
The scenario of the summer musical and sports entertainment “The Sun and the Cloud. Sports and musical entertainment "the sun and the evil cloud" Scenario of the younger group the sun and the cloud

Pathology of the uterus

The Fairy enters the music hall, sings a song, leading the children behind her like a snake.

fairy song

Today we have a journey

To a wonderful country.

I will tell you an interesting

one story,

How the Cloud made friends with the Sun,

What kind of friends do they have

And how without this friendship - 2 times

We cannot live.

(Children sit in their seats.)

Fairy. The sun and the cloud walked across the sky,

Raindrops and rays were handed out to everyone.

There was a wonderful friendship until then,

Until an unforeseen dispute arose.


I think that I'm more important than everyone in the world,

I'll tell the guys about this as soon as possible.

Fairy. The sun listened, was silent,

And then how it growled.

Sun. I give everyone warmth and light,

There is no more important me in the world!

And I'll fly to the guys

I will tell them about myself.

Fairy. Do not quarrel, dear girlfriends,

It doesn't matter at all.

Better together you fly

Tell me everything about yourself

And to make it more fun

You need to take your friends with you.

Let them judge you on earth

Well, see you, good afternoon!

Cloud - droplets called,

The sun has collected sparks

Hold hands tightly

They flew down together.

Dance of drops and sparks

(music and movements at the choice of the music director).

Fairy. It hasn't even been five minutes.

Like they're all here.

Sun. Judge us friends

Who is more important: her or me?

Cloud. I, a cloud-mighty, fly across the sky,

I water trees, flowers, bushes,

In winter I warm the fields with white snow,

In the spring I replenish rivers with turbulent water.

Sun. I am the Sun, clear, gentle, beautiful,

I give all people warmth, light,

There is no more important than me in the world!

Fairy. Help them guys, judge in your opinion,

Who is right and who is wrong.

(Children's answers.)

Fairy(agrees with the guys).

I also think so that the Sun and the Cloud

We really need

You are so wonderful, lovely

And important to everyone! (Turns to Cloud and Sun.)

Fairy. Now, my girlfriends, I ask you to tell

We need to conserve light and water.

Cloud. Droplets sisters, run to me as soon as possible,

Help tell

How not to deal with water

(Droplets line up)

We will tell you, friends,

How one family lived

Where dad just opened the tap

And flooded all the neighbors.

1st Drop. Egor's son brushed his teeth there,

Like he was painting a fence

Not three minutes or five -

Water poured all twenty-five.

2nd droplet. While Olya was washing the mug,

Poured my girlfriend

She said to Olya: “Stop!”

And then there would be a flood.

3rd droplet. Mom was washing clothes

Then she rinsed it,

Water poured for three hours -

Well, not a family, but miracles!

What a disgrace!

Just shame and disgrace!

What punishment can I come up with for you?

I'm so hurt and sad

Watch when the water flows

I will punish you anyway

Once and forever!

(Collects droplets in a chain and all run away together.)

Sun. Sparks, fly to me

How to save light, tell us.

1st Sparkle. We also visited that family,

And - the horror that they saw there! ..

Olya lit the light everywhere,

And she went for a walk.

2nd Sparkle. Daddy watched TV for a long time,

He didn't even notice how quietly he snored.

3rd Sparkle. And mom's vacuum cleaner rumbles,

And the hair dryer is buzzing

Mom is with a friend

He speaks on the phone.

What a disgrace!

Just shame and disgrace!

What is the punishment

I'll come up with you.

I'm so hurt and sad

When they do not save light.

I'll show you anyway

How bad if there is no light!

(The sun collects all the sparks in a chain and run away.)

Fairy. And here is the whole family in front of you,

Believe me, it's not sweet now for them, friends.

Mother. That's so grief, that's the trouble -

The faucet has run out of water.

Grandmother. The teapot is empty, the flowers withered,

And the clothes weren't washed.

Grandson. What to do?

How can we be?

Mom, I'm thirsty.

Mother. How do you cook soup now?

