask: “Well, how in general? Did you miss it?

And turn around immediately. Not immediately, because immediately she will not answer.

And she ... Wasting time, losing. Burns, burns. Doesn't appreciate it, in short. And it is - so precious, so small - THEIR time. Such indecently short, hasty. It's like someone is twisting the hands of a clock on purpose.

What nonsense! Nobody, of course, twists. It just flies by so fast, so impossible and mercilessly fast, that… It never suffices.

As always, there is not enough time for happiness.

But to teach! Do not open the door now - like there is none. Did not come. I couldn't. I couldn't even call. Something happened. Here, let him freak out. Maybe then he will understand and give up his stupid womanish tricks.

The bell rang - their call. Three short, two long. Conspirators, damn it. Nobody knew about this apartment - even Dimon, best friend. Yes, just in case.

He stood at the door holding his breath. The call was repeated impatiently and insistently. He looked through the peephole - yes, mobile. Now she will dial him, and his phone will ring. And that's all - sleep for a sweet soul. Quite stupid. Or? Yes, I fell asleep! Just crashed out. Tired, you know. Work, wife, child. Forgive me, lover. Pretend to be a hose. You are a lover. Everything. Quite easy.

Difficult - when loved. With all of the above.

His cell phone beeped. Quiet - that's right, it's in the pocket of the jacket, the jacket is in the room. The door to the room is closed. You can't hear him from the landing. Nice.

He looked into the eye. She looked at the phone in confusion. On the face - bewilderment and anxiety. Anxiety, sure. Right?

He opened the door and met her eyes. She fell on his chest and hugged him tightly around the neck.

And then he heard her breathing. Thrusts in the chest. Inhaled the scent of her hair and her perfume.

And the world ended. Ended life, where there is work, wife and child. IN this - real - life was only she. And, of course, he is.

And no one else in the world. And nothing. Because they didn't really need anything else.

* * *

After about five minutes she recoiled, opened her eyes, threw back her head, and said softly:

- You scared me. Why? She furrowed her brows.

He didn't answer. He carefully took off her cloak and asked:

- Would you like some coffee?

She also did not answer - clearly, offended. He went to the kitchen to make coffee. She stood in the hallway for a long time, took off her boots, rummaged through her bag, then went to the bathroom, turned on the water.

When I entered the kitchen, coffee was already on the table. There was nothing in this apartment except a pack of good coffee, a tin of tea, and a pack of some ancient, dead biscuits.

She drank coffee without sugar. Funny! With her chicken weight.

- AND? she asked.

Lina loved certainty. Strange, but lived in such a situation for almost two years now.

“I was in the toilet,” Lev replied serenely.

She nodded in understanding. There were no further questions. It happens.

He went to the window and lit a cigarette. We play games, he thought. - We polish the blood. Like children, by God. What for? What for? The closest people in the world. But we want to pull the strings. We manipulate each other. We pretend and snuggle. Idiots."

He turned around and looked at the back of Linin's head.

Nothing. You don't need anything but to walk up to her and hug her. And kiss her on the very back of the head. Everything.

Which, in fact, he did. After a couple of seconds.

Dust. It is clear that, most likely, already closer to eight. He turned and looked into her eyes.

Darkness. No, blackness. He had never seen such eyes. So that the pupils are not distinguishable. This is the color of the eyes. It's called black. The eyes are black, I mean. Not brown - no, pupils are visible in brown. Namely, black. Like the night Darkness. Sacrament. Like his whole "new" life.

– Is it time? she asked hoarsely.

He looked at his watch and shook his head.

“Nah, another forty minutes.

Lina reached for a cigarette.

- Well, how in general? she asked.

- Yes, it is. It's okay I guess. Without excesses and changes.

“Okay,” she nodded.

- Yes? Lev was surprised. - Well maybe.

“Definitely,” she said confidently, “the time for change has not yet come.

“You know better,” he said offendedly.

She pretended not to notice.

How about Vasilisa?

- All right, - he brightened up a little, - these dances ... Only these dances in my head. And that's all. Wrong somehow.

“That's right,” Lina replied, “you need to focus on one thing. If sprayed - not enough strength. It’s so hard for them - such loads. We didn't have that.

The lion nodded.

- No, yes.

I remembered the yard, a flock of boys, a tattered soccer ball, a makeshift gate. Film screenings at nine in the morning. On Sunday. The parents were still asleep. And they met in the yard - he, Dimon, Sanka and Irka, Sanka's sister, and fled to the cinema.

Nice time. Childhood. There is something to remember.

And his daughters? Vasilisa? To school by car with mom. Mom also meets. Sandwiches and a thermos in the car and ... drank on traffic jams - dancing. Sacred cow - these dances. Only talk about competitions, costumes at a godless price, intrigues inside - parents, dancers themselves, partners, teachers.

It's like life is on the line. Vaska is tortured, pale. In constant expectation of bad and insidious news. Rave!

How about just going out into the yard and arguing with the girls? Run to the subway for ice cream and pies? Sneaking out to a zoo or an exhibition? There is no all this.

And no girlfriends. There are rivals. “That fool Volkova, that idiot Fedorenko. Tsvetkova fat-ass, and there too.

Not a child, but a small, already offended and harmful woman. Tights, leggings, shadows, lip gloss. You can’t fried, baked too: “What are you, dad? Sane? What pizzas and donuts? And a contemptuously slanted mouth. And yet - a look at mom: well, what does he understand? This…

And the mother will understand everything, sigh heavily and look at her daughter knowingly: what can you take from him, dear? It's all so clear! Vahlak.

They have their own life with their daughter - their whispers, their secrets. Your conversations.

He is on the side. No, it is, of course, necessary - money, money, status and status. Husband, father, good position. Family. God! What kind of family is there when ... When he spoke with his wife about life five years ago! And he slept with her ... Well, no, here the term is, however, shorter. And all the same. They and he are such a family. They are together, he is away. They wave, they sigh, they endure. All men, my dear! All as one!

Life is all about compromise! And the family...

She is smart, his wife. Everyone knows this. And she is the best. And he won’t teach his daughter bad things - no, no.

Learn how to live. How to get married the right way. How to build a career How to adapt. How to find a compromise.

Maria Metlitskaya with the novel His Woman for download in fb2 format.

Remember: “Happiness is when you are understood”? Not everyone has experienced this happiness - to find their soul mate, a person who understands you, accepts you the way you are, without trying to remake, re-educate.
Writer Maxim Kovalev was sure that nothing could happen in his life: he was popular, rich, long and firmly married. His wife at one time "brought him to the people" and since then has been directing with a firm hand, not giving indulgences, punishing for weaknesses and encouraging him for success. Was this life happy? Maxim didn't have time to think about it.
But one day - how often everything changes in one moment under the influence of this “one day”! - he received a letter from a grateful reader. Marina Storozheva wrote that Maxim's books saved her from loneliness and longing, helped her believe that life is worth continuing.
This letter was a flash of lightning. Kovalev wondered if he lived like that, and most importantly, was that woman next to him.

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To date, the Internet has a large number of electronic literature. The edition of His Woman is dated 2017, belongs to the genre "Modern Prose" in the series "Behind Other People's Windows. Novels by M. Metlitskaya, A. Borisova and Yu. Lavryashina” and is published by the Eksmo publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature together with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot, save it to your wall in social network let your friends see it too!