
How to know if you have real friends. How to understand that a friend is real. How to know if you have real friends Is it easy to be a friend essay

breast cancer

To the question A true friend is not easy to find. I need to write a mini essay! help given by the author I love Tanya Garkalina the best answer is One of the basic spiritual needs of a person is communication. Communication with someone you can trust, who will always understand and support, who you can rely on in any life situation. That's how it should be a true friend- sincere, loyal, decent. In the big world, it is difficult for a person to find such a friend, but it is even more difficult not to lose him because of some trifle, not to “exchange” relations with him. The true friend is the one with whom both joys and sorrows passed together, and who, in both joys and sorrows, remained by his side.
Although each of us is selfish in some way, real friendship- these are relationships that require devotion, and sometimes even self-sacrifice.
"He who asks, but forgets to give, to have only what he has." (Colombian proverb)
In friendship, the interests of a comrade should weigh no less than their own, because it is the principles of equality and mutual respect that put people on the highest level, help to keep in the heart a feeling of selfless love for a friend.
We ask a friend to come to us, we offer our services, we promise to share a table, house, property with him. The point is small - for the fulfillment of the promise. (Jean de La Bruyère)
You should not confuse sincere friendship with friendly relationships, because a person can have many friends, but a true friend is always one. Friends may have similar interests, a common place of work or study, but there is no real spiritual unity between them, which makes people one whole (as far as possible). Friendship is a delicate and fragile thing, and, having found this "dear diamond" in the dirt, you need to make every effort so that it does not lose its brilliance. So, close relationships require the rejection of lies, falsehood, distrust.
It is more shameful not to trust a friend than to be deceived by him. (F. de La Rochefoucauld)
Loneliness is one of the most difficult trials for every person. No wonder people sentenced to death have long been punished by imprisonment in solitary confinement. Man is a social being, and he needs society. There are many examples in the literature of how hard it is for a person to experience loneliness. For example, the Count of Monte Cristo from the novel of the same name by A. Dumas or Robinson Crusoe by D. Defoe. Both heroes were doomed to be alone with themselves for an indefinite period, and they considered their true friends, whom they finally met - Abbot Faria and Friday, to be a real gift from heaven.
But won't it be just an attempt to escape from loneliness, an attempt in all a person to find a friend? After all, you need to remember that true friendship is tested over the years of communication and difficult situations, from which both come out with dignity. Therefore, you should not rely on a person whom you know not so long ago and with whom relations are based only on the assumption that he is worthy.
Not so those enemies
How kind people
- And rob regretting
Weeping condemned...
And in the next world, good man,
You will not be forgotten.
(T. Shevchenko)
Therefore, you need to be wary of potential friends, but, having found a loved one, it is worth making an effort not to lose him. And for this there is only one way: to have a true friend, you need to be a true friend yourself.

Answer from Anton Kuritsyn[newbie]
Mini essay.
Finally, spring has come! After a long and snowy winter, it's nice to go outside and smell the warm wind, see the first spring birds. The last snow has not had time to come down, and young greenery is breaking through last year's grass. Thin sprouts stubbornly reach for the sun. Soon everything will be covered with a green carpet. Buds on poplars and birches are swollen, the air smells faintly of sticky leaves. Another day or two, and the trees will be covered with delicate greenery. At first, this is a slightly noticeable coating, and then the leaves begin to grow bolder and bolder, increasing almost before our eyes. Another moment - and the trees will dress in lush crowns. Green color change the pallor of winter. In spring, the sun shines in a special way: somehow bright, joyful and festive. I want to walk down the street and smile at everyone. Not only nature dresses up in bright colors. People also threw themselves off warm coats and coat. All around in beautiful and cheerful outfits. Everyone is excited about the arrival of spring!
Spring came!
Spring is my favorite time of the year. After a long and cold or slushy winter, nature and man seem to have a new opportunity to live. Before the snow melts, the earth is transformed. At first wet and dirty, covered with half-decomposed last year's leaves, it gradually dries up. The sun warms up. The air smells like spring. What else can you call these amazing invigorating and intoxicating smells? I want to stop and inhale, straining my nostrils, the coldish air, smelling of bitter freshness.
In the mornings, the puddles are still covered with ice, but soon it will also disappear. And then.. . The buds strain and begin to open, gooseberries are covered with small green leaves, purple arrows of peonies are knocked out of the ground, thin strings of daffodils are shown. Apricots begin to bloom, then cherries, followed by the rest of the trees.
Flowering gardens seem to give people the opportunity, at least for a short time get away from the gray routine of life and be transported to a fairy tale with a happy ending: spring triumphs over a gloomy winter.