What do you wash the dishes in?

Grandson. Grandma, you are so wise

Where has all the water gone?

(Grandma shrugs.)

Dad enters, puts the briefcase.

Dad. What happened in our house?

I don't understand anything.

The elevator doors didn't open, the bell didn't work.

What a disgrace

Not allowed on the threshold.

How hungry you are

Dinner put on the table.

Oh, I got tired today -

I went to watch football.

(Picks up the remote, tries to turn on the TV)

Trio mom, grandma and dad

Mother. I don't know what to do?

Soup cannot be cooked without water.

Grandmother. And don't wash your clothes

Do not clean the house.

Dad. I don't see football

A goal will be scored without me.

Where is the water, where is the light, where is the current?

Who taught us a lesson?

Fairy. Guys, I'm so sorry for this family. And you?

Dad. Please forgive us

We will keep everything

save water

And do not burn extra light.

Fairy. We will all save electricity, and call water - Her Majesty.

Let's all join hands

Like best friends

Without peace and harmony

You can't live in the world.


Let the Cloud dance with the Sun for us,

(The cloud with the Sun goes to the center)

We wave to them with the breeze,

(Children wave their hands)

Let's clap our hands

And let's go to the dance.

Let's all spin in a round dance

Like best friends

Without peace and harmony

You can't live in the world.


Let Droplet dance with Sparkle

We wave to them with the breeze,

Let's clap our hands

And let's go to the dance.

Musical entertainment for energy saving prepared by T. Sachevko, E. Barhun

Target. To acquaint children with the concepts of light and shadow in the life of animals using the example of a fairy tale; pay attention to the constant presence of the sun (light and heat) in Everyday life a person, to give an idea of ​​the Sun as a star, to help children feel the role of light in human life using the example of the game "Day and Night"

Preliminary work.

Watching the sun on a walk, talking on a walk: which sun is bright today, you can’t look at it, or is hidden in a haze? What does the sun look like? Does the sun keep us warm? Does the sun stay in the same place during the day? What is the mood of children in sunny weather and in cloudy?

Memorizing nursery rhymes: "The sun is a bell", "Sun, look out the window." Reading of K. Chukovsky's poem "The Stolen Sun", reading of poems by Y. Maruinkyavichus "The Sun is Resting", "Drawing". Examination of illustrations "Universe". Experimental game "Sunny Bunny", "Magic Ray" (show that Sunshine may change color).

Equipment and materials

Drawings for the game "The sun and the cloud"; voluminous sun and cloud; a scarf for a storyteller, a magic veil; soft toys - a hedgehog and a chicken; ball - the sun with an image of a face, a picture of the location of the Sun and other stars from the Earth; the image of the planet Earth - day and night, the fiery Sun (from foam rubber).

Game progress

The teacher finds an envelope with pictures (drawings of the sun and clouds).

Educator: “Guys, look what kind of envelope this is. Yes, it has pictures! What do you see in the pictures?

Children: "The sun and the cloud"

Educator: “Do you want to play with the sun cloud?”

Children: "Yes!"

The game "Sun and cloud"

The teacher shows the picture "Sun"

If the sun shines, you can take a walk,

Run, jump, dance fun!

Children perform movements according to the text to the music.

The teacher shows the picture "Cloud"

If the cloud frowns

And it threatens to rain

We hide in the houses -

Let's not go for a walk!

Children run away to the houses, the game is repeated 2 times

The teacher throws a scarf over his shoulders.

Educator: “They played, played the Sun with the Cloud. And then one day a big cloud covered the sky. The sun didn't shine for three days...

The teacher tells the Slovak fairy tale "Visiting the Sun"

Educator: “The sun looked out into the sky - clean, clear and golden. And everywhere it became warm and light. A snail, a hare, a hedgehog, a duck, a magpie, and a chicken with chickens began to run, play, bask in the sun, rejoice that the sun had returned. Children, did you like the story?

Children: "Yes!"

Educator: “Children, why do the heroes of the fairy tale need the sun so much? Why do they treat him so well?"

Children: “They bask in the sun, run; the magpie crackles with joy, the chickens are looking for grains; duck dries feathers; When the sun is shining everyone is in a good mood

Educator: “Of course, guys, when the sun shines, everyone is warm, light and joyful. What do you think will happen if the sun stops shining?

Children: “- If the sun does not shine, it will be dark and sad.

If there was no sun, it would always be night, we would not see anything.

Trees wouldn't grow without the sun

The sun is gentle to people, birds, animals

If there was no sun, even in summer there would be no heat.”

Educator: “Yes, guys, if there was no sun, there would be no life on earth. Guys, do you know what the Sun is?

Children: “- The sun is such a big ball ... with rays

It's such a light in the sky

The sun is such a big ball that illuminates our earth.”

Educator: "Well done, guys. But in fact, the Sun is a big, big, just a huge, very hot star that is far from us. Guys, which of you saw stars in the sky at night? (children's answers)

The teacher shows a picture of the location of the Sun and other stars from the Earth.

Educator: “The sun is the same star as the others, but it is much closer to the Earth than other stars, so its rays warm our planet and illuminate it. Children, what do you think, is it big, the Sun?

Children: “- The sun is round, yellow, sometimes red and orange and very large

It looks small from a distance, but it's actually huge.

The sun is very big and hot

The teacher takes the ball - the Sun with the image of the face.

Educator: “Here is my ball. Imagine it's the sun. Then our Earth will appear small, like a pinhead (like a demon). Why do we see the sun so small?

Children: “- The sun only seems small

Yes, because it is very far from us.

Educator: "Well done, guys! Imagine that the Sun rolled across the sky and sank right into our palms, and the Sun is a very hot star. Can we hold it in our hands?"

Children: "No!"

Educator: "Let's try?" (Yes!)

Children pass the Sun ball to each other quickly so as not to get burned.

Educator: “Now rub your palms together strongly, strongly. Hot steel? (Yes!) It was the Sun that warmed them.”

The teacher invites the children to approach the image of the fiery Sun and the planet Earth - day and night.

Educator: “Look, guys, when the Sun shines, the day comes, and when the Sun falls asleep, the night comes. When the Sun illuminates one half of the Earth, it is day there, and at this time it is night on the other half of the Earth.

Game "Day and Night"

Educator: “Imagine that boys live on one half of the Earth where it is day, and girls live on that half of the Earth where it is night. Girls, run faster under my "magic" cover, and you boys, walk around the room, or sit in the houses (on chairs). Let's see who sees what.

The teacher shows soft toy- a hedgehog. The boys see the toy, but the girls do not see it under the dark veil. The cover is removed.

Educator: “Girls, what did you see under the “magic veil?”

Girls: Nothing!

Educator: “And you, boys, what did you highlight?”

Boys: "Hedgehog"

Children change: girls have a day, boys have a night. The teacher shows a soft toy - a chicken.

Educator: "Boys, what did you see under the" magic "veil?"

Boys: "Nothing!"

Educator: “And you girls, what did you see?

Girls: "Chicken"

Educator: “I wonder why you didn’t see anything under the covers, because you have eyes ?!”

Children: “Yes, because it’s dark under the covers, you can’t see anything”

Educator: “Yes, guys, a person sees only when there is light. If there were no light, then we would not need eyes. And the sun sends us its light and heat. In spring, it begins to warm more strongly, and snow melts on the ground. All nature comes alive. Without the sun, the world would be dark, cold, dead. May there always be sunshine!

Children stand in the "sunny" circle, holding hands, raise their hands-rays up and sing "Sunny circle".

Educator and children: “Let there always be the Sun!”

Entertainment for children middle group
Theme: "We went for the sun"

Target: Create an emotionally upbeat, joyful mood in children. Promote the development of interests, curiosity. To educate in children responsiveness, the desire to help each other.