Answer from MADI[expert]
Mini-essay on the topic “Is it difficult to be a true friend? »
True, strong and long-term friendship is a sacred concept for every person. However, the ability to make friends is not given to everyone. Indeed, in order not only to be considered, but also to really be a true friend, you must always be there in difficult times, instantly respond to requests, give wise advice and provide all kinds of support.
Alas, in our world, most people are prone to selfishness, and this quality often prevents them from coming to the rescue in time, lending a helping hand, or even just listening. It is known that people often shun losers, subconsciously fearing to adopt their bad luck. And if a friend, by the will of the will, falls into a continuous strip of successive failures, it is quite difficult in such a situation to find sincere understanding and willingness to help, at least with advice and friendly empathy. Only a true friend will always be there and, contrary to rumor, will lend a hand and will not ostracize someone who is unlucky in life.
It's really hard to be a true friend when staying true to a relationship requires you to break the rules of modern society or go against existing conventions. Therefore, the criterion of what people will say very often prevails over a sincere desire to help a friend and protect his authority.
It is no less difficult to remain a true friend even when luck has smiled on a friend, and this test is often much more difficult. Indeed, in this situation, you need to be able to rejoice at the success and well-being of a loved one without any shadow of envy, which not everyone succeeds. It is very important for a person who has found his luck to be able to share his happiness with a close friend without engendering envious notes in his soul.
Friendship is subjected to a serious test, not only in trouble or joy, and in the daily bustle of rapidly drifting everyday life. Sometimes it can be difficult to find a little time to calmly talk with a friend, pay attention to him, listen to what doubts and feelings have accumulated in his soul. The ability to always find a place for a friend in your adult independent life is a very important component of true friendship, especially the one that is born in childhood.

The writing

AT recent times Oleg Radchenko's father noticed that his son's friends did not call him, no one came to see him in the evening; and the son does not leave the house. He sits at the computer for hours, reading something or just watching TV. The fact that the guy reads is good, - said the father. A computer and a TV are the things you need. But why did his son's behavior change so suddenly? Once upon a time, the phone would not stop ringing, everyone needed Oleg, he was in a hurry somewhere, he solved problems with someone, even homework did it somehow. When the boy stayed at home on the next day off, his father asked what was bothering him, why was he closed and unhappy? Oleg did not answer for a long time, but then he said that for some reason his friends had cooled off towards him. Father said:

* - It's hard to be a real friend.
* - But I don’t refuse anything to anyone - the boy shrugged his shoulders - I let you write off .. If necessary, I can tell you in class. my mobile
* guys enjoy.
* - Willingness to help classmates is good. And that's what worries me. You were friends with Mishka Senin. He stopped coming to you, does not call on the phone. Did you quarrel? Have you offended him?
* - When he answered biology, he said nonsense, carried nonsense, everyone started laughing at him, and so did I. He probably didn't like it. So they joke with me. I'm not offended.
* - Resentment is different from insult. Sergei Blinov often called you on the phone. And you laughed at him too?
* - He could not or did not have time to do physics, asked me to explain, but I offered a notebook - they say, copy off, I was in a hurry somewhere.
* - Now it's clear, the father said to his son. Friendship is the work of the soul. With your ridicule, your refusal to explain the difficult task, you showed indifference. And if you think about it, you can think of many similar examples. A true friend will not laugh for the company at the mistakes of another, will be able to understand, give advice, and offer to write off tasks - there is nothing simpler. If necessary, you can sacrifice your own time for the sake of a friend.

Oleg listened to his father without interrupting. He himself realized that being a true friend is hard. Time passed, and again Oleg's phone did not stop, the guys came to him, and again he disappeared somewhere for almost a whole day.

If you are wondering if your friend is real, then there is already a crack in the relationship. To understand why he's motivated to be friends with you, start by observing what he says and does, and how he makes you feel. Just follow this instruction - and you will soon find out the truth.


Part 1

Pay attention to what your friend says

    See if your friend supports you. A true friend should help you feel needed, confident, and enjoy life. If a friend suppresses you, makes you consider yourself worthless, and it seems that you can’t wait for him good word, even when you really need his support, then this is not your true friend. If you want to know if your friend is a good one, consider whether his comments are uplifting.