Equipment and materials: Toys: Baba Yaga, Lesovichok, wind, cloud, bumps.


caregiver: Far beyond the high mountains, beyond the deep seas, high beyond the clouds in the house lived a clear sun. Every morning it got up, warmed everyone around, for which everyone loved the sun. But once an evil cloud covered the sun, poured a cold rain. What can we do without the sun?
Children: We need to save the sun.
caregiver: The path to the sun will be difficult.
Children: We are not afraid, without the sun it is boring.
Educator: Then let's go. Let's hold hands together, along the path we will go to save our sun. And who is sitting on a stump and looking around sadly?
Children: Yes, this is our friend Lesovichok. Hello Lesovitch.
Lesovichok: Hello guys. Where are you on your way?
Children: Help out the sun, the evil cloud hid.
caregiver: You don't know the way to the sun?
Lesovichok: I know where to go next, but first guess my riddles about those who live in my forest.
The oblique does not have a den,
He doesn't need a hole.
Legs save from enemies
And from hunger - bark.

Clumsy and big
He sleeps in a den in winter.
Loves cones, loves honey,
Well, who will call?

Angry touchy
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
Too many needles
And not a single thread.
red bird
Came to the chicken coop
I counted all the chickens
And she took it with her.
Lesovichok: Well done, how smart you are. You will follow the path, you will cross the swamp. you will get to Baba Yaga. Don't be afraid of her, she is kind.
caregiver: Then we'll go, save our sun. Look, there's a swamp. We will go over the bumps and cross the swamp.
Game: "On the bumps".
(Children cross the swamp over bumps.)
baba yaga: Hello guys. I know, I know where you are going.
Children: Then help us, show us the way.
Baba Yaga: Play with me.
Outdoor game: “Grandma Yozhka.
baba yaga: Thank you guys. You will go further along the path, you will fall into an open field, there you will find a breeze. (Children go to the music.)
Children: Hello, wind - breeze. Show us the way to the sun.
Wind: Play with me.
Breathing exercise: "The breeze."
Wind: Close your eyes, I will take you to the sun.
cloud: Why complain?
Children: We want to save the sun.
caregiver: Look how evil she is. Let's play with a cloud
Dynamic pause "Cloud and droplets»
I'm your mother cloud
And you are my little droplets,
Let the cloud make you friends
And the cheerful wind will spin.
Get up in the round dance,
And repeat with me:
We will have fun walking and smiling!
Wave your hands to the sun and bend over,
To water the plants and water the animals!
We will wash the earth ourselves and return to the mother cloud.

caregiver: The cloud has melted. Here is the house of the sun, look, it is sleeping.
Children: We need to wake him up.
1 Sun-bucket,
Come out from behind the cloud.
Sit on a stump
Walk all day.

2 sun, sun,
Look out the window.
Children are waiting for you
The kids are waiting.

Sun: Thank you guys for freeing me from the evil cloud. And as a reward, I give you my rays and take you home.
Educator: Well, hold hands
Dap - turn sideways
And everyone in the group find yourself!

The purpose of this entertainment is to evoke positive emotions in children from the celebration of the day of the Sun. Tasks: Clarify knowledge about the properties of the sun, about the influence of the sun on people's lives and the need for all living things in it. Stimulate interest and curiosity in the knowledge of nature. Encourage children's creativity.




(script for older children)

Target: To evoke positive emotions in children from the celebration of the day of the Sun.

Tasks: Clarify knowledge about the properties of the sun, about the influence of the sun on people's lives and the need for all living things in it. Stimulate interest and curiosity in the knowledge of nature. Encourage children's creativity. To develop musical-choral and musical-rhythmic skills, the ability to characterize the main characters. Bring up companionship, the desire to be friendly, polite.

Preliminary work:The study of poems, chants, games, songs according to the script.

Characters:leading, Sun, Cloud, children.

Children enter the hall to the music, sit on the chairs.

Presenter: Good morning, girls and boys!

Today we have gathered with you in this beautiful hall for a reason. In our kindergarten- Festival of the Sun.

Did you know that May 3rd was celebrated world holiday sun. And today we will also arrange a holiday in honor of the sun.

Good morning!

We rise with the sun

Sing along with the birds:

Good morning!

Happy clear day! -

That's how nice we sing!

The sun is the closest star to the Earth, all other stars are located at a greater distance from our planet. The sun gives us light and heat, which are necessary for people, plants, animals. Without the sun, the water would freeze and the land would freeze over.

And today we are waiting for the Sun to visit, and we will dance and sing to him.

Dance Waltz. This dance is gentle and affectionate, like the spring sun, and the soul becomes joyful and light.

The boys invite the girls to dance.

Dance Waltz "One, two, three - socks"

Presenter: People have always been very fond of the Sun and arranged various holidays in his honor. In honor of the Sun, incantations, songs were composed, round dances were made, games were arranged.

And now I suggest you play the game "hot sun"

Game "Hot Sun"

(Children, to cheerful music, pass the “hot sun” in a circle (a tambourine, when the music ends and whoever has the sun in his hands, he dances with him)

Run our sun, sun.

Quick, quick hand.

Who will you have the sun

He will dance for us.


Guys, the holiday has begun, but there is still no Sun. Where is it? Let's all call him.

Children read poetry.

Where are you, Sunshine? Wake up!

Where are you, Sunshine? Come back!

Light us up, warm us up

Come to us soon!

The sun rolls in the sky,

Like a yellow ball

That will hide behind a cloud,

That jumps on the trees.

Come out, come out, sunshine,

Shine brighter

Smile on us kindly

Make us better!

The leader, along with the children, claps her hands and says:


Sun, sun, brighter gray,

Come here soon! (2 times)

A cloud flies into the hall to the music

Cloud: So, so, so, are you celebrating? You tell poems, sing songs, play. And I wasn't invited?

Host: Who are you?

Cloud: Who am I? And let your smart kids guess who I am.

An eagle flies across the blue sky

Wings opened, the sun closed. (Cloud)

Leading: Well done guys, this is Cloud.

Very nice. Join our holiday, Cloud.

Cloud: And what is your holiday here?

Presenter: Sun Festival! We invited him to visit us, but something is delayed.

Cloud: The holiday is canceled, the sun will not come. I hid him, there is nothing to shine on him.

Presenter: Oh what have you done? How are we now without the Sun?

Cloud: Who needs your Sun?

Presenter: It is impossible without the Sun, it is necessary for the existence of all life on Earth, for plants, animals, people. The children will tell you about it now.

1 child : The sun shines brightly and warms. If there is no sun, it will become dark and very cold.

2 child: Because of the cold on earth, plants, animals, people will die.

Cloud: crying: yes, that's what a good Sunshine. They even arranged a party for him. And I? Why am I needed?

Presenter: Without clouds and clouds, life is also impossible.

3 child: Some clouds bring us rain or snow.

4 child: We know well that without rain, a drought sets in, and then all life on earth can die.

5 child: How are we without snow in winter? Without interesting winter games, without skiing and sledding?

Cloud: All right, I understood.

Host:- Don't be angry, Cloud. Let Sunshine go and have some fun with us.

Cloud: What else do you want! I planted the sun behind three castles. What, upset? Why don't you cry? I love dampness.

Leading: Our children are crying. They are very funny. Let's show Tucha how fun we can play musical instruments.

Backgammon Orchestra

Cloud: Oh wow, think about it. The sun still doesn't hear you. Ha ha ha!

Leading: Oh, look, Cloud, you'll make the guys angry. How they will blow on you, and you will fly away to distant lands. Come on guys, let's blow it with all our might.

Children blow on Cloud. She spins, sways, runs away from the children.

Cloud: (sneezes): - Well, stop blowing! I will give you your sunshine. But here's the problem, in order to open the door you need to complete tasks. Here is your first task. If you succeed, the first magic lock will open.

Drawn locks, the corresponding key is drawn to them.

Game "Draw the sun"

Children are divided into two teams and take turns laying out the rays of the sun.

After the end of the game, he gives the first key to the children.

2 game "Hardworking bee"

3 people collect flowers in baskets.