    • See if he compliments you. If a friend sincerely admires everything from your new clothes before achievements in work, then this is a good friend. If you can't remember the last time you heard him praise you, you may be in trouble.
    • See if your friend tries to cheer you up. If he supports you before an exam, an interview, or even a first date, then he is a true friend. If you cannot count on his help, even when it is really needed, you may be in trouble.
    • See if your friend is rooting for you. A friend doesn't have to constantly cheer you up, but a good friend should be your biggest cheerleader and should help you succeed in whatever you do.
  1. See if he listens to you. A good friend should take the time to listen to what you have to say. In a true friendship, both should share their thoughts and get a response. If you find that your friend is constantly talking about his own problems, but gets bored and distracted as soon as it's your turn, then you may have bad friend. Here are some signs that your friend is not good at listening:

    See how a friend interacts with you. Communication plays a key role in any relationship, especially friendships. If you are on the same wavelength, then you should be sincere in your thoughts and feelings and maintain an open and honest dialogue. Here are a few ways to see if you and your friend are really interacting with each other:

    • If you feel that you can freely share your thoughts and feelings with a friend, if your friend knows what is happening in your life, and you are comfortable talking honestly with him about it, then you really have a good relationship. If you're afraid to tell a friend about your true feelings because they might disapprove or get angry, then you're out of touch.
    • If you think you know what your friend is thinking and feeling, then you have a close connection. If from time to time your friend surprises you with his statements or shares his feelings with anyone but you, then there are problems in your relationship.
    • If you find it possible to have a serious conversation with your friend when it seems to you that he is behaving inappropriately, then you have a close connection. If you and your friend can calmly say, “I was really offended that you didn’t come to last night’s party,” and discuss it, then you strong friendship. Friendships can't be perfect, and it's important to clear up any misunderstandings from time to time.
    • If you silently swallow hurt feelings from your friend because you think that he will overreact or ignore your comments, then there are problems in your relationship.
  2. Consider if your friend is being honest with you. Honesty is one of the cornerstones of true friendship. If your friend is honest and open with you, then there is nothing to worry about. If he lies, it does not matter, in small things or in a big way, there can be no talk of true friendship.

  3. See if your friend gossips too much. If your so-called friend is still that gossip, then it is likely that in your absence he gossips about you. Of course, everyone likes to occasionally twitch the bones of acquaintances, but if it seems to you that your friend is constantly gossiping and saying nasty things about other people, then your “friend” may be doing the same behind your back. Here are some signs that your friend may be secretly spreading rumors about you:

    • If your friend starts talking about someone as soon as that person turns away, then they are probably a bad friend.
    • If your friend regularly talks about the people he calls his closest friends, then he might be talking about you too.
    • If your friend constantly speaks badly about those who are not around, then this is a bad sign.
    • If you know that your friend has been gossiping or saying bad things about you, especially if this has happened more than once, then this is not a real friend.

    Part 2

    Pay attention to what your friend is doing
    1. See if he tries to make time to communicate with you. A true friend will make time for you no matter what. Of course, we live in a hurry and sometimes we don’t even have time to eat or sleep, let alone communicate with friends, but a true friend will always give you some time, especially if you really need it. Here's how to tell if your friend is really going out of their way to spend some time with you:

      • If a friend regularly arranges phone calls or meetings with you for lunch or dinner and always fulfills the promise, then you have a good friend.
      • If a friend seems at all does not give you time, constantly complains about the “frantic pace” of life and expects that you will adapt to his schedule every time, which means that there are problems in your relationship.
      • If your friend spends a lot of time with his significant other and his other friends, but not with you, then you are the last person he is interested in.
      • There may be a very stressful period in your friend's life, and that's okay. But if a friend is constantly too busy to meet with you, then, most likely, he just does not spend precious time with you.
    2. See if your friendship is equal. In an ideal friendship, both put in an equal amount of effort to maintain the relationship, whether it be socializing, finding time to meet up, or simply helping each other out in small or big ways on a daily basis. If you do everything possible for friendship, then your friend should also make reciprocal steps. Here's how to tell if you're both equally working on your friendship:

      • See if both of you show your affection for each other. Not everyone likes to hug, but if you hugged your friend, he should also hug you back and from time to time hug you on his own initiative.
      • If it seems to you that you support each other approximately equally, then you have a strong friendship. While one of you may be having a hard time, you should generally cheer each other up in the same way. If it seems to you that you are constantly making efforts to brighten up your friend's life, but you are not getting anything in return, then there are problems in your relationship.
      • If you both help each other equally, then you have a true friendship. Perhaps you were taking notes for your friend when he broke his arm, and he, in gratitude, treated you to dinner, invited you to the movies, or got tickets to a concert of your favorite band. Whatever you do for your friend, make sure they help you too.
      • If you both care about meeting more often, talking on the phone, and generally being together, then you have a real friendship. If it seems to you that you are the one who first proposes a meeting and calls, and a friend never takes the initiative to meet with you, then there are problems in your relationship.
    3. See if your friend sticks to his word. An unreliable person cannot be good friend. If your friend never fulfills his promise, sets you up, or completely forgets about your joint plans, then you cannot rely on him. Of course, everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but if your friend never does what he says, then he does not value your time and your company. Here's how to know if your friend is an untrustworthy person:

      • If your friend often lets you down, it means that he is an unreliable person, and it is better not to deal with him.
      • If you constantly feel that your friend is irresponsible and does not make an effort to keep his promises, then he is an unreliable person.
      • If your friend constantly lets you down, even in things that are important to you, then you have a problem. If he refuses to go to the movies with you at the last minute, it can be annoying, but if he sets you up on a double date or when you expect him to drive you to a big basketball game, then you are in serious trouble.
    4. Consider if your friend has other reasons to be friends with you. Looking at relationships from the outside is very difficult, but necessary. Take the time to think about why your friend might hold onto you if they don't value you as a person and don't enjoy being with you. Here are some common reasons why a fake friend might have latched on to you:

      • Popularity. If you are more successful than your friend, and he latched on to you to enter your circle, then you are in trouble.
      • Wealth. Rest assured: having rich friends is great. So a person has the opportunity to do what he would never allow himself. If friends are only with you for money, they will disappear as soon as you stop spending your money on them.
      • Convenience. Your “friend” can communicate with you because you regularly give him a ride in a car or let him write off.
      • Boredom. Your friend may be chatting with you simply because he has nothing else to do. You will be able to understand this when he leaves you, finding a new friend, new company or even beloved (beloved).
      • Pay attention to whether a friend is fueling their own self-esteem with your help. Yes, friends should encourage and support each other, but everything is fine in moderation. If a friend is too intrusive, it is worth considering. If a friend spends time with you just to boost his ego and make himself feel better, he's probably taking advantage of you.

    Part 3

    Pay attention to how your friend makes you feel.
    1. See if it helps you feel good about yourself. A friend should be there no matter what and, of course, should give you confidence in yourself and your decisions. A friend doesn't have to agree with everything you do, but your friendship should contribute to making you generally feel good about yourself as a person. Here's how to know if your friend is positively impacting your self-esteem:

      • If you come back from a meeting with a friend, you feel cheerful and inspired, or just chuckle, remembering how you fooled around together, then friendship is beneficial to you. If every time you say goodbye to a friend, you feel like you made a mistake, upset your friend, and generally got worse, then you have a problem.
      • If a friend criticizes you to please his ego, then you have a problem. If a friend puts you down by snidely commenting on your appearance, figure or grades, then this is not a real friend.
      • If a friend approves of your bold and correct decisions or empathizes when you do something wrong, then you have a good friend. When you make mistakes, a true friend should support you even more, not make you worse.
    2. See if it helps you feel important. If talking to a "friend" makes you feel unsure that you're important to them, then you're in trouble. Of course, a friend does not need to shower you with false compliments, but a true friend should always make you feel important, needed, and even indispensable. Here's how to tell if it's helping you feel needed:

      • See if he expresses gratitude, if he thanks you for your help, and if he truly appreciates everything you do for him. A true friend is always grateful for help; a bad friend doesn't express gratitude because he takes it for granted.
      • See if your judgments and opinions matter to him. If a friend truly values ​​you and considers you an important part of his life, then from time to time he will turn to you for advice and ask for your opinion. If your friend doesn't care what you think about anything, whether it's what movie to watch this weekend or his decision to find a new roommate, then there's a problem in your relationship.
      • See if your friend truly enjoys your presence. If when you show up at a social event, a friend hugs you and says he's glad you're coming, then he's a good friend. If, when you appear, a friend reluctantly greets you or does not pay attention to you, communicating with more “cool” acquaintances, then you have problems.
    3. Think about whether you are happy to spend time with your friend. It is important. Friendship is needed in order not to feel lonely and enjoy the world around you even more, it should not complicate your life. If you have more fun being alone than with your friend, then you have a problem. Here are some signs that talking to a friend is weighing you down:

      • If you are in no hurry to see your friend, because when you meet, he only does what he talks about himself and thinks that you should run after him, then you have problems.
      • If you do not want to see a friend when you are in the company of your other friends, relatives or your soulmate, because he cannot find anyone mutual language means you have a problem.
      • If you don't enjoy spending time with your friend because being with them doesn't inspire, excite, or engage you, then there's something wrong with your relationship.
      • A black streak can begin in the life of every person. It may not be fun for you to spend time with your friend when he is going through a bad breakup, but if you feel like your friend is constantly suffering and you can’t get on with your own life because all you do is try to bring him to his senses, then you have something to think about. You are a friend, not a vest in which you can endlessly cry.

Class hour on the topic: "Is it easy to be a good friend?".

Target: formation of benevolent friendly relations between guys

rallying children's team, while taking into account the individuality and uniqueness of the personality of each child.


To acquaint children with basic moral concepts, such as: friendship, kindness, sincerity, communication, camaraderie, mutual assistance, support, empathy.

Conduct self-assessment by students of their own qualities and motivate the desire for self-change;

Change the position of individual students in the system of interpersonal relations and improve relations in the team;

Develop skills to argue your point of view;

Cultivate goodwill, respect for each other.

Preliminary work.Conduct student surveys.

Class hour progress

1. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. I am glad to welcome you to our class hour.

Guys, we are not alone today. We have guests. But you should not be embarrassed by the presence strangers. I ask you to be open, active and attentive as always.

Today we have to discuss with you a very important and interesting topic.

Please look at the screen. You will see an excerpt from baby video magazine "Yeralash". Think about what will be discussed in class today?

(Video clip from "Yeralash" "True Friendship")

You guessed it right, today we are going to talk about friendship and how easy it is to be a good friend.

2. Problem situation.

To the question “Do you have a friend?” most of you give positive answers.

And here are the answers to the question “Who is your friend?” may be completely different. (Deskmate; acquaintance in the yard; classmate; the person with whom he spent a shift in the camp; section comrade). Why did it happen, because everyone is asked the same question?

3. The purpose of the class hour.

Let's think today what a friend is, what qualities he needs, and is it easy to be a good friend, draw up the rules of a true friend and try to understand if we can follow these rules in life?

Look at the words on the slide. Can we say that we are talking about the same person? How to decide who is a friend for us, and who is a comrade, or a friend.


I'll read the definitions, and you guess who we are talking about.

Close acquaintance (friend);

A person close to someone in terms of views, common work (comrade);

This is the one who is connected with someone by mutual trust, devotion, is responsible for him, worries, worries, worries (friend).

4. Determination of the moral qualities of a good friend (work in groups).

What brings people together? What character traits would you like to see in your friends? Let's together with you "break" into two groups the proposed words denoting the qualities necessary for a good friend, and the words denoting the qualities that need to be "outlived". Having conferred together, decide on which quality of character it is worth putting a + sign, and where -. Time has gone.

(The moral qualities of a person are printed on the sheets (each group has one sheet).

Understanding, Falsity, Delicacy, Closeness of views, Uncertainty, Envy, Forgiveness, Goodwill, Indifference, Nobility, Self-criticism, Talkativeness, Restraint, Thoughtfulness of phrases and actions, Insolence, Generosity, Irritability, Sincerity, Friendliness, Devotion, Callousness.

So, please read what character traits are inherent in you. Let everyone conclude for himself whether I am a good friend? Now let's look at the qualities that a true friend should not have.

Now you were able to see how many qualities you need to cultivate in yourself in order to learn how to become a good friend.

Guys! Friendship is a delicate flower... Take care of friendship. Let's take care of the friendship flower of our school. You will fill the petals of this flower with words. But not simple, but after consulting, write on each petal one of the most important, in your opinion, quality, without which there can be no friendship.

(Each of the four groups writes one quality on two prepared petals and attaches the petals to a flower attached to the board.)

The ability to be friends is a quality that not everyone possesses. A good friend is valued, cherished, and such a person is rarely alone. Can you make friends? Try to sincerely answer the questions of the next test and, perhaps, you will learn something new about yourself and your ability to be friends. I will read out the points of the test statement, and you need to write the number of the statement and the answer on your sheets: “yes” or “no” »
Quiz: Are you a good friend?

Distribute the text of the test to everyone

Now look at your answer sheet. The more “yes” answers in it, the greater the need to work on oneself. A person who has all the qualities and aspirations listed in the test can never become a good friend. Such a person runs the risk of being alone, becoming a loser, making himself unhappy, and at the same time people close to him.

I hope that this test will make each of you think about the fact that being a friend is a difficult and painstaking work, it is work, first of all, on yourself. Let's think about the rules of friendship?

5. Drawing up the rules of a true friend (work in groups).

You are offered situations, discuss them in groups and think about how a real friend will act in them, answer the questions and formulate a rule for a real friend, write it down and attach it on the board.

(Students work in groups, present their rules, cards with the rules of a real friend are attached to the board.)

1) Volodya is in the 4th grade, and his friend Kolya is in the 2nd grade. Volodya decided to attend judo sports section and invites Kolya with him. Kolya does not like this sport. Volodya is offended and says: "Kolya, since you are my friend, then you should do judo."

Does Volodya understand friendship correctly?

As you suggest, Volodya should do it.

Rule 1. Yield to a friend.

Rule 2: Respect your friend's opinion.

2) Vera won a prize at a reading competition. Her friend Masha does not come up to her and does not congratulate her on her victory, because she herself expected to receive an award.

What advice would you give Masha?

Rule 3. Do not envy a friend, know how to rejoice in his success.

3) Vanya could not solve the problem, Misha let him write off.

What would a real friend do in Misha's place?

Rule 4. Help a friend, if he doesn’t know how to do something, teach him.

4) According to Natasha, good friend- this is a friend who will help in everything

Natasha, share sweets, buns with her, and if you need to do something for Natasha, for example, clean the office, he will definitely do it.

Who benefits from such friendship?

What advice would you give Natasha?

Rule 5 true friendship disinterested.

So, these are the situations that happen in our life. Maybe some of them were familiar to you and helped you think about your behavior and your friend.
- Guys, please read the rules that you wrote down.

6. Game "Associations".

In conclusion, we will play the game "Associations", in which you can find out how the guys, your comrades, see you. The task of the incoming player is to guess which of the players was guessed by all the others. To do this, he must ask the players questions, such as: “If this person were a plant, what kind?” or “What animal, color, sport, building, subject does your friend associate with?”

Word of the counselor: Isn't it a fun game? Now try to analyze: what associations about you do you remember? Which of the associations confirmed your idea of ​​yourself? Which were unexpected for you? Which surprised you? What do you think about your behavior or appearance caused them?

Associations are being discussed. The children express their opinions.

Word of the counselor: Maybe some of your friends' associations have helped you discover something new about yourself.

7. Modeling the situation.

1) How do you deal with the situation?

(Situations are written on the cards, children choose cards and tell how they will act)

If my friend is successful in something, then I

If I offended my friend, then I

If I think my friend has betrayed me, then I

If a friend makes a mistake and may commit a dangerous act, I...

If my friend invites me to play a trick, then I

If my friend is scolded for me, then I

If my friend is unfairly scolded, then I

If my friend calls me rude, then I

If I see that my friend does not like the way I treat him, then I

If I have candy then

If I have an interesting film, then I

If my friend didn't do his homework, then I

If my friend can't play the game, then I

8. The result of the class hour.

This is where our lesson comes to an end. Probably, each of you had to think about unexpected questions and solve unusual “problems”, ask yourself questions (pleasant and not very pleasant). Maybe some of you have "changed" a bit in better side and “changed” something in his attitude towards a friend ... The main thing is to remain unchanged - a good attitude towards people!

9. Reflection.

Now look at the slide and say:

  • What was the most interesting for you today;
  • What is important for you to discover;
  • I can praise myself and my classmates for...

The result of our work today was the creation of the “Rules of a True Friend”. If you follow these rules, then I am sure that you will be a true friend and, of course, do not forget about the qualities without which friendship cannot exist.