After the game gives the second key.

Cloud: Well, now the most difficult lock. You will have to pass many tests. If you cope with all the tasks, I will give the sun, and if not, then I will take it far, far away.

Leading: Our guys are smart and brave, and very smart, and you can’t scare them with anything.

Cloud: I have a scarlet flower. Each petal is a mystery.

The forest is full of songs and screams,

Strawberry juice splashes

Children splash in the river

Bees are dancing on a flower...

What is the name of this time?

It's easy to guess...


Well, which one of you will answer:

Not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but it shines brightly,

And not a baker, but bakes?(sun)

He is green, bouncy,

Completely non-staining

It chirps in the meadow all day,

He wants to surprise us with a song.(grasshopper)

Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off

And he fluttered and flew away(butterfly)

After the rain happens

Half the sky closes.

The arc is beautiful, colorful

Appear, then fade.(rainbow)

Cloud: I open all the locks. You won!

Leading: Guys, GREAT!!!

Leading: Since the Cloud did not deceive us, then we will sing a song about the friends of the Sun - sunbeams.

Children sing the song sun bunnies» Tatarinov

The sun comes out of the house

Presenter: So the Sun has come, brought light and joy! Let's glorify the Sun, let's glorify it!

Guys, what kind of sun, what kind words can you say to him?

The game "What is the Sun?"

Sun: Thank you guys, that made me so happy kind word! Let's have fun, sing songs, play!

Folk game "Sunshine"

Children stand in a circle. "Sun" stands in the middle of the circle, everyone sings:

Burn, sun, brighter!

Summer will be hotter

And the winter is warmer

And spring is sweeter!

The first two lines go in a round dance, the next two go in a circle, ideas from a circle. “The sun says “Hot!” and chases the kids. Having caught up with the player, touches him, the child freezes and leaves the game.

presenter : How wonderful it is that the Sun has returned to us. Sunny, Cloudy, you definitely need to make peace!

To make the sun smile

We tried to warm you and me,

You just need to get better

And put up with you soon!

We know from smiles it becomes brighter for everyone,

You need to smile quickly.

Communicative game "Smiles"

Children are given yellow and orange ribbons. During the sound of Shainsky's song "Smile", children walk around the hall, smoothly waving ribbons, having met a child, they smile at each other and exchange ribbons.

Sun and Cloud:

Stop being angry with us

Hurry, let's make up:

You are my friend!

And I'm your friend!

We will forget all insults

And be friends, as before!

Sunshine and Cloud embrace.

Sun . Thank you friends

What do I have you.

Believe me, cloud

You and I are friends.

After all, we can't be without each other.

Cloud. You, the sun, forgive me

Of course we will be friends

You and I will change

After all, it is impossible without rain in the spring.

Sun : Let's have some fun then, guys? Do you like to dance? I know very funny dance polka.

Dance Polka

Polish dance


Thank you Sun for being you.

Praise to you, honor to you.

After all, without you the sky would be dark,

It would not grow in a field of bread.

Children sing the song "The sun is shining" Yermolov

Sun :

The sun is shining, the sun is warming

And it cherishes children.

Sunbathe, children, you gain strength.

To be healthy, you really try.

And Cloud and I will go home. Goodbye.

They leave.

Children go to the music to the group.

Scenario of summer entertainment for middle-aged children preschool age

Leisure scenario for middle preschool age "Like the sun and the rain argued who is more important"

Chernikova Natalya Valentinovna, educator of MBDOU d / s No. 24 of the combined type "Polyanka", Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod Region
Material Description: the material will be useful for teachers, music directors and instructors in physical culture for the purpose of organizing leisure activities for children of middle preschool age in the summer. Entertainment is recommended at the beginning of summer. If possible - on the summer playground.

Target: creating a favorable emotional state in children through the activation of cognitive, musical and motor activities.
Tasks: clarify the idea of ​​​​summer, of summer natural phenomena;
expand knowledge about the gifts of summer - mushrooms;
develop attention, ingenuity, the ability to act on a signal, navigate in space, dexterity and speed;
to cultivate a benevolent attitude of children to heroes - characters and to each other.
Funds: umbrella, screen, benches (3-4 pieces), dummies of mushrooms (8-10 pieces), baskets (2 pieces), hoops (3 pieces), fabric, multi-colored plastic balls (according to the number of children), buckets plastic (2 pcs.), sweets, a tray, a poster with a painted rainbow.
Ways: competition, relay race, round dance, dance, use of poetry, riddles, music, outdoor game, surprise moment.
Site layout: trees are decorated with flowers,
a rope is stretched between the trees with a garland of multi-colored flags,
benches along the veranda
on the contrary, near the fence there is a screen decorated with the sun and clouds, in front of it is a hoop with arranged mushrooms covered with cloth.
Leisure participants: presenter, Summer, Sunny, Rain, children.
Leisure progress:
/ to the song "Song of Summer" words by Y. Entin, music by E. Krylatov, children, together with the host, enter the site, sit on the benches /
Guys, summer is here! The most favorite time of the year for children and adults. But what is summer?
1 child
That's a lot of light!
This is a field, this is a forest,
It's a lot of wonders.

2 child
It's clouds in the sky
It's a fast river
These are bright flowers
Sky blue.

3 child
This is a hundred roads in the world
For childish fast legs.

V. Balashov

Guys, why do you like summer? (you can swim, sunbathe, spend more time on fresh air pick mushrooms, berries)
How many wonderful opportunities summer gives us! Let's get up in a round dance and meet the summer joyfully and amicably.

Round dance "Wider circle" words by V. Viktorov, music by D. Lvov

/at the end of the dance, Leto enters the middle of the circle in a brightly colored dress, her hair is decorated with flowers /
Hello kids and adults. Glad to meet you on this sunny meadow. What is your mood? (fun)
This is good. In that case, let's have fun.
/ there is a noise behind the screen, loud voices are heard/
Guys, something happened. We need to figure it out. Take a seat on the benches. Now let's find out what's going on.
/ from behind the screen on one side runs out the Sun in a dress yellow color, on the head a wreath, and on the other hand Rain in a dress of blue color, in the hood. They go to the middle of the site, stand in front of the children /
Guys, it's the Sun and the Rain.
/addresses the heroes/
Sunshine, Rain, why didn't you share?

Hello everybody.
Guys, Summer, judge us with Rain.
I think that in the summer I'm in charge.

Hello guys Summer.
And I think that I am the most important.
/in a loud voice/
I give warmth and light. So I'm the best!
You can't live without me. Animals, plants I give to drink.
/start arguing again/
Please don't quarrel. Let's try to figure it out. Guys, help.
Guys, let's tell the poems that we know about the sun and rain and try to find out who is more important.
4 child
The sun is watching from the sky
Millions of years.
The sun pours down on the earth
Both warmth and light.

D. Gulia (translated by S. Marshak)
5 child
The sun is shining brightly
It's warm in the air
And wherever you look
Everything around is light.

I. Surikov

Ah, how nice! Thanks guys. Well, now it seems everyone understands who is in charge.
Nothing is clear yet, dear Sun. Let's listen to poems about the rain.
6 child
Rain, rain, more fun.
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Spray in the field more -
The grass will get thicker.

7 child
Rain, rain, let it go
For the seeds to sprout!
Rain, rain, more -
Shoots will be thicker!

Y. Chernykh

Well, I told you that I - the most important! Thanks guys.
/The sun and the rain are arguing again/
Each of you is important. And we are happy with everyone.
Sun and Rain
/in chorus/
Well, of course! Let's get up in a friendly round dance and continue to have fun in a sunny meadow.

Dance "That's it" Belarusian folk melody, arranged by G. Frid

/turning to the Sun and the Rain /
Well, you guys have reconciled. Thanks a lot to them. Now let's play.
Chur, I'm the first to play with the guys.
Why do you, or maybe I also want to play with the guys?
Sunshine, rain, you quarrel again. And we guys don't want that. Let's all play together.

Mobile game "Sun and rain"

/children, presenter, Sunny and Summer are walking and dancing to cheerful music. Rain is sitting on the bench at this time. To the sound of rain, the participants of the entertainment run away and hide under an umbrella. The leader can hold the umbrella. The rain at this time comes out and dances. The game is repeated several times.
During the subsequent games, the host can quietly pass the umbrella to the hero-characters: the Sun and Leto. It will be more interesting this way: children should quickly figure out which way to run to hide from the rain
What a fun way to play!
Guys, it rained mushrooms during the game. Look how many mushrooms have grown after the rain!
/ leads the children to a hoop covered with a cloth. He removes the fabric, the children look at the dummies of mushrooms /
It's time to pick mushrooms. But before I collect them, I want to be sure if you know mushrooms.

/ the leader helps the children to divide into 2 teams: a team of girls and a team of boys (or divide the children equally). Children sit on benches in groups. Sunny helps the girls team, and Rain helps the boys team. The facilitator gives each team a basket. Riddles about mushrooms. If the team gives the correct answer, the host invites the team member to come up and take the mushroom - a guess, put it in a basket. Among the mushrooms there are dummies of toadstool and fly agaric. But the presenter deliberately does not make riddles about them. You can pick up several mushrooms of each type. When guessing a riddle, a team member must take only one mushroom - a guess. Accordingly, there will be as many riddles about mushrooms of one species as there are such mushrooms - clues in a hoop. At the end of the competition, Sunny and Rain count the number of mushrooms in the baskets. The winning team is awarded with applause from the participants of the entertainment /

In the forest, in the forest
An old man is standing
It has a red cap on.

There are no mushrooms friendlier than these, -
Adults and children know.
They grow on stumps in the forest,
Like freckles on your nose.

(honey agarics)
I was born on a rainy day
Under the young aspen
Round, smooth, beautiful,
With a thick and straight leg.

I do not argue - not white,
I, brothers, are simpler.
I usually grow
In a birch grove.

I grow up in a red cap
Among the roots of aspens,
You will recognize me from a mile away
I am called….

In the forest glade
Under the mighty pine
old man,
He has a brown hat on.
barrel cap,
Who is in the forest
He knows him.

They walk in red berets -
Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.
Very friendly sisters
Are called...

Strong, dense, very stately,
In a brown and elegant hat.
This is the pride of all forests!
The real king of mushrooms!


Well done boys. Have we collected all the mushrooms?
/draws attention to the remaining mushrooms/
What mushrooms did we not collect? (fly agaric, grebe)
/consider mushrooms /
Why is it impossible to collect fly agarics and grebes? (they are poisonous)
That's right guys. You can only collect edible mushrooms. And poisonous mushrooms are dangerous.
Here's how Rain tried! The guys collected so many mushrooms after the rain! Well done Rain!
/notices that Rain is sad/
Dear Rain, what's wrong with you? Aren't you happy?
Glad it was helpful, of course. But during the rain, I lost all my raindrops.
It's okay, Rain. Now the guys and I will collect all your raindrops.
Well done Sunshine. Good idea!

Relay "One rain, two rain"

/Rain sits on a bench, to the left and to the right of him are 2 empty plastic buckets. Opposite each of these buckets, 2 teams line up in columns, at a distance of about 10 m. Near the first participants (one team on the left, and the second team on the right) are hoops with raindrops scattered in them - multi-colored plastic balls. At the signal of the Sun: “One - two - three! Collect the raindrops!" children take turns taking one ball at a time, run to the bucket, put the ball into it and return to their team, stand at the end of the column. Cheerful music plays during the relay. The winning team deserves the applause of the entertainment participants /
Thanks a lot guys and Sunshine. All raindrops have been collected. You are real friends!
The cloud with the sun again
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun hides
The cloud will cry all over.
How will the sun be found
The rainbow laughs.

V. Berestov

A summer mushroom rain passed, then a kind, gentle sun came out. And a bright and beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